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2 posters

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead))


    Age : 36
    Posts : 781

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Empty Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead))

    Post by Phoenix Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:04 am

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Hp5e5jc

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) WHCsZVc

    Dean Caldar
    Text Color FBEC5D
    Weapons Two hunting knives tucked in his belt behind his back
    Item Heavy cargo jacket for when it gets cold, six pokeballs (three empty), only a few healing items, Universal Communicator (stolen from Cipher)
    Gender Male
    Age 28
    Species Human
    Height 5’5”
    Weight 124.9lbs
    Occupation Refugee, Hunter, Former Breeder (pre-Epidemic)
    Pkm 1
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) 9SWBvvb
    Level 53-
    Attack List
    - Flamethrower (Vulpix/Level)
    - Extrasensory (Egg)
    - Energy Ball (TM)
    - Payback (TM)
    Pkm 2
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_5b_637
    Ability-Flame Body
    Level 70-
    Attack List
    - Heat Wave (Level)
    - Double Edge (Prior-Evo)
    - Bug Buzz (Level)
    - Giga Drain (Tutor)
    Pkm 3
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_5b_523
    Ability-Motor Drive
    Level 52-
    Attack List
    - Toxic (TM)
    - Agility (Level)
    - Discharge (Level)
    - Wild Charge (Level)
    Pkm 4
    Insert Name Here- Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Pkm 5
    Insert Name Here- Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Pkm 6
    Insert Name Here-Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Appearance Dean is very feminine in his body type, and has always been that way. But underneath his lithe form is an undeniable strength. He is almost all muscle though it isn’t overly defined, and he wears loose cargo shorts and a loose shirt for free range of movement. Keeping a heavy coat tied around his waist for when it gets cold and a strong pair of boots because he walks everywhere is essential for this young man. His blond hair is kept behind him in a loose braid and his bangs fall lightly around his face accenting his angelic face. His blue eyes sparkle when presented with a challenge and are usually soft and caring the rest of the time. He has a single scar just above his heart from where Cipher shot him and a few burn scars on his back from being trapped in the burning barn.
    Personality Dean is a very caring and understanding person, but the raid on his ranch and subsequent epidemic left him somewhat cold and distant when it comes to bringing up the past. He is still very patient when dealing with stressed Pokemon, and often does not need his communicator to know how they feel as he is a natural empath. He trusts Pokemon more than he does most people, especially since his encounter with Cipher, but knows that like humans not all Pokemon are good.
    User Notes
  • -is hunting for any remaining Pokemon that may still live that Cipher stole from him
    -helps any surviving Pokemon he comes across try and get somewhere safe from the Epidemic
    -His surviving Vulcarona, Cira, is in fact Kegan's mother. Another of my characters
    -Has a vendetta against Cipher

  • Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) WIjOl2A

    Michael Rhodes
    Text Color E3170D
    Theme(s) Wrong Side of Heaven – Five Finger Death Punch
    Castle of Glass – Linkin Park
    Major to Minor: "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Misérables - Chase Holfelder
    Lullaby For A Princess - Ponyphonic (Jovi's funeral theme)
    Item Snag Machine, black duffel carrying three days of dry rations, three bottles of water, various medications, first aid kit, electronic repair tools, various scrap electronic components, spare pokeballs, a few potions and revives, cargo belt holding ammunition
    Weapons Hatchet, carving knife, dagger, .45 pistol
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He/Him/His
    Birthdate February 19th
    Age 21
    Species Human
    Weight 135 lbs
    Height 6’4”
    Region of origin Orre
    Occupation Rookie - International Police, Former Assistant Scientist, Hero of Orre
    Party Other than his Espeon, which was a gift from his father when he was a child, all of them are former Shadow Pokemon that he freed from Cipher
    Pkm 1
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_6x_196
    Lucian “Lucky” / M
    Text colour- 49E9BD
    Species- Espeon
    Level- 71
    Ability- Synchronize
    Attack list-
    -Psychic (Learned)
    -Calm Mind (TM)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    -Dazzling Gleam (TM)
    **Michael’s companion since he was a child, always out of his pokeball (In fact Michael may not even remember where that pokeball is it has been so long). He has been Michael’s constant companion his entire life and would do anything for his trainer.
    Pkm 2
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_3r_217
    Teddy / M
    Text colour- DB9370
    Species- Ursaring
    Level- 67
    Ability- Guts
    Attack list-
    -Slash (Learned)
    -Return (TM)
    -Hammer Arm (Learned)
    -Hone Claws (TM)
    **His very first caught pokemon and the first Shadow he ever purified. He was with Michael every time Cipher was faced and helped rescue every one of the Shadows his trainer ever caught. Teddy adores Michael, making  his Return attack his most devastating move.
    Pkm 3
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_4d_468
    Shelly / F
    Text colour- ECC8EC
    Species- Togekiss
    Level- 52
    Ability- Serene Grace
    Attack list-
    -Extreme Speed(Learned)
    -Sky Attack (Learned)
    -Dazzling Gleam (TM)
    -Air Slash (Learned)
    **Shelly was hatched from a random Togepi egg he was given while he hunted down Shadow Pokemon.
    Pkm 4
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_5b_149
    Brielle / F
    Text colour- 5EDA9E
    Species- Dragonite
    Level- 75
    Ability- Inner Focus
    Attack list-
    -Hyper Beam (Learned)
    -Dragon Rush (Learned)
    -Flamethrower (TM)
    -Surf (HM)
    **Rescued from Miror B and one of the last Shadows freed from Ciphers control, Brielle is extremely loyal to Michael and would give her life to protect him as her thanks for him giving her back her freedom and her soul.
    Pkm 5
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Tumblr_inline_oslsaxfuKr1r82t0h_100
    Zephyr / M
    Text colour- F87531
    Species- Infernium
    Level- 61
    Ability- Flash Fire
    Attack list-
    -Fly (HM)
    -Inferno (Learned)
    -Brave Bird (Learned)
    -Megahorn (Learned)
    **Snagged as a Rapidash, but wasn’t used much during the battles with Cipher. Michael had become overwhelmed by the number of Pokemon he had to save and Zephyr was not given much purpose outside the labs until his trainer became a police officer. He became Michael’s primary mount after that point and his speed helped run down many a criminal. He evolved after Michael received a Sun Wing token and gave it Zephyr to hold on to.
    Pkm 6
    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Spr_4d_181
    Taranis / M
    Text colour- EDCB62
    Species- Ampharos
    Level- 63
    Ability- Static
    Attack list-
    -Thunder (Learned)
    -Power Gem (Learned)
    -Rain Dance (TM)
    **Taranis was rescued as a Mareep very early on in Michael’s mission to take down Cipher. He was given the name Sparks and was with Michael for every battle he ever had with the Shadow organization. Eventually, after Michael grew up, Taranis mentioned his embarrassment at still having such a childish nickname and Michael gave him one better suited to his power.
    • ”Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

    • “The family you come from isn't as important as the family you're going to have.”
    • "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that."

    Accent Very slight American South, he has trained his enunciation to have the accent nearly gone. It will, however, go full American South if he is drunk or extremely tired. Or even sometimes when he is so upset he can’t be bothered to keep it in check.
    Appearance Michael is tall, lanky, with wild red hair only kept at bay by his goggles ( a necessary accessory for anyone living in the deserts of Orre) and a permanent grin. His preference for loose, comfortable clothing did not hinder him in the epidemic at all as most of his outfit is easy to maneuver in as well as offering extra cargo space and protection. The snag machine, with some adjustments for arm length, still fits well and functions normally.
    Religion Pantheisim-the belief that the Universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.
    Personality +Genuinely Caring+
    The interest Michael has in others is genuine, almost to a fault – when he believe in someone, he can become too involved in the other person's problems, place too much trust in them. Luckily, this trust tends to be a self-fulfilling prophesy, as his natural altruism and authenticity inspires those he cares about to become better themselves. But if he isn’t careful, he can easily overextend his optimism, sometimes pushing others further than they're ready or willing to go.
    A passionate altruist, sometimes even to a fault, he has an unyielding desire to do good. He’s never afraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the people and ideas he believes in. Warm and selfless, Michael genuinely believes that if he can just bring people together, they can do a world of good.
    A true team player. He recognizes that listening to other peoples' opinions, even when they contradict his own, is key to finding a solution that benefits everyone. He admits he doesn't have all the answers, and is often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive.  He will even allow any rage vented at him to not affect his responsibility to see that team member through to the end.
    The very idea of letting down a person or cause he believes in is unthinkable. If it is physical possible, Michael can always be counted on to see it through. Especially if it was promised.
    Despite his rather naïve outlook, Michael has a natural charisma that draws people to him. Very outspoken, he has the ability to lead and inspire others to do things that they otherwise would not have thought possible.
    +Natural Leaders+
    More than seeking authority himself, Michael often ends up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of his strong personality and positive vision.
    He takes family, dating, and relationships very seriously, selecting partners with an eye towards the long haul, rather than the more casual approach that might be expected from some. There's really no greater joy for Michael than being able to help along the goals of someone he cares about.
    When it comes to friendships, Michael is anything but passive. He will put active effort into maintaining these connections, viewing them as substantial and important, not something to let slip away through laziness or inattention. He takes genuine pleasure in getting to know other people, and has no trouble talking with people of all types and modes of thought. Even in disagreement, other perspectives are fascinating to Michael – though like most people, he connects best with individuals who share his principles and ideals.
    While he enjoys lending a helping hand, others may simply not have the energy or drive to keep up with it – creating strain if they are unfamiliar with or unwilling to see Michael’s genuine interest. Ultimately, Michael’s give and take can become stifling to those who are more interested in the moment than the future, or who are simply uninterested in the sort of self-improvement and goal-setting that Michael holds so dear.
    When personal conflict happens, his first instinct is to dig in his heels further. While willing to admit he doesn’t know everything, he will often push to be shown proof of a path more suitable towards what he believes to be the end goal. This can at times be helpful when it comes to work or helping to save someone without sacrificing his ideals.
    -Overly Idealistic-
    He can be easily caught off guard if he finds that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against him and defy the principles he’s adopted. However well-intentioned they may be. He is more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and has earned him a reputation of naïveté.
    -Too Selfless-
    Frequently buries himself in his hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as his own and striving hard to meet his word. Has more than once spread himself too thin, and been left unable to help anyone.
    -Too Sensitive-
    While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for Michael to take it a little too much to heart. His sensitivity to others means that he sometimes feels problems that aren't his own and tries to fix things he can't fix, worrying if he is doing enough.
    -Fluctuating Self-Esteem-
    His self-esteem is defined by whether or not he is able to live up to his ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence. He us always wondering what he could do better. If he fails to meet a goal or to help someone he said he would help, his self-confidence will plummet.
    -Struggle to Make Tough Decisions-
    If caught between a rock and a hard place, Michael can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of his actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.
    His tendency to avoid any kind of conflict, sometimes even sacrificing his own principles to keep the peace, can lead to long-term problems if these efforts never fully resolve the underlying issues that they mask. Michael invests his emotions wholly in his relationships, and is sometimes so eager to please that it actually undermines the relationship – leading to resentment and even the failure of the relationship. When this happens, he experiences strong senses of guilt and betrayal, as he sees all of his efforts slip away. This is especially true in the case of his sister, Jovi. When this happens he will often fall into a quiet, repressive depression.
    Jovi’s death left Michael in a near permanent state of depression. He has gotten very good at hiding it, even from his best friend, however it continues to plague his every decision. The circumstances regarding her death leave him questioning even the most basic of emotional connections, fearful that he will let down another loved one. He places all of the blame of squarely on his shoulders.
    • Eldes – FORMER-Best friend in the whole world, his mentor in the IPF, and currently just the man who shattered his soul and tossed him to the winds.
    • Wes – Childhood hero.
    • Justy – Strange, yet helpful, guy from Phenac. Helped force Cipher out of town.
    • Ardos – Evil man who needs to be locked up. Not only for Cipher’s wrongdoings but because he hurt Eldes. Don’t like him. Nope.
    • Professor Krane – Former boss, family friend. Still missing.

    User Notes -His sister Jovi and his mother Lily are both dead. Jovi passed before the Epidemic and was his drive to join the International Police Force with Eldes.
    -Drugs have left a deep, emotional scar on his soul after the death of his sister and triggers bouts of guilt and anger when confronted with them
    -His Infernium is his primary mode of transportation

    --Art: drawn by Silverishness, colored by yours truly

    Age : 36
    Posts : 781

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Empty Re: Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead))

    Post by Phoenix Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:05 am

    Both characters are already on the team, this is a dual profile to remove Phoenix as a main character and simply have her in Dean's team so I only have one turn in the post cycle as opposed to two.

    Posts : 3650

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Empty Re: Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead))

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:04 pm



    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) 3Br5nS6

    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotDean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) UugYyDK

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    Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead)) Empty Re: Dean the Ex-Breeder and Michael the Hero of Orre ((Pyrite/Team Lead))

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