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    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor


    Age : 31
    Posts : 596

    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Empty Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor

    Post by Maximum Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:33 pm


    Daniel Woods
    Text Color 3F602B
    Theme(s) "Hey Brother" by Avicii
    Item -Universal Communicator
    -Brown Storm Lantern with spare batteries
    -Journal, Pencil, Pens
    -Half full bottle of painkillers
    -Limited food that is mostly for his Pokemon and Victor
    -A few camping supplies that he's picked up
    -Wallet that mostly just holds photos of his sister and their Pokemon
    Weapons -Dagger
    -His Pokemon
    Gender Identity He|Him|His
    Birthdate August 19
    Age 24 years
    Species Human
    Weight 127 lbs
    Height 5'6"
    Region of origin Galar, escaped to Unova
    Occupation Former Archaeology Student and Pokemon Trainer
    Party His Pokemon are decent battlers, but there was a reason why Daniel tried to get a steady job for a long time. His skill in battle is okay, but he enjoys exploring much more than fighting. These Pokemon are immensely loyal to him and are very quick to jump to his defense.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor 818-png
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Pokeball
    Name- Timere
    Gender- Female
    Text colour-
    Species- Inteleon
    Level- 50
    Ability- Torrent
    Attack list-
    -Snipe Shot (Evolution)
    -Air Slash (TM)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    -Soak (Level)
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Tumblr_inline_oslsb44bfR1r82t0h_100
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Pokeball
    Name- Tenebras
    Gender- Male
    Text colour-
    Species- Absin
    Level- 48
    Ability- Super Luck
    Attack list-
    -Psycho Cut (TM)
    -Night Slash (Level)
    -Slash (Level)
    -Swords Dance (Level)
    **Despite being one of Daniel's better fighters, Tenebras is often the one carrying or otherwise supporting Victor since he's the main one who can carry him. (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor 567
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Nestball
    Name- Pluma
    Gender- Female
    Text colour-
    Species- Archeops
    Level- 42
    Ability- Defeatist
    Attack list-
    -Acrobatics (TM)
    -Crunch (Level)
    -Dragon Breath (Level)
    -Agility (Level)
    **Received when he was apprenticed to the archaeologist
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor 609
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Duskball
    Name- Lux
    Gender- Male
    Text colour-
    Species- Chandelure
    Level- 47
    Ability- Flash Fire
    Attack list-
    -Shadow Ball (Start)
    -Confuse Ray (Start)
    -Psychic (TR)
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 5
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 6
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Quote "Is it worth it?"
    History. Trigger Warning Child Abuse and Abandonment And Suicidal Ideation:
    Accent Galarian
    Appearance -On the shorter side of average
    -Green eyes
    -Longer brown hair that he hasn't got the heart to cut off completely
    -His skin is an unhealthy pale, and he has dark circles from having sleep issues
    -He has some muscle from having to do hard labor, but he's not very bulky
    -Wearing a forest green hoodie, brown cargo pants, and worn brown work boots with steel toes
    -Carries most of the lighter stuff in his backpack.
    Religion God hates him, but that's only to be expected.
    Personality -Nurturing
    Given that most of his young life was spent taking care of others, he is fairly intuitive towards other people's needs and wants to help them.

    -Huge dose of survivor's guilt
    He's survived a lot of things that has killed almost everyone he has ever cared about, and he can't understand how or why.

    Easily startled and powered over most of the time, he has issues with confrontation, especially if the person is bigger than he is or if they posses power over him. However, see below

    -Passive aggressive
    However, if he is unhappy with the situation, he will take small potshots at the situation. Whether it's somehow mucking it up, or malicious compliance, he will find a way to make his displeasure known. If directly called out for said transgressions, though, he will backpedal immediately

    He's very easily intrigued by the world around him, and the second quickest way to get him to talk is to tell him an interesting fact. It takes a special kind of person to make him bored on a subject.

    If ever asked about a topic he knows about, he will not shy away from going on and on about the topic. Archaeology and history are his primary passions, and if anyone wants to know the history of an area, he can probably give a brief synopsis.

    -Has a "If I want something done, I have to be the one to do it" problem.
    No one ever helped him with his home life, and he was the only one who could handle the house chores and the care of a dying adult and a young child. He could never ask for help other than his Pokemon that had to stay hidden most of the time, so it just doesn't occur to him that he can ask others to help.

    -People Pleaser

    -Fear of attachments
    He has lost almost everything that he has ever loved by this point. It's been a miracle that he hasn't lost his Pokemon or Victor, but his luck has never lasted long. If it wasn't for the fact that Victor desperately needed Daniel's help, Daniel likely would have left him where he would be safer. Which would be far away from him.

    He is terrified of being found by Alexander again, and given his grave transgression, he is almost certain he will be killed if found. As time goes, this specific instance of paranoia lessens, but the fear of getting attacked by undead or other survivors has remained fairly steady. Also ties into the below topic.

    -Defaults to lying about specifics in his past
    Given the large amounts of fraud he committed to get himself and Hazel to safety, he is terrified of getting found out even though the epidemic has likely obliterated the need to hide this. When it comes to how he was treated by his father, he knows a little bit that things were bad, but it isn't until he tells his supposedly less horrifying stories and people react horrified still that he realizes something is up.

    -Terrible self esteem
    When one half of a parental unit hates you for existing and tells you why you suck, it doesn't lead to an environment that encourages a lot of self respect. Even though he did better later on without his father, he still thinks of himself as stupid, useless, and a waste of space. It greatly surprises him when people tell him otherwise.

    -Pays attention to details
    His life depended on noticing small things and figuring out what it could mean or else get trampled.
    Affiliations -Victor- Daniel rescued him from certain death, and has spent a lot of time trying to help the man recover. In many ways, he has grown to respect the older man and deeply craves the positive attention that he gives freely. Even though they met in terrible circumstances, Daniel has grown very attached to him and wants to help reunite Victor with his adopted son. Given that he has lost much hope for Hazel's survival, it's one of the few things keeping him going.

    -Hazel- His beloved little sister that he would do anything for, including standing up to his very violent father. Unfortunately, he doesn't believe she is alive anymore, and he is often torn between utter despair and relief that she can't suffer this epidemic. She was the brightest part of his early life, and even if they had their sibling squabbles, she was his main motivation to keep going.

    -I'm making a special note for the Pokemon here since the history was getting too long. Timere, Tenebras, and Lux were all Pokemon that Daniel had as a child. Timere and Lux hid around the house and would help him out or just keep him company, so they know the brunt of what he suffered. Tenebras was the reason Daniel was found and found a way to follow him home. Tenebras was harder to hide due to his size and stark white fur, but he was always around town, and once Daniel finally ran, the Absol followed.

    -Alexander- Daniel once looked up him, but between the attempt to make him an executioner and keeping someone imprisoned as bait, Daniel lost the rose colored glasses involving him. He was not entirely sure what was going on in Alexander's head, but it scared him just how obsessive and manipulative he appeared to be.
    User Notes -This was once an expy for Daniel from Amnesia the Dark Descent, but he ended up developing too much backstory and things changed, so I tossed the plot of the game out the window. The names mostly stayed the same because I couldn't bear to change most of them.

    -His father didn't die when he attacked him, but Daniel was too terrified of the consequences to stick around and find out. Daniel simply assumed the worst case scenario.

    -His hair is longer because Hazel liked having someone she could practice braiding on, and a part of him feels that cutting it off would make things too final.

    -Inteleon Sprite is from the Smogon Sword and Shield Spriting Project.

    -Moves and Mons are tentative depending on what is allowed for Sword and Shield content.


    Victor Amarantos
    Text Color BE2625
    Theme(s) "Talk to me" by Cavetown
    Item -Daniel or Tenebras carries most of their survival supplies, so Victor doesn't have much
    -A few pictures of his family and Anton
    -Maps of Unova
    -One or two fictional books
    Weapons -His walking stick. Maybe.
    -His Pokemon
    Gender Identity He|Him|His (Transmasculine)
    Birthdate September 14th
    Age 47 Years Old
    Species Human
    Weight 130 lbs (He is severely underweight for his height and build, and I tried to pick a weight accordingly. He's not as bad as he was, but there's not a lot of opportunities to build weight back)
    Height 5'11"
    Region of origin Johto, moved to Unova
    Occupation Bookstore owner
    Party His Delphox is the only Pokemon he trained and kept since he chose not to follow a trainer career.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor 4KJRr3W
    Pokemon Trainers Daniel and Victor Pokeball
    Name- Nicholas
    Gender- Male
    Text colour-
    Species- Delphox
    Level- 55
    Ability- Blaze
    Attack list-
    -Mystical Fire (Evolution)
    -Psychic (TM)
    -Shadow Ball (Start)
    -Light Screen(Level)
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 2
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 3
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 4
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 5
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Pkm 6
    Text colour-
    Attack list-
    **Any additional notes (items, scars, current status, et cetra)
    Quote "As long as we live, it will be."
    History. Warnings for child abuse (especially elements of parentification) and isolation torture.:
    Accent Neutral, but with a hint of German
    Appearance -Shaggy red hair that has been shoddily cut to a medium length.
    -Far too thin for his height and build due to starvation and muscle atrophy
    -Average height
    -Freckles all over his body
    -Yellow eyes
    -Often leaning against Tenebras or Nicholas to help with his balance. If they aren't nearby, the walking stick he has picked up is often bearing his weight
    -Generally has a big smile on his face as he converses with others.
    -All clothes on him are baggy. He is currently wearing heavy kahkis being held up by a belt, a red cableknit sweater, and some light gray running shoes.
    Religion Not particularly religious in terms of believing, but has an academic knowledge of myths and legends
    Personality -Chatty
    He talks a lot. Inane things, important things, tales from his past. Though he is good about remembering to draw others into conversation, and he will ask a lot of questions of the people he's with. Though he does enjoy talking, part of why he sometimes has issues with shutting up is because he can't stand silence for long. Being stuck in a dark area while muzzled and silence everywhere haunts him.

    Very much a people person, and likes spending time with others. Enjoys meeting new people all the time and is eager to talk to them.

    Life always finds a way. He has to believe that, or he wouldn't find a reason to get up in the morning.

    He will talk your ear off if you'll let him, but he also draws out other people's stories and genuinely wants to hear them.

    -Cynicism you don't actually see
    He's been around the block enough to know that people have their own motives and wants. He doesn't seem like it, but he's actually very cautious about what he talks about and obeserves others for any incriminating tells. This has been especially aggravated by Alexander's betrayal.

    Asks questions when encountering something he doesn't know. Also how he tries to coax quieter souls to converse.

    His questioning mind has meant that he's picked up on a lot of information during his life.

    -Has seen a lot of things
    When you travel around, you see other viewpoints that may challenge yours, and that's okay. You should decide on what you believe, but you have to acknowledge not everyone shares your thoughts.

    -Grounded in reality
    He's a realist about situations, but he doesn't allow that to depress him. He just doesn't see the point about lying to himself about things.

    -Hates feeling so helpless and so works on that at any opportunity
    Being at someone else's mercy for so long grated on him, and it still grates on him. He hates that he has to be dependent on someone, and that's why he pushes himself to recover. He can attack effectively and can work in conjunction with Daniel to ward off undead, but he can wear himself out if he doesn't watch it.

    -Guilty that he's such a load to Daniel
    He feels like he's going to get Daniel killed one day, and the thought scares him witless.

    -Terribly afraid but doesn't show it
    He is scared about the Epidemic. He knows that their chances are incredibly slim, and though Weyer was more powerful than he ever was, he isn't counting his ward to still be alive. The realist in him fears that he and Daniel are likely fighting a losing battle, but he doesn't want Daniel to ever think that.

    -Abandonment issues
    A problem he is aware of having, but Anton disappearing and Victor's imprisonment has reaggravated his old wounds. A part of him is afraid of being left behind yet again, even if it would be deserved. He can't help but mentally prepare himself for the inevitable even with Daniel.

    -It takes a lot for him to truly get attached. He is quick to make friendly aquaintances, but after a while, a lot of people notice that they don't know a lot about him.

    -Does enjoy taking care of people, and so he does what he can to give Daniel and any other companions aid.
    Affiliations -Daniel- Primarily, he is grateful to Daniel for getting him out of the torturous 'life' he was stuck in, but he also finds Daniel a bright and curious young man that he hopes will flourish if life ever gives them a break. As he has spent more time with Daniel, Victor has noticed the way he talks about his family life and history. Victor has spotted a few inconsistencies, but he has no desire to dig into what may be a difficult past to talk about if Daniel isn't willing. Yet anyway. Currently, he fears that he is weighing Daniel down, and that one day, Daniel will get himself killed because of him.

    -Anton- In some ways, Anton reminds Victor of Walter and Raphael, but they are very clearly their own person. At first, a very angry misanthrope, under Victor's tutelage, they seemed to tone down their anger at other people. They were even managing to maintain friendly acquaintances with others before the epidemic hit. Victor hopes that Anton is alive somewhere since they were a strong trainer even before the Epidemic, but he can't deny the dark fear that they might have died in the wild.

    -Alexander- Victor was a little smitten by the friendly and clever leader, and he didn't see it coming when Alexander's darker nature reared up. The man still haunts Victor's nightmares since he was the primary jailer, and the few crumbs of interaction he got while imprisoned were often threaded with threats. Victor despises Alexander to his core.

    -Walter- Younger sibling. He vaguely knows that Walter did something to Raphael, and while he knows it was bad, a part of him feels responsible for not somehow stopping Walter from going down that path.

    -Raphael- Another younger sibling. Victor regrets not being able to stop The Incident, and he feels like he did not handle the aftermath well at all. Raphael choosing to cut ties entirely stung deeply given how much Victor cared for him, but ultimately, he couldn't force contact with him.

    Youngest sibling- Victor didn't have much time with this sibling before he left, and while a part of him regrets that, Victor needed to leave.
    User Notes -This was once a reference to Agrippa from Amnesia the Dark Descent, but along with Daniel, the character turned into his own thing, so now he's an OC.
    -Delphox sprite is from the Smogon XY spriting project.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:45 am