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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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14 posters

    The DREAMYARD Team


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:19 am

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    Hunter hissed, stopped in mid attack. She heard Ophelia say something but her own hissing and growling made it hard for hear the words, though she could make out a few.With an angry but agreeing growl Hunter stared(well looked in her general direction with an angry scowl) at Ophelia, her arms folded in a displeased manner. Hunters stomach growled while she hovered in the air, looking very pissed off.

    "Put me down.Now."Hunter growled. Her eyeless sockets seemed to give off a faint red glow as she glowered. She didn't have time to play these silly games.It was almost completely dark, and she needed to hunt still, as well as visit her trainers grave. Hunter wasn't known for her patience with others either, more often than not she would kill someone that took too long to respond.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:38 pm

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    Dreamyard| |Early Evening

    "Ah, thank you, Ophelia..." Ophelia nodded. "Apologizes for my friend's behavior." She turned back to Hunter, who growled. "Put me down. Now." The Chandelure dropped the Zangoose back onto the ground. "Just don't harm anyone unless they mean harm to us..." she murmured, looking around. Suddenly, another Pokemon came out from the bushes and approached the Mawile, speaking. "Hello dear girl. It is a pleasure to meet you and your friends. My name is Rhyder and I mean no harm." The ghost-type quickly jot some notes down before swinging her arm dangerously close to the Rhyhorn's face, the flames burning and charging up an Inferno.

    "Excuse me sir," she began. "But if you're going to introduce yourself to everyone, it's rude to bow to one specific Pokemon. I also am highly skeptical to your claim of no harm, especially when you were apparently spying on us from the bushes and seem to only be interested in Taisiel." Ophelia glared at the newcomer, flexing her hands.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:51 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [8]

    "It's okay, I won't hurt you." The Luxio said reassuringly, Taisiel just gave a faint nod, hiding behind Ophelia, she would have went behind Hunter, but Ophelia can tell who's good and who's bad distinctively. The Mawile wrote on the ground her name next to Ophelia, 'Taisiel', she half-wondered if the Luxio noticed it, the other half wondering if the Electric type was aware of Taisiel's disability.

    "I've seen that Mawile before." The Mawile glanced back at the source of the new voice, she scratched her head as she saw nothing. Taisiel wanted to tell more of herself, but got too caught up on noticing how gears, screws, and pretty much anything people would consider 'junk' were all littered all over the floor. She picked each one of them up gingerly, and making a pile next to Ophelia.

    'Build', she wrote on the ground, next to her name. She picked up two gears, similar in shape, but completely different sizes. Comparing the two, and seeing how they could combine to make a great invention. Though Taisiel is just using common sense, not some Science ways, with their chemical compounds, and shit.

    "Hello dear girl. It is a pleasure to meet you and your friends. My name is Rhyder and I mean no harm." A gruff voice came from behind, Taisiel whirled around, once again, dropping the gears. Which made a loud clanking sound. She flinched, picking them up again, rustles from the bushes nearby made her heart thump against her chest.

    She moved her attention from the gears to the owner of the voice, which was a Rhydon, Taisiel saw them often near Mt. Coronet. The Mawile was a bit frightened at the arrival of many new guests, she stayed hidden behind Ophelia. If she had her vocal chords, she would be whimpering a bit.

    Ophelia gave a warning at Rhyder, however, "Excuse me sir," she began. "But if you're going to introduce yourself to everyone, it's rude to bow to one specific Pokemon. I also am highly skeptical to your claim of no harm, especially when you were apparently spying on us from the bushes and seem to only be interested in Taisiel." Taisiel grimaced, she never really noticed how he was noticing only her, nor was she wanting to be in the center of attention. She gave a tug at Ophelia's arm, wondering if he was okay to be around with.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:13 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening

    Rhyder huffed as the Chandelure moved her arm in front of his face and charged a Inferno. He just sighed and turned to face the Chandelure. Yes, excuse me then. I did not mean to be rude in anyway. Rhyder said as he bowed his head to each and everyone. Then he watched as the Mawile hid behind the Chandelure.

    Also, I was not hiding per say. I was really watching and waiting. You can never be to caution in this time of death. Rhyder said as he layed down on his belly and eyed the Mawile. He keep getting that feeling. A feeling of, "I've meet you somewhere before." Yet he could not tell if it was really or not. He just sighed and shook his head. Ladies, would you all like something to eat? I have a few berry's in a hidden spot that I can share if you want? Rhyder asked as he sat up.

    The Mawile was still hiding and really, that worried him. His expression turned even softer as he spoke to the Mawile, My dear. There is no reason to hide any longer. What I said earlier was the truth. I mean no harm to you and your friends. The Rhyhorn said as his face slowly morphed into a somewhat shy smile.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Feb 08, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Hunter growled, and stomped off, this place was getting to crowded for her. Stepping blindly over stones and through the grass in a slight run, Hunter's face twisted into an angry frown. Though as she grew nearer to her trainers resting place, her expression changed into one of sorrow and pain.

    Stepping next to the make shift grave, Hunter stared down at it blankly. Hunter kicked around a bit, looking for the makeshift marker she had made, just to be sure she was where she wanted to be. Sure enough it was there, but it had been knocked down, though that wasn't unusual. Setting it back up as best she could with no sight, tears began to fall from her eyeless sockets.

    Sitting down on the ground Hunter sobbed weakly, though she was loosing her sanity to the infection the Zangoose had her lapses in which she would remember. This was one of those moments, after all she wasn't quite undead yet.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:42 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [9]

    "Yes, excuse me then. I did not mean to be rude in anyway." Rhyder bowed to everyone, the Mawile stayed behind Ophelia, who gave no reaction whatsoever. She glanced at Hunter, who gave a low growl, Taisiel moved her attention back to the gears, thanking Arceus above that no one touched it.

    When she flickered her gaze back to the Rhydon, who's now in her face, she startled, falling backwards, "There is no reason to hide any longer. What I said earlier was the truth. I mean no harm to you and your friends" He gave a shy smile. The Mawile gave a small smile, but then stuck out her tongue, childish was Taisiel's actions, but she wanted to give a clear message, 'Just because you got on my good side doesn't mean you can do anything as you wish!'

    Taisiel got away from the behind of Ophelia, picking up the gears she had dropped so often. The Deceiving Pokemon gave a worried glance at Hunter's direction, wondering if the Zangoose was doing all right. She switched her attention from Rhyder to the direction of Hunter, wondering if she should do something.

    With a heavy sigh, Taisiel scratched her head, deciding to follow Hunter's trail, but gave a glare at the Rhydon to not follow the Mawile. A huff came through her nose as she walked off, toward the direction of her new friend. She sniffed the area as she walked, wondering if she was any closer to Hunter.

    Sobs could be heard within a good distance, the Mawile flinched, it seemed the tone sounded like it could Hunter's, she quietly went through the grass, trying her best not to frighten her friend.
    Taisiel saw it, her friend, standing. She came up behind Hunter - hesitantly - she gave a tug at the Zangoose's hoodie, giving a pat on the back.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:00 pm

    (OOC: please skip my turn.)

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:24 pm

    [OOC: Skip.]

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:43 pm

    [Ooc: Skip ^^; Waiting for reaction]

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:42 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening

    The Mawile stuck out her tongue and then followed the Zangoose. Rhyder just laughed. Girl's got spunk. I'll give her that. Rhyder said as he went back into the bush and started to sniff the ground. Now, I know those berries are here somewhere. The Rhyhorn thought as he started to dig. Soon he came up on some berries. He sighed and gathered the berries up.

    Before he could do anything more he heard a hiss. He looked up and found a infected Purrloin looking at him. He huffed as the feline jumped on his back and started to use Fury Swipes, but it hardly did anything. As the feline continued to claw his back, Rhyder's horn started to spark and soon he and the Purrloin were covered in sparks as Rhyder used Thunderbolt. The feline screeched in pain. The Rhyhorn huffed as he tossed the Purrloin off his back and aimed a Flamethrower at it's face.

    The Purrloin was slowly burned, as Rhyder aimed a final Dragon Rush. Which crushed the felines head, finally killing it. He looked at the undead's body and remembered the Zangoose. She was undead, so maybe she'll enjoy this pokemon body. Rhyder picked up the berries and the Purrloin's body just as he spoke, Hope she'll like this. The Rhyhorn said as he started back for the group.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:23 am

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    Hunter whipped around when she felt something touching her. Tilting her head and giving a light sniff towards the Mawile. She could tell be scent alone who was here."Taisiel."The Zangoose said quietly. Hunter did not expect an answer, she just wanted to let the small pokemon know that she knew who was here and approved of her.

    Turning her head back she continued to cry softly, her tears falling on the dirt. It would seem as though she would have to be dragged back to the others else she stay here and cry. Though reluctantly she offered her hand to the Mawile, hoping she would lead the way back.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:11 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [10]

    Hunter reacted immediately upon touch, whipping around, with a quick sniff, she murmured Taisiel's name, as if now noticing the Mawile's presence, approving of it. Before the little Mawile could do anything, the Zangoose just turned her head back to the little grave, crying softly. The Mawile frowned, she was like this too when her parents died, though she didn't really know who's under the ground now. She continued to pat Hunter on the back with a worried face, she really didn't know how to handle situations such as this.

    Now that she thought about it, what about Ophelia? How would the flying lamp react to this? Several words came to mind for Taisiel, but the Mawile decided she shouldn't think such foolish thoughts. She really didn't know anyone, that's why she wants to stay with them, and get to know them better. Assuming they would not die any second now.

    Hunter offered a hand to Taisiel, which broke her thoughts, the Mawile blinked a bit, but then comprehended what the Zangoose meant. As the evening sky shined [Somewhat covered by clouds, chance it might rain], untouched by the epidemic, the Deceiving Pokemon - who once again, never really lived up to the name, took Hunter's hand with a faint smile.

    She was completely unaware that hungry undead were planning something behind their backs.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:03 pm

    [OOC:Skip please. Waiting for Hunter and Taisiel to return to the group.]

    Age : 29
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:43 pm

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    Dreamyard|Evening (1)

    Quest, as usual, never remembered travelling anywhere. He simply popped into existence in a new place and drifted on.
    This place was grey and boring.
    Quest was bored.
    The unown floated on, ignorant and almost entirely without purpose.
    And it was boring.
    Quest hated being bored, it was a big wide wonderful world out there, why was so little of it interesting?
    There were pokemon down there...
    Quest looked at them.
    They weren't unown like him because if they were he would have to bite them.
    Quest floats down.
    One is tall and wearing a blue grey garment. The other is short and yellow.
    Will they play with him?

    Age : 28
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:09 am

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    DreamYard || Evening [1]

    It was a long-shot for the ape to be skulking through Dreamyard, but he had to be thorough with his search. Huge chestnut eyes searched every nook and cranny of the area as they had done in so many other locations. His kids had always been good at ‘hide and seek’. The problem now was that it was a life or death situation in which they were playing in. The darmanitan emitted a quiet huff, coming to a halt as he looked tiredly at a small pool of crimson liquid to his left. It disgusted him that he was becoming comfortable around blood – he could only pray that it hadn’t belonged to his boys. It had been over a month now, but he refused to believe the worst. Harry and Lloyd would be fine. They looked after each other, they were intelligent little darumakas and Red had every faith in their survival. But he was beginning to miss them. Nina’s death had almost destroyed him; he couldn’t bear the idea of losing his precious children too.

    Red’s thoughts were interrupted at the faint sound of voices. He tensed, his massive body growing stiff as he contemplated on the best reaction. He was powerful, capable of taking a few hits and returning the favour – but he hated unnecessary violence. The human had always taught him that. Straining to hear, he recognised at least two voices, females. They didn’t seem infected; the words were eloquent, pronounced – not just horrendous snarling, or worse, screaming. Comforted by this fact, the darmanitan relaxed to take a few steps forwards, peering around the corner to witness a mawile and a zangoose. It looked as if they were in the midst of an almost tender, sensitive moment, and Red felt a pang of guilt for the appearance of his bright red bulk.

    The air was only lightly tinged with the scent of death, but the darmanitan caught whiffs of other species, perhaps some kind of rock type. Maybe they weren’t alone after all. He looked past the pair into the distance, but for the time being saw no other creatures in the vicinity. Shrugging, he figured he should probably introduce himself before they mistook him for some kind of threat.
    “I-I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, ladies,” Red began, his voice surprisingly light for his intimidating stature. “You haven’t seen any darumaka around here, have you?” The desperation was beginning to surface in his tone. “They’re like little versions of me. Red, chubby, always smiling...” Red couldn’t be certain about the last description – the epidemic had wiped his smile off many months ago. With a sigh, his eyes flicked between the two of them. They both wore human clothing; the mawile adorning a scarf and the zangoose wrapped in a hoody. It was slightly surreal but managed to trigger the memory of his past trainer. He wondered how the humans were coping with this – many often forgot that they would suffer just as much as the pokémon.
    “Sorry, I’m Red by the way,” The darmanitan smiled weakly, shaking away memories of a better world. “Inventive name, I know,” He gave a short chuckle, gesturing to his thick, red fur. He was all too familiar with the jibes about the simplistic title he’d been bestowed, and had become accustomed to acknowledging the fact.

    Age : 28
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:51 pm

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    Hunter nodded and made a gesture towards where they had left the others, trying to explain she wanted to go back. That was until two new beings appeared, she could smell them and it irritated her greatly. The Zangoose hissed a warning as the Darmanitan spoke and when he was done Hunter attacked launching herself at the red brute with her claws bared. However unlike her previous attack she chose to fling slashing blades of energy from her claws at the pokemon she homed in on with Night Slash.

    "Be GoNe!"Hunter screeched in anger, this was her spot, her trainers grave, and them they even the mawile they were all intruders here. They didn't belong, they had no right to be here, but the mawile she was a friend the mawile was trustworthy. The new scents were not.

    Age : 25
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:28 am

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    They had left her with the annoying Rhyhorn. That or she just simply didn't follow them because her mind was just too occupied with other things. It was quiet. Too quiet. Much too silent to the point where it was almost unnerving to her, and she was a ghost. The rock pokemon had killed some kind of undead Purrloin and was... Keeping it. "And what exactly do you plan on using such a corpse for?" Ophelia asked.

    Perhaps she should've followed the Zangoose and Mawile... It was boring here. There wasn't anything to do and to be stuck with the Rhyhorn was the equivalent to torture for her. He seemed to lack the ability to have an intelligent conversation, which the fiery poltergeist was in the need of. Ophelia only hoped that Hunter and Taisiel would be back soon, and unharmed.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:54 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [11]

    Hunter gave a nod, motioning toward the direction Taisiel had came from; She must want to go back. “I-I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, ladies,” a light voice came, Taisiel jumped, hiding behind Hunter upon instinct, she had her gaze on the ground as the voice continued to speak, “You haven’t seen any darumaka around here, have you?” No reply from Taisiel, she kept her gaze to the ground, “They’re like little versions of me. Red, chubby, always smiling...” She heard desperation from the thing, she glanced up, it was some bluky red figure. She felt her heart skip a beat, she was scared he might be a bad Pokemon. “Sorry, I’m Red by the way, inventive name, I know,” The Mawile gulped, she gave a quick nod at the Darmantian, she acknowledged the name, of course she couldn't say a thing, commenting on how it's not inventive, and was still a custom name for the Darmantian.

    That was when a strange symbol floated down, it looked weird, like a question mark. Strange that it is to resemble lettering of the humans. Taisiel gulped, moving her gaze back down on the ground, she didn't want to look like she was ignoring the Unknown thing, but she didn't really want to look at it's huge eye.

    That was when Hunter broke in, "Be GoNe!" She jumped at the Darmantian and the Unknown object, throwing Night Slashes at them both. Taisiel felt a slip of time when the Zangoose's hoodie was released from her grasp, she must be completely used to have company, it was stupid. How she couldn't speak. She could have been able to ask Hunter if they could just avoid them instead of starting a fight.

    It was stupid.
    The Mawile was also defenseless, a nearby, hungry Purrloin pounced on Taisiel, licking and smacking it's lips. Undead it was, it's side has been gored greatly, half of it's face ripped. Taisiel wanted to scream in terror, for her life and the sight. It was sad that she couldn't speak, she struggled to get the Purrloin off, her only chance being that the Pokemon in front of her were to stop fighting.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:27 pm

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    "And what exactly do you plan on using such a corpse for?" He heard the Chandelure ask. He huffed lightly as he slug the undead of his back and gently put the berries down. I was planing on giving it to the Zangoose if she wanted it and would you like a berry? Ryder motions toward the berries. He then turns toward where the others left.

    Do you hear something? He asked but stopped before he said anything more, because he could feel the ground shack with the movements of others. Something wasn't right. Someone was fight a undead or the other way. He huffed and started to walk toward the others. As he rounded the corner, the Rhyhorn saw that the Zangoose attacked a Darmanitan. While the Mawile was tackled by a undead Purrloin.

    He growled as the others were too occupied to even see that the Mawile was being attacked. He roured up on his back legs and charged with a Drill Run. His body rotated as he made contact with the Dark Types body. He snorted in a rage as his mouth started to glow with a blaze. In a millisecond the small blaze transformed into a giant pillar of fire. The feline hissed as the fire licked at it's fur.

    As the fire died down, the Purrloin looked around, but the Rhyhorn was no where to be found. As the feline looked around, Rhyder popped up behind it and used Dragon Rush. The attacked crushed the felines body. He snorted at the body and turned to the Mawile. Are you ok? He asked the Mawile with a look of concern.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:08 pm

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    Dreamyard|Evening (2)

    Quest announces it's presence with a giggle.
    The silly pokemon were playing a fighting game with each other and it looked like so much fun~!
    He drifts closer as the little yellow one is attacked by the strange purple one then a big grey one appears.

    They all looked so nice, like a big happy family even though they didn't look the same.

    Quest drifts closer and hover between the yellow one and the grey one.

    The big red one is still fighting with the medium white one. Quest sticks out a tiny pink tongue at them.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:29 pm

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    DreamYard || Evening [2]

    "Be GoNe!"

    The zangoose’s attack had caught Red by the surprise. The great ape stumbled backwards as the night slash struck his shoulder, slicing a sizeable amount of fur off and leaving a relatively shallow, but bloody cut. He growled instinctively, taking a few steps away from the enraged female but reluctant to retaliate. She was after all, as far as he could tell, a survivor.
    “Hey, hey, hey!” The darmanitan exclaimed, keeping a solid gaze on the zangoose in case she were to aim another attack. He would be quicker this time; the throbbing pain on his shoulder was enough persuasion to stay alert around this one.“I mean no harm! I’m... I’m just looking for my kids,” Red’s body tensed. Whilst he kept a good distance from the creature and had no intention of fighting her, if she persisted in her attack, he’d have no choice but to strike her down. The same applied for the peculiar floating creature. It had done nothing to harm him; Red had no reason to interfere with its existence.

    The ape’s attention suddenly caught onto the scene behind the hooded creature. An infected purrloin had knocked the mawile to the ground, but what concerned him most was the survivor’s silence. It confused him to no end. Such an abrupt attack would have any sane pokémon screaming in fear. Pushing the strangeness to the back of his mind, Red had moved forward to assist the mawile when another pokémon burst out from the shadows – a massive, grey beast that had no problem demonstrating its strength. In a few seconds, the purrloin had been crushed by the rock-type’s attacks, leaving nothing but a lifeless, mangled body. Red’s lip curled, disgusted at the feline’s remains but knew it was necessary for survival.

    It soon became clear that the group was already familiar with one another, and the guilt of intruding was growing in Red’s mind once again. He took a few steps back, uncomfortable to be in such close proximity. But he instead opted to wait. Now that they weren’t attacking him, he would permit them time to recover before re-asking his question. He sincerely hoped that one of them had some good news for him. He didn’t know how much longer he could fool himself into thinking his sons were okay. Shaking away the thought, he smiled weakly at the group, concerned for the mawile’s health and growing ever-cautious of the hostile zangoose.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:21 am

    (OoC-Oh god, I'm so sorry i completely forgot about this team. skip me for now, lets just say Hunter has turned her attentions to Rhyder and is hissing at him.)

    Age : 25
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    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Min Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:35 am

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    Dreamyard| |Evening

    "I was planing on giving it to the Zangoose if she wanted it and would you like a berry?" Ophelia shook her head. "No thank you. I don't eat berries." I eat souls of the dead instead. She was about to add the last bit, when she realized it sounded... Awkward. Most definitely awkward. "Do you hear something?" The Chandelure didn't answer. It wasn't like she had the most innate sense of hearing anyways, nor was she the best smeller either.

    And now she was alone. She's been deserted. Again. Oh joy. But it was mainly her fault for floating alone like this. Ophelia didn't feel like following any of them, she had always been one to live by her own rules. So she just kept levitating in spot, holding her book as if it were the meaning to her existence... Actually, it was. The book was really all she was living [or being a ghost, in her case.] for now, and seeing how the world's going to die soon and there's just going to be undead everywhere, the book didn't seem as meaningful anymore either.

    A pity.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:58 pm

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    DreamYard | Evening [12]

    Out of the blue, Rhyder came to her rescue. The Rhydon threw the Purrloin off with a Drill Run, allowing Taisiel attempt to regain her balance, staggering a bit backwards. She watched in horror as the Rhyhorn fought the Dark-type, ending up crushing it's body in the end, snorting at the body and turning to Taisiel. "Are you ok?" Taisiel shook in pure terror. Using her eyes only to inspect the mangled body of the Purrloin's, giving her the sensation of wanting to puke.

    She never answered his question, she glanced up at the weird floating Unown, in which Taisiel just gave an awkward smile at it before running off toward Ophelia's direction. The Mawile didn't technically know where she was heading, but the Chandelure was second closest for pure comfort. Tears formed in her eyes as she made her way through the bushes. Never did she want to see such a scene again.

    As she pushed the bushes out of the way, and found the flying lantern, Taisiel immediately tugged at one of her arms, the tears now flowing down, 'Comfort. I want Comfort.' The Mawile practically begged through her eyes for comfort.

    The DREAMYARD Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The DREAMYARD Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:17 pm

    (OOC: Skip please and this will be my last post for Rhyder. I'm just having problems getting into his character, so he's going into the Orphanage)

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