Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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14 posters

    The DREAMYARD Team


    Age : 29
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:52 am

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    Dreamyard|Evening (3)

    Awwwww now they're all leaving.

    The unown slumps, dejected.

    Then it has an idea, it lightly stings the hide of the big red pokemon with it's Hidden Power.

    "I bet you can't catch me~!"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:04 am

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    DreamYard || Evening [3]

    Relieved, the zangoose had let him be and instead skulked away to direct her anger at the recently appeared rhyhorn. The darmanitan watched silently, resisting the urge to take a seat whilst the survivors gradually disbanded. The mawile had fled, seeking comfort in a purple light in the distance – from where he stood, Red could hardly make out that it was in fact a pokémon. He sighed, tempted to simply vanish and continue his journey in solitude, but something held him back. Maybe by some slim chance they’d seen his kids? If he left now not having found out, he’d never forgive himself. Plus, he figured he ought to apologise for barging in on them.

    "I bet you can't catch me~!”

    Taking a step forward, intending to cautiously approach the group once more; the ape suddenly felt a sharp pricking sensation on his hide. He jumped, emitting a slightly strangled whine as he spun around to locate the source. His large eyes soon fell onto the same, strange symbol floating about the area. He frowned, tilting his head to one side. He’d never seen a creature like it, and whilst he caught the faint scent of death in the air, the thing didn’t look like it could do much damage. He watched the unown for a moment, a slight smile on his lips. It had spoken like a child – exactly something one of his boys would have blurted out.
    “Hmph, really?” Red chuckled, suddenly reaching a paw out to the unown, deliberately missing. He had no idea how the old the creature might be, but the opportunity for a game brought memories of the past flooding back and the father couldn’t resist. Oh, how he missed his kids.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:04 am

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    Something inside Hunter suddenly snapped, everyone around was too close. "TOO CLOSE GET AWAY FROM HERE!" Hunter hisses loudly. Then with no warning she attacked Taisiel with a Quick Attack. Her empty eye sockets glowing pale crimson. Hunter had never felt such anger and hate towards another creature before but this rage, this hatred she felt right this moment felt refreshing.

    Hunter felt as if she could almost taste the blood of the Mawile as she charged at her. Of course this place was filled with blood but Taisiel's blood seemed to stand out more even if she wasn't bleeding. Hunter didn't even care that she would never be sane or happy again, she just wanted blood.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:45 pm

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    Taisiel had come rushing to her, tugging at one of her metal arms and writing on the ground. 'Comfort. I want Comfort.' Surprised, but understanding, Ophelia wrapped her long arms around the Mawile gently, murmuring. "Shhh... It's alright. I'm here." Her round, yellow eyes carefully watched the bushes in front of them. They began to rustle...

    "TOO CLOSE GET AWAY FROM HERE!" It was Hunter. The Zangoose. The Chandelure's arms stiffened with rage. The Arceus-damned thing was charging at the Mawile with a quick attack. She knew she couldn't trust this Pokemon, she knew it. Her arms curled around Taisiel tighter, more protectively as she breathed a hot Inferno towards the Zangoose.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:59 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [13]

    Ophelia responded to the Mawile, wrapping her long arms around the Mute Pokemon, "Shhh... It's alright. I'm here." Oh how much Tasiel wanted to cry, as soon as tears began to form, the bushes behind her rustled, showing Hunter, ready to attack the Steel-type, "TOO CLOSE GET AWAY FROM HERE!" The Fire/Ghost-type wrapped her arms tighter around the Hoenn Pokemon, who simply cowered in fear, 'Why Hunter?' She thought terrifyingly, not that she wrote that down, there's no time to write down her thoughts!

    She wished she had a voice, the flying lantern blew down fire toward the Zangoose, Taisiel wishing she could just try to calm everyone down.

    [Ooc: Sorry for short post .u. I have no idea what to say lol]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:39 am

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    Hunter hissed and snarled, her fur mildly singed by the oncoming attack as she was hit over the head with something similar to a stick. But before the Zangoose could investigate the newcomer she noticed the psychic type nearby. It had remained docile for the last several minutes. Hunter disliked the idea of a creature hovering about as if analyzing the situation. As if it were to attack her or the others without hesitation once the weaknesses were pin pointed.

    Hunter instantly turned herself on the Uknown. With a loud series of loud growls and hissing sounds Hunter pounced upon the creature with her Quick Attack. She refused to allow this thing to exist in her presence any longer. With a sickening crack Hunter twisted the body of the Uknown. He was dead but she had not yet finished.

    For several moments after the death of the Uknown, Hunter clawed at the corpse on the ground.Blood and small sinews flew about in a flurry as the Zangoose clawed at the Uknown who's name was unknown to her. Before finally lifting up the mangled corpse of the dead pokemon and ingesting it whole. Then her empty eyes turned on the newcomer. "Who. Are. You?" Hunter asked, well more like demanded in a harsh raspy voice.


    When the bold and adventurous Farfetch'd heard the commotion below he became instantly curious. Peeking through the decayed leaves of the trees he noticed a fight.'A perfect opportunity to introduce myself.' He thought for a moment before leaping down from his perch. "FOOLISH FOOL!"Excalibur shouted out before promptly falling into an Acrobatic maneuver and smacking the infected Zangoose to the ground and out of harms way.

    Instead however of being thanked for his task, he was ignored. The Zangoose whom he had just saved had turned on another. Angry about the lack of manners, Excalibur almost wanted to give the Zangoose a lecture but that would have to wait. As he watched the insane beast tear the other pokemon to shreds he felt bile rise in his throat shortly before vomiting profusely.

    (Quest is now dead. Permission was granted by Mewtwo to act as a stand in for the Harbinger. Please skip my next turn. Luteshi you are to post after me.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:40 pm

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    Ophelia could only watch, emotionless, as Hunter attacked and killed the Unown. She looked down to the Mawile, her voice commanding and clear. "Taisiel, run, now." she ordered, motioning to the trees. "I'll meet up with you later, everything's going to be okay." she murmured, ocasionally looking back at Hunter, who was seemingly attacked by a Farfetch'd.

    The Chandelure stood her ground, fire blazing as she carefully watched them. Then... The bird vomited? "Who are you?" she warily asked the leek-holding avian.

    Posts : 2653

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Lugia Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:07 am

    (Anyone may kill Kaze's character, as it is marked for a Harb attack. It's been difficult to get a Harb on.)


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:13 am

    (It was already done by Gamzee yesterday, Lugia. Don't worry about it.

    The team may continue)


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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:34 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [14]

    The Mawile gagged as the Zangoose pounced onto the Unown, Taisiel burying her face, not wanting to watch a bit. Hearing the growls, snarls, and sounds of slashing, it made her just want to throw up her morning berries. "Taisiel, run, now." Ophelia's voice broke the Steel-type's thoughts, Taisiel glanced up with tears forming in her eyes. The flying lantern motioned toward the trees, "I'll meet up with you later, everything's going to be okay." The sound was so reassuring, the Mawile stared at the ground a bit, how could she dare abandon Ophelia? It was like abandoning a mother that is condemned to death. Taisiel gave a small nod nonetheless, jogging towards the trees. As she glanced back, she noted how a Farfetch'd appeared, vomiting at Hunter's kill.

    The Mawile didn't want to look back anymore, however, she stopped midway from her appointed destination which was a stone about a couple of feet away from her. Taisiel felt a pang of realization hit her, she forgot the machine parts she collected earlier! It was that, or her life, but really, she wanted to build something. With worried eyes she glanced back, though she just promised herself she wouldn't, the sight of Ophelia with the others too far to even make out details.

    Gulping down her fear, Taisiel simply went at a slower pace of jogging as she went back, only to end up hiding behind several trees as she watched the group, mostly eyeing the machine parts she dropped several times. The Mawile hoped to get her hands on those soon, she must build something. She must. For Hunter's trainer... The Steel-type frowned as she felt tears drop from her eyes, wiping them away.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:42 am

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    [OOC: Gamzee asked to be skipped in her harbie post.]

    Thankfully Taisiel had obey, jogging off into the thick brush of trees. She would be safe there, Ophelia thought. I'll go and meet her later. Hey golden yellow eyes rested upon the Zangoose and Farfetch'd, before glancing at the scattered metal scraps and gears on the ground. Wasn't Taisiel collecting those? She must've dropped them earlier.

    Book in one hand, she used her other to gently pick up a single gear, making sure it won't fall. With arms like these she could only hold so little, but she kept a good grip on the single gear, her violet flames giving a purple reflection to the metal. Slowly she used her Telekinesis, making all the metal and gears slowly rise from the ground and hover mid-air. A smile formed on her mouth as she slowly began to float backwards from the duo, closer and closer to the trees.

    The Chandelure began to slowly merge with the darkness the trees gave, backing deeper and deeper into the forest slowly, as if the flora was consuming her. A grin played on her lips as Ophelia vanished into the dark bushes, her eyes giving a faint yellow glow before fading away. "Taisiel? Where are you?" she murmured softly.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:58 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [15]

    Taisiel watched as Ophelia picked up a metal gear, hope rising within the Mawile, was the flying lantern reading her thoughts or something? Probably just out of kindness, Taisiel never really had anyone do that for her! She didn't know how, but the Chandelure also made the other gears float with her magic powers! That was so badass. "Taisiel? Where are you?" Ophelia murmured, disappearing with the trees to the right of the Mawile. The Steel-type wanted to yell out that she was here, but the lack of vocal chords left Taisiel frowning at herself. As she glanced up at Ophelia's direction, the flying lantern disappeared among the flora.

    As the Deceiving Pokemon pushed the pushes out of her way and toward Ophelia's direction, she grabbed up a couple of broken branches off the ground, breaking them even more to get some sound out. Crack! Crack! A signal to the Ghost/Fire dual type that the Mawile was here. She grabbed a couple of more branches, making her way towards the huge grey-blue rock she saw earlier, snapping the branches along her way.

    It was a stupid plan really, she attracted undead. Unaware of this, the undead that Taisiel had attracted simply hid in the trees waiting for the perfect time to strike.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:11 pm

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    Hunter gasped with realization when her mind finally came back to her. Not only had she attacked her friend, she had killed someone, even if that someone was like her. She never wanted this, as tears fell down her face, her body shuddered violently. Hunters guilt gnawed at her like a Houndour gnawing on a bone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it, it's not my fault."She wailed.

    Hunter knew she was no longer trust worthy, nor did the others wish to remain around her, so she sat down on the ground and cried. The silent sobs that barely escaped her lips her only reminder that she was not completely dead yet. She hated this thing she had become, this monster. 'How could anyone believe this to be the way to the future?' Hunter thought in agony. The very idea of the infection becoming a new way of life made the mongoose pokemon cringe.


    Excalibur smiled and nodded at the levitating ghost. "Why I am Excalibur, my legend is one of crucial importance."The Farfatch'd said in an egotistic manner. Of course he tended to be rather full of himself, after all he was a very important figurehead among the other pokemon. Even if they all thought of him in low regards. That did not matter, what mattered was that he was sure of himself.

    "And what might your name be?" Excalibur inquired. He knew very little about this region and its inhabitants but that would have to change quickly now that he has found other living. Though he could have sworn he saw a Mawile with the group only seconds before. She must have fled because of the others outburst no doubt. Excalibur did not seem to care though. He was to busy focusing on the others around him.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:14 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [16]

    The woods began to send creeps up Taisiel's spine, the Mawile cringing every now and then. The Deceiving Pokemon glanced at the trees and bushes, feeling as if being watched. Back over in Hunter's direction, Taisiel thought she heard crying from the Zangoose. She frowned, feeling herself wanting to run back there, give the hoodied Pokemon a great ol' hug. But of course she couldn't. Hunter was out of control earlier, attempted to attack the Mawile.
    Shouldn't she still get a chance?
    Taisiel looked quickly from side to side, Ophelia wouldn't mind of the Mawile went back for a bit right?

    Making her way, the Mawile followed the familiar looking concrete with metal gears that once scattered the floor, already finding Hunter sobbing uncontrollably, along with the Farfetch'd... Well just being a Farfetch'd she guessed.
    Ready to snap a branch, an Undead Audino pounced out of nowhere, slamming Taisiel against the concrete. The sound of the Mawile's face meeting the cold, rocky floor was probably loud enough for Hunter and that bird Pokemon to hear. The Deceiving Pokemon felt horrified as she clawed the ground, attempting to get away from the Undead, also trying to catch the attention of her dear friend.

    All she did was hope that everything would go alright in the end.

    Age : 28
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:50 pm

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    Hunter felt the sting of her tears, each one a reminder of how much of a monster she was."I'm a monster. The very thing I despise...."Hunter said, her voice raspy and harsh. Then she heard a loud thud as the smell of fresh rotten blood assailed her nostrils. That familiar metallic smell that Hunter knew as Taisiel was nearby as well. Hunter took a moment to deduce what had happened and screeched loudly in rage. Taisiel was her friend, the first one she had in a long while and she would be damned if the Mawile died here.

    Using her amplified senses Hunter ran about looking for the Mawile before the Farfetch'd from before pushed her in the direction that she needed to go. Hunter could not understand why but when her claws grasped something soft, almost too soft to be alive. Hunter put her foot against the infected beast and pulled at the arms, listening as they broke away from the body each with a sickening pop.

    Hunter smiled at this, as the Audino screeched in rage. The loss of its arms had not made it powerless however, It retaliated with an attack of its own, blasting Hunter back into a tree with a well aimed, almost super charged Take Down. Hunter grunted as her back cracked against the hard wood of the dead tree. Hissing, Hunter got right back up despite the pain in her back and aimed to attack the other Undead with a Night Slash but was intercepted by the Farfetch'd."WHY!"Hunter screeched in anguish. That was twice now that the pesky bird had stopped her assault.


    Excalibur watched silently, as if waiting. When he watched the blind crying Zangoose attempt to get to the Mawile to protect it he pushed her gently in the right direction. Then watched as the Zangoose viciously tore the Audino's arms off its body before being rammed into a tree by the same Audino. The sound of cracking bones in the Zangoose worried Excalibur, as he knew that Hunter was not entirely a threat he stopped her from attacking."WHY!" was the Zangoose's response to his action.

    "Foolish fool. You are injured. Rest, I will handle this." Excalibur answered before taking a fighting stance. He made a taunting sort of motion with his Stick and awaited the attack of the Audino. When the Undead charged him, Excalibur leaped into the air and came back down landing on the Audino's head, the point of his beak burying itself in the back of it's skull. Although the Undead was now dead, Excalibur was stuck.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:12 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [17]

    Taisiel felt the weight of the Undead Audino get off of her, blinking open her eyes, in her amazement, was Hunter! Along with the Farfetch'd, the Mawile should really introduce herself late- Wait, now's not the time to think of such things! As Taisiel shook the grogginess out of her head, standing immediately back up before the hoodied Zangoose pulled the arms off the Undead, whom quickly retaliated with a Take Down. As soon as Hunter hit the tree, the Deceiving Pokemon covered her mouth in horror, her friend now hurt!

    Quickly glancing around, she noticed a bush of Sitrus berries not to far from her place. Thankful to Arceus, Taisiel grabbed a handful of berries before running back over to the group, noticing how the Farfetch'd... Just stabbed his beak into the Audino's skull? Pretty disgusting, he better wash it off, otherwise he's screwed too. The Deceiving Pokemon padded over to the bird Pokemon, giving him a slight pat on the back before glancing at Hunter. As she placed the berries nearby, making sure they won't get squished in a near future, Taisiel motioned Hunter to help the Farfetch'd out, holding onto the Audino so that the bird wouldn't have to drag it everywhere with him.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:34 pm

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    Hunter sighed, at least her friend was safe. With a small tug, Hunter yanked the Farfetch'ds beak out of the Undead''s skull and tossed him at a nearby stream. Hopefully the bird would get the hint and clean up unless he wanted to end up like herself. Then Hunter collapsed, pain shooting up her back as she screeched in pain.

    "My...My back..."Hunter whimpered harshly. She could tell it was fractured, possibly even broken. It would have been a miracle if she survived though, even as an infected she was still vulnerable to broken limbs and the pain that came with it. Only as a completely mindless zombie would she get rid of pain, but pain was good. Pain to Hunter meant she was still clinging to her life. If only by a small thread.


    Excalibur screamed as he was tossed through the air and into a stream. He knew he needed to clean up but they didn't need to throw him. With a defeated sigh, Excalibur washed off his beak and rinsed his mouth. Ignoring the screams of the Zangoose."Sheesh, she is sure noisy."He said to himself as he scouted for some food.


    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:35 am

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    DreamYard | Evening [18]

    As Hunter and Taisiel gave a small tug at the Farfetch'd, the bird Pokemon flying out of the sky - the Mawile though she saw him do a Three-sixty! - And into a nearby stream. The Zangoose must be hinting about cleaning off the blood. As the Deceiving Pokemon finally caught breath - well a lot has happened today, what do you expect? - her hoodied friend gave a loud shriek that pierced the air as the Hoenn-native collapsed. The Steel-type ran over to the Sitrus berries, already handing them to Hunter. "My...My back..." Hunter whined, Tasiel frowned. Oh HELL to the fucking no. She is NOT going to go try nurse mode on the Zangoose. The Mawile failed terribly in medical situations, and obviously, this is going to be tricky.

    "Sheesh, she is sure noisy." The Farfetch'd said, finished with his cleaning. Taisiel threw a small glare at him, but let out a heavy sigh afterwards. Getting down on her knees as she wrote down the familiar words on the dirt, 'What's your name? I'm Taisiel. Do you know anything for broken backs?' She was quick at this, but her handwriting was quite a mess. The Deceiving gave herself a mental facepalm at this fail, but nonetheless hoped it was eligible, AND the damn Pokemon could freakin' read.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:11 am

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    Hunter shivered weakly, her entire body was burning but the cold air of the night chilled the Zangoose to the bone. Each breath of freezing air Hunter took made her let out a small gasp, that attack had been stronger than expected. Even Hunter had her limit and this was it. With a final attempt to move the Mongoose pokemon passed out.

    'In her dream Hunter was running, she was unsure if she was fleeing or chasing. She was just running through blackness with no end in sight. After a while Hunter realized she was crying. The warm wetness of tears soaking into her blood matted fur caused her to shiver. She was crying because her trainer was gone, and it was her fault.'


    Excalibur squinted at the Mawile as she scrawled something in the dirt. When he examined it he could only make out that it was meant to be a sort of communication. Sadly he could not read much and the writing was already very messy. The longer he studied the words and letters the more trouble he had making out what it said."I'm Excalibur, I'd tell you about my legend but we don't have much time. Your friend here is badly hurt. Maybe if we went into town and went to the Pokemon Center there we could treat her. Even if we have to scavenge the houses for the right supplies."Excalibur said quietly.

    He did not wish to transport the undead but what choice did he have. Especially if he wished to stay on the Mawile's good side. Come to think of it, he didn't even know her name or why she wrote in the dirt instead of speaking directly to him. Perhaps she was as afraid as he was of attracting more infected, but the behavior suggested something else. Either way he would concern himself with it later, he needed to hide the Zangoose until morning when it would be safe to travel again.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:48 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [19]

    Within a couple of heartbeats, Hunter passed out, Taisiel gave a worried frown, flickering her gaze from the Farfetch'd and the Mongoose Pokemon, "I'm Excalibur, I'd tell you about my legend but we don't have much time. Your friend here is badly hurt. Maybe if we went into town and went to the Pokemon Center there we could treat her. Even if we have to scavenge the houses for the right supplies."... Town? This left Taisiel smiling actually, a chance for her to gather some parts. She gave a quick nod wanting to go.

    That was when she paused, but what about Ophelia? She turned her head to the trees, giving a small smile, the Chandelure would understand that it would be for a friend. Right?... That's when it strike her, realization hitting her like a bullet. She gave a tug at Excalibur's feather, pointing at the trees, 'There's a friend nearby,'
    At the very direction she was pointing, out came her flying lantern friend, she gave no feelings whatsoever. Taisiel wondered if Ophelia went back to trusting Hunter, but nonetheless pushed the thought away, motioning for the Chandelure to levitate the Zangoose just as she did earlier and with the gears.

    When Ophelia handed the Mawile the gears, the Deceiving Pokemon held them against her chest, as if her life depended on it. She gazed at the Farfetch'd, as if asking him to lead the way while the Ghost/Fire dual-type carefully levitated the Normal-type.

    [Ooc: Had permission from Lute to control Ophelia a bit 8v]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:41 am

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    Excalibur nodded gently at the floating ghost lantern."Alright, follow me. I passed a town on the way in. I think the town's name is Striaton City but I'm not to sure. Either way it's got a Poke Center so lets get a move on." The Wild Duck Pokemon said in a slightly demanding manner. With a quick twirl of his Stick he headed off in the direction that he had entered the Dreamyard from. While he walked, Excalibur looked out for signs of infected ready to attack them but did not see any.

    "So far it's safe."Excalibur called to the group quietly. He only hoped that he was heard as he had walked fairly far ahead to clear the way. He did not understand however what it was that was driving him into helping the Zangoose and her friends without a form of compensation. He would rectify that matter later perhaps. Right now his main priority was getting the others safely into town.


    Hunter twitched and struggled while she slept. Her dreams obviously having some sort of meaning in the real world. Sometimes she would look happy, other times she would look as if she was dying. Like all she had known was being torn away from her. It hurt to remember but it hurt more to let go. The pain of her past mistakes plagued her dreams like the infection plagued the land.

    'Hunter smiled as she looked up at the new world from the shell of her egg. The first thing she saw was her trainer, what was his name again? She had almost forgot the name of her trainer. Almost forgotten the name Darian. As she looked up Darian looked down and smiled kindly. The warmest smile Hunter had ever seen. The image opened his mouth but no words came out. Slowly as he talked and talked a black vapor began to leak from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

    Frightened, Hunter panicked. "IS THIS WAS I AM? IS THIS WHAT I AM BECOMING?" She screeched silently within the dream, as no one could hear is outside. She was alone, trapped in her mind with something that looked like Darian, but wasn't him. This is why Hunter stopped sleeping, why she visited the gravesite each day at a certain time. She hoped that the dreams would go away but thus far no luck. Then the dream faded to black once more.'

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:11 pm

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    DreamYard | Midnight [20]

    "Alright, follow me. I passed a town on the way in. I think the town's name is Striaton City but I'm not to sure. Either way it's got a Poke Center so lets get a move on." Excalibur nodded, the tone was a bit demanding, but Taisiel didn't mind, as long as Hunter is fine in the end, she'll go through whatever it takes just to do that. As Opehlia followed closely behind with the hoodied Zangoose, and Taisiel glancing every now and then to check. The Farfetch'd was quite good at leading, so far no Undead, "So far it's safe." Yes Excalibur, that's just what the Mawile thought.

    Hunter seemingly also twitched and struggled a lot as she slept, the Deceiving Pokemon handing her worried eye, she felt so helpless, yet she knows that the Hoenn-native must bear through it. Taisiel had hope in Hunter, she can make it till the City... The Mawile yawned, feeling herself tire, of course, it's evening, a lot has happened, she was able to eat her daily course of meals thankfully, and meet new friends. She frowned at the thought of wanting to sleep, could they? The Mawile tapped the Farfetch'd shoulders, putting her eyes to close as she rested her head on her hands, making the motion of seeing if it's alright to sleep.

    Because she was that worried of Hunter.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:33 am

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    Excalibur sighed. He was tired, and by the Mawile's gestures it appeared she was as well. "Yes, we can stop and rest. It would be safer to travel by day anyway."Excalibur said softly. With a gentle pat on the Mawiles head Excalibur began to clear away the debris on the ground. At the same time he picked up many large rocks, branches and leaves. Weaving all this together he made a makeshift lean-to and a small fire pit.

    "Hey, Miss Ghostie Lanturn. Could you be kind enough to start a fire?"Excalibur asked, strangely enough he was being polite. At least for now. When all this was over he would most likely go back to calling them all foolish fools. Of course that was polite to Excalibur, seeing as everyone was below him. After setting up and heading into the safety of the lean-to, Excalibur began to doze off.

    (OoC-Since Hunter will be out for a while I won't be posting as her. Unless I post dream segments.)

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:26 am

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    DreamYard | Midnight [21]

    "Yes, we can stop and rest. It would be safer to travel by day anyway." Excalibur said, patting Taisiel's head, he put together a make-shift lean-to and a little pithole. The Mawile was amazed at how much little time it took. As she glanced at Ophelia, the flying lantern handed her the gears, the Deceiving Pokemon's eyes began to sparkle, hugging the arm of the Chandelure. She sat down with her back up against the wall. As Taisiel observed the gears, it was a bit difficult seeing with only just the moonlight helping her.

    "Hey, Miss Ghostie Lanturn. Could you be kind enough to start a fire?" The Farfetch'd ask, perfect timing, the Mawile could really use some light! She glanced over at the Chandelure, who seemed hesitant about putting down a fire, as she did so, she made the fire small enough so that they wouldn't be spotted from the distance. Taisiel gave a thankful nod, staring at the gears, some parts being embedded by dirt and mud, but the Steel-type simply wiped them away, holding onto the gears close. Wondering what she could make out of them.

    [Ooc: Once again, permission to control Ophelia a bit :v Also, Gamz, should we do a time skip since they're about to fall asleep or what?]

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:33 pm

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    Excalibur lay half asleep under the lean-to and listen to the sound of the fire crackle. He was not used to sleeping on the ground. Though the idea of sleeping away from the fire made Excalibur cringe a bit. Instead he nestled into the pile of leaves he had made a small bed from and tried to sleep again.


    'Hunters eyes flashed in the dark as she examined the small room she was in. It reminded her of being inside a pokeball, but less comforting. The Mongoose Pokemon tried to stand up only to find she was chained to the ground. Hunter screeched but no one heard. Hunter struggled and thrashed as she attempted to break free of the chains but with little to no success.

    Then small dark figures started appearing. Each one would stab her with a small spear before dissolving into a dark sticky liquid and entering her blood stream. They were infecting her with their poisons. Hunter could feel the effects of the infection sinking into her mind all over again. The infection that made her break free of her prison and kill her trainer. At this thought Hunter began to claw at her face, her eyes trying to blind herself.'

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