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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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14 posters

    The DREAMYARD Team


    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:55 pm

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    DreamYard | Dawn [22]

    The sun was just rising, a mix of lightblue and purple hued the sky. Taisiel blinked open her eyes, finding her back aching from the hard rock, nonetheless she gave a small smile at the gear that she held close, cleaning off the invisible dirt particles as she stood up, placing the gear down as she began to stretch. She glanced around, Ophelia seemed sound asleep, along with Excalibur and Hunter. Hunter... The Mawile shook her head, they're bound to be close to the city.

    The Deceiving Pokemon tapped the Chandelure and Farfetch'd, hoping to wake them up as she clung onto the gear on one hand. She felt a cold breeze coming, thankful that her scarf was there to keep her warm. Now that she thought about it...
    She glanced up at the sky, gazing at it. No cloud to be sighted, it was freezing cold though, but the sky seemed like a pretty shade of blue. Untouched by the Epidemic. If only Taisiel could go to space, maybe the undead won't touch her there.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:09 pm

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    Dreamyard|Dawn (1)

    The Tropius had fallen. She felt herself being pushed away by something. When everything settled, she saw who it was. Her mate. Her best friend. Her true love. It was then that she wanted to die...

    Anabella woke up to the feel of a cold wind. The Leavanny slowly got up and whispered to herself, "Why Matt?" The Epidemic took many lives. It took her family, and it most likely took her trainer too. She was never truely happy with herself and she didn't know why.

    Anabella wandered around the Dreamyard a bit, being quiet so the infected couldn't find her. She looked up at the cloudless sky. "Sure is pretty." She said. She took in the sight and it made her smile for a brief moment. She kept walking while looking up. It seemed as though this is what she needed to bring her mood up a bit.

    She was brought back down to reality when she tripped over something. It felt like something metallic. Whatever it was, it made her fall face first into the ground. She got up and brushed herself off. Around her was a Zangoose with a hoodie on, a Farfetch'd, a Mawile with a lovely blue scarf on, and a Chandelure.

    "Oh, hi." She said to the Mawile in a gentle voice, since she had a gear in her hand, the rest was probably hers. "Uh, do these belong to you, dear?"

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Jay Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:54 pm

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    Dreamyard || Dawn || 1

    Artemis slowly walked across the grass as sunlight began penetrating the trees with colors of blue and purple, her paws felt light against the damp with dew ground. She swept her paws against the rocks beside her, feeling the smooth or rough surfaces, it made a tingling feeling in her palm, being a Lucario she enjoyed that feeling. It got brighter, the day was finally coming alive. She could hear bird pokemon in the distance, singing beautiful songs that would twist and turn into her ears, yet they weren't the same anymore. Artemis remembered the days when she would wait on a rock in the forest for Zach, listening to the beautiful voices of the bird pokemon. Now, they didn't seem beautiful. They seemed of annoyance, they reminded her of stress and frustration, how her mind put these two items together is still unknown for Artemis, but ever since she was infected she began thinking... Differently.

    "Uh, do these belong to you, dear?" Artemis' ears perked up, she sniffed the air and closed her eyes, using her aura sight to look around the area. A pokemon was nearby, living... She examined closer, there were about 5 in total. Due to being dizzy from traveling so long, she could not examine any closer, and sighed. She wasn't sure if these pokemon were kind or not, it didn't matter, she would be leaving soon after all. Being stealthy, Artemis quickly ran to a bush behind the pokemon, not making any movements. Artemis waited, she never made any sounds, hoping they wouldn't find her at the moment.

    [ ooc: Short post is short. >> Oh, and hi everyone~! Glad to be on the team! B) ]

    Last edited by Arcanine on Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:28 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Errors in grammar)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:07 pm

    (OoC I skip because you guys won't stop bugging me. I have a real life too and have been trying to work on a post but you won't leave me alone about it so just continue on. Hunter is still unconsious and Excalibur is scouting ahead.)

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:09 pm

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    DreamYard | Dawn [23]

    As Taisiel followed the Farfetch'd she felt much more better that it was morning rather than evening, especially since last night felt like anything could pop up any minute! Though she must admit, morning felt the same, just lesser of a chance. "Oh, hi. Uh, do these belong to you, dear?" Aaaaaaaaand Taisiel flipped over - literally - by tripping on some squashed berry and flipping a 360, landing on her back as she stared up at the sky and some random... Grass-thing, that, stood. Dunno much on how to describe it. Nonetheless the Mawile got up immediately, only catching a glimpse of a gear she had dropped, though it was covered in rust - which was the reason she dropped it - she hid behind Excalibur, poking him at the back then pointing at the green figure. 'Danger?' Not that she wrote the thought down, but she gave a questioning gaze of the Pokemon's existence.

    Taisiel fumbled with her scarf as she attempted to get away from everyone's gaze, not wanting to be rude - though she already crossed that line.

    [Ooc: Short post because lol, I'm in a rush ORZZZZZ]

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:34 am

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    Dreamyard|Dawn (2)

    The Mawile fell over from hearing Anabella's voice. As soon as the deceiving pokemon got up, she hid behind the Farfetch'd. Ana realized that the Mawile must think she's dangerous, which would explain why she was hiding. Ana kneeled down to the Mawile's level and said with a warm smile and a gentle voice,

    "I'm not a threat, I'm just here to help. My name is Anabella, but you can call me Ana or Bella for short. Whatever you like, darling. By the way, what is you name?"

    (OoC: Short post. But it's 5:30 AM, so that explains why...)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Jay Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:10 pm

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    Dreamyard || Dawn || 2

    Artemis watched intently through the bushed that poked her hardly in the fur, though the small amounts of pain she continued to stay quiet. Her ears perked up, she closed her eyes and simply listened for their movements and talking. For a moment, she heard nothing but the sound of other pokemon nearby, then the sound of movement occurred. She opened her eyes once more to take a look; the Mawile had apparently done an entire 360 flip and fallen on her back. What an idiot.

    Next they stared at each other for a moment, the Mawile managed to get up and hid behind Excalibur, clinging and pointing to the Leavanny wondering if it was any danger. Pppft, as if. A Leavanny posting any threat? Hah! I could beat that thing to a pulp anytime I want. Artemis sunk back into the bush and listened.

    "I'm not a threat, I'm just here to help. My name is Anabella, but you can call me Ana or Bella for short. Whatever you like, darling. By the way, what is you name?" The Leavanny said, most likely to the Mawile. Yet the Mawile didn't reply, only pointed... The Lucario began to put two and two together, and began to figure out why the Mawile never talked. The Infection hasn't gotten to my yet! She chuckled softly.

    Artemis, finally getting cramped, popped out of the bush loudly, on purpose to get the pokemon's attention, and calmly spoke, mostly to the Leavanny.

    "You must not have realized yet, but the Mawile is unable to use the ability of speech."

    [ooc: Ugh, sorry for grammar and such, tired and not in a very interesting mood haha.]

    Last edited by Arcanine on Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:00 pm

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    Excalibur||Striaton City Entrance||Dawn(9)

    Excalibur sighed, more pokemon joined them; it seemed as if the group was a magnet for newcomers."You two get lost, we are busy."Excalibur quacked in anger. He very much disapproved of the Lucario and the Leavanny wasn't any better. She sounded to sweet to be of any use fighting and the Lucario stank almost as bad as Hunter did.

    This was not going to end well for Hunter if the Lucario hung around. He knew because he had seen Hunter's behavior earlier. She would kill anything she thought was a threat to the Mawile. Even other infected, and the sad part was Excalibur would help her. 'Let's just pray to Arceus she does not wake up' the Wild Duck Pokemon thought. While he did not believe much in the deity Arceus, he would pray if it meant others lives would be saved.

    Hunter||Striaton City Entrance||Dawn(20)

    Hunters eyes snapped open the moment she heard new voices. Her back was causing her agonizing pain but she would live through it, after all she was almost an undead. With a low warning growl Hunter struggled her way free from the flying lamp. "Leave Taisiel alone."Hunter hissed as she fell to the ground. Managing to land on all fours, Hunter sprung forward into a spiraling Quick Attack towards the Lucario.

    She didn't care if she had a type disadvantage, anything infected that came near her friend had to die, even if it meant she would half to suffer more injuries and pain. Hunter would have attacked the Leavanny as well, but it was living and therefor she could not. Taisiel and the others seemed to appreciate having more living pokemon around so she would not take that away from them.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:50 pm

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    Striaton City | Dawn [24]

    "I'm not a threat, I'm just here to help. My name is Anabella, but you can call me Ana or Bella for short. Whatever you like, darling. By the way, what is you name?" The Leavanny spoke, Excalibur trying to ward them off, "You two get lost, we are busy." Taisiel didn't bother to respond, simply staying behind the Farfetch'd upon all this madness. Before the Deceiving Pokemon could do anything, however, she was immediately cut off by some, some scoudral Lucario who reeked of DEATH already revealing a secret she never wanted to fucking reveal, "You must not have realized yet, but the Mawile is unable to use the ability of speech."

    The Mawile clenched her fists, her scared face immediately turning into something of anger. Taisiel ran past the Leavanny, throwing a hardcore PUNCH at the Steel/Fighting Duel-type without hesitation. Hot tears already flowed down her cheeks, never did she want to HEAR of anyone speak of such shittery that's the fucking TRUTH come before her.

    "Leave Taisiel alone." A familiar voice hissed, the Mawile turned around, only to find her Zangoose friend had awoken, throwing a Quick Attack at the Lucario as well - and thankfully flying past Taisiel. But the Deceiving Pokemon was very thankful that Hunter chose to fight the BITCH that decided to reveal everything rather than the Grass-type who simply offered back her gear.

    [Ooc: Had permission to hit Artemis :V]

    Last edited by Sepultra on Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:06 pm

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    Striaton City|Dawn (3)

    Anabella watched as the Mawile still hid behind the Farfetch'd, who didn't want anything to do with her. "You two get lost, we are busy." Two? Ana heard the bushes rustle and saw a Lucario come out. It smelled nasty. It smelled like death.

    "You must not have realized yet, but the Mawile is unable to use the ability of speech." The Lucario said. This made the Mawile upset, to the point where she charged up and punched the Lucario. Anabella shivered when she saw tears running down her face. The poor thing looked devastated.

    "Leave Taisiel alone." The Zangoose attacked the Lucario as well. And judging by what's been happening, Anabella could only guess that the Mawile's name was Taisiel. Ana walked up to Taisiel and placed a hand, or leaf...arm....thing....whatever, and asked, "Are you alright? Is what the Lucario said true?"

    Last edited by Radiohead97 on Tue May 01, 2012 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : When did we reach Striaton City?)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:17 am

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    Hunter||Striaton City Entrance||Dawn(21)

    Hunter hissed again, this time more in pain rather than anger. With the pain her vision blurred a bit but she would deal until she was sure Taisiel and the others were safe. 'Well safer than they are now' Hunter thought to herself as she half dragged, half stumbled her way back to the group of living."Taisiel....Taisiel....are you okay....?" Hunter asked worriedly. The Mongoose knew she should be worrying about herself but she just didn't have the strength left.

    Still conscious Hunter collapsed once more and curled up into a small tight ball of agony. Every so often letting out a small whimper, or a soft hiss. Unsure if her attack hit the Lucario or not but in to much pain to care. She could feel the warm feathers of the Farfetch'd brush across her arm as the weak bird tried to lift her with no success.

    Excalibur||Striaton City Entrance||Dawn(10)

    Excalibur sighed, with all this fighting it was surely not good for the injured Zangoose. He could tell that Taisiel, or whatever Hunter had called the Mawile was upset about something when she punched the infected Lucario. Good for her, that infected was nothing but trouble and he could tell, but again most infected were trouble."Lets just get your friend to the pokemon center."Excalibur said with a mild irritation.

    Gently he set his wing on the Zangoose and started to pull as if trying to lift or drag her to the pokemon center. Of course he knew he would not be able to lift her chubby ass on his own but he had to do something. At least get Hunter some form of help, even if he couldn't fix her back he knew that the center's had pain killers and such. Seeing as he had often swiped such things to help other wild pokemon.Sighing he let the Zangoose go and started walking ahead once more.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:56 pm

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    Striaton| |Dawn

    Ophelia was floating mid-air, eyes closed, perfectly still as if she was asleep... Except she wasn't. As a ghost she neither required or wanted sleep, the darkness was in her favour after all. Instead she had quietly observed the others, taking down mental notes so she could write in her book later.

    The ghost's eyes shot open when Taisiel began to cry and she immediately shot a warning flame on the ground before the Lucario. "Do not-" she snarled. "-do not EVER hurt my allies." she warned.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:09 pm

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    Striaton City | Dawn [25]

    "Are you alright? Is what the Lucario said true?" The Leavanny asked, Taisiel threw a glare at her, once she's pissed off, the Mawile will obviously hold onto that grudge. The Deceiving Pokemon stood her ground, expecting a slap back from the Lucario, or something of the sort, but nothing happened. It's as if everyone was defending her, or on her side; "Do not - do not EVER hurt my allies." Ophelia snarled as she threw warning flame on the ground. Despite the tears, Taisiel felt moved by her friend's defense."Taisiel....Taisiel....are you okay....?" She nodded quickly at Hunter, calming down as she took deep breaths, wiping her tears away. The Mawile picked up her gears as she continued to glare at the Lucario (more at its feet though, she didn't want eye contact at all).

    The Mawile gaze at her area, the city seemed to be in ruins just at the sight of torn down houses, wood scattering everywhere along with glass pieces from the broken windows. The Pokecenter seemed to stand out with its red roof, yet the color seemed dull, more battered. Well it has been the home for several undead now, that would make sense. Taisiel pointed at the red-roofed building, dropping the subject of her 'problem' and worrying back to Hunter. It's as if nothing happened for her.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 4:58 am

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    Striaton City|Dawn (4)

    The Mawile shot a glare at Anabella. Was she mad at Ana now? But for what? She was just trying to help. She thought everyone was mad at her for trying to help Taisiel. She got scared when the Chandelure threw a flame on the ground.

    Anabella backed away with tears in her eyes. It was obvious she wasn't wanted in this group. Silently, she stood up and ran away, back to the Dreamyard, crying.


    In the silence of the Dreamyard, Anabella sat down and just cried. Cried because she just wanted to be loved by somebody. Being alone made her want to kill herself. They didn't want her. No one did.

    But she didn't do anything wrong, did she? She couldn't think of anything she did to make everyone not like her. If only Matt was still alive, he would've made it all better. But all she could do was curl up in a ball, cry, and wait for death to reunite her with her family.

    (OoC: Short post, but it's symbolic because it's reflecting my current mood.)

    Last edited by Radiohead97 on Tue May 01, 2012 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added last paragraph)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Jay Wed May 02, 2012 6:02 pm

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    Stration City || Dawn || 3

    The lucario stood in shock, she had just gotten attacked by a Zangoose and bitch slapped by a Mawile. At first she began to think of telling them she was sorry, then the infection came on. I can kill her... no, maybe injure her or scar her... Artemis put her paws to her chin, she thought for a moment once more, she finally came up with an answer.

    Artemis slowly crept towards the group, she new she would ward them away, but she might as well. "Listen, bitch, I got something to tell you." She began speaking towards the Mawile. "Is it my fucking fault that I am infected, is it my fucking fault that I cant control myself? No, it's the stupid pokemon who did this to me! If I hurt you in any way, I'm sorry, ok?" She walked over to a rock and sat down, she was done. Done with life. She wanted to be dead, it would all be over! Yet the more she thought about it, the Zangoose seemed infected, yet... Why her? Why was it always her fucking fault? A song started to play in her head, a happy song, she frowned. I can't enjoy it anymore.

    (ooc: Sorry about the short post, I can't think currently. ;-;)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Tue May 08, 2012 12:54 am

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    Striaton| |Dawn

    "Listen, bitch, I got something to tell you. Is it my fucking fault that I am infected, is it my fucking fault that I cant control myself? No, it's the stupid pokemon who did this to me! If I hurt you in any way, I'm sorry, ok?" Ophelia visibly scowled. "Blaming others for your actions and talking in such a matter will not help your situations," she replied. "And at this time, you seem perfectly capable of controlling yourself. You are able to think and speak clearly. Pointing out facts that shift the blame or make you look pitiful does not better you in any way shape or form, it only makes you look like someone who is merely untrustworthy and undeserving of respect." the Chandelure sighed. "However, I do thank you for apologizing. That was a noble act."

    Her gaze drifted to where the Leavanny had ran off, and Ophelia followed suit. Soon she found the sight of the grass-type sitting on the ground, crying. "Ana...Bella, was it?" she mumbled. "Anabella, a lovely name." a smile graced her lips. "Miss Anabella, I request that you join is back at the group. It was evident you meant no harm, and Taisiel was only frustrated, that's all."

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 09, 2012 6:03 pm

    [Ooc: Skip :'P I don't want to be rushed when I post so just skip me lol]

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 09, 2012 7:14 pm

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    Dreamyard|Dawn (5)

    Anabella looked up to see the Chandelure from earlier. She was suprised. The Ghost type was smiling, "Anabella, a lovely name. Miss Anabella, I request that you join is back at the group. It was evident you meant no harm, and Taisiel was only frustrated, that's all."

    The Leavanny smiled and got up. "I take it she was just mad at the Lucario, then? That's good to hear. What's your name?"

    (Short post. OTL. Don't wanna skip despite writer's block)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Jay Wed May 09, 2012 7:21 pm

    (ooc: I have to skip lol. I'm in a bad mood and can't think of anything, just say Artemis went over to a rock and sat on it[forever aloooooooone.])

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 09, 2012 8:42 pm

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    Dreamyard||Dawn {1}

    The Pidove was simply exhausted from flying so far for so long. Well, not so much far as long-- he'd just come from the next town over. He'd been flying away from an infected... Oh gosh, he didn't even REMEMBER what he was running rum... Finally, he found himself a spot to rest in peace-- No other Pokemon were around from his perspective and CERTAINLY not any of those flesh-eating monsters he'd been chased so long by.

    He landed on a tree quietly, and sat to rest. His breath came in desperate gasps as he filled his lungs with the sweet ambrosia of oxygen they so desperately needed.

    "Blod.... Bloody Hell...." He murmured to himself between breaths. "Those heathens just don't know when to stop!"

    As he said this, he noticed down below him was a Leavanny sobbing. Well, no harm there, just happened to be--

    Oh my. The Chandelure was large and intimidating as it followed the Leavanny out. Archimedes pulled his feathers close to him, should he have to take off again. But for the first time in, Arceus KNOWS how long, he heard normal speech.

    "Ana...Bella, was it? Anabella, a lovely name. Miss Anabella, I request that you join is back at the group. It was evident you meant no harm, and Taisiel was only frustrated, that's all."
    The Chandelure gave what to Archie could only describe as a sinister grin.

    Archie almost craved the attention this Leavanny was receiving and prayed, almost dreamily hoped for someone to speak again. Arceus heard his prayer! The Leavanny stopped crying and had given a smile.

    "I take it she was just mad at the Lucario, then? That's good to hear. What's your name?"

    Pokemon! Normal Pokemon that had no intention of harm! But as much as he'd like to, he couldn't simply go UP to them! 'Cheerio! I'm desperate for attention, and you don't want to kill me! Could you-- um, that is would you kindly--' Nonono. That simply would NOT work out. Instead, he gave a strained flap of his wings and landed a bit closer to the conversation so he could better intake the presence of others who didn't want to kill him, let alone even know he was there.

    ((OOC: Orzz, Long post is long. WANTA MAKE GOOD IMPRESHUNS))

    Last edited by CelestialSeren on Wed May 09, 2012 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added infoz because it didn't make sense otherwise :U)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Sun May 13, 2012 2:28 am

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    Striaton| |Dawn

    "I take it she was just mad at the Lucario, then? That's good to hear. What's your name?" Ophelia gave a gentle nod. "My name is Ophelia, it's a pleasure to be of your acquaintance." she murmurs her introduction, as the ghost feels the presence of another. Her purple flames gingerly burn letters into the crumpled pages of her book, the weak scent of smoke lingering in the stagnant air.

    Then the presence came nearer, a small Pidove who hopped towards them, and Ophelia could only tilt her head in mild curiosity. Where had this bird come from? Perhaps there were more survivors than she thought? Pushing questions aside the Chandelure offered her name to the newcomer. "Greetings, my name is Ophelia. What is yours?" she awaits the pigeon's reply, eyeing the red patch on his chest. Is that... Blood?

    [OOC: Sorry for late post, was stalling for Ember because she just posted to come out of SH but I realized I would get a death now. OTL]

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 8:18 pm

    (Skip again, apologies)

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 1:20 pm

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    Dreamyard|Dawn (6)

    "My name is Ophelia, it's a pleasure to be of your acquaintance." the Chandelure said. Anabella nodded and smiled. It seemed like she had completely forgotten about what made her so upset earlier. This was just a Chandelure who was defending her friend earlier. Mentally, the Leavanny looked back on the incident and chuckled at it.

    Her attention soon became fixated on a Pidove that was nearby. Ophelia introduced herself to the bird. It was only polite that Anabella did the same too. "Yes, my name is Anabella." Both of them apparently were eyeing the red patch on the bird's chest. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, she couldn't. "Oh my, are you alright?"

    (OoC: Thank you Sep for giving me advice on how I could improve my posts!)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Jay Tue May 15, 2012 2:15 pm

    (Skip OTL.)

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 3:16 pm

    ((OOC: Computers at school are dumb and can't read imaged, so no image you guys! ^^; ))


    And suddenly, the two Pokemon had turned and discovered him. Wasn't he hidden? The flames of the Chandelure lit his face as it spoke to him. "Greetings, my name is Ophelia. What is yours?" Oh boy, now it was talking to him. 'Don't panic Archie, don't panic! They're normal pokemon like yourself! They only want to talk!'

    The Leavanny chimed in too. "Yes, my name is Anabella." Archimedes gave a nervous chirp to clear his throat before speaking.

    "I-I-I'm Archimedes... Or Archie, if that's easier, whichever you prefer! I don't mind either way," he stammered giving a grin. And then came the inevitable question: "Oh my, are you alright?"

    "Yes, I'll have you know that this is nothing more than a marking! Strange though, as my mother never had it nor my father. Maybe I got it from my father; him being a Chatot, mind you. Pardon me-- I tend to ramble, it's... It's an inherited trait."

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