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19 posters

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team


    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:43 pm

    (OOC: Feu is awaiting a reply as well...)

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:51 pm

    ((Very sorry but skip me too please. I can't make a decent post with Lani lately. -_- I'll give her one more chance before I deactivate her though.))

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:04 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (3)

    I listened to the pokemon. They had asked for my name, but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. I put the egg down gently and turned to the grass and used Toxic. Once it hit the ground I pointed at the purple gunk then moved my hands to my chest. Man, I hate being mute. I sighed, but nothing came out from my mouth. I really had no way to talk to these pokemon besides talking through hand motions and such. I put one hand on the egg and continued to point at the now fading purple gunk on the ground.

    (Sorry, short post is short.)

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:14 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 19

    Adventus idly watched the group, repressing a long yawn in the awkward silence. They were awaiting a response from the Croagunk which had not come yet, and they seemed to ignore his statement about his name.

    The forest’s leaves rustled above, as a breath of cool sea wind drifted over the canopy and into the open area of the grove. He appreciated the weather today, having been in Hoenn for long enough to tolerate its warm temperatures. He also appreciated the silence from the group, since he was scanning the area again with his sensitive hearing. There was nothing to concern him yet, but this place could still be a death trap with its thick canopy and shadows.

    He stopped to notice the Croagunk below him doing something, and he looked over the tree limb in curiosity. After putting the egg safely beside itself, the frog released a pool of toxic poison onto the ground next to itself. It then pointed to the dark purple puddle, then to itself, as if trying to silently tell them something. Adventus stares with thought at the gesture, but then catches the subliminal message. So this Croagunk is indeed mute! I had my doubts, the Weavile considers, but an actual mute, living this long? How did he do it? Whatever the case, he discards his contemplation. It was unnecessary to think about such things.

    But what of the Toxic puddle? After a moment’s thought, Adventus comes up with something. “You are.....Toxic?” He speaks up, just loud enough for the group to hear over the quieting wind. “As in, your name is Toxic?”
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:27 am

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (6/6)

    Feu watched the others with eyes fully of caution but not distrust. It seemed almost everyone here had some level of distrust for the others and he shook his head, not wanting to be a part of that. "Well it's nice to meet all of you. My name is Feu and this is my sister Glace." Feu dipped his head to the others and Glace followed suit to do the same where she laid on the ground. Sitting up, she kept her tail somewhat wrapped around the standing Orique but shook her head from something. A loud, high-pitched sound was coming from somewhere and the sheer force of it in her mind was giving her the biggest headache she had ever had. Snapping open her eyes, Glace looked to the woods in her line of vision and her blood ran cold. Standing just in the trees was an Absol. Its fur was torn off and singed in some places but in others, all she saw were bone and muscle tissue. Its eyes regarded her with malice and she looked into the Disaster Pokemon's eye sockets to stare at empty black pits of rage. Glace was frozen in fear as it smirked and got in a pouncing position. She wanted to tell the others what she saw but she was too terrified and blinded by her own fear and weakness. Her legs began to tremble and she did her best to make them stop but it was no use. She watched the Absol stalk through the tall grass to them and pounce into the air. Its initial target being the small Umbreon curled up in Glace's tail. "NO!" Glace broke from her fear and jumped into the air to collide with the Absol in midair.

    Feu's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. Darting to the side he motioned for the others to take cover and that they will handle this one. Glace, paws still locked with the Absol, caught her brothers glance and her eyes began to glow a fiery yellow and she looked to the sky for a few seconds. Bright beams shot like white hot explosions into the sky and immediately the sun was intensified by her Sunny Day attack. Feu sent another nod to her sister and with all of her energy, she knocked the Absol into the air with her powerful tail while Feu's muzzle began to lick with the beginnings of a powerful Incinerate attack. Launching his attack, the Absol fell to the grass. Its fur was completely singed to the bone and it weakly tried to move but Feu finished it off with another Incinerate as he padded to his sister who had once again begun shaking uncontrollably.

    (OOC: Drama anyone? I thought we may need some.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:39 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    [OOC: dasbfksdnfa Blitz you skipped me. ;A;]

    Lotta watched from where she stood, quiet. Noticing Glace's legs shaking, the Gible was about to ask if something was wrong, but then the terrifyingly extraordinary happened. In a split second the fight was raging, Glace locking paws with the Disaster Pokemon as her brother fired attacks at it. The pure heat from the Incinerate made the young dragon wince, scales tingling with the warmth.

    Green eyes widening in fear, the dragon screwed her eyes shut, small hands grasping at the sides of her body while her breathing became heavier. The strong scent filled her nostrils, overriding her brain. "No no no no... Please no..." her quiet whimpers were barely audible, tears forming around her eyes before a sharp gasp brought her to the ground.

    Blood. Flesh. Fire. Blood. Flesh. Fire. Blood. Blood. BLOOD.

    Red stole her sight, body shaking uncontrollably as long ivory claws ripped at the grass around her. Snarling, the young Pokemon tried to restrain herself, clinging to small rocks and cracks in the ground, only to find them soon crushed in her palms. Lotta barely managed to look up, pleading with her eyes, knowing all too well of the outcome will be.

    Help me... Please...

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:09 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon (5)

    Lani was starting to think that it was about time she left. After all, she'd only stopped there on that Arceus-forsaken island to rest her tired wings, and it had only been a coincidence that she'd met all these Pokemon. When she found a brief moment in which to speak, she extended one of her wings and said, "Hey, er, I think I'm gonna take off now. Nice to meet you and all that-- OH SHIT!"

    Upon the sight of the undead Absol, Lani leaped into the air and hovered upwards out of its reach. She watched for a moment as they all sprung into action against it before tearing her vision away and flying off in the direction she thought Kanto was. They'll be all right ... I hope.

    ((Bye guys, it was fun here while it lasted.))

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:32 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon 4

    I perked up when I heard the Weavile speak. “You are.....Toxic? As in, your name is Toxic?” 'Finally someone got my name' I said in my mind. Then a voice echoed through my mind. Toxic? I jumped alittle at the voice, but turned to the group with a look of surprise. I nodded my head just as the Absol attacked. I narrowed my eyes and made my cheeks expand. I stood in front of the egg as I watched the others battle the dark type.

    I had only one move that would do any damage to that thing, so I put a giant leaf on the egg and jumped onto the back of the Absol. Hey voice, if you can hear me imma gonna use my Drain Punch attack to drain it's energy then I want you to attack it at full power. Got it? I croaked in my head. I kinda felt stupid for say something back, but I needed the help. As I held onto the fur of the undead with one hand, I raised the other as a dull orange glow appeared around my hand. The Absol was bucking so hard I rammed my face into it's head and for a second was dazed, but I still shoved my dull orange glowing hand into the Absol's back.

    (I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT and yes I know Feu dealt with the Absol, but another appeared)

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:31 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 20

    He watched as the Croagunk nodded in agreement to Adventus’s name guess, revealing that his name was Toxic. Toxic, what a funny name, Adventus thinks, finding the name simple yet fitting. He watched over the group, before catching the troubled, returning stare of the Umbreon. It would seem that Adventus’s declaration to keep his name hidden did not fall so pleasantly upon the Umbreon’s ears. The sorrow that the Weavile sees in the Umbreon’s eyes makes him visibly flinch for a second, the expression surprising him with its level of hidden grief. After a hard blink, though, he pushes aside the surprise. Then, out of nowhere, a voice speaks to him. He perks his ears up to try and pinpoint it, before noticing that it is in his head. It sounds familiar to the Umbreon’s voice. “Please....Do not mistrust, Weavile. We must have allies in such darkest of times as of now....My name is Orique and I am the Umbreon.” Adventus continues to look down to the gaunt fox, showing interest in the introduction. “I can speak with you telepathically, if you wish, but I can just as easily leave you be....” Adventus stares for a moment at his telepathic speaker, thinking over the consequences of simply allowing telepathic communication. This person seemed trustworthy, and it was visible in every part of Orique that he meant no harm. He keeps his stare upon Orique, still sensing the telepathic link and offering his words in mental silence.

    ”True, true. I can see your worry; fine then, I shall give you my name--Adventus Frostclaw. You may speak telepathically to me, so long as you try not to pry into my thoughts like any of those nosy Psychics.”

    The livid-tattooed Mightyena shakes his head in disappointment, probably for the amount of distrust that has come upon the group. “Well it’s nice to meet all of you. My name is Feu and this is my sister Glace.” Feu gives a courteous dip of his head along with his sibling. As he looks over the team, something sounds in the bushes on the forest floor. From the side of the group comes a rotting Absol, already prepared to pounce down upon Orique with its hungry maw. Glace interrupts the attack, tackling the attacker before he can strike. While she wrestled with the snarling corpse her brother had rushed to her. Her eyes began to radiate an orange glow as she directed a quick stare up to the sky, causing the air to break out in an intense bout of Sunny Day. After a series of cooperative attacks, Feu sucked in a large breath of air and belched forth a torrent of flames. The Absol began to squirm as it was immolated and fell to a half-melted heap on the ground.

    During the commotion, the Pidgeotto squawked in terror at the sight of the surprise attack. She hopped into the air and unfurled her wings. She left without another word, disappearing back through the treetops and clear out of the forest. Adventus could not help but smirk at the team’s fortune. At least they will not have to worry about that rude bird anymore. He continues to watch the battle from his safe point in the trees, detecting no Undead scaling through the trees. I knew staying in the trees was a good idea. He considers with a long grin. The Gible appeared to be having a mental breakdown from the violence. No; actually, it appeared to be having a reaction to the blood. Oh perfect; she’s acting just like a Gible should.

    A few more Absol appear through the shrubbery surrounding the clearing, one of which Toxic the Croagunk appears to have already begun to take care of. Adventus glares back at the Gible, bothered by her quickly diminishing state of mind. If that girl goes mad she will possibly attack everyone else and give the Absols a chance to fatally wound someone. Begrudgingly, he decides to come down from the tree. An Absol was trying to flank Toxic in order to yank him off of its fellow Absol, so Adventus decides to take it out from above. With a well-directed Aerial Ace he slides from the branch and springs off of it, coming at an angle to bring down the target. As he makes contact with it, it falls over with its back to him, leaving it disoriented. As it lethargically tries to raise itself back up, Adventus stomps down upon its back while his claws shell over with sharpened ice. He then digs his claws into the back of its rotted, soft neck while he keeps its head pressed into the damp earth. With a few tears and stabs he exposes the spine and pulls hard. A tender segment of the vertebra snaps straight out, leaving the Absol to hiss and screech before giving a limp gurgle and going stiff with death. He tosses the bone chunk to the side and begins to unfreeze his claws. The icy shell cracks, while he uses it to clean off the rest of the blood that had gotten in his fur. Before it started to melt, he tossed it beside himself as he stepped up to the Gible’s side.

    He was certainly not a good sympathizer, and he knew that. But the others appear more than capable of mauling the rest of the Absol pack. He speaks quietly, his naturally dark voice helping to bring the seriousness of his point across. “Get ahold of yourself, Gible! If you give into your instincts now it could lead to disaster.”

    ((OOC -- You are fine to have Orique speak telepathically to Adventus, Ciana :1))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Jay Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:31 pm

    ([ooc: I'm just going to skip,, coming in next round! C:])
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:23 am

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (7/7)

    Everything that had happened so quickly with the Absol left a bad taste in Feu's mouth. Knowing it terrified his sister, he quickly consoled her before turning to the others. More Absol's appeared and he was about to fight although he didn't have to. Everyone around him jumped into action and quickly protected the small group. Seeing the Gible, Glace padded to her and wrapped her tail around her, trying to calm her down.

    (OOC: Sorry guys this was written in a rush)

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:23 pm

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    Faraway Island/Late Afternoon 5

    Changing Toxic's posts alittle.

    The Croagunk held onto the undead Absol as he slowly drained the undeads power. He dug his hand deeper into the undead's back, only to close his hand around something that made the Absol shiver. The frogs face turned into a grin as he yanked his hand out of the undeads back, along with the undead's spine. Then as the undead fell, Toxic jumped onto the next ones back and he Poison Jabbed it's back multiple times. The undead fell when Toxic jabbed it in the head.

    He looked at the others and flung the spine at the undead as he unleashed Toxic at the undead. Some fell on the ground screaming from the toxic that hit their faces. Others just hissed at the purple glob. Toxic picked up his egg and walked over to the others as he placed the egg down and turned back to the undead.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:58 am

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 21

    Adventus listens, as the lame breathing and heavy steps of more Undead surround the clearing. Judging by the sounds, there may be around three more absol left to this pack. He snarls in frustration towards him and the team’s misfortune, his tailfeathers flicking irritably. The others are doing an excellent job of cleaning up the group, but they are going to need more help to kill this group. His claws begin to itch with the urge to slash the rotting horde open, but he stops his thoughts and looks down at the Gible. He needs to keep her from going berserk, at least for as long as the battle lasts. Hopefully his words are helping her--he could not tell yet from her expression--as there is not much else he can really do in the way of consolation.

    However, his problem is given a solution when Glace steps up to Lotta as well. Even in the midst of the fight, Glace comes over to offer her own comfort to the Gible, wrapping her tail around the girl to try and calm her. Well, she seems to have a better handle on this situation than me. Adventus supposes, stepping back to probe the surrounding area with his eyes and ears.

    Adventus steps away from the girls, turning to address the distant, emerging form of a particularly large absol from the forest undergrowth to their general left. And it was a large absol--he was supposing this thing was at least 5 feet tall! How pleasant it is for him to find such a worthwhile Undead to slay. He speaks over his shoulder to the Mightyena, supposing that she is going to stay with Lotta and try to keep her calm. If she does not want to, then that is fine with him--he needs to get out into battle to deal with the numerous Absol regardless. “Glace, can you take care of Lotta? I can take care of the Undead if you stay with her.” His stare remains focused upon the large, tainted-white feline, who upon seeing the three living Pokémon goes into a mad rage and begins to charge at them. Adventus takes a moment to plan out a move, before reacting to the approaching cat. He blocks the first claw-swing of its Night Slash with Reflect, causing the darkly energy to glance off the psychic barrier as Adventus counteracts with a swift frozen claw to his enemy’s muzzle. The attack tears off part of the Absol’s facial skin, causing it to back up slightly with a guttural hiss. It makes a move towards him angrily, generating a Night Slash upon its head horn. Adventus blocks it with another well-aimed reflect, leaving it open for another counter. This time Adventus clocks it in the chin, causing it to throw its head up lamely. While it is dazed it throws a stray Night Slash around by its horn, hoping to hit him. Adventus dodges around the flailing blade and claws his way onto its back, where he grabs ahold of the crackling appendage. Its dark energies do not bother him, leaving him a firm hold as the Absol begins to throw and buck around in an attempt to throw him off.

    This has to be one of the major Absols in the group, if not the outright leader. So he continues to distract it, waiting until its deteriorated muscles wear themselves out from fatigue.

    ((OOC -- So how about we have three more Absol come, and then that will be it for the Undead for a while? Also, it’s okay if Glace does not want to stay with Lotta, Blitzstrike :3 Just putting it out there for you.))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Jay Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:55 am

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon || 1
    "This place is creepy..."

    Dainton moved across the ground, staying low and hiding in bushes as much as possible. He had heard a commotion coming from ahead, maybe living pokemon? Or it could of been an undead showdown, whatever it was he was curious and tried to find it's source. But the closer he got, the louder and more scary it got, screams of undead, loud bangs and cracking noises. He definitely didn't like the feel of it. As he traveled from one bush to the next, he felt a rumble. Suddenly, an undead absol came out of nowhere and picked up Dainton with his leg as he ran, Dainton clung to it's leg not knowing it was an undead, the undead payed no attention to Dainton as it thought he was a twig or leaf. Suddenly, they entered a clearing full of living pokemon and undead absols, Dainton got scared, and as let go of the absol to run away, it kicked it's legs and flung Dainton into the air swiftly.

    "AAAH!" He hit the side of another Absol in which was being attacked by a Weavile, his fell to the ground and whimpered in pain. Dainton quickly scurried away into the bushes to hide. His half gone face was clearly visible as he had been flung in the air and he worried about it being seen. He hated being seen, every living pokemon thought he was undead or made fun of him... Just like his group 'friends' used to do. Shivering at the thought, he looks out through a crack in the bush. The scene was horrifying, dead absols covered in blood everywhere, there was an Umbreon, Croagunk, two Mightyenas, a Gible and the Weavile all fighting them. It seemed heroic, but at the same time... mass murder.

    ([ooc: Hope this was okay, I had basic permission for Dainton to hit the side of the Absol Adventus was attacking. Tell me if anything was wrong and I'll change it! C:])
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Min Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:24 pm

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    Faraway Island| |Late Afternoon

    The Weavile had told her to get a hold of herself, warning her that something may happen if she didn't. Even Glace came to comfort her by wrapping her fluffy tail around the dragon's body. Lotta was crying, she couldn't control the instinct, so young and inexperienced she felt her power slowly slipping from her grasp and she dug further into the blood-dampened soil. The smell was so intoxicating, and the Gible felt her mind being torn apart.

    "I can't--I can't! I can't control it, it's... too hard..." she cried, half-biting the air as her claws scraped against her own skin. A flash of dark fur crossed her eyes as she spotted Orique running away. "No... Don't go... I don't like it when people go away..." she murmurs, and in a desperate attempt to stop herself, she shook her hat off and reached for a medium sized rock. Placing it in front of her, Lotta braced for impact as she slammed her own skull on the stone, effectively knocking her out.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:35 am

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    Faraway Island | Late Afternoon (8/8)

    Wrapped around Lotta, Glace nodded to Adventus about watching her but then Orique disappeared, running swiftly away. Not knowing whether she wanted to stay or go, the female Mightyena turned back to Lotta in time to see her knocking herself out. Glace stood up, clearly in shock, and looked to her brother for guidance who began to power an incinerate before catching the distress in Glace's eyes. Words seem to pass through the eyes of the siblings and, without a word, Feu nods and takes Glace's place curled around Lotta. After all, he is better suited to protect. With that in mind, Feu uses the move Protect before keeping his eyes on the way his sister ran after Orique with an undead Absol right on her paws making Feu cringe inwardly.

    Running through the forest, Glace was aware of deep guttural sounds coming from behind her. Turning on her heels, she dips her head down and sends the Absol flying into a tree with a powerful Assurance which rips part of its head clean off. Not wasting anymore time, she turns back towards where Orique went to follow him. "Orique! Please don't run! I can protect you! I promise to protect you!" The broken and sad voice of Glace echoed through the forest as she tried desperately not to let him hear her sorrow but it was too late. With tears in her eyes, she could do nothing else then to call out to him every few seconds.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:57 pm

    (Sorry guys. Didn't know it was my turn, but I gotta skip. Just say Toxic is defending his egg and....I don't. Y'all can pick who)

    Posts : 21

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Alakazam Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:24 pm

    He watched them run in circles as his lesser brethren began claiming the pack of living he came upon. The Absol were barbaric in their methods, but effective, and he was impressed as they cut his prey from the pack, leaving the small blue frog all alone. The Psi Pokemon closed his eyes deliberately as a strange red glow began to surround him. His arms rose slowly bringing his two spoons into a solid X shape as the glow around him brightened and dulled, a pulsing pattern that seemed to echo with his prey's heartbeat.

    Red...Red as blood...future...bleak...

    In his mind's eye he could see the end of his prey, the psychic bolt that would tear through its mind and shatter it. Yes, his prey would be broken, body still living and breathing but the mind gone. Nothing but and empty shell for the feast...and oh how he loved it. The red aura dropped, his Future Sight completed, and now he had a few moments to give his prey a little bit of torment before his feeding. And he would start with that egg it was hiding.

    He used his Telekinesis to slowly lift the egg away from its guardian without it even becoming aware, then quickly blasted it with a Psycho Cut. The sound of the shell shattering as the mental blade crashed through it caused the frog to jump, a look of pure devastation on its face as it saw what became of its precious bundle. A sadistic smile on his face the fox lunged and cracked one of his spoons into he side of the Croagunk's head, watching it fly to the side from the force of his impact.


    The Absols hunting the group saw the Alakazam make his entrance and knew to keep away from him and his meal, instead continuing their focus on the others. This of course would work to his advantage as they would be unable to interfere. Placing one of his spoons over the middle of his prey he began to put his full weight down, crushing the frog's ribs and making it choke as its lungs filled with blood. While he couldn't hear any screams coming from the gasping creature, his mind was filled with the shrieks and terrors as his victim lay crushed and broken. Being psychic made such a difference in times like these.

    "Scream for me...Bring you soul...to...your eyes!"

    His words ripped into the others mind with such force that he could see it squeezing its eyes shut in pain. No...no that wasn't allowed! "See! You...you will see!" Using his Psychic he forced the others eyes open and pushed in as many brutal images as he could find in his memory, watching as each one flashed in the other's eyes. All the Pokemon he had killed in the last year, his escape from the labs, everything detail in their deaths was rushing through the Croagunk's mind.

    When his prey's body began to glow he knew the Future Sight was upon them and quickly moved, watching as the small blue frog fought to stand just as the bolt of psychic energy shot down and ripped through him. One final scream echoed through his head and Alakazam could see the inner mind of his prey fracture, then shatter like a glass window. The Croagunk fell backwards with a dull thud onto the ground, eyes blank and soulless. But those eyes angered the psychic.

    Quickly he dug his spoons into the sockets, wrenching the eyes free and slurped them down before digging into the rest of his victim and gulping down the innards and leaving the rest of the meat. Angry that his meal had not satisfied him the fox blasted the rest of it with a Psycho Cut, sending bits of flesh and gore scattering around. Turning to face the rest of the group even as they were distracted with their own problem he smiled, blood dripping from his mouth and giving him a devilish appearance.


    And then with a blink, he was gone.

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:24 pm

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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon | 22

    The Absol continued to flail its massive body around the clearing, completely displeased at the adamant hold Adventus had upon its back. The weasel stayed adeptly on, waiting for the onset of the beast’s fatigue. As Adventus continued to be thrown around he took notice of another Absol bursting into the clearing, which had directed itself towards a fleeing Glace. Another buck from his ride, however, refocused Adventus’s attention on the Absol he was fighting with. Just as he expected, its stamina was not the best, as its limbs began to lag and its strength was ebbing. He prepared himself for it to tumble over, only to be surprised by a loud wail from the direction of the Absol that had emerged to pursue Glace. Something slammed straight into the Absol he was standing upon, and whatever it was impacted hard. It had created enough force to send the Absol straight off of its feet and cause it to drag along the ground. Adventus himself just barely managed to avoid the dive, falling off in a half-leap. He rolls onto the ground, before stopping himself on all fours and getting up to see what had happened. The surprise newcomer--some sort of teal-colored serpent--had recovered quickly, and after making a whimper of pain wasted no time in slithering straight off into a nearby set of bushes.

    Well, that was awkward. Adventus stared at the odd serpent momentarily before quickly refocusing his attention on the Absol that had been toppled. It was trying to pick itself back up onto its lame legs, but the damage it took from the ramming dislocated one of its forelimbs. He rushed around the side of the beast, making his way to its head. He dodged the horn one more time, before grappling it and pinning it to the earth with one hand. After he was sure he was out of the range of its lazily struggling but sharp claws, Adventus dug his free claw into the back of its neck--after a few stabs with his claws shelled over with ice, he tore straight into the Absol’s back and severed the spinal cord. It certainly was not as easy as the others due to the Undead’s rather early state of decay, and it left him quite fatigued afterwards. After killing it he immediately looked up and around him, staying vigilant for the one remaining Absol that was somewhere around the clearing as well as the teal serpent. However, his sensitive ears could hear nothing save for the calm wind, and although the sun still shone rather brightly from the Sunny Day that was unleashed by Feu earlier he could see no other opponents.

    He could just catch out of the corner of his eye something rustling a bush nearby, though, which could doubtlessly be the blue serpent that had fled. For the most part he dismissed the stranger. If it was willing to it could most certainly come out of hiding, but Adventus was more distracted by another matter. What he was more distracted by was the fact that Lotta was unconscious. Blood trickled from a small wound on her head, and a rock was held loosely in one of her hands. So she knocked herself out? He thought, happy that she at least found some way of controlling her carnivorous urges. I guess that is one way of solving her problem. He saw that Feu was still left behind with him, and had taken to curling himself protectively around the unconscious Gible. Adventus could not help but admire him and his sister’s coordination. He even gave a fleeting smile of gratitude to the male Mightyena. But where was Glace? And moreover--where had Orique ran off to? Returning his thoughts to the fact that Glace had fled, the Umbreon must have run in fear and Glace took up the trail after him.

    This was confirmed with the sound of a heavy slam and a crack, proceeded by a solid slam that caused one of the surrounding forest’s trees to shake with the force. He could hear shouts of distress as Glace continued to rush after Orique, which became ever more distant as she pursued the terrified Umbreon. With that one gone, there would appear to be only one more Absol. However, it seemed to have gone into hiding. Adventus took up the opportunity to clean the coagulated blood from the battle off of his fur with the help of a frozen claw. He was still sighing heavily from the battle, but he lowered his breaths and looked up to speak quietly to the serpent that was still in hiding. "I recommend that whoever is hiding in the bush to come out. We still got one more Absol stalking somewhere nearby, and it certainly would be easy for it to attack you from there.”

    It was only then, after the carnage of the battle, that he could hear croaks of pain. There was a presence that caused his fur to bristle in horror, as he switched his gaze over to watch a rotting Alakazam seize Toxic in its telepathic grip. It had held its gaze over the frog, before an energy caused Toxic to become completely inert. The Croagunk simply fell to the ground lifelessly--as if his very soul was snapped in two by whatever demonic forces the Psychic had used. Adventus was seething with rage, his claws scraping against each other as he methodically fidgeted them. But at the same time, he dared not to make a step towards the murderer, whose very body exuded an evil strength. After devouring the innards of the frog the Psychic sliced the toad in two with its powers and launched the gore across the clearing. Adventus raised a Reflect in front of him and Feu, the gore splattering against the barrier and falling to the ground. Before he left, a long and bloody smile slithered upon the Alakazam’s face, a thing so hideous that it would be forever imprinted in Adventus’s memory. After the Alakazam’s departure, Adventus was left standing there speechlessly. He remained seething with anger, flaring breaths of rage and daring anything to try and take any more of his companions.

    ((OOC--FFFUUUU Long post is long Dx Sorry about that.))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Jay Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:55 pm

    ([ooc: Dear god WinterVeil! How the heck did you do that? ;w;])
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    Faraway Island || Late Afternoon

    "I recommend that whoever is hiding in the bush to come out. We still got one more Absol stalking somewhere nearby, and it certainly would be easy for it to attack you from there.”

    Dainton hesitated – what if the Weavile wasn’t friendly? Surely it could kill him with one swipe of his claws. What scared the serpent the most is that there were others nearby; what if they didn’t find him ‘good enough’? The Dratini definitely has had enough of that – but even so, they could be friendly and accept him. It was hard, but after a final thought, he slowly poked his head out, turning it the non-burnt side – afraid of what the Weavile would think if he saw it. The Weavile had probably caught a glimpse of his ‘barbequed’ face, but Dainton was praising dear Arceus that it didn’t.

    However – the Dratini had more things the think about, as nearby someone in the bushes a loud groan had emerged, in which distracted Dainton enough to turn his face, which he did not realize until the groan stopped. What in the world was that? Dainton stopped worrying about his face and he slowly submerged his head back into the bush as the groan managed to appear once again. Before he could fully go back into his hiding spot, another absol jumped out and started running right toward the two, effectively scaring the serpent enough to jump out of the bush and hide behind the Weavile, he knew somehow the Weavile could help.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    (ACE) The FARAWAY Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FARAWAY Team

    Post by Starbits Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:51 am

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    Faraway Island | Sunset | 1


    A soft padding of paws and the sound of grass and underbrush rustling could be heard if one listened hard enough. The creature stumbling painfully along was a pitiful sight indeed. The Umbreon was already odd looking; though he had the black fur and dark red eyes his species was known for, the rings of fur on his body that should have been yellow-gold were instead a silvery white. He was also incredibly tiny, only a little taller than a foot, and was extremely fluffy.

    If in good condition he would have made for a marvelous creature, but instead his long fur was matted with mud, sand, grass, twigs, and probably more. His ribcage stood out plainly and his limbs were too thin, too bony. His eyes were half closed from exhaustion, were dull and lifeless with fever, sleep deprivation, and despair; his ears drooped, his tail dragged along the ground, and his markings, which usually glowed at least faintly, were dim. Glass looked more resilient than he did.

    He was away from the ocean now; the accursed pounding of the surf was fading more and more. Thank goodness... the ocean... it took him away from... from...




    Water. Water everywhere. Descending from the sky, ascending from below. There was no place to hide from it.

    Hell was not darkness and fire and heat. Hell was darkness and water and being so cold you felt frozen.

    "Hang on as tightly as you can!" Their Lapras escort screamed over the wind to be heard. "I'm going to try to get out of the storm!"

    The wind was deafening. He could barely breath; every lungful drew more water than air.

    "Mond! Mond, you're slipping; YOU'RE SLIPPING!"

    Two purple paws grabbed his; he clung for dear life.

    "Hang on! Please hang on!"

    "I c-can't! C-can't any-anymo-"

    And then, suddenly, a great cry of terror from the Lapras, a twenty foot wall of water rising in front of him, the feeling of his sister's paws being torn from his in a deafening boom, his body being pummeled and tossed like a rag doll...

    ... And then blackness and silence...


    "Sister..." He moaned aloud.

    He needed her. He'd always needed her. He would find her. He would, he would, he would...

    Delirious from fever, mind in tatters, body starved for food and sleep, the child stumbled on, unable to even distinguish in his state what was real and what was not.

    Sonné... need Sonné...

    It was all one big nightmarish hallucination to him.

    Please... make it stop... please...

    (Ooc: Will be going into SH tomorrow due to internet troubles at college that might not be fixed by the time I get there on Saturday. So I am leaving my baby in your hands. Like all good mothers, I give you guys permission to have someone literally bump into him if you want, even the guys running at Mach six right now. XD He'll faint from hunger and exhaustion when someone finds him or if someone slams into him; if I'm gone for a while he'll wake as soon as I return. ^^)

    Last edited by Starprincess13 on Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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