Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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Background art was made by Fox. The Banner was made by Silverishness. Show them some love, yeah?

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2 posters

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-))


    Age : 36
    Posts : 781

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Empty Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-))

    Post by Phoenix Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:17 pm

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Hrm4Sgn


    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Ax8rzQe

    Text Color #FF4500
    Item None
    Gender Female
    Age Adult
    Species #038/Ninetales/The Fox Pokemon
    Height 3'10"
    Weight 46.2lbs
    Pokédex Entry Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse.
    Level 65
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Rash
    Characteristic Quick Tempered
    Moves - Flamethrower (Vulpix/Level)
    - Extrasensory (Egg)
    - Energy Ball (TM)
    - Payback (TM)
    Appearance Brilliantly yellow fur with tails that seemed almost dipped in blood, this Ninetales is a sight to behold. Her fire orange eyes tell of a strong and defiant spirit that has never truly been tamed and she almost radiates with authority and power. Her body is long and sleek, tails almost longer than the rest of her body, and her mane is wild and unkempt giving her an almost Amazonian appearance. She is truly beautiful, but her attitude leaves much to be desired.
    Personality She is a master of persuasion, and finds great joy in conning others, however it is not always for her own benefit that she does this. It is easy to tell she has a very low tolerance for dumb, and such actions or statements make her very angry very quickly. Most of the time she comes across as a complete bitch, but there is a softer side to her that only those who really take the time get to see. The most notable thing about this Ninetales is that she is extremely vengeful and will hold onto a grudge for as long as it takes to get back at whoever "wronged" her (sometimes whatever they did is just in her head...). She will usually spare a living creature as long as they don't try to steal from her, but she is mostly anti-social and won't welcome them openly. Once she considers you part of her family you will be protected with a ferocity that rivals even the Undead, her loyalty to those she loves a power all on its own.
    User Notes -Is still searching for her lost son, Nikkolai
    -Is searching for Asche since the collapse of the coliseum
    -has a serious soft spot for kids, and they are usually the only ones she opens up to
    -edited slightly up level and reflect RP growth from old Pyrite
    -Father was a Vulpix left in the daycare who had Extrasensory

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) WHCsZVc

    Dean Caldar
    Text Color #FBEC5D
    Weapons Two hunting knives tucked in his belt behind his back
    Item Heavy cargo jacket for when it gets cold, six pokeballs (three empty), only a few healing items, Universal Communicator (stolen from Cipher)
    Gender Male
    Age 28
    Species Human
    Height 5’5”
    Weight 124.9lbs
    Occupation Refugee, Hunter, Former Breeder (pre-Epidemic)
    Pkm 1
    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) 9SWBvvb
    Level 53-
    Attack List
    - Flamethrower (Vulpix/Level)
    - Extrasensory (Egg)
    - Energy Ball (TM)
    - Payback (TM)
    Pkm 2
    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Spr_5b_637
    Ability-Flame Body
    Level 70-
    Attack List
    - Heat Wave (Level)
    - Double Edge (Prior-Evo)
    - Bug Buzz (Level)
    - Giga Drain (Tutor)
    Pkm 3
    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Spr_5b_523
    Ability-Motor Drive
    Level 52-
    Attack List
    - Toxic (TM)
    - Agility (Level)
    - Discharge (Level)
    - Wild Charge (Level)
    Pkm 4
    Insert Name Here- Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Pkm 5
    Insert Name Here- Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Pkm 6
    Insert Name Here-Reserved
    Insert Level Here-
    Attack List
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    - Insert Move Here
    Appearance Dean is very feminine in his body type, and has always been that way. But underneath his lithe form is an undeniable strength. He is almost all muscle though it isn’t overly defined, and he wears loose cargo shorts and a loose shirt for free range of movement. Keeping a heavy coat tied around his waist for when it gets cold and a strong pair of boots because he walks everywhere is essential for this young man. His blond hair is kept behind him in a loose braid and his bangs fall lightly around his face accenting his angelic face. His blue eyes sparkle when presented with a challenge and are usually soft and caring the rest of the time. He has a single scar just above his heart from where Cipher shot him and a few burn scars on his back from being trapped in the burning barn.
    Personality Dean is a very caring and understanding person, but the raid on his ranch and subsequent epidemic left him somewhat cold and distant when it comes to bringing up the past. He is still very patient when dealing with stressed Pokemon, and often does not need his communicator to know how they feel as he is a natural empath. He trusts Pokemon more than he does most people, especially since his encounter with Cipher, but knows that like humans not all Pokemon are good.
    User Notes
  • -is hunting for any remaining Pokemon that may still live that Cipher stole from him
    -helps any surviving Pokemon he comes across try and get somewhere safe from the Epidemic
    -His surviving Vulcarona, Cira, is in fact Kegan's mother. Another of my characters
    -Has a vendetta against Cipher

  • --Art: Phoenix drawn by Silverishness, Dean drawn by ME!!! ((everyone gaze at my crappy drawing! lol))

    Age : 36
    Posts : 781

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Empty Re: Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-))

    Post by Phoenix Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:59 am

    Please move to PC for approval~ <3

    Posts : 1265

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) Empty Re: Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-))

    Post by Victini Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:52 pm

    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) RGgji6G


    Phoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) VictiniPhoenix the Fiery Ninetales and Dean the Human Breeder ((Pyrite, Orre -Leader-)) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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