Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team


    Age : 37
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Fox Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:44 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 6|1

    "Burn with me...."
    The soft whisper was a stark contrast to the equines' livid gaze. His gentle utterance could have been mistaken for a seductive suggestion, if not for the purest animosity in the pale horses' silver orbs and its flaring white mane, heating up the area so hot, it was starting to boil his victims' blood.
    "Burn with me...!"
    The horse of death rasped once more, flames licking at his lips as he drew even closer to his victim. The Ursaring roared in defiant rage, despite the bears' body unable to even move from its' wounds.
    "N...Never! Nev...Never!" The bear screamed with a gutteral pitch, its broken mind on replay.

    "Yaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaah!" A male voice roared triumphantly, a ball of poisonous venom flying past the horses' face and onto the bears' chest, quickly taking hold and eating into the creatures' bared wounds. "How's that feel, motherfuck!" The gray Eevee snarled, leaping from a nearby blackened tree with a bounce of arrogance and his head held high. "You know that poison you got there on ya? That shit solidifies your fucking blood!" He crowed, his sapphiric eyes glinting with excitement. "Yeah! And I bet you're feeling that right about now, huh?" The fox growled as he ventured as close as he could before the heat around the horse stopped him.
    "Come on, Shad. Let him fucking suffer. That's what the little prick gets!" He spat, licking his bloodied paw with a swift motion.

    "No...he's going to burn. Burn for what he's done..." Shadowfax growled, his hooves clattering closer to the now convulsing bear, his mane flaring wildly.
    "Oh shit...!" The fox screeched before leaping as far as he could, just landing behind a large boulder before a sudden Inferno exploded from the equine. The air became super-heated around him, singing the foxes' fur. He could hear Shadow neighing underneath the screaming flames, bringing a twisted smile to Ghosts' lips as he slowly got up after the raging fire fell silent. The gray fox looked about, surveying the damage.
    As far as his eye could see, there was burning trees and blackened ground. Black clumps of what used to be undead and infected scattered the ground. Ghost snickered, his gaze flickering to the bristling Shadowfax before prancing happily to the charred remains in front of the horse.
    "WHEEEW! THAT THING STAAANKS!" He shouted, wrinkling his nose and staggering back as he stared at the black lump at his paws. "Damn bro, no such thing as medium-rare with you!" He chuckled heartily, his thin, black lips pulling back to reveal sharp fangs as he laughed.

    Shadowfax said nothing, his silver gaze sliding over the charbroiled bear and up to the forest that he had set ablaze. The trees were alight with brilliant orange flames, crackling, snapping and turning to black ashes before his eyes. The flames roared and screamed for its' victims. The creatures that were once alive there shared their homes' fate, forever to be scattered and taken by the winds.
    Never to be reunited.

    "...Beautiful." He whispered, a soft smile playing on his lips.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:46 pm

    ((The Team Sheet hasn't been updated yet but reading through the Profile Computer it looks like I am supposed to be after you Ana.))

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    Near Route 45|Night
    (A-15 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]/Z-1)

    Curled safely in the brush mother and child lay peacefully asleep, unaware of the danger lurking near their hiding place. However the familiar sounds of fire rapidly approaching had the mare's ears twitching before her eyes snapped open, head raising quickly to survey the area. She could see the orange glow in the distance, the smoke pluming into the night air and blocking out the stars, but it was not the fire that concerned her. Oh no. It was what was causing said fire.

    Nosing her child firmly Armonia practically rolled the foal over until he awoke, whinnying softly in confusion and fear over being so abruptly torn from his sleep. "Come little one, danger. We have to go now." The turquoise Ponyta nodded wide-eyed at his mother before struggling to his feet, knobby knees shaking fiercely at the effort. After falling once he managed to stay back up and slowly stepped out of the brush to join his mother on the road. She was watching the orange glow creep ever closer, the sound of bird crying out in alarm making her step back cautiously to block her son from the view. "Let's go..."

    Armonia took off in a running walk at first, keeping her pace slower for Zakai as he followed but still covering more ground by stretching her legs to nearly their full length with each step. She often wondered why the young foal had such trouble keeping pace with her, as none of her other children took this long to gain their leg strength, but in the present time she couldn't afford to linger too long on such small matters. As long as she was able to keep him safe his slow growing strength wouldn't worry her.

    Zakai followed his mother's fiery tail as best he could but he could feel his chest growing tighter. The Ponyta could feel another one of his coughing fits coming on but knew that if he paused to give it the attention it needed he would lose his mother. Nothing terrified him more than losing her. Armonia was the only thing he knew in this world other than fear. He loved his mother very much but sometimes it seemed like a part of her was closed off to him...

    Unfortunately for the young male his chest finally won the argument and within moments he was in a dead stop, his mother disappearing into the distance. Zakai's neck bent down nearly to the ground as he hacked, some invisible force pushing on his lungs and making him feel like he was drowning. Choking violently he felt as though he were about to pass out when his mother showed back up, body turning around her child as her neck stretched over his. Even with her comfort he couldn't breathe....

    And if he couldn't breathe how was he going to get away?

    ((Zakai's heart condition is causing his lungs to fill with fluid, the exertion of trying to keep up with Armonia making the organ attempt to fail.))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:38 pm

    Post 1

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    Near Route 45|Night

    The nights were so quiet now; no insects chirping, no rustling of the brush... not even the eerie screams that had orchestrated the soundtracks for his nightly wanders played anymore. Just silence. His own soft footfalls and silence. While he found it hard to dislike the silence in general, it did make things... boring. He'd often wondered whether or not there were any other pokemon left other than the wandering creatures; any more with reason, with logic, with a pulse, even. But his encounters had always been with the mindless drones... Strange.

    He paused a moment as a voice flitted through the empty air, his ears catching onto it with delight. Turning in its direction, he quietly padded toward its screaming origin, peeking through the brush. Smoke had begun to burn his nose and eyes, and for a moment, he pondered on whether or not to investigate. But when his eyes caught sight of the strangely colored horse and Eevee, his mind was made. They obviously weren't one of the Mindless, they were alive and well, like he. Drooping ears perking a bit, he watched as the two played out their roles before him.

    "WHEEEW! THAT THING STAAANKS!" the Eevee squealing in utter delight; it was true, whatever was making that smell was awful. "Damn bro, no such thing as medium-rare with you!" The horse seemed preoccupied with the source of the smoky smell -a raging wildfire-, and Dis, not knowing true manners, decided now was a perfect time as ever to come into the situation himself.

    "...What were you burning?" he asked simply, watching the two with his wide, inquisitive gaze. "...Other than the forest. I've never smelled that smell before."


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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:10 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 20
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    In a quick blink of harsh white light a cat is rudely dropped shoulder first on the cold ground. Laying motionless her body is eerily still after the pummeling it received moments ago. It seems like an eternity before life returns to it. With a strenuous effort she tries to fill her lungs only to have a whine of agony escape from an aching throat. Slowly Arsi's blue gaze cracks open to find she is not where she once was. This was not the bottom of a crevice or anywhere in Pallet by the look of it. With lush grass beneath her and green, leafy trees blocking the view of stars overhead confusion quickly builds into fear of the unknown. How.. Moments ago she had been falling down an expanding hole in the ground, taking a real beating from the jagged rock walls. Now she was in the middle of a vibrant and peaceful forest? Have I fallen through the world? Was that even possible?

    The tiniest of movements bring great pain to her weary form. The Meowths heart pounds hard in her chest while her breath comes in short and sharp. Giving herself a quick glance over from her laying position nothing felt broken but blood, dirt, and ash litter her disheveled fur. Groaning softly that the sun was not up for a proper inspection the confusion hits harder then before. I swear it was earlier.. Just how long had she been unconscious, or underground for that matter? Nothing was adding up when panic suddenly struck her. "KHAN! SHILOH! HAZE!" Choking on her own voice tears begin to stream from her wide eyes. "Haze no... Haze oh why.." Flashes of the Nuzleafs death cross over her vision, the scent of blood flooding her senses, his body being flung about like a mere toy. Thrashing hard the wailing cat kicks herself onto shaky brown paws. Blinded by emotional turmoil she jumps and darts around the small clearing she had appeared in, throwing bits of blood and dirt all around her.

    "Haze! Haze Shiloh! Khan! KHAN!" Calling out her friends names at random the fear-filled Arsi was too lost in her recollection of the battle to watch her surroundings. Scratched by shrubs and pricking her pads on pebbles the feline only noticed the pain again when she failed to round a tree and stumbled back to the ground. With hard, choking coughs bouts of thick purple fluid flew to the ground from her mouth with a loud hiss. Wheezing, the cat whined pathetically between labored breathes. "Shiloh.. Khan.." Were they still fighting the demon dragon? Where are you? Where am I?

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:48 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (67)
    (Post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    Fire. Giant flames swallowing him in their blistering depths. Big black hole. Clouds of smoke. Choking. Crippling agony. That Swoobat. Diving. Plucking. Haze. Blood. A decapitated head rolling towards him. Terror. Numb terror. Screaming. Never-ending screams. Clawing at his own face. Drawing blood. The ground approaching. Big hole. Falling. Screaming. "NOOOOOOOAAAA--"

    Khan stopped howling, not because his lungs had run out of putrid, foul air to howl with, but because he was fairly certain that a large forest could not exist inside that trench. The Lucario lay on his front on the soft ground, his head clutched tightly in his paws. Where...? He tried to sit up, his throbbing limbs groaning at the effort. No fire; no burning trees; no half-melted dragon. Where am I? The cool, crisp air felt like a blessing as it entered his charred, blackened lungs, and Khan found himself inhaling several gulps of it as he clung to a nearby tree and dragged himself upright.

    Coughing violently, more blood splattering from his mouth and staining the mossy ground at his feet, Khan's jumbled mind tried to piece everything together. Pallet Town. Was it...? Did the events in Kanto ever actually occur, or was it just a nightmare? Had he been unconscious here in this forest all along? But it ... hurts... If it had been all a dream, then the intense agony that stabbed at every inch of him had yet to be explained. Was I ... in a fight before? Did I pass out here? The conflicts with Maxwell and Nora; his meeting with Mew; the massive, devastating battle with those two tyrants ... had none of it been real?

    He hoped it hadn't. If all of that was a dream then it was far too vivid and realistic for his liking. He'd had his fair share of nightmares since all of this horror started, but that one took the title of the worst one yet. He was still trembling from top to toe, trying desperately hard to catch his breath. That was another thing: his body was covered in ash and soot, giving him a dusty, bedraggled appearance. His lungs still begged for the fresh air, and the fur on his chest was damp and matted with his own blood. With every deep breath his chest felt like it was going to burst open. Khan tentatively held a hand to his jutting ribs and winced - at least two of them were broken.

    "KHAN! SHILOH! HAZE!" Khan raised his head with a gasp, immediately alert. That voice... He had heard it before, very recently. It tugged on both his mind and his body, urging him forward. Is it...? It couldn't be. One of the voices from his dream could not possibly be here. Unless...

    "ARSI!" Khan bolted through the trees, no longer paying any attention to the agony that urged him to stop. The moonlight was his only source of guidance as he scrambled forward, hitting aside bushes that pelted his face. "Arsi!" There she was - the Meowth from his dream, cowering in fear and calling out his name. Khan's mind had no time to try and work this phenomena out as he stumbled towards her, eventually collapsing behind her. "Arsi..." He crawled forward, wheezing at the exertion of running so quickly. "I'm here..."

    Then it hit him. How stupid could he have been to assume that Pallet Town was nothing but the work of his imagination? All evidence pointed to the fact that it had all been very real: his injuries, his urge to get to Arsi and the overwhelming, crushing grief that gripped him at that moment. He stared at the Meowth for a moment, his eyes wide and spilling with tears. "Haze is ... dead." Raising his shaking hands up to his head, Khan clutched tightly at the sides of his face and rolled limply over onto his side. He felt numb, cold - as though no amount of warmth or words could bring him out of this frozen state. His mind formed no words that made any sense to him, his mouth only releasing several ragged gasps.

    "Dead," he managed to whisper as his mouth slowly opened wider as the horror continued to grip him. "He's ... dead ... I couldn't ... help him..."

    ((OK, so Khan's pretty much on the verge of a breakdown. Cinder, feel free to have Arsi do whatever you want her to do to snap him out of it, even scratch him if you want.))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:46 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 2
    (Post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    "And I'll tell you another thing--!"

    The floatzel starts, her eyes still glaring in the direction of the "mysterious figure" even as a bright envelopes Aqua then dissipates with her somewhere far different than a sunny island at high noon... It takes a moment before the otter is able to register the change in scenery. As her mind reels to catch up with the sudden change her form whips from side to side. Brown eyes dart back and forth working as fast as they can to adjust to the night after having been directly under the sun's gaze. This leaves the floatzel stunned and unseeing as she waits tensely for her vision to adjust.

    Sharp canines grit so tightly together they start to ache a little as Aqua fights to keep herself from calling out, swearing, yelling-! As distorted as she was the fear of attracting the attention of the undead with her shouts, just as she was about to criticize the mysterious figure for potentially doing, stuck out strongly in her reeling mind. What was this? Some sort of magic? That figure...what was it called again? "Amaaaazing Prophet Blade"? It must have been his doing somehow-! This change in events right after him appearing and declaring he'd come to save them couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

    As silent moments pass in the forests of the route, the floatzel slowly begins to calm down. An attack, magic, or some other disaster, whatever had happened, Aqua was alone now. With her eyes finally adjusted, the otter slows down her movements and actually takes a look around. A lush forest, glowing moon, it looked nothing like Mossdeep City...how far had she been taken from home?

    "I guess I better be fixin' to get some directions..." Aqua mutters to herself, a light catching her eyes as she turns to start walking in one direction. It stops the otter in her tracks and moves her eyes to be fully focused on the growing embers that are moving to consume the forest in its blaze. With one smooth swooping motion, the floatzel leans up to pluck a long strand of grass from the ground to place between her teeth. Her cinnamon eyes never leave the flames and almost automatically her feet start running, taking the otter towards the direction of the growing fire. Lost or not something was happening and in Aqua's experience fires accompanied many a mess of battles and fights. Not wanting to dash rashly into the flames themselves, Aqua dashes forward to where the fire would spread Hopefully if anyone was in danger from this they were still alive and kicking...

    Last edited by NyraXerz on Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Fox Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:10 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night || 7 | 2

    "No...he's going to burn. Burn for what he's done..." Shadowfax growled, his hooves clattering closer to the now convulsing bear, his mane flaring wildly. 
    "Oh shit...!" The fox screeched before leaping as far as he could, just landing behind a large boulder before a sudden Inferno exploded from the equine. The air became super-heated around him, singing the foxes' fur. He could hear Shadow neighing underneath the screaming flames, bringing a twisted smile to Ghosts' lips as he slowly got up after the raging fire fell silent. The gray fox looked about, surveying the damage. 
    As far as his eye could see, there was burning trees and blackened ground. Black clumps of what used to be undead and infected scattered the ground. Ghost snickered, his gaze flickering to the bristling Shadowfax before prancing happily to the charred remains in front of the horse. 
    "WHEEEW! THAT THING STAAANKS!" He shouted, wrinkling his nose and staggering back as he stared at the black lump at his paws. "Damn bro, no such thing as medium-rare with you!" He chuckled heartily, his thin, black lips pulling back to reveal sharp fangs as he laughed. 

    Shadowfax said nothing, his silver gaze sliding over the charbroiled bear and up to the forest that he had set ablaze. The trees were alight with brilliant orange flames, crackling, snapping and turning to black ashes before his eyes. The flames roared and screamed for its' victims. The creatures that were once alive there shared their homes' fate, forever to be scattered and taken by the winds.
    Never to be reunited.

    "...Beautiful." He whispered, a soft smile playing on his lips.

    Shadowfax took in slow and deep breaths, his nostrils filling with the stench of burning flesh and smoke. His silver eyes were alight with a deep melancholy, staying on the burning forest. As he turned from the charred corpse and began to trot away, the gray fox shouted in protest.

    "Whoa, Shad! We already leaving? I-I thought we were-" He started, dashing after the large horse.
    "But you said-" The fox griped, his ears falling with a snarl.
    "-I said no." Shadow snorted quietly, his voice demanding obedience. The horse glanced down at the now moping fox trotting next to him. Ghosts' slender frame was speckled with dry blood and soot, his impish face only making his visage only more disturbing. The Ponyta winced inwardly, the pain beginning to settle in his heart again. His large head lowered as they walked, his trot slowing to a steady walk.

    More fire. More.
    Make them burn for what they took.
    Burn it all.
    The fire will burn the pain away.
    Burn it all away...

    "Come on, stop being a dick. Let's go find some more!" Ghost sighed and urged him, the gray fox bouncing excitedly around the equine, slashing playfully at his powerful legs. "Come on! Let's go let's go let's go!" The gray fox jeered up at the large horse, his blue eyes nothing but slits in his sadistic excitement. His tail waved high as he saw Shadows' legs come to a halt. "About time you come around." He snorted. "Never known you to turn down a fight…Thought for a second there you grew a vagi-..." Ghost trailed off, his gaze snapping around to the source of the soft voice.
    "...What were you burning?...Other than the forest. I've never smelled that smell before."

    Ghosts' grin grew even shadier as his chest fluffed up and his tail sailed high above his back. "What, that last one? That was Smokey the Ursaring!" He sneered, bouncing his eyebrows at the droopy-eared fox. "….Extra crispy."

    "And who the hell are you, a native? No, scratch that shit...what the hell are you?" Ghost growled, his grin twisting into a suspicious scowl. His long angular ears lowered as he approached the purple eeveelution with caution, eyeing the newcomers' vulpine form.


    Shadowfax stared ahead, his long face stricken with immeasurable shock. Ghost was speaking, but the equine heard nothing. All he saw was the blue and purple flames.
    That slender frame, elegant and tall.
    That petite face.

    His heart shuddered in his muscular chest, threatening to pound itself right through his ribcage. His jaw hung slack, his thick legs threatening to crumple under him.



    Shadowfax' lungs expanded after what felt like hours, charging ahead with a screaming whinny. His outrage echoed loudly throughout the night, diamond-hard hooves slamming into the beaten dirt. The equines' powerful strides shoved him towards the Rapidashes' slender body with all the power the draft horse could muster.

    (Sorry, I didn't know it was my turn. And Ghost doesn't like non-stone eeveelutions, lol. And I edited in the time warp, forgot to do that lol. IM JUST SO EXCITED TO GET THIS ROLLING. They didn't notice at all, and that poor Ursaring died twice.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:53 pm

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    Near Route 45|Night

    Zakai struggled and fought for air, hacking and wheezing to the point of his legs going out from under him. Armonia was at a loss as to what to do. Sure her little foal had some coughing fits before but this one was like nothing she had seen. It was almost like he was underwater with how wet his coughs were becoming. Concern filling her she almost didn't notice the heavy sound of hoof beats until they were almost upon them, her neck craning from its protective hover around Zakai to see a pitch black Pontya charging with fury alight in his eyes. Letting out an alarmed whinny she raised up on two legs to try and bat the intruder away but as her hooves came down she noticed the white pattern decorating his frame.


    Her own son was charging her! Oh how she had feared ever running into her children as Undead or Infected and yet here he was, one of her most able, treating her like the enemy. He had always been such a good boy, always helping out with the younger and less agile children. Only the infection could have done this to him, surely. When she had gone back for her young the small shelter was abandoned, the mother losing hope of finding her children after days of searching with no sign or trail of where they had gone. But now it seemed one yet survived...though at what cost? "Shadowfax please stop!" Armonia cried, begging what remained of her child to be still, to try and recognize her. "It's me...Your mother! I am not your enemy!"

    As his mother fought off the equine Zakai managed to literally drag himself away and out of sight. His mother had always told him that when she was fighting to stay out of sight and not make a sound just in case whatever it was came after him instead. Unfortunately with his cough staying silent was proving to be a problem. Upon hearing his mother call out the creature's name and crying out the knowledge that she was his mother made Zakai freeze. Mother...he had siblings? She had never told him...

    As the battle continued the poor aqua colored foal once again began his coughing fit and slowly started to lay on his side, which could prove very dangerous if allowed to continue.

    ((DENIAL! XD
    Armonia completely thinks the only reason Shadow would hurt her is that he is infected. Please prove her wrong Ana lol))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:01 am

    Post 2

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    Near Route 45|Night

    Dis' distant, indifferent gaze followed the ashy Eevee as it approached him, face unchanging at the smug smirk that played at the youngster's face. "What, that last one? That was Smokey the Ursaring!" the Eevee sneered, obviously delighted with his sub-par pun. "….Extra crispy." But as he continued his jovial verbal stabbing at the now very dead bear on the ground, his demeanor shifted. "And who the hell are you, a native? No, scratch that shit...what the hell are you?"

    Dis allowed his eyes to drop to his purple paws for a moment before coming back to meet the Eevee's. He'd asked for information from the young miscreant, and now it was only fair to give information back... even if it was a strange question. "...I am myself," he replied simply, his voice still flat like before. A remark like that could easily have been played as an insult, but Dis' lack of mirth, of foul play was enough to put that idea to rest. The question did not adhere to his species, but his name had been mentioned. "My name is Dis."

    A sudden screaming whinny from the ashy Eevee's companion stole Dis' attention, the poisonous Eeveelution looking up just in time to watch the skeletal-painted horse charge a newcomer; the unicorn was likely to be described as "beautiful, rare, with esquisite, delicate markings and features", but Dis found the strange markings with distaste. Such extravagance was superfluous, garish, and above all: tacky. The porcelien unicorn reared, the obvious fear on her face marking her a victim instead of defender to the skeletal horse's challenging assault, rendering her further into his disliking. "Shadowfax please stop!" the unicorn cried, "It's me...Your mother! I am not your enemy!"

    Mother...? he murmured inwardly, the term lacking much of a definition for him. "...She'd best move, I would think," he commented, unsure why she would try to talk down an obviously enraged pokemon such as this "Shadowfax". After all, her assailant was obviously a pre-evolution, and therefore, weaker than herself. And if she were the parent, wouldn't she be able to overpower her own child? Was she truly that feeble? He watched, curious now to see the end of such a strange situation.


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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:34 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 21

    Coughing and hacking hard each lung full of air sent another radiating wave of pain through the cats chest. The long wound across it from the Garchomp's blade bled profusely, staining the ground red beneath her. Khan.. where did you go.. where did you go.. With ragged breaths Arsi couldn't manage to call out again. Her wide blue eyes darted around the space about her, looking at the leaves and clouds of dust she had kicked up. They seemed like so much more while she was trapped on the ground.. More like something dangerous, threatening.. an attack! With a sharp yowl and a skitter of flailing paws the cat darted to the other side of the clearing. Between the sound of her own labored breathes and the blood roaring in her ears the Meowth almost missed the call of her own name. "Arsi!"

    Though muffled its owner was clear, the word ringing loud in her mind before it erupted from her muzzle, "Khan! Khan where are you?" Her wail echoed through the trees, becoming the only thing she could hear before the snapping of breaking branches. Heart pounding she could only force her way to wobbly legs that threatened to crumple beneath her as the blue face of Khan crashed through the trees. "Arsi..." With her eyes lighting up she whispered the name again with relief in her mew, "Khan.." His exhausted voice matched her own. Aching heart a flutter the feline forced herself to take a few ginger steps toward Khan, her hind leg screaming in protest, as he dragged himself to her. "I'm here..."

    He was alive.. Khan was, though injured, alive and still with her. Wherever that was. Suddenly her throat felt dry and it was even more difficult to breathe then before. "Oh Khan where are we? Whats happened what is this place where did the sun go?" In one breathe the words toppled from her mouth faster then she had expected. They weren't aimed for the Lucario but more at herself. "I fell in that crevice but ended up in the trees and there are no dragons here and I cant find Shiloh or Haz-" Arsi stopped herself mid-word feeling it stick tight to her throat as she noticed the gloss of tears in Khan's red gaze and across his cheeks. "Haze is ... dead." Any relief that she had felt from his presence was whisked away. He had seen it too making it impossible to of just been a hallucination or sick joke.

    A hard ripple passed through the felines stomach, threatening to make her wrench as Khan toppled to his side. His gasping breaths only worsened the feeling as the death scene passed across her gaze again. "Dead," Desperately swallowing she let out a whisper, "I.. I know..." but Khan did not seem to hear. "He's ... dead ... I couldn't ... help him..." Staring wide eyed Arsi couldn't believe the state that Khan was in. The strong, valiant Lucario who showed her nothing but kindness.. The soft look in his eyes but the firmness to his face. This was hardly the Khan she had come to know. Before she knew it her own jaw quivered as the choking gasps came from her as well. Tears blinded her once more turning Khan into no more then a blue blur. "Khan.. calm down." To see and hear him like this was worse then watching Haze be devoured by the Swoobat.

    "Please," She begged, unsure of how to help someone so strong suddenly turned so weak, "We cant do.. anything now. I saw it too.." Legs trembling, the sight of the Nuzleaf's head being ripped off flashed in her mind over and over again. Her teeth clenched together but it would not go away. "Khan please!" Her voice grew loud but remained solemn, "I need you! You have to keep it together!" The skin ripping sound and death shriek replayed in her ears one last time. Without thinking her paws lurched forward, slamming the cat against the curled Lucario with claws unsheathed. "Youre all I have left.." She sobbed into his soft fur, unintentionally curling her claws deeper into it to keep him close. "If I lose you..."

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:52 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (68)

    "Khan... calm down."

    Arsi's voice was muffled, distorted to a point where it was barely conceivable. Why did she sound so far away? Was he underwater? If he was, he was just seconds away from drowning, gulping down lungfuls of icy cold water that sent piercings of pain surging through him. His body convulsed, and his back arched as reality came crashing down on him with the force of an enraged Gyarados. Maxwell was dead; Haze was dead ... and it was all his fault. He was too slow, too weak to do the one thing that he'd strived his entire life to do, and that was to protect his friends - to redeem himself for the deaths of Eva and his other friends ... all because he was not strong enough. No matter how hard he trained or how much he tried to convince himself that this was his life's new purpose, the harsh truth was that he was just too weak, too fragile, to pursue such a goal; just a stupid kid who had deluded himself into thinking that, even in a world like this, he could be worth something.

    Khan barely even blinked, his expression remaining frozen in his state of shock, as Arsi's muffled voice continued. "Please. We can't do... anything now. I saw it too..." Her words, however desperate, struck a nerve within him. Khan's wet eyes slowly swiveled upwards to met hers. "Khan please! I need you! You have to keep it together!"

    She ... needs me.

    A sudden but light bump against his chest tempted his senses into returning. His open mouth steadily closed itself as Arsi nuzzled her face into his chest, digging her needle-like claws into the skin underneath. ...Ouch. While the cat's claws were small in size, they were certainly sharp enough to poke Khan's will back into place. Ignoring the tiny bee stings, Khan's left hand moved away from his face and gently laid itself onto Arsi's shaking back. "You're all I have left... If I lose you..."

    "You won't lose me." Khan pulled her in close against him, hugging her tightly into his chest. His life was not over yet - Arsi needed him. The faith that this Meowth felt for him was enough reason for Khan to keep going. He had expectations to fulfill, and although he was sure that he would never quite recover from the two tragedies in Pallet Town, he was going to make sure that such a thing would never happen again, even if it cost his own life.

    He allowed Arsi to hug him for another minute or so before tapping her lightly on the back and pulling himself to his feet. Leaning against a tree, he looked down to see that Arsi had not escaped from the battle unharmed either - a bleeding gash sat on her chest. "We need aid," he said flatly, looking up at the crescent moon as if it would somehow lead him to it. "Here." Khan held out his arm, struggling to lower himself onto his knees. "Let me carry you. We'll scout the area and see if there's anything we can find."

    ((Sorry I'm late - work has kept me busy this week.))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:23 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 3

    Short legs carry Aqua through the foliage, propelling the sea weasel faster than many may believe of her species capable of upon land at first glance. She may not be a zebstrika, but she ain't no slugma either. Also, agility can prove to be quite a useful move now and then. With this aid, Aqua soon finds herself  hearing other sounds above the cackling of the growing flames and scurrying creatures fleeing from the scene she is approaching. The grass is till and the ground uneven with numerous ledges that require her to run, leap, and claw over them. Despite this, as Aqua comes closer and closer to the other survivors, one form stands out for her from the landscape.

    It's a bright turquoise blue, a color she had never seen before outside of the water much less on a living being. The coughing and wheezing of the foal also serve to lead the floatzel to the young one as it fuels the speed to her steps. From the corner of Aqua's eye, figures clash. Large bodies of moving flames alive with the intensity locked within their battle. Whether or not Aqua has knowledge of the seriousness of Zakai laying on his side or not, it is very clear that this area is not one to be resting in. The battle could shift and bring the two large equine crashing over top him. Not to mention that he was wheezing something fierce...

    "Whoa there! Now this ain't no place to be fixin' to rest." Aqua calls to the foal. One hand staying over top her hat to keep it from flying off as the sea weasel slows to a halt beside the ponyta. Not wanting to startle the young one with her own growing alarm Aqua attempts to keep a smile upon her muzzle and an element of calm to her voice.
    "The name's Aqua. I'm one of the livin' just like you--let me help ya get to your hooves and we can get you to a bit safer of a place and calm that coughing down quicker than a glameow dodging a lawn sprinkler." Carefully the floatzel moves to attempt to help the ponyta to his hooves. Her paws moving in the direction of the other's back and side.

    Last edited by NyraXerz on Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Fox Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:49 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night || 7|3

    Her slender frame had reared up, her legs batting at him defensively as Shadow charged, barely missing her. Thrashing his head, he spun around on his hooves and reared, slamming his powerful legs down as hard as he could. His ears strained to hear the crack of his hooves against her skull, to feel her blood spatter against his pelt.
    "Shadowfax please stop!"
    She cried out frantically, her large doe eyes wide with recognition and fear. Still he shoved forward, his legs clashing with hers in the air.
    "It's me...Your mother!"
    A deep bellow escaped his throat, his fiery mane flaring as he tossed his head in growing outrage.
    "I am not your enemy!"
    "SHUT UP! JUST...SHUT UP!" He cried out through bared teeth, charging the Rapidash and bringing her to the ground with his hefty frame.

    Terrified screams.
    Screams ripping from the throat of a colt.
    The thrashing child, his thin legs desperately kicking and digging into the soft earth.

    "WHERE WERE YOU!" He screamed in her face, pinning her under his hooves with shivering fury. His eyes frantically searched her face for the answers, bearing down his hooves hard into her ribcage when he received no answer.


    Throaty snarls.
    So loud.
    Overwhelming his senses.
    Vicious monsters everywhere.
    Eager to devour and feast.
    Crimson-dipped fangs, sinking themselves deep into the childs' flesh with urgent desire and need.
    The terrible screams.

    "WHERE WERE YOU!?" He cried out once more, his voice heightening in pitch. His whole body flinched atop the Rapidash. The dark horse struggled to stay on his hooves as his ears were bombarded by the snarling of feral dogs, growing louder and louder.

    His feeble frame shuddering. His thin flesh torn open, revealing his organs.
    Eyes growing enormous in fear and shock, only to roll back into his skull as his body convulsed.
    The dark liquid everywhere. Gushing on the monsters. Pooling around the child. Their long tongues lapping and their teeth gnashing at his exposed innards.
    Careless claws, brutally tearing at the childs' face, ripping flesh from bone.

    "I watched...as they...tore him...apart!" He seethed, his voice breaking as he strained to speak. His gray eyes were wide but eerily empty, his mind blocking out his vision.

    He could hear his own cries far off, as if someone else were making them in the distance. He desperately tried to get to his feet, but his battered spine wouldn't let him.
    The monsters barely gave him a second glance, mockery in their gazes.
    The childs' fiery mane flickering and paling, like a matches' flame stolen with a harsh blast of wind.

    "THEY MADE US WATCH!" He roared in livid agony, tears streaming down his long muzzle. His voice was thick and explosive with pained emotion, dragged from the depths with this new revelation. "You were supposed to be there!"

    (next turn, he's gonna try to kill her, don't attack him just yet Nyra. I wanna give her a chance to respond and for  everyone else to be set up.~ If anything needs to be changed phoe dear, let me know. Skipping Ghost this round, he's gonna react next turn)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:35 pm

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    Near Route 45|Night

    Her son's heaviness as his full weight crashed down upon her knocked the air from the more dainty fire horse, thinner legs clambering to get out from under him. "WHERE WERE YOU!" His words confused the female and it seemed to only anger him more when she didn't respond right away, pressing more of his weight upon her ribs causing her breath to hitch. She could barely get any air...how was he expecting her to respond? Armonia felt Shadowfax's eyes boring into her, searching for any sign of answer, but honestly she wasn't even sure what he was talking about. Was this madness from the infection? Had this terrible disease poisoned her son against her in some delusion?

    "I watched...as they...tore him...apart!" Alarm displayed across the delicate equine's face, terrified at whatever was causing the blanked expression across her elder child's visage. Whatever it was it seemed enough to give him pause allowing Armonia to gently begin worming her way out from under his hooves. "THEY MADE US WATCH!" The  fury of his bellowing shouts startled her into freezing, shocked to find tears running freely down Shadow's cheeks. "You were supposed to be there!" His anger was practically oozing from him and the shiny mare found herself panicked by the odd revelation. "Supposed to be where Shadowfax?! What happened?!"

    Why wouldn't he tell her? What was it that made him so angry?


    "Whoa there! Now this ain't no place to be fixin' to rest."

    In the midst of his coughing fit the strange voice floated into his ears and Zakai perked up a bit, craning his neck as best he could to look around his back to see an orange weasel with some weird thing on its head coming up to him. He moved his legs quickly in an effort to stand up but found himself too weak to succeed in the attempt, flopping pitifully back on to the ground as his wheezing continued. His chest felt like a Rhydon was sitting on it..."The name's Aqua. I'm one of the livin' just like you--let me help ya get to your hooves and we can get you to a bit safer of a place and calm that coughing down quicker than a glameow dodging a lawn sprinkler."

    Paws came up around him and gently began to push, Zakai soon finding the new position easier to get his legs back under him where they belonged and pushed himself slowly back up into a kneeling position. As his breaths came out in heavy puffs he looked over to the strange female and offered a smile before the horrible shout of the dark Ponyta caught his attention, the furious cries and seeing his mother pinned beneath him sent the small child into a state of terror. With no clue as to what else to do the foal did the only thing he could think of, he called for his mother.

    "No!! Momma!!"

    Last edited by Phoenix on Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : color correction)

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:12 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 22

    "You won't lose me." Sobbing freely into Khan's yellowish fur Arsi hardly if at all noticed the slight pain from his spike. Somehow she had helped her friend despite hardly being strong enough to help herself. Feeling his sturdy arms around her the feline pressed herself closer to her companion, offering as much of a hug as she could muster. If he's going to be okay.. so will I.. For a few moments any pain she felt vanished and was replaced by a solemn comfort. "We need aid," Khan's voice was almost a surprise, like being broken from a trance. Sliding gently back to the ground she angled her head upward to look him in the eye and nodded, "That would, be good." 'Good' wasn't nearly a strong enough word for their current state but her choice of wording wasn't important right now.

    "Here." The effort Khan was using was clearly visible, both by the support of the tree he needed and the care not to topple over. "Let me carry you. We'll scout the area and see if there's anything we can find." Hesitating a reply Arsi looked to him with worry. "I don't want you to strain yourself." She warned taking a small step back to even out her weight. When her hind leg felt the extra shift of pressure she winced and knew better then to fight Khan's kind gesture. She wouldn't be able to walk all about the woods and besides, she was short. "A-alright, thank you." With the greatest of care the feline carefully picked her way up into Khan's arms, relishing in the multiple comforts they offered. With a silent breath to clear the disappoint in herself Arsi mustered a smile and mewed lightly, "I have good night vision, what should I try to look out for the most?"

    The burning in her lungs, throat, and fur screamed for the soothing feeling of a Rawst Berry. General weakness and wounds all over her body needed aid.. another bit of pain radiated through her leg. "My leg is burned pretty bad and I think it might be sprained or something." Hell the log probably did a lot worse knowing her luck, but Khan didnt need to know. I have no right to complain, youre in a lot worse shape.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:35 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (69)

    "I don't want you to strain yourself." Khan could see the concern overflowing from Arsi's eyes as she hesitated to approach him. The Lucario simply shook his head slowly, keeping his arm outstretched towards her. He secretly hoped that she'd stop mulling over her choices soon - he wasn't sure how long he could stay in a crouching position without toppling over. But, surely enough, the Meowth came round and she carefully made her way into his grasp. "A-alright, thank you."

    "You're welcome." Khan's reply was strained as he struggled back to his feet, holding Arsi close to his chest while being careful not to touch her wound. "I have good night vision, what should I try to look out for the most?" He began to stagger forward, keeping his one free hand on each tree he passed for support. His crimson eyes scanned the murky forest floor ahead of him, and saw only a mossy ground, some thorn bushes and a few scattered rocks. Khan tried to look up past the canopy of the trees to see if he could spy any mountains from which the rocks had originated, but the darkness shadowed anything that surpassed ten feet of his position. His mouth opened as he tried to think of something that could help them, but Arsi added, "My leg is burned pretty bad and I think it might be sprained or something."

    "Sitrus, Raust or Lum berries seem the best option," he replied, quickly righting himself as he almost tripped over a large stone. The solid rock scrapped his middle toe, and he inwardly cursed as he ended up with an even bigger limp. "I wonder if there are any human settlements nearby?" he wondered aloud. "Maybe I could salvage a Potion or two ... but would I even know how to use them?" Firmly closing his mouth to prevent any further musings from spilling from his jumbled mind, Khan continued onward with only the silver moon for guidance. He didn't know whether he'd find any berries around here, but one thing he knew was that they needed them, and soon. Especially Arsi - with a bloodied gash and burned, possibly broken leg, she would without a doubt be the first to have her fill of whatever they found.

    "I have no right to complain, you're in a lot worse shape. Khan looked down at the feline for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I'll be fine. I've been through this before." Tentatively stepping over a second rock, Khan's eyes swiveled down and met Arsi's directly. "Except, this time, I'm not on my own."

    He carried on for a few more metres before a sudden sound drifted to him on the wind. He stopped dead, his ears rotating to try and pinpoint the direction it had come from. It had sounded like an angry yell ... one from an enraged yet living Pokemon. "I think there are survivors nearby," he said, raising his appendages as he took a left turn through the thick expanse of foliage. "I'm not sure though. Be on the lookout." Although he knew his Aura Sense would detect potential enemies before they reached them, Khan highly doubted he could efficiently flee with Arsi in tow and with his injuries. "They are not far away."

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:45 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 4

    The foal appeared scared and out of breath, but Aqua is able to get him at least into an upright position and that gives the floatzel a measure of reassurance. As Zak offers her a smile she returns the favor, one paw coming up to dip the rim of her hat down and up in a sort of nodding motion. Any measure of peace or calm is short lived. Outbursts, cries of rage and fear, break through the burning air. Equines of living flames, one standing very clearly over the other. Each pokemon looked familiar in form...but not in color. Not that she knew every pokemon, but in her time traveling and training with Oliver she fancies the idea that she's seen more than the average pokemon.


    "I watched...as they...tore him...apart!"


    "You were supposed to be there!"

    Even though the sea weasel was not close enough to see the expression clearly on the pontya's and Rapidash's faces, the shouts of the former rung clearly to her ears. The sound carrying a unbridled fury. Although they were not aimed at the sea weaseal, the words stung, dug below her orange fur and sent cold water through her veins. The feeling akin to diving into the waters of a nearly frozen lake. She watched as strong hooves dug harder into the side of the other, but as the other seemed to become lost within himself the  lighter colored one broke free, stammering to her hooves. Words that Armonia may have spoken before now had been lost as Aqua focused on Zak, but now with her eyes and ears glued with an unnerving fascination to the fight before her, words from the female reach the floatzel.

    "Supposed to be where Shadowfax?! What happened?!"

    "No!! Momma!!"

    Zak's cry broke the fixed stare Aqua hadn't been aware she'd been maintaining. Her neck arches to look back at the foal he looked utter terrified. Unable to keep her gaze off the battle for long, her brown eyes once again sweep back to the two battling equines. It did not take a genius to figure out that the darker furred of the two was the larger aggressor. What the hell was this about?!

    "Kid if you can get back!" Aqua near shouted, her legs moving her to be in a position in front of Zak and the battle.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:14 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night || 8|4

    "Supposed to be where Shadowfax?! What happened?!" The females' confusion shook the black male to his very core. He could only stare with mouth agape and eyes wide with horrified incredulity at the horse that lay before him.
    How could she not know!?...
    How could she forget her own flesh and blood?!

    He shook his head in pain with a weak whinny, the terrifying snarls and blood haze fading enough to see her face clearly. The dark stallion stared right through her, his expression growing chilling and strangely detached as a realization came to him.
    She didn't care...
    "...Mother...is the name for god...on the lips and hearts of all children…" He snarled darkly, centimeters from her face. His facial muscles twitched and tensed underneath the black fur, his pale gaze boring into the Rapidash. "...You're going to burn for what you did to him…!" His white mane flared hot with his words, the flames growing in intensity. "Burn that bitch! Burn her!" He heard the Eevee behind him shout, bloodlust thick in his voice. The young foxes' words didn't seem to phase the stallion, his eyes rapt on the Rapidash.
    "...Burn with me, mother..." He whispered, his eyes devoid of any sympathy for the female. With a livid roar the stallion reared up, his diamond-hard hooves raising above his mothers' head to deliver the fatal blow. The air around the pair of horses smoldered suddenly with suffocating heat, igniting the remaining grasses around them. Behind the dark stallion, the forest-fire roared and howled, lighting up the night with its' unquenchable fury.
    "No!! Momma!!"
    The horse froze for just an instant, his heart stopping in his chest as a childs' voice rang out clearly over the inferno. For just a single moment, the rage and pain fled from the stallions' eyes, exposing an innocent and impossible hope behind them.


    "...I am myself," the purple fox replied, his voice flat as a board. "My name is Dis."  The gray Eevee snorted in disdain, rolling his eyes.
    "Great. Another stiff." He grumbled, his eyes moving over the foxes' frame, stopping on the dangling ears. "...A floppy stiff."
    But as the stallion roared behind him, the fox whirled around in surprise. The dark horse was charging a larger, more delicate equine, her voice thick with fear and confusion.
    "Shadowfax please stop!"
    Fuck yeah, another one! Beat the shit out of that bitch!
    Ghost snarled zealously, his small body going into battle mode, lowering and ready for attack.
     "It's me...Your mother! I am not your enemy!"

    The horses' plea made the Eevee stop in his tracks, his ears raising high as he released the energy he had been building for a Take Down. "Mother!?" He retorted in near disgust, the fox next to him the only one to hear.
    "...She'd best move, I would think," He said, detached and reserved. Ghost only lowered his head, his lips curling into a bitter snarl as he turned back to the battle at hand.
    "Tsume! Stop!" The Espeons' voice rang in his ears, her face plastered with fear as she hurled herself at the alpha Jolteon.
    Ghost bristled with a growing hatred, his short fur rising against his back and neck.
    "This is what sentiment does! It is for the weak! And weakness must be purged!" The Alpha roared triumphantly, his voice seething with unbridled animosity.
    "...You're going to burn for what you did to him…!"
    The gray fox leaped forward snarling, his own hostility stoked as the fires began to spread.
    "Burn that bitch! Burn her!"

    (permission given to hit Shadow with a water attack now)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:24 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 23

    The hot flush beneath Arsi's pelt burned intensely, ether from the warmth of Khan's fur or the guilt of having him carry her. With each hard step the Lucario managed the heat grew more fierce. "I wonder if there are any human settlements nearby? Maybe I could salvage a Potion or two ... but would I even know how to use them?" Biting her lip nervously the feline kept her eyes peeled for any sign of the fruits they needed. "It would help if we knew where we were.." She was in no better position then Khan with Potions- she could recognize one but would have no idea how to make the thing work. I think I had.. one maybe two used on me. They held it and I felt better? It wasn't much use to worry over that now as she couldn't see a town, or at least didn't think she did.

    Vigilant for any of the berries Khan listed Arsi felt growing worry that all she could spot in the gloom of night were fruits that wouldn't offer them anymore then a meal. With a quiet inward sigh she blinked her blue eyes and continued to search the trees. Her focus would be momentarily disrupted by each of Khan's labored steps, forcing her ears close to her head in shame, only to have them quickly perk back up in nervousness from the strange environment. Feelings of unease rapidly wormed their way into her stomach giving the feline a sick feeling on top of it all. Where are we.. Khan's unwarned stop surprised her, suddenly making the Meowth realize how her attention had been shifted away from her surroundings. "I think there are survivors nearby,"

    A heavy thud slammed in her chest as her heart skipped a beat. "Others?" She whispered mostly to herself while mimicking Khan. Her ears carefully swiveled, searching for the noise that her friend had heard. "I'm not sure though. Be on the lookout." At first only the pounding of her own heart touched her ear fur, but the smallest sound of a voice came to them faintly. The words were indiscernible, but it was still a voice. "I hear them." She mewed softly to Khan. "They are not far away."  "Yeah.." If they could hear the others, even faintly, they had to be close. Swallowing hard Arsi noted how dry her throat felt.  Question is.. are they safe.

    Thoughts of the other survivors quickly left her mind to be replaced by that of how parched she was getting. The air felt unnaturally dry, almost stinging. How had she missed the tang in it? Maybe because, we've been in it a while? In Pallet.. The pounding sound of her heartbeat echoed through her brown ears. Pressing herself a bit closer to Khan Arsi spoke nervously, "Is it just our fur, or do you smell.. smoke?" The more she thought about it the more it seemed so real, so present and blurring the air, burning her eyes and throat. Choking. Gasping faintly thoughts of the flames raging in Pallet kept reoccurring in her mind. The terror of the tree and wrath of the dragons. "I think there is a fire type nearby," The smell was becoming overwhelming.  "..and I think its attacking."

    (College is seriously killing me sorry its so late. Also Arsi is hallucinating that the smoke is closer and more visible then it should be.)

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:09 am

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    Near Route 45/Night (70)

    Khan's lungs barely even twitched as he crept through the thick foliage towards the sounds of conflict. Even though the last thing he and Arsi needed was another fight, if those sounds really were coming from more survivors, at least their chances of getting some aid were significantly heightened. Still, if they were in the middle of a battle he didn't want to be mistaken for the enemy and receive another beating, and so, barely breathing, he continued forward as lightly as possible, his appendages raised high and on the alert.

    "Is it just our fur, or do you smell.. smoke?" asked Arsi as she nuzzled closer to him. Holding the Meowth tightly, Khan would've laughed if such a thing were possible for him. Instead, he paused for a moment, taking his first deep breath in over a minute and immediately catching the all too familiar scent. Not more fire... he inwardly groaned; as if being surrounded by towering infernos while being nearly blasted or torn apart wasn't enough for them. His body, having been reminded about the trauma it had gone through, suddenly began to painfully tingle. It seemed that he too had not escaped that fight without a burn or two, despite the effort he had made to stay as far away from the flames as possible.

    "I smell it too," he replied flatly, leaning against a tree for a quick breather. He truly wasn't sure how long he could keep standing as long as his body kept revealing new injuries to him over time. As soon as Arsi had received her help, he would accept his own, although he had no idea how long he was going to last before he simply collapsed. Would the Pokemon nearby even give help? If they didn't, Khan had no idea what they might do.

    "I think there is a fire type nearby..."..and I think its attacking." Arsi's words were Khan's prompt to get moving again, even though all he wanted to do was to lie down and stay there. He supported himself with his free hand by holding onto tree trunks, breathing deeply despite the scent of the smoke, which was growing stronger by the minute. His throat rattled and he let out a hoarse cough, followed by a glob of slimy blood rising into his mouth. He spat it out covertly, keeping his appendages highly erect, sensing out any signs of life.

    After a few more minutes, he spotted some wavering, sky blue auras about fifty metres or so in the distance, still hidden from view by the trees. "I see them. Their auras suggest that they are still alive, but who's to know whether they are hospitable or not?" Despite that thought, Khan kept going, his heart beginning to pound as each wobbly step took him closer to the blue dots in the distance. Angry yelling soon reached his ears, but he kept walking nonetheless; even if an argument had broken out, at least they would no longer be alone.

    ((Meh, dodgy quality - I'm reeeally tired today. -_-))

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:14 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 5

    Hot flames lick warmth across the floatzel's furred cheek as the ponyta's flames grow with his anger and hatred. To the floatzel it is as if this single pokemon's emotions were bringing in closer the fire behind him and making the air almost suffocatingly hot.

    "Burn that bitch! Burn her!" Another new voice above calls the sea weasel's attention away and snapping her attention to an oddly colored eevee. Has he always been there? Aqua couldn't recall. Was he really trying to encourage this?? Her thoughts boiled and thrashed about in Aqua's mind, but the muscles of her mouth found no way to release them as her entire form stood stock still and tense. When Shadowfax releases a livid roar it cuts through the weasel. Suddenly the enraged equine is rearing up, deadly hooves posed high above the brightly colored rapidash with no intent to lower without crashing through flesh and bone.

    There was little time to think and less time to act. Muscles finally responding to their owner's racing thoughts the back of the floatzel's throat burns as boiling, bubbling liquid rises up from inside. Even though she is equipped to handle the scalding water the sensation still aches uncomfortably as her attack charges with steam leaving her mouth as a forewarning of the coming attack.

    "...Riku…?" The words fall on deaf ears, though even if they had been heard they hold little meaning for Aqua. Lunging forward the sea weasel pokemon helps to propel her scald attack directly at the dark equine to knock him back from Armonia.

    "You big ol' brute!" The words leave the weasel's lips in a loud hiss, her throat still recovering from her attack, but the venom in her glare more than makes up for any loss of it in her tone. As she continues to walk forward the water type spits several remnants of her initial attack onto the scorched earth to quench the flames that had arisen when Shadow attacked.
    "This ain't the time to be turning on one another!" Short legs carry her forward until Aqua is standing near the momentarily downed rapidash. The sleek orange fur along her back and neck remain raised although her tone softens to address the female.
    "Ma'am are you alright?" Expecting another attack, Aqua does not move to help the mare to her hooves as she had Zak, however nor does she leave.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Post by Fox Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:24 pm

    (Urgh, I'm sorry for waiting so long, but skip. I tried to come up with something, but I think I need more to go off of.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:12 pm

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    Near Route 45|Night

    At the sound of her youngster's cry Armonia was forced to realize that she couldn't protect both of them. Thankfully Shadow seemed to halt at Zakai's voice giving her enough time to pull fully out from under him, back on her feet in an instant as she moved to block Shadowfax's gaze to his younger brother. "Talk to me Shadow!" she pleaded, but her cries fell on deaf ears. But it was a shout from the dark Eevee that travelled with her boy that chilled the fiery equine's blood. "Burn that bitch! Burn her!"

    At those words she was sure whatever was happening, or had happened, to her boy was the Eevee's fault.

    Anger filled the mother as she reared back, preparing to charge the evil fox, when a jet of boiling water went straight at Shadowfax, several of the heated droplets landing on her own hide causing her to whinny in shock and pain. Landing back on all fours Armonia quickly moved away from the water, remembering the water type by her youngest and taking charge to him immediately. The evil one had already corrupted her elder son, the water type wasn't going to take her baby as well.  But it was the water waesel's voice that stayed the panicked mother as she came nearer her child. "This ain't the time to be turning on one another! Ma'am are you alright?" The delicate clatter of her hooves stopped completely as the Rapidash took in those words. The water type was...worried? About her? "You...you aren't going to hurt my baby?" she questioned softly.

    "Momma," Zakai whimpered pathetically, calling for her warmth and support as best as his voice would allow. Armonia's gaze softened as she looked at her fallen foal, her nose gently pushing against his side as she nudged him to his feet. Zakai found strength in his mother's presence and forced himself to his hooves, tucking himself under her body and allowing her neck to brush up and down his back. "You hurt Momma?" he asked softly. "I'm alright little sweetling. Not to worry." Looking back to Shadowfax her heart broke at the sight of her son so twisted in rage, the evil one who did such a cruel deed still standing by him. "I can help you only if you let me baby," she called to him, wishing with all her heart that he would. "I don't know what happened but when I came back to the cave all of you were gone. I searched for weeks and couldn't find you...I thought...I thought..." her voice choked with tears as she was forced to remember the fear of losing her children.

    She had honestly thought them all dead.

    But now, to see one standing here before her Armonia was filled with a new hope that she could find her little ones again. And she was going to start with her ever faithful son Shadowfax. The only thing she needed to do first was get rid of that Eevee. Zakai, head still tucked beneath his mom's belly, eyed the strange Ponyta in the distance. His patterns and colors were so strange, even to their kind, that he knew for sure that he had to be related to his mother. She even said so. But why, then, had she never mentioned siblings to him? He wanted to know his brother...shouldn't his brother want to know him? His wide eyes just kept drinking in the strange sight before him even as his mind struggled to understand exactly what was happening.

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    Post by Silverishness Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:55 pm

    Post 3

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    Near Route 45|Night

    The eevee didn't seem particularly pleased with his reply, the little furball's face scrunching with a distasteful scowl. "Great. Another stiff." The little one grumbled beneath his breath as his eyes wandered Dis' odd, thin frame. "...A floppy stiff."

    Stiff? he contemplated, wide, focused eyes watching the eevee for a moment, drinking in every minute detail thirstily. How odd. I feel rather limber.

    But there was no time to really mull over the little one's mumblings. No-- there was something much more interesting going on. His large eyes moved to the mother/ son reunion, where quite a bit of dialogue occurred, the strangely decorated unicorn pleading with the skeleton-painted pony to spare her. Of course, feeling the intense hate and rage... that likely wasn't going to happen.

    "...Mother...is the name for god...on the lips and hearts of all children…" the pony, Shadowfax, as he'd been called by the others, snarled in such malice, in such pure and unadulterated loathing, it gave Dis a small shiver down his bony spine. His large eyes widening in anticipation, the poisonous eeveelution seemed to soak up the discord with a yearning taste.

    "...You're going to burn for what you did to him…!" The colt's white mane flared passionately, the flames growing in intensity with the fury of his words.

    "Burn that bitch! Burn her!" the eevee beside her called, his bloodlust heightened as well. Dis' eyes widened more, not wanting to miss a moment of the slaughter that was about to occur. His pelt began to bristle with anticipation, his heart fluttering, waiting, wanting crimson to paint the dirt around them.

    "...Burn with me, mother..."

    "No!! Momma!!"

    A blue, strange foal emerged, going to the unicorn's side. Dis felt a strange skip in his pulse; was this little delicate gem to be destroyed as well? Would his crimson paint that glowing, vibrant color dim? But nothing was happening now-- they were just speaking. Talking. The Shadowfax colt-- he was stalled. Dis' large, owl-like eyes glanced from one party to the next in a vain attempt to urge them back to fighting.

    "Momma," The little innocent's voice was like a grating nail on chalkboard. A disc-shaped eye flinched.  "You hurt Momma?" Dis silently pleaded for Shadowfax to tear out the young one's throat first.

    "I'm alright little sweetling. Not to worry." the mother reassured her other colt, the skeletal outcast still seeming beside himself. The tackily-painted unicorn turned back to the older colt, still apparently wanting reconciliation.  "I can help you only if you let me baby," she called, her words seeming superfluous to Dis' unfeeling heart. "I don't know what happened but when I came back to the cave all of you were gone. I searched for weeks and couldn't find you...I thought...I thought..."

    No. Shadowfax's hate was still throbbing; the poisonous eevee could feel it. The tension, the anger... He tasted his own element, venom, hanging in the air like a thick fog. "You can't burn her," Dis spoke, his voice carrying lightly in comparison to the sharp cries of war and peace surrounding him. But he did not mean for them to hear him. He spoke merely to himself, his thoughts too rampant to be kept silent. But as he did, he stepped forward, his eyes still locked on the unicorn before him. The mother.  "She won't burn. She is fire-- you should bleed her instead. Bleed her dry; bleed the lake sloshing around in her overstuffed belly. Bleed the life out of her jiggling chest and rump. Bleed her like a fat, stuck pig." He soon found himself much closer to the Shadowfax colt, but the closeness to the raging inferno beside him did nothing to deter him. No, Dis' attention, his focused, unblinking stare was solely on the mother.

    "Bleed her."

    [[Gonna try something with this character. Hope it sticks; I like writing like this XD]][/color]


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    Post by Nightfall Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:42 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (71)

    The scene that Khan encountered was both odd and frightening. Crouching in the bushes, hidden from view, he watched as a skeletal-patterned Rapidash, a grey Eevee and a strange kind of Eeveelution all turned on a shiny female equine and her young foal. Instincts screamed at him to interfere and try and stop the violence, but Khan knew that he would be outnumbered should they turn on him and attack. Not only that, but he doubted he could hold himself for long in his weakened state. He also had Arsi to think about.

    A Floatzel was attempting to dispel the chaos, scolding the attackers asking the mother Rapidash if she was all right. Khan tensed himself as he watched the scene unfold, certain that he wouldn't be able to stop himself if the Water-type was attacked for her bravery. One hand gently slid down to his side and began to softly glow as he prepared an emergency Aura Sphere. The other kept the Meowth safely against his chest.

    ((Khan's plan is to stay hidden until the violence stops, but feel free to spot him/sense his presence beforehand if you wish.))

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