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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:11 pm

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    amity square - midnight - 1

    Ah... I rolled onto my back luxuriously, content with my full stomach. It wasn't all that hard to fool a fellow living creature out there nowadays, when others have become desperate for company in the face of solitude. I licked my chest fur absentmindedly as I lay upon the roof of the stone house of Amity Square, purring to myself. Hearthome used to be a city full of life and happiness, the very essence of everyone's jovial kindness hanging in the air. At the very moment, however, the town had a sense of gloom and despair, as if it had given up all hope and conceded to the epidemic. Just like the rest of the fools in the world.

    I turned my eyes away from the moon and towards the actual Amity Square, a park where Pokemon and humans were allowed to spend quality time with one another. I say, no human alive can understand a Pokemon. It was something I had learned as a trainer's Pokemon - it was all in all tiresome and boring, and taking orders from an incompetent human was at most disgracing. With an annoyed flick of my tail, I forced my downcast thoughts out of my mind. It was something I had been doing often recently, forcing myself to push thoughts that may remind me of my lingering past. A cold chuckle left my lips, but it had no life in it, just as the city that I resided in did not.

    Imagine my surprise when, as I imagined this dead (the irony of that) town to be deserted, a Ninetails padded right out into the open. The fox seemed to glare at the moon for a moment, stroll around the park as if the world was fine and dandy, before retreating back into the rocky household I was sitting atop of. Just my luck, if I do say so myself. Coming onto my paws again, I quickly groomed my fur as best as I could; if I were to scam this Ninetails just like the others, I'd have to come into the scene with a composed and orderly nature. The males especially loved the please the ladies. Extending my claws, I hung onto the side of the stone house, sliding downward with quiet agility and landing with a near-silent crunch of the grass. Gathering my wits, I strutted into the rock house, reveling at the Ninetails and the campfire. "Oh, hello! I wasn't expecting, really, anyone to be alive in this ruined world!" A Cheshire grin split my face as I made my way to the side of the other Pokemon, flicking my sickle-shaped tail upon his flank. "Mind if I stay here, in your company, for a bit?" It's only just begun, sweetheart.
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:13 am

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    amity square - midnight - 2

    As soon as my appearance was known, the Ninetails had jumped upward with such vigor it was a little surprising. Someone that edgy is hiding something. Twitching my whiskers in humor, I disregarded his angry glare as he began to bark snide remarks at me - almost reminded me of my duddy. Hm. I traced my tail along the ground, knowing that my past was long gone. Going back to my hometown after so long would prove fruitless; even the dullest people I've known would have caught the drift and fled from a town and the infected that were surely crawling about. I smirked as I remembered a pitiful Lillipup I had conned on my scavenges during the epidemic, bringing me back to the present. "So who the fuck are you? I don't care much for strangers."

    I winked at the fire type, relishing in his suppressed anger, before nuzzling my head into his warm neck fur. Wouldn't you like to know, sweetie?" I removed my head from his neck, lowering my head to his stature and placing my mouth right to his ear. What a short Ninetails you are... but you'll have to do. I began to whisper, "I'm Bachi, and from a fellow survivor to yourself, you can trust me." I licked the side of his face in feigned affection, saddling up to the fox for good measure. Don't overdo it, Bachi. Only Arceus knew how many times she had scared away prospective targets who ran away screaming that they were about to get raped. A quiet laugh escaped from me - after all, such comedic scenes begged to be laughed at - but I quickly drew in air to dismiss any sign of laughter, bringing my eyes back to the fire.

    Withdrawing from the Ninetails and sneaking closer to the campfire, I allowed warmth to seep into my fur. This fox was odd; I wasn't blind to the fact that his entire body smelled of fresh blood (of all things...!), and when I had licked his face it was stained with the steel tang of blood. Not that red meat didn't appeal to her, but the stench of blood upon a living animal? It unnerved me, to say the least. Staring into the plasma flame, I wondered what I was getting into when I stepped into this rocky building. Unlike others, this one holds air of... How could I put this? An air of loss, I may put it. "Can I know your name, sweet cheeks?" I asked, not even bothering to turn around this time. "Unless you're going to be sharp 'bout that too!" I ended this sentence with a tease, bringing my tail to play with the Ninetails' chin.
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:40 am

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    amity square - midnight - 3

    "My name is Caine and you are starting to get on my fucking nerves. Give me a good reason not to run your skinny ass out of my shelter and away from my fire, Bachi?" I couldn't help but allow a smirk to wash over my face, amazed at how easy it was to have gotten, despite the curtness, a response, and how he had revealed his name without any effort at all. He's making this way too simple for me! Chuckling in my mind, I twisted my neck so that my head faced 'Caine' with eyes narrowed with pleasure. It was much too much fun toying with males, how plain their minds thought and never once do they think of the underlying messages. I smiled gently at the Ninetails, though I felt that my eyes said quite the opposite (maybe a sneer was shown in my pupils, but at the moment I really didn't care for that).

    "Why, because I can tell you're just as lonely as I had been." A total bluff, but it was viable enough; who wouldn't be just a might lonely in these times of solitude? I stretched my back with slow precision, my hind legs pushing upward as my warmed muscles followed suit. Settling back to a standing position, I did a quick 180 and began to circle Caine. Oh, how could I forget a Ninetails' tails? It was one of their finest qualities, after all! I flicked out a claw, tempted to tug on one of these magnificent tails that Caine heralded, but I forced myself not to, instead completing my circle around the fire type. "Of course, if you want me gone for good, there will have to be one circumstance." I placed a paw upon his back, stretching my head forward as I neared his own. "One small exception, and I'll be off your back." I pressed my paw down even harder for added effect.

    I knew I was taking a risk here, but with each conned Pokemon I feel as if my persuasiveness has been near to perfection. Alas, this 'Caine' was very capable of attacking so close in range and hitting me square in the heart, but hey, without risks there's no point in life. Safety is for suckers, anyhow. My tail automatically wrapped itself around his nearest fore paw, and I bent down even closer to Caine. The smell of blood... So close in proximity, the stench permeated my entire nasal system, almost seemingly choking me. It was as if it were a warning, a dangerous sign that I should walk out of this while I still could. Warnings are for losers... right? I let the claws of the paw on Caine's back slide out, tugging on his fur.

    (OOC- >w< I love Caine too!)
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:33 am

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    amity square - midnight - 4

    "I am NOT lonely!" The Ninetails had roared in defiance at the similarity I had pointed out, his entire body reacting along with him. And when I antagonized him with a little teasing (I swear, I didn't even do that much), Caine exploded. I don't know what I mean by that. Did I mean he fled from my claw with bared fangs, threatening yelling at me to get away from him? Did I mean that his mind lost all its sense and was based merely on the basic animal instinct? I was, frankly, too surprised to actually figure that out. "G-GET AWAY FROM ME!"

    Now I know from personal experience that there were times that coddling was allowed, but there were other moments where it could be deadly. At the moment, it seemed to fall into the latter category as I watched Caine corner himself in both fear and in confusion. My ears erected themselves in alertness as I lowered my body closer to the ground. Look small, act innocent. I instructed myself in my mind - the last thing I wanted to happen was for him to lose control and douse me in flames. Ugh. My poor fur. "Now, now." I cooed, a softer tone playing in my voice. "It's okay, now. I'm not going to, ever, hurt you." I stayed in my position, ready to jump to the exit if need be, but I kept my muscles relaxed, so as to appear gentle.

    "Dearie, nothing's going to hurt you." I voiced a motherly concern, attempting to take on the kind attitude my mummy had often spoke in. In the end, it was simple deception. My mother, as I found out later in my life, had been toying with other males behind my father's back. Whatever maternal feelings she supposedly showed were fake, just as the commitment she had made to my duddy was broken. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, although I should have kept my nice exterior on with such a dangerous Pokemon before me. But this Caine was just like my father. He may act tough and powerful, but in the inside I knew it was these types of people that tended to be the most emotional. And when emotions get the best of their brawns, you have a deadly mix. "Shh, be calm now... Let Bachi put your worries to rest." I did my best to hide another smirk that threatened to wash over my face.
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:12 am

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    amity square - dawn - 5

    Males were just like children, I can say with finality. I swear, a girl could try to act nice for even a millisecond, and there we go, Caine lets all hell loose with a scream filled with nothing but the instinct to run away from danger. But the one thing that connects the other sex to that of an adolescent, is that you can never let your eyes leave them for even a moment; because the next thing you know, they'll be leaping over you and out into Amity Square like Darkrai was coming to bring them into the Everlasting Shadows. What the fuck just happened. My tail curled in both amusement and curiosity, watching Caine bound into the open air. I suppose it was my duty now to see the end of this catastrophe I had gotten myself into, so I slunk out of the stone building.

    I paused at the entrance, however, surveying the Ninetails and the surroundings. I could only imagine what would happen if I strode out there (like a certain Pokemon...) without knowing the grasp of my environment. My ears caught only the sound of the wind blowing and the grass swaying, so at the moment I guessed that all was well and there was no immediate danger. "Oh, the things I do nowadays..." I murmured to myself, playing around in the fact that I was putting myself in danger for some estranged fox. I jumbled my back legs together, before pouncing off after Caine, my tail swaying and following my body's lead. The rising sun added an ironic twist to this scenario, seeing as if this were any other day this chase would almost look romantic. Now it only looks sadistic and horrifying, what with his blood-stained face and the imminent undead lurking about.

    "Caine! Stop!" This Ninetails must be deranged and out of his mind! I snarled in disgust at how painfully peaceful and eerily quiet Amity Square was, wishing there was some sort of situation that could distract me from confronting whatever dark thoughts were plaguing Caine's mind. As a rather finicky kitty, I would personally like to hear only the satisfying secrets in his mind, not whatever morbid bloodbath he was probably conjuring. I pushed my stamina just a bit further, inching somewhat closer to the fleeing Ninetails. "I hate running, lovely, so please, stop!"

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:11 am

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    Amity Square | Dawn | 1

    There was a small flux in the air as it seemed the very fabric of space was warped and twisted before it finally was ripped apart, revealing a pitch black maw that opened into nothingness. A thin, white figure was cast from its depths before it began to close in on itself, almost seemingly to consume its own existence before it vanished completely and left the figure sprawled on the ground.

    A pair of ruby eyes flickered open, and the figure stirred, raising her head to look at the environment around her. "What... Where...?" A flash of realization crossed her face and almost immediately she was up on her feet. "M'lady? M'lady, are you here? Yorick?" However, her calls soon faded away as she realized her present location resembled nothing of the place she had come from. Her heart sank, and she fell back to her knees. "I'm too exhausted to do anything now... I hope they were separated from those monsters."

    "Caine! Stop!"
    "I hate running, lovely, so please, stop!"

    Shouts from nearby caught her attention, and the gardevoir struggled back to her feet. If the source of these voices were at least friendly, maybe at least they could state where she ended up.

    "Hello? I hear you, my dears. What is going on?"

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:02 pm

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    Amity Park || Dawn | 1

    The dark fox gives a large yawn, his forked tongue lolling out as he bares his fangs in the long sigh. They shimmer under the midnight light, sharp pearly blades tinted with lunar blue. As he continues his trek in the woods bordering the south part of the lake, his senses are sent into high alert. He crouches low, his body masking with an illusion of a black, crawling shade that camouflages with the dark wood and foliage of the forest. Far off in the distance, a sinister-looking cat pads its way up into one of the lakeside monoliths, threatening his adjacent residence whether intentionally or not. Within he can see the glow of a fire--there must be someone else inside. Curious about these two newcomers, he steps upon the lake’s surrounding pathway, and flits across the distance. He slips into his residence, the stone structure nestled in the sand beside the grassy one inhabited by the strangers.

    He turns towards the entrance upon entering, leaping up and perching at an alcove above the way in. He lies down near a window that peeks into an adjacent window overlooking the scene in the building next to his. His illusion masks him perfectly from their presence, allowing him to survey them to his leisure.

    Now this is interesting; very interesting. A macabre and somewhat bloody orange-pelted fox with nine tails lies near the fire. The fox--whose scent he catches shows him as male--seems to be agitated by the feminine cat’s presence. She looks deceptive, and the Zoroark begins to worry. There is that strange feeling, the one that never lies to him. There is some strange thing about the fearful fox that makes him want to aid him. But the concern towards the fox and distrust of the cat mix as he sees the situation progress.

    The cat tries to seduce him, using her feminine charm to ease him. It does not work. The fox immediately recoils, and eventually becomes crazed with fear. He backs far out of the illusion fox’s sight, hiding at an unseen end of the large stone structure. Even though the cat tries to calm him down, he merely gives a screaming roar. He launches straight over the cat, darting off madly.

    Much to Lector’s disappointment, he also saw the accursed sun’s rays tearing away at the beautiful starlit night. The dark cat looks about cautiously, and then leaps down to the lake pathway after the fox. Lector, too, rises up from his spot. Leaping out of his window silently, he rushes after them towards the lake, under the cover of his illusionist darkness. Eventually, he manages to overtake the Liepard with his slightly higher speed, and darts straight past the cat as a streak of nearly invisible darkness. He makes it a good distance ahead before he turns sharply and blocks the feline’s way completely. Planting down onto all fours and baring his teeth into a cruel and merciless growl, he stares down at the feline from his rather tall stature. His shadowy form is still present, giving him a menacing, pitch black, blurred form. Something about that orange-pelted fox brings out his caring side, and such instincts have never lied to him--This strange sense guarantees that the fox is not as hostile as it looks. He shall let him run, while Lector will warn this seductress!

    His snarling voice is vicious, having a dark and deep essence to it that only amplifies its bearer’s feral nature. “Leave him, cat.”

    ((OOC: The Tactical Lector Barrier has been deployed B3))

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:39 pm

    Post 1

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    Amity Square| Dawn

    Milo had been sleeping lightly within a small hut placed in the park, keeping his distance from any Dead that might catch his scent. While a macabre act, he had piled many dead bodies near the entrance to throw off the scents for any would-be predators so he could be safe for a moment. The bad part of being safe was the intense stench of death, which had ironically kept him from very good sleep. He awoke with a start, hearing voices nearby. 'Voices...?' he asked no one, and stood to peek out of his hut.

    He saw a truly odd sight indeed; a liepard chasing a ninetales. For a moment, he was simply struck so that he just stood and watched, until a dark blur shot out in front of the liepard. He gasped to himself as the dark blur slowed to reveal a snarling, malicious zoroark, and the liepard, he could finally tell it was a girl... While he was shy around others, his old-fashioned mind immediately took leaps and assumptions and charged toward them, putting himself between the fox and cat.

    "Back off," he said firmly, putting the fact that the zoroark had a type advantage over him out of his mind. He shifted his case away from the fox, to make sure that it didn't break. "No need to attack her, or to fight at all." He pawed the ground a little, wanting to make sure his point was known.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:00 am; edited 1 time in total


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:20 pm

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    Amity Square|Dawn

    Elidr had been watching the exchange between the Ninetales and the Liepard for a while, utterly fascinated. He wasn't sure what was going on, and certainly wasn't going to approach them to find out. But, after a while, he got bored and wandered away to the small fountain near the center of this little park. He found this place a couple of days ago, and it seemed to have enough hiding places, so he stopped by to rest. The center pond had been hit by the infection, and wasn't safe to swim in, but the small fountain didn't have anything wrong with it. Sure, the water was stagnant and beginning to grow algae, but it was better than swimming with things that wanted to eat you. He could rest in it and get his scales wet without having to drink it. Stagnant water could make you sick.

    When he saw the fires of the fox running towards him not long after he slithered into the fountain, he was not sure what was going on. What would have him running with such a look upon his face? What was that look? He couldn't make out anything following him, so what was the point of running? He was just going to wake something that wanted to eat him if he carried on like that, so Elidr felt it necessary to tell him so. He poked his head out of the water, leaning over the edge of the fountain, and spoke flatly as the Ninetales came nearer.

    "You are going to die if you keep doing that."
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:22 am

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    amity square - dawn - 6

    For a Pokemon that was used to being lethargic and allowing others to do my job for me, I was doing pretty good bounding across the field after this Ninetails. But it just so happened that the commotion that we stirred up would cause others to come and investigate. "Hello? I hear you, my dears. What is going on?" A Gardevoir swayed into the scene with her slim figure, but I was much too intent on catching up to that Ninetails. He's got something valuable, I'm sure of it! With that incentive, I vowed to myself that I would not stop nagging this fox until I have uncovered this treasure he's fighting (quite literally) so hard to keep. Really, I would have continued to chase Caine like a lovesick moron, which I am not, if this Zoroark hadn't darted before me and cut off my route.

    “Leave him, cat.” I scrambled my paws about me and successfully halted my momentum before I could crash into this detestable creature in front of me. I could not stand fellow dark types; don't get me wrong, I may respect others of my typing for their skills, but it was because of darkies like this... this thing that made me ashamed sometimes to be a Dark. Handle the situation first, Bachi. Annoyances can be applied later. Taking my own instructions, I tried to make better of this situation by allowing a gentle smile to play on my lips. But the Zoroark continued to bare its fangs at me, seemingly intent on protecting Caine. Do you even know that fox, Zoroark? The words were at the tip of my tongue, but there was that danger factor involved in this one, and I couldn't risk any unneeded injuries in this dank world. I stayed silent and feigned innocence as I took a step back from the Illusion Fox.

    What joy it would be if a knight in shining armor came in and saved me. I mused in my mind, taking a quick glance over the other dark type to see Caine stretching the distance between them. And it was as if Jirachi had heard my plea, and took pity and granted the wish. Within moments a Girafarig had strutted in between the Zoroark and myself, telling the monstrosity to back off. I flicked my tail on the giraffe's side, eying his tail-face for a moment before turning back to the others at hand. I gave a wink to the Girafarig. "Thank you so much, O High Knight." I almost felt the need to use Fake Out on the Zoroark and continue my chase, but attempting to do so was futile at this point, and this blasted dark type would catch up to me anyhow. I was forced to stay here and confront these males straight up.

    "Dear Girafarig, this Zoroark had been taunting me since the day we met." I drawled onto the psychic of their group, throwing up a lie as naturally as one would breath. If this poor thing wanted to help me out of free will, who was to stop me from manipulating him just a bit further? "Just now, right before you came in to save me, he was threatening to do something awful, do you know what I mean?"

    (OOC- sorry for the late post!)

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:30 pm

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    Amity Square | Dawn | 2

    It seemed that with her own arrival came the arrival of several others. Mora had only just glided on to the scene in time to see a dark fox she did not recognize intervene in a dark cat's dawn-stained pursuit of a ninetales. The gardevoir paused, her red eyes quickly flitting between the two unknown pokemon and the girafarig (which she fortunately did recognize thanks to the time her Lady spent in Johto) that had appeared to seemingly interrupt the intervention.

    The ninetales had already taken off, having used the commotion to its advantage, and while the psychic-type felt some degree of curiosity thanks to the traces of negative emotion she could feel weighing in the air like some ominous cloud, she found the idea of pursuit to be fruitless.

    Besides... a single psychic-type against a possibly aggressive dark-type hardly seemed fair should the situation get out of hand. Mora was not meant to be much of a fighter, but the adverse emotions in the air were unsettling to say the least.

    The gardevoir chose not to speak. There was no reason for her to do so. She was sure that her presence could be easily identified now that she was in clear view a short distance away with her tattered, translucent gown whipping around her slender legs in the breeze. Now was the time to simply let things pan out.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:17 pm

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    The cat skids into a quick halt, stopping a good distance before Lector’s bristled form. He growls within his throat, producing a deep and hostile rumble. She tries to make everything look better by smiling kindly, but his fangs are still revealed and his glare is still piercing like a lance. It would appear the cat is trying to find the right trick to get her out of this situation, but there is nothing she can pull that can convince him to leave her. She steps back, trying to look innocent to him. She’s obviously a cunning one, as he can tell by her plain appearance that she is Dark just like him--Lector is going to have to stay clever himself to outsmart her then.

    But then something comes towards them, causing Lector to snap his ears up and turn his somewhat serpentine neck towards it. A Girafarig is suddenly charging towards them, carrying some large, black object that seems to be the outline of some instrument on its back. He starts considering the strange creature’s behavior, staring it down in challenge of its approach. It does not look dead, but it looks angry. Then it does something nobody should ever do to a wild Zoroark, especially after running so quick as to make the dark fox wary: In a foolish demonstration of its bravado, it stomps right in between him and the cat! “Back off;” The fur along Lector’s back frills up, as he silences his growl and stares menacingly at the equine without even backing up. The Girafarig shifts the instrument case away from Lector, making sure that if the fox mauls him for his foolishness he will not harm the object. “no need to attack her, or to fight at all.” It stomps its hooves on the ground, trying to show off yet more of its power. Lector can already sense that this creature is far from trustworthy, which serves only to reinforce his distrust and dislike of him.

    Before he can snap at him, though, Lector is disrupted by the deceitful feline. Seeing her chance to conspire the Girafarig--and the Gardevoir, who is taking a distant, silent stance in the situation--against him, she brushes her tail along the dual-headed horse’s side, and winks in generosity to him. “Thank you so much, O High Knight.” She pulls out her deceitful habits, starting her chain of lies and convictions. “Dear Girafarig, this Zoroark had been taunting me since the day we met.” First, the actual lie. She brings it up quick and easy, showing her natural skill in lying. “Just now, right before you came in to save me, he was threatening to do something awful, do you know what I mean?” Lector opens his maw, letting out a hissing growl in his indignation. The classic outcry against rape, it seems? She does know her lies. Well, time for him to break her falsehoods! As much as he does not want to speak, he musters his linguistic abilities. His serpentine tongue slithers out on occasion through a gap in his front teeth, creating a snakelike lisp as he goes over his words. He forms his counters with his strong but smooth voice.

    “Why would I waste time on you, cat? Fox did not like you chasing him, so maybe you want to hurt him. I live here for while, and he looked happy before you scared him.” Lector lets out a scoff of amusement. He has not had a good quarrel in a long time, so this may turn fun. Now he addresses the cocky, instrument-wielding horse, trying to ease the nerves that the cat is trying to bring up against him. “Is....shhhivalrouss, Girafarig,” as hard as it was to find the right word, he managed to find it. The strange term comes out oddly to him, pronounced just like a hiss as he recollects it. “but is reckless. You not know why I despise cat, as Gardevoir not either.”

    Now that he has some information to defend himself with, he gives the benefit of doubt. “Besides, why you trust cat? Why despise Zoroark, who may be protecting fox from cat? I not be as trusted as cat--but maybe I see cat is bad?” The sharp, knowing look that he gives to the cat should be enough to tell her that he saw exactly what happened in the stone structure. He is somewhat impatient to go and make sure the fox is well, but he must wait to blunt the seductress’s tricks before he goes and helps him. Besides, maybe he can flip the situation completely and get them to distrust the cat instead?

    ((OOC: oAo I do not have a lot of time tonight, so I cannot shorten it in time. I apologize for the length ;>_<))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:52 pm

    Post 2

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    Amity Square| Dawn

    Milo suddenly found himself completely over his head as both the cat and fox started talking to him. Her, as if he were some gallant knight riding in to rescue her, and he, as if Milo had already been completely fooled and used as a pawn by the cat. Oh Lord. He looked from one to the other in a sort of panicked fashion before taking a step out from the middle of the two. "I... You two shouldn't be fighting." He kicked himself mentally for sounding like some lost child. "I mean..."

    He turned to see a gardevoir, a fellow psychic type. His ears perked upon spotting her, and he turned more toward her to welcome her into the argument at hand. "Miss," he called, "Don't you think so too, that of all times, we shouldn't fight?" Hopefully, he would get some back up....

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:01 am; edited 1 time in total


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:13 pm

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    Amity Square|Dawn

    "And so what? Death would be a cry from Arceus himself in this fucked up world. I would rather die now then to endure all of the shit He has planned for me until I die." The Ninetales was glaring at him, and the Dratini simply raised a coil in his version of a shrug. He had no idea what this 'Arceus' was, or who had plans for him. Not much of what the Ninetales said made any sense except the notion that he wanted to die. Nature did not need someone who wanted to die, so who was Elidr to stop him? "If you choose death over survival, then you are weak. The weak should die, I'll not stop you."

    He turned back to the water behind the Ninetales and saw a strange rippling. Looked like he would get his chance at death sooner than he planned. A large Seismitoad came erupting out of the water, aiming right for the fox, but Elidr caught it with a Dragon Rage before it could get him. But that was all the help he was willing to give. The rest would be up to the fox.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:06 pm

    (OOC- if a person is in the safehouse before me, I post, right?)
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    amity square - dawn - 7

    "Fox did not like you chasing him, so maybe you want to hurt him. I live here for while, and he looked happy before you scared him.” The horrid Zoroark had spoken directly towards me, glaring holes into my sleek fur. It wasn't like I had hit either fox, right? So he has no right! I flicked my tail in slight agitation as the darkie turned away from me and faced the others, telling them that I was the one doing wrong? Ugh, disrespect has just been found in a new level.

    "Zory, silly, that Ninetails was frowning even before the moment I found him." I purred at Mr. Monstrosity, although I'll admit in my mind I was utterly disgusted of him. On the other hand, the Girafarig was completely lost on the subject, instead turning to the Gardevoir that had appeared with silent grace next to their group and asking for assistance. They needn't that, really! "Please, allow me to pass on by peacefully. Caine doesn't like waiting." I added in a good tease at the end too, towards the two psychics in my vicinity (and most definitely not towards the Zoroark!).

    Looking at the Gardevoice, I felt a shiver pass through me. There was something odd about its nearly translucent dress, or its calm exterior, that unnerved me. Call it ironic, but she was a psychic after all; they were known for their high intellect and beings of strange occurrences. I couldn't say the same for the Girafarig, but I guess he doesn't fit in with the norm. I eyed the instrument case the giraffe held around his neck. "Hm hm hm! Something of interest, huh?" I stepped closer to the psychic quadruped, raising my eyebrows as I flick my tail at the Zoroark.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:50 am

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    Amity Square | Dawn | 3

    Mora looked on in silent surprise as the girafarig actually seemed to pursue her aide. Shouldn't fight? Of course they shouldn't fight. At least, members of the living shouldn't fight others of that same status. It was... foolish. Wasteful. Their efforts would be far more useful against the walking dead.

    The walking dead.

    The description presented itself in her mind like the dismembered monsters it described. It was a horrible sight, but even so, she was able to break her mental eye away from it in order to respond to the girafarig with a nod.

    "Fighting, in this case, would be pointless. The stories do not line up," As she spoke she had started to walk a bit closer, her crimson gaze fixed on the three other pokemon that were in the immediate vicinity. "Save it for the dead, if you must vent any frustrations you have."

    She stopped with her eyes flicking back and forth between the two dark-types. One would think that with the number of dark-types her trainer possessed, the gardevoir would have grown used to their presence. Well, she had as far as her fellow team mates had been concerned, but she couldn't help but feel chill run up her spine as she looked at the two pokemon.

    They were unknowns with an established advantage over her. It wasn't a situation she enjoyed.

    ((Terribly sorry for the wait on this. I've been a bit preoccupied with a couple things))

    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:13 pm

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    The cat looks disgusted at Lector’s ability to defeat her words, and he grins with amusement. Without a moment’s pause she retaliates. “Zory, silly, that Ninetails was frowning even before the moment I found him.” She gives a kindly purr, but the Zoroark is certain she does not enjoy his presence. While they speak, the Girafarig backs up in hesitation, even a trace of fear is in his step as he gets out of the way of the illusion fox and his rival. “I....You two shouldn’t be fighting.” He gives a reluctant pause. “I mean....” At seeing the Gardevoir, the psychic horse turns to find support in the graceful being. The wispy being replies to them all, but the fox does not heed any of her words. Instead, Lector’s attention has been quickly retrieved again by the cat.

    “Please, allow me to pass on by peacefully. Caine does not like waiting.”

    He growls again, loathing this cat more and more as their conversation goes on. “It obvious he not t--“

    Something catches his ear almost immediately. It started as a loud rumble, running across the plain landscape behind him. As he switches his head around and turns his back to the others, he sees something happening at the distant lake. There appears to be some beast--Lector perks up, lifting himself up onto his hind legs to get a better view--attacking the fox, the Ninetales! Without any other reply he kicks off of his bipedal posture, going into a running leap as his body melds with the remaining shadows of the dawn. His pace is swift, as he pulls as much speed into his run as he possibly can. The Zoroark can see the large frog preparing to drag the fox into the murky water, but then something emerges from a fountain nearby and releases a powerful dragonlike blast at the Undead. It gives a guttural croak as the attack makes impact, causing it to droop itself back to contain the force of the attack. By the time it had recovered, Lector had nearly made it to the Ninetales. Just as it prepares to slam its hands down upon him, Lector manages to leap upwards at it.

    He lands straight onto its face, and kicks back with a powerful leap. The imbalanced beast is sent crashing back into the water, too dazed to sustain its position in the water. Lector quickly lands, snatches the small fox up in his jaws, and darts on all fours away from the lake as fast as possible. The fox is surprisingly light, and he manages to keep him high enough to prevent the tails from dragging. His illusion darkens even more, as he hides them both within the dawn’s darkness to make it even harder for the beast to spot them. He can already hear it lumbering out of the water, ready to give its sluggish chase. He leaps straight over the cat, dodges the Girafaring and Gardevoir, and runs straight for the large, sandy stone house beside the fox’s own home--His own shelter.

    He places down the fox at the other end of the room, and turns to look towards the lake. Sure enough, the beast is lumbering towards their general direction. He speaks over his shoulder to the Ninetales, not wanting him to panic due to his hasty actions. That deep, serpentine lisp does not help things, but he tries to make his voice sound as calm and understanding as possible. “Is safe now, Ninetales. Lector is knowing of cat’s lies, too.” The warty, blood-slicked frog appears to not be focusing upon the large blue serpent from the fountain, apparently too stupid to try and attack it. Instead it lumbers rather quickly towards the others, possibly having lost its attention on Lector and the Ninetales. Maybe he can see just how strong this trio is now, and assess how dangerous they are. And if any of them dare near his home, he will drive them away one way or another. For now, he sits down at the entrance, staring out at the strangers.

    ((OOC: Was given permission by Ciana to rescue Caine :3))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:32 am

    Post 3

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    Amity Square| Dawn

    With the giant, disgusting toad on the loose, Milo was, once again, at a loss of what to do. He had never seen this kind of frog, being really only familiar with Kanto and Johto-native pokemon, and so the new threat startled and frightened him a little. He guessed it was some sort of Water-type, but with pokemon like Quagsire and Sudowoodo that misled their typings, he wasn't sure if he was correct. Still, with the frog, he noticed a little dratini in the fountain, one he hadn't noticed before, and ran to it.

    "Little guy!" he called as he galloped forward, past the lumbering beast. "D-Don't stay there, you'll get dead!" He skidded to a halt when he realized that he had completely just abandoned the others, and cursed himself. 'Why did I just leave them alone?!' He turned and threw a confusion at the creature, hoping it was enough to bring it down. But considering the weak attack and how low-leved he really was...

    ...probably not.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:02 am; edited 1 time in total


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    (ACE) The AMITY Team Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:03 pm

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    Amity Square|Dawn

    Elidr watched as the black thing swooped in and rescued the Ninetales, who had done nothing to defend himself from the toad. He sighed and shook his head, unsure of who was dumber. The idiot who wanted to die, or the one who risked his life to save someone who wanted to die. both were pretty dumb in the grand scheme of things, and by all laws of nature they should both just be killed. The weak didn't have a place in the wild, this new world especially.

    But, his curiosity was piqued when a yellow blur came running up to him, crying out. "Little guy! D-Don't stay there, you'll get dead!" Elidr stared at the new one and blinked several times, un-moving. Get..dead? He didn't remember being taught that phrase by the Arbok, did it mean something special? Dead was obvious, but how did one 'get' it? Surely you can become it...but 'get' it? He tilted his head in confusion and replied, "Did you mean 'die'? Because that's absurd."

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