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    (ACE) The AMITY Team

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:43 am



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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:31 pm

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    Amity Square| |Noon

    "H-he looks like an angel... but he's not... h-he just wants to break us further... that's all people like him want to do... i-if he actually c-comes back with a-anything, there'll be a catch somewhere along the way... you just watch..." Molly viciously shook her head side-to-side, burying her face deep into the Ninetales' fur to muffle her pained sobs. "D-Don't...don't say that!" she exclaimed, her voice growing desperate. "That's...that's only making it worse..." she sniffled, biting her upper lip enough to cause blood to begin oozing out. "W-We need to have hope--! We can't give up...we can't...momma said to never give up...always have hope, because if we lose that hope then we'll end up going nowhere..."

    "A-And I don't want to be nowhere...I want to...I want to belong..." she stopped for a moment, looking up to Caine's crying face silently as he muttered. "What sorry excuse am I if I cannot even protect the innocent?... I am far from saving myself, but the youth?... And in this time?... How many monsters like that are there really? WIll I have to face that pain again? Not that I care when my own blood is shed... but... the children..." she yelped a little when she felt herself being lifted, eyes wide as she was levitated towards the two Ralts.

    "Golly, you guys look worse off... Name's Colton. Any way I can help?" she looked up in surprise at the new voice, gazing at the Pidgey before her. She smiled a little. More help! "I-I'm Molly..." she mumbled. "Colton's a nice name...nice to meet you."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:22 am

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    Amity Square | Noon | 21

    "D-Don't...don't say that! That's...that's only making it worse..." Oliver stared straight ahead at nothing, hearing the girl but not looking at her; his normally his nose would have alerted him to her new wound, but there was already so much blood that the scent was masked. "W-We need to have hope--! We can't give up...we can't...momma said to never give up...always have hope, because if we lose that hope then we'll end up going nowhere..."

    We already ARE nowhere...

    "A-And I don't want to be nowhere...I want to...I want to belong..."

    I hope you manage that because I never will...

    "I should have been there... been able to protect the children," The broken whisper was spoken almost directly into Oliver's ear, and the little monkey wondered for a moment if the words were even for anyone at all. "What sorry excuse am I if I cannot even protect the innocent? ...I am far from saving myself, but the youth? ...And in this time...? How many monsters like that are there really? Will I have to face that pain again? Not that I care when my own blood is shed... but... the children..."

    "Can a drowning person save another drowning person?" He normally wasn't like this aloud. But something inside him had broken, and maybe it was the filter that kept thoughts from leaking into words, because the question sprang from his mouth as soon as it burst into his head. How could the fox place all the blame of this on himself? He couldn't even take care of himself, so how fair was it to place the well being of everyone else on him?

    But then, life was never fair, yes? And perhaps the most unfair person in the world was one to oneself...

    "Golly, you guys look worse off... Name's Colton. Any way I can help?"

    He cringed at the voice, moreso from the shock of hearing a new one rather than anything else. Too tired and miserable to move, he merely nuzzled his face into Caine's fluff with a mumble of his name. "Oliver..."

    He didn't want a new person right now. What he wanted was the world to go away. Or maybe not...? He didn't want Caine to go away... he was holding them... or at least, holding them as well as he could for someone with no arms. And Molly was saying things that were further depressing him, but not on purpose...

    Arcues. Now he didn't even really know what he wanted.

    Because the one thing he knew for sure that he wanted, he couldn't have.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:36 am

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    Amity Square || Noon [13][4]

    “We’re back!”

    Calvin’s voice rung out obnoxiously seconds before the ethereal creature glided back onto the scene, resorting to flying languidly above his disgruntled companion. The Togeren wore a broad, triumphant grin as his eyes wandered across the faces of the weak, absorbing their misery as fuel to sustain his own impeccable state of perfection. Whilst they had suffered a brush with death leaving them broken, distraught and haggard, Calvin was having an absolute whale of a time, cheery and void of as much as a speck of dirt.
    “Did you miss me?” The Togeren cooed, swooping down to land agilely before the bloodied fox and the wounded youngsters, oblivious to their plight. “Oh look at you – you all look utterly pathetic, why the long faces? Medics obviously not doing their jobs well enough, eh?” He lightly nudged the Azurill, his aristocratic chuckle surreal amidst the overwhelming melancholy. Glimpse of the healthy, recently-arrived bird only heightened his cruel excitement.

    “Oh look, Nokesy! They’ve multiplied!”

    The Manectric who had been lagging behind limped into view, the makeshift sack held tight in his jaws as blood from his eye continued to ooze down both his face and the supplies. He arrived as Calvin was peering down at an avian species the hound hadn’t noticed before – either that or he was, as the Togeren announced, a newcomer.
    “Great,” The Manectric growled sarcastically, dropping the sack before the group. As far as he was concerned the conversation was over, his attentions instead turned on doling out the Togeren’s supplies as the pair of Ralts continued to work. Flipping the fabric over to reveal the berries and bottles within, Nokes gestured with a light nod of his head. “He wasn’t lying. Take what you need,” Claiming a Sitrus berry for himself, the Manectric retreated to the same tree trunk that had supported him before, keen to recuperate without further socialization.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:03 pm

    ((Wow been a while since I posted this team, lol))
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    Amity Square|Noon

    The little Ralts had been shocked to hear the name of Azelf come floating into his mind, the admission of his suspicion dulled in comparison to realizing he had spoken that way to a Legendary. ~I am so sorry...I- I had no idea. Please forgive me.~ He responded softly, somewhat more secure using his telepathy to speak than actual words at the moment. He wasn't from Sinnoh, no, but he knew of Legends. Wally had been very fond of them and often told the stories of creation to Sammy at bedtime when he was still sick and little. Of course he knew Azelf.

    As Azelf drew everyone closer to him Prince pulled himself into a kneeling position, quite the effort considering how limp his body had become, and closed his eyes. As each individual was sent down before him he began to let out wave after wave of Heal Pulse. Their close proximity did little to ease his weakness, negative emotions still running rampant and now even closer to him than they previously had been. Especially the Chimchar...depression radiated off of him.

    Trying his hardest to concentrate the small Ralts continued the waves of healing energy, allowing the move to bounce off each individual Pokemon before gathering all the strength he could into one final large one. The final pulse was meant to hit all of them at once and repair any internal damage. Human potions and simple berries often had trouble with the inside of a Pokemon. He couldn't quite heal everything yet he would be able to save them from the brink of death. There would still be scars on a few of them.

    Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, no amount of physical healing would repair the damage that Xatu had done to their minds. Opening his eyes he realized that another had joined the group. He hadn't noticed during his concentration but at least this one held enough optimistic emotion to perk the Ralts up a bit. "I'm finished-" he began, trying to apologize for not being able to do better but a voice cut in before he could. “We’re back!”

    It was the strange white being from before returning with the Manectric. “Did you miss me?” No. No he had not. The odd looking creature did not seem the sort Prince would want to hang around even if it was the end of the world. He looked too shady. But it seemed they had been victorious and there was a bounty of healing and edible items for them to choose from, thing that could patch up whatever Prince had been unable to. Smiling softly he remained kneeling and waited for everyone to get what they needed while eying a single Leppa berry. The only one he could spot in the entire gathering.

    ((For reference bold italics marked with "~~" is Prince speaking telepathically.))

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Wed May 01, 2013 6:02 am

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    Amity Square || Noon || 14

    ~I am so sorry...I- I had no idea. Please forgive me.~

    There's nothing that needs forgiving, little one. He smiled kindly at the boy.

    "What sorry excuse am I if I cannot even protect the innocent? ...I am far from saving myself, but the youth...? And in this time?... How many monsters like that are there really? Will I have to face that pain again? Not that I care when my own blood is shed... but... the children..."

    Azef could have sworn he felt his heart crack. The Chimchar and Azurll's follow-ups didn't help matters. "Oh... oh little one... no one can expect you to be able to protect everyone all the time... you're only a child yourself..."

    "Golly, you guys look worse off... Name's Colton. Any way I can help?"

    "Um... not really... just... sit there and don't wander off, really..." He couldn't stop staring at the young bird; where in Father's name had he come from?

    “We’re back!”

    Oh. Fantastic. Azelf turned around and was shocked to see that there actually were supplies. A brief feeling of relief washed over him, replaced quickly by anger as the stupid creature continued to run his mouth. His temper was seriously not going to last very long with this one around.

    At all.


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Wed May 15, 2013 5:15 pm

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    Amity Square| |Noon

    "Nice to meet you, Miss Molly!" the grand smile the cap-wearing Pidgey wore had lightened her spirits, the little Azurill grinning widely in return. Despite her painful wounds, she still giggled. She liked this newcomer, he was friendly and kind! “We’re back!” the familiar voice of the angel-like being caused the child to awkwardly shuffle, facing the Togeren who landed near her and the others. “Did you miss me?” she gazed hopefully into his eyes. "Welcome back!" barely noticing the Heal Pulse as she stumbled forward with new energy. “Oh look at you – you all look utterly pathetic, why the long faces? Medics obviously not doing their jobs well enough, eh?” Calvin had nudged her, and her round body soon rolled onto it's back, and she giggled as she tumbled around. "Do not touch her shit head." the suddenly snarl from the fox had surprised her, causing her to look Caine's way.

    "O-Oh! It's okay, he didn't hurt me!" she squeaked. She watched intently as the Manectric dropped a sack, too tired to get back on her tail as she rolled to the bag. “He wasn’t lying. Take what you need,” Molly prompty shoved her face (more or less her whole body) into the large amount of berries inside, writhing before rolling back out, shoving two Sitrus berries along with her. She nudged one to the Ninetales and the other to the Chimchar, smiling. She could still feel the pain of her wounds--the scars that form stung and hissed at her every movement. The Azurill simply couldn't get back up anymore--it hurt too much, not just physically, but on the inside too...

    I'll just laugh the pain away! Molly giggled with thought as she snuggled back up to Caine's warm pelt. She'd just have to have so much fun that she'll forget about the agony, the wrenching feeling in her gut, the image of her dying mother...she can't give up hope. She knew it--she just can't.

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon May 27, 2013 12:11 pm

    Post 25

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    Amity Square| Noon

    Everyone seemed to be getting better, but Milo's mind was still trapped in shadows. His legs felt less and less like sharp blades imbedded into his flesh, likely thanks to the little healing ralts. But he didn't really know or care; his head was down, focused on the ground and grass beneath him. His case helped shield his face from the world, its neck half-heartedly masking him. There was another pokemon to arrive, a white one with wings like an angel, but again, the girafarig stayed as he was. No angel could help them. That Xatu would be back, the screams would start again... or something else would try and kill them. He'd been living in this hell for years now, but that bird... only that Xatu had made him lose hope.

    For the first time in what seemed an eternity, Milo lifted his head to see the others, his expression tired and blank. They were getting along better. They were recovering, body and mind. But... he couldn't. He didn't want to. The thought of continuing on after that... was just so exhausting... Maybe... it would just be better for everyone, even himself, if he just gave up. Walked away and laid down somewhere, never to get up again. With a shuddering breath and eyes beginning to brim with tears, he heaved himself up and silently slumped away. No words, no goodbyes. They'd be better off without him anyway...

    [[Leaving post]]


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Thu May 30, 2013 10:50 pm

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    Amity Square | Noon | 22

    I'm so tired... The dark shadows underneath his eyes backed his internal thoughts, the tired lines that had settled there possibly permanent. If I could go to sleep right now and never have to wake up again, that'd be great... Just never having to think again would be good enou-

    “We’re back!”

    The loud, obnoxious, and deeply annoying voice interpreted his thoughts and he lifted his head, glancing over his shoulder. He shuddered to see Nokes and Calvin returning, a sense of sickening dread settling into his stomach. Why'd they have to return...?

    With a glassy eyed stare he noted the healing items and the feeling worsened. Okay, so the fake angel had been truthful; there actually were healing items.

    Which means there's a catch in this somewhere. His small body huddled further against Caine, shivering, fear slowly seeping into his emotions again. What was he planning...?

    “Did you miss me?” Oliver's whole body tensed in terror as the creature flew over to them and landed in front of them, the little ape managing something of a tiny squeak.

    No, no I did not, now please go the fuck away and leave us alone I don't like you oh Arceus please make him go away please please.

    His internal babble erupted instead into anger as the fake angel took a direct stab at the young Ralts who had just been kind enough to heal them all. “Oh look at you – you all look utterly pathetic, why the long faces? Medics obviously not doing their jobs well enough, eh?”

    The slight brightening and enlargening of the Chimchar's tail flame was the only sign that the comment had set him off a touch. But, as usual, he remained silent, too afraid to speak, face half buried in Caine's fur.

    The next minute or so of interaction went unnoticed by him, his anger and pain simmering silently as he stewed in his own thoughts.

    "Welcome back!" The sudden cheeriness and movement caught his attention and the young chimp once again removed his face from the safety of Caine's fluff, anger melting away and error taking its place as the little mouse stumbled over to the Togren.

    "Do not touch her shit head."

    The intensity startled him, his gaze quickly snapping over to the fox. Wow, did he look angry... he swallowed, painfully reminded that angry people always meant bad news for him.

    But Caine wouldn't hurt him... right...?

    Something touched him, rolling gently to a stop against his foot. Weary eyes glanced down at it, recognizing the yellow form as a sitrus berry. His body ached with exhaustion, and though his wounds had been cared for, the berry would still help...

    The eyes moved back up to Caine, asking a silent question: "Should we?"


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Fri May 31, 2013 3:59 am

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    Amity Square || Noon [14][5]

    "Do not touch her shit head."

    Caine’s vicious threat had not gone unnoticed by Calvin. The Togeren paused in his languid movements, slender neck craned to watch the irate fox, as the first glimpse of the tyrannical brat he was known for crossed his perfect features. It was brief, an ugly flash of the angel’s Mr Hyde – but it had surfaced regardless, a beacon now emerging over the fire-type’s head in automatic response. Nobody threatened Calvin and got away with it.
    “Well, that’s gratitude,” The Togeren hissed sarcastically, though the initial venom was quickly washed away with a charming chuckle. “Relax. I’m just kidding! Though you should mind your manners, pup – you might piss someone off with that mouth of yours,”

    "O-Oh! It's okay, he didn't hurt me!"

    “See,” Calvin grinned triumphantly. He strolled back towards little Molly and her grouchy protector, half-hovering to give the illusion that he was walking on air. ”I’m great with kids,” Whilst the Togeren wore a spotless smile, radiating false frivolity, he challengingly placed a paw lightly over Caine’s own.

    Holding the Ninetales’ glare with his own vermillion orbs, Calvin wanted to make it perfectly clear that he would do exactly what he wanted when he wanted, and expected no complaints. He was the one holding the cards in this situation – not some tailless mutt. Something quite sinister flashed within the recesses of his eyes as the angelic creature gave the canine a final pat of the paw before turning away. He didn’t want to fight an invalid – it was always such a pain getting the stains out of his feathers.

    "Nu-uh! I just showed up!”

    The newcomer had spoken, welcoming Calvin with an optimism that he was more accustomed to. His face alighting with a smile, his dangerous malice forgotten with each step carrying him away from Caine, he titled his head in greeting to the young avian.
    “Well, it’s certainly a pleasure, kiddo,” He called, momentarily admiring the youngster’s attire. Calvin always had an eye for fashion, and a natural inclination towards those who showed obvious signs of domestication. As common as the Pidgey’s miserable species was, Calvin took some comfort in his amiable nature. Then again, from the way he spoke to Nokes, it seemed unlikely he would sustain his cheer for long.

    The hound had retreated to the shadows; impressive stature sprawled out in a vain bid to recharge in the time after the storm. Yet his mind was more alive than ever. The bird wouldn’t leave his thoughts. That same demonic creature that had so effortlessly destroyed his mind and body continued to breathe down his neck. The image was immovable, forever imprinted in the Manectric’s brain as he glared into the distance, struggling to accept what had happened. He had spent his life as the tyrant, the controller and dictator. He decided who died, who got hurt. And now, Xatu had tarnished everything he’d thought he’d known. Nokes had become prey, ‘meat’.

    "Golly, your eye is all messed up, Mister Nokesy, sir!"

    The childish voice snapped Nokes out of his bitter reverie in an instant, his one-eyed glare honing in on the Pidgey before him. His lip curled back a fraction at the creature’s observations, temper flaring more so at the use of a nickname he hadn’t intended to be spread. But he was too tired to act; mentally and physically drained from a fight with a god.
    “Nokes,” He corrected bluntly, voice gruff as he allowed his head to rest on his paws once more. His eye was still bleeding; the pebble that now housed the socket continuing to irritate its lodgings, as the blood continued to leisurely dribble down his hardened features. Nokes paid it little mind, however – more pressing matters keen to invade his thoughts. He deserved the pain, anyway. He was a failure and until he could reclaim his power, he would live this way – consider it a memento, a reminder of the lessons taught by a true monster.

    (( Ciana, I can edit the bit about touching Caine's paw if need be. Just let me know! :3 ))

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:25 pm

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    Amity Square|Noon

    So much was going on that it seemed his lonely little Leppa berry was untouched. After everyone else got what they wanted he carefully tiptoed over to it before reaching down to delicately pluck it from the ground. Looking around nervously, trying to make sure no one else had wanted it, he slowly brought it up to his mouth before popping it in. The berry was small but juicy, the refreshing fluid running down his throat as he chewed. Prince smiled happily as he felt the berry working its magic to restore his energy for casting Heal Pulse, having nearly used every bit of power bringing the others back from the brink.

    Somewhat refreshed by the berry and slowly receding negativity he moved away from the bag of items to sit away from the others, not really sure if he was actually welcome despite having healed them. They all seemed to be more familiar with each other and likely wouldn't an unwelcome guest. Especially the fox, monkey and mouse. When the new bird mentioned something about the hound's eye Prince looked up to see blood dribbling from the corner. Had he missed one? He then realized the Manectric hadn't stayed long enough to be fully healed and likely needed another dose.

    Getting up he stepped carefully over to the gold and black wolf before stopping a few paces away. "Um...I can look at that...if you want that is. It could get infected and you could lose the eye..." He didn't want the guy who saved him to go blind, that wasn't any kind of reward.

    Posts : 3030

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:26 am

    (Skip please.)


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:26 pm

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    Amity Square| |Late Afternoon

    "...Thank you Molly. I could sure use a berry or five." the child grinned widely up to the Ninetales. "Not a problem!" she squeaked, nestled comfortably into the side of the fox. Her breaths were ragged and uneven, throat straining to keep up with her cheery facade as she yawned, the fatigue threatening to drag her away. She fought to keep her eyes open, squinting a little as she shuffled in place. Once she felt tired though, it was hard to stay awake--and in an attempt not to suddenly doze off she perked up, looking around for something, anything she could do. She couldn't just frolic off to dreamland while everyone else was either hard at work healing or trying to stay alive! "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy?" in mild surprise, she looked up to the little Pidgey, before glancing to the Manectric whom laid in the shade. Her eyes wandered to the electric-type's own, mangled remains of half his sight, before frowning.

    "I think he needs a hug...and a friend." Molly couldn't help but smile at the thought. Imagine, the Manectric suddenly being bombarded with hugs! "I think so, too." she giggled, but soon gave a shrug. "But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways." she mumbled. Admittedly, the normal-type was actually a little terrified of Nokes, at least, to a good extent. The black hound already was intimidating enough, with that cold, piercing blue gaze--now his wounds only made him look more scary. Averting her gaze, she looked back to Caine, tired.

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:22 pm

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    Amity Square | Noon | 23

    "Get your filthy fucking foot off of my own or I will snap it off myself, you son of a fucker,"

    This sentence caused a kind of thought crash in Oliver's brain.

    I'm pretty sure it's "son of a bitch."

    Arceus he has his foot on his paw get your foot off his paw and step back at least ten feet!  

    He stammered out a soft sound that couldn't be quite understood, and indeed he wasn't very sure which one of his thoughts it would have been had it become properly vocalized.

    Then the berry. Then the question. And then the question's answer in both the form of the fox eating his berry, and then nudging Oliver's closer to him. "Go on, Oliver. You'll need your strength."

    Mechanically he picked up the treat and began to chew, the sweet Oran helping with his lingering ache and his nerves. But the berry could not heal a fractured mind, and so he remained on the alert, and very much afraid.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:35 am

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    Amity Square || Noon [15][6]

    It was fair to say that Caine was not overly pleased by Calvin’s reassuring and comforting pat of the paw. Yet again, the Togeren’s tormenting nature had hit all the targets as the Ninetales spat some desperate filth in response. Calvin could only chuckle lightly to himself, making a mental note to provoke the fire-type’s explosive temper more often. He scared his friends with such violent words – what would they think when that bark turned to a bite?
    “Ohh dear,” Calvin muttered to himself as he left the irate fox to himself, content in the first glimpse of entertainment the canine would no doubt provide. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with these cretins quite yet, but the Togeren had been so starved of company that he would make sure he got his fill of amusement from their misery. So far, so good.
    "Um...I can look at that...if you want that is. It could get infected and you could lose the eye..."

    Nokes watched the normal Ralts with an extent of complete disinterest. Whilst it soothed his fractured ego that the psychic was hesitant in his approach, company was the last thing the Manectric wanted at this moment. He dismissed Prince’s offer with a tired snort, allowing his head to droop once more in fatigue.
    “No, leave it,” Nokes grumbled, his remaining eyelid already closed in his effort to catch a few minutes rest. Let it get infected, like it sting and ache with each passing day; the wound was a reminder of his valuable, his mortality. That demonic bird had destroyed everything Nokes knew and now, he would bear the scars until he could get his revenge. I deserve this.
     "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy? I think he needs a hug... and a friend."
     "I think so, too. But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways."

    Calvin, loitering between the group’s bulk and the detached Manectric, felt a Cheshire grin crawling over his features at the youngster’s words. He subconsciously edged closer, picking up the conversation of innocents in their desire to assist a wounded hound. Whilst endearing, their concern was laughable. Calvin had known Nokes for only a few minutes and he was already confident that a hug was the last thing the grumpy mutt would appreciate. But, there was only one way to find out.
    “Oh, but look at him!” The Togeren chipped in, feigning pity as he kept his voice low enough for the children alone. “I’m sure your smiling faces would be the one thing to cheer him up – I mean, how couldn’t they?!” Flashing a winning smile, he gestured to the resting canine. “I think you’ll be shocked by his reaction,”

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:02 pm

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    Amity Square|Noon

    Prince shrank back at the curt reply the golden canine gave, the order to leave the gory wound not settling well with the Ralts. But...he could not help someone who did not want it. It wasn't right. "As...as you wish." He walked away solemnly as everyone seemed to be buddying up, even the strange white flying creature though it was much to Nokes's displeasure. Though his bad puns were not helping settle anyone's mood. If anything the bloodied Ninetales looked even more pissed off by his mere presence which made the red horn on Prince's head slowly droop down once more.

    Deciding to curl up closer to Azelf, still disguised as another of his own kind, Prince forced himself to calm. The negative emotions flying around were fading from all but two or three of the group but he was still terribly weak. He hoped staying near the hidden Legend would help seeing as how Azelf wasn't exuding any of the painful emotions that had been withering him not so long ago. "So...what do we do now?" He questioned aloud, still not overly sure whether or not this group would even welcome him. If they asked him to leave now he probably would just avoid a fight, though he hoped they wouldn't shun him so soon after healing them.

    ((Hope that is okay Azzie, you really have been the only one to really notice Prince exists lol. He's just more comfortable around you))

    Posts : 3030

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    Post by Azelf Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:22 pm

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    Amity Square || Late Noon || 15

    He watched quietly, probing his reasoning for a good way out of this.  The Togren and the Manetric were trouble, although at least the latter seemed to be more... defeated.  For the moment.

    But Calvin... he was another story.  Azelf had no doubt that he would bring disaster upon the already ravaged group.  And they couldn't handle that.  The Chimchar looked as if he would collapse with very little pressure.  Molly's cheer was merely a front; a mask to hide a broken spirit.  Caine was not much better, his choice of facade pure fire.  But the anger was perhaps more dangerous than Molly's fake joy; either it would harm someone, or it would dissolve into depression.

    There would be no easy way out of this...

    "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy? I think he needs a hug... and a friend."[/font]

    "I think so, too. But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways."

    "What?"  He glanced up from the dirt to look over at the children, eyes wide.  Calvin was there, and was whispering to them, and the psychic felt his heart pound faster.  "No, kids.  Stay away from him.  He's hurt and moody.  The little one is right; he doesn't want company right now."  Father, whatever that fraud told those children, it had better not influence them to do anything stupid.  He'd murder the creature if anything he did got these kids killed.

    His arm wrapped gently around the Ralts that curled into him, giving the boy a gentle squeeze.  Forgive them, child.  I know you feel as if they're ignoring you, but the Azurill and the Chimchar are traumatized and are just sticking to who they know better.  They just need time; then they might come out of their shell.  The Pidgey seems very friendly; he might want to spend time with you.  Perhaps introduce yourself?  As for the other two...  His eyes narrowed as he stared at them.   Be glad they're not bothering you... they're trouble...

    He had no answer for Prince's question.  Might as well just go with what the others decided for now unless they suggested something that was definitely a bad idea.


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:16 pm

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    Amity Square| |Late Afternoon

    "...Thank you Molly. I could sure use a berry or five." the child grinned widely up to the Ninetales. "Not a problem!" she squeaked, nestled comfortably into the side of the fox. Her breaths were ragged and uneven, throat straining to keep up with her cheery facade as she yawned, the fatigue threatening to drag her away. She fought to keep her eyes open, squinting a little as she shuffled in place. Once she felt tired though, it was hard to stay awake--and in an attempt not to suddenly doze off she perked up, looking around for something, anything she could do. She couldn't just frolic off to dreamland while everyone else was either hard at work healing or trying to stay alive! "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy?" in mild surprise, she looked up to the little Pidgey, before glancing to the Manectric whom laid in the shade. Her eyes wandered to the electric-type's own, mangled remains of half his sight, before frowning.

    "I think he needs a hug...and a friend." Molly couldn't help but smile at the thought. Imagine, the Manectric suddenly being bombarded with hugs! "I think so, too." she giggled, but soon gave a shrug. "But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways." she mumbled. Admittedly, the normal-type was actually a little terrified of Nokes, at least, to a good extent. The black hound already was intimidating enough, with that cold, piercing blue gaze--now his wounds only made him look more scary. Averting her gaze, she looked back to Caine, tired.

    [OOC: r-r-r-repost. Nothing changed, she doesn't notice the weird deja vu haha. |D ]

    Age : 30
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    Post by Starbits Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:44 pm

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    Amity Square | Noon | 24

    He stammered out a soft sound that couldn't be quite understood, and indeed he wasn't very sure which one of his thoughts it would have been had it become properly vocalized.

    Then the berry.  Then the question.  And then the question's answer in both the form of the fox eating his berry, and then nudging Oliver's closer to him.  "Go on, Oliver. You'll need your strength."

    Mechanically he picked up the treat and began to chew, the sweet Oran helping with his lingering ache and his nerves.  But the berry could not heal a fractured mind, and so he remained on the alert, and very much afraid.

    As he ate, he stared listlessly around at the others, lids half closed.  After a few minutes, the lids lifted despite their heaviness, already large eyes growing wider.  Something felt a bit off, like something big had just happened...

    What was that...?  

    But had anything happened...?  Paranoia was part of Oliver's life, ingrained into the grooves of his brain.  And it was not something the youngster was unaware of.  Paranoia often kept him safe, especially in these trying times, but he was aware that certainly there were times where his mind blew things completely out of proportion.  Made things of small danger into big danger, and created phantoms that didn't exist.

    But if someone else reacts...

    He glanced around, quietly checking to see if someone else had noticed anything, anything at all.

    He half hoped so, just so that he wasn't being delusional again.

    (His weirdass spidey-sense gave him an inkling that something just happened, but that's it.  XD  If no one else reacts he'll assume it was just him.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:24 pm

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    Amity Square || Noon [15][6]
    It was fair to say that Caine was not overly pleased by Calvin’s reassuring and comforting pat of the paw. Yet again, the Togeren’s tormenting nature had hit all the targets as the Ninetales spat some desperate filth in response. Calvin could only chuckle to himself, making a mental note to provoke the fire-type’s explosive temper more often. He scared his friends with such violent words – what would they think when that bark turned to a bite?
    “Ohh dear,” Calvin muttered to himself as he left the irate fox to himself, content with the first glimpse of entertainment that the canine would no doubt provide. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with these cretins quite yet, but the Togeren had been so starved of company that he would make sure he got his fill of amusement from their misery. So far, so good.
    "Um...I can look at that...if you want that is. It could get infected and you could lose the eye..."
    Nokes watched the normal Ralts with an extent of complete disinterest. Whilst it soothed his fractured ego that the psychic was hesitant in his approach, company was the last thing the Manectric wanted at this moment. He dismissed Prince’s offer with a tired snort, allowing his head to droop once more in fatigue.
    “No, leave it,” Nokes grumbled, his remaining eyelid already closed in his effort to catch a moment’s rest. Let it get infected, like it sting and ache with each passing day; the wound was a reminder of something he hadn’t until now fully acknowledged, his mortality. That demonic bird had destroyed everything Nokes knew and now he would bear the scars until he could get his revenge. I deserve this.
     "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy? I think he needs a hug... and a friend."
     "I think so, too. But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways."
    Calvin, loitering between the group’s bulk and the detached Manectric, felt a Cheshire grin crawling over his features at the youngsters’ words. He subconsciously edged closer, picking up the conversation of innocents in their desire to assist a wounded hound. Whilst endearing, their concern was laughable. Calvin had known Nokes for only a few minutes and he was already confident that a hug was the last thing the grumpy mutt would appreciate. But there was only one way to find out.
    “Oh, but look at him!” The Togeren chipped in, feigning pity as he kept his voice low enough for the children alone. “I’m sure your smiling faces would be the one thing to cheer him up – I mean, how couldn’t they?!” Flashing a winning smile, he gestured to the resting canine. “I think you’ll be shocked by his reaction,”

    (( Sorry about the delay, I completely forgot about ol’ Amity! Dx Re-post with a few corrections. ))

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:32 pm

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    Amity Square|Noon

    Prince shrank back at the curt reply the golden canine gave, the order to leave the gory wound not settling well with the Ralts. But...he could not help someone who did not want it. It wasn't right. "As...as you wish." He walked away solemnly as everyone seemed to be buddying up, even the strange white flying creature though it was much to Nokes's displeasure. Though his bad puns were not helping settle anyone's mood. If anything the bloodied Ninetales looked even more pissed off by his mere presence which made the red horn on Prince's head slowly droop down once more.

    As if things weren't already bad enough a strange sensation began to tingle at the back of Prince's mind. Something seemed...off. Looking around he swore he was seeing the world in rewind, everyone suddenly do the same things he swore he saw them doing only moments ago. His eyes caught the small fire monkey and he could see the same discomfort in the chimp as the Ralts himself felt. Nodding slowly to show that he too noticed something amiss Prince curled his arms around himself before looking around once more, as though he would find whatever caused the eerie feeling.

    Deciding to curl up closer to Azelf, still disguised as another of his own kind, Prince forced himself to calm. The negative emotions flying around were fading from all but two or three of the group but he was still terribly weak. He hoped staying near the hidden Legend would help seeing as how Azelf wasn't exuding any of the painful emotions that had been withering him not so long ago, and hopefully the Legend would give him some insight on what may have occurred to give both him and the Chimchar the strange sensation. "So...what do we do now?" He questioned aloud, still not overly sure whether or not this group would even welcome him. If they asked him to leave now he probably would just avoid a fight, though he hoped they wouldn't shun him so soon after healing them.

    Plus he really wanted to know what happened.

    ((Reposted, slightly edited to show that he noticed the time repetition. And Star if you want Ollie can try and talk to Prince to try and figure out what it was))

    Posts : 3030

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:51 am

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    Amity Square || Late Noon || 16

    He watched quietly, probing his reasoning for a good way out of this.  The Togren and the Manetric were trouble, although at least the latter seemed to be more... defeated.  For the moment.

    But Calvin... he was another story.  Azelf had no doubt that he would bring disaster upon the already ravaged group.  And they couldn't handle that.  The Chimchar looked as if he would collapse with very little pressure.  Molly's cheer was merely a front; a mask to hide a broken spirit.  Caine was not much better, his choice of facade pure fire.  But the anger was perhaps more dangerous than Molly's fake joy; either it would harm someone, or it would dissolve into depression.

    There would be no easy way out of this...

    "What's wrong with Mister Nokesy? I think he needs a hug... and a friend."[/font]

    "I think so, too. But...I'm not sure if he'll appreciate it. I don't think he would--not now, anyways."

    "What?"  He glanced up from the dirt to look over at the children, eyes wide.  Calvin was there, and was whispering to them, and the psychic felt his heart pound faster.  "No, kids.  Stay away from him.  He's hurt and moody.  The little one is right; he doesn't want company right now."  Father, whatever that fraud told those children, it had better not influence them to do anything stupid.  He'd murder the creature if anything he did got these kids killed.

    His arm wrapped gently around the Ralts that curled into him, giving the boy a gentle squeeze.  Forgive them, child.  I know you feel as if they're ignoring you, but the Azurill and the Chimchar are traumatized and are just sticking to who they know better.  They just need time; then they might come out of their shell.  The Pidgey seems very friendly; he might want to spend time with you.  Perhaps introduce yourself?  As for the other two...  His eyes narrowed as he stared at them.   Be glad they're not bothering you... they're trouble...

    He had no answer for Prince's question.  Might as well just go with what the others decided for now unless they suggested something that was definitely a bad idea.

    The desire to stay silent was fast in dissolving; possibly a new record for the usually shy legendary.  As he stared around at the group, an incredible sense of déjà vu filled him.  More than that, really.  It wasn't that he felt like this had happened before.  No, he was positive that everything that had just happened was happening again.  His gaze moved slightly; a pair of brown eyes and a pair of pink ones were scanning the others purposely, searchingly.  

    So they had noticed it too.  How much they noticed he did not know, but they had picked up on something, for sure.

    Having already spoken to the Ralts, Azelf opted to ask the older boy first, leaving the question a bit ambiguous in case they had not sensed what he had.  You felt that too, didn't you?


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

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