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    (ACE) The AMITY Team


    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:45 am

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    Amity Square | Late Noon | 30

    Following Caine had been no easy task.  

    Watching him go through a complete meltdown was in some ways worse and other ways not.

    He sat there as Caine through the majority of his fit, watching through eyes dulled by mindfuck overload.  He had never pegged Caine for a calm, stoic type, and yet watching him freak out this badly somehow still seemed surreal.

    I guess it's because you never think the older kids can hurt like this...

    It was a stupid concept; the number of years one has doesn't have anything to do with their ability to suffer or to resist emotional pain.  But for some reason, Oliver could never imagine his elders in a state anywhere near this.

    Maybe it's because I needed to believe someone else could save me.

    Anne had done the saving and she was younger than he, but she was human, so she wasn't the same...

    Or maybe not?  Humans and Pokemon weren't that different...

    He flinched slightly as Caine injured himself, opening his mouth to speak; the words died in his brain before they could even reach his throat.  

    Why would he bite into a tree like that?  What was the point?  He'd never seen anyone throw a fit like this.  

    But then, those had been angry fits.  There was anger in Caine's, yes, but a different anger.  A frustrated, despairing anger.

    An anger that Oliver had felt himself, even if it were kept quiet and private.

    I want Anne... I want to go home...

    Home didn't exist anymore, and even if it did, it would be forever empty without the little human to inhabit it.  What now?  What now...

    He became aware that the fox was speaking to him, and he backed up a step or two, warily watching him approach and accessing within the first few seconds that Caine had run himself dry of energy and it was safe to be closer.

    When Caine began to cry, he darted forward, and went to hug him, though he hesitated.  Oliver liked hugs; Caine may not.

    So he settled for resting his hand on Caine's head instead, and began to pet him behind the hears, mimicking an action Anne had oftentimes done on him.

    The gentle strokes and scratches had always made him sleepy and happy.  Repeating the gesture made him feel tired.  So very tired.  But not a tired that rest could ever fix.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:31 pm

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    Amity Square || Late Afternoon [18][9]

    Nokes had struggled to keep up with the group’s suddenly erratic movements. One minute, his single eye had been firmly fixated on the pretty little fox, the next she and the others had vanished into the brush. The hound, disgruntled, had followed for reasons he couldn’t fully comprehend. It had been a promising opportunity to be free of wearisome company, but the scent of both decay and the new female held his attention. Half curious and half lustful, he soon slipped silently onto the scene.

    Pausing aside the lavender canine, the Manectric’s gaze fell to the rotting corpse of a human child. He didn’t flinch; in fact he showed no emotion at all, barely registering the fact he shared his presence with such a macabre sight. Nokes felt nothing towards the female, only gathering by the rustle of leaves that both Caine and his monkey friend were suffering at the sight. He gave a dismissive snort, finding the duo’s absence quite distracting. He had meant to keep the child happy by taking control of the situation, but thus far, the drama-queens were both elusive and determined to disrupt proceedings.

    “Hey! Where you running off too, little fella?”

    Calvin, although knocked down a peg by the strange Ralts’ earlier scorning, was by no mean’s willing to forfeit the war. He watched the pair of psychic’s rush off, no-name carrying the other back in the direction the group had come. He’d had half a mind to block their escape, question what was causing the smaller creature so much grief whilst his friend was quite content to play the role of hero. The Togeren recalled something about the species’ knack for sensing emotion and was yet again suspicious to the hardy nature of the shiny.

    Still, he let them go. Accidentally swinging his tail after them in a subtle gesture to sweep them away like the trash they truly were.

    Slim neck extended, the angelic creature looked to Nokes for some sort of leadership as the group continued to swiftly and dramatically crumble apart. A smug grin perched on his lips.
    “So… What now?” The twitch in the canine’s remaining eye only fuelled Calvin’s mischief. He sidled closer to the electric-type, delicate feathers once again grazing the canine’s body just in that way he despised. “You don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the little lady…” He whispered wickedly; the ensuing sly chuckle abruptly silenced as a weak jolt of electricity caught his wing. “Ow!”

    “Go scout for Caine and Oliver. Make sure they don’t go too far,” Calvin attempted to match Nokes’ glare though his features soon gave way to his natural, mischievous smirk. Extending fluffy wings, the tingle of sparks still rippling beneath the skin, the Togeren gave a curt nod of his head.
    “Only for you, Nokesy,” With a final wink, nimble legs took him into a gentle jog before he took off gracefully into the air.

    (( I’ve literally had five minutes to type and post this so I’d like to apologise in advance for the poor quality. Dx ))

    Posts : 3074

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:50 pm

    (OOC: I need to skip this time.)


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:51 pm

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    Amity Square|Late Afternoon

    It's okay... I'm here; it's going to be okay...

    Prince tried to take comfort in those words, he really did, but the weight of emotion was starting to crush him. Curling into the Legend for support he allowed the other to carry him away from the source of his weakness. It helped only slightly, as Azelf didn't want to stray too far where it would render him unable to help if needed, so the Ralts couldn't blame the Legend. At least he was doing his best to keep everyone alive, which did include the frail being now cradled in his arms.

    Prince eyed Calvin as he came nearer, suspicious gaze darting back and forth between him and Azelf and the Ralts could practically hear the gears turning in his head. ~He knows...~ his mind whispered to the fellow psychic, placing on small arm over his friends. He didn't know what Calvin would do with the knowledge if he figured out exactly who Azelf was but he had a disturbing feeling that it wouldn't be good.


    Sofia, on the other hand, was struck dumb. Mortified by what she saw before her the small fox slowly began to back up until Nokes came alongside her and eyed the grisly scene as well. He didn't seem nearly as bothered by the carnage or the strange behavior of the other two fire types as she did which only put her more on edge. Was this sort of thing normal between this group? What horrors had they scene that something like this was commonplace? Surely they weren't all just insane...


    ((Sofia's post is short because of the request not to follow, and Azzie your made Prince's so easy to write lol. Thanks for dragging him away. Once the darkness has settled he will be able to move on his own again.))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:04 am

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    Amity Square | Late Noon | 31

    Say something to him.

    And yet, try as he might, words came and died inside of him before they could leak out.  It was for the best though.  What words could possible be said in the face of this?

    "It'll be okay?"  Those seemed too hollow.

    "Things'll get better?"  Also empty.

    "...Ol- ... Go back, Oliver." The ape stared at the vulpine as he raised his head to look at him, startled out of stopping his petting Caine behind the ear.

    "Y-you need to get back to the others... do...don't stay here with me. I'm not going to be coming with them. This is my final stop. It's the end for me."

    And then, suddenly, the words came.

    "Friends don't let friends go alone."  He stared right into Caine's eyes, the first time he'd looked at anyone this directly since Anne.  "And what makes you think I have any reason to not stop here, either?"

    Anne was dead.  Caine was as despairing as he was, and there was no talking him out of anything.  He may as well go with him.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:31 pm

    ( Skip me, please. Not a whole lot for my boys to do at the moment. )

    Posts : 3074

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:25 pm

    (I'm sorry. I have to skip again. I just can't seem to construct a decent enough post.)


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:32 am

    ((Go ahead and skip me this time, plot needs to finish with what needs to happen so the rest of the team can participate))
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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Min Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:53 pm

    [OOC: Please skip, sorry! I just don't have a lot for Molly to do until near the very end of the plot. ;v; ]

    My posting code so I don't need to backtrack 2 pages to get it:

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:09 pm

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    Amity Square | Late Noon | 32

    As the words left his mouth Oliver wondered if that was really the best thing to do, and the feeling intensified when Caine stared at him like he'd been hit with a fastball using a brick instead of a baseball. The vulpine's thought process visibly crashed and it took a few minutes to reboot, though when it did the look changed from blank shock to... desperation? Fear? Confusion?

    Well, I guess if I had all but told someone I wanted to straight up kill myself with them, I'd be pretty freaked too. He wasn't sure what was with his state of mind but somehow Caine's incredulity seemed just so unbearably funny; even through the grief, the deeply misplaced humor made Oliver crack a smile, though small and bitter.

    The emotions dancing across the other's face soon vanished, replaced by a despairing kind of resignation. Standing, the Ninetails nuzzled his face into his chest in the four legged equivalent of a hug. He whispered quietly, and the chimp's sensitive ears easily caught the apology.

    Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong. If anything you'll be there to make sure I don't die alone; that's more than I ever thought I'd have.

    For a moment Oliver considered wrapping his arms around him and returning the gesture but Caine drew back before the thought could become action. He glanced behind him and Oliver shuffled slightly to one side to peer around the older boy, spotting what looked like a pond behind him.

    He turned, making a motion with one of his tails for Oliver to follow him. "...There is... There is a pool of water..." The little chimp struggled not to crack another smile as he followed Caine, strangely amused once more; this time by Captain Obvious. Perhaps that was rather unfair though; the other wasn't in a very good state of mind and was struggling for words to fill the silence. Oliver himself had a habit of nervous babble when he tried to do that.

    "...Are you really sure about this.... Oliver?"

    "Yes." This time there was no hesitation even in his thoughts. "I'm sure at least my birth mother is alive, but she hates me, even if I did find her. My father thinks I'm a disappointment. My siblings either don't really care or also don't like me. That l-little girl and h-her father..." He swallowed, willing himself not to cry this time. "They were my real family... but they're gone now. It's over. There's no point anymore. And I don't want to die alone..."

    The babbling kicked in again. "I know they're waiting for me, though. In the afterlife. Why keep them waiting? Maybe you can meet them too... They'd like you, I'm sure. Annie's so nice; she likes everyone. Except jerks. But you're not a jerk. I hope we wind up in the same place in the afterlife so you can meet them..."


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:43 am

    (( Skip. We can’t really do anything until Ciana and Star finish their plan. ))

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:34 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Amity Square|Late noon
    (post count carried over from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])
    With an ungodly scream Ickbarr conveys his hatred for the sun. That bright, shining, horrible, hot, dry, bright, thing in the sky that burned his dark skin and gemstone eyes. It had been a while since he was last in his home, the glorious cool, beautiful, dark, caverns of Mt.Coronet. He couldn't stand the light from outside what was his world for so long, and found himself hiding underground in quickly dug dens during the day. Just the small amount of light that barely shone into the hole he had dug stung his eyes, frustrating him as he tried to sleep and get away from the light of day.
    "AM I NOT WORTHY TO LIVE IN MY OWN HOME? IS THAT WHY I WAS TAKEN TO THIS HELL!!??!!??!!" He yells half to himself, and half to the world.
    ((I'm so glad to be on the team! And no rush to notice Ick, I don't want to mess up anything you guys might have planned ^-^))

    Posts : 3074

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:02 pm

    (OOC: Skip me as well.)


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:23 pm

    ((Once again can't do much other than have Sofia watch the pair in the distance with a worried look so I need to skip. If this keeps up I will need to report the stagnation to the Admins, we need to try and wrap it up guys. When I had to take over as lead you asked for me to allow the plot with your characters to finish and I don't want to feel taken advantage of so please, try not to stall the team any longer))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Starbits Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:59 pm

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    Amity Square | Late Noon | 33
    character revived later in team (on last post) and continues his story at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Ciane kept walking as he babbled on, and somewhere deep down Oliver was afraid that he wasn't having any reaction because he simply didn't care.  And why should he, logically?  They hadn't met very long ago; it was totally understandable if he-

    But then finally, as the Chimchar stopped talking and a short pause had passed, the vulpine spoke.  "I would like that...very much, Oliver."

    The little monkey stared at him, half surprised and half relieved and one hundred percent ready to start crying because of an emotion he couldn't quite name.  The two stared at each other a moment, and Caine began to silently cry.

    Say something.

    For once he obeyed the instant it crossed his mind.  "I wish it didn't have to come to this.  We... we didn't deserve this."  It was a hard thing to force out, not because he felt Caine did, but because it had been drilled into his head since childhood that he, Oliver, deserved nothing better.  But he did, he did, and that little voice of self loathing be damned, he was finally going to say it aloud, and he did, and somehow it felt so good to say it.  But it did, and since it did, I'm glad that... at least I'm not alone.  And I'm even gladder that you're here.  Even though I wish it hadn't come to this for you, either."

    Time to wrap this up; parting words were supposed to be short.  "Wherever we end up, I won't ever forget you.  Thank you."

    The vulpine's tail wrapped around his middle in a sort of hug, and Oliver smiled at him.  

    He was ready.

    And just as Caine moved to leap in, so did he.  He gasped at the water, a soundless scream; hot water was one thing.  He liked hot water as long as it was away from his tail.  But that was clean water, and it was away from his tail; it was the water Anne bathed him in when he got too dirty to clean himself.  This was cold, so cold, and worse than that it was dark and dirty and something truly tainted lurked in this.  Something that went beyond mere dirt or regular pollution.  The peace from before was gone and now all that was left was a crippling terror that left him nearly paralyzed.

    And as he sank down, he partially balled up, slowly letting the air out--no point in trying to hold his breath, that'd just be prolonging what probably wasn't going to be a fun experience--and he stared up, at the sky.  Life was beauty and hope and evil and despair, and he found a quiet moment of peace again, one that let him appreciate that he'd at least been allowed to experience some good thing in his life.

    And that maybe he'd be allowed to return to it, after this was done.

    But then that quiet moment of peace was gone and replaced by the fear again as his body automatically tried to breathe and got nothing but water.  His limbs uncurled from the ball and began to reach for the surface, clawing desperately for it, screaming for the light and warmth that was missing from this hellish pond.

    But the pond swallowed his screams, and within just moments his kicking and clawing limbs stopped reaching.  The movements grew sluggish, and he made a quiet noise of resignation as instead his arms found something soft, and he wrapped all of his limbs around it, that one speck of comfort in this.

    One of Caine's tails.

    He buried his face into it with his last moment of movement.  Thoughts were shutting down; he'd have only a minute or two longer.

    A memory of Anne flitted through his mind one last time, like a broken recording.  That thing she used to sing every night before going to bed...

    Day is done, gone the sun
    Rest now safely, everyone

    G'night, Caine.


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:26 pm

    ((skip me plz there isn't much for Ick to do at the moment >.<))

    Posts : 3074

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:23 pm

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    Amity Square || Late Noon || 20

    Azelf remained sitting on the ground and holding Prince in his arms, unsure of what exactly was going on but not able to bring himself to leave the ailing boy's side to go find out.  Prince needed him, and he wasn't going to abandon the younger one.  Not with a risk of him succumbing to a panic attack brought on by the poisonous atmosphere.

    He wasn't sure what he suspected, but it certainly wasn't Colton practically falling on them from the sky and screaming at the top of his lungs.

    "O-Oliver, Caine! Need help, drowning! Th...th-that way!"

    The little bird seemed partial to the angry, silent canine; thus it was of no surprise when the Pidgey stared desperately at Nokes before taking wing again.  Azelf remained deep in stunned silence for a moment before rising to his feet, hauling Prince up with him.  His voice was desperate and fast, his eyes fixed in the direction that Colton had pointed.  "Prince, you need to walk. Can you do that for me?"


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    Ψ Warnings Manager Ψ

    Es gibt nichts schlimmeres als die unwissenheit in aktion.

    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:48 pm

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    Amity Square|Late Afternoon

    Sofia looked on in horror as she observed the duo on the distance. At first it had seemed like they were just really sad and comforting one another but then....then they both walked into the shimmering purple water and the murk beneath took them down. It was infected water, she could tell that from here, and the small fire type couldn't help but cringe at the Ninetales's cries. She knew the pain of water, but infected water had to be so much worse. She could only imagine it being like dipped in acid and then left to melt in it. The Vulpix curled in on herself when she saw the sweet little monkey join the other fox and couldn't help but whimper, not wanting to see her savior do such a thing to himself.

    It was terrible and it broke her little heart.

    Allowing herself a small cry Sofia turned her head away, finally unable to bear the scene any more. She could hear the bird crying out for help but couldn't find the strength in her to move. Where those two went no fire type would be able to follow, at least not without suffering the same fate. She could only hope that the two found peace in the relief they had chosen, sad that she couldn't have gotten the chance to help them before they resorted to it.


    "Prince, you need to walk. Can you do that for me?"

    The horror and shock running through the group had the Ralts near in a trance, gazing off into the distance as the two disappeared beneath the water. He hadn't even heard Colton begging Azelf for help but the psychic Legend he did hear, anchored to the hidden power and allowing his thoughts to return. Nodding slowly Prince forced himself to his small feet, swaying slightly as he tried to get his bearings. Sadly, as terrible as the events were, two less tragic emotions filling the air actually made him a little stronger. It was a mortifying realization and the Ralts almost fell backward but managed to catch himself. He wasn't sure what he could do to help but if Azelf needed him he would do whatever he could.
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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:50 am

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    Amity Square || Late Afternoon [18][9]

    Calvin, of course, had taken to the skies with absolutely no intention of following Nokes’ commands. Keep an eye on the runaway duo? More like, give your wings a stretch and take a detour to your storage shack, eat a couple berries then think about heading back to cause further upset. He snickered to himself at his cunning. Who would know?

    Wiping the juice from his chin, the angelic creature strolled out of his makeshift palace and commenced to take a deep inhale of the early evening air. Same old smells – rot, blood, misery. Oh, it was so tiresome for the pampered male; the novelty of the epidemic fast-wearing off as a frown descended over Calvin’s rolling eyes. But a terrible screaming, the shouting only somewhat quietened by the distance, pierced the silence. It was a welcome injection of flavour that awakened the Togeren’s taste buds.

    A cruel grin slithered up the length of his face as he took into the air in pursuit of his latest slice of entertainment.


    Nokes’ predatory gaze had seldom left the vulpine’s petite form throughout the duration of the duo’s absence and even as Colton burst onto the scene, screaming his small lungs out, the Manectric struggled to divert his attention from young Sofia.

    "O- Oliver, Caine! Need help, drowning! Th...th-that way!"

    The canine turned to catch sight of the fearful youth, making a note of direction, but otherwise showed no indication he had heard a single word uttered. He made no reaction, numb to the bird’s plight as his eye lazily rolled to the others to gauge their own response to the matter. He was met with restrained upset and panic. Nokes felt nothing, only the faintest desire to garner some sort of respect from the group. Many of them had seen him suffer beneath Xatu’s wrath, no doubt dismissing him as weak and foolish. This looked an opportunity to redeem himself. And that alone, provided the hound with the incentive to move.

    He rushed to the scene, remaining eye immediately falling to the pool as the final bubbles dancing on the surface slipped into non-existence. The terrified bird had another thing coming if he thought he was going after them. Nokes detested water as much as any sane fire-type and felt no obligation to endanger himself for a pair of corpses. There was no doubt in his mind, Caine and Oliver were dead.
    Looking to the avian, knowing that there was nothing to be done, Nokes gave a simple shake of his head. His voice emerged firm and monotonous, tenderness and regret a foreign land.

    “I’m sorry,”

    (( Sorry for the delay guys. Dx ))

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    (ACE) The AMITY Team - Page 9 Empty Re: (ACE) The AMITY Team

    Post by Azelf Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:00 pm

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    Amity Square || Late Noon || 21

    The little Ralts suddenly pitched backwards, and Azelf felt a stab of panic even as Prince manage to keep from falling, catching himself and righting himself. What if it was just too much for him to handle?

    On second thought, why should he expect anything more of Prince? It wasn't his fault that his species was so tuned to emotions. The way things were right now, it must feel like drowning. Very slowly drowning. It would be cruel to try to force him to exert any energy.

    "... Never mind. I can't ask that of you. It wouldn't be fair..." The legendary bit his lip, staring back at where Colton and Nokes left. He didn't dare leave Prince, and yet, there was no other way to go investigate. What if they could use his help?

    Did he choose Prince, or the other two boys?

    ... Wait a second; he was a psychic type.

    "New plan; I'm carrying you with my psychic power." Guessing that some physical contact would probably help soothe him, Azelf reached down with his other arm and lifted the boy princess style into his arms, using his telekinetic abilities to make up for his poor physical strength.

    Then he began the walk to where Colton had directed them to go.

    (If that isn't all right, I'll edit, Phoenix.)


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