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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The MOUNTAIN Team


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:53 pm

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    Mountains west of Blackthorne City | Late Morning (7)

    The Drapion was just about to tear into the Ninetales when from out of nowhere, he heard the crash of breaking glass, the steam and smoke dispersing quickly. Damn! This just can't get any worse!! Gula thought to himself, growling lowly before turning his gaze as he heard the Water Gun being used. Now a Vaporeon was on the scene. But, he saw the Aurora Beam go soaring his way, and he leapt out of the way, starting to slide back toward a centerpoint, turning a bit to get control on the dusty rock. Then the idea struck him.

    If concentrated fire didn't work, then maybe just soaking the area could smoke them out! He brought a claw down and spun himself, working his nails to keep the rotations going. He canceled out the Poison Fang and began yet another sickly Venoshock, the infection tainted poison flying from each of his three claws in a rotary manner. He was like a sprinkler of deadly poison and the very thing the living pokemon sought to avoid; the infection that was brought with the Harbinger's arrival. He was laughing like a maniac, the toxins and virus going everywhere.

    ((OoC: If things get too heated, I'm probably gonna have Gula bail and stalk them for a while.))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:51 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Morning [49]

    BANG! At the detonation of a present, Ujue nearly jumped out of her skin. The smoke was pushed nearly out of the area. To her left, water had miraculously begun pouring from a newcomer vaporeon, but even more shocking was that the drapion was right behind her. She turned and lunged at it, as it was turned the other way. She got nearly to its side before it did something unexpected.

    It began to spin.

    A limb covered in a very hard exoskeleton slammed into Ujue when her paws were not in contact with the ground, resulting in a very painful and uncontrolled change of direction for the slight ninetails. In short, she was batted away, and made it out of the clearing before she hit a tree and fell into the woody bush below.

    A stub of a branch protruding from the tree pierced Ujue's hide on impact; it made a severe wound in the muscles behind her right shoulder and badly bruising the ribs underneath. She lay stunned in the bush where she fell, scratched and poked harshly by the branches beneath her and bleeding fitfully from the puncture wound. Later, she would reflect on how lucky it was that she had not punctured any arteries, but for the time being Ujue's mind was a strange blank landscape of disorientation and pain.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:16 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Late Morning (51)


    Kringle had managed to successfully disperse the mist and let everyone see, it was like he was the bringer of sight, because surely everyone would have been blind if he had not done otherwise. Yes, he liked that title, the bringer of sight; it suited him, especially since he could see almost everyone’s actions from atop this tree. Even the new pokemon was no mystery to him; he had seen the vaporeon leap into action and help out at the first sign of trouble, even spreading water around!

    But seeing everything was a burden also, because with the knowledge, came responsibility. He could see that the dastardly bug undead was unleashing a devastating spinning venom attack, if anyone were to touch it, it would mean trouble. So Kringle got an idea, a brilliant one if anyone asked him.

    That bug was spinning, but what would happen if it lost control? That was what Kringle was hoping for by firing an ice beam on the ground around the bug. If it kept spinning around like that, maybe the ice would cause it to lose control and fall down, giving everyone the chance to attack and finish this thing once and for all!

    Least, that’s what Kringle hoped….

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:29 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Late Morning (36)(3)

    (Jeez I'm so sorry guys things have been crazy for me)

    Annick saw that the Drapion was spinning around and she could guess what it was about to do so before he was giving a chance to try to harm anyone with it's attack, though she wince when she saw the Ninetales knocked away by the spin and she heard the crash of someone that hit a tree. She knew she will have to check on the Ninetales but first she gathered rainbow like energy in her mouth and waited for the perfect time to hit. When she saw her opening Annick sent her Aurora Beam, with full power, at the Drapion hoping that it will stop his attack and give the others a chance to get away.

    Meanwhile Spirit was gathering wind energy around his horn and when he was sure he had enough energy he sent his Razor Wind at the Drapion with Annick's attack hoping that their combine attacks will stop the Drapion in it's tracks since he felt that the attack the Drapion was planning will be very dangerous to everyone here.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:39 pm

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    The Tyranitar sensed violence.
    He felt the vibrations under his enormous clawed feet.
    He heard the outcries of the living and smoke billowing from the mountainside.
    A deep, vibrating growl reverberated from his decaying jowls, gore ordaining them like royal robes of the macabre. His shark-like teeth glinted in the morning light as a grimace formed upon his ancient maw.

    Swinging his weight, he slammed his enormous clawed foot into the ground as he loosed a ground-shaking roar. The very mountain began to shake violently and crumble before his might.
    The ancient dragon bellowed, lowering his body as he charged the group of survivors. A Vaporeon stood before him, her slender frame trembling with terror. Not slowing himself, dark energy charged in his claws as he plowed through the enormous trees, splintering them as if they were twigs. Darkness enveloped the mountainside as the harbingers' attack sapped the light from the air. Still, the Vaporeon did not flee. Her eyes were wide, her body frozen with the sight of her inevitable doom approaching her on taloned claws.
    Closer he stampeded.
    Closer his enormous claws came.
    "No more hope."
    The Tyranitar let out another roar as he released the dark energy upon the water fox, launching her slender form into the jagged mountainside with the sheer force of the Dark Pulse. Her bones shattered upon impact, blood exploding out of her body and leaving a beautiful crimson rorshache upon the face of the mountain. But the harbinger was not yet done. His stampede continued as he trampled her broken body, colliding with the trembling crag with such force that the very stone yielded to the great beast, and collapsed upon itself.

    As the dust slowly cleared, the harbinger stood erect, his red eyes glowing brightly as they looked upon the others who had survived the collapse of the mountain. His gaze locked upon a many-tailed creature, furred and caught beneath the rubble. His taloned feet crushed the rubble beneath them as he slowly stalked towards it, his jowls dripping with saliva and blood as he relished the kill.
    "You don't deserve life..."
    "You don't deserve hope..."
    He snarled, his entire maw shaking with animosity, his eyes glowing even more vividly as he approached.
    He leaned over the pale fox, his claw moving towards its' small skull when a sudden shriek came from behind him, and a sudden burst of flames enveloped his body. The harbinger roared, enraged.
    "You DARE attack me!?" A high-pitched Screech exploded from his maw as he fell to all fours, barreling towards the source of the harmless flames. His enormous body collided with the boulder the Absol had been on reducing it to rubble within seconds, but the pokemon itself was nowhere to be found.

    The Tyranitar snarled, frustrated at his preys' escape act, when a sudden slashing on his back sent odd sensations through him. With a whip of his head, he flung the Absol to the ground. Before it could recover, the harbinger pressed his foot on the furred creatures' chest, preventing it from moving.
    "What, you thought you could avenge her!?" He hissed, a sinister grin growing on his decaying face as he looked upon the disaster pokemon. The Absol spat and raged, clawing desperately at the harbingers' enormous talon, but the monster was unphased.
    "All that you fight for is pointless. She suffered a painful death...and you can't change that."
    And with a final piercing gaze into his preys' eyes, he took a hold of the felines' horn atop its' head and pulled. Slowly.
    The Absol howled and screamed in agony as the tendons stretched past their limits and bones were pulled from their place.
    A disgusting ripping and crunching sound echoed through the emptiness as the monster took his time decapitating his victim.
    The body twitched and convulsed desperately, even after its' head was completely removed.
    The Tyranitar pulled himself up, holding the head up above his own, allowing the torrent of blood to fall upon his face. After the blood rain had slowed to a drip, he opened his reptilian eyes and looked back to the others. With a slow snarl, he threw the head into his mouth and bit down with his powerful jaws, relishing the crunch of the skull in his mouth, a spray of red mist bursting from his maw before disappearing into the dusty haze of the early morning, his stomping echoing heavily throughout the wilderness.


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:35 pm

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    Mountains west of Blackthorne City | Late Morning (8)

    When the tremors and the roar was loosed, Gula stopped dead in his tracks, a chill running up his spine. That was an unnatural cry, one that screamed that death was going to happen. With some slight trembling, the Drapion slowly turned to see what was transpiring. The Vaporeon and Absol were being engaged by an ungodly looking Tyranitar. Massive, bloody, sickly. It looked like something straight out of hell. The wasn't in sight at the time, but as Gula backed up to hide, he got a clear view as a splatter of crimson rain decorated the gray rock. Crunching and wet popping and snapping noises were heard as it trampled the doomed Vaporeon, the rock eventually caving in. It apparently couldn't support the weight of the beast.

    The Tyranitar soon was looming over to the injured Ninetales, and while Gula wanted to object, every fiber of his being was screaming to stay down. And down he stayed. The Absol came back and futile charged the hellish dual type with a tear filled warcry, only to be met with a slow, torturous decapitation. "And I thought I was bad..." The infected Drapion muttered, watching as the mass of death and destruction walked away. Once the tremors completely faded, the Drapion skittered out cautiously. Then he remembered something, looking to the trees. "Hehehe...And then there was one..."

    Gula burst out into maniacal laughter as he charged the trees. That Delibird was all his now!! No interferences! What a glorious meal this would be! "HAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAH!! TIME TO PLAY!! IT'S TIME TO PLAY!! HAHAHAHAH!!"

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:12 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Morning [49]

    Ujue's vision still wouldn't focus and there was a persistent chiming noise in her ears that wouldn't go away. There was also this terrible, thumping rumble . . .


    It was coming. She knew it was coming. Ujue's pulse quickened as she tried to rearrange her limbs into any sort of arrangement condusive to movement. . . . Nope. She couldn't do it. The world was doing backflips and her vision was still a mass of swirly blobs and fuzzy darkness. Bright white flashes flared across the landscape when some broken branches and rubble tumbled onto her beaten pelt. The scent of blood entered the chaos and adrenaline pounded at her veins. The thing, so much more terrible than the drapion, neared her, and she felt it's terrible presence in her bones. She lay limp as it loomed above her, then turned away, battling . . .

    Spirit . . . Ujue cried mentally, cracking with sadness and terror. Spirit, no!!

    She wished she could claw her ears off as Spirit was slowly, slowly killed; she closed her eyes tightly and keened mentally the whole time. By the time it was done and the thing left, she was a shivering, broken wreck.

    But it wasn't over. The drapion charged out of whatever rock it had been hiding under. "HAHAAHAHAHAHAAAAH!! TIME TO PLAY!! IT'S TIME TO PLAY!! HAHAHAHAH!!"

    Kringle, Ujue thought. With titanic effort, she cracked one eye open and launched a Confuse Ray at the purple blob that was the drapion. She closed her eye again and began to relapse into that tenuous place between consciousness and unconsciousness.

    [[Good grief, that was gory. That was one of the ickiest harbinger attacks I've ever seen . . .

    Ujue's new color is #FFFFCC.]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:44 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Late Morning (52)

    He could see it all from his perch up in the tree….

    Every single gruesome detail of that slaughter. There wasn’t even much of a fight, the monster just swooped in, killed the vaporeon who’s name Kringle never got to know, before moving on to Spirit. He should have done something, anything, even if it just meant him getting caught in the crossfire. But no, he couldn’t, he physically could not move from his branch.

    Kringle’s feet betrayed him, they refused to come to their rescue, refused to let him help his beloved friend. Even his own stomach was against him, all the tasty berries that Ujue had given to him from inside her mane were now coming back up, and falling to the ground below.

    Today was just not a good day at all. Yesterday had been fun, filled with both adventure and loss, but through most of it Kringle could tell things would work out. Now….he wasn’t so sure. He was at a loss of what to do, even with this nasty bug undead staring him down.

    Tears filled his eyes for the loss of friends, but still he threw present after present at the undead below him. Ujue was still out there somewhere, she was at least still alive. So Kringle needed to stay alive and well until he saw her again.

    ((Kringle was never a good fighter, usually uses tricks and gimmicks to win, but now he's literally got himself cornered |D))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Mountains west of Blackthorne City | Late Morning (9)

    Gula turned as he heard a sort of warped, droning sound, only to have a Confuse Ray go right smack into his face. It dawned on him as he stumbled, his sight going strange as he felt somewhat dizzy. The infected Drapion growled and tried to get back to his senses, but he was tripping out badly, like that time he ate those funny little mushrooms as a Skorupi. Presents were flying from above, going off in explosions and splats of berries and some doing nothing. Gula roared before accidently running into a tree. Frustrated, angry, and most of all, freaking hungry, he reared back and took a massive bite out of the tree, ripping bark and wood out as it fell beside the beast. Spitting out the horrid tasting wood, roaring out. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" The Drapion spun and looked around before he saw the Ninetales lying on the ground. It was nearly dead and he shifted a bit, trying to stumble over. "I'm gonna take pleasure in guttin' you...Boy..."

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:33 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Morning [50]

    Ujue's breathing was shallow and quick. Her body was in no place to move, to do anything. She tried to fight at the pain and fog in her brain, and succeeded somewhat; her thoughts, though, could move -- though only move in strange, lurching motions, which were disorienting and involuntary. She watched through half-lidded eyes as the drapion became confused and tore a chunk out a tree, but he snapped out of confusion and began to approach her.

    Nasty Plot. It's -- closer. Nasty Plot . . . Nasty Plot! Sp. Atk . . . can't -- go up? Nasty Plot . . . Flamethrower . . . Ujue's jaws began to smoke with the intensity of the fire in her chest. The intense heat made her body temperature go up, and it made the scratches in her filthy pelt burn and her bruised bones scream with pain. If he gets any closer . . . I won't miss.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:32 am

    ((OoC: Skipping due to lack of time. Say he was kinda strafing Ujue's body, keeping his distance while spouting nonsense and insanity.))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:49 pm

    [[OOC: Derp . . . my turn again, I guess]]

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Morning [51]

    The drapion's harsh, chilling voice hurled comments about the clearing. Her ears weren't cooperating; Ujue couldn't tell what he said and only understood that it was probably as terrible and fetid as he was.

    He wasn't getting any closer to her, and the flame in her was getting harder to control. She suspected offhandedly that if she were in full health, a flamethrower like this would be magnificent and controlling it would be second nature, but somewhere along the line pain and heat mixed in her head and took everything out of proportion. When she realized she was leaking flame out of her mouth, she bared her teeth and spat a few superheated fireballs, then subsided into growling with flame oozing from between her teeth. She would conserve her heat and strength . . . as long as he kept away.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:47 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Late Morning (53)

    The damage done by that beastly Tyrannitar was not over, even after disappearing as if by strange magic, the mountains shuddered with its mere presence. As if the whole mountain range was feeling the pure evil nature of the undead, it was rumbling like crazy. Its loose rocks and boulders falling down the slopes, the dust kicked up clouding everything, even worse than the mist had.

    Oh how Kringle wished he had that keen eye ability like most birds did…..maybe the sand wouldn’t hurt so much.

    But this was perfect!

    Well, not perfect, but great nonetheless.

    There might have been no other chance to get away from that giant bug. Remembering where Ujue was before the dust storm was, kringle took flight to her location, not chancing going on the ground in case he bumped into that undead. What he found made him want to both tear up, and to turn around and hurt the one who hurt his closest friend.

    Ujue was hurt, badly, burned despite being a fire type, and slight presence of that smelly poison slime that bug kept firing. Despite all the dust entering his eyes, he kept them open, taking in the gut wrenching site, she would most likely not be able to get away in time alone.

    It was up to Kringle.

    “Its okay Ujue, I’ll do….something”

    Kringle tried to lift her up, but she was heavier than he thought. That or he was weaker than he thought…most likely both… So using muscles that Kringle rarely ever used, he put all his efforts in picking her up and running awkwardly.

    It was hands down the most excersise that Kringle had ever done at one time. His feet hurt, his wings strained, and he was just running and running and running till he could not run any more, fear of death befalling his friend urging him to go just a little bit further. Until finally Kringle was at his limit, and finding a large boulder to hide behind, he gingerly placed Ujue down and collapsed.

    He had most likely grabbed onto Ujue’s Tail and cursed himself for a lifetime, but she was safe, so that’s all that mattered.

    I don’t want to lose any more friends....

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:16 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Noon [52]

    Ujue could tell something was getting closer. Her body was trembling because of the fire in her and the pain and because her muscles were failing to cooperate. A little more fire gushed out of her mouth, but she hastily to to pull it back when her hazy eyes registered red and white, and she smelled the strange avian/explosion scent that was familiar and comforting and Kringle. His words echoed weirdly in her ears and she couldn't understand him; nonetheless, she didn't protest when he awkwardly picked her up and lurched away.

    Even though it hurt. A lot. She wanted to cry out and to yank on e of her tails form his grasp -- it was disproportionately uncomfortable, and irritating -- and to get rid of the burning heat that was forcing its way out of her. After a moment of being rhythmically beaten by her bruised ribs with every footstep, she couldn't keep her mouth closed. Spurts of fire, too close to Kringle, began to come out with every step, but at some fundamental level Ujue understood that she couldn't hurt him, so she opened her jaws and unleashed all the heat in her in Kringle's wake.

    It was the hugest fireball she had ever made, and the abrupt absence of the heat left her feeling frigid and drained. Her head hung limply down and she dully observed the growing distance from the burning, terrible scene and the bodies mangled on the mountainside. Goodbye . . . Spirit, she managed to think.

    She faded in and out, and only came to fully when Kringle, after making extraordinary distance for his size, had to stop. He placed her behind a boulder and the relief of being on solid ground was dizzying; she reflected that being carried with broken ribs was probably agonizing, but she had already been in pain, so she hadn't noticed overmuch. Kringle, exhausted, collapsed next to her, and for a strange moment she was furious with him, probably because two terribly sore tails on her left. But the emotion was so out of place that it passed through her and she was left only with relief and thankfulness, and she laid some of her thick, ash-covered tails over Kringle and went to sleep.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:14 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Noon (54)

    Warm fuzzy feelings surrounded Kringle. Making him feel like he was on a warm cloud, just drifting, inviting him to sleep and forget all his worries.

    But those feelings were most likely from extreme exhaustion and physical exertion. That, or Ujue’s warn fluffy tail draped over him….who knows for sure. And as much as he wanted to sleep, he should not, least not right now. So he gingerly pushed her tail off of him, trying his hardest to not wake the ninetails up before getting to business.

    He couldn’t do it here, if it went wrong, then the undead monsters would find Ujue easily. No. He had to drag his heavy and worn body off a distance before being able to use his presents. They needed berries, and lots of them, and right now they were his only choice. Silently praying to karma, Kringle threw the orb straight up into the air above himself, ready to catch or dodge as needed. And things looked good, for a rawst berry came down. Though the second time around he forgot to pray, and an explosion in midair lest Kringle running to another location before trying again. Another explosion, why where these presents against us!!!!

    Fourth present rewarded his mental outburst with a pecha berry, and the good luck flowed providing two consecutive oran berries. He wasn’t going to chance any more, he had enough hopefully, at least for now.

    Going back to where he left Ujue took longer than normal, he didn’t go straight to her. If he had learned anything from his Detective Kringle days, it was that anything could be following him at any minute. So he took precautions and went in odd angles and trails, trying to lose any hidden follower he might have had before arriving to Ujue’s sleeping form and placing all the berries down.

    Sleeping pokemon won’t eat, he knew that much so he would have to wait until she woke up before giving her those. Unless Ujue was a Secretly Snorlax...then she would be able to!

    But she wasn't, so that’s what he did, he waited. Sat down and stood vigilent, watching Ujue sleep with worry in his face. She looked tired, and oddly peaceful. If he wasn’t so focused on making sure she was still breathing, he would have panicked and thought she had died while he was away.

    That would be the worst….Because maybe that would prove his theory…..That everyone Kringle meets either gets killed or leaves him….That’s why he never stayed too long in one place…staying with Ujue was probably the longest he had stayed with a group since he started traveling.

    He just wondered which it would be for Ujue.

    Would she abandon Kringle? Or would he end up burying her also...

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:05 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [53]

    Ujue dreamt of Floaroma Town. Shaena smiled and waved at her from the window seat piled high with cushions where she loved to read and take naps. This was strange for a moment to Ujue, because there were some strange noises in the background, like someone popping bubbles or dropping cymbals on the ground (at a distance). But Shaena was smiling, so it must be okay, right?

    Ujue rolled onto her side in the thick wildflowers that grew profusely in Shaena's yard. The smell was heavenly . . . but there was a big rock in her side. Ujue rolled slightly to get off the rock, but she only rolled onto more little stones, and when she turned her head, she couldn't see Shaena in the window, the house was gone, and the wildflowers smelled like . . . singed fur, ashes, and blood.

    Ujue woke up.

    She began struggling towards a sitting position she pulled herself into a sitting position and instantly regretted it. She lay back with a jerk and a small whuff of pain. How elegant, she thought sarcastically. She took a moment or two to observe that the blunt, splinter-filled puncture wound on her right shoulder and the myriad scratches in her pelt were probably the source of the blood smell. On her left side, the side the drapion had struck when it smashed her away, her foreleg ankle was twingeing and her ribs ached -- only a miniscule amount compared to the pulsing fire of her right. Noting Kringle stationed a few feet away, Ujue swirled her tails to let him know she was awake (and to keep up appearances). Unfortunately, the usual smooth swish was considerably weaker than it should have been, and stayed close to the ground; she didn't have much strength. Her shallow breaths pulled and unexpected, fresh, and mouthwatering scent over her tongue.

    "Are those . . . berries?" she asked, pushing the words out of protesting lungs and through a smoke-roughened voicebox.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:33 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon (55)

    She woke up! She woke up!

    Kringle had already prepared himself to will himself awake all day and night, keeping watch as Ujue recovered, but apparently for now that would be no need. He would not have to fend off hordes of undead pokemon as silently as he could to make sure she had a good rest. Legions of zombies would be spared the wrath of Kringle today.

    "Are those . . . berries?"

    Kringle was beaming upon hearing that. He had risked limbs and life in order to get those four berries, he was glad she had an appetite, else he would have had to play the bad guy and will Ujue to eat them for her own good. He hated playing the bad guy….unless it involved alter egos and imaginary plots to take over the world and create a snowy paradise. But that was all in fun, forcing someone to eat for their own good was not fun.

    “Uhm-Hmm! I’d eat the pecha and rawst berry before the oran berries. Better to treat those ailments first else they get worse.”

    Lessons he had to learn first hand in the past. Mostly cause one tends to get full and the remaing useful berries get forgotten. Plus, he really didn’t know what to do if her burns got worse, or if any poison statuses arose.

    Kringle pushed the berries closer to Ujue, thinking it would be best if she did not make too many stretched movements for now. Then he continued to look around for any signs of trouble. He didn’t wanted to stay in this mountain anymore. Sure he had met a lot of friends here, and even buried some, but it wasn’t very safe, and safe was what they both needed right now…

    Though that could wait until Ujue felt better, and maybe after he got some rest also

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:23 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [54]

    Kringle pushed the tantalizing morsels toward her. “Uhm-Hmm! I’d eat the pecha and rawst berry before the oran berries. Better to treat those ailments first else they get worse.”

    Ujue meekly mouthed the ripe, blue rawst berry, swallowing down the crisp, bitter berry juice. It felt like balm had been lathered on her burned skin she closed her eyes and curled her tail sin pleasure. Given a moment of idle thought, something occurred to Ujue -- and she immediately felt chagrin for not thinking of it first.

    "What about you, Kringle?" she asked, her voice a little clearer and stronger. "Have you eaten yet?" She looked him over from the corner of her eye. He looked like he could use on of those oran berries. Then, after they had both refreshed, they could follow the peaks and valleys out of the mountains . . . perhaps there would be shelter in civilization.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:45 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon (56)

    "Have you eaten yet?"

    That caught Kringle off guard a bit. He was busy looking around, like a paranoid bird waiting for its next meal to appear out of the ground, expect in this case they were the mean. So he hadn’t expected Ujue to be asking him questions all of a sudden. He had expected for her to have eaten all the berries and passed out again in her tired state. But he was still glad she was thinking of him, Ujue was truly a good friend.

    “Of course! One of those odd tasting Leppa berries, don’t know why one of those showed up, but I guess it helps with the energy a bit.”

    Leppa berries were weird by Kringle’s definition. They had so many tastes to them, and they did the oddest thing. For some reason it helped whoever ate it be able to fight more, allowing moves to be used more often. Maybe it was the energy it gave them, like a quick pick-me-up, or something in the juices, but it helped for some reason.

    “Just go ahead and eat all those, maybe once you get well enough to move, we can go find some more.”

    That is if their luck made it so that that thing did not find them….


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:21 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [55]

    “Of course! One of those odd tasting Leppa berries, don’t know why one of those showed up, but I guess it helps with the energy a bit. Just go ahead and eat all those, maybe once you get well enough to move, we can go find some more.”

    That Kringle had only one berry whereas she could eat four made Ujue fairly uncomfortable. Should she really eat all of them? He carried me all this way, so he should have more to eat . . . but maybe the four berries will heal me enough to travel on my own, which would surely be beneficial to him. But it's so uncouth, and Kringle looks hungry . . . but I must heal. Ujue became quite irritated at the frustrating train of thought--not that anyone would notice, aside from the brief pause in eating the berries.

    The pecha berry didn't feel like it had much effect, but the two oran berries were delightfully soothing. The puncture wound in her right side abated in pain slightly, and, though it embarrassed her, she turned her head and began to lick it clean of splinters and dirt. It was caked in ashes, so when she was finished there was a small clean spot on her otherwise dark pelt and her mouth tasted like forest-fire. She licked a few of her larger scratches, distracting herself from the pain of the puncture, and then laboriously pushed herself to her feet.

    She wanted to cry out. Her left fore-ankle smarted, but she could not put any weight on her right foreleg at all because of the wound on her shoulder; she swayed for a moment, then came to balance on three legs.

    "Let's go on, at least for a little while," she said, a bit short of breath but struggling to hide it. "Perhaps until we find some more berries . . ." That, and she wanted to keep moving, to avoid attracting anything hungrier, and more bloodthirsty, than she and Kringle.

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:16 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : derpy html)

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:22 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon (57)

    Ujue Believed her!

    Kringle hated lying, especially to his close friends, but it was for her own good. If she had known he had not eaten anything, then she would have insisted he eat a few, and slowed down her own recovery. And he would have none of that. He could last a while without food, he just hoped his stomach did not betray him and start growling and making a fuss, giving away his secret.

    He would have made enough for him to eat, but that meant more chances for explosions, and more danger. Food was a bit less important than staying safe today.

    Ujue started to lick herself, lick her wounds, and settle some of the ash filled fur. And well…..Kringle wasn’t sure if he should be embarrassed or not, and ever more unsure if he should be watching. ….Instead he tried his hardest to not view his friend in a vulnerable position and focused on the surroundings.

    "Let's go on, at least for a little while,"

    Doctor Kringle would have told her immediately not to get up, to get back to laying down and rest for the next day or two. He would also have told her that walking like that on 3 legs would just make her hurt her good legs instead….But Agent Kringle knew better than to stay here. Agent Kringle needed to get them both out in secret, to be as silent as a shadow, and get them both out to safety. Agent Kringle won out in the end, causing him to follow Ujue from the rear, his imaginary doctor side ready to help catch the worn out fox should she fall.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:28 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [56]

    Ujue would never, ever say it, but somewhere, deep down, probably stuffed into the dark corner of her ninetails nature that was vengeful and arrogant and petty, she knew. Walking hurt . . . LIKE A BITCH. Walking was like pressing rough stones onto her tender bruises, pulling at the new scabs forming on her cuts. At the pain when she accidentally hit her weak leg on a rock, she nearly let her legs collapse. But she was getting the hang of moving.

    With a bit of focus, Ujue got her feet into rhythm fairly quickly, a lurching shuffle-shuffle-hop movement. After grinding along this way, it occurred to her that her tails weren't moving, just hanging stationary like limp balloons. So she concentrated on moving them even harder: swish, swush. Swish, swush. Swish, swush.

    Thinking about her tails helped her forget anything else. Swish, swush. The dull pain lessened, in Ujue's mind. Swish, swush. The scratches became less sharp. Swish, swush. Swish, swush.

    Ujue noticed the change in the air gradually, under a heavy, gently swushing haze. The cold mountain air warmed slightly, with a descent in altitude, and a the wind brought an old, familiar scent: town. It started small and distant, but Ujue's nose knew -- they were getting closer to somewhere.

    [[OOC:Regular, gentle motions are really hypnotic to look at while hiking (this is from experience backpacking). I think it would work as a distraction for pain.

    In the game, Route 44 is fairly easy to navigate, so we should be arriving at Mahogany Town soonish. Also in-game, a max repel is on the ground on this route...I couldn't work it into this post, but perhaps Kringle could find it.]]

    Last edited by HiddenHero on Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:35 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon (58)

    Kringle was on edge for a long time just walking in silence. He didn’t like being so quiet, it was as if whenever it was too quiet, he had the irresistible urge to just scream into the wild just to fill in the void, but doing that right now would mean nothing but death.

    It didn’t help that Ujue was basically lost in thought. It made him worry more, that maybe she was pushing herself too hard, and was using all her focus just to keep her legs moving and not collapsing all together. The odd tri-shuffle from his fox friend the only thing around to ease the tension.

    It got to the point that Kringle himself was adding to the shuffling by dragging his feet and kicking any rocks that came in his way. Anything to keep himself entertained and not yelling his beak off.

    Kick, Clunk.

    A tree hit with a rock, a dangerous menace to the tree society taken down by Kringle’s valiant efforts.

    Kick, Clunk. Another one down, Single Shot Kringle was a dead-eye in the tree assassination business.

    Ki-…….But no kick actually happened, for Kringle wasn’t so heartless as to kick anything other than rocks at a tree, even if that hypothetical tree was a mass tree murderer who had a hit on its head. Plus, kicking it at the tree would have just made the human trash break and scatter glass all over the place, making Kringle a litter-er, and if there was one thing Kringle didn’t do, it was Litter.

    He did however gently keep kicking it forward on the ground, juggling it between his two feet, making the sloshing, water filled trash follow behind Ujue.

    He had no clue what was inside, nor did it matter, for Kringle was determined to keep kicking the bottle gently and taking it with him for as long as he could. Why?

    ….Kringle didn’t even know himself, he would say that it was to drop the litter in a proper location, like a trash can. But really he just wanted the entertainment that the bottle would bring.

    Or… would have brought if the lid was properly put on and the contents didn’t spray out in his next kick, letting the nasty smelling liquid spray on him and towards Ujue.

    “Ujue, I’m s” That was all that came out, cause the next instant Kringle was dry heaving at the awful smell that was on him. He tried desperately to rub the liquid off himself, but it was too late, it had soaked into his feathers, leaving Kringle a smelly, unappealing bird, who only pokemon with no nose would stand to be around. Heck, even Kringle didn’t want to be around Kringle right now

    ((I’mma take a guess and say that repels are filled with a substance that is just repugnant to pokemon, who with their heightened noses would smell it more and know to stay away from. But I can change it if needed~))


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:42 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon [57]

    "Ujue, I'm --" Ujue looked back over her shoulder "--s--"

    But that was all Ujue heard, because the next moment a foul spray of a liquid something hit her square in the face. Try as she might to stay serene during disaster, the horrible stench, and taste, and stinging in her eyes was so sudden and utterly repulsive that an alarmed and repulsed "Buuerrghh!" somehow escaped through the cracks in her composure ... which seemed to be quick fractured as of late anyway.

    Ujue gagged and rubbed her face with her paws and even tried rubbing her face on the ground, but to no avail. At last, she stood, her nine tails wilting halfheartedly, her fur poofed up halfway, covered in grime and dirt and wounds and stinking to high heaven. She just stoof there, trembling.

    Her brain attempted to process what had happened, but a very tempting and very illogical and very strong irritation began to well up, especially from two sore tails. And the irritation began to (subconsciously) fill her up; one would almost say that, glanced out of the corner of the eye, Ujue was shimmering with agitation.

    [[Tryvex/Kringle . . . YOU ROCK! LMFAO]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:33 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Afternoon (59)

    It was all over both him AND Ujue!

    Together they were a huge mass of stink, plaguing the world worse than.....the plague! They stunk so bad that he was surprised Ujue’s nose didn’t spontaneously combust right there and then. His nose was basically two holes in his beak, so his was stuck having to smell this stuff, but hers should be able to have the privilege of self-destructing when things got too bad. That should at leastbe the benefit of normal normal stubby noses….

    “Uuuujjuuueeee…..I….You…..We smell worse than a skunktank now….”

    Kringle hated it. He loved smelling things, heck, he’d used to randomly smell anything that he saw just to see what it smelled like. Made grettings rather awkward back then, but it was something he enjoyed. Now…it was tainted, all perverted and stuff, as if this liquid took away his smelling innocence….

    He started to roll on the ground, trying to get as much dirt into his feathers as he could, taking in the cold embrace of the dirtiness as much as he could. But even as he got up he knew, this stuff wasn’t going to go away so easily. Because the dirt didn’t do anything, it didn’t mask the scent at all. If anything it just added to the stink, it was two horrible smells on top of each other, this gunk, and lots of dirt.

    Kringle just sulked on forward, learning his lesson on not kicking random stuff…..for now at least and bounded towards the signs of human life just up ahead, a sign already announcing how close they were.

    Maybe they could find a human to undo this evil curse of stink on them!

    ((Wrote this a bit fast, sorry |D))

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