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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team


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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:12 am

    ((I have to skip again; she's going to be out for this last turn and then come to next turn.))


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    Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:21 pm

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    Faraway Island|Evening

    The Sneasel smile brightened as the small dark vulpine started to approach her but he was quickly joined by the other one. "...I am staying by him." Gwyn flinched and her smile faltered a little at the harsh invasion in her mind, but she settled once the other Umbreon more calmly introduced himself as Orique. And that made her nearly slap herself in the head.

    "OhmygoshIamsosorry!" she rambled all at once, completely embarrassed at her faux pas. "I completely just barged in here without so much as an introduction! How rude of me!" She pulled back her offered paw and pointed it at her chest, giving a little bow to her two escorts. "My name is Gwyneira. I am so glad to have found others that aren't going to try and eat me." She looked to the smaller Umbreon and gave him another encouraging smile. "So where are we going sweetie?"
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    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:25 pm

    [OOC: sjfsbfd sorry! Please skip me. ;;w;; Not much to have Lotta do...]

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:19 pm

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    Faraway Island | Evening | 9

    "OhmygoshIamsosorry! I completely just barged in here without so much as an introduction! How rude of me!" Mond stared at her in surprise as the girl brought her clawed hand to her chest and bowed. Bowed."My name is Gwyneira. I am so glad to have found others that aren't going to try and eat me."

    "M-me t-too, m-ma'am..."

    He was still in shock over being bowed to.

    Wow, she really was nice.

    Orique's protective form next to him, and Gwyneiria at his other side, Mond continued to walk slowly towards where he recalled the oran berries growing.


    It took a few minutes longer than Mond would have liked--stupid hurting paws--but there they were. The bush was tall and thick; practically a tree because of its height. Its top was spotted with ripe blue berries, the sight of which nearly made the starving youngster drool. Swallowing his hunger, aware it had taken him a little while to find the place, he glanced at his escorts and crouched down a bit timidly, features apologetic. "H-here they a-are..."


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:10 am

    (( I'm going to have to skip again, sorry. :B ))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:17 am

    Post 19

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    Faraway Island| Evening

    Anaksa's mind had been little more than a numbed void, a dark abyss bereft of pain or pleasure, of all senses and connection to the world around her physical form. In a way, it was a blessing; she hadn't seen rest since Azelea Town regions away. But it seemed that the solace she'd found in the dark wouldn't last long, as something kep prodding at her mind, her subconscious to rouse. Floating slowly back to the surface, the dark, deep waters of sublime oblivion drifted further and further away as she rose to breach the surface.

    A hiss of pain escaped her as her body proudly reminded her of its condition, wounds new and old throbbing in complaint. She was on the gound, and while that was completely expected, what surprised her was her company. Eyes opening slightly, her serpentine gaze met a strange, orange foot. What...? Following the form up, she met the eyes of a complete stranger; a pokemon she barely recognized from her earlier attack on the umbreon. He'd been there in the background... right? The haze on her memory was thick, only his silhouette barely there for her to recognize.

    While the confusion fogged her mind still, her body jerked with instinct. The bigger, healthier foe was standing over her very incapacitated form, and there was little she could do about it. She jerked her head back, bared her fangs in a half-hearted hiss, and then quickly attempted to slither away into the nearby vegetation.

    Her foggy mind registered the freedom. While she wanted that damn umbreon's death, she was now in no position to kill anything except herself. Gathering her strength and wits, she disappeared back into the humid jungles of Hoenn, leaving the others behind.

    [[Edited into a leaving post.]]

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:30 pm

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    Faraway Island|Evening

    It took a little bit longer than she thought, but Gwyneira couldn't help but notice the delicate way her guide walked on his paws. "H-here they a-are..." Gwyn looked around and saw quite a few berries she could use to help the Arbok, even a few herbs that the child most likely hadn't noticed. "Perfect!"

    She clapped her paws together and rubbed them as she picked out which tree she was going to go for first. Choosing one that had a few ripe Oran at the top she hopped about halfway up the trunk before using her claws to shimmy the rest of the way. Slicing off a branch she held it in her teeth before scurrying across a long branch and leapt to an adjoining tree. There were several varieties growing within the branches and Gwyn wasn't going to let anything to chance, cutting off shoots from everything she could see before climbing back down. "Hold on to these for me for a minute," she said cheerfully, dropping the berries in front of her two escorts. "I saw a few herbs that I want to get too."

    It took her several more minutes to collect the herbs than it had the berries and Gwyn hoped she didn't worry the two Umbreon. But she was looking for a very specific herb and when she found the delicate greenish-blue leaves she knew it was exactly what she needed. Getting the best ones she could gather she made her way back over to the her two escorts and knelt down in front of the smaller one. "I couldn't help but notice the way you walked on you paws. If you let me, these will help." She gave him a kind smile and hoped that the boy would let her wrap them, if only to give him some comfort for helping her.

    ((Hope it's ok she noticed his paws star! If not I can edit, she just really likes to help people since she never was much of a battler in her clan.))

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Starbits Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:12 am

    (Ooc: Try as I might I just can't think of anything. I'm skipping but would like to say that yes, Phoe, it's just fine that she noticed his paws. ^^ And also that he said yes to the treatment and thanked her.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Min Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:24 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    Lotta was just about ready to scream. Balling her small hands up into fists she snarled in frustration. "ARCEUS!" she hissed, kicking a stone away. "With so much foliage and undergrowth one might be lead to believe there would be adequate shelter here but... UGH!" the Gible roughly pushed herself against a boulder, looking underneath only to find soil. She pried away bushes, and grunted in annoyance when there was nothing there. Exactly what she was hoping to find was now beyond her, the woodlands bearing no fruit for the young dragon.

    In a slight tantrum the Gible stomped away, only to find herself stumbling and falling face flat in a large puddle. She panics, gasping for air, only realizing minutes latter that she had fallen into a puddle. Grunting with embarrassment, she shakes the water off her scales. "...that was awkward." she whispers, before resuming her adventures through the forest again. "I wonder how everyone else is fairing..." she mumbled, absent-mindedly, before laughing. "A lot better than me, probably."

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:50 pm

    (Ooc: I need to skip again; can't do anything without Ciana or Phoe. ^^; )


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Guest Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:36 pm

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    Faraway Island|Evening

    Gwyn smiled and happily wrapped the poor boy's paws, making sure to coat the herbal leaves in berry juice before applying them. "There now, that should help. If they start to come loose let me know and I can retie them okay?" Gathering up her berries and herbs she allowed the boys to lead her back to where the others still resided. Upon reaching the encampment she dropped everything and looked around in confusion. The snake she had gathered everything for was missing and so was the ancient bird who was helping her. "Did I miss something?" she asked to no one in particular.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:52 pm

    [OOC: Skip, Lotta's just stumbling around. ;;]

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Starbits Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:00 pm

    (OOC: Skip. Too tired to post right. Will edit into proper post later.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:37 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    The Gible pulled away the undergrowth and boulders, eyes sharp for anything, everything that could make a decent shelter for the night. The evening loomed over her, the dragon frowning as she hurried to find somewhere for the others to rest. She couldn't fail this quest, especially when the others had already done their part in helping. "All I've done is stand around and listen," Lotta grumbled, shoving mounds of debris aside with her body as she began to run, head pivoting in quick motions as she checked both sides.

    Suddenly, she skids to a halt, eyes wide and grinning as if the best thing in the world had happened. Before her, was the dark, gaping entrance of a cave, and the Gible found herself stepping towards it's mouth. Inside was a simple, small cavern. Sniffing the air, she couldn't smell any undead that lurked within, and with the feeling of accomplishment, she took a twig and drew a large X on the ground. "Hard work paid off," she hummed, before turning back to the darkness.

    Flexing her claws, Lotta flung her arms to the side, a tornado of sand forming before her fingertips before she launched it inside the cavern. The whipping gales of the Sand Tomb soon began to calm, coating the floor of the new-found shelter with warm sands. Nodding, the Gible turned to the path she had come from. "Better find the others now," and while humming a tune, the Gible sped towards the scents of the others, soon arriving at the clearing where the others were.

    "I found some shelter~!" the Gible smiled, waving a hand as she hopped to the clearing. "It's a comfortable cavern, not too far from here..." her words came to a halt, eyes looking around the clearing in confusion. "Where have the others gone?"

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:07 pm

    ((Skip please, not sure what to have Gwyn do right now.))

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:31 pm

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    XxXxXFaraway Island || Evening || Post Count :: 21XxXxX

    A shadowy being sighed under the dark cover of the forest, miserable. The dusclops's footfalls were almost impossible to hear under the very gentle breeze that rustled the island's trees. His exploration of this idyllic island was growing increasingly dull; while it was a beautiful place, it held nothing but packs of hungry Undead. There was no prey for them to feast upon here, and so some of them had begun to hunt each other for sustenance.

    Fortunately for himself, being a ghost meant he could meld within the forest darkness. His body phased soundlessly through the persistent undergrowth, allowing  him to travel silently. He had been traveling in a single direction for quite a while, for earlier he had heard some sounds that seized his interest. They had been very faint, but they sounded promising -- they sounded like the sort of suspicioius racket a group of living beings would make. 

    It took a while, but soon he came to a sudden stop within the undergrowth around a small clearing hidden among the trees. The clearing was currently deserted, but he could sense something else coming towards it. First there was a cheery hum, and then he could sense movement. The undergrowth at the opposite side of the clearing began to rustle. There it was -- dozens of feet away. A shiny gible. She had hopped into the clearing and waved to a nonexistent audience, only to realize nobody was there. She began to worry about where her supposed companions had gone. As he stared at the gible from his cover Saphalom realized there was not a single trace of infection plaguing her. So, apparently she was a part of a group -- a living group. To think he had not seen any of her companions on the way here! But forget it; maybe he could try and talk with her about that? It has been forever since he last saw some living beings, and it was wonderful to know that they were not all mindless beasts now....

    Carefully, Saphalom faded through the undergrowth on his opposing side of the clearing. He was sure his uncanny figure and unblinking eye looked intimidating to the gible, and so he tried to alleviate it with a humble wave and a peaceful posture. "Erm, hello over there." He called with clear and rough voice, "I heard some ruckus earlier and came to see what was happening. Are you looking for someone?"
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    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:56 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    She looked around, frowning as she sighed. "Perhaps they have regrouped somewhere else. I'll just have to find them by scent..." the dragon mumbles to herself, pacing around the clearing, oblivious to the ghost that had appeared. "Erm, hello over there." she yelps, jumping about a foot off the ground and landing unsteadily. Lotta looks over to the source of the voice, fidgeting nervously, clearly unnerved by the sudden appearance of the phantom. "I heard some ruckus earlier and came to see what was happening. Are you looking for someone?"

    Inhaling deeply, the little dragon regains her composure, bowing to the Dusclops. "I er, I deeply apologize for my reaction. It was rude and a bit uncalled for." she mumbles, before looking back up. "And yes, I am looking for someone. You don't suppose you've seen any Umbreons around, have you? One has silver rings, and the other has peach-colored eyes. I'm also searching for a Sneasel, Arbok, and Archeops." Lotta said, looking around the clearing again. She suddenly perks up. "Oh! How rude of me. I forgot to identify myself! My name is Lotta, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:53 am

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    Faraway Island | Evening | 10

    The walk back was thankfully uneventful. In fact, it was such a relief for the spot of good luck, to have made it both there and back with no problems, that Mond wondered if this was some sort of weird dream.

    Still... at least if it really were a dream, it was for once a good one. There was the clearing, right up ahead; everything would be just fi- wait where were the people?

    "Th... th-they're... gone...?"

    His head automatically turned to his elders for some sort of guidance, but Gwyneiria was as dumbfounded as he was.

    No blood. No struggle. Had they moved because they smelled undead nearby and had decided to go before the undead found them? That actually seemed highly likely... and thankfully, was a nice. normal explanation that still left room for everything to be fine.

    ... And it was so unbelievably sad how that could be considered "nice" or "normal."


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:05 pm

    ((Sorry guys, I need to skip. My wrist is killing me and I can't really think of anything for Gwyn to do. I may try and dual her with someone next round to help bounce some plot.))

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:17 am

    (( I am also going to have to skip. ))

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:32 pm

    [OOC: Sorry, skip me please. I don't have anything to work with. ;;]

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    Post by Guest Mon May 13, 2013 7:28 pm

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    XxXxXFaraway Island || Evening || Post Count :: 22XxXxX

    Just as he expected, the gible reacted adversely to Saphalom's sudden appearance. She bounced into the air in fright, to be more exact. It did not bother him in the slightest, given his intimidating appearance. Fortunately, after her surprise she seemed to take the situation far better than he expected. "I, er, deeply apologize for my reaction." She apologized. It was rude and a bit uncalled for."

    She continued on to give her answer to his question. So she had three dark-type companions, one poison, and a rock & flying? What an interesting little group he has happened upon. The gible finishes with another apology, introducing herself as Lotta. Well, she certainly does know how to explain herself. 

    He puts a hand to his chest and subtly nods in respect. "I take no offense, Lotta. My name is Saphalom. And no, I have not happened upon them. However, I do sense the presence of three other figures west of here. They seem like they are dark-types." Saphalom directs his eye towards the right side of the clearing, towards something only his ghostly abilities can locate. "They are not too far off; I could guide you there if you wish." He takes a few steps into the clearing's perimeter, emerging from beneath the outlying foliage and standing in the dull sunlight. Saphalom takes the first move, by walking towards the clearing's right edge and raising an open palm towards it. 

    "That is, if you would trust a ghost." He humbly added without any malice.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri May 17, 2013 4:34 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Evening

    "I take no offense, Lotta. My name is Saphalom. And no, I have not happened upon them. However, I do sense the presence of three other figures west of here. They seem like they are dark-types." she smiled a little in relief that the ghost wasn't insulted. "It's great to meet you, Saphalom sir. It's a unique name." she nodded, taking a small bow of respect. "They are not too far off; I could guide you there if you wish." her gaze travels as the Dusclops takes a few steps to the right, holding an open palm out towards the direction.

    "That is, if you would trust a ghost." Lotta only smiled, striding with confidence towards the direction the Dusclops had motioned to. "I see no reason not to trust others until they've done me wrong." she grinned, carefully parting the bushes an heading forward. "Hopefully they;re all grouped together, so then we don't have to find any lost individuals."

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