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3 posters

    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)


    Age : 31
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Maximum Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:59 am

    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) A6y1LVA
    Image by: Happy Lunatic

    Abigail "Abby"
    Theme Keep Holding On
    Profession Service Pokemon
    Text Color FFF8DC
    Item Service Pokemon Scarf and a Hidden Locket
    Biological Sex Female
    Gender Identity She|Her|Hers
    Age Young Adult/Adult edge
    Species #176, Togetic, The Happiness Pokemon
    Height 2'00"
    Weight 7.1 lbs.
    Pokédex Entry Pokemon Y: They say that it will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness.
    Level 31 (Leveled up in RP)
    Ability Serene Grace: The chances of a move having a secondary effect is doubled.
    Nature Calm (+Sp Def,-Atk)
    Characteristic Highly Curious (Sp Atk IVs)
    Moves -Follow Me (level up)
    -Psychic (TM)
    -Thunder Wave (TM)
    -Wish (level up)
    Quote "How can I help others if I'm always too late or too weak?"
    "You're not alone this time. If something happens, I'll be here to help you."
    History Abby's first memory was warmth, softness, and a lovely melody. When she opened her eyes, she noticed she was surrounded by white fluff. She started moving around to see if she could pinpoint the origin of the sound that was soothing her. This unfortunately made the music stop, but she heard a voice speaking. Then the white fluff moved, and she saw a blue face with white cheeks and a white face crowned with red and blue spikes. They both appeared pleased and happy. Another movement caught the young Togepi's eyes as a strange bipedal figure came into view.

    The breeder gave the young Pokemon a quick check up and declared the little one healthy and named her Abigail. He left the small family alone after that so they could bond. Due to this baby's parents, two caring Pokemon who often brooded for abandoned eggs, he believed that she might go into a service Pokemon program. There always seemed to be a shortage of Pokemon who could be trained to help humans in non-battle situations. As Abby grew up, she tried to help her parents and the breeder whenever she could, and she picked up lessons quickly. This environment of love and camaraderie helped her to evolve fairly early.

    When she was old enough to leave her parents, the breeder donated her to a local service Pokemon training group. She was rather sad to leave her parents, but she was curious about the world outside of the ranch. The training group decided she would be trained to assist the elderly since her kind could learn lots of healing, stabilizing, and calming moves. They typically went with larger Pokemon for this, but they taught her Psychic so that she could still provide physical support. They also taught her how to react in many kinds of situations, ranging from everyday occurrences to emergencies. However, all of these related to having an old human in the situation, and this meant that she had to learn to act with this person in mind. If there was a wild Pokemon attack, she would have to do whatever possible to make sure the human was not attacked. To help with this, she was given Thunder wave, and she practiced.

    Once Abby graduated from the program, they assigned her to an old woman named Cassandra who refused to go to an assisted-living home, but she still needed some assistance. Abby would always try to steady Cassandra if she looked too wobbly and would help her with chores. The elderly lady appreciated the small Pokemon's aid, and Abby was proud of the work she was doing and happy that she could help. However, the Cassandra started to need more and more assistance in maintaining the house. Her family noticed the young Pokemon doing more chores alone than assisted and decided to make Cassandra move to a retirement home in the country.

    Abby felt guilty over the matter as she helped Cassandra pack up and move, and Abby was upset that she was going to be removed from Cassandra. She did not realize that Cassandra had already contacted the service group and requested that Abby stay with her there. Surprisingly, they agreed, and Cassandra informed Abby as they finished moving. Abby started flying in circles in happiness in response.

    Life in the retirement home was a learning experience as she met other elderly humans and their Pokemon and tried helping them in her free time. One day, she flew in to check on an old man with no Pokemon who appeared to be sleeping but would not wake up. She sensed something was wrong and alerted the caretakers, but he was already gone. This left her devastated, and she cried as she flew back to Cassandra. Cassandra comforted Abby and let her know that this was not her fault, but it was a fact of life that people die. As time progressed, and people continued to pass on, Abby became less bothered by death.

    One day, Abby and Cassandra noticed a news report covering something about a Pokemon virus before the channel was suddenly changed. This struck both of them as odd, but they did not think too hard about it. Soon after, the cable for the televisions was removed despite many complaints. One week later, all of the residents realized that the caretakers had left and all methods of communication were disabled. This caused a panic, and a few died from heart attacks while others left with only their Pokemon. Abby calmed down as many people as she could, but she was a lone Pokemon. After a few hours, one of the Pokemon, a Growlithe, that had left earlier had come running back as fast as he could. He had a nasty gash on his neck that already looked infected. He was making a commotion that only Abby understood the words of, but the humans picked up the tone and were afraid. "Pokemon gone crazy... Like they're dead," and he passed out. Abby calmed the few people left, including Cassandra, and used Psychic to pick up the dog. She moved him to one of the now empty rooms and used Wish to help him heal. While this occurred, Cassandra started leading the people to help close off the home from outsiders. Abby joined and did most of the heavy lifting as they tried to bunker down. They were ready by nighttime.

    Everyone but Cassandra and Abby went to sleep and agreed to do shifts. In the wee hours of the morning, Lyle, the man on watch at this point, heard the Growlithe start growling. Concerned, he went to check, and was immediately set on fire. His screams woke up everyone else, and Abby's training kicked in. She found the red eyed Growlithe already finished with Lyle and moving towards someone else when she used Follow Me. That caught his attention, and he started running towards her. He was moving really quickly, and she had a suspicion about the disease and so moved to keep out of his reach. She drew him away from her charges as best she could and then used Thunder wave to paralyze him. She made a make shift muzzle and tied him down since she could not bring herself to kill him. She left him there while she tried to figure out what to do. This brutal killing left most of the crowd in despair as they made up theories about the outside world.

    When Abby returned, several of the people were immediately suspicious. Cassandra tried to convince them that Abby didn't have a scratch on her, so whatever happened to the Growlithe should not have happened to her. This did nothing to assuage them. She tried to get closer to make sure none of them were harmed, but one of the people swatted her down to the floor, and the others moved to make a circle around her. She saw a foot come up as if the person wanted to stomp on her, but Cassandra started screaming and hitting the people that surrounded Abby. Abby heard her distress, and used Psychic to push everyone away from herself. She then got up and the two of them started to get some distance from the crowd.

    Then, there was a loud slamming sound on a barricaded window that distracted everyone. No one noticed the Growlithe from earlier come back with a distorted mouth and deformed limbs. It knocked Cassandra down and started scratching and biting her, and a purple patched Mightyena broke through the barricaded window. The Mightyena noticed the prone and weak humans first, and decided to go for the easy prey. Abby did not try to protect them and only focused on saving Cassandra. She picked up the Growlithe again with her Psychic, but instead of just lifting, she smashed it into a wall repeatedly until the light from its eyes stopped.

    Thankfully, the Mightyena seemed too preoccupied with the other humans to notice her or Cassandra. Abby lowered herself down to check on Cassandra when she told her, "Sorry, little one. This is beyond your training. Take this and leave." Cassandra reached at her locket and passed on. Abby was in shock, but her training dictated her to follow orders. She grabbed the locket and escaped by removing the barrier for a different window.

    The world is a much different place now, and Abby finds that she lacks a purpose. She knows that she can't stay alone, however.


    In a moment of desperation, Abby chose to fly over the ocean to find other living. She will never admit that the logic of traveling over the open water was either really stupid or maybe hiding a different motivation. Either way, she somehow found her way to an island with living Pokemon on it. Unfortunately, the ones she could hear were under attack from a rotting Gyarados, and her first action was another one made on questionable logic. She drew the beast's attention to her exclusively and almost paid for the action with her life. Staring down death had almost frozen her in place, and part of her couldn't deny the feeling that maybe she deserved it. Javolt the Manectric charged the Gyarados and knocked the attack off course, and then the Gyarados flicked her to the ground when she tried to attack. It had deemed her an annoyance, and then killed a Gurrdurr that she hadn't seen earlier before just leaving a large amount of destruction its wake. The Manectric chased the undead, but he eventually came back and scolded her for her "stupid" actions. She met some of the others on the island before tragedy struck again. A Zigzagoon was set ablaze and drained of its innards by a destructive fire moth that also set many trees on fire before leaving. Everything up to that point exploded in the small fairy as she temporarily raged at her weakness and inability to stop the horrible things that kept happening.

    The night brought some more new faces, but otherwise, it was thankfully calm despite the raging fire outside. The next morning, there was a trial for the apparent murder of Lone. Abby didn't know what to do, but she sensed that no one there would have done it. At least on purpose. However, since she and Oracle had shown up way after the event, they had been sent on a food hunt, which meant that they were out of the way. She enjoyed chatting with the young Eevee, and then they happened upon two more survivors, Caine and Marvin. The Ninetales caught her attention with how roughed up he was, and it was clear to the highly empathic Pokemon that his mood was often low. She tried cheering him up when possible, but she knew that there was only so much a stranger could do. Eventually, their group caught back up with them but before they could feast on the found berries, an Undead Feraligatr came up and scared them. It seemed friendly, but Abby couldn't bring herself to trust it. Undead had always turned violent, and this large, looming creature would be a threat the second it snapped. For once, the Togetic was grateful to see more undead when their presence allowed her and her small group to get away, but the joy was short-lived when the beast found them what felt like instantly. This time they were cornered back in their cave. It didn't seem inclined to let them leave either, but before Abby and some others lost their patience, Abra came from nowhere and took her, Caine, and perhaps some others away.
    Bulbapedia "Togetic is a dainty, bipedal Pokémon that is small in stature. It is white with a red and blue triangular ring pattern on its body. It also has a relatively long neck and long legs and a pair of wings on its back, giving it a vaguely angelic appearance."
    Appearance Abby is an average Togetic though her wing feathers are rather fluffy thanks to her father. She wears a scarf around her neck that marks her as a service Pokemon, and she keeps Cassandra's locket hidden under it. The scarf is dark blue with a red, circular patch that has a white cross on it. She tries to keep this well cleaned, but there's only so much she can do. The locket is gold, and it has a rather sturdy chain, but she tries to keep it hidden since it could attract unwanted attention.
    Accent Uh, not sure. I sorta headcanon this as her singing voice though.
    Religion Heavily religious. Prays to Arceus mostly, but will generally refer to legends as well. Thinks of Legendary Pokemon as higher beings.
    Motivation Survive and help those she can
    Personality Abby is optimistic Pokemon, but finds that she doesn't handle being alone well since she has never been completely alone. If she's alone for too long, depressing and disturbing thoughts intrude. Usually, these thoughts relate to her inability to save Cassandra, but she also thinks about whether the world will ever get better.

    She can become incredibly attached to another if she thinks they need her. This attachment can happen regardless if the other Pokemon/person actually wants her assistance. If they don't want her around, she will doggedly try to stick with them unless they attack her. (This can be different depending on context.)

    She will instinctively protect those she cares deeply about, and she has found that she will do this as viciously as she needs to. A lot of this comes from her training, but her fighting skills were originally honed only to incapacitate or distract. Attacking to kill is still a little foreign, but she'll put the lives of her friends above the theoretical lives of those who threaten them. Her training also means that she also tends to attack first and ask questions later if scared or if she fears for another. If she were to fight, she works best with a partner who can take advantage of her abilities. Due to her experiences with undead, she cannot make herself trust them, even if they have their minds intact. If something is Undead, she will either try to kill it or run away depending on context.

    She used to be predominately a pacifist before the Epidemic; she only fought to protect and defend if someone else started first. Everything that has happened since the Epidemic started, however, has made her realize that sometimes you have to be proactive. She hates this line of thinking so much, but as she's gotten attached to others again, she can't stop thinking about how weak she is. She can't protect them if she can't attack.

    She can come off as mechanical when talking about injuries and sicknesses since she was exposed to so much of it at the home, and she ended up accepting that they happen instead of getting too emotional about it.
    User Notes -The idea of service Pokemon came from Shavostars on tumblr, and I wanted explore that idea in this universe.
    -Her parents were a Togekiss and an Altaria.
    -Her father also gave her a rather pleasant voice, and an appreciation for music.
    -Her Psychic attack can only be used for kinetics. She is incapable of using it for mind attacks. However, she can lift really heavy loads.
    -First Post.
    -Last Post on Faraway.
    -She does not like fire.
    -Took off some user notes that I realized weren't relevant as I actually used her. Changed old coding and added the events of Faraway. Tweaked a few things since I ended up learning a lot as I rped with her.
    Team notes Fuck, idk.
    Affiliations -Lone and TD, Rokai, Oracle, Friendly, Lyzria, Gabriela, Javolt, Katyusha and Marvin, Caine. All the people she met on Faraway. Gabriela was killed by an undead Volcarona. Lyzria killed a random NPC before leaving. Javolt saved her from a hyper beam to the face. Friendly was an undead that scared her, and perhaps scared off Marvin and Katyusha. The rest ended up being taken away with her by a bunch of Abra.
    Development Notes -Learning how to fight more aggressively. Probably get rid of Follow Me somehow.

    Last edited by Maximum on Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:13 am; edited 9 times in total
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:02 pm

    I see good potential here, I look forward to watching her story play out c:

    Age : 31
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Maximum Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:15 am

    Thank you for checking out her profile!  I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing, so if you have any tips, comments, or critiques, I welcome them.

    Age : 31
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Maximum Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:03 am

    Time to give this a shot. Ready for Approval!

    Posts : 1464

    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Mew Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:41 am

    I have a question about the appearance before I begin. Does Abby have the normal markings for a Togetic? If not, she'll count as shiny, and you don't have a ticket for that ^^"


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Hz72hB2

    Age : 31
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Maximum Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:56 am

    Yes, she does have the markings since she is an average Togetic.  When I requested the picture, I didn't think to specify that, so Happy may have forgotten to put them on, or they stylistically chose not to.  If the picture is a problem I can request for them to put them on.

    Posts : 1464

    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Mew Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:33 am

    Profile Approved~
    Try to get the image edited, as it can be confusing for other team members.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Hz72hB2
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:36 am

    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:49 am

    Sorry about the screw up, here you go:
    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) A6y1LVA

    Age : 31
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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

    Post by Maximum Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:14 am

    Thank you for fixing that so quickly!

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    Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace) Empty Re: Abby the Togetic (Faraway,Ace)

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