Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto]


    Age : 30
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    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Empty Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto]

    Post by Starbits Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:31 am

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Tumblr_nzul6bY4061s5iyovo1_500

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Tumblr_nzul7qGZsT1s5iyovo1_250

    Julian Jay
    Text Color 3572ab
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item -universal communicator
    -space pendant (worn around his neck)

    backback in which are
    -a sleeping bag
    -a few cans of nonperishable food
    -bottle of water
    -bag of berries
    -small tent
    Weapons his Pokemon; the rifle he has is jammed and is just for show
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He | Him | His
    Birthdate August 24th
    Age 26
    Species Human
    Weight 105lbs
    Height 5'6"
    Region of Origin Sinnoh
    Religion believes in the gods, but not as infallible or omnipotent/omnipresent beings; rather he sees them as special creatures that should be protected, as he has seen three of them suffer and is aware they are sentient and can experience emotional and physical pain
    Accent American
    Occupation Pokemon Trainer | Former Galactic Commander
    Party All of these Pokemon are ones he's had since childhood. His Mismagius, Weavile, and Luxray were absent from the events that took place in Sinnoh because they were far too low a level to be battling and he had no desire to risk their safety.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 454
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Toxicroak | Galaxy (F)
    Text Color: 553c87
    Level- 59
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Poison Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Fighting
    Ability- Anticipation
    Attack list-
    -Poison Jab (TM)
    -Brick Break (TM)
    -X Scissor (TM)
    -Sucker Punch (Learned)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 437
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Bronzong | Milky Way (sexless; male pronouns)
    Text Color: 214a5a
    Level- 57
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Psychic Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Steel
    Ability- Levitate
    Attack list-
    -Extrasensory (Learned)
    -Gyro Ball (Learned)
    -Confuse Ray (Learned)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 429
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Mismagius | Black Hole (M)
    Text Color: b52b6b
    Level- 58
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Ghost  
    Ability- Levitate
    Attack list-
    -Phantom Force (Start)
    -Power Gem (Start)
    -Magical Leaf (Start)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 461
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Weavile | Alphard (F)
    Text Color: 3c456c
    Level- 56
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Dark Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Ice
    Ability- Pressure
    Attack list-
    -Quick Attack (Learned)
    -Metal Claw (Learned)
    -Night Slash (Learned)
    -Icy Wind (Learned)
    Pkm 5
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 405
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Luxray | Sirius (F)
    Text Color: b61d25
    Level- 55
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Electric
    Ability- Intimidate
    Attack list-
    -Thunder Fang (Learned)
    -Crunch (Learned)
    -Wild Charge (TM)
    -Return (TM)
    Pkm 6
    Quote "A world without spirit... Who would want such a thing?!"

    "I tried to live a life without spirit, with minimal emotion, as protection. And people died for it."
    Appearance -emaciated, he does not have much food that is edible for humans and it's difficult for him to muster the energy or the will to find any
    -often appears to be tired and sad, nearly listless at his worst, though Mars's care has brought some life back to him and sometimes he will even occasionally smile
    -skin is pale from spending most of his time hiding in caves, burrows, and other underground places
    -filthy and has only recently made attempt to keep clean, his once neat hair a scraggly mess
    -all of his clothes are worn
    -white backpack
    -grey sweater and black pants
    -old shoes, falling apart
    -when standing, tends to keep his hands in his pockets and his body hunched
    -avoids eye contact
    -Galaxy is usually out and about
    Saturn's Relationships:
    User Notes

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Tumblr_nzulh2ZgVc1s5iyovo1_400

    Marian May
    Text Color e93632
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item -universal communicator
    -space pendant
    backpack in which are
    -sturdy gloves
    -limited rifle ammo
    -canteen of water
    -a few spare pokeballs
    Weapons her Pokemon, a rifle that actually works
    Biological Sex Female
    Gender Identity She | Her | Hers
    Birthdate August 24th
    Age 27
    Species Human
    Weight 120lbs
    Height 5'9"
    Region of Origin Kanto
    Religion absolutely believes in the gods, after having seen them herself, though sees them more as pokemon whose strength is in a tier all its own, rather than as actual gods
    Accent American
    Occupation Pokemon Trainer | Former Galactic Commander
    Party All of these Pokemon have been her childhood friends; she kept most of them out of the conflict involving Galactic to protect them, since their levels were low. Arielle was her first Pokemon, the one who was found guarding her as a baby.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 432
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Purugly | Hellena (F)
    Text Color: 8b529c
    Level- 64
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Normal  
    Ability- Thick Fat
    Attack list-
    -Slash (Learned)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    -Hypnosis (Learned)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 437
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Bronzong | Belle (sexless; female pronouns)
    Text Color: 9c6a7b
    Level- 57
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Psychic Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Steel
    Ability- Levitate
    Attack list-
    -Extrasensory (Learned)
    -Gyro Ball (Learned)
    -Confuse Ray (Learned)
    -Light Screen (TM)
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 169
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Crobat | Noelle (F)
    Text Color: 8c52b5
    Level- 58
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Poison Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Flying
    Ability- Inner Focus
    Attack list-
    -Air Slash (Learned)
    -Bite (Learned)
    -Cross Poison (Start)
    -Supersonic (Learned)
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 036
    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Pokeball
    Clefable | Arielle (F)
    Gender: de6363
    Level- 20
    Type- Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Fairy  
    Ability- Cute Charm
    Attack list-
    -Sing (Start)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    -Incinerate (TM)
    -Psychic (TM)
    **not a battler; primarily a companion
    Pkm 5
    Pkm 6
    Quote "We've been trying to create a new world that's better than this one... But people have shown little understanding about what we do."

    "... The end justifies the means, right?  I mean, it was for a good cause!  A world without pain, can you imagine!?  Nothing like this fucking cesspool of a planet we're stuck with now.  If those brats hadn't gotten in the way, everything would be fine right now.  I did nothing wrong!

    ... So then... why am I starting to feel... bad... about it...?"
    Appearance -decently fed
    -dirty, but tries to stay clean when she can
    -pink sweater with a cat face on it; relatively good condition; though smudged with dirt, it's not torn
    -black pants, off-white shoes with purple laces
    -hair is red as are her almond shaped eyes
    -typically grinning or scowling; very rarely is she not displaying some kind of noticeable emotion on her face
    -usually leaning on Saturn if standing or sitting near him
    -almost always has Hellena out
    -if Mars is not right next to Saturn, she's often seen petting her cat if Hellena is near her legs--which she usually is
    Mars's Relationships:
    User Notes


    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 280

    Age : 30
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    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Empty Re: Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto]

    Post by Starbits Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:27 pm




    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] 280

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    Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto] Empty Re: Pokemon Trainers Saturn and Mars [Mahogany, Johto]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:48 pm



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