Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The OPELUCID Team


    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:18 am

    ((ooc: gotta play catch up with this so pls skip))

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:56 pm

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    Opelucid City (Gym)/Midnight/(13)

    Espi nodded to the others suggestions and making sure to send to Di what she was saying Espi said "Okay then food it is, I think the storage should be this way." Then padding back onto the Dragon bridges Espi lead the group to a door that lead to an staircase to an above level. Psychicing open the door Espi held it until everyone was through before closing it.

    "Greaaat now I'm onto the part where i'm compleately clueless on where to go..." Espi thought, but before she could think anymore her nose twitched as a faint scent drifted into the room. "Well what do I have to lose?" Espi thought to herself as she went down the hallway. The scent led to a door with a sign on it. backing up Epsi started to read the sign. F-O-O-D S-T-O-R-A-G-E.... Food Storage! With a grin Espi Psychiced open the door and walked in only to Immidently come out chattering through her teeth, "C-c-c-old!"

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:03 pm

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    Opelucid City [Gym] | Midnight | 10
    Espi sent Di her message after saying it, "Okay then food it is, I think the storage should be this way." Di nodded as Espi led the group through the dragon-shaped bridges. Soon, they came to a door that Espi opened with Psychic. It led to an upper floor, a floor not for challengers, but for the gym staff. She held the door open until everyone went through, and gently closed the door with her psychic powers.

    Di followed Espi almost mindlessly, like a baby Farfetch'd following its mother. Di looked around, there were rugs, coffee tables and couches in one room, some bloodstained, This must be the staff lounge, she predicted; in another there were many cooking appliances atop a polished granite surface, someone had spilled chowder all over them, however, and they were covered with blood and scratches in the pretty red stone, as well as cabinets filled with spoiled cereals, This is... Er, was... the kitchen... she thought; and finally, a room with bunk beds in it, the sheets disturbed and pillow feathers spread all over. There was even more blood in here, as well as some bones. The bedrooms. They came across a refrigerator. It had writing on it, Di couldn't read it but Espi seemed to know what she was looking at here. She walked into the refrigerator only to come straight out, chattering and trembling from the cold. Di wasn't going in there. She was double weak to ice. She wondered why they had even come here in the first place. "We just got the electricity back on... Wouldn't the food inside have spoiled?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:37 pm

    Opelucid City pokecenter| Midnight | (10)

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    "We should look for something that's been prepackaged." Kabuto comments as he sticks his white snout into every open doorway, mentally memorizing the layout of the rooms. The familar scents of blood with a hint of rot fills his sensitive nose and relaxes him.
    Taking care no-one else notices it he nuzzles the empty sleeve of a bloodstained labcoat and the feel of the rough material against his scaly skin soothes him entirely.
    He twines his body around it as if it belonged to one of his human handlers that would part with some tasty morsel of meat for a few signs of cursary affection before he slithers after the others, pressing his glasses back up his snout to hide his embarrassment.
    The altaria Diwali was right, a lot of the food wasn't fresh enough to eat.
    However if there was one thing he knew about humans there would be packed food too, canned fruits, dried things that lasted an inane amount of time before starting to rot, especially if they were still in intact foil wrappers.
    The dragonair pries into a few cupboards, flickering his tongue out like his master to taste at the air.
    In one dusty corner he found what he was looking for, a faded red packet of some sort of meat product and a can of some form of berry paste than only had one dent.
    Extracting them from the cupboard gives him more trouble, if he had hands it would have been a simple matter to pick them out by the cupboard's wooden corner was a tigth fit for his snout.
    Managing to drag both packet and can (he can't read the labels but hopeful the colorful pictures are indeed what is inside them) the dragonair drops them onto the least filthy surface in the room and raps his solid orbs on the countertop with a bell like vibration.
    "Dinner is served." He says smartly with a beaming smile as the other two pokemon discover the fridge is, apparently, very cold.
    He declines to verify this theory and insteed bites into the meat packet in an attempt to tear away the foil lined covering.

    In the dark of the abyss the great hydreigon tires of waiting. Hunting the other indead that crawled inscet-like through this abandoned shell of a building had entertained him...for a while.
    However their rotting dead meat had a bitter taste and their final cries of despair as he slowly torn them to shreds somewhat lacked enthusiasm.
    He wanted living meat, fresh, bleeding, screaming meat.
    Orochimaru raises his heads and from all three mouths comes a deep powerful roar like the deep throated bellow of an erupting geyser.
    It is a sound that reached down into the primal parts of the hindbrain and twisted them with fear, it was a sound that let eveything not currently watching the skies that it was to late now. It was a sound with fangs in it and the spilling of blood but most of all it was a cry deep red with bottomless animal HUNGER.
    Orochimaru's wings flex. They are disused stubs covered in surprisingly silken black fur and they cut through the darkened air as he rises from the darkness like a bad memory, bringing up his arms as from every corner of the abandoned building stagnant water no long idles in pipes but is pulled towards his call as steadily as if it were the tides and Orochimaru the moon.
    Droplets burst from every corner of the room, soaring into one large mass that a commanding flick of a wrist sends hurtling down the corridor the living pokemon had just entered a wave of surf so massive it shatters lightbulbs with the top of its crest, bringing before it a rumbling like potted thunder.

    The Dragonair merely flicks a fin like ear at his masters signal and subtly braces himself for the inevitable impact.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:27 pm

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    Opelucid City | Midnight

    Rowan stood back, watching as the group continued on, deeper and deeper within the gym. To him, this whole journeying to the center of the building, or really wherever they were headed, wasn't really doing anything for them. It just seemed like they were heading in circles. Not literally, because he doesn't remember ever passing through this place.

    No, he honestly felt that Kabuto was going to run them into a gruesome fate- death, as melodramatic as that sounded. But the Scizor had other plans. He wasn't just going to willingly fall into such a suck-y future. Really, he was just gonna run off and away- where? He had no fucking clue, but, anywhere was better than here. At least he had a greater chance of surviving then with that creepy ass.

    So, here he was, charging off in the opposite direction, bumping into corners, shoving doors, tripping over random bones and shit- just doing everything he could to get the hell out of that death trap.

    Not soon after, the Bug type found himself freed from the bonds that tied him to- that- racing past building upon building, into the clearing that held so many odd memories, and back into the forest, off to Arceus knows where.

    He didn't care that he pulled a shit move. Or that he was being a coward. Rowan knew his chances- and if he stayed any longer, he would be left without a life.


    ((ooc: and with that, I say ADIOS AMIGOS!))

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:08 am

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    Opelucid City(Gym)/Midnight(14)
    Espi had just finished eating some of the meat Kabuto had found when a loud roaring sound assulted her ears. Espi's pupils dialated as she relized that it was the sound of a whole tidal wave of water rushing at them! With a shout Espi yelled while jumping onto a large couch, "Everyone onto the coach! There's a surf attack heading this way!" Then Remembering Di's deafness she quickly sent the message "DI! Hurry and get on the couch, there's a Surf atack heading this way!" With a sense of dread the pink psy cat thought to herself also "Maybe I should have ran away like Rowan... No I won't abandon my friends , I'm not a coward like him!" Digging her claws into the soft fabric Espi braced herself for impact while whispering to herself over and over "Please float, please float, please float....."

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:35 pm

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    Opelucid City [Gym] | Midnight | 11
    "DI! Hurry and get on the couch, there's a Surf atack heading this way!" "S-Surf?! But... The couch won't float! It's too heavy and it'd just soak up water! Not only that, but if it did float, we'd get smushed onto the ceiling and we'd drown!" Di frantically looked around. "I've got two questions... Can you guys fly, or in Espi's case, levitate? Do you see a window either? We've got to get out of here!" She then remembered seeing a window with a tree outside of the bedroom. The bedroom! She ran over there as fast as her stubby bird feet could go and stopped in front of the window. Can I break it?! She then brought her beak down on the window with as much force as she could, only to end up with a sore beak. "Break this window or get in the food storage! Your guys's choice!" She yelled from the bedroom. "... Oww, my beak..."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:44 am

    Opelucid City pokecenter| Midnight | (11)

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    "The fridge! It was airtight so it'll be watertight too!" Kabuto manages to yell out as the room starts to fill up with a thin layer of damp water.
    With his tail glowing golden from Thunderwave he smashes it against the door, the electricity temporarily overloading the freezing machinery.
    The empty silver-foil sachet floats past the Dragonair's tail as with a rushing white-foamed crash the rest of the wave sweeps past.
    Hoping the others heard his frantic advice Kabuto curls himself up as he wave hits to reduce the impact.
    A flotsam of cans, packets, clothing and other miscellaneous junk swept forwards by the wave surrounds him and the force of the blow as with a foam throated roar the wave smashes down with a vengeance and the dragon-type against the cabinet.
    Kabuto winces.
    That is going to bruise.
    The dirty water swirls around the room for a few moments, the formerly pure liquid tainted by the filth of the human building.
    Kabuto opens his grey eyes wide in the murk and casually flicks his strong wing-like fins.
    His orbed tail twists and serves as a rudder as he swims from the kitchenette area out into the rest of the corridor. His eyes can't penetrate well the murky fog of the water and he can only hope his warning was enough for the others to get inside the fridge.
    He was telling the truth, the fridge probably was mostly watertight and safer than any other place in here, plus it would mean they could avoid having to meet his master.
    Kabuto could breathe underwater, of course.
    His species naturally lived within lakes and seas; at perfect harmony between the sea and the waves.
    His master's attack hurt but he, at least, could still breathe for the time it would take for the water to leak back out of the building.

    With a satisfied smirk the Hydreigon dives into the murky water, his three heads searching through the water for the warm shapes of living. While he lacked the aquatic abilities for a full dive he could hunt underwater for short periods and his tail and six wings churned the water around him.
    Already the wave was starting to seep away through the seams between walls yet it would last, yes it would last long enough to confuse and weaken his enemies. His only regret was that he did not have time to hunt down and tear open the fleeing scizor.
    Yet that golden altaria was a far sweeter meal.
    One set of eyes sees his servant, the dragonair's eyes sweeping the flooded room just as his were.
    The other two search hungrily.
    Ah sweet, sweet bird-dragon meat with its useless waterlogged cloud-like wings.
    Thin drops of his infected blood break away from his jaws and swirls away into the filthy water to become brief stretched out stains before they fade entirely away.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty All Aboard the S.S. Fridge!

    Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:32 pm

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    Opelucid City(Gym)/Midnight(15)
    At the Last minute Espi Realized Kabuto was right about the fridge and hastily jumped off the couch and jumping on the floating items made her way to the floating fridge before jumping into it. Espi landed inside with a soft 'thunk' before the pink feline remembered the altaria. looking over the edge of the refriderator Espi deciding now would be a bad time to use a glowing psychic (that would give away their position she though to herself) went with the more draining variation she had used on the rattata to quickly pull Di away from the window and into the fridge with herself.

    Espi said Via telepathy to Di while she closed the fridge door to seal them inside; "Di hang on tight I'm going to try and ram us through the window!" before temporarly turning off her connection to Di to try and send kabuto the same message along with a "Sorry if this is invading your personal space or something but I'm going to try and Ram us into the window to get us out of here!"

    With one last desprate Psychic Espi sent the fridge Hurtling at the glass window hoping and praying the Arceus that this didn't get them all killed!
    OCC: Hope that Espi sending the fridge hurtling at who knows how fast with Di and herself inside in the direction of the window is A-ok with you guys. (And with Espi Putting Di in the S.S. Fridge boat using Psychic) I can change it if either of you guys aren't ok with something!

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:59 pm

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    Opelucid City [Gym - 2F] | Midnight | 12
    (OoC: It's OK, Shadowhope. Also, it's the WHITE BOX CUTSCENE! *shot*)
    The shattering of glass was heard.
    In one busy minute, Di almost broke her beak trying to break a window, almost drowned in a building, was pulled into a tightly packed refrigerator by a psychic cat's ... psychic... means, screamed at via telepathy to "Hang on tight, I'm going to try and ram us through the window!", and was hurtled towards that very same window. It was rather... cardiac arrest-inducing. As Di brushed the flecks of ice off of herself, she moaned to the group. "Let's never do this again. Ever. Agreed?" She looked out towards the direction of the gym. It was damp and water was slowly pouring out from the over-sized dragon heads decorating the top. Di shook her wings one last time and stretched them out. "If surviving ambushes from the Infected are this hard, I wonder how exactly we've all survived." ...Except for you, you creep... She thought, looking at Kabuto from the corner of her eyes.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:29 pm

    Outside Opelucid City Gym| Midnight | (12)

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    ((Lol that's awesome Neo <3))

    With a sound that would have been piercing in air the glass seemed to shatter slow motion, tiny shards floating free in the dirty water before the entire window bulges outwards and splinters apart.
    The Dragonair is too close to the fridge as it flies past him and as it shatters the window the surge of water escaping creates a powerful current that sucks Kabuto backwards through the window frame and out into open air.
    Throwing a last apologetic look at his master the Dragonair swiftly flares his fins as gravity takes hold and turns his downwards plunge into a graceful descent.
    To be honest he hadn't been expecting Orochimaru to literally flush them out of the building with only a cursory cry of warning.
    His master really was irritated with him.
    Wincing from the bruises along his side left by the Surf attack Kabuto lands gracefully back in the streets just as the Espeon and Altaria clamber out of the fridge.
    Allowing a tiny bit of pride to show on his face (the fridge was watertight after all) Kabuto once again pushes his miraculously intact glasses back up his snout.
    "Thank Arceus you're o.k." The Dragonair says enthusiastically. "I thought you'd gotten lost in the confusion."
    The serpentine dragon shakes a few stray droplets of water from his scales.
    "Good thing Dragonairs are water-proofed." He jokes, following the Altaria's line of sight to the water pouring out the windows of the second floor building as a tremor shakes the water-logged wall.
    "Let's never do this again. Ever. Agreed?" The Golden Altaria says and Kabuto nods his head enthusiastically.
    "If surviving ambushes from the Infected are this hard, I wonder how exactly we've all survived."
    Still keeping an eye on the building Kabuto mouths "by running like hell" In the Altaria's direction so the golden dragon can lipread before turning back around again and watching the gym with a nearly curious look in his eyes.
    "It's not over yet."

    In the murky gloom Orochimaru's eyes glow a malevolent red as empty foil packets swirl around him like schools of fish. His six wings no longer stir up the water around him as the Hydreigon lets all three of his heads face the wall with the broken window.
    A shimmer of light blue light plays around the air in front of his heads, growing to form three ghostly spheres of light that Orochimaru raises up to his main jaws where it forms into one larger sphere nearly the size of his body.
    Suddenly the sphere compresses in on itself and drops in size to about the size of a marble and the massive snake like jaws snap it up before coolly spitting the energy sphere of his Focus blast at the wall. It impacts and suddenly balloons in size as a hydreigon sized hole is torn through the gym.
    The Hydreigon flies through it with water exploding out around him, blood oozing in long strings past his brutal jaws as the dragon tosses back his head and roars at the sky with a savage undead rage.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:19 pm

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    Opelucid City(Outside Gym)/Midnight(16)

    Climbing out of the fridge or as she dubbed it; The S.S.Fridge, Espi couldn't help but laugh a bit saying "THAT WAS AWESOME!" "Thank Arceus you're o.k." The Kabuto says enthusiastically as Espi brushed some of the ice out of her pinkish-purple velvety fur. "I thought you'd gotten lost in the confusion." with a nod Espi said while pausing from getting a few ice shards that had gotten stuck in between her paws out "Thought that about you too."
    The serpentine dragon shakes a few stray droplets of water from his scales that Espi moved back a bit to avoid.
    "Good thing Dragonairs are water-proofed." Espi couldn't help but laugh a bit at that.
    "Let's never do this again. Ever. Agreed?" The Golden Altaria says and Kabuto nods his head enthusiastically followeed by Espi grumbling slightly "Fiiiiine."
    "If surviving ambushes from the Infected are this hard, I wonder how exactly we've all survived." Kabuto then seemed to mouth something to Di before watching the gym with a nearly curious look in his eyes.
    "It's not over yet."

    Then as if on cue their attacker; whitch turned out to be the Hydreigon from the pokemon center burst from the room they were previously in causing the wall to fall apart as if it were a childs building blocks. The remaining shards of glass that were still on the window sill were sent flying into the air. Espi flinched when one of the particularly sharp shards went by her left cheek causing a long cut that some blood started to trickle from.

    Espi hadn't gotten that good a look at the Hydreigon at the pokemon center, but now she realized that it was huge! The Esp-cat's mind started looking for a way out of this but stopped in it's tracks when she realized that he resisted 2 of her moves and shadowball only did half damage while Wish was just a healing move.

    Espi's eyes started darting around for some way out of this situation when her eyes fell upon the S.S.Fridge and thought back to how cold it was in there, then a lightbulb went off in Espi's head. Espi then going for the no glow-Psychic once again quickly levitated the S.S.Fridge up and tossed it at the hydreigons main head where if it made a direct hit would envelope the head in a still cold shower of ice cubes/chunks. Espi then started using Dig to make an escape hole that was big enough for the three of them.

    Every few seconds Espi would toss more of the debries that washed out with them like that couch, the Tv, those chairs, that heavy table, that statue, some pots and pans, those shards of glass, that frying pan, those clothes, that dead body, and whatever she could find at the Hydreigon. When the hole started to get too deep for her to aim or see the hydreigon Espi started using shadow ball to blast away at the tunnel to keep making it. The only other major thought that was occuring to her at the moment was "It would really suck if all this noise attracted other undead or infected."

    OCC: That's the best cutscean ever! oh and Orochimaru is free to dodge the S.S.Fridge but I dunno how he'll dodge the tidal wave of random crap/whatever Espi can find to throw at him! Jeez at this rate I don't know whether Espi's going to run out of Psychic PP or stuff to throw first!

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:34 am

    (OoC: I'm sorry, but I have to skip... I've got school problems...)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:18 am

    Outside Opelucid City Gym| Midnight | (13)

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    Beneath the shine of his glasses Kabuto smirks. The information he has gathered should be enough to please his master and his master would be very pleased indeed when these two others lay broken and bleeding out slowly on the floor for him.
    The Dragonair feels not a twitch of sympathy for them and if he did he would know better than to ever mention it to his master. He was simply looking out for himself, as was proper in these times.
    Although he felt a certain admiration for the Hydreigon’s power he had no real loyalties to the great dragon, on occasion he sabotaged his masters plans simply because he felt like doing so.
    He had heard a neat turn of phrase once, something a human named Iago had once said on some form of radio show that the serpentine dragon liked to think on.
    In following him I follow but myself;
    Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty,
    But seeming so for my peculiar end:
    For when my outward action doth demonstrate
    The native act and figure of my heart
    In compliment extern,
    ‘Tis not long after but I will wear my heart upon my sleeve for ‘daws to peck at:
    I am not what I am…

    The serpentine dragon saw his opportunity and he took it, soaring up to meet the Hydreigon, his grey eyes meeting the undead dragon’s crimson red ones before he curled his form close around the dragon’s, apparently pinning his Orochimaru’s extra heads to his sides as he rests his own scaly body across his master’s shoulders. Muscle ripples under the scaled skin as Kabuto appears to use his Wrap attack, the serpentine length of his body actually longer than the skinny Hydreigon's form and binding it tightly like a rope, or so it appeared.
    Kabuto would never be so rash as to actually attack his master but it is a masterful deception and a near flawless illusion. Bound together as they are Kabuto rests his head on Orochimaru's shoulder.
    He keeps his wing fins low with an instictive submissive attitute he quietly whispers into the dark dragon's ear all the information he has managed to gather on the Altaria and Espeon, taking care the movement of his pale lips cannot be read.
    His master listens attentively, playing at a struggle before tugging free of his coils and tossing the Dragonair back down into the hole that Espi had begun to dig.

    The Hydreigon twists his skinny body out of the way of the psychic tossed missile. Its fur is long and silken looking yet its body is serpent like and incredibly thin with a curiously angular look to his blood-dripping snout.
    The Fridge impacts on the gym wall behind him, scattering its icy load in a brief burst of cold mist. The Hydreigon opens wide its powerful jaws and both its secondary heads grab the next psychic tossed missile; a withering corpse, and tears in straight in half, spraying a thick red rain of blood down upon the living pokemon before swiping several smaller missiles from the air by smacking them from the sky with the half of the corpse.
    It falls wetly to the ground.
    His servant leaps up to meet him and the Hydreigon feints taking damage from the attack as he carefully anaylzes every word the Dragonair is spilling about his 'companions'
    "Good..." He whispers in return to the Dragonair as he throws his spy back down below.
    Drips of curiously cold blood ooze in rivulets down his snout and promise a one way trip to Undead status for anyone fool enough to suffer his bite as the Hydreigon throws back his magnificent head and laughs.
    It is not a pleasant laugh, it is the sound of something far more intelligent than it looked enjoying a good laugh at the expense of someone beneath them, it is the happy sound of the predator with the prey under its paw.
    "Shall we begin... It says in faintly mocking tones spiced with a hint of serpent hiss. "Our fight to the DEATH?"
    The last word is emphasized by a flare of pure killing intent in its slit pupilled eyes for a moment it seemed its ability had nearly become Intimidate as it folds all six of its wings inwards and dives straight down, massively powerful jaws opening wide to tear a huge bloody bite out of the Altaria.
    The action is faster than a serpents strike and violent in its intent.

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:45 pm

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    Opelucid City(Outside Gym)/Midnight(17)

    On pure instinct Espi Ran infront of Di and fired off a Shadow Ball yelling "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND YOU OVERGROWN INFECTED PUPPET MASTER!" right into the Hydriegons mouth before using the last of her psychic to pull Di into the hole and hoping that Kabuto was following them. landing with a soft *thump* Espi started digging faster than she had ever in her life. The dirt seemed to fly away under her paws as aderline pumped through the espeon's veins soon running into a thin concreate wall that soon had a hole blasted into it from a shadowball.

    Running into the room Espi Looking around the room she now realized to be a basement Espi pushed all the crates, barrels,and heavey objects she could find to blockade the hole before turning to see what was left. Looking at what she had not used Espi counted 4 empty sacks, some ropes, a bag of cotten, A box of nails, and Some huge varaied paint cans labeled respectivly "Espeon pink", "Pikachu yellow", "Flareon red", "Treeko green", "Dusknoir grey", "Squirtle blue" and more. Espi then said to Di via the telepathy link she had set up and outloud to Kabuto. "I got idea to get all us out of here,but I'm going to need your coperation." Then pushing over the "Dusknoir grey" and "Squirtle blue" She said (telepathy to Di and outloud to Kabuto) "Almost all of our fur, or feather, or scale colors stand out like a Torterra in a group of Torchics next to all of these nearly identical dark teal colored buildings, so is anyone up for a little cameofladge?"

    OOC: Espi sucks at insulting anything.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:14 pm

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    Opelucid City [Outside the Gym] | Midnight | 13
    "Shall we begin..." The beast says in faintly mocking tones spiced with a hint of a serpent's hiss, "Our fight to the DEATH?" The last word spilling from the monster's jaws was emphasized by a flare of pure killing intent in its slit-like pupils. For a moment it seemed its ability had nearly become Intimidate as it folds all six of its wings inwards and dives straight down, massively powerful jaws that could probably tear a car's door off opening wide to tear a huge bloody bite out of the Altaria. The action is faster than a serpent's strike and violent in its intent.

    She screamed.

    And then, to Di's surprise, Espi ran right in front of Di and fired off a Shadow Ball, yelling, "GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND YOU OVERGROWN INFECTED PUPPET MASTER!" "Espi! You're gonna get eaten!" Di gasped for air as she said this. The blob of shadowy energy was hurled towards the Hydriegon's mouth before Espi ended up using the last of her psychic to pull Di into the hole. It was a basement. "Whew... Espi, I'm in your debt... I would have been eaten!" "I got an idea to get all us out of here, but I'm going to need your cooperation." Then, pushing over two cans of paint, the labels reading "Dusknoir grey" and "Squirtle blue" (Di could not read them, but she could decipher it from the pictures on the cans), Di heard Espi's telepathic message. "Almost all of our fur, or feather, or scale colors stand out like a Torterra in a group of Torchics next to all of these nearly identical dark teal colored buildings, so is anyone up for a little camouflage?" "Camouflage? Sure, why not?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:42 pm

    Outside Opelucid City Gym| Midnight | (14)

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    Serpentine, Kabuto half slides and half falls after Espi. Even though his master had not hurled him with his full power his back has acquired a new collection of bruises he knows will be with him even after he has shed his next skin and he is getting tired, both of constantly fleeing and of this charade.
    The Espeon he is starting to like. When the blood-lust was upon him even Kabuto was afraid of his master but she had just ran straight towards him and fired a Shadowball straight into his mouth before dragging them all to safety, an admirable act.
    Gratefully the Dragonair crawls from the rapidly dug tunnel down into the basement underneath and wipes an imagined sweat drop from his forehead with the crooked end of his broken tail.
    This basement was part of a warehouse complex, one he was almost certain he could locate from the surface, and the crates around contained...he sniffed at one and tipped it out onto the ground. Yes it was paint.
    A disguise wouldn't work for long simply because his master's sensitive nose would soon be able to pick up the scent of paint and locate them faster than ever but before then it would certainly hide them from his failing sight.
    Kabuto inspects his own scales. They are already a dark blue color, maybe just a lick of grey to make them blend.
    The large dragon nods.
    "Sounds like a good idea but let's do it quickly...And take a couple of extra cans too."
    He trembles faintly as if this is the first time he had seen the Undead Hydreigon. His fear on the other hand was not faked.
    His master was getting hungry and the attack wouldn't have helped matters.

    Orochimaru's jaws, sharp fangs ready to dig straight into the Altaria's slender neck, close instead on a blob of tasteless shadows. His head recoils backwards in time for the not very effective ghost type attack to fade away and the Hydreigon to cast around for his absent target.
    Sight is fading from his slit pupil eyes as the disease reaches its final stages of decay but what he has lost in sight he has had to make up for in other ways.
    The others are just slipping out of the hole when the Hydreigon discovers it.
    To any other of his species the natural inclination would be to try to follow the trail above ground to the nearest buildings then search them one by one in hopes of driving out his prey but his long time spent underground had taught the Dark Dragon many unusual methods of hunting.
    His body was skinny from his long periods of starvation and his wings small enough to fold in close to his sides.
    Like the loathsome he was he was Orochimaru slides into the tunnel after his prey.
    There is no room for him to spread his wings but moving on his scraped raw belly he slides through the ground with a surprising swiftness, his enhanced sense of smell picking up the scents of the other living ahead of him.
    His red eyes glow faintly in the gloom as his jaws once again open wide, ready to take a bite out of whatever is closest to him when he emerges from the tunnel.

    ((Oro will be emerging next turn))

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:50 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Near Opelucid City Gym/Outside Opelucid City Gym | Midnight (1)

    It was safe to say that the Primeape was not only worried out of his mind, but he was steaming furious. Furious he couldn't find his friend and that he got separated from her. And a furious Primeape is a rampaging Primeape. Rixator was barreling down the street ways of Opelucid City, his feet audible as he snorted slightly, but mostly howled a little after stopping at a sort of intersection. Straight ahead, he could see a scuffle in front of what was the Pokemon Gym, a rather impressive building given its size. But, the ensuing brawl only worked to incite Rixator even further. And with that, he charged.

    By the time he was nearly to the gym, he could clearly see what all was fighting: an Espeon with a collar similar to his wrist and leg bands, a golden Altaria, and some sort of glasses wearing Dragonair. There was the a smell that his pig like nose picked up, and it was horrid smelling, almost putrid, but he couldn't see what it was that the smell was coming from. It had a stench that wasn't natural, and he didn't like the smell, and it only angered him further, his blood flowing at a high speed as his muscles tensed and toughened, his foot impacts causing a little damage as he ran.

    By now, it should've been apparent to anyone with half a functioning brain that a rampaging Primeape was incoming, and at its current speed, would be upon them in seconds. The fighting type roared out, readying a clothes-lining Karate Chop on both arms as he charged at top speed. The Pig Monkey pokemon was still concerned about his Leafeon compatriot, but one could only hope that she show up soon; without the Leafeon's presence, the only ways to bring the Primeape out of the rage was to either let him let loose until he calmed down on his own, or to knock him out. The latter of the two, however, would be easier said than done.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:58 am

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    Near Opelucid City Gym/Outside Opelucid City Gym | Midnight | (1)

    (Shiva has been approve and though she isn't in the team sheet yet Mewtwo once told me that when they are accepted that characters can start posting even if they hadn't been put on the team sheet yet so here comes Rixator's Mediator in a manner of speaking)

    Shiva was growing worried. She had gotten separated from Rixator and even though he will be fine if he was to fight she was worried that with her not there to calm him he will take things too far. So the young Leafeon began to look around for him. When she heard the sounds of a battle not too far from where she was she grew concern and rush over to the scene. When she got there she was just in time to see Rixator, who was furious, charging into battle. She calm down when she saw him and knew that it will be best to let him fight since she can see what they are fighting against. She then look at the others that was fighting and saw a fellow Eeveelution that was wearing a collar, a Dragonair who was wearing glasses, which she though to be interesting, and a golden colored Altaria. Though she got a bit worried when she saw what they were up against she knew she will have to be careful in her attacks to be sure she didn't hurt any of the living. The undead may be scary but she knew that she will do what she can to help the group out and hopefully calm Rixator down if he starts to take it too far.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Saving Privet Espi!

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:40 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Opelucid City (Near forest edge exit)/Midnight(18)

    Espi Lead her friends out of the building carefully while carrying a paint bucket on her tail when she noticed too living pokemon near where the hydriegon dissapeared... WAIT DISSAPEARED!? No... he couldn't have... could he? Well he was pretty skinny. Then She noticed a Leafeon and Primape near the hole she dug and taking a good look at them decided that they looked friendly and not undead or infected. Espi then temporarly cut off her telepathy with Di and telepthyied to leafeon and primape one at a time "Pssst! Over here! Follow us! I'm the Espeon wearing the Spike collar... It might be hard to see me because I'm camofladged along with my friends but while we're running see if you can put on some paint too, ok? Oh yeah my names Espi!"

    While running Espi stopped everyonce in a while to collect her bearings while leading the group around some recently infected pokemon that seemed to be heading in the direction they came from, "Huh well that's weird" Espi thought but didn't mull on it any longer than nessisary. Eventually the group made it to the forest outside of Opelucid city when out of the blue a Roar was heard. Espi Started Rushing in the direction the roar came from to find an undead dewgong about to giga impact a defensless egg. with a loud "Hey! Pick on someone your own size size!" The pink psi-cat launched a shadowball in the dewgongs face causing it to Miss it's target and instead.

    Then turning to egg Espi wrapped her tail around it and tried to make a break for it when she was frozen in her tracks, literally. The Dewgong having recovered from the shadowball now sent an enraged icebeam freezing her feet to the ground. As Espi struggled to get free she got nailed by a critical signal beam to the face and closed her eyes in excruciating pain. Then she barly managed to fire a shadowball before the dewgong leaped up and smashed into her with a giga impact throwing up dust. Once the Dust cleared The Dewgong was temporarly immobalized due to the effects of giga impact but was about half-way defeated or in trainer terms in the yellow.

    Espi on the other hand was coughing up some blood and had some ice shards lodged into her paw pads, and that's saying nothing about being in the low reds in trainer terms. Yet some how she was able to keep the egg unscathed and was clutching it protectivly with her tail. "At least that dewgong is way past the infectious stage, but one more attack like that and I'm down for the count!"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:12 pm

    Outside Opelucid City Gym| Midnight | (15)

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    Swiftly the serpentine dragon pokemon manages to catch up with the Espeon.
    He notices the egg wrapped tightly in the Psychic type's two long tails and the enraged undead facing her. Espi doesn't look so good and the others are rather far behind...It would be a simple matter to just wrap his tail around her neck and claim it was the Dewgong...
    Instead the glasses wearing dragon turns to face the undead ice type and hisses at it, showing the white peaks of his small sharp fangs. The grey paint clings clammily to his beautiful scales but he has outright refused to cover the shining jewels that he has gained upon his evolution.
    Curling up like an Arbok between the Dewgong and the injured Espeon those Jewels are now glowing golden from within with electrical energy.
    Clumsily the icy seal pokemon charges for him and Kabuto jinks out of the way, smacking the Undead with the orbs on his tail and sending a pulse of Electrical energy through its entire nervous system. The Dewgong collapses in the dirt, twitching as every muscle suddenly obeys different commands.
    Kabuto pushes his round lensed glasses up his snout smugly with the tip of his broken tail.
    "Come on." He tells Espi, looking at her with false concern. "The city's too dangerous right now but I know a place we can shelter."

    The undead Hydreigon emerges from the hole like he had been the one using Dig, snapping out all six of his stubby wings at the last moment to glide up towards the living.
    "Hello there little morsels." He tells the two newcomers, his three jaws dripping with his hunger as he snaps close to them to get them running.
    His original prey is already on the move but the scent of the paint has covered their smell and his failing eyes cannot pick out their silhouettes against the similarly colored buildings.
    Flying overhead it is only when he sees the spasming Dewgong that he realizes the trick they have played on him.
    Glowing flames building in his throat he spits a five pointed blast of fire at the ice type, wheeling around to roar at the sky.
    This was his hunt. By the end of the day there would be only one...

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:27 am

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    Outside Opelucid City Gym | Midnight (2)

    Rixator growled, shifting and looking back, his nose twitching a bit at a familiar scent. Much to his joy, it was Shiva. He'd found her, which was a relief. However, she was keeping her distance but watching the Primeape. He knew what that meant. She was letting him work out his angers, practically giving him permission to rampage. And with that, he reared back, prepared to fight. At first, as a Hydreigon rose from a hiding place, he was going to leap and strike the beast, but he froze up when his eyes met with the Dragon. Why? Why was he stopping? Fear?

    He shook his head as his attention was turned to another threat; an undead Dewgong. A target. A victim. It was dead. Rixator pounded his chest as he charged with insane speed, preparing a Cross Chop to drop the Dewgong; it was in immediate threat to Shive being an ice type, and he couldn't have that.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:31 pm

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    Outside Opelucid City Gym | Midnight (2)

    Shiva watch with wary eyes when she saw how big the Hydreigon was. She tense up when Rixator suddenly stopped his attack towards the dragon. She wasn't sure why he stopped but soon he shook his head and his gaze turned to something else. When she followed Rixator's gaze she caught sight of the undead Dewgong just before Rixator charge at the dual type with his speed as he got read for a Cross Chop attack. She knew why he change his target now as she remember how the two of them met and the ice type they fought. Rixator knew that the ice part of the Dewgong will be a threat to her so he wanted to get rid of it before it could do any harm. But she saw that it was already attacking two other Pokemon which was the Espeon and the Dragonair she noticed before. She grew more worried about the undead Hydreigon when she heard the voice in her mind that she recognized is being sent to her by telepathic waves. "Pssst! Over here! Follow us! I'm the Espeon wearing the Spike collar... It might be hard to see me because I'm camofladged along with my friends but while we're running see if you can put on some paint too, ok? Oh yeah my names Espi!" She knew she will have a better chance in helping if she used Sunny Day but that could cause more trouble then to help for everyone so she decided to help Rixator with the Dewgong. She moved quickly to avoid the Hydreigon and once she was sure she was out of range of the heads of the dragon type she sent Magical leaf at the Dewgong to help protect Espi even as the Dragonair got to her.

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:41 pm

    (Skip, Laptop's at tech (so I can't get my pictures) and I;m going to be gone for a week after this friday because I'll be going to Iceland on a trip with some of my friends. It's highly unlikely I'll have internet access) (Espi just Drags herself and the egg behind Kabuto and hissing weakly at the Dewgong fires off a Shadowball at it)

    The OPELUCID Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The OPELUCID Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:40 am

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    Opelucid City [Outside the Gym] | Midnight | 14
    What. The. Hell.
    Suddenly there were so many signs of life in the apocalypse, which baffled Di. She traveled from Meteor Falls in Hoenn to here, not seeing anything living or undead for months until she got there, and suddenly everyone's having a waffle rave party! Di looked around. What had happened since she left Hoenn? Why were there so many creatures, living and not, crowding around one area? More importantly, where were they coming from and how did they come here intact? Another question she had in her head was who that creepoid Kabuto was and what he was doing. Di could tell he was probably involved in some sort of back-alley illegal process or something, he seemed like... bad. Her brain was constantly shouting that the Dragonair was bad news and disaster waiting to happen. She then looked back to just a little while ago, when Kabuto wrapped himself around the Hydreigon. Why didn't the Hydreigon bite him? Wasn't Hydreigon the Brutal Pokémon? Wasn't Hydreigon as a species known for destroying things and its voracious appetite? Di gave an internal snarl at Kabuto and shot him a quick glare that could easily be missed. Di blew a Dragonbreath at the Dewgong just to help and not stand around doing nothing, to help it seem less like she was daydreaming all this time. Something was going on here, and it would probably take the toll of her life. Di just continued on as if everything was OK.
    Everything in her head was screaming it wasn't.

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