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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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11 posters

    The MOUNTAIN Team


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 9:37 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City | Evening

    As the smoke blew into Dawnfang's face from that stupid "present," that orb. Loud growls erupted from Dawnfang; she did not appreciate having such smoke blown in her face, as it irritated her eyes. With a super-fast lunge, she slammed her paw right next to the bird, who was next to the Ninetales and Absol.
    "Bad move, little birdie," she snarled, but backed away from the red-and-white bird. There was no use picking a fight now....and that thing didn't stand a chance anyways. She stood back as the Absol said his farewells to the other Pokemon, keeping completely silent before the Absol vanished into the lonely mountains. Dawnfang barely knew him, she only had a name; Soul. But why would he just leave his friends like that, especially the Houndour who did not want him to leave? Sometimes Dawnfang really didn't understand others actions; who did?

    "I barely knew the guy, and he just leaves," Dawnfang muttered angrily under her breath, but lifted her head to meet the eyes of the others. "You can call me Dawnfang," she stated simply, "Pardon my previous hostilities, these are dangerous times." Taking a moment to flick the fur out of her eyes, she continued to speak without a response. "What was with your friend? Why did he leave like that?" she asked with a voice empty of curiosity or any sort of emotion, really. As she waited for a response, Dawnfang evaluated her impressions of these guys so far. The Ninetales, Ujue, seemed to be the more powerful of the group. The unnamed birdie was quite annoying, while the Houndour seemed to be the sad one. If only my brother was here. He would know exactly what to say to these strangers. Duskfang had always been likeable and persuasive, perhaps not in the best manner, but he had a lot of friends when he was normal.

    Dawnfang suddenly had the impression that the tiniest flicker of longing and sadness had come across her face, but she replaced it with her normal, untrusting look; it was the natural thing to do in her case. Suddenly, she had an inspiration; what if these guys knew where her brother was? What if they had seen him?
    "By the way, I have a question. Have any of you seen an undead Mightyena around here? He has dark purple fur, a seriously burned face. and countless claw marks on his legs." It wasn't the best description, but it was all Dawnfang remembered of the last encounter with her dear brother. The sooner he was dead, and at peace, the better.


    Age : 36
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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:01 pm

    Post 1

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City | Evening

    Yasille had been travelling for who knew how long, her feet carrying her further and further away from her home in Olivine. Her meanderings had gotten her misplaced -not lost somewhere in the mountains. Her parents had gotten her this far, and she wasn't about to let their efforts go for nothing! She would carry on what her noble parents did, rest them. She just... needed to find a place to do that.

    She shook her head and gazed proudly at the almost completely set sun. "I won't let you down! Not for anything! I wo--EEK!" Her thought was rudely interrupted by her small hoof slipping and she lost her footing, tumbling down the hill. When she finally skidded to a stop, she popped back up and looked at her new surroundings. "Well... that's one way to get places!" she exclaimed with a happy grin, but then remembered that in these troubled times, she shouldn't be so loud.

    She hushed herself and skittered into a bush, the perfect camouflage for a yellow sheep. She peered over the top to make sure she was safe and soon heard talking in the distance. Talking? That means people! Oh Mama, Papa, I think I've found people!

    Exuberant at the thought that she may finally have found allies, she rushed without hesitation at the source of the sound. She soon ran smack dab into a large orange and black canid's rump.

    After she took a moment for the dizziness to clear that came with the impact, she looked up at the canid's stern face, then at the others. Without missing a beat, her face went back to its default vacant smile and said, "Hi! I'm Yas-- What's wrong?!" She then ran to the houndour's side, who was crying. "It's gonna be ok..." she said in a small, gentle voice as she nuzzled the pup, her wool warm and comforting.

    ((OOC: Hello everyone! :D))


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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:51 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Evening [16]

    Ujue laughed inwardly at Kringle's foolish greeting to the arcanine. Bird-brain, Ujue thought affectionately, and lightly flicked the delibird with one of her tails.

    However, her mood quickly changed -- again, completely inwardly -- as Tamashi began saying goodbyes. His arrival and departure was like a tornado - he arrived, took charge, picked people up just to drop them again a few miles away. It unsettled Ujue, although his honor and kindness assuaged her discomfort somewhat. He began with Kringle, having a few kind words even for her scatterbrained friend, then bade a few farewells to her and the arcanine. Tamashi's kind words to Inochi as he said goodbye to her won him merits in Ujue's view, but his persistence in leaving the sorrowful pup soured Ujue's opinion the parting. Tamashi bowed and turned tail, and dashed off. Inochi looked positively heartbroken as she slumped to the ground, and Ujue surged to her feet. "Tamashi!" she called; he didn't look back.

    The arcanine muttered something under her breath, than looked up. "You can call me Dawnfang," she stated simply, "Pardon my previous hostilities, these are dangerous times." Taking a moment to flick the fur out of her eyes, she continued to speak without a response. "What was with your friend? Why did he leave like that?"

    Ujue shrugged. She had no answer. She sat next to Inochi, who still lay slumped on the ground, ensuring that her ivory fur gave off enough comforting warmth to be felt by another without being uncomfortable. Ujue nodded to Dawnfang. "Nice to meet you," she said. She gently gestured to the prone Houndour. "This is Inochi."

    Suddenly, a little ball of yellow fluff barreled out of the nearby terrain and bounced off of Duskfang. It was a little mareep! Ujue had to think that it looked cute, and surely very alive. A bit clumsy, though. . . .

    "Hi! it squeaked, "I'm Yas-" She spotted the depressed Inochi, grew concerned, and bounded over to her side. "What's wrong?! It's gonna be ok..."

    The bonds of the living are so easily, broken in this world, Ujue reflected darkly. Looking at the two arrivals, she thought involuntarily, Who are we going to lose next?

    When she realized her dismal train of though, Ujue quickly shook herself into action and stood. "We should go inside," she said to the group in general. "Come on," she said gently to Inochi and Yas-, and urged them towards the cave opening with a little nudge.

    [[OOC:Hi Silverishness! What a cute character!! XD]]

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:08 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City| Dusk(18)

    The presents were right, that arcanine was a scary fellow. As soon as the black smoke took over its face, he lunged at Kringle placing his paw extremely close to him in a threatening manner, even going as far as to taunt him. It was confusing though when he pulled away from the bird as if nothing had ever happened. Then Tamaersoul left the group with the vacant words that he has been here too long and must leave, Kringle had no clue why, the absol didn’t even try to leave the group when its best friend the wishmaker left, so why was he deciding to leave now? It was all very confusing, it left the houndour crying and him sad at having to lose yet another friend today. The stars where not on his side to day at all….

    The absol’s entire visit was like a hurricane, he came in caused a lot of commotion, the good kind in fact, then seemed to quiet down as the wishmaker made its presence, then when it was time to leave he made more commotion by leaving the houndour crying its eyes out, kringle sad, and by the looks of it the arcanine perplexed.

    Kringle was going to go comfort the weeping houndour when yet another figure shows up, there must be some sort of neon light overhead or something, because this many pokemon meeting up all in one day was off. The newcomer was a mareep,a apparently young and innocent sheep that radiated cuteness. He had half a mind to go hug it but he knew the electricity was stashed in that cotton pelt, plus, his presents have yet to show him anything about her. He waddled over to her and set down a black and yellow stripped orb in front of her before waddling over to Ujue, the one he had known the longest out of all of them. He didn’t want to interfere with the mareep calming down Inochi, so he didn’t bother them, but hearing the small poof of the orb turning into black smoke made him worry.

    Kringle sighed in dissapointment, he didn’t know why the present had chosen her as bad, her appearance and behavior so far seemed nice, but he figured looks can be deceiving. That maybe the mareep was too cute for her own good, and she would use that in her advantage to deceive or persuade other to do her bidding. Or maybe she was like a sheep in wolves’ clothing, who appeared nice on the outside, yet contained an unspeakable evil on the outside. Either way, he would need to keep an eye on her, who knows what she may do given the right circumstances.

    He followed Ujue into the cave, trying to stay as far away from the arcanine as possible. He hated caves, made him felt too confined, but he seriously doubted the rest of the four-legged pokemon would want to sleep in trees. “It’s getting dark, maybe someone can spit out a fire…. Oh! And we can roast berries and have ourselves a good old fashion cook out!”

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:22 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Dusk

    Inochy lay there while the others tried to comfort her. It had been so long since she felt the way she did when she first layed eyes on Soul, and then he just turns around and brakes her heart, was it something she said? Was it her in particular? She didn't know, she never knew what was going on these days. Her tears streamed down her face as she remember old friends that she lost to this infection, and hoped with all her heart that Soul would not succombe to it, she couldn't handle it if she met him again only to see him as one of those creatures. She continued to hum her song while the others around her kept her warm.

    She stopped herself when she heart the santa bird saying something, "It’s getting dark, maybe someone can spit out a fire…. Oh! And we can roast berries and have ourselves a good old fashion cook out!” She agreed that a fire would be a good idea, but she couldn't bring herself to use her Amber, a good attack when it came to lighting a fire. There was a small branch in from of her, so she used a small ember to set it on fire. She watched as the flame danced on the wood, though it had dampened due to the fog, it was still able to hold a small fire. She became hypnotized by it, that she didn't even notice that she slipped into a deep sleep.

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:11 pm

    Post 2

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City| Dusk[

    Yasille was legitimately sad to see the puppy in such a horrible state. Though the others conversed amongst themselves, she could only think of the weeping pokemon before her. 'What could have happened to her to make her so sad...? She sniffled a little, the others' sadness moving the little mareep to tears, and she held up a tiny hoof to catch a stray tear. "It's going to be ok, friend."

    She lightly headbutted her and stood, a determined smile upon the little ewe's face. "Come on, let's keep going! What's your name? Mine's Yasille." However, when she saw the pup slowly fall asleep, she promptly shut her mouth, knowing her loud voice was known to wake the dreaming. "Ohmygoodness, sorry, sorry..."

    When the big, giant red bird said something about a cookout, she turned and bounced a little in the air. "A cookout? Really? I've never had one! What is it, what is it?" She scurried over to him and sat down, ready to listen and learn, her bright emerald eyes sparkling with delight.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:42 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:03 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City| Dusk (1)

    Spirit was walking around trying to find a good place to rest that will give him shelter for the night so he won't have to worry too much about any infected or undead coming after him. Any infected that he came across and that attacked he quickly would finish them off with a Razor Wind attack or get away with Aerial Ace. He was still searching for Riley even though the Disaster Pokemon believed that his friend was already away from this horrible place and somewhere safe. As he was walking he heard some talking not too far ahead of him and wonder who these voices belong too. He could already figure that they weren't any infected or undead since he realized, from the ones he has met, didn't say anything. Earlier he had thought he saw another Absol pass him by but before he could get a better look the creature was already gone. 'I wonder what their hurry was' he thought to himself.

    After a few more miles he came upon a group of Pokemon that he had heard earlier. He saw a Ninetails, a Delibird, a Mareep, and a depress looking Houndour. Spirit's eye's soften when he saw the Houndour and couldn't help but think of his other friend Shadow the Houndoom that was a part of Riley's team. The little Houndour reminded him of his friend though he could tell that this Houndour was a female.“It’s getting dark, maybe someone can spit out a fire…. Oh! And we can roast berries and have ourselves a good old fashion cook out!” He heard the little Delibird say before he saw the Houndour use Ember on a nearby log to make the fire that was ask for. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Come on, let's keep going! What's your name? Mine's Yasille." He heard and saw that the second voice was coming from the little cute Marreep.

    He wasn't sure on what to do but when he saw the Houndour went into a deep like sleep he slowly began to walk into the light of the fire and said in a gentle voice so as not to startle everyone Hello is it alright that I join you all these evening. He wanted to make friends with these living Pokemon but he wasn't sure how they will treat him. Would they treat him like everyone else in his past did before Riley or will they treat him like himself and not a Pokemon that is said to bring disasters. The fire glimmered on the black glasses he had on his head like sunglasses and on his scar that was over his left eye. The scar was still fresh looking even though it has healed completely before this epidemic hit.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:29 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Dusk [17]

    Ujue looked on somberly and silently as the arcanine Dawnfang moved on and left the group, right after Tamashi's loud exit. On the the other hand, the newcomer Yasille's enthusiastic and warm spirit was more warming tan any fire Ujue had ever encountered.

    Ujue whirled at a figure who approached the fire, and her eyes narrowed. Had Tamashi (an absol) come back?!

    But no, it was a new figure. He had a scar and a pair of sunglasses, along with a more insecure (and less frustratingly suave) air. He said, "Hello, is it alright that I join you all this evening?"

    As he was evidently alive, and Ujue was getting used to seeing pokemon again (although the arrival of another of their recently departed's type was fairly disturbing) Ujue relaxed with a swirl of tails and nodded to him. "My name is Ujue, and these are Kringle, Inochi, and Yasille. Make yourself comfortable if you wish to stay."

    Ujue picked up the little branch that Inochi had lit and brought it to the mouth of the cave, where the smoke would still escape outside but the warmth would penetrate the cave. Then, Ujue fetched a larger branch and began making a small pile, and spat a fireball at it. The little fire was beginning to be a source of light in the deepening dusk.

    Ujue gently picked up Inochi by the scruff of her neck and brought her a few steps, into the shelter of the cave, and laid her near the warmth of the fire. Ujue was tired and ready to sleep, and she looked over at Kringle to see the progress of their 'cookout'. Although Ujue was worried about Inochi, the warmth of the other pokemon was enough to leave her content, if hungry.

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:40 pm

    ((Please skip me. Inochi is still sleeping.))

    Age : 36
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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:37 pm

    (please skip D|)


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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:33 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Dusk (2)

    "My name is Ujue, and these are Kringle, Inochi, and Yasille. Make yourself comfortable if you wish to stay." Spirit smiled at the Ninetails now known as Ujue and said, My name is Spirit and it's very nice to meet you. He looked at the Delibird he now knew as Kringle, the sleeping Houndour Inochi, and the cheerful Mareep Yasille to be able to memorize the name with the Pokemon before he settled down near the fire near the entrance of the cave so that if any danger came along he will be able to get up quick enough and get to it before it could harm his new found friends. Though he was still modest about showing his powerful attacks he will use them in order to protect those that he is with. It seem that Ujue was surprise to see him for some reason and thought back to the Absol he thought he saw on his way to where they were all at. ~Maybe Ujue thought that I was that same Absol that I saw. I hope giving my name and perhaps my difference will help them realize that I'm not that same Absol though I wonder why it would leave it's friends behind like it did~ Spirit thought to himself since he wasn't sure what the gender of the Absol could have been.

    Last edited by Shaymin on Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Centering)

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:51 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [18]

    With a tired huff, Ujue sat down in the cave. The day had been extremely long -- first the fight with an undead kabutops, then an undead serpentine, and meeting all these new pokemon. Two absols in one day was definitely something to be commemorated, and Ujue was glad that this one looked like it was going to stay, as it settled protectively by the front of the cave.

    Though Kringle had talked about a cookout, Ujue's fatigue tugged at her, and when she lay down, the urge to sleep closed her eyes to the pleasant scene of Inochi, Yasille, Kringly, and Spirit around a warm fire, safe for the moment. She was asleep within moments.

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:34 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Dusk

    Inochi didn't really dream as she slept, it was mostly just blackness with no sounds. Though sometimes the blackness started to form a dream. She would be in a forest shrouded in fog, much like here, and in the distance she would see the shadow of her friend the Furret. Though when she ran to the spot he was at, it would just go black again.

    She found herself waking up now an again, though she didn't open her eyes, and the sounds where only muffled voices. She opened her eyes into slits, seeing only fuzziness as she was still somewhat tired. She saw the outline of an Absol. Soul? Did you come back? I'm so glade... She though to herself before she closed her eyes once again and went back into a deep sleep.

    Age : 36
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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:32 am

    Post 3

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City| Dusk

    Yasille was eager for the roasted berries, but it seemed everyone else was very tired; something she had not realized for herself. Her little hooves padded around as her wide, bright eyes took in the rest of the scenery when a white kitty appeared. She was there immediately, bright smile up and ready.

    "Hi!" she said in an enthusastic whisper. "I'm Yasille, and I'm new too! But I need to be quiet, since everyone's so sleepy. I might be sleepy too, but I can't really tell since I'm so excited!" She bounced a little, her fluffy fleece jumping with her. "But if we stay awake, the big jolly bird man will make us berries!" She bounced again and then realized she forgot her manners; how did she know he wasn't sleepy too?

    In an apolegetic rush, she skittered to him, genuinely sorry for her asumption. "Mr. Jolly, I'm sorry that I ass-umed you're going to cook when everyone else is so sleepy!" she began to ramble, still whispering, to the delibird. "If you're sleepy, then we can wait for morning, right?"


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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:37 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City| Dusk (3)

    "Hi! I'm Yasille, and I'm new too! But I need to be quiet, since everyone's so sleepy. I might be sleepy too, but I can't really tell since I'm so excited!" Spirit heard someone say to him and look down to see the cheerful and excited Mareep in front of him. He couldn't help but smile again at the energetic sheep and gently touch her with his paw and said, It's nice to meet you Yasille. "But if we stay awake, the big jolly bird man will make us berries! Mr. Jolly, I'm sorry that I ass-umed you're going to cook when everyone else is so sleepy! If you're sleepy, then we can wait for morning, right?" He heard the little sheep say to the Delibird. He wasn't sure on what to say though he was tired. He has traveled far in search for his friends and fighting off any infected or undead Pokemon so he wasn't all that hungry. He gently move his paw off of the sheep and laid his head on his paws.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:52 am

    [[OOC: Please skip me; Ujue is still sleeping deeply.

    As Tryvex is away, perhaps Kringle is sleeping too? If not, does anyone have any idea on how we can have Kringle in the scene without playing the character?]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:02 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (19)

    Kringle had sat down next to the fire the houndour had made. The soft warmth radiating from the fire which usually cast a menacing glow for him being ice type, was pulsating in a hypnotic rhythm. He did not intend for it to happen, but the warmth, the previous double substitutes, and the tiring events of the day where drifting him off to sleep. It was strange, he was asleep, he knew he was asleep, but the reality of the pokemon talking around him and his dream like state seemed to mix. Someone had come up to the cave, another friend, but his eyes refused to lift to greet them. He would have gone deaper into the depths of sleep, but the too-nice-for-her-own-good mareep refused to let him feel comfort.

    He only got a small part of it, she wanted him to cook…but he had no clue what she was talking about in his half sleeping state. He just wanted to nudge her aside and go back to sleep, where no one left you, where nothing bad usually happened, and he and all his friends can spend quality time together.

    The sight of the newcomer slightly roused him though. At first all he saw was a white being. But as the image became slightly clearer with his waking up more, he noticed that it was a canine, more specifically, an absol. The only Absol he knew was Soul, so his drowsy mind told him his friend had come back. “Tamaersoul! You came back! You don’t know how happy I am!” He said between trying to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes, right before running up to him to give him a hug, totally ignoring the mareep’s words.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:08 pm

    [I hate to skip again, but like I said, I'm really busy with christmas just around the corner >.< So please skip me once again, just say Inochi is still sleeping.]

    Age : 36
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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:01 pm

    (OOC: Skip me too, since she's just waiting for the berries lol)


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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:09 pm

    ((my goodness everyone alright well now it's my turn to post again))

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (4)

    “Tamaersoul! You came back! You don’t know how happy I am!” Spirit heard the Delibird say before he felt the bird hug him. He gently look down at Kringle and said softly, I'm sorry but you must have me confuse with another Absol. My name is Spirit not Tamaersoul. He gently place his paw that he had previously put on the Mareep's head on Delibird giving him a gentle hug in return being sure that his claws doesn't hurt the little bird before he remove his paw and looked at the Delibird wondering how he will react to his words knowing that Kringle was possibly sleepy right now and should get some rest.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:48 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City/ Night (1)

    A pokeball rolled down the hill. Inside was a furious Eevee that just wanted to escape the evilness of the humans. However, in her anger, she had chewed on the part that would have enabled her to escape on her own. Now, she was forced to roll around, only hoping that some poke would set her free.

    "When I find the human that did this, I going to rip out his throat!"

    Eon sighed within the pokeball and dreamed that the human who gave her freedom would find her and set her free again. Then, Eon would lick the trainers face and beg to join the team. She could finally get close to the poke of her dreams, X....

    "Huh? I hit something?"

    Eon continued to try to roll the pokeball but it was stuck near a pokemon's foot, unknown to the normal Eevee with two everstone earrings in her left ear....

    [OoC: Hello! Shin here! I need someone to set my little Eevee free from the pokeball she's trapped in. However, you might get a Shadow Ball to the face..... Who opens the pokeball is up to the team. Anyone can do it! Thanks!]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:39 pm

    [[OOC: Ujue is still sleeping deeply. She really, really needs the rest, so I think she'd still be unconscious. Please skip me. Welcome, Shin!]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:35 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (20)

    In his sleep induced hallucinated state, Kringle was happy, he got his friend back, and had him in a huge hug, even if the other was not returning the hug. It didn’t matter, just meant it would take some time before hugs become a natural thing for his friend. The others were asleep, he wanted to be asleep also…..but part of him wanted to force himself to stay awake to ask the absol what had happened to change his mind on staying. The words of the absol that was being hugged cut across the silence.

    “I'm sorry but....Spirit not Tamaersoul.”
    His sleep deprived mind was literally blown right there. His friend, Tamaersoul, was turned into a “Spirit…..” Somehow, in the short time he had left them, he had died, or possibly even killed, and is now forced to walk the lands forever in unrest as his soul haunts the land looking for someone to avenge him. “Don’t worry my friend! I shall go on a never ending journey to avenge you , and take revenge on the person that turned you into a spirit!” The only problem was that he didn’t have a spirit tag those humans used to calm ghosts…But he figured he could find one on his journey.

    ((Used only a fragment of what Soul said because that's only what Kringle heard |D))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:54 pm

    ((Skip please. Still sleeping, but Inochi will wake up on my next post ^^))

    Age : 36
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    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:19 am

    Post 4

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night

    Yasille quickly grew distracted by the surrounding area and began to wander around the perimeter of the group, she frolicked and hopped about, excited to see such a pretty forest. She then noticed something rolling around and was quickly drawn to it.

    It was a poke ball, but Yasille couldn't understand why it was moving around on her own. Maybe it was a special poke ball or it was possessed with psychic powers? She didn't know, but she was eager to find out. She stalked it -rather clumsily- and followed it when it suddenly changed directions and rolled into her hoof. She squeaked, alarmed, and flailed a little in her panic, accidentally pressing the button to release whatever was inside.

    As the pokemon came out, Yasille ran and hid behind the white dog, who the jolly bird was hugging. She shook a little, genuinely frightened of what may come out. "I'm sorry!" she squeaked again.


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