Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

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    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive]


    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Empty Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive]

    Post by Starbits Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:37 pm

    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Tumblr_olgfc2tEes1uc5v85o1_500

    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 120px-Diamond_Pearl_Barry
    Temporary image; drawing actual image myself

    Pearl Ring
    Text Color ffaaaa
    Theme(s) Hello Cold World - Paramore||Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
    Item universal communicator, a teeny Uxie figurine on a necklace, his old shoulder bag that has
    -his spare change of clothes
    -an old photo of his father
    -a lighter
    -a collapsible bike
    -a tent and a sleeping bag
    -his mother's ballet slippers
    -a bag of rock candy
    Weapons His pokemon, a boxcutter, and a pistol
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He | Him | His
    Birthdate July 28th
    Age 20
    Species Human
    Weight 150.2 lbs
    Height 5'8"
    Region of Origin Sinnoh
    Religion Used to be Arceist but as of a few years ago his religion doesn't quite have a label; he still believes in the Legends as gods, but not omnipotent or omnipresent gods; seeing Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie in so much distress quashed the idea that they could be all powerful or all knowing.  Instead he sees them as precious beings who should be protected and respected, but not worshipped
    Accent American
    Occupation Pokemon Trainer
    Party Thanks to the combined efforts of himself, Diamond, and Platinum, his whole original team is still alive and in fairly good condition.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 392
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Infernape | Ember (F)
    Text Color: ff3152
    Level- 70
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Fire Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Fighting
    Ability- Blaze
    Attack list-
    -Flamethrower (Level Up)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    -Focus Blast (Level Up)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 419
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Floatzel | Milo (M)
    Text Color: 62bde6
    Level- 64
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Water  
    Ability- Swift Swim
    Attack list-
    -Aqua Jet (Level Up)
    -Crunch (TM)
    -Ice Fang (Level Up)
    -Brick Break (Level Up)
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 407
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Roserade | Mowgli (M)
    Text Color: 375762
    Level- 64
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Grass Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Poison
    Ability- Natural Cure
    Attack list-
    -Giga Drain (Level Up)
    -Grasswhistle (Level Up)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    -Poison Jab (Level Up)
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 214
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Ultraball
    Heracross | Hercules (M)
    Text Color: 6b7f96
    Level- 66
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Bug Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Fighting
    Ability- Swarm
    Attack list-
    -Mega Horn (TM)
    -Rock Slide (Level Up)
    -Night Slash (Level Up)
    -Close Combat (TM)
    Pkm 5
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 143
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Ultraball
    Snorlax | Little John (M)
    Text Color: f6e6bd
    Level- 68
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Normal  
    Ability- Immunity
    Attack list-
    -Body Slam (Level Up)
    -Rest (Level Up)
    -Crunch (TM)
    -Earthquake (Level Up)
    Pkm 6
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 398
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Staraptor | Zazu (M)
    Text Color: 835241
    Level- 66
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Normal Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Flying
    Ability- Intimidate
    Attack list-
    -Brave Bird (Level Up)
    -Steel Wing (Heart Scale Tutor)
    -U Turn (Level Up)
    -Close Combat (Level Up)
    Quote "You're so slooooooow!"

    "Slow down? Why? When has slowing down ever done anything for me? When you slow down, you notice things, and I'm happier not noticing anything..."
    Appearance -hair is blonde and still ridiculously fluffy and untameable, though sort of dirty now
    -large orange eyes that tend to be crinkled at the edges because of a grin
    -black t-shirt with a short sleeved jacket that is orange and white striped; the jacket has a triangular collar
    -pants are grey, he has a brown shoulder bag, brown shoes, and a green scarf
    -his clothes are cleaner than may be expected since he has a change of clothes and two people to make sure he doesn't get eaten when they wash their stuff in rivers and whatnot
    -change of clothes is blue sweater with lighter blue markings and brown pants
    -likes to have Ember out at all times, as well as Zazu
    Pearl's Relationships:
    User Notes

    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 250px-Platinum_Dawn

    Dawn Platinum Berrel
    Platinum Berlitz
    Text Color 999999
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item universal communicator, bags with
    -five empty pokeballs
    -a bag of berries; types and sizes vary
    -several cans of non-perishable food
    -a one person tent
    -a small notepad and pen
    Weapons her Pokemon, an axe
    Biological Sex Female
    Gender Identity She | Her | Hers
    Birthdate January 3rd
    Age 23
    Species Human
    Weight 129.1lbs
    Height 5'4"
    Region of Origin Sinnoh
    Religion "maybe god exists the way he's portrayed in various writings but I really don't care either way"
    Accent American
    Occupation Pokemon Trainer
    Party Thanks to the combined efforts of herself, Diamond, and Pearl, her whole original team is still alive and in fairly good condition.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 389
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Torterra | Rockbreaker (F)
    Text Color: 42ad42  
    Level- 70
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Grass Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Ground
    Ability- Overgrow
    Attack list-
    -Wood Hammer (Start)
    -Earthquake (Learned)
    -Stone Edge (TM)
    -Synthesis (Learned)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 078
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Rapidash | Firechaser (F)
    Text Color: FF4120
    Level- 69
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Fire
    Ability- Flash Fire
    Attack list-
    -Flare Blitz (Learned)
    -Bounce (Learned)
    -Stomp (Learned)
    -Agility (Learned)
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Alakazam-f
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Quickball
    Alakazam | Mindbender (F)
    Text Color: fff35e
    Level- 67
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Psychic
    Ability- Inner Focus
    Attack list-
    -Psychic (Learned)
    -Calm Mind (TM)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    -Focus Blast (TM)
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 350
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Diveball
    Milotic | Wavecrasher (F)
    Text Color: ef6b7b
    Level- 68
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Water
    Attack list-
    -Surf (HM)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    -Recover (Learned)
    -Attract (Learned)
    Pkm 5
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 445
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Ultraball
    Garchomp | Starsmasher (F)
    Text Color: 5a63ad
    Level- 69
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Dragon Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Ground
    Ability- Rough Skin
    Attack list-
    -Dragon Claw (Learned)
    -Dig (Learned)
    -Crunch (Learned)
    -Slash (Learned)
    Pkm 6
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Luxray-f
    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Pokeball
    Luxray | Boltrider (F)
    Text Color: 444444
    Level- 66
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] Electric
    Ability- Intimidate
    Attack list-
    -Wild Charge (TM)
    -Return (TM)
    -Iron Tail (TM)
    -Swagger (Learned)
    Quote "Okay, Diamond, I'll act as your mentor. I've got a bit more experience than you as a Trainer and as the professor’s assistant. Okay, follow me!"

    "Still following me. I hope I never lead them into disaster."
    Appearance -dark blue hair, still in the cut it was before
    -white stocking cap with the pink pokeball marking on it
    -pink hair ornaments
    -red trench coat with pink buttons
    -pink boots
    -white scarf and pink and white shoulder bag; also has a white backpack
    -stern eyes
    -doesn't smile much
    -decent weight
    Platinum's Relationships:
    User Notes


    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Pokemon Trainers Pearl and Platinum [Inactive] 280

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:41 am