Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre]


    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Empty Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre]

    Post by Starbits Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:43 pm

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Tumblr_pisecuK2F81s5iyovo1_250

    Mitsuru Makenshi
    Text Color#efbcc2
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item universal communicator; a little red bag with a white medical cross on it, and red duffel bag, the both of which together contain:
    -a sewing needle and an assortment of rags
    -rubbing alcohol
    -a couple first aid kits with all the usual essentials in them
    -a bottle of tylenol and a bottle of motrin
    -a book on first aid
    -food rations and berries for him and his pokemon
    -an assortment of berries for pokemon to help with status issues and regaining energy and health
    -a carefully cared for buneary plushie
    -a change of clothes, including shorts

    in his jean pocket is:
    -a keyring containing the keys to his old apartment, his cottage, and his pickup
    Weapons his pokemon
    Pronouns He | Him | His and They | Them | Theirs
    Birthdate May 4th
    Age 16
    Time Since Outbreakfour years
    Species Human
    Weight 115lbs
    Height 5'11"
    Region of OriginOrre
    Religion no particular religion; doesn't think much of it
    Accent none
    Occupation self-trained medic | Pokemon Trainer
    Party Tsukimi is his own Pokemon from childhood and Brutus is Unmei's pokemon. The others are pokemon he picked up during the epidemic at various points in time, and they've quickly become a family.
    Pkm 1
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Clefable
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Clefable | Tsukimi (M)
    Text Color:
    Level- 50
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Fairy
    Ability- Magic Guard
    Attack list-
    -Moonblast (Learned)
    -Wish (Egg)
    -Protect (TM)
    -Heal Bell (Tutor)
    Pkm 2
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Sneasel
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Sneasel | Brutus (M)
    Text Color:
    Level- 50
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Dark Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Ice    
    Ability- Pickpocket
    Attack list-
    -Knock Off (Tutor)
    -Icicle Crash (Egg)
    -Ice Shard (Egg)
    -Pursuit (Egg)
    **Unmei's pokemon
    Pkm 3
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Stoutland
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Stoutland | Kiki (F)
    Text Color:
    Level- 35
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Normal
    Ability- Sand Rush
    Attack list-
    -Return (TM)
    -Superpower (Learned)
    -Pursuit (Learned)
    -Crunch (Learned)
    Pkm 4
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] 572chocolatetry6
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Minccino | Mocha (M)
    Text Color:
    Level- 20
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Normal
    Ability- Skill Link
    Attack list-
    -Echoed Voice (Start)
    -Sing (Learned)
    -Baby-Doll Eyes (Learned)
    -Knock Off (Egg)
    Pkm 5
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Buneary
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Buneary | Candy (F)
    Text Color:
    Level- 15
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Normal
    Ability- Run Away
    Attack list-
    -Return (TM)
    -Pound (Learned)
    -Endure (Learned)
    -Baby-Doll Eyes (Learned)
    Pkm 6
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Tyrantrum
    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Pokeball
    Tyrantrum | Crown (F)
    Text Color:
    Level- 67
    Type- Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Rock Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Dragon
    Ability- Rock Head
    Attack list-
    -Head Smash (Learned)
    -Dragon Claw (Learned)
    -Earthquake (Learned)
    -Crunch (Learned)
    **a pokemon Mitsuru saved from being murdered while she was wounded, then nursed back to health
    Quote "I know you're scared for me Rui but- I can't- I can't take it anymore. I need to know what happened to him! I need to- he's still alive he's GOT to be, and I need to find him. I need HIM."

    "I don't suppose we'll be lucky enough to find him in our apartment but, well... I didn't sign up for easy."
    Appearance The first thing most people notice about Mitsuru is that he's a willowy child; the second is that they're often unsure if he's a boy or a girl. With pastel pink hair in androgynous cut, a voice not easily discernable as male or female, hands considered by usual gender role standards to be too delicate for a boy but too large for a girl, Mitsuru is usually pegged by strangers as either an exceptionally effeminate boy or a slightly masculine girl.

    (They're wrong on both accounts, not that Mitsuru has a name yet for his gender.)

    Like his brother, Mitsuru prefers to wear darker clothes, but unlike his brother, they generally have an air of casual formality to them; a white collared black shirt, dark jeans, and black shoes.

    But while that's what he likes to wear in more ideal situations, when farming, exploring, and now actually on this journey he's set himself on, he wears hardier clothes. A black jean jacket, a white tank top, dark jeans, a belt, and boots. He has a set of shorts in his backpack for when the heat is too much; the jacket and jeans are for protection against the sands and the nighttime elements.

    Mitsuru smiles easily, softly; he carries an air of grace unless excited, at which point he turns on the object of his joy a pure sunbeam of a grin. His attutide of optimism is exhuded in every bit of body language.

    He can be rather shy; holding himself in a way to be small when meeting others for the first time, but his genuine enjoyment of people and his loneliness tend to ease that anxiety very soon and it's a very visible process.

    Brutus remains out and by his side at all times, and it's very common for Mitsuru to lay a hand on the Sneasel's head in an almost motherly gesture, which is a smart idea on his account given Brutus's penchant to bristle protectively at anyone getting too close.
    Mitsuru's Relationships:
    User Notes


    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] 280

    Age : 30
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    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Empty Re: Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre]

    Post by Starbits Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:44 pm



    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] 280

    Posts : 3650

    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Empty Re: Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:31 pm



    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] 3Br5nS6

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    Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre] Empty Re: Pokemon Trainer Mitsuru [Pyrite, Orre]

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