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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:05 am

    [OOC: Skip, really tired atm. ;~;]
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:28 pm

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    Amity Square || Morning | 8

    The ghost sings happily, trying to sound charming in her tone. “Don’t be so angry--Ena means no harm!” Lector readily counters her statement. “Is easy to sssay not harmful, ghost.” The ghost’s sudden appearance only made the illusion fox even more untrusting, even though she would be easy to dispatch if she turned aggressive. Maybe he does have to get a better handle on his high-strung mood, but he cannot help but not trust other people easily.

    Caine responds to Lector’s protection of him, agreeing to having him become his friend. Lector gives a small smile to the fox and whispers a thank you before returning to leer at the candle ghost. Apparently she wanted to know what species Caine was. He huffs out a small ember, a sign of his minor irritation. Looking back to Caine, he then stares back at the ghost. “Fox will tell you of what he is, is not my part to say.” He will let Caine give his answer himself; as he said, there was no need for him to answer that sort of question. Instead, he relaxes his posture but stays cautious of the spirit, glaring at it with scrutinizing eyes. He looks back to the Girafarig, Gardevoir, and Azurill, while he browses over the land again. Staying out in the open like this is really starting to get to his nerves. It bothers him to no end to be so visible, so easy to notice and hunt down out here. Hopefully they can get everyone together and get to safety soon.

    ((OOC -- I know that Ciana is currently in the safehouse, but there is not really much else Lector can do at the moment :u Cruddy post is cruddy.))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:06 am

    Post 9

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    Amity Square| Morning

    Milo couldn't help but back away a little at the candle's seemingly innocent dancing and livliness. Something was wrong. He looked down to see what the little snake would say, but the other was suddenly gone, completely vanished. Dumbfounded, a mixture of fear and guilt washed over the girafarig as he spun around, trying to spot the blue and white serpent. "...Little guy?" he called tentatively, but found nothing to go on. He must have just... left. His ears twitched backward, a sad sigh escaping him. Guess... he didn't like Milo's answers...

    Seeing the sight before him, he cautiously made his way to the others, keeping behind Caine, who was behind Lector. "...What is that?" he asked softly of the ninetales, unsure of what else he could ask. He didn't notify the others of the missing snake; he figured they wouldn't care.


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    Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:10 pm

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    Amity Square|Morning

    Icarus was so tired...

    He had been traveling for three days straight, nonstop since the fall from Niall. His heart still ached for the beautiful bird who took him in, and the love he never got to show him. Icarus was sure that when he evolved Niall would see him as more than just a simple charge, an apprentice, and finally see him as an equal. Maybe even possible mate. But there was no use thinking on such things now, the other male was dead and there was nothing he could do about it. Sadness gave way to exhaustion as he saw the end of the tree line opening up into some kind of park.

    As he landed on the last tree, he saw a small gathering of Pokemon near the center of the square. Another wave of exhaustion hit and this time he couldn't catch himself. The small little Archen nearly fell from the branch he was clinging to, and had to flap his small wings as hard as he could to keep balance. He might not be able to fly, but those wings where the only thing keeping him in the trees. Unfortunately, the fall had seriously bruised his left wing and the frantic flapping caused a sharp sting to shoot up the appendage to his shoulder and he crashed to the ground.

    He panicked, jumping up from his crumpled heap and tried to look as intimidating as possible. His wings were thrown back to make himself look bigger, and his body was arched making his head low to the ground. If any of those strange Pokemon made a move towards him, he was ready to leap into whatever nearby tree could hold him. "Don't...don't come any closer! I'm not as tasty as I look!" he warned, not really sure if they were infected or not. But surely no one missed that loud fall, so he had to let them know he wasn't going down without a fight.
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    Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:06 am

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    Amity Square || Morning | 9

    The candle persisted in irritating them both, making the Zoroark only growl deeper. He is momentarily interrupted when he sees Caine whirl around at the corner of his eye. Looking behind him without turning himself away from the ghost, he finds Milo asking what the ghost was. “Donno.” Caine mutters. “She keeps calling herself ‘Ena’, but she’s not a species I know.” Out of nowhere, the candle bursts out in excitement, making Lector snap towards her again. “Oooooh! Sharing secrets! Ena wants to know! Tell Ena--she is good with secrets!” Lector glares at her silently, disgusted at her behavior. He even goes so far as to tolerate her dropping onto his nose. It was all too painfully obvious she was a child--not just any child, but a annoying, hyperactive child. This was the sort of person he could barely stand, and it made his fur prickle just thinking about having her in the group. Flames lick at the sides of his snarling jaw, tempting him to scare off the candle. But no--reminding himself of the Girafarig’s earlier complaint about his hostility, he stops his flames. Shaking the ghost off of his nose, he stares at her with contempt for a moment before turning to Milo.

    He remembers how well the Girafarig did with the Dratini, hoping that he can also help with this child as well. “Milo, is--“ he stops for a moment, having noticed that the Dratini was gone from their midst, “--was good with Dratini. Maybe could do good and keep Lector from mauling candle ghost?” His tone is not as hostile as usual when he addresses Milo, showing his willingness to seek his help. It still left a bitter taste in Lector’s mouth to trust the Girafarig, though.

    The motion and sound of something in the distant forest alerted Lector, making him turn around and try to discern it within the trees. It did not take long for it to clumsily stumble off of its perch, falling to the ground and apparently hurting its left wing. The bird was a complete mystery to the Zoroark, a species he does not recognize due to him being born in Sinnoh.

    In a futile attempt at making itself look strong, it throws out its wings at its sides and throws a small threat at himself and the others. “Don’t....don’t come any closer! I’m not as tasty as I look!” Lector did nothing to mind the creature. He impassively watches when the candle ghost flits straight over to it and starts assaulting it with greetings.

    The Zoroark yawns out of boredom and disinterest as his response to the situation, sitting upright while he does so. Why did there have to be so many Pokémon here? In all honesty, Lector was already sick of the amount of Pokémon that appeared so far. The amount of people coming around is only making him more irate and uncomfortable; more people means more resource consumption, as well as better social skills--which, needless to say, is something he is already terrible enough at.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:43 am

    Post 10

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    Amity Square| Morning

    "Shit. You scared me," Caine grumbled, his tone less than enthused. Milo's ears flicked back at the curse. "Dunno. She keeps calling herself 'Ena', but she's not a species I know." The girafarig's face shifted into a deeper frown as he studied the little bouncing candle made her way up to Lector's nose and stayed there a bit. The zoroark's gaze shifted to Milo, making the girafarig flinch a little.

    "Milo, is --was good with Dratini. Maybe could do good and keep Lector from mauling candle ghost?" It took a moment for him to realize what Lector was asking, and he gave Caine a pleading look before stepping forward a little, worried eyes going over the candle's form. Yes, a fat lot of good he was with the dratini-- he left! But maybe that's what Lector was going for, so... may as well try.

    Before he could utter a word, however, something literally dropped from the sky, landing onto the ground with a sickening thud. It looked like some sort of bird, but it was over by the treeline, and Milo didn't have the greatest of vision. He blinked in confusion, silent as the bird/ lizard thing told the group he wouldn't be good eating.

    Er... "...Why would we eat you...?" Milo asked softly, unsure of how to proceed. He glanced to Ena, then to the bird.


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    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:24 pm

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    Amity Square|Morning

    As he gauged their reactions, Icarus was happy to see that no one was lunging for him with drool running down their faces. In fact one of them even asked why they would bother to eat him, which was a great relief. However, what he didn't expect was a random candle in his face. "Ena says hi! Hi! New friend! What is your name? Ena wishes to know!" Icarus jumped back with a scream and began flapping his wings to try and get the small female away. Unfortunately, his injured left wing decided it didn't like that treatment and he hissed in pain, clutching the damaged limb close to his breast. He glared up at the small Litwick and snapped his beak at her. "Don't do that! You could scare someone to death that way!"

    Near heart attack aside, Icarus took in the rest of the group. While the creepy candle and giraffe were kind enough to address him, some either didn't notice him or just plain ignored him. Irritated to see the two foxes act like he wasn't even worth acknowledging, he hopped over to the giraffe, who seemed the most normal in the group, and glared at them. He was fine with them not eating him, naturally, but when you act like other survivors don't exist then you don't deserve to be around them and should have to fend for yourself. Ignoring someone was just another form of bullying and he couldn't stand bullies.

    "Right couple of jerks they are," he muttered angrily, missing the strength and companionship of Niall. When the other bird had been around, Icarus never had the need to be the sociable one. But he had watched his beloved die with his own eyes, barely surviving the fall himself thanks to the trees and his thick scales. With a heavy heart and a sigh, he looked up at the giraffe and nodded his head in greeting. "You can cal me Icarus, and uh- thanks, I guess. For not eating me."

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:12 am

    [OOC: I'm sorry, skip. ;A; I'm really tired...]
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:58 am

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    Amity Square || Morning | 10

    Lector continued to glare at the avian stranger at the forest’s edge, watching him cautiously. It does not take long for the bird to speak up to them. “You can call me Icarus, and uh- thanks, I guess. For not eating me.” Milo had come to question the bird’s fears of being eaten. “....Why would we eat you...?” Meanwhile, the dark fox was looking over the bird’s features with powerful, accurate eyes, scrutinizing him. This bird obviously wants to join the group; if that proves true, then his weaknesses and strengths must be known.

    While Lector mulls over his thoughts, the candle ghost presumably named Ena shoots straight over to the colorful bird, assaulting him with greetings and introductions. In response he had leapt back in fright, screeching in terror. Its squawk was obnoxiously loud to the fox’s sensitive ears, causing the Zoroark to flinch and snarl viciously at it. That bird was loud enough to wake the dead! He flicks another gaze around the park, looking over his back and up to the sky, expecting some Undead to come and try to devour them. But yet, he is surprised to still see not a single one. Instead, a quiet breeze rustles across the tall, unkempt grass of the field, making a pleasant sound and making his fur shiver with pleasure. Aggression turns into pleasure, as he admires the momentary cold wind. The charred scent of Bani’s bones slips in, but he merely ignores it.

    “Idiot. Do we look infected to him?” Caine says, prompting Lector to turn and see what he is doing. The fox’s demeanor has embittered, apparently thinking about the annoying newcomer as well. He looks over his shoulder at Lector, a humble smile showing before flicking his tails in a cue to follow. The Zoroark returns a brief smile of his own, and then eagerly walks on all fours after his friend, moving across the field and towards the edge of the forest where Icarus stands.

    Lector readily invited the chance to stay in the cover of the woodlands, and he shows it by sitting upright near one of the tall trees as Caine steps up to their visitor.

    Caine phases right through the candle ghost, an expression of detestation souring his mood. With a dark disposition Caine insults the bird. “Fuck. You, buddy. Fuck you. You do not drop into my fuckin paradise in hell, flailing like a retard, scream at us, insult me and Lector, and then just say your name like all is fucking dandy.” Lector is rendered speechless, unable to think of a reaction to the scene as he watches from a short distance. “No. You either apologize to my friend, right fucking now, or get your weird ass out of my park.” Again he is left amazed, and is happy that Caine is standing up for him--not that he cared much about the bird. Insults were such thin things anyways. Nonetheless, he draws out a menacing, sharp-toothed grin that moves all the way across his long face. Watching Caine snap at someone like that was actually quite funny, but he supposes that it was a bit cruel. Giving a second to think of something to say, he rises up from his spot and steps up next to the Ninetales. A similar irritation supports his tone, warning of the Zoroark’s distrust.

    “If Icarrrusss not scream and attract Undead, maybe not chassse off.” The newfound name is strange to him, as he speaks it slowly to try to get used to its pronunciation. He allows his tongue to flicker like a snake through a small gap in the front of his grinning teeth, producing a small hissing noise. He glares questioningly at the stranger. “Is giving choice. Park not big enough for ssselfish. Maybe if apologises, could prove place in group.” Lector allowed just a hint of tolerance into his still-distrusting voice, and sits upright as he waits for a response.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:45 am

    Post 11

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    Amity Square| Morning

    "Right couple of jerks they are," the bird had angrily snorted, making the girafarig frown a little. They weren't jerks, they were just... odd. Still, the bird introduced himself as Icarus, which brought a small smile of relief to Milo's face. Finally... some sort of peaceful resolut--

    "Fuck. You, buddy. Fuck you. You do not drop into my fuckin paradise in hell, flailing like a retard, scream at us, insult me and Lector, and then just say your name like all is fucking dandy. No. You either apologize to my friend, right fucking now, or get your weird ass out of my park." Milo jumped back a little at Caine's ferocity, ears pinned back in shock and a little horror. Yes, Icarus had been a little brutish at first, but so had nearly everyone else when they'd first reached the park.

    He needed to stop the anger; he feared the bird would get indignant with Caine's passionate reply, and it would just spiral more and more out of control. Ironic that so much dissonance was happening in Amity Square... "There's no nee--" But as soon as he found a place to butt in, he was butted out by Lector's hissing broken English.

    "If Icarrrusss not scream and attract Undead, maybe not chassse off. Is giving choice. Park not big enough for ssselfish. Maybe if apologises, could prove place in group." Milo sighed. At least it was better than Caine's terrible curses.

    "As I was about to say..." he reiterated, putting a hoof between Icarus and Caine, "There's no need for fighting... That's all we've done since he've met... and it hasn't even been a day!" He looked to the others, ears flicking about to catch any signs of intruders. His eyes fell to the ninetales, watching the other's irritated tails flick about before catching the fox's gaze. "Please? Let's just stop fighting and figure out food and water... We'll work better as a team anyhow." His chocolate eyes searched Caine's trying to find the little piece of decency that had to be there.



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    Post by Min Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:59 pm

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    Amity Square| |Dawn

    The child watches from a distance, now anxious of everyone. Both the Gardevoir and Dratini left, a bundle of pink, yellow, and blue fell from the sky, and Caine was acting... Not nice. Molly wasn't sure who to trust, although Lector seemed alright, save for the weird way of speaking. Milo was friendly too, but already had the new bird by his side.

    When the Ninetales snapped at the Archen, Molly had instinctively winced, hiding behind her large tail in fear as she watched the fox told the fossil bird to get out. As Lector suggested they let Icarus stay as long as he apologizes and proves himself, Milo also spoke. "Please? Let's just stop fighting and figure out food and water... We'll work better as a team anyhow. Please?"

    "Um... I-I agree." Molly's voice was much quieter, gentler. With Caine's sudden display of aggression the child was scared, very scared. So terrified she had almost lost her will to speak. What if I say something wrong? What if he yells at me because he doesn't like me? Questions raced through her head, fear rolling off the Azurill in waves.

    Oh dear Arceus, please don't hurt me!
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    Post by Guest Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:25 am

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    Amity Square || Morning | 11

    After Caine had finished his string of threats and warnings, Milo had come up to try and mediate the situation. He tried to speak before Lector interrupted him, but the Zoroark remained completely quiet afterwards to allow Milo to give his own say. The Girafarig looked very concerned about the rising conflict, and he eagerly wanted to diffuse it. For once, it would seem Lector and him were having a similar idea. Lector questions his earlier judgment about the equine; while he does not believe he was too harsh, he is wondering if Milo should be given a second chance. Maybe; maybe. Lector thinks over these things, listening to the conversation while he does so.

    “As I was about to say, there’s no need for fighting....That’s all we’ve done since we’ve met....and it hasn’t even been a day!” The exclamation pops Lector from his thoughts, and he is now paying full attention. Milo has turned his words to the irate Caine. “Please? Let’s just stop fighting and figure out food and water....We’ll work better as a team anyhow. Please?”

    The Azurill that embraced Caine earlier bounds up near the group, and begins to support Milo. She gives a simply, shy agreement and then flinches with fright, as if she was going to be punished for her words. Lector looks to the child with sympathy, giving a small nod to show that he agrees with her. Caine had bore a long and hostile snarl towards the peculiar stone bird that had come into Amity Square, but when Milo stepped in and tried to diffuse the argument his aggression had plummeted. The sheer concern in his defensive statement startled Caine, and he switched his stare between Lector and Milo. “I-I’m sorry! I just want to be alone! I’m not used to others and....And I don’t know....” Lector became concerned by the looks Caine had given him, and he worried that he had hurt the fire fox’s feelings with his words.

    As if all determination had fallen out of the fox’s heart, Caine retreats in a submissive crouch beside Lector. It surprises the fox, his ears drooping as he looks at the earth-gazing, shameful mood of his friend. Concern immediately breaks through, as Lector tries to think of a way to help. But as he looks with worry to Caine he cannot help but see that the blood on his right forepaw has faded away, the wound clotting itself up and beginning its healing process. Wait.....did that thing just start to heal? Something finally clicks together in his mind; an answer to his earlier curiosities regarding the wound has been found. That injury did not come from any Undead. It must be a self-injury....

    His stare only lasted for a brief time, passing by the injury as if Lector had simply given a concerned glance to the fox. Lector’s expression still remained concerned but quite calm. But inside he felt troubled by the wound. If that really is a self-inflicted wound, it could get infected easily. As he considers these things, he recalls the ghostly candle named Ena, who had started this meeting in the first place. When he passes his gaze over the group, he sees that she had gone. That is, until she pops out from the forest canopy with her traditional creepy smile.

    As she appears, she gives a little giggle and a twitch comes to her eye. To any person born in an easier world that small visual cue would have been ignored, but Lector scanned every last moment of that gesture. It immediately made him skeptical, enough so that he questioned what it meant. Momentarily ignoring the others, he cranes his neck to the right, noticing the clustered forms of some unknown flock flying lazily across the park’s dawning horizon. While he tries to discern the aerial group, he begins to feel uneasy. It seems like he could just make out sagging flesh and a distinctly lame flight pattern, but they were still too far away for him to discern them correctly. He offers to have the others see for themselves. “Others, is ssseeing birds over horizon?” He looks back to them, before nodding over towards the dawning sky. His ears droop back, and he patiently warns them. “Is good idea to hide in forest until birds passs. Is looking like there are....five. Maybe with fearowss.” The last word draws out with a small sense of dread, especially at meeting one of those long-beaked monsters. Getting up from his spot at the base of the tree he laid down next to and rising onto all fours, he looks down to the Ninetales next to him and humbly gestures with a nod to see if Caine wishes to follow alongside him.

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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:19 am

    Post 12

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    Amity Square| Morning

    Milo's heart fell as Caine simply melted and collapsed under the girafarig's pleas, his intentions for a peaceful solutions quickly being tossed away. His ears flicked back in slight panic as the ninetales did the same, and he could only feel guilt for the entire thing. It was his fault that Caine had done that... his words made him retreat back to Lector. He opened his mouth for an apology, but the dark fox made an observation that completely changed Milo's attention.

    "Others, is ssseeing birds over horizon?" Milo turned to see the ominous cloud of figures, their movements odd and gangly. Fear rose to a lump in Milo's long neck, and he subconsicously took a step back. "Is good idea to hide in forest until birds passs. Is looking like there are....five. Maybe with fearowss." The girafarig nodded, not making any protests as he silently followed, looking to Icarus and Molly, who was fearfully keeping from the group. "Come on," he offered gently to the others.

    As he trotted behind Lector and Caine, his guilt doubled when Lector's calm words echoed in his mind. It seemed that he had caught the dark fox in as bad a mood as he had caught Milo... Not only had he upset Caine, but it looked that he'd gravely misunderstood Lector. Swallowing his pride, he lightly nudged Caine's tails, a sorrowful look on his face. "...I... didn't mean to upset you, Caine..." he murmured, guilt apparent in his voice. "...I just... wanted the fighting to stop..." He looked to the back of Lector's fluffy head and added, "And... I'm sorry to you, too, Lector... I shouldn't have been so harsh."


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    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:12 pm

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    Amity Square|Morning

    "Fuck. You, buddy. Fuck you. You do not drop into my fuckin paradise in hell, flailing like a retard, scream at us, insult me and Lector, and then just say your name like all is fucking dandy. No. You either apologize to my friend, right fucking now, or get your weird ass out of my park." The hell?! What the hell did he do? Even the Undead were nicer than this dumb asshole! All Icarus did was fall out of a tree injured, get ignored, and suddenly he was the bad guy? Oh no.

    “If Icarrrusss not scream and attract Undead, maybe not chassse off. Is giving choice. Park not big enough for ssselfish. Maybe if apologises, could prove place in group.” That was it. "Selfish? SELFISH?! YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT SELFISH? HOW ABOUT STARTING WITH WHO THE HELL ASKED FOR YOUR TWO CENTS?! NOBODY!" He turned his gaze on the paler fox that spoke first and gave him a level glare. "And for your information, ass-wipe, I WAS ASKED MY NAME!" The Giraffarig tried to mediate the fight but there was no point. These jerk offs didn't deserve friends, they didn't even deserve to live. The snarky black fox mentioned birds and Icarus was suddenly reminded of Niall, and a part of him snapped.

    "You know what? I hope they fucking eat you. You idiots deserve it. Maybe the next time the only man I've ever love falls dead from the sky I'll try not to land anywhere near you psychos! I'm outta here!" With all of the adrenaline his anger supplied Icarus was able to launch himself back into the trees and began to make his way out of the park.

    ((OOC: Sorry guys, but this is his leaving post. I know it is really angry, you guys did kinda start shit with a complete stranger, but that is part of the main reason I am leaving the team. Maybe next the next player won't be ostracized simply for existing.))
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:59 am

    ((OOC -- I apologize for holding up the team, but I am completely stuck on what to type up for Lector this time around. Please skip me.
    ~Just say that he followed Caine for now~))

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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:25 am

    Post 13

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    Amity Square| Morning

    Milo didn't know, or understand what to do. With the infected flock hurriedly making their way toward the square, his anxiety rose in multiples, his legs quivering with each step he took that brought him closer to the confines of the forest. While seeking cover from the flock was a good idea, the girafarig wasn't so sure it should be the forest they sought. After all, even worse things hid in the wood... He swallowed hard, then caught Caine's gaze as they trod, surprised with what he saw. The ninetales, the ever-changing ninetales, was just as scared as he.

    Taking some comfort that his fear wasn't alone, his whimpers softly repeating Bachi's name. Milo's heart quickened; was he going to revert to that rocking, crazed, broken fox again? So soon after "recovering"? He surely hoped not, as he had no idea how to continue to try and pick up pieces to a puzzle he didn't even know what looked like. Though, after Ena giggled and procured some macabre banter, Caine, once again, shifted into his hardened self. "Come on. We can go to the forest in between the park and Hearthome. The coverage will hide us from anything above."

    The girafarig gulped, unsure of this other form. While he was relieved for the definite leadership, he was worried about to cold, calloused glaze over the fox's eyes. How could a person shift so drastically so quickly? He couldn't understand it, but he didn't want to fight it. He nodded, then continued to trot after the fox and candle, trying not to look behind him.


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    Post by Guest Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:51 pm

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    Amity Square || Morning | 12

    Lector was completely dumbstruck by the strange bird’s words, and went into a bout of thought after he left. He continued to follow Caine, but his mind was stuck in a different place other than what was happening. He had discovered something tragic, which tore him up from the inside. The Zoroark’s normally vicious personality was broken by the realization, the realization of what he had been doing.

    It was his own fault that everything has been going wrong, was it not? First Bachi was stopped short at the center of the park, where the Scizor had the perfect opportunity to slaughter her. Then the Dratini left, who seemed to keep Milo happy. And then this strange bird, Icarus, to whom he had tried to grant an opportunity to stay. Maybe the Gardevoir’s leaving was even attributed to him somehow? He looked to Caine, considering the moment with calm-looking eyes. Meanwhile, hurt struck his own heart like a club, as he dropped into embitterment. He was trying to be a guardian to the others, but in his fault he became a savage. This was the same thing that he was taught by his trainer--his Daddy, Cerrus--to control, as well as what Malaphas had hoped him to learn.

    The separation might be sad, but maybe he should leave Caine and the others?

    He then looked to Milo, and even to the Azurill. Surely they would be able to take care of the fox while Lector left? They needed his help now, and he could most certainly help them. But how was he to leave without causing the others to follow him into danger? A plot developed in his mind, a plan to help both him and his friends. Lector continued in the direction that Caine was leading them upon through the forest, acting quite normal for himself at first. But after moving a considerable distance into the trees where the others would have trouble noticing him, an illusion seathed around his body, masking him from plain sight. With the illusion covering his flight, he dashed off into the forest. He met no Undead along the way, as the small place had an awkward silence to it. There was no taint as far as he could smell, and nothing responded to the sound of his rapid steps. Tears came to his eyes, but he sighed away their spell over him while he ran.

    Milo, Caine, and the Azurill would be better off without him, especially Caine. He did not need someone as cruel as Lector teaching him anything bad. Caine would weep over him for a while, and then make friends with the others. Then the both of them would survive on better than if they were together. He made it to the forest near Hearthome City, and smiled with a bitter contentment. With the speed that he was going at, he was sure that Caine or the others could not catch up in time to see where he was going. The forest remained calm over here, and he could not hear the heavy flap of any overhead wings. He looked to the sky, and gave a humble smile. Goodbye, he plainly muttered under his breath, redoubling his determination and leaping over the city’s border. He dashes across the stony landscape, before vanishing into a forest west of the city.

    ((OOC -- Well, I am placing Lector in Inactive now. It’s been good RP’ing with you all! C:))

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    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:22 am

    Post 14

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    Amity Square| Morning

    Milo sighed as he traveled along, his mind a chaotic mess. He needed to calm down, for the little baby Azurill and for Lector and for Caine. They all needed each other, they all needed support, in order to get through this next -what might be- battle. Gathering himself, his strength and courage, he looked back up to see that their group had another missing member.


    Shocked, a little scared, Milo looked frantically for the zoroark, as he seemed to be the one most battle-ready. His heart pounding, he came to realize that the fox had just disappeared and an anger came to rise in his chest and throat. How DARE he! How dare he just abandon them in a crisis! "Coward!" Milo cursed, looking for some trace of the dark fox. "Where the hell did he go?!"


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:34 am

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    Amity Square| |Morning

    Molly trembled with fear as she tried to keep up, wobbling dangerously on her tail. Icarus had gone, after a bout of screaming. And now, Lector was nowhere to be seen. The child clenched her jaw, tears pricking her eyes as she bounded towards Milo and Caine even faster. Periodically looking back to check on the flock gaining on them, the Azurill felt fear rush through her veins as the ear-piercing screeches rang in her ears.

    Immediately she felt her tail slip away and her face slammed into the ground. Gingerly getting up, her face sore from impact, Molly panicked. "What do I do... What do I do?!" she squeaked, to scared and shocked to run. The birds were getting closer, and the Azurill stared behind her, bawling out her eyes in fear and pain.

    [OOC: sorry for crappy post, had to do it while getting on a boat. Orz]
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