Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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10 posters



    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:10 pm

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    Mauville City|Morning(1)

    Aisuru climbed over the barricade and sniffed. She smelled living and blood. Her hand flew to the seimitar and she tossed it up skewering a straggling Undead Flygon. The dying dragon screeched before falling down in front of her. Aisuru hummed a bit before retrieving her blade and washing it off. "I can smell you little living Pokemon" she said softly with her smooth motherly tone. "I can smell that one of you is injured and I can mend your injury" Aisuru said before pressing her nose against the door Pokemon Center.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:35 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(34)

    Dawnfang nodded to Twilight and licked her chops happily. Her fur bristled hearing the new voice. It didn't sound dangerous but it didn't exactly sound reliable. She couldn't find the scent exactly... It must've been why she couldn't pick up Kibo's scent at first when he was that small little otter. "Guys is one of us injured" Dawnfang asked looking over all of them. She was wary at first but if one of them was hurt then it would jeopardize all of them...

    ((OoC: Short post is short))

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:10 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning Kibo-56 Baloo-36

    Baloo's fur bristled instinctively before he sniffed a bit as well. "She's right... One of us is injured" he said. His sharp blue eyes fell on the Vulpix. "You're hurt aren't you" Baloo asked before looking the small vulpine Pokemon over.

    Kibo blinked at the voice before his eyes narrowed. He heard that voice before... It was like a repressed memory of some sort... Kibo groaned and held his head. The world around him faded to grey and Kibo was somewhere he wasn't sure about anymore. It was dark... So very dark. There was a voice. It was so familiar... It seemed like one he should know instinctively... Like the voice of one's own... Mother! Kibo blinked and opened his eyes. Everything came back to focus and Kibo rushed to the door. "M-Mother" he asked softly.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:24 pm

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    [b]Mauville City | Late Morning | Lysana - 6

    She couldn't deny it. Not after most of the group noticed the smell of blood coming from her small wound. It's true that blood could draw unwanted attention. She finished the rest of her sweet rice cake. "Just a little." She said softly. She laid down on her side showing the cut the broken glass made earlier on the morning. Most of the blood was already dried but didn't had the time yet to leave a scab. Just this time, because I cannot fix this up myself. And I don't want to cause them too much trouble. She thought. Cause them too much trouble... Lysana you're getting a bit too thoughtful again, remember what happened to the last Pokémon that helped you. Lysana quickly dropped that thought. Tears started flowing, she couldn't stop them the more she tried to hold them the more her throat started aching. She put her front paws on her eyes to hide her face. Her breath became a bit irregular while she was sobbing. Why am I crying. I shouldn't be crying...
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:03 pm

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    Mauville City||Late Morning ((16))

    Twilight scrunched her brow in worry when she saw the Vulpix's wound. "It's going to be okay, I can patch you up. Just try to say something sooner next time, okay? It's not like we would have just abandoned you here if you were hurt." Twilight remembered that they had a new visitor who offered to come and help. And spoke to the Vulpix again before getting up "Just a second Foxie." She walked over to the door where the sounds were coming from and Phased herself so that her head could pass through the door. She stuck her head out and looked up to see a Samurott Standing there. "Excuse me, but may I ask who you are before you come in? Just safety measures." She began to charge a Night-Shade in case that the Water type proved to be hostile.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:57 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(2)

    Aisuru jumped a little at the Banette's sudden appearance before placing her paw on her chest. "My name is Aisuru and I am a medical Samurott" she said softly. Aisuru reached her paw out to the Banette in a form of greeting. "I only wish to mend your companion's wound so it does not contract infection or attract any Infected" she said before gesturing to the bag on her side. "Trust me dear I have saved many lives with my level of skill in medicine" Aisuru continued with a gentle smile.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:36 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(35)

    Dawnfang pressed her nose against the Vupix's side like a mother Arcanine would do for her Growlithe pups. "Don't worry we'll get ya fixed up" she said before grabbing Baloo by his tails and dragging him into the corner. "What the hell is your deal?! If we knew she was injured as a group we could fix it" Dawnfang hissed under her breath. She jabbed him in the chest with her paw. "Next time how about you share with the class hmm" Dawnfang barked before going to see if Twilight made any progress with their guest.

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:04 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning Kibo-57 Baloo-37

    Baloo yelped as Dawnfang dragged him into a corner and smirked. "Shouldn't you buy me a drink first" he said with his smartass tone. Baloo rolled his eyes at what she had to say before patting her nose. "Forgive me and my bloodhound nose oh divine canine" he said before returning to the Vulpix's side.

    Kibo gulped as he listened to Twilight and the outsider's conversation. He wondered what its species was and what its name was and if it had by chance left an egg to die in a zombie infested hell hole... At least Baloo had picked him up just in time... But it would be nice to know the Pokemon that laid him...

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:45 am

    (Skip, got a writers block )-| )
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:54 pm

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    Mauville City||Late Morning ((17))

    Hmm...should I trust her? Bah! She seems nice and sane. She yanked her head back through the door and turned her head and said to the group "Guys! Her name's Aisuru, She's not undead, she isn't trying to bite my head off, and she says she wants to help Foxie over here! I think we should let her in personally." She phased her head back through the door so that she could see the Samurott again " Just a second deary, we'll have to wait for their decision. Don't want to piss 'em off after all." Twilight said with a cheery smile.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:35 pm

    ((Gah hate to do this but skip me... Just say she nodded and sat back to wait))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:16 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(36)

    Dawnfang peeked out the window to see the big blue Pokemon sitting and waiting for a formal invitation. She looked down at the Vulpix. "Would you come with me" Dawnfang asked. She pressed her large paw on the door making it give and swing open. Dawnfang made direct eye contact with Aisuru and licked her fangs. "Ya think you can fix a cut so it doesn't get infected or have to be amputated" she asked. Dawnfang wasn't questioning her skill or anything... She was just unsure of her at the moment.

    Last edited by Tyranno on Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:07 am; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:45 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning Kibo-58 Baloo-38

    Baloo facepawed at Dawnfang's forcible nature... He licked his lips and stood beside the Banette. "Five bucks says Aisuru tears Dawnfang's face off in a fight" Baloo said teasingly. He crossed his arms curiously watching Dawnfang size up Aisuru. Something seemed very familiar about that particular Samurott...

    Kibo stared at this Samurott in awe. She was huge and her body looked like it was just pure muscle and nothing else. Kibo wondered every possible thing in the world of this Samurott. He could only shiver in awe of her the way any Dewott would do in this situation.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:19 pm

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    [b]Mauvillw City | Late Morning | Lysana - 6
    The little fox was a little upset. Some random pokémon coming in to treat her? I don't even know this pokémon. She looked up at the door. "Would you come with me" The Arcanine asked. Lysana stood up automatically without thinking. W-what am I doing. It all just goes by itself... When they reached for the door the Arcanine opened it with her paw. The pokémon seemed similar to the blue otter with us the vulpix realized. She sniffed carefully. She didn't smell like rotten flesh. The vulpix also realised how many rules of survival in this world she set up broke in such short amount of time. I'm not alone anymore...? She couldn't help but smile by this idea it gave her a warm feeling inside. A feeling she thought she had long lost.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:41 pm

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    Mauville City||Early Afternoon ((15))

    Twilight glared incredulously at the Buizel, unamused at his attempt at comedy. "The hell are you talking about? Getting your face ripped off is no laughing manner. I should know, and boy does it suck." Snorting, she went back to the door and stated blatantly "Well, what are we going to do? We're wasting daylight just standing around and Foxie isn't going to heal herself, why don't we just get on with it and let her in?"

    ((Short post is short, but seriously. Let's let her in already.))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:56 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(3)

    Aisuru smiled down at the Vulpix. "Trust me dear. I will do my best to ensure that this does not hurt" she said before opening the bag on her side. Aisuru observed the wound on the kit's leg. "A glass wound... No tissue damage but infection may have already set in" she said before dabbing at the cut with a wet cotton ball. Aisuru wrapped the gauze around the Vulpix's leg snugly to prevent the anything from getting in or out of the wound. "There all better" she said with a chuckle. Aisuru's attention was drawn to the small Dewott. He looked like a small scared Taki. Aisuru cupped his small muzzle in her paw. "You look just like my son" she said happily before ruffling the fur on his head.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:30 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(37)

    Dawnfang looked at the bandaged leg and nodded. Looked like it was done by a human... She placed her paw on Aisuru's shoulder and nodded. "You're ok Aisuru... You're ok" Dawnfang said with a grin. Yup all the acceptance in the world there.

    ((OoC: Short post is short))

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:51 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning Kibo-59 Baloo-39

    A raindrop fell on Baloo's snout. "Hey guys its raining" he said before it hit him. This was unnatural rain... He was a Buizel and it was in his nature to know about weather patterns. This whole weeks forecast called for drier then a Sandslash's armpit and no chance of rain. The cans were clanging together from the barrier to the West. Baloo used Agility combined with Swift Swim with his paws glowing with Brick Break. "Show yourself" he yelled before slamming both paws down. A broken Electrode was under him. Baloo yelped as he was hit with a Thunderbolt. Electrode... Magnemite... Voltorb... Where the hell did they come from? Baloo Aqua Jetted back to the others. "Well looks like we're going North... Now" he said.

    Kibo jumped as Baloo came back ushering them to leave. He raised whatever amount of eyebrow he had before seeing the army of Voltorb,Electrode and others. "Oh yeah we need to go" Kibo cried before being nailed by a Voltorb. He blasted it away with Hydro Pump before using Dig to tunnel out of the city. "Follow me" Kibo cried before digging it wide enough for Lysa and Twi to get through. He knew Baloo, Dawnfang and Aisuru could hack and slash their way out.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:33 pm

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    Mauville City | Late Morning | Lysana - 7

    W-what? The vulpix looked in panick and confusion. She also heard the ringing noise in the distance. The buizel came back. Both the otter and the weasel started digging their way trough the ground quickly. "Follow me" The otter cried. Lysana was a bit hestitant. Could they dig fast enough to get out of here? The chance of getting trapped was quite high. When she looked back they were already surrounded by all kinds of things the vulpix hasn't ever seen before. They seemed very hostile. She yelped and dashed as fast has her wound allowed into the hole.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:06 am

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    Mauville City||Early Afternoon ((16))

    "Those #$%^#&* just won't leave us alone, will they?!? I guess we'll just have to convince them otherwise!" Twilight got in front of the hole to cover her escaping comrades. A Voltorb rolled it's way over and prepared to self-destruct, Twilight punted it into the oncoming crowd of infected and fired off a Shadow Ball. It detonated in a fairly large explosion, it's power enhanced by her spiritual power. Twilight was about to leap into the fray when she noticed the Vulpix's difficulties. The Plush doll dashed over and scooped up the Vulpix and held her carefully like a football, and charged through the Hole after the Dewott.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:09 am

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    Mauville City|Late Morning (4)

    Aisuru made sure Kibo, Twilight and the small fox were finally through the hole before unsheathing her blades. She blocked a sloppy Rollout attack from an Electrode. "You move too slow and have no mindset sweetheart... You'll never be able to injure me" Aisuru said softly before chopping them up with Razor Shell. She re-sheathed her blades and charged North with the new path opened. Using Aqua Jet to vault herself over the fallen truck and skidding to a stop. Aisuru chuckled at the erratic way the small Dewott dug before plunging her paw into the ground. "Calm dowm" she said softly as she dug the little Dewott out. Aisuru placed him on the ground and pointed to a small house in the distance. She bumped him gently on the rump with her snout to urge him that way before widening the exit hole of the tunnel. "Here" she said holding out her paw to hopefully the approaching Banette.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:29 pm

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    Mauville City|Late Morning(38)

    Dawnfang growled scraping her paws on the ground. She shot Fire Blast right into the midst of them leaving burns and massive amounts of damage. Some of the Voltorb were even on fire. "Goodness gracious great balls of fire" Dawnfang laughed before following Aisuru down the path. She jumped over the fallen truck and fell flat on her belly. "Damn it" Dawnfang grumbled.

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:52 pm

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    Route 111|Late Morning Kibo-60 Baloo-40

    Baloo snarled and punched the crap out of every Voltorb, Magnemite and all of the above with Brick Break. He was tired of this! His anger made him attack harder and feel stronger. It was like Outrage but with Brick Break. Baloo growled and Aqua Jetted to the other's position. He was way close to wanting to end this...

    Kibo squealed as Aisuru lifted him up from the ground before she gently soothed him and ushered him to a house. He nodded and made a break for it. The Winstrate House... Kibo hastily began barricading windows and tore up the floor boards. He opened the cabinets and hid himself in there clinging to Vera's Oddish doll for dear life. Kibo wanted her back to nuzzle him and say it was ok and she loved him. He wanted to live in an Epidemic free world...

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:34 am

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    Route 111 | Late Morning | Lysana - 8

    The little fox was suprised when the living puppet suddenly lifted her up and carried her carefully. Running away deeper into the tunnel. She released a small ember and controlled it with the little psychic power she had lighting up the tunnel to be able to see where they walked. The fox noticed the end of the tunnel where a blue paw reached out for them with the calm soothing voice from the big otter from earlier.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 12 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:26 am

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    Mauville City||Early Afternoon ((17))

    Twilight happily took the Samurott's paw and started to lift herself up. Sneaky #$%^@&*. A Magneton was floating right behind the Water type, already charging it's electrical attack. Her face contorting into something between a scowl and a smile, she dropped the Vulpix on the ground and used Aisuru as a lunch pad, and hurled herself over the Samurott and crashed into the infected steel type before it could do any damage. They both fell to the ground, and before they even landed Twilight was wailing on it with Punches and scratches. Their landing stunned the Magneton, So Twilight proceeded to claw out it's eyes. Covering herself in the infected's blood while she ripped out it's retinas. It soaked into the ground in pools, turning slightly electrical as it vainly tried to get the Plush Doll off. But when Twilight wants someone dead, they're dead. Finishing it off with a Night-Shade, she turned back to the group with a smile on her face. As if nothing happened. "Oooh, there's another one!" And once again she lept into the fray.

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