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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:31 am

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    Lotta woke up groggily, only to find her body half buried in the soft fur of a Mightyena's. Fully expecting Glace, the Gible looked up only to find that it was her brother curled around the little dragon, and almost immediately her face burned red. "U-um... Th-thank you." she stuttered madly, still embarrassed that the male was wrapped around her. Suddenly, Lotta looked up, looking at her surroundings, only to find the dead Croagunk, blood everywhere, and she gasped.

    The Gible buried her face deep into Feu's fur, the smell of blood still intoxicating to her as she clenched her jaw and screwed her eyes shut. Lotta really hoped the Mightyena didn't mind, not wanting to go batshit crazy on all her friends here. "Um... Sorry." she mumbled into his fur, trying to block the smell of death out.

    [OOC: Hope that's fine, if not, I can change it. :33 Lotta are you crushing on Feu? xD]

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    Post by Guest Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:16 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 23

    As Adventus remained angrily fixated upon the mental image of the Alakazam, he noticed a quick movement from his left. One of the bushes at the edge of the clearing burst open, the same blue serpent from before frantically slithering out of its green cover. The state of its face surprised him, the right side being heavily scarred by a dry, red layer of scar tissue. Despite not expecting the grisly visage he stepped back cautiously, not completely sure as to whether the incomer was intending to attack him. Adventus was given a reply in the form of a final Absol pouncing out of the woods, growling heavily as it tried to give chase. The feline beast was almost fully intact, a newcomer to its Undead existence--there is no doubt in the Weavile’s mind that this will be a particularly strong enemy. At least he knew now that the serpent is at least Living, if not an early Infected. He will have to take a better look after he takes care of this last enemy. The serpent quickly sped behind Adventus, who swung up a Reflect to halt the Absol that was tailing him. Aside from his concentration, there was rage within Adventus’s eyes--a rage that was about to be thrown all out onto this damned Absol that dared to murder another hapless victim.

    It raises one of its claws, which emanates a Night Slash before slashing it down across the psychic screen. The attack grazes it with enough force to force Adventus to brace for another blow from its opposite claw. Adventus is forced to take a torrent of attacks until an opening point could be found. The barrage was quickly fatiguing him, but it did not take very long for another attack to be introduced. The Absol was giving one more blow with its horn, reeling its head to the side and swinging the blade towards the barrier. The motions of the attack alerted Adventus to a move he would not be able to withstand--a Megahorn. Withdrawing his Reflect he leapt backwards out of the way of the attack, letting his opponent graze the air where he just stood. Adventus nearly hit the Dratini as he backed up, but he leapt to the side to clear himself some fighting space. The Absol was momentarily distracted as its eyes locked hungrily upon the serpent. And what a bad mistake on the Absol’s part that was. Crouching down to the ground, Adventus kicked forward with the force of an Aerial Ace, knocking the target down onto its side as he latches to its back with his claws. With the Absol now toppled, Adventus leapt off and grabbed its head horn as with the previous Absols, pinning its head to the ground. However, before he could dig into its neck the Absol kicked violently, stopping his attack. Adventus leaps far back, standing ready for another attack. After recovering, the Absol stares at him with its hateful, livid eyes. Instead of challenging him further, though, it turns aside and retreats full-speed back into the woods. Adventus listened intently to confirm that it was truly fleeing. After he was sure of himself, he took a long breath of relief, relaxing his claws to his side. The battle had left him breathless, his ears throbbing with the sound of his heartbeats.

    He stepped slowly back to the blue serpent, taking heavy but calmed breaths. Stopping in front of the newcomer, he stared at him with suspicion. Despite his fatigue he still maintained a menacing glare, He gave a few sniffs, checking for any stench of rot. None was to be found, but the snake’s scar still bothered him. How on earth could anyone sustain that sort of injury and not be infected? However, he soon begins to ease his hostile features. The wound was not fresh and rotten, and although the snake was not exactly the best-smelling thing he’s met, it did not at all stink of any illness.

    With his hostility diminished he straightens his posture, and speaks with a deep yet respectful tone. “You do not smell Infected, so doubtlessly that must be nothing more than a scar.” An ugly scar, though. Maybe a burn wound? Adventus thought curiously. He sighs, stepping back and looking towards a recovering Lotta. He harmlessly chuckles as he notices her slight embarrassment at being curled within Feu, before moving his gaze back to the blue snake. “What is your name, serpent, and what are you? I have not seen your kind before.”

    ((OOC -- I’ll leave meeting Mond to you, Ciana :3 If that is fine with you.))

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Jay Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:39 pm

    ([ooc: skip,..])

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Starbits Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:45 pm

    (Ooc: I will have to skip too, since Mond is still doing the exact same thing he was doing in his last post. Only thing I would like to note is that now I've decided he won't faint straight away since I am actually here to post for him, so if you'd like Ori to run into him Ceecee, don't have my baby faint, m'kay? ^^)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Jay Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:30 pm

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    Faraway Islands || Late Afternoon

    The Weavile asked him a question. Dainton would've answered, but... He felt something in his heart that told him to go. He didn't need to make friends in the epidemic. He didn't need to... With that, he jumps in fright and slithers away, far, far from the weavile.

    ([ooc: Leaving post.])
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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:34 pm

    [OOC: Skip. ;;w;;'']

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:13 pm

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    Faraway Island | Sunset (9/9)

    A soft look passed over the male Mightyena's face and a blush rose to his muzzle as Lotta buried her face into his fur after the death of the Croagunk. Sadness had gripped him but the innocent, fearful gesture from the little dragon type pulled at his heart and he found himself affectionately nuzzling her back in response hoping to calm her down but also another emotion fell through him that he didn't quite understand. The only way he could describe it would be to think about how he felt for his sister but turn it around to a more intense feeling. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the cold of her scales along her neck as he tried to wipe the scene out of his head.


    Fear gripped Glace as she padded through the forest following the scent of her small Umbreon friend. Calling out through the darkening forest, her voice was small among the looming shadows of the trees and she found herself stumbling around, losing sight of where she was and how she had gotten to that point. "Orique? Please....come back..I'm scared and I need you.." Breaking down completely, she began to shiver from fear, loneliness, and the cold that swept in with the wind like a biting rain.

    The wolf like female began to break into a run, her paws pounding the ground in her efforts to find her friend and lose the feeling of being alone that was embedding itself deep into her heart. Suddenly a tree limb broke from the shadows in front of her and she tripped over it to fall painfully on her neck. Shaking her head slowly, Glace whined softly while hot tears fell down her face. Not knowing what else to do, she curled up on the ground and softly called out Orique and Feu's names over and over hoping that maybe, somehow, they would hear her and come to her rescue. Big brother always came to her rescue...

    (OOC: So freaking upset lol my writing mirrors it haha)

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:05 am

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    Faraway Island || Sunset | 24

    Upon his attempt to communicate with the serpentine newcomer, it had flinched out of fear. Sliding backwards it then spun straight around and rushed back into the thick forest from whence it came. Though the reaction came as a surprise to him, Adventus made no attempt to stop the serpent. It was a disappointment, sure, but there was no forcing someone to join a group if they did not want to. The swift slithering quickly became consumed by the prevailing silence of the forest.

    Adventus quickly dismissed the loss within moments, now taking other important points to mind. The first to be considered was the onset of nighttime. The dying light of the falling sun was beginning to show in the forest, as the tall trees consumed most of the illumination and made things dark within just a short while. This was certainly not what they needed, especially because half of them were divided in a forest that would doubtlessly be teeming with Undead within just under the next hour. Orique and Glace needed to be tracked down soon, for being divided in a place like this would certainly lead to a horrible death.

    Stepping over to Feu and Lotta, he voiced his concerns. “Feu, Lotta, maybe it would be wise to track down Orique and Glace? This clearing may not be safe now that we have slaughtered so much Undead here. Once we find them we need to find a place to set up camp, and we will be lucky if we do not find any Undead tracking us soon.” He gave a sigh, and crossed his arms while he glanced over his shoulder at the multitude of corpses scattered across the forest clearing. He returned his focus forward, but felt a familiar sense of tension that has been with him since his birth. It was the sense of risk, the paranoia of danger. The prospect of going out into a thick forest with only a vague sense of direction as to where Orique and Glace went did not rest well on his nerves. For all he and the others know, they could both be halfway through this island by now and they would not even know.

    While he thought over the situation, an interesting sound was caught in his sensitive ears. It was a gentle cry, one that was clearly trying to avoid attention. The sound was low and filtered by the abundant foliage, but it was certainly a sound to be considered. With his focus trained on that one sound, he stepped towards the direction it came from, stopping a few feet away from his allies. “I think that may be Glace calling for help!” Adventus quietly yet urgently spoke to them, his ears perked up in a sense of full caution.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:37 pm

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 2

    Lost in the haze of his own mind, Mond stumbled over a tree root as he struggled onwards, the instinct to locate his missing sister being the only thing driving him. He whimpered in pain as some of the splintered bark stabbed into his paw and skittered sideways to get away from the offending obstacle.

    A sound.

    The child slowly lifted his head, squinting through his blurred vision. Something black and gold was in front of him but he could not make out what.

    Not real... seeing things... AGAIN... He pawed at his eyes with his non-injured paw, slightly clearing his vision.

    His jaw dropped slightly; he almost could have been looking into a mirror. Another Umbreon, just mere inches taller than him, missing a few markings, his bands a golden yellow instead of silver white, and his big peach colored eyes locking onto Mond’s dark red ones. He was even just as fluffy as the young dark type himself was.

    Funny. His hallucinations had never done anything quite like this before. They were usually his sister, or maybe an undead... the little one gave an involuntary shudder at the memories.

    "...H-hello? "D-d-d... do you need he-elp?"

    Mond's chest tightened in terror as the words gently settled themselves into his conscious, interrupting his own thoughts. The words were hesitant, timid, nonthreatening... but there were very few things that didn't frighten him and sudden contact into the privacy of his own mind was definitely not one of those things.

    Especially because it meant that other Umbreon was very obviously real.

    "D-don't... h-hurt m-me... p-please..." It had been forever since Mond had spoken aloud to someone, and he wasn't sure he should have... but the words tumbled from his mouth before he could stop them, betraying his fear. "P-please..." He began to cry, his body trembling uncontrollably as he tried to back away and instead stepped on his own tail, evoking a cry of pain. His gait--already dangerously wobbly--faltered, and he fell over, curling into a tight, shivering, weeping ball of dirty fluff.

    There was no point in fighting or running. If the other Umbreon wanted to eat him, then there was little he could do to stop it; he had no strength at all. He was going to starve to death soon anyway--his ribcage, easily seen through his mud caked fur, plus his stick thin limbs, were clear signs of that.

    He squeezed his eyes shut and balled up tighter, awaiting the other's teeth and claws.

    (Ooc: Changed his text color so that you can see he actually has text color. XD Lemme know if it's too dark or hurts anyone's eyes, and I will change it.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:45 am

    (( EDIT: Considering Blitz has sadly left the team, I’ve changed my introduction a little. Sorry for being awkward, lol. ^^; ))

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [1]

    Mickey was bored – bored as fuck, as he would eloquently put it. He hadn’t seen one measly undead in weeks, any glimpses of even a partially rational being in months; and so he looked forward to company no matter how hideous or hell-bent on killing him they proved. It was something at least, something to draw his attention away from the ongoing, suffocating loneliness of this new world. The Archeops hated it. The monsters he could deal with. He’d spent his entire life fighting – fighting on command, fighting for acceptance, fighting to defend and most importantly, fighting for himself, for revenge. Unsurprisingly, the youth had absolutely no problem killing the infected beasts that continued to ravage the land. It was the loneliness that ate away his spirit.

    Trudging aimlessly through some godforsaken forest he’d stumbled into, Mickey had decided to make a game out of navigating through the place – though admittedly, his patience was beginning to wear thin. He’d been ‘playing’ in the maze for almost an hour now. Of course, he could finish his own mental challenge whenever he wanted – a few beasts of his powerful wings would free him of the leafy prison, but he was stubborn. Unwilling to accept defeat and back down from a challenge, even one set by his own, restless mind, Mickey was content to walk in circles for the time being.

    However, as he trudged onwards, a pair of faint voices arrived to tempt his unfathomable curiosity. Stopping in his tracks, eyes wide and alert for movement or any telltale signs of the sounds’ locations, Mickey’s focus was wholly ensnared. The moment he heard a shaky reply, some creature begging for mercy – he was off.

    Darting through the forest with a surprising grace, the Archeops burst through the foliage in a tornado of leaves to arrive ceremoniously a short distance from a pair of Umbreon. His eyes instantly fell to the canine cowering on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably whilst the other seemed only a sight less apprehensive. What was this? Sniffing the air, eyeing the pair carefully with his famously judgemental stare, the bird’s face eventually broke into a lax grin. There was no scent of the infection – only the familiar whiff of fear accompanying their scents.
    “Whatthefuck he’s cryin’ ‘bout?” It was near unintelligible. Running his words together in that lightning fast, Irish drawl, Mickey had always proven a challenge to understanding. Smiling, almost cheeky in his demeanour, he strolled forward without a care in the world to peer down at the sobbing dark-type. “Whatthefuck you cryin’ ‘bout, lad?” He tilted his head to the side in a comical fashion, searching for the Umbreon’s teary eyes with his own spritely, brown orbs. Although particularly rough, his dialect common amongst the gypsy community, Mickey meant only to reassure the youngster. Of course, most foreigners failed to notice the flicker of kindness he worked into his rushed, loud words. “He’s not gunna’eat cha – are ya, boy?” He snapped his head to the other canine, eyes narrowing slightly just to make sure. “Are ya?”

    (( Super happy to be here! :D ))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:27 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    The great Mightyena had left her, most likely to find his sister, and Lotta soon found herself sitting on the ground pathetically while the Weavile went onto to talk about how they should get out of here. "Y-Yes, I think it's a good idea to evacuate this clearing." she nods, slowly getting up from her seat in the bloodied moss, covering her nose with stubby arms.

    "I am a bit disoriented at the moment, I apologize. Sir, could you please lead the way?" her head was still pounding against the walls of her skull, screaming to let her bloodthirsty persona be released.

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    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:40 pm

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    Faraway Island || Sunset | 25

    Just as Adventus expected, Feu responded to the sound of Glace’s calls eagerly. He uncurled from around Lotta and hurried his way in the direction of where Glace and Orique fled earlier. Adventus would have stepped forward and tried to tell the Mightyena to slow down, but he was already breaking through the brush of the forest. Lotta remained behind, picking herself up off of the ground and placing her hands over her nose. “Y-yes, I think it’s a good idea to evacuate this clearing.”

    He nodded quietly to her reply, as he kept his gaze over the disturbed foliage Feu had disappeared through. In the distance he could still hear the mightyena’s rustling, offering a way to keep track of his route. If there was anyone that should be able to track down Glace it would be him, and from there they should be able to find Orique.

    “I am a bit disoriented at the moment, I apologize. Sir, could you please lead the way?” Even after her blackout, Lotta was apparently still feeling the effects of her self-injury. Since there was nobody else around to help, Adventus did not want to have to injure her if she was unable to contain the bloodlust. Adventus looked to her, and tried to give some reassurance by giving a humbly confident smile. “That is no problem.”

    As he led the way into the forest surrounding the clearing, he kept his ears strained for the footfalls of Feu. There was no way of even telling that he and Lotta would find Orique. Feu and Glace are strong enough on their own, but he feared for the state of that gaunt little umbreon. As much as he did not want to attach himself so quickly to others, Adventus was already being haunted by the fear of his newfound companions’ deaths. It never displayed itself upon his determined face, but it was there.

    ((OOC -- Rushed 25th post is rushed, blargh.))

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:40 pm

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 3

    The quaking ball of Umbreon whimpered quietly, still awaiting the death from the other vulpine that would never come. Though he struggled in his state to absorb and comprehend, the pleading "voice" of the other managed to slip past the thick haze of confusion that came with the neglect of his body and the growing brokenness of his mind. Though timid and hurt, the desire to comfort was deeply familiar...

    ... Like Sister...

    Despite the fact that he was still weeping, a tiny bit of hope wormed its way into his heart, soothing him just a fraction.

    Slowly, still trembling, he half uncurled and opened his eyes, fearfully glancing at the other as if afraid he still might harm him, but now daring to believe that maybe, just maybe, he was mistaken somehow.

    That was when the bird crashed onto the scene.

    Unfortunately, though the avian had only had the best intentions at heart, the sudden “Whatthefuck he’s cryin’ ‘bout?" that poured at breakneck speeds from the newcomer's mouth sent the little fox back into his fit of terror. With a quiet cry of fear he balled back up and buried his face in his tail as far as he could.

    The bird--Mond had absolutely no idea what Pokemon he was whatsoever--had to then go make it worse by walking up to the shivering ball of fluff and trying to catch the boy's eyes. His attempt at trying to comfort the child with a bit of humor was a miserable failure. With a shriek of terror and a rush of adrenaline, Mond scrambled to his feet and skittered back a few paces before his poor physical health forced another collapse. Knowing he would not be able to stand up again, he curled into another tight ball and buried his face back into his tail with a sob.

    He tried to understand the next words the feathered one barked out. He really did. But it was just impossible; the accent he could not place and the quick pace of his speech made for a terrible combination. He could catch the tone of aggression in his voice.

    A growl that sounded about as pathetic as something Mond himself would manage answered whatever the heck the bird had just said. As he had no idea that neither meant him any harm, all he understood was that they were both angry... even if Orique was more afraid than angry.

    Either way, aggression was a terrifying thing.

    Stop... please... He peeked out from his tail, wide eyes desperately looking for a way to escape the tension that had so rapidly consumed the other two Pokemon. No... no fighting... don't... PLEASE...

    (Ooc: Gonna assume that Ori's yelling was aimed at Mickey's mind and so Mond couldn't "hear" it. If you want Orique to be able to "hear" Mond's thoughts, though, I'm fine with that~)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:57 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [2]

    "L-leave us alone!”

    As the words bounced off the walls of his mind, the Archeop’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Damn psychics, he snorted, more annoyed with the telepathic communication than the canine’s feeble attempt at intimidation. The kid was terrified even if he didn’t want to admit it. The tone of his bark was enough to betray the emotion to the ever-attentive avian. Mickey had spent enough time in the battle ring to distinguish the tells of a fearful opponent and as he regarded the pair of quivering Umbreon, they were rapidly ticking off the criteria.
    “Arcues,” He stretched the word out, exasperated at the pathetic company the Lord had dropped on him. When he’d been so excited for someone to break the ongoing silence of his existence, he’d gone and found a pair of sobbing duo. Still, the Umbreon that had offered those three, hostile words gave him hope. They had the capacity to ‘man-up’. “I ain’t gonna fecking hur’cha,” His Irish drawl was as fast as ever, gaze volleying between the two canines. “Ya can stop pissin’ yarselves now,”

    Rustling of foliage and crunch of leaves underfoot snapped the lax Archeops’ head to the direction of the sound. Whilst he was unable to judge the distance or the level of threat, Mickey was alert that someone was headed their way. Long, scarred neck extended as he strained to listen, to catch whiff of the unseen creatures, the creature embraced a rare silence. Eyes darting over to the dark duo, his expression had taken a more serious turn though a small grin played on his lips regardless. Mickey was curious, apprehensive even, but never afraid.
    “Ya got yarselves some friends?” He asked, volume notably decreased as he gestured to the unseen creatures with a flick of his slim head. Although he had no qualms about fighting off a couple of undead, Mickey was intent on acting soon in a bid to get the upper hand. However, it was best to check his current company weren’t expecting fellow survivors before he ran screeching, ready to tear them to shreds.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:51 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Sunset

    Diligently following the Weavile, her hands were still blocking her nostrils as they walked away from the bloody scene. As they travelled through the flora, the Gible could hear voices. "Over here! I hear voices!" she whispered, speeding past the overgrown plants towards the sounds. Poking her head out from a bush, she could see Orique and another Umbreon, along with a Pokemon that was native to her home region, an Archeops.

    Retreating from the bush, she looked to where the ice-type was. "It's Orique and another Umbreon... And a Arcehops!" she mumbled, happy to see a Pokemon that she was more used to. Clearing her throat, she decided to cautiously walk closer to the group, past the bushes, and introduce herself. "H-Hello! My name is Lotta, and it's a pleasure to meet both of you," she noticed that the second Umbreon seemed terrified. "O-Oh, uh, I don't mean any harm,"

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    Post by Guest Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:38 pm

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    Faraway Island || Sunset | 26

    The trek wore on for quite a good while. It was rather uneventful, with the sun wearing down and dimming the foliage. Adventus remained diligent all the way through. He flicked glances about him often, claws at the ready as he walked in a partial stalk to quiet his steps.

    There were few indications of where the Mightyena twins and Orique had dashed off to, leaving him and Lotta to travel on a straightforward path. After over a few minutes of tracking, though, he began to pick up vague noises. They were voices, ones of strangers. Lotta noticed the same noise and whispered excitedly. “Over here! I hear voices!” Adventus nods and rushes up alongside her. He stops silently and goes into a crouch behind a thick set of shrubbery, while Lotta goes on a short distance ahead. She peeks through the nearby undergrowth, returning with good news. “It’s Orique and another Umbron.....And an Archeops!” Adventus’s ears flatten as he nods courteously to the Gible. Archeops. That word falls on his ears with immediate concern. Archeops were a truly dangerous species; the little information he has learned of them indicates that they can be deadly fighters. Lotta returned to the undergrowth and went through, startling Adventus with her eagerness to reveal her presence to the strangers. Just as she goes through the bush and introduces herself, Adventus climbs up onto a thick branch overlooking the clearing. Upon reaching a point a few feet over the group, Adventus climbs out onto a thick branch. From his perch he stares down at an Archeops, and silver-ringed Umbreon which Orique was apparently defending.

    Adventus stares silently at the avian, evaluating it prudently. It looked as if it had expected him and Lotta’s arrival, and Adventus had overheard the Archeops asking the two Umbreons if they had any companions. Lotta had finished her introduction just as he got out onto the branch, and explained that she was harmless. With personal suspicion he answers the question that the Archeops had made earlier. “Yes, Archeops. The golden-ringed Umbreon is our companion.” His tailfeathers flick as his eyes narrow suspiciously on the bird. He traded a glance to Orique. Orique appeared completely fine. The sign came as a relief to him, to know that the Umbreon seemed to have not been injured when he fled. Adventus then returned his stare to the Archeops. “I am Adventus, Archeops. Might I ask your name, and what reason you had for happening upon our companion?” Although he was prepared for a fight, he retained a cool mood to see if any conflict could be averted. Maybe this Archeops could even be an ally?

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:54 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 4

    Stop... Mond curled up into a tighter ball as the avian continued to talk, trying to tune the chatterbox bird out. It wasn't until he became aware of the sounds of underbrush rustling that he glanced up, big eyes locked towards where the sounds were coming from.

    Two creatures entered; some sort of walking blue shark with huge white teeth, and a Weavile.

    "H-Hello! My name is Lotta, and it's a pleasure to meet both of you," The little fox snapped out of his stupor halfway through her words and buried his face back into his tail. This apparently got her attention. "O-Oh, uh, I don't mean any harm."

    Don't believe you... go away... The tiny creature curled into a tighter ball. Lay real still... don't move... might get bored... and go away...

    The Weavile was now trying to talk to the Archeops. Mond recognized the Sneasel-Weavile evolution line... the ones he had become familiar with were savage and cruel. Adventus's voice sounded... different. A calm serious, nothing like the raucous sneers of the tribe he and his sister had stumbled on...

    But he was taking no chances...

    Too loud... want Sister... He could tell where everyone was, ready to run if they should make any sudden movements towards him... wait a moment. There was one he hadn't monitored very closely; the other Umbreon.

    Lifting his head from his tail again, he peeped out and darted his eyes around, trying to catch sight of the golden-ringed fox.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:47 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [3]

    Almost as soon as he’d queried to whether the Umbreon pair had companions, two creatures stumbled onto the scene as if on cue. Mickey eyed them suspiciously, recognising the Gible but remaining clueless to the species of her escort. His body relaxed, the Archeops regarded the duo with an initially cold reaction, the cogs of his mind gradually spinning to present him an overall decision. They weren’t undead, they seemed friendly enough, and they knew the gold-ringed Umbreon, naming him Orique. Nostrils flaring as he came to a final verdict, Mickey nodded his head in greeting. Although the gesture was intended to be polite, almost formal, the avian looked more as if he’d suffered a violent twitch. When his eyes fell back to the newcomers, a sprightly grin was spread across his scarred face.

    “Yes, Archeops. The golden-ringed Umbreon is our companion. I am Adventus, Archeops. Might I ask your name, and what reason you had for happening upon our companion?”

    Adventus had spoken after the Lotta, the small dragon whose attention had been stolen by the pathetic excuse for a dark-type, cowering and quivering to the side. Mickey watched the creature a moment, giving a shrug before he bestowed the most recent arrival with his undivided attention. It seemed he was about the only creature willing to converse rationally, regardless of the fact he sounded classes above Mickey’s own state. Adventus, whether unwillingly or not, was a snob in the Archeop’s mind.
    “Adventus, eh?” Mickey muttered the name, rolling it on his tongue as his accent took to distorting the sound. Ruffling his feathers, his excited grin had now died away to a lopsided smile, friendly. “Name’s Mickey. Yer buddies ‘ere? Just met ‘em a’ter a little stroll,” Honest in his words, he worked to slow his infamous talking pace for the sake of the foreigners left to interpret the mess. “Can’t say I’m as scary as they make out me to be though…”
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    Post by Min Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:16 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Sunset

    When the silver-ringed Umbreon turned even further away, an expression of sadness washed over the young Gible. She stuttered to speak, in fear that maybe she'll say something that'll make the situation even worse. Stumbling to catch the right words, the little dragon just gave up and mumbled a "...sorry..." before looking away. Lotta only half-listened to the Archeops, his odd way os speech perplexing her.

    Everyone seemed to have someone to talk or be in company of. Well, everyone except her. Whether or not this was a good thing confused her, watched as the two dark-types laid together and the Weavile and Archeops conversed. This only caused little Lotta to fidget more, suddenly regretting her decision to even reveal herself at all to the living in the first place. Maybe she would have been much better off as a loner, like she'd always been...

    The rays of the setting caught her attention, the Gible now worried that worse things will happen in the dark. She opened her mouth to speak, carefully picking her words. "Perhaps we should find some shelter... I don't think it's safe for any of us to be vulnerable during the night,"

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    Post by Guest Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:58 am

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    Faraway Island || Sunset | 27

    “Adventus, eh?” The archeops muttered the name to himself. Lowering his long smirk to a humbler smile, he continued. To Adventus’s fortune the ancient bird relaxed his strange, hasty accent, making it much easier to understand him. “Name’s Mickey. Yer buddies ‘ere? Just met ‘em a’ter a little stroll. Can’t say I’m as scary as they make out me to be though...”

    Adventus gave another careful observation of the bird’s posture, of the sincerity that condensed in his voice. He took a few seconds to consider everything. This ancient bird was sincere enough to offer a name. There were no cues he could find that could be defined as predatory or threatening. In his wild upbringing he had been taught to understand nonverbal signs and react to them quickly. Mickey seemed harmless enough to trust. Adventus felt his instinctive tension ease down. He nodded in agreement with the Archeops’s reply. “It is good to meet you, Mickey. You may join us if you wish.” The word clan played at the top of his tongue, but he held it back. Adventus looked to Lotta and Orique, the only two members to remain of the original group he joined. Adventus made a wordless promise to help them as much as possible. Lotta, who had been paying attention to the dying sun, warned the group. “Perhaps we should find some shelter.... I don’t think it’s safe for any of us to be vulnerable during the night.” Adventus looked up to the thick canopy to see the nighttime stars beginning to emerge, their forms defining against the slowly blackening sky. “Indeed. Do any of you have suggestions?”

    Adventus was unaccustomed to living in a forest like this, a fact that he humbly regarded. Remembering this point, however, brought a touch of homesickness to his heart. Oh, how I miss you Snowpoint. My precious birthplace, the home of my late clan. Memories of his clan and homeland lingered in his thoughts, but he kept a greater awareness of what the others were suggesting. Now was not the time to trouble over his losses.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:34 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 5


    Freezing at the apology, Mond's little face shifted into one of confusion. Sorry? She was apologizing?

    A bit of guilt welled up. She hadn't hurt him... why was he so scared...?

    What is wrong with me...? Ears plastering themselves further back against his head, he reminded himself of his original mission.

    It didn't take him long to locate the other Umbreon. The older creature was been sitting right next to him and likely had been the whole time. As soon as his eyes darted to the side, they locked gazes with the peach colored eyes of the other.

    His little body went rigid, his heart skipping a beat in shock. How had he missed that? How!? For Arceus's sake, he was hypersensitive to this sort of thing!

    There were no words spoken between them, but there was something in the other's face... pain? Understanding? Sympathy? Some sort of mixture?

    Whatever it was, it surely was the driving force behind his next action. The adult curled his tail around him, wrapping the youngster in soft, warm, protective fluff.

    Wha...? What is he doing!? Why's he doing that!? Mond's little form stiffened again as the tail suddenly curled even tighter. Then he felt the other lay down. The older Umbreon's action reminded Mond of his own exhaustion. And it was sorely tempting to force himself to pretend the other was his sister, snuggle into him, and pass out.

    Slowly drifting off, he missed nearly entirely all of the conversation between Mickey, Lotta, and Adventus. All he caught was Adventus's last question and, still wrapped in the other's tail, he inched closer to the Umbreon he had no name for yet and succumbed to dozing, well on his way to actual sleep.

    (Ooc: I'm so sorry he's such a scaredy cat; give him a little bit and he'll calm the hell down. XD He's only like this with Ori right now because Ori's similar appearance is a bit soothing to him. He's familiar in a sense. Also, it's now evening, right? Since stars are coming out and all?)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:19 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset [4]

    “It is good to meet you, Mickey. You may join us if you wish.”

    Well, that’s more like it! Although this Adventus-creature seemed a little prim and proper in comparison to Mickey’s typical company, he knew that now wasn’t the time to be fussy. Despite their pair of pathetic, grovelling Umbreon sharing an affectionate hug, the feeble Gible and the snobby Weavile stood before him, they had one thing in common. They were alive. In this day and age, that was more than enough for the chatty avian.
    “I’d be right honoured,” Mickey grinned, nodding his head goofily as his attention soon shifted to the female Gible speaking of moving onwards.

    “Perhaps we should find some shelter.... I don’t think it’s safe for any of us to be vulnerable during the night.”

    Unsurprisingly shelter was at the top of her list of priorities. The Archeops couldn’t really argue – all this aimless wandering had made him sleepy, so bunking down seemed a splendid idea. As Adventus opened the floor for discussions, Mickey gave a quick chortle.
    “Trees’not fancy enough for ya?” He chuckled, good-naturedly as he gestured to the foliage surrounding them with a wing. A creature of simple tastes, the Archeops was rarely fussy when it came to shelter and food. Now he was in a group though, that meant having to adhere to the demands of more refined tastes. Shrugging, he grinned. It was like being in the camp again – looking out for your family and all. “Could make a hut or somethin’?”

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