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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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19 posters

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Wed May 09, 2012 10:55 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    Lotta was careful. She was always careful. Never knowing what could happen, her footsteps were quiet and graceful, flitting through the green stalks of flora that gingerly brushed against her bright scales. It was rare for her to be out this early in the day, but the young dragon deemed the island safe to explore right now. Besides, she was lacking in resources, her belly snarling with insatiable hunger.

    Darling little flowers were in full-bloom around her. Spring's so pretty... The Gible only stopped for a few seconds, eyeing the pretty blossoms with envy before she resumed her fruitless search. Where were all the delicious berries? As much as Lotta would love to eat meat, she had found that all the corpses she had found were all tainted with the disease, and instead she had sought for the colourful fruits that most often hung from the trees.

    A smile graced her complexion as she found her prize. A round, blue Oran Berry hung high on a tree before her... High. The dragon curses her size, reaching out to grab the food but unable to. Defeated, she turned away only to hear the quietest of whimpers. The Spring Green in her eyes brightened as she looked around. "H-Hello?" she asks, attempting to disguise the fear in her voice.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 10, 2012 8:06 pm

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (1)

    Padding through the undergrowth of the island, Feu made his way a bit ahead of his sister, his fur flattening a bit in the wind and his fiery eyes shinning in the dimming light. Flicking his tail to his sister, he turned when she didn't follow him. Sorrow filled his eyes when he watched his sister lay down in the tall grass and begin to cry. "Feu I'm tired of this. I want Asper. I want to go home." Liquid filled her icy blue eyes and spilled over the sides over her tattoos and down into her thick coat. "Glace we must keep going. You can't keep living in the past or you'll never again have a future. I promise you we will find a way off of this Island and we will live through this. I will protect you, I will always protect you." A single tear flowed down Feu's muzzle and onto the ground. Padding forward to his sister, he knelt his body down until he was laying beside her with his head on hers. Shutting his eyes, he slipped into a deep sleep.
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    For a while Glace tried her hardest to sleep as well but no such thing would happen. Listening to the sounds around her she had her ears pricked when Orique's whimper escaped. Moving gently from under her brother, Glace bounded through the tall grass using her keen sense of hearing and memory to find Orique. She was concentrating so much that she didn't hear Lotta but a few moments later she came upon the small Umbreon and gasped in surprise. Fear suddenly overcame her and she wished she hadn't left her brother but she swallowed that fear and let courage wash over her. "Are you alright? Is there someway I could help you?" Worry coated her voice massively. It had been a while since she had the company of someone other than her brother and now that she found someone else, she didn't want that someone else to be hurt if she could help it.
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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Sun May 13, 2012 3:48 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    When a pretty Mightyena had come closer to the young dragon, Lotta could only nestle her body as far as she could into the soft, plush grass in fear. Because beauty is sometimes a beast. she thought, a fearful tremble making it's way around her body. Didn't her mother say to not judge a book by it's cover? The Gible frowns, when the canine doesn't notice her, and only listens. "Are you alright? Is there someway I could help you?" Following Glace's sight she was looking at a darker patch of grass, not her. Besides, there was no way someone would want to help a kid like her...

    Almost instantly a dark head popped out from the grass, and Lotta could only stare in wonder at the fluffy fox. Mama had told her about these, they were dark-types. Gods of the night. Kinda like papa... But... Weren't Umbreon supposed to have more rings than what this one had? Orique seemed to plead to the hyena, and the Gible watched in wonder. She didn't hear any transactions of words after what Glace said, was there something that the dragon was missing?

    "Uhm..." Lotta mumbled, not wanting to bring attention to herself yet wanting them to acknowledge and notice her. "M-My... My name's Lotta." introducing herself, the Guble revealed her figure from the grass, gingerly standing up to her full height. [Which wasn't very tall.] "Is... Something wrong?"

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 6:37 pm

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (2)

    "N-no... I- I need someone asleep... A sleeping untainted Pokemon,"

    Immediately Glace thought of her brother whom was sleeping right as they speak. Her tail began to wag and she rushed forward in a compulsive thought and gently lifted him onto her back unknowingly nuzzling him at one point in the process.

    "Well come on than. Lets go find my sleeping brother."

    Turning, she heard Lotta introduce herself and ask if anything was wrong.

    "I'm taking him to my brother Feu. My name's Glace, it is nice to meet you both. Come with us Lotta."

    Smiling, Glace padded into the tall grass hoping Lotta would be at her heels. Soon they came to her sleeping brother and she silently let Orique down onto the ground beside him.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon May 14, 2012 1:53 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (1)

    Sweet holy Entei, Lani was tired. She'd lost count of the days she had spent flying over that seemingly-endless ocean in search of Kanto's shoreline. She had been so sure she was going the right way. Apparently not, for now she was forced to stay on this ridiculously hot island so she could get a decent rest. The Pidgeotto had never flown so much in her life. Not that it bothered her but it certainly felt like her journey was never going to end. That was what bothered her.

    From her branch up high in one of the tallest trees she had a pretty good view of the island. Still, it wasn't like there was a lot to see here; just trees, grass and a few more trees to top it all off. How exciting. Lani opened her beak and yawned just by looking at the extremely boring landscape. Her wings felt stiff from her rest and she unfurled them, inhaled and shouted "I'm boooooored!" on the exhale. There was no one around to hear her, so why shouldn't she holler her head off if she wanted to?

    Folding her wings again, she froze as she heard faint voices from below. Great, so there was life besides herself on this damn island and her yelling had attracted them to her location. Undead, no doubt, this region was just crawling with them. Lani wasn't sure if she was ready for a fight just yet; she'd remain hidden up in her tree until she felt ready then she'd swoop down when they didn't expect it and kick their asses.

    But, listening carefully, Lani noticed that these voices sounded ... normal. Curious, she fluttered down onto a lower branch and got a decent view of the newcomers. There was a black, fox-like Pokemon, no doubt a Dark-type, two Mightyena and a fat, blue shark ... dragon ... thing. Lani's eyebrows raised very slightly with vague interest. She couldn't be bothered to go down and introduce herself right now. In her talon she held a small tree branch with one Oran Berry left growing on it. Lifting it up to her beak and pecking it off, she dropped the branch and continued to watch these new Pokemon, curious to see what they might do next.

    ((OOC: Hey guys! Glad to be here! ^^))

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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Thu May 17, 2012 12:17 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    [OOC: I had typed up a whole post for Lotta a few days back... Turns out I accidentally deleted. ;~;]

    "I'm taking him to my brother Feu. My name's Glace, it is nice to meet you both. Come with us Lotta." The young Gible felt joy rise up in her as she gave a smile. "It's a great pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Glace! I do hope we will be able to get along." The dragon began to follow the pretty Mightyena and Umbreon, her small hands clutching at the fluffy scarf around her neck.

    Soon they stopped, and in a patch of grass lay another canine—the same species as Glace! Lotta guessed this was Feu, quietly watching the sleeping figure. Orique had approached the sleeping beast and slumped beside it, using a Dream Eater. The Gible stared in awe. The Umbreon fed off of dreams? At least, that was her theory as the subject slowly regained strength.

    Suddenly, Lotta perked up when she head rustling somewhere in the trees. Was there someone there? "Is someone there?" the calls out, green eyes searching the same moss-coloured trees.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 8:15 pm

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (3)

    "It's a great pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Glace! I do hope we will be able to get along." "I'm sure we will Lotta." Glace smiled to her as Orique managed to get to Feu. She tensed when she wanted so desperately to help but knew he had to do this on his own. Sitting, Glace tilted her head to watch what happened to her brother. Shock welled up inside of her when she realized what was going on and instantly she felt guilty for not having her brother's permission before she led Orique to him but that was diminished when she saw how it helped Orique. At that, more shock jolted through her heart when she realized that Orique must live by using this move. Glace thought just how lonely a life like that would get and vowed to be his friend even though she didn't really know him well yet. Glace sighed but than picked up the same faint rustling that Lotta had heard and stood up on high alert. Although she wasn't the fighter out of her and her brother, she could hold her own against many strong Pokemon and wouldn't let anything hurt the friends she had just made.


    Feu slept, reliving the same nightmare he had relived so many nights throughout his life. He and his sister had just arrived at the training facility they had spent a lot of their life at but something was horribly wrong, the air stank of blood and gore beyond Feu's own comprehension and his eyes grew wide with shock when him and his sister were thrown from the van they were transported in, into a living hell. The walls outside of the facility were splattered with deep crimson blood that seeped down the walls as if coming from a pulsating wound. Feu turned wildly to begin running but when he turned around he was only met with the kind of darkness that sends chills up the spine of any creature.

    In a mad dash of panic, Feu had forgotten his sister as he ran sideways away from the building and when he turned to get her it was already too late. Glace's voice seemed to call to him from each and every angle as he stood there in shock at the sight laid out in front of him. Her body was sprawled out on the ground in a large puddle of blood that grew larger by the minute. A shrill cry emanated from Feu's muzzle as Glace's hollow undead eyes looked at him from her mangled body on the ground while one eye was completely out of the socket and her organs sprawled out around her. The only option for Feu was to turn and run with his eyes glued completely shut.

    He ran and ran for what seemed like years in his dreaming state until finally he had bumped into something. Feu stopped but didn't dare to open his eyes until he realized that something was wrong. He had never bumped into anything before in his recurring dream. In fact, he usually just ran for hours with nightmarish sounds chasing him everywhere he went. With this in mind, Feu opened his eyes and in front of him was peace and quiet. A valley landscape opened up before him without a soul around except himself. Feu's dream self couldn't begin to express the joy he felt from seeing this valley so the only thing he could possibly do was lay down and enjoy it while it lasted but that was when he noticed it. Somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, an intruder lurked. It wasn't something bad, he knew that in his heart, but he knew that he wasn't the only one in his brain for a few moments and what surprised him the most was that he could feel that the landscape around him was due to this other being in his head. Shifting in his sleep, Feu smiled a bit while Orique fed from his subconscious.

    (OOC: Welcome Night! I love that we're in two teams together now(: Oh and I thought it would be cool if Feu benefited from Orique's dream eater move in some way.)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri May 18, 2012 2:27 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (2)

    "Is someone there?" the fat shark-dragon-thing asked cautiously, looking in her direction. Lani was surprised that the little blue Pokemon had managed to hear her. Apparently it wasn't as easy to be sneaky as a Pidgeotto rather than a small Pidgey. Not that it really mattered; she'd intended to speak to these Pokemon anyway, just to try and ease her boredom. They probably weren't that interesting anyway.

    "Yeah, I'm here," Lani replied, fluttering down to another branch so that she was in full view to them all. Her eyes scanned the Pokemon below her carefully. "I can't be bothered to come down right now though," Lani said dismissively, raising her talon and scratching herself on the cheek. "D'you know how long it took me to fly here? Days. Not good for the wings, y'know." She lowered her foot and looked at them all again. "So, you going to tell me your names, or what? I'm Lani. Maybe I'll say 'nice to meet you' later on, eh? Depends whether I like you or not."

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 20, 2012 7:50 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (1)

    It was late afternoon by the time I woke up. I rubbed my head and winced as my fingers touched the sore spot on the back of my head. As I rubbed the back of my head, I used my other hand to bring the egg clo- ! The egg was gone! I looked around frantically and as I looked around I heard voices."So, you going to tell me your names, or what? I'm Lani. Maybe I'll say 'nice to meet you' later on, eh? Depends whether I like you or not."

    I looked around and out of the blue, across the field, I saw the egg was laying there. I was about to make a run for it, but it was on the other side of the pokemon group in front of me. If I could curse I would have, but i'm mute so I couldn't do a thing. I did a facepalm as I watched the group of pokemon. I really hope that done of the pokemon could see my egg.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 21, 2012 7:41 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 16
    ((Continuing post count from Team Sky))

    Far from the coast of a humid, forested island, two flying creatures are seen. They are braviaries, coming to drop off a passenger. As they near the island, they come down low enough for a weavile on one of their backs to jump off and land safely at the edge of one of the tall plateaus. After checking for any sign of Undead, the weavile turns to them and gives a small bow. “Thank you for rescuing me from the flygon duo, my good braviaries. May your flights be blessed and safe.” One of the birds, with a thick Scottish accent, thanks him. “No problem, Adventus; now, we must go. There is somewhere we must be.” The weavile gives a kind nod to the both of them, and as they fly off he picks a good tree to scale and climbs into high into its thick branches. The hot air is already makings its bothersome presence known, but he has been in Hoenn long enough for him to adapt to its tropical weather. The cool, moderate sea wind rustles the leaves and filters through the jungle-like forest, as he clambers between the close limbs of the tall trees. Even though his senses are fully alert for any other noises, he still cannot help but let a few thoughts poke at his mind. This island is quite far out from the regions--it took one night and almost an entire day to get here! That may mean less Undead are here, though--that is perfect. As he browses his thoughts, he restrains a small yawn. At least the back of the Braviary was large enough that he could sleep on it--he barely got any rest since he took that undead fearow from the Hoenn mainland to Sky Pillar!

    Every part of him goes stiff, as he stops moving at the sound of voices. Adventus cannot help but clench his teeth and press his foreclaws into the thick bark, as he makes out distinctly alive voices. Of all the things he could find here, it had to be other living Pokémon. Competition. Possibly a few idiots. Maybe those pitiful types that beg for attention and need help all the time. How lovely. The dark weasel moves at a near-noiseless pace, and throws his head up when yet another noise squawks out from above. “I’m booooored!” He lies low to the tree limb he is on, cautious towards the boisterous fool. Well, there’s idiot number one! At least the canopy of the trees is so thick, that he could never be seen from above. When he gets closer to where he heard the noise, he begins to hear the other voices more clearly--it sounds like two females. A tree up ahead rustles, and then a brown and pale-feathered creature comes down to his level in the branches. Peeking through the thick leaves many feet between them, he can just discern it as a pidgeotto. This must be the fool who shouted earlier. Making his way to the trees far left of the bird, he begins to see a grove with thick and tall grass and a few puddles.

    Within the tall grass, he can see a gible with a....white and tan toque and a scarf? The weasel mentally scoffs at the ridiculous attire. Whatever the case, it seems to be young, judging by the rather youthful pitch in its voice. The same goes for the pidgeotto, who speaks openly to the group with a similarly young voice. As Adventus, too, observes the group below, he spots a small and frail form--an umbreon, who rests by a slumbering mightyena with flaring red face markings. The dark cat’s eyes are aglow as it uses some strange ability upon the dark canine. Another mightyena, with cool blue markings, has apparently dropped him off next to her supposed brother. Directly below his dark camp in the trees, Adventus notices another Pokémon. A croagunk, with bandaged arms and a small stone around its neck, raising up from a slumber. It looks to be irritated itself, having facepalmed for a reason he has yet to figure out. The weavile silently taps his claws on the tree trunk, annoyed that somehow he managed to find another group. Well, inevitably he is going to have to confront these people, so he may as well reveal his presence to them. Joining them or introducing himself is an entirely different situation, though.

    He crouches on a thick tree branch, curling his claws around the limb so as to make sure he does not fall. The late afternoon sun is bright and hot, but the trees are quite cool due to their dark thickness. He doubts they can see him well within his rather obscured position high in the branches, but if an Undead were to come at least he would not be approached first. His dark but eloquent voice quietly addresses them all. “My my, and here I thought there were nothing but ambulant corpses inhabiting this large and lonely island.” After he speaks, he makes sure that no Undead heard him. Even though the wind is the only obvious noise, he still cautiously makes sure that nothing will come and surprise him--Or them, he smirks lightly, looking back down at them from behind his obscuring cover in the trees. Maybe they do deserve his company, or maybe they do not. He will just have to see how things play out.
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 3:29 pm

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (4)

    Watching all the Pokemon around her, Glace began retreating to the shell she usually put herself in. Dizziness overcoming me, I shuttered gently and then picked up Orique's voice out of the chaos, thanking me. With a soft laugh I nuzzled him with my snout. "You're welcome. I couldn't let my new friend be hurt now could I?" If she was a feline she would've purred in her happiness but all of that was almost extinguished when she once again felt the wave of fright setting in. With each newcomer, Glace's heart dropped even more and she wished her brother would just wake up and protect like he always did but then she noticed Orique getting almost frightened and she wrapped her body around him protectively. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." She wasn't sure if he would get offended by this or not but she felt a wave of relief wash over her as her fur touched him.

    Inside of his dream, Feu just relaxed in the greenery around him thinking about the feeling of someone else being inside of his dream. For a few seconds he let it go though but when he heard the small thank you, Feu's eyes opened and he blinked from where he was resting on the ground. Seeing all the new Pokemon around him, it was a bit disorientating but he stood and shook out his fur from the restful sleep he had gotten. The first thing he noticed was Glace wrapped around the small Umbreon and without even thinking, he quickly stood in front of them with his body shielding them both. "My name is Feu by the way." He wasn't sure who was friendly besides Orique so he shot the small Umbreon a smile.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri May 25, 2012 4:03 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late afternoon (3)

    It seemed that her greeting had not been appreciated very much. The only one to respond was that jumpy little Umbreon. The Dark-type had very rudely hissed at Lani as she spoke and he even had the balls to answer her back. "L-listen here, you," he said without moving his mouth. "N-no one here has even spoken a word to you. So d-don't just show u-up and be r-r-rude. I will speak my name when you e-earn it."

    Lani raised her eyebrows and snorted with laughter. Did that little fox seriously think that he was going to intimidate her that way? The Pidgeotto lowered her head and looked straight into the Umbreon's yellow eyes. "I'm sorry, but I'm the one being rude? I make the effort to come down and say hello and that's how you respond? At least I actually tried."

    With a satisfied smirk she raised her head again and had a look at the other Pokemon. The male Mightyena had woken up and he and his female companion had ignored her completely. How nice. A black, weasel-like Pokemon appeared and started to say ... something. Lani wasn't listening. She did heard the male canine introduce himself as Feu as he stood right in front of the female Mightyena and the Umbreon as if trying to shield them from attack. "Why are you all so ... jittery?" Lani asked, unfurling one wing and starting to groom the feathers. "Do I look like I'm going to swoop down and peck your eyes out? I couldn't even if I wanted to. Chill out, eh? There aren't going to be many undead on an island this size in the middle of nowhere. That reminds me..." She took one more look at them all to confirm what she was about to say. "How'd you all get here, anyway? None of you have any wings. What gives? It was so nice and quiet when I got here this morning, jeez..."

    ((Sorry it's kinda rushed. I'll do better next time.))

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 10:30 am

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (2)

    I watched the other pokemon closely. Non of them had seen the egg yet, which I was grateful for. I really had no idea what to do. I couldn't just walk up and take the egg while everyone was standing in between me and the egg. If I could curse, I would curse right about now. The sad thing was, considering my coloring, it was only a matter of time before the others saw me. I moaned in frustration, though not a sound escaped my lips. I rubbed my hands as I stayed low to the ground.

    As I keep my eyes on the egg, I heard something behind me. Oh joy, there was something behind me and I could only guess who or what was growling behind me. I sighed, even though I didn't make a sound, and turned to fine a infected Swellow growling at me. Just what I needed. Then as I gazed at the undead bird, I watched it's gaze turn from me to something further away and my eyes widen as the bird took off and toward the egg! !!!!! I jumped about three feet in the air in a panic. There was no way I could lose that egg.

    I ran toward the egg just as the Swellow did a nose dive toward the egg. I did the first thing that came to mind. I jumped toward the bird with a Sucker Punch. My fist smacked the bird in the beak and sent in fly back into the sky. When I land back on the ground, I was standing in front of the egg and the Swellow was on the ground. I waited for the bird to make a move. As I watched the bird, it slowly got to it's feet and glared at me. It's beak was broken and the inside of it's mouth was visible. It let out a low growl and then it charged with Aerial Ace.

    As it came at me, I got into my stance and both my hands started to glow a dull orange as I readied Drain Punch. I was determined to protect the egg, even if it cost me my life. Then as the bird got closer and closer, I pulled my arms back and when the bird was literally on top of me, I shot my hands forward. The birds broken beak collided with my hands and for an instance, was pushing me back, but then it's beak broke completely and my hands shot into it's head. I could feel the damage done my the bird and others being healed from the energy I was getting from the bird. Then once I was healed, I took my hands, which were still in the birds head, and pulled them apart. Ripping the bird's head in half.

    Just the sound of the ripping flesh made my stomach twist and churn. I shook my hands free of the blood and anything else and picked up the egg. I looked it over and sighed when I found it to be unharmed. Then, remembering the other pokemon, I turned and kinda inched my way toward them and sat down. I hugged the egg closed to my body as I sat not to close to the group, considering what just happen, nor to far away. I really didn't want to scare these pokemon. So I keep my distance from the group and waited for one of them to say something.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 5:02 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 17

    The weavile observed the umbreon with more interest than the others, wanting to know what it was doing to the mightyena. The large canine is asleep, and there is a strong deep red glow over the fox’s eyes, possibly signifying Dream Eater. Its body is gaunt and unnaturally small for its species--why? He stops considering these things when he sees the umbreon’s eyes lose their glow, the fox rising to his feet. As he gets up, the umbreon heeds the words of the pidgeotto, and with visible but reluctant agitation he steps in front of his canine companions. The fox berates her telepathically, not exactly surprising Adventus. ”L-listen here you,” the umbreon says with a gentle but determined voice, ”N-no one here has even spoken a word to you. So d-don’t just show u-up and be r-r-rude. I will speak my name when you e-earn it.”

    The mightyena with the elegant blue facial tattoos comes and nuzzles him, returning his thanks for allowing him to use dream eater on her mightyena companion. Then, the livid-tattooed mightyena awakes. The name was not too hard for Adventus to catch, learning the wolf’s name to be Feu.

    The bird responds with a laugh to the umbreon’s determination, outright insulting the fox. Even Adventus knows when not to be a jerk--but this bird just outright insults his determination without even an ounce of respect. If she were part of his clan, she would have suffered a few nasty strikes for that level of rudeness. After browsing over them all with a small smirk on her face, she starts again. “Why are you all so....jittery? Do I look like I’m going to swoop down and peck your eyes out? I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Chill out, eh? There aren’t going to be many Undead on an island this size in the middle of nowhere. That reminds me....” Sheesh, this girl talks more than even me, Adventus snides. “How’d you all get here, anyway? None of you have any wings. What gives? It was so nice and quiet when I got here this morning, jeez.” The Weavile snarls in slight irritation, but calms his nerves. These are the sort of people that somehow manage to set off his anger; maybe it has something to do with their recklessness? Maybe it’s because they are rather noisy? It has to be both. His ears instinctively check the environment again, scanning for any sense of undead approaching, especially with this boisterous bird around. After he is sure that everything is still calm and nothing will strike, he speaks his mind to the Pidgeotto.

    His voice is serious, but shows a calm intelligence. “What makes you think that we will not find something horrible? Maybe there is a Garchomp here, or maybe a Scizor, or even a Kabutops?” He shifts his position in the tree, pushing up from a crouch and stepping into another tree whose branches loom over the Umbreon and Mightyenas. “And I got here by Braviary just a short while ago, Pidgeotto.”

    Adventus stays within his dark cover, sure about the presence of another being around them. It is proven when something bursts out of a patch of grass underneath the tree he is on and flies straight over the two Mightyenas and the Umbreon--A Swellow. Where it was going was a mystery, until Adventus spots a glossy, pearlescent object in the nearby grass. An egg? Adventus’s stomach grumbles quietly, but he ignores it. Who exactly it belonged to may have been answered, as the Croagunk launches madly towards the egg to stop the rotting avian. Intercepting it, he slams a Sucker Punch into its beak. When it lands, it lunges towards the defender with an Aerial Ace. The frog responds with a fast dual punch, connecting with its beak and eventually shattering it. The fists dig into its skull, and a dead glow comes over the frog’s arms. Drain Punch? The frog then rips the bird’s skull straight in half, freeing his hands. Grabbing the egg in his embrace, he then steps closely to the trio below.

    After probing around with his ears to make sure no other Undead are coming at the sound of the fight, he chuckles lightly. His voice is not particularly loud, but it should be audible enough for even a Croagunk to hear. “That was quite impressive, Croagunk.” Well, the Croagunk seems pretty good at fighting. But why has he not spoken yet, let alone made a sound? Is he mute, or simply reluctant to speak?

    ((Sorry for taking a while to post; I was being tormented by Writer’s Block))
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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:02 am

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    Lotta could only quietly watch, hidden in the thick grass in fear as she felt more newcomers come closer to them. The Gible was surprised when Orique spoke, without moving his mouth, and admired him with wide eyes when she realized that he was capable of telepathy. Clinging to every word that rang through her mind, the young dragon nestled herself in the soft moss underneath when the Weavile revealed itself. In an instant she looks back at the others to realize Feu was awake, and the shiny blinked, staring into the dark crimson orbs that were his eyes.

    “How’d you all get here, anyway? None of you have any wings. What gives? It was so nice and quiet when I got here this morning, jeez.” Perking up, she replies. "I...think I was teleported here. During my travels in Unova a sudden burst of energy engulfed me, and before I knew it I had arrived onto this island." Lotta's voice was no more than a mumble, a shy tone.

    When a giant bird swoops out of nowhere the young dragon immediately leaped to her feet, facing a potential challenge she will not back down from. However, when a Croagunk comes out and deals with the undead itself Lotta sat back down, a bit disappointed that she didn't get a chance to show her strength. After all, the Gible didn't want everyone to be thinking she was weak just because she was a kid. She waits, patiently, for something more to happen.

    Lotta was however, in truth, jealous. The two mightyena had immediately got up not to protect anyone but the Umbreon, and although she felt her gut twist with depression she held strong. It was probably for the best after all, Orique seemed tired and frail.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:50 pm

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (5)

    Glace watched the others with growing unrest. It had been a while since her and her brother had been marooned on this Island and since then, she had been getting more and more bold and out of her shell. Although now that all these Pokemon are about, Glace wants nothing more than to get away. Backing up, she pressed against Orique and her tail wrapped around him softly. Seeing the undead getting attacked by the Croagunk, Glace stared wide eyed at the exchange but otherwise stayed quiet.

    Feu watched the others warily but finally sat down and looked to the bird. "My sister and I have been here for a week or so. We were on our way here with our trainer when our boat was attacked. The captain's Pidgeot flew us here and our trainer threw our pokeballs to the island before he died." Turning to the Croagunk that awaited someone to talk to it, Feu nodded and smiled. "That was impressive. May we know your name? I'm Feu." He looked towards the Weavile. "And yours?"

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:28 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (4)

    After the Weavile attempted to scare her with mentions of Pokemon like Garchomp, he told her that a Braviary - whatever that was - had brought him there. The fat shark-dragon-thing said that she had been teleported there ... what the hell? The jittery Umbreon and the male Mightyena both said that they had been there for some time. The question on Lani's mind was how the hell they were going to get back to wherever they came from. It wasn't like a Braviary or Lapras would randomly be turning up on an island as remote as this one anytime soon.

    But then everyone attention was turned to an undead Swellow that had appeared the hell out of nowhere and was chasing a strange frog-like Pokemon. The Pokemon was guarding an egg and eventually managed to defeat the Swellow by ripping its head in half with his bare hands. Lani's interest perked up immediately. Wow ... impressive.

    Somehow she felt her uninterested and reserved mood lifting a little as she fluttered down and waited for frog-face to give his name. Maybe this lot weren't going to be so boring after all. But her pride was holding her back from apologising for her rudeness. Guess they'll just put it down as tiredness.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:48 pm

    (Sorry for the wait guys, but I need to skip for now as i've lost the post I made. Just say Toxic just pointed at his throat and shook his head)

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:58 am

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 18

    After having browsed the land cautiously for any other Undead, Adventus eases down his tense mood a little and leans back against the trunk of the tree.

    The toque-and-scarf wearing Gible says that she was engulfed by a burst of psychic energy. That must have been the same energy that I felt a while ago. The idea makes the Weavile stop in his observation for a moment, as he looks up to the leaves above him. His claws rest against the trunk, as he falls into a moment of thought. Who on earth could make a blast that powerful? A legend, possibly? I will have to think further on that topic sometime. Shaking his head slightly, he looks back down to the group again. He had been keeping track on their conversations even as he had been thinking, and had caught the female Mightyena asking for him, the Croagunk, and the Pidgeotto’s name. The Pidgeotto did not respond to the Mightyena’s question, but rather just fluttered down to the grounded group. The Croagunk, meanwhile, had motioned to his throat and shook his head, as if to say....he could not speak? Adventus expressed an honest feeling of respect for the frog, especially for having made it so far through the Epidemic. People who had such defects were usually the first to die, and it was interesting how this Croagunk has managed without his voice.

    There was no way in distortion Adventus would be caught on the ground like all of these people, especially in a place with so much dense foliage as this forest. Instead, he clambers around the tree and down the branches until he is directly above the group. He is easily over twenty feet off of the ground on this branch, and within a spot where the forest’s dappled darkness shields him from the day’s hot sunlight. Finally, he offers his say for the request of his name, while he once again rests against the tree trunk, his arms folded.

    “I am not too ready on offering my name yet,” he grins down at them, flicking his featherlike twin tails, “just call me Weavile for now.” Adventus was wary of these people, even though they appeared quite friendly. They seemed like sincere people, but emotions easily become a mask for many dangerous lies. Besides--even if they are trustworthy, he is going to have to see if they actually deserve his company.
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