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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The MOUNTAIN Team


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:47 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [58]

    Ujue stiffly began following Kringle. The pulsing, burning sensation on her nose and in her naval cavity and the thick anger clouded her sense of pain; she limped on four feet now.

    Dimly, she registered the quiet Mahogany Town. Wood-frame houses, a singlegym, pokecenter, and creaky shop were tucked into the mountains like a snake hiding in a crevice; it had a suspicious air to it. Ujue heard something shuffle out of site as they walked past, and her sense of alarm was tempered with the fact that she and Kringle were, at the present, seriously undesirable to anything else.

    She sniffed at the door of the first house as they walked into town. If it still had running water, due to residual pressure in the pipes, perhaps they could wash off . . . ?


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:07 am

    ((Really really sorry Hidden, but i'mma have to skip this time. I blame thanksgiving >.< Won't be able to make a proper post at the moment.))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:40 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [59]

    Ujue seriously considered breaking into the house with a Quick Attack, but it occurred to her that the physical contact would be extremely painful. That led her to her next train of thought . . . the pokecenter. Or the store. Still extremely irritated/angry, Ujue did her best to communicate with Kringle as normal.

    "I want to go to the pokecenter," she said, rather stiffly. As she began limping towards the orange-roofed building, the terrible stench began to abate. I wonder what that means . . . ?

    [[OOC: I don't mind, Tryvex ^^ Of course life happens sometimes!]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:24 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (60)

    If there was at least one thing to be happy about would be that at least the smell wasn’t making them gag anymore. It still smelled….bad…..but not as bad as an oran berry poffin left in the sun for a month.

    Ujue was looking for something, like a treasure hunter out and about for the next world saving treasure heirloom, ready to dodge poison arrows and rolling boulders to get it. All in the name of fame and fortune. Too bad Ujue was hurt and limping; else that scenario would have fit perfectly. So it made Kringle wonder, what exactly was she looking for?

    "I want to go to the pokecenter,"

    Pokecenter? But why? All of those stopped working long ago he figured. Since there are no pink haired nurses to maintain them. Unless she was looking for a place to find broken down machines, then she would have found the motherload.

    “Feels weird not seeing that swirly haired lady here…”

    But he followed her either way, the comfort he got from not bring in the open was just an added bonus.

    Plus, maybe if they looked hard enough, they could figure out how that woman made her hair so swirly.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:04 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [60]

    Ujue's tails nearly drooped at the sight of the ramshackle pokecenter. Glass was broken in the windows; machines looked rusty, broken, and long-unused. The counters and computers were all in a disarray, splayed across the room as if people had left while trying to make the biggest mess in the world.

    Ujue sniffed around the perimeter of the room. There were still some sanitary supplies, spilling out of a half-open cabinet. But there weren't any berries, or anything Ujue could use herself. Dissatisfied and discouraged, she sat down with difficulty and to work up some courage and think of a plan. But, being extremely exhausted and wounded to boot, she soon found herself lying down, and her eyelids would not stay open.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:54 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (61)

    Ujue was going to sleep again….And the sun wasn’t even down yet…

    Worse yet, she never even bothered to check to see if the pokecenter was safe or not. Not like the Ujue he knew. This ‘Tired Ujue’ was too lax, and didn’t take precautions like he expected. Tired Ujue was too busy being tired to even think about that. So it was up to Kringle to take over Ujue’s job while Tired Ujue was around! Mainly, looking around, surveying the area and finding all possible threats, like a soldier out on the field, trying to clear an area.

    Yes, he liked that thought; Kringle the dutiful Soldier, ignoring his own tiredness and smelliness for THE GREATER GOOD.

    He was too into it to stop the little march walk he started doing as he set off to his task, first behind the counter, then to the back room where they would keep the pokemon in bed, and then to the supply closets, and so far nothing. As far as he could tell, nothing was capable of moving in the first floor other than him and Ujue, which left the second floor….and his greatest enemy…..the stairs…..

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:50 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [61]

    Ujue allowed herself to rest for a little while; she heard Kringle moving around the room and the halls of the Pokecenter and her ears followed him though her eyes were closed. All of her body felt lead-heavy and painful in a slow, burning way. I guess moving around was a terrible idea . . . Ujue managed to crack her eyes open and lick at some of her wounds again. This distracted her for a time, so she didn't notice the lack of sounds for a while. But, gradually, she stopped grooming and looked around. Where was Kringle?

    She pushed herself to her feet and limped further into the pokecenter. She checked the ground floor for him first. His scent revealed that he'd been there recentl, but he wasn't in any of the back rooms, or the supply closets. Ujue peered up the dark stairs, grimaced inwardly, and began to laboriously (and very slowly) come up the stairway.

    Posts : 12

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Ariados Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:30 pm

    Post 2

    My poor babies…

    They still weren’t satisfied.

    The spinarak children cried out in hunger, demanding food, blood. It broke Ariados’ heart to here such sorrow, their plight infecting her warped mind as she feebly hushed them. Mama would find food. Mama would protect her darling children until they grew big and strong.

    Blinded, her eyes replaced by two sockets of unending darkness, the Harbinger scuttled through the streets of Mahogany Town. Her children were nestled silently in the trees, atop buildings; webs now adorned the decrepit area as Ariados’ senses drew her to one particular building. She could smell food, the cries of her children echoing within her mind to provide the perfect incentive to succeed.
    “Hush little babies, don’t say a word…” The spider began an eerie lullaby, voice feminine but broken by the effects of the virus. Slipping into the building’s entrance, she began her hunt.

    Blood was the first thing she knew.

    Transfixed by the aroma, the giant arachnid scurried on past the lurking delibird, unseeing eyes focused on a point in the distance.
    “Mama’s gonna kill for you a delibird…” She sang softly, catching the creature’s scent in the building alongside another warm, fiery aroma. But the blood was her main priority – the wounded one would be her prize. “And if that delibird won’t sing…”

    Rapidly ascending the staircase, bloodied limbs skimming the ground with dainty footfalls, Ariados had soon found her target. A fire-type, the irresistible scent of a wounded creature heavy in the air as the Harbinger neared the unsuspecting ninetales. She could feel the canine, her movements creating faint trembling in the floorboards – her breath leading the spider directly to where she stood.
    “Mama’s gonna kill for you the next best thing…” Her lullaby complete, Ariados lunged. Webs coiling around the screaming canine, mercilessly constricting the ninetale’s fragile body until bones popped beneath the pressure. Her cries grew more erratic, the Harbinger humming quietly to herself as a Psychic attack rippled through her body, down the web to evoke a final scream from her prey as it hit her brain.

    The ninetales’ head exploded beneath the intense power, gore splattering across the room as Ariados felt the broken body slacken in her grasp. The stench of blood was overpowering now. Content, the Harbinger dragged her prey to the nearest window, the cries of her children growing stronger at the knowledge they had their meal. Then, the monstrous arachnid tossed the ninetales down to her hungry offspring lurking below. The delighted squeal of spinaraks filled the silence of the town as the canine’s broken body was stripped of bloody flesh by dozens of tiny mouths.

    Ariados made her descent on a string of web, landing atop the skeletal remains of the ninetales, a smile lighting her bloody face. Her children were happy. She was happy. Ushering them away with a piercing screech, the family of arachnids scurried back into the darkness that had spawned them.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:36 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City/Mahogany Town | Afternoon (10)

    "Maybe you're weighing the moral pros and cons, but let me reassure you that - OH MY ARCEUS, JUST GET IN MY BELLY!!" Gula shouted as the small Pidgey dodged him once more before finally flying away. That confuse ray had thrown the Drapion off very badly, and now he was lost. Worse, he lost the trail of that Delibird and the Ninetails, and worse yet, he was hungry. Though, that was nothing new. Wandering around, snatching the occasional fruit or berry, Gula pondered what should be the next step of his plan. Then it clicked it his mind. Before he pounced, he remembered the Delibird saying something about Mahogany Town! It wasn't much, but it was a lead. Taking intiative, Gula began plowing his way through, following the path.

    After a while, he began picking up two distinct smells. One was that infernal stench that came from the hissing can the humans once used, but the other was one he was more familiar with: blood. Judging from how strong the smell was, and the fact of some still somewhat wet webbing in the area, he could only assume it was fresh. Though, as he began to wander forward, something rustled in the bushes.

    The infected Drapion's swivel torso turned to face the sound, watching as an adolescent, pushing teenage, Riolu crawled out, looking to the Drapion. "Oh, mister! Thank Arceus I found someone, I've been so lost..." Gula looked the Riolu over. Female. Young. Succulent meat. Hunger. Kill. It seemed she didn't know he was turned, so he took advatange of this. The Riolu was half the size of a Lucario, which was perfect. "Well, kid, I can help you. But first, I have good news and bad news." The female tilted her head with a curious look. "Oh?" Gula indicated with his claw toward the nearby Mahogany town, a few buildings in sight. "Good news is, there's a town right over there, with a pokemon center, food, water, shelter, and who knows what other goodies!" The Riolu perked up, smiling and excitement in her eyes. She was oozing with innocence, and Gula would enjoy making her scream. The young female paused before tilting her head again. "Wait...What's the bad news...?" Gula leaned close, his breath reeking of blood, berries, and poison. "I'm the bad news."

    In the blink of an eye, the Drapion lashed out and clasped his tail claw around the Riolu's neck. She began begging and pleading, loudly at that, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Gula lifted the Riolu from the ground by her neck, her innocent begging turning to cries for help. His arm claws reached up and clamped down, one on each leg. Thus, it began. Pulling, spreading, overpowering force. He had the Riolu's legs in a split by now, but still he pulled. The young female screamed bloody murder, but it was too late. Slowly and carefully, her lower half began to split open, blood pouring. Gula was tearing her in half. Without hesitation, the applied that force that allowed him to scrap human vehicles, and ripped the Riolu into two halves, blood and entrails spilling out. She was dead. And it was time to eat.

    ((OoC: Allow me to clarify that the Riolu survivor was an NPC used purely for Gula's re-entrance. It is in no way, shape, or form, an actual character roleplayed on the site. On a more casual note, it's good to be back on Mountain! >:3))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:03 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (9)
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    The scent of death clung to the air around the dark canine as she padded through the once beautiful streets of Mahogany Town. It had been three days since she was whisked away from her friends and it took two of those days to trek through the mountains to this small desolate excuse for a Town. The gym stretched out in front of her, or rather, what was left of the gym. Its ceiling was caved in and the sign of long ago struggles were evident in the dark stains that christened the steps outside as if they were merely a token of greatness from a past battle. Sighing, the Houndoom looked up at the sun bearing down upon her body and went about finding a place to shelter. It wasn't like she needed to hide from the creatures that lurked in the shadows but she would rather be comfortable than always on the move. Ahead of her a Pokemon Center was like a beckon of hope and she gladly moved towards it, her pawsteps echoing around her.

    Stopping outside her senses were overridden with the stench of a newly made kill. Shaking her head she padded onward, her body ignoring the want to turn tail and run. She had to keep reminding herself that she was a fighter and there was nothing that scared her or kept her on her toes. Arceus take her soul, she didn't think there was much left to it anyway. After the aftermath of her chaotic life, Aislin had finally opened up to one creature only to have her ripped from her and destroyed as if she were nothing more than a broken doll, easy to cast aside but hard to burn away. She began to feel hollow and this was exactly the feeling she had as she peered at the blood splattered walls around her and the shattered windows that accompanied them. Shaking her head, she padded farther into the building looking for life, her appendages numbly following her commands.

    (It's great to be back on Mountain team everyone<3)

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:40 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (62)

    That horrible noise, kringle had learned to dread it since first hearing it, but recently it had been stuck in his head, forever memorized my his haunting imagination. He didn’t want to believe it at first, upon first hearing it inside this pokemon center, he thought his imagination was just playing tricks again, trying to make kringle think….well….who knows what, his imagination is just crazy….

    But it didn’t go away, it wouldn’t go away.

    And when no other noise came in to drown it out, Kringle knew it was real, that the sound of Ujue screaming was real this time. His last friend was getting hurt, and he wasn’t even there to help her. That at that very moment, she was in terrible pain, and he was just standing there like a dope, trying to will her screams away.

    Kringle burst through the building, afraid to call out her name in case the assailant would run off with her once it noticed Kringle was around. But it also meant that it took longer to find Ujue, for even while following the noise in the second floor, Kringle was too late to help the ninetails. The sound of hundreds of scurrying feet moving away from the building, and the empty room told him that he was too late. Yet another friend had disappeared because they had stayed too long with Kringle.

    His curse would continue to make him walk the world alone….

    And alone he was going to stay for as long as he could, which was why he took to the air, where there was almost no chance he may unknowingly drag someone else into his deadly curse.

    Where he was going was even unknown to Kringle, but in a way, he felt it was better like that. It was better to live alone, than to see everyone around him die…

    ((sorry about this, but need to cut down on my characters, and that means that for now, Kringle will go inactive >.< Sorry i wasn't able to RP with you more Ark & Blitz))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:50 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City/Mahogany Town | Afternoon (11)

    As he savored the blood from his freshest kill, the Drapion could only ponder what could come next. And he hoped that the Delibird was still there. This small female would only last him but so long, so enjoyed the tender flesh while he could. Finishing off the left half and beginning to work on the right half, Gula began wandering into town, still chewing on the carcass.

    It was still fairly intact even after the epidemic. Well, the buildings, that is. Some minor damage was suffered here and there, so he could only be curious as to what had survived. Food maybe? The Drapion finished off the poor Riolu in a single gulp and began to focus on searching.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:36 am

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (10)

    Aislin snarled as the small bird flung itself into the room and then she was shocked to see it fly away, not even hesitating or looking at her. Disgust filled her heart as she padded farther into the Pokemon Center, her mind weaving in and out of thoughts. In the back of her mind she knew, without a doubt, that she was alone once again and somehow the thought bothered her immensely. Snarling with rage she bounded into another room and ravaged it with Incinerate licking at her muzzle.

    Bounding out of the burning building, she leaped atop a building and looked down at the decaying city below, her eyes narrowing when she saw the beast below. A roar flew from her muzzle as she peered down at him, a challenge evident in her eyes. I dare him to attack me. She thought inside of her head, her eyes crazed but calm. It had been so long since she had tasted of a battle and she craved it like a child craves his mothers milk. Scratching her claws against the building, Incinerate built within her muzzle and she huffed out smoke from her nostrils.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:06 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Afternoon (12)

    "Keep walkin', keeeeep walkin'..." The Drapion muttered to himself as he wandered, searching for something to eat, anything nice, fresh, and bloody. That Riolu had only scratched the surface of his hunger, and that was an overstatement. He needed something. Something! And that something had revealed itself with a challenging roar. Gula turned to spot a rather thick and rigid looking Houndoom on a rooftop. It glared at him in challenge, flames licking at his jowls while growling at the Ogre Scorp pokemon. Excellent. "Yes, yes, YES!! Dinner time!!" Gula cried out, rushing right at the building.

    The Houndoom loosed the Incinerate in the Drapion's direction, the ground catching fire as it soon began a blaze matching that from the pokemon center. For some time, it seemed quiet. But the silence only lasted for a few second before the infected burst forth from the flames, eyes maddened as his body felt impervious, the hunger driving him to the brink of madness, so far to the point that he felt nothing but the hunger. Eager for the fight, the Houndoom leapt down, loosing another Incinerate, only to have the Drapion counter with his sickly, virus laced Venoshock. The Poison-type move punched through the flames, causing the Houndoom to make a split second reaction with a Protect.

    The smoke began to rise from the blaze, and Gula had disappeared. It was reminiscent of the fight up on the mountain. The Houndoom slowly lowered its Protect move and sniffed at the air.

    "It's time to paint this body with blood..."

    The Drapion's voice rang out through the smoke, Aislin catching the scent of the bloody Drapion. The Houndoom bounded into a clearing in the flames, finding the beast. Without hesitation, he leapt onto the Ogre Scorp, biting down with a Thunder Fang on the Drapion's tail.

    This proved to be a fatal mistake.

    The Drapion twisted around in the blink of an eye with its swiveling torso, reaching back and clamping down on the Houndoom with a Bug Bite technique, snatching it off his tail before the dark and fire type could break away. Gula threw it to the ground with excessive force, causing a leg to be broken along with a few ribs. Blood was trickling from the bite wounds. The taste of the red liquid only drove the beast further. "Blood, blood, BLOOD!!" Without warning, he pounced, gripping at the Houndoom and tearing away.

    The canine-like pokemon howled in pain and tried to resist, but it was too late. "Strip the flesh, salt the wound!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" The Drapion ranted maniacly, savoring the screams until they went into silence. Gula ravenously tore into his meal, tearing flesh a from bone and devouring it whole. He enjoyed this feast while it lasted, for once it was done, he'd soon search for another.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 13 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:47 pm

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    Mahogany Town | Late Afternoon (13)

    After finishing the doomed female Houndoom he had shredded, the Drapion licked his maw clean of blood. The dual type's screams of pain and terror were almost as sweet as her meat and blood. The fires raging around roared and grew, but were ignored by Gula as he stood erect, the infected Ogre Scorp pokemon knew in his bottomless gut that there was nothing left here for him. This town and the nearby Mountains had certainly proven bountiful, but, all good things must come to an end.

    Turning and walking away in no particular direction, Gula moved on. The inferno spread throughout the town, buildings beginning to already buckle and fall from damage, age, and the fires. This town would be no more within a few hours. And the Drapion couldn't care less.

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