Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team


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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:49 pm

    Post 17
    ((Post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]))

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    Faraway Island| Sunset

    A tired form slithered in and out of the underbrush as it made its way from shadow to shadow, hiding its size with the camouflage. The movements were more sluggish than they should have been, the would-be precise wave of muscles jittery and lethargic. Tired eyes matched their body's movements; half-lidded and unfocused with fatigue. The scarred arbok's wounds had had little time to mend, and many were still weeping from the endless moving.

    It had been nearly a week since she had left the ruins of her home in Azalea, her anger and hate for her former companions fueling her nomadic trail, keeping her traveling nearly all day and night for almost three days. Fatigue slowed her down, but still she kept onward, the only thing directing her her instinct to live and the sun. Continually heading South, or so she hoped, she had crossed land and sea to reach the pathetic spit of land she now crawled around on. Her stomach growled for attention, her wounds throbbed for mercy, her throat clenched for some relief. They were all ignored, her mind now numbt o such things. She had to keep going. Had to keep going. 'Have to keep going...'

    It took a moment for her to realize something was amiss, out of the ordinary. Pausing, it took a few moments to gather the strength to lift her head and hood above the brush to discover that the strange things were voices. Another moment was taken to realize that voices meant living pokemon and living pokemon meant... meant... Her eyes blinked as she struggled to come to a conclusion, her sleep-depravated mind too cloudy to function properly. Living pokemon meant a group... did she even want that anymore? No, wait... there was something else with living... food...? Food? When had been the last time she'd eaten?

    Not answering her own question, she ventured forward, toward the voices. They all sounded garbled to her, her mind too hindered to really care what was being said. Back in Johto, she was a supreme huntress, a master of stealth and evasion, striking and killing her prey before they even knew they were in danger. Now, however, she was a shadow of that, clumsily slithering over branches and leaves, her approach almost a damn fanfare of noise. However, this didn't stop her thoughts. She was hunting, and by Legends above, she was going to hunt. She quickened her pace when she saw a black form, an umbreon.

    Her eyes widened in realization as Plague's and Scourge's faces flashed in her mind. UMBREON! Her rage surfacing once more, it gave her enough of a boost to propel her body forward, wrapping her bloodied coils around the small, fluffy thing. "I'll KILL you for what you did! You little coward-- blow up my home and run, will you!? I'LL KILL YOU!"

    ((Hey, guys! Great to be on the team! 8D))


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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:38 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Sunset

    Lotta was glad the Weavile agreed. “Indeed. Do any of you have suggestions?” The Gible rose her clawed hand. "Seeing as this is an isolated piece of land, we probably won't find any houses here," she states, her mind already hatching ideas. "Chopping down branches to make shelter would take too long and too much effort, we need something fast, efficient, and reliable we can use at any time." Her eyes drifted around the landscape.

    Her eyes landed on the Archeops, chuckling. "Apologies, but it would be rather hard to perch with... these," she laughed, gesturing to her stubby feet. She liked this newcomer, although his way of speaking was strange, he seemed like a fun guy. Opening her mouth to speak again, she froze at the sound of rustling foliage and crackling leaves. Almost immediately she whirled around to find the source, the darkening of the sky only making her more awake than ever. "Looks like we have some more company..."

    Lotta was fully expecting an undead, or at least, someone much more friendly. However, when a giant purple serpent burst from the bushes and wrapped it's coils around her companion, the Gible doubled over and backed off in surprise. "I'll KILL you for what you did! You little coward-- blow up my home and run, will you!? I'LL KILL YOU!" Panic coursed through the little dragon. "STOP! Please, don't hurt him!" she wasn't sure if the blowing-up-her-home part was true, but decided to leave it out in case it was. "B-besides! We're all living! In times like these, we must aid each other!"

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    Post by Guest Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:36 pm

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    Faraway Island || Sunset | 28

    Mickey grinned and nodded in a humorous manner at Adventus’s offer to join the team. “I’d be right honoured.” Adventus gave a grunt of agreement and a small nod. With the archeops showing that it was trustworthy enough, Adventus leapt down from the tree branch he had been perching upon. He landed with a natural silence, stood up tall, and walked to the others, taking his place next to Lotta. Lotta had given her answer to the shelter problem first. “Seeing as this is an isolated piece of land, we probably won’t find any houses here. Chopping down branches to make shelter would take too long and too much effort, we need something fast, efficient, and reliable we can use at any time.” Adventus listened intently, and offered his own suggestion. “We also need something with an escape route, in case any undead attempt to surround our shelter. Perhaps we could find a hollowed tree?” Mickey replied humorously to Lotta’s suggestion, and Adventus gave a small smirk.

    But as they spoke, something caught Adventus’s attention.

    A noise caused him to go still as the forest around them. The sound was hasty, creating so much noise that it was obvious that the person was in a rush. Even Lotta noticed the sounds and mentioned that the group had more company coming. Adventus quickly turned to face the direction the sounds were coming from, only to see a large Arbok burst out of the nearby foliage and wrap its tail around one of the Umbreons. She uttered savage threats to the small eeveelution, focusing her hatred upon him. The murderous threats hit Adventus fiercely.

    Hurrying to a safe distance in front of the Arbok, he stood in direct challenge to her. Though he was far shorter than the serpent, he stared up at her as if he were looking at an equal. His claws were sparking audibly with dark Night Slash energies as he warned her. Though his instincts urged him to strike down the Arbok, Adventus retained the hostility and kept a calm composure. “I do not know why you accuse the Umbreon of these things, Arbok, but just uncoil from around him and there will be no trouble.” Lotta reacted fearfully to the Arbok’s threat, pleading for their friend to not be harmed. “STOP! Please, don’t hurt him! B-besides! We’re all living! In times like these, we must aid each other!” Adventus agreed fully with her suggestion, and did his part by standing ready in case the Arbok lashed out violently.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:47 pm

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 5

    “Trees’not fancy enough for ya?” Mond's ear twiched at the friendly sounding laugh the avian emitted. Wow. He might look scary, but that sound was anything but. He wnated to be at least a little annoyed that the big creature's loud voice was cutting through his hazy sleep and dragging him awake, but that laugh was just too... nice to be mad at. “Could make a hut or somethin’?”

    Mond raised his head just a little bit and spoke with a weak, sickly voice that cracked with disuse. "I-I c-could h-help... kn-know Psychic..."

    They hadn't made him leave... so the least he could do was help... right...?

    He gave a tiny smile and the twitch of his tail, unaware that his voice had been so small it was doubtful anyone had heard it other than the Umbreon right next to him.

    Maybe... these people would help him find his sister...?

    That was when the Arbok attacked.

    She shot forward, a purple streak against green grass. Suddenly she was there, coiled around the Umbreon who had just a few minutes ago comforted him.

    Mond's reaction was pure instinct. There was a threat. The threat was right next to him.

    "I'll KILL you for what you did! You little coward-- blow up my home and run, will you!? I'LL KILL YOU!"

    He shrieked and tried to leap to his feet, succeeding instead in stumbling over himself. His mind was a complete and utter blank, chaos erupting around him as Adventus and Lotta both tried to reason with the snake.

    “I do not know why you accuse the Umbreon of these things, Arbok, but just uncoil from around him and there will be no trouble.”

    “STOP! Please, don’t hurt him! B-besides! We’re all living! In times like these, we must aid each other!”

    Something inside the little Umbreon snapped. Kill.

    She was going to kill him.

    His thin legs quivered beneath him as he slowly stood, silver rings lighting up with a fierce intensity as his eyes began to glow. His words were a hysterical shriek, tears pouring down his face. "NONONONO! LEAVE HIM ALONE! PUTHIMDOWN! GOAWAY GOAWAY!"


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:05 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [5]

    "Apologies, but it would be rather hard to perch with...these,"

    Smirking, pleased that someone was finally warming up to his ways, Mickey shrugged, defeated.
    “Aye, fair ‘nuff,” He remarked, a grin still plastered on his youthful face. As the group went on to discuss alternate sources of shelter on the isolated little island, the Archeops found his attention drifting. Honestly, the avian would be comfortable anywhere. Trees were fine, building something was alright, if a little unnecessary; hell, even the ground would do him! Mickey wasn’t fussy. A life as a traveller called for such a quality. But a scent soon wafted into his nostrils. Whilst he wasn’t familiar with the species, there was no need for speculation, nor time for warning as a large serpent suddenly darted out from hiding.

    "I'll KILL you for what you did! You little coward-- blow up my home and run, will you!? I'LL KILL YOU!"

    Well, she was certainly a friendly addition to the group. Mickey’s grin faded quickly, the Archeops left loitering casually against a tree trunk as the serpent ensnared one of the Umbreons in her coils. Old acquaintances, perhaps? But whilst the group exploded into panic, all crying for peace and the release of the harmless canine, Mickey remained quiet. A sombre, almost dangerous look overcame his features at the serpent’s words. They struck a delicate cord within the avian, images of his home going up in flames. His obstinacy had left the campsite in ruins, countless friends left dead whilst his beloved Ma’ was burnt alive. Looking away, stomaching those dreadful images and the horrific retaliation he’d brought upon the bastards responsible, Mickey was distanced.


    Flinching, unaccustomed to the loud, shrill cry of terror, the Archeops gave a snort. Amongst such hysteria, the ancient bird looked completely out of place. Lazily stretching out his wings, leant against his tree as he regarded the chaotic scene, he shook his head.
    “No point gettin’ worked up,” Mickey responded casually. “If she was gon’ kill ‘im he’d be dead already. Wassapoint in waitin’ around, eh?”

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:32 pm

    Post 18

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    Faraway Island| Sunset

    Others were yelling, screaming at her to stop, but Anaksa truly did not care. Her coils wrapped around her prey, the bastard purple-ringed, hideous umbreon's visage a part of her hallucination. She did not see the yellow markings, nor the strange fluffiness or short legs. No, she saw that Plague, cackling with hysteria as he launched the shadow ball that completely destroyed her new life. However, in her greatly weakened state, her coils did little more than restrain her victim's movements, rather than completely crush him.

    Still, her delusion granted her the confidence that she was indeed winning. Her head and neck rising into a striking position, she bared her fangs and struck toward the thing's face, wanting to eat the eyes off that little prick.

    ((Short post is short lol))


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    Post by Min Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:10 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    Lotta was surprised a single Pokemon could cause this much chaos.

    "NONONONO! LEAVE HIM ALONE! PUTHIMDOWN! GOAWAY GOAWAY!" The silver-ringed dark-type screamed, the sound painful to the dragon's ears. Likewise, the gold-ringed one began screeching as well, the cries beginning to frustrate the Gible. “No point gettin’ worked up. If she was gon’ kill ‘im he’d be dead already. Wassapoint in waitin’ around, eh?” The Archeops had a point, but with the battered state of the serpent, she wondered if it was simply the lack of strength that kept the Arbok from killing him.

    It wasn't long before Orique retaliated, forcing the snake off with a Psychic as he quickly fled into the woods. "Someone needs to go after him, someone fast--we can't have him getting lost!" urgency was evident in her voice, looking back to the Arbok. "A-Arbok, please, don't hurt him!" she pleads, afraid of the massive serpent. Lotta quietly began to wonder if it was the wrong idea to stay with these living, anxiously fiddling with her scarf.

    "...I don't understand what's going on anymore..."

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:41 am

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    Faraway Island | Evening | 6

    The screams of the other fluffy fox were enough to send Mond into even more of a frenzy; a nearby tree branch exploded into splinters of wood as pink psychic energy surrounded and squeezed it out of existence.

    He'd aimed for the Arbok.

    Before he could try taming his wild terror long enough to actually hit his target--completely disregarding the pitiful damage he'd do to such a powerful opponent--Orique took matters into his paws. The second he had he bolted to cower behind the dinosaur bird. Fear fueling his psychic abilities but his body's poor state inhibiting him, another branch cracked and broke in half before the glow dissipated.

    He stumbled, gasping for air as the fatigue hit him again. The little Umbreon kit staggered two paces, and then collapsed.

    "O-ow..." He coughed weakly, forcing his feet underneath himself, trying to get up again, the brief period of power leaving him exhausted and with a stabbing headache; a nasty aftereffect of a fear-fuel "psychic high" as he called them. "Th-that... h-hurt..."

    He managed to stand, albeit shakily, and staggered forward a few more paces. Weakly raising his head, he realized that the two-legged ice type was gone. Where had he...?

    The poor land shark girl looked confused and hurt. She pleaded with the serpent to leave the dark type alone, but a sick fear gathered in his stomach as he knew the Arbok's hatred wouldn't just leave. He turned to lock eyes with the older Umbreon again, and was startled to see that he looked like he was about to cry. Forcing his body to keep moving, he slowly made his way to the other one's side and flopped over, panting.

    Looks like me... feel safer near you...

    He only hoped the dinosaur and the fox didn't mind him sprawled on the ground behind and next to them, respectively.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:47 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [6]
    Whilst Mickey had first though the situation nothing but a piece of meaningless drama between old acquaintances, no sooner had he spoken did the snake lunge for her prey.
    “Ah, shite,” He muttered, instinctively moving forward to quell the dispute as only he knew how. Words meant nothing nowadays. If you wanted to get through to someone, a well aimed punch to the gut would give them enough incentive to listen. But at his range, he risked hitting the screaming Umbreon, forced to hop closer to the serpent in order to spare the canine the damage. Some sort of psychic attack went flying past him and into the tree, Mickey narrowly avoiding becoming the target as he snapped his head around; glaring at the other Umbreon it came from. Still, least the kid was trying to help. Attention back to the Arbok, Mickey’s claws were glowing a faint purple in preparation to attack. Fortunately, the Dragon Claw wasn’t going to be necessary. Reality dawned on the fox.

    "Get... AWAY!!"

    A light grin playing on his lips, pleased that the cowardly canine had some balls after all, Mickey kept his position only a short distance from the serpent – effectively blocking her from the rest of the group. The canine stumbled over to his side, Mickey offering a firm nod of his head in respect. A psychic-hit to the face was bound to hurt, not to mention piss of the snake a whole lot more. Eyes volleying about the group, everyone panicking or cowering, Mickey thought it about time to instil some order.
    “A’right,” He called loudly in a bid to capture everyone’s attention. “Everyone should calm the fuck down, okay?” Ensuring to always keep the stranger in his periphery, Mickey held out his wings, catching the eyes of each pokémon gathered to ensure his words hit a nerve. Turning to address the Arbok, he offered her a lax smile. “Now, what seems to be the mattar Ma’am? Ya don’t go ‘round tryin’ kill Umbreons for nuttin’, now do ya?”

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:41 am

    Post 17

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    Faraway Island| Sunset

    "Get... AWAY!!"

    The Psychic launched Anaksa some distance, nearly putting her right back to where she'd first lunged for the wretched fox in the first place. It'd nearly done her in right there, the other pokemons' voices blurring together in a caucous cacophony of noise. She groaned, her serpentine body aching from her restless trekking and the super-effective attack it'd just endured. She twitched some, but made little effort to try to kill the umbreon again, even though her exhausted mind screamed for his death. Soon, a shadow was before her, a bird she'd never laid eyes on before. “Now, what seems to be the mattar Ma’am?" The strange accent made her face contort into a confused frown. What was he saying...? Ya don’t go ‘round tryin’ kill Umbreons for nuttin’, now do ya?”

    "...Wh... What?" she mumbled, unable to voice much else. Her open, oozing wounds more than spoke for themselves, more agitated with the attack. Her eyes strained to focus, and it was obvious she was about to faint.


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    Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:37 pm

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    Faraway Island|Sunset

    She hadn't been on the island long but Gwyneira was terrified, the first group of living Pokemon she had seen in months and they were busy fighting each other. At first, she had been happy to hear voices that spoke normally and held a lighter air, but then when the snake attacked them all hell broke loose and Gwyn didn't know what to do about it. So she hid. Left in the trees she watched the group go at it until finally a large avian-dino brought it to a standstill, questioning the serpent as to her actions. 'Finally, a voice of reason...'

    She wasn't sure if she wanted to reveal herself to the others or not, wanting to be left out of any conflict. She hated fighting without purpose and was more content to wait it out. But she didn't see the creature stalking up behind her, crawling slowly up the tree with pincers raised to dig into her back. The Spinarak startled her and she was forced to let out an Icy Wind, killing it but also knocking her from the tree in which she hid. Making a mental note to check all trees from now on before hiding in them, Gwyneira was forced to realize that she was on the ground in front of the temporary truce. Oops. Smiling shyly she raised up one paw in greeting and let out a small chuckle. "Hello..." she started, forcing her words out through laughter. "Sorry for dropping in like that but you know how they get. Just can't take no for an answer!"

    If she were any more nervous then she was gonna drop dead from a heart attack.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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    Post by Starbits Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:41 am

    (Skip please. OTL)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:49 am

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    Faraway Island || Evening [7]

    "...Wh... What?"

    Yeah… Mickey was used to that.

    His body easing, wings flopping to his sides as he realized that his garbled words had been enough to instil a temporary peace in the situation, Mickey yet again thanked his Irish roots. Although travellers had a bad name, marked as thieves and hooligans by those beyond the circle, the fast-talking Archeops was proud of his heritage. They could call him what he wanted, but his uncanny ability to confuse another with a powerful, unwavering accent would always be a advantage in his eyes. Smiling to himself, essentially content to find the serpent somewhat eased, her earlier aggressive stance lost to confusion – he soon noticed that her injuries were more severe than he’d initially thought.

    Frowning as the stranger practically swayed with fatigue, her expression suggesting she may collapse at any moment, Mickey banished earlier concerns over her explosive entrance.
    “A’right, darlin’,” He soothed, ruling her previous hostility as a simple misunderstanding and instead choosing to prove a helpful hand. Orique had acted in self-defence, of course, but that wound seemed to have had quite the effect of the Arbok. Moving closer to the reptile, a wing held out in preparation to catch the female were she to fall, he smiled, genuinely sympathetic. “Take it easy, gal. No one’s lookin’ for a fight – but’choo need ta rest,”

    "Hello... Sorry for dropping in like that but you know how they get. Just can't take no for an answer!"

    A smaller version of the now disappeared Weavile was accompanied by a slight drop in temperature and a dead spider-creature. Looking over his shoulder to the newcomer, her light-hearted apology and voice alone enough to bring a smile to the dinosaur’s face. Just when he thought he’d been spared from a life of isolation, his company were almost entirely silent. Thank Arceus the little dark-type had something to say.
    “Dun apologise, love. If anythin’, you ‘elped us. Them undead fuckers tend to jump outta nowhere,” He chuckled, accent as strong and slurred together as ever. Still, his tone was essentially upbeat, enough to alert the female of his approval. But he made no movement to welcome her. He was concerned about the purple serpent, standing loyally in preparation to catch her were she to fall – confident the female would show no further hostility. Mickey knew what he was doing.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:48 am

    Post 18

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    Faraway Island| Evening

    “A’right, darlin’,” The colorful bird's voice was like a rich honey or thick syrup, soothing and calming to Anaksa's frayed mind. She could barely understand the words, but his tone was enough to stay her fangs. That, and she could see at least three of him. Obviously, the colored birds outnumbered her. “Take it easy, gal. No one’s lookin’ for a fight – but’choo need ta rest,” Only nodding at his words, badly feigning her understanding, her eyes slowly rolled back, the old and new wounds simply too much to bear any longer. Out of sheer willpower, she pulled them back, her desire to eat the wretched umbreon overpowering her bodyu's fatigue if not for a few more seconds.

    "...He... des... killed my... home..." The words were sloppy and uncoordinated, but her barely consious expression tried to find at least one of the birds' eyes, hoping he'd understand. "With the... foxes... ball... gh..."

    Finally, her body gave in. Eyes rolling back, her words were lost as the peaceful blackness overtook her mind and body, the latter going completely limp and to the mercy of those around her. Unable to keep awake, she finally succumbed.

    ((Anyone has permission to poke or carry her :3))


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    Post by Guest Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:08 am

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    Faraway Island|Evening

    Gwyn was a little nervous when the two Umbreons didn't say anything, even more so when the Arbok dead fainted. But thankfully the avian creature didn't seem as offended by her presence. “Dun apologise, love. If anythin’, you ‘elped us. Them undead fuckers tend to jump outta nowhere,” Giggling lightly at his strange accent Gwyn offered a smile and little bow. "My pleasure! But uh..." she pointed to the Arbok, "is she okay? She looks kind of rough." She made her way over to the snake slowly, poking at her thick hide gently to see if she was really out. She was.

    Gwyneira was a little concerned when she saw the injuries scattered about the long body, some old but some very recent. She knew they had been fighting with her not a moment ago but it looked like it had been a misunderstanding, at least that was her assumption before the Spinarak came. Maybe she could help? "I think there were some herbs nearby that might revive her. But without proper healing it won't do much other than keep her conscious." She didn't know what kind of supplies this group might have, if they had any at all. But surely they wouldn't leave the poor female to lay like this. Right?

    ((Sil said in that last post anyone could poke her, so I couldn't resist! XD))

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    Post by Starbits Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:43 am

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    Faraway Island | Evening | 7

    Mond watched silently as the other Umbreon moved closer and wrapped his tail back around him. Though still traumatized, the kit's hysteria was now largely over and in its wake was an exhausted, sluggish sort of fear that was calm only because of the lack of energy.

    He felt the other lean against him, trying to comfort him with actions rather than words. He was so tired that the feeble words his sickly mind manage to assemble into a coherent sentence was thought instead of actually spoken: Th-thank... y-you...

    His stomach protested his sleepiness; he needed to eat, and desperately. Trying to ignore his hunger, half aware that the stranger leaning on him would realize that he was thin enough for his bones to be easily felt, Mond turned his attention to the Sneasel.

    Why help her...? She tried to kill him... might try to hurt us, too... He hid his face in Orique's tail. But if you want to help her... let her pass out? Mean to make her stay awake... she's hurt...

    If he were feeling better, he may have offered to help carry her. His Psychic could help him do that, right? Granted she was much bigger than what he was used to, but maybe...

    Need to practice... want to be useful... Mond yawned and allowed his eyelids to sag shut, aware that they would do so on their own whether he wanted them to or not. ... Comfty... he's soft... and warm... A spike of sickness and sadness ran through him; he would call it homesickness if not for the fact that he was longing not for a home, but for his sibling. She would be doing for him what the older Umbreon was doing, had she been here.

    Well. She didn't quite have the proper tail to wrap it around him and bury him like this. But that hardly mattered.

    His sleepy and scattered ramblings became a bit more focused when he recalled the Sneasel's question about herbs. "B-ber-ries..." He probed into his memory, trying to recall. "Oran... n-not f-far f-from h-here... b-but high u-up." Stupid bush just had to be as tall as a small tree. Hopefully though, this meant that there would be enough ripe ones for the snake, and more importantly, anyone else who needed healing or food.

    And plus, there was now a bird with them. With working wings. Which, if they moved half as fast as his mouth, meant that the avian must be the fastest flier ever.

    Mond was not sure if this should be considered a compliment or an insult.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:40 am

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    Faraway Island || Evening [8]

    "...He... des... killed my... home... With the... foxes... ball... gh..."

    Mickey’s lax expression soon shifted into a light frown as he processed the serpent’s disjointed words, struggling to formulate their exact meaning. Only two words stuck out – 'killed' and 'home'. Memories of his own home alight with ravenous flames flashed behind the Archeop’s dusty-brown eyes, the insufferable pain he’d felt at the knowing his beloved Mam was burning to death, helpless, within. A slight shift in his demeanour, the breath leaving him in a ragged hiss, was quickly disguised. Yet a fierce passion still flickered within his hardened orbs as his gaze wandered away from the unconscious Arbok and across to the pair of Umbreon, cowered together for comfort.

    Mickey was never one to jump to conclusions, but the glare that he threw them was capable of chilling paint off walls. It had been unintentional; the bird had seen an image of the humans who had robbed away what family he had left in the canines' places. He smiled thinking of how he’d got his bloody revenge.

    "My pleasure! But uh... is she okay? She looks kind of rough."

    The Archeops’ thoughts were interrupted by the newcomer’s concerned voice, the glaze over his eyes fading as his attention slowly shifted from the speaker to the wounded. Huffing, feathered arms falling limp to his sides, Mickey clicked his beak impatiently. They expected him to do something about this? Other than the Sneasel stood before him, the fossil could see a significant lack of authority. He couldn’t distinguish a leader, an enforcer per se, and with a tired shake of his head, soon found himself rising to the occasion.
    “A’right,” Moving to the serpent, Mickey, characteristically roughly, began bundling the coils in his arms – the snake’s head draped over his shoulder. ”First-things-first, gotta get outta the open, ya here?” Effectively cradling the wounded reptile, pleased to find she wasn’t quite as heavy as he’d initially expected, the Archeops began to waddle towards a denser area of trees. Although there was no such thing as safety nowadays, Mickey knew that the rich canopy above would at least disguise them from aerial threats.

    "I think there were some herbs nearby that might revive her. But without proper healing it won't do much other than keep her conscious."
    "B-ber-ries... Oran... n-not f-far f-from h-here... b-but high u-up."

    The Sneasel had at least a bit of good news, observatory enough to have recalled a location of supplies to help the fallen serpent. Whilst it might not have been the best idea to heal the hostile stranger, Mickey simply lacked the heart to leave her for dead. Especially now that his curiosity had piqued about her home – what relationship she had with the couple of canines. Yet more surprisingly, at that moment, one of the youngster’s actually spoke up.
    “Fuck me,” Mickey exclaimed, exaggerating surprise as he caught the dark-type’s feeble contribution. “Didn’t know ya could talk, lad,” A lopsided grin hanging off his face gave insight into the bird’s jesting nature, a preliminary glimpse of his humour as he glanced back to the Sneasel, significantly more serious.

    ”Right, ah can take a punch – ah can giv’a punch, but I ain’t no healer. These berries are the best shot she-got if no one else can ‘elp,” His gaze wandered across the rest of the group, hoping for an experience medic to leap up and give him further direction on the matter. Not expecting one, he continued, attention back to the smallest Umbreon. “Take the ladeh,” He gestured to the Sneasel with his head. “To the berries, okay? I’m sure she can climb, so height’s notta problem. Get back quick – any trouble, just… I dunno, scream or somethin’,”

    Content with his plan, hoping only that these strangers would heed his ineloquent advice, Mickey gave a firm nod of his head before trudging away – the Arbok still awkwardly held in strong arms. How much longer, however, was another matter altogether. Quickening his pace, the Archeops stopped a good distance from the original gathering point, carefully setting the patient down as he took a moment to look over her features.
    “Yar’ll be alright, darlin’. I can tell you’re a fiery lass,” He smiled to himself, talking aloud out of habit. Once upon a time, he’d heard that voices quickened the healing process. Were that true, this girl was certainly in luck.

    (( PM me if anything needs editing. :3 ))

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    Post by Silverishness Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:54 am

    ((She's still out cold, but did stir a little. :3 Skip.))


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    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:40 am

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    Faraway Island|Evening

    Gwyn was amazed at how easily the large avian was able to pick up the Arbok, remarking to herself about his strength. Though growing up surrounded by almost strictly her own kind had been rewarding in the sense of family that came with it, it left her pitifully unaware of most other species. They were fascinating! "B-ber-ries... Oran... n-not f-far f-from h-here... b-but high u-up." Gwyn's smile fell at the nervous tension practically oozing from the vulpine, trying to give him a smile to break the ice. "Those could really help. Where are they?"

    The rocky avian made a comment about the boy that she wasn't sure would help him open up anymore, but it was obvious he had said it in fun. The male was obviously more of a kidder and wasn't trying to be mean. But when he turned to her he was much more serious about the situation that his previous comment. ”Right, ah can take a punch – ah can giv’a punch, but I ain’t no healer. These berries are the best shot she-got if no one else can ‘elp,” She couldn't agree more. "I know some things, since I never did much of the fighting back home. I can do what I can to help." The large male turned to the boy from before and asked him to take her to the berries, remarking that her kind were likely good climbers and Gwyn smiled. She could beat most of the males back home when it came to climbing.

    So when he was finished she looked to her vulpine escort and held out a paw, giving a warm and friendly smile. "Shall we?"
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    Post by Min Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:43 am

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    Feeling uncomfortable would've been an understatement, the young Gible fiddling her claws as she simply watched and listened to the other's conversation. It wasn't long before it was decided that the majority would be going to pick berries, while Mickey relocated the serpent to a different area. The dragon-type shuffled her feet, trying to think of something she could do. She was no good with climbing, her stubby feet unable to grasp onto rough bark, and she was pretty sure the Archeops had his side under control. "I suppose I'll... Look for shelter or something akin to that. Once I've found someplace suitable I'll find one of you and show the way, I suppose." she murmured, before nodding. "...Yes that's what I'll do." Waving a small hand, she backed away into the foliage.

    As soon as she has backed up enough, she began her sprint through the woods, stumbling past the trees and boulders as she searched for a place to sleep. Her mind quietly dwelled on the day's events, a small frown on her face. [color=#0090CF]'I wonder whatever happened to Feu and Glace...'[/center] she stopped running for a moment, thinking about the group of survivors that they had made. "Was it really the right choice to join these Pokemon...?" she mumbled, gaze tired and weary as she gazed into the distance. "...I guess I'm stuck with them until I can find myself in the main land." with a shrug, she makes work of a boulder, painfully rolling it to the side to see what was under it. Nothing much here...

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    Post by Starbits Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:27 pm

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    Faraway Island | Evening | 8

    "You're welcome, little one..."

    The little Umbreon started at hearing the voice in his head. Is that...? He turned large, searching eyes to the other dark-type. You're... talking to me...? Through my mind...?

    Actually, that made sense, sort of... because maybe the other knew Psychic...?

    "Those could really help. Where are they?"

    Mond opened his mouth to answer, only to cringe at the loud avian. “Fuck me. Didn't know ya could talk, lad.” Turning his head from the Sneasel to the bird, he stared nervously at him. "Th... Th-thank y-you...?" He said it so cheerfully, so it was a compliment, right? Or a joke? Something like that...

    “Take the ladeh,” Mond flinched slightly, realizing that Mickey was talking to him. “To the berries, okay? I’m sure she can climb, so height’s notta problem. Get back quick – any trouble, just... I dunno, scream or somethin’.”

    "...I am staying by him." The other one stated immediately. His features were firm, as was his "voice." Mond merely stared at him, taken aback.

    "Shall we?"

    The little head turned back; she was holding her hand out. And smiling. And the smile was... nice...

    "A-and my name is Orique." It was said almost as if an afterthought, and the other vulpine nudged him gently, and Mond surprised himself by standing. He did not think he was capable of standing anymore.

    But... these people had been kind to him. So time to do the right thing. He glanced around, and then started taking some shaky steps towards where he had found the berries.

    Oh... and Mr. Orique? I'm Mond.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    Post by Snitch Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:23 am

    (( Skip please. Mickey's just waiting for the others to return or Anaksa to wake up - whichever happens first, lol. ^^ ))

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