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Moon Moon
17 posters

    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Fern Wed May 27, 2015 7:55 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 250px-676Furfrou

    But then, Lancelot stopped in his tracks.

    What was he to do? What would be the point of continuing on with this venture? They already knew he was a fraud--a fool. He could tell what Sharon truly thought of him, and his other object of affection was painting the snow with his own blood--poor Spot--but there was nothing he could do to help him now.


    Unless he brought back the head of the Alakazam himself. He hadn't ever thought of himself as the type for grim justice--but this seemed so right. It was as if all his troubles and personal insecurity would melt away with a single killing.

    He had to find himself out there. It didn't matter if he succeeded or not. The point would be that he tried, like a warrior, to avenge his friend.

    And they would honor him like a hero when he returned.

    In one fluid motion, he swished his tail and stalked off into the snow ahead, yelling over his shoulder, "Farewell, fair Goddess. Farewell, friends! When I return, it will be with the head of the Harbinger! Huzzah!"

    And with that, he sauntered further and further away until he was nothing but a speck in the distance.

    Then he was gone.

    [[OOC; leaving post. I promise I'll return when I feel better. It's been wonderful to be on this team with you guys! <3]]

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat May 30, 2015 6:04 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Morning

    "Huh? Sure Jack." Walking away from the others, Jack felt a bit of sorrow for holding something in for so long. Before Jack could say anything, the Furfrou started walking towards the entrance of the cave. "Farewell, fair Goddess. Farewell, friends! When I return, it will be with the head of the Harbinger! Huzzah!" Jack couldn't believe what he heard from Lancelot. He was going on a suicide mission and the chances of him surviving is zero. Don't be a fool Lancelot, they'll kill you without so much as a single touch. By the time he was to speak Lancelot was already gone. The Pikachu couldn't believe it. This kid was going to get himself killed, but instead of following him he looked back at Sharon. The Electric type took a deep breath and began explaining to her about what happened to the team he was with. "As you can see I had encountered a few powerful undead and lets just say the team I was with didn't survive. I was the only one to escape the others wasn't so lucky and it turned out the others fell to a harbinger."

    The Pikachu felt a little better saying it, but with a heavy burden on his shoulders he wanted to tell her who the harbinger was. Yet, he couldn't remember which one, since the details was still fuzzy. Only thing he could still remember was the screams of death and pain of the others. Jack looked and soon see the others starting to head further in. He looked at Sharon once more and nodded to her. "Lets get further in so we don't attract anymore unwanted attention." The Pikachu started following the others deeper into the cavern. Questions started raising up into Jack's mind. One of them was if Lancelot will be okay on his own. "Fine." The Gengar sighed, but Jack felt Yuri had good reasons to stay with them. The Electric type couldn't imagine why Dal wanted to leave them behind, but in the end Yuri would stay with them,

    OoC)) Short post due to an illness affecting me

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Sun May 31, 2015 5:30 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\11

    "Whatever, it' fine kid. It's fine."the ghost type said finally. The small steel type felt a little better, his tiny leg rubbing at the metal under his eye then followed behind. Gabriel gave a huff of breath and followed behind the aron, he respected the gengar enough to let it go.

    "Farewell, fair Goddess. Farewell, friends! When I return, it will be with the head of the Harbinger! Huzzah!" the white normal type said seemly out of the blue. Gabriel turned around and gave a rather dirty glare at him. The dog type clearly didn't hear the talk about going off on you're own was a death wish. It was no longer his concern, having the group watching over his little brother was enough for him. The dog then left outside the cave, Jeriah's blue beads eyes tracking the normal type till it was out of view. Looking back at Gabriel not sure what was going on.

    "Lets get further in so we don't attract anymore unwanted attention." Jack then came back from his talk with sharon, curious what was said. Gabriel watched the mouse come back and take lead. It was suprising that not to seconds ago it would have done exactly what the normal type did. Now jack was picking up the roll of leader. Jerieh running up to stay near the human curious about her. "You're pretty!" Jeriah chirps. Gabriel looked up ahead, setting eyes on Dal seeing what his reaction would be. " Jerieah leave her alone he grumbles as the aron looked back with what would have been a pout face.

    (sorry short 'n brain farting)
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Moon Moon Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:13 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Fancy_flareon_by_phasmasilvia-d8fswox
    Frost Caverns||Morning||6

    'Wat. What the fuck is he doing telling me this. I DON'T DO EHHHHHHH WHATEVER THIS IS.' Sharon was trying her upmost to keep a straight face while listening to Jack's sob story, to actually appear to give a shit about the Pikachu's fairly common place problems. What he told her didn't bother the cat in the slightest, no not the actual information itself, but the fact that to the rodent it was deep and meaningful personal even. If there was one thing Sharon was an absolute failure at, was being confronted with another living being's emotions. She could barely even handle her own emotions, that's why she buries hers under excited nihilism, and when shown any hint of distress from another creature her mind is smothered in the supreme awkwardness. Staring forwards with a look not unlike that of constipation, The red cat silently prayed to whatever forces that controlled the universe she wouldn't be asked a direct question. It is only because of this situational discomfort that distracted her from sassing the Pikachu over his irrational behavoir regarding the harbringer, though she was sorely tempted.

    Glad that the Pikachu was finished revealing his depressing past to her Sharon scrambled away to the middle of the group, letting out a sigh of relief. She could only hope that the other pokemon weren't as open as The Yellow rodent when it came to emotions, then she'd probably have to high tail it out of there before she died of her social inabilities. Looking over when she hears Lancelot's bold declaration to assassinate The Harbringer Alakazam, the stupidty of those words gives her enough mind to shout "Don't get your ass murdered!!!" Before the white dog dashed away into the blinging snow. Letting out another sigh the fire feline was already starting to sense that hanging around this group of pokemon would be more trouble than its worth, but she figured that she might as well stick around to see what happens. 'Besides, I like trouble.' Lips curling up into a slight smile at the thought of destruction, she strode forwards near the front of the party with her tail held high and said "Yep! Let's head on out into the cave, what we'll run into probably won't be worse than what we've already seen. Though we may get lucky! Who knows." Skipping along cheerfully at the idea of seeing another unfathomable abomination, The Flareon felt like that all in all, this was a pretty good day for her.

    ((This is what happens when you post to the Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending OST while your posting))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:37 pm

    [ooc: SORRY please skip me for this round--i'm having a multitude of problems arise right now with all of my deadlines right around the corner...here's a quick summary of what my characters do:

    dal is more or less pleased about lancelot leaving as there's less people to keep an eye on, while yuri seems visibly worried but does not make any move to stop him. yuri also smiles down jeriah when he bounds up to her, she can't understand what he says but regardless she just gives him a pleasant smile and nod. they progress further into the caverns, where it seems to get a little dimmer as they get farther from the entrance, and also a little more slippery due to snow and ice. (in which yuri seems to be struggling to keep footing and also shaking from the cold) they reach a little clearing/room in the caverns, and faint sounds can be heard echoing from the distance, but the source is unclear due to the closed nature of the caverns. dal just grumbles "This is an awful idea--how far do these caves even stretch?"]

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:36 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Morning

    The Pikachu looked back at the massacre that took place earlier. His thoughts turned to whether Lancelot would even return alive or become like the rest of the undead. Either way, Jack couldn't stop him from making that decision. "Yep! Let's head on out into the cave, what we'll run into probably won't be worse than what we've already seen. Though we may get lucky! Who knows." The Electric type looked at Sharon and sighed. She's strange. Jack thought to himself, yet still trying to figure out Sharon. While walking with the others, he often thought about revenge. In his heart, it ached for the loss of Spot and Cory, but his mind however screamed at him for failing to save them. Maybe he was bad luck since all those years of trying to find his trainer and surviving on his own. The Pikachu shook off the feelings that had him depressed and began looking what was ahead of him. He had to help the others in any way he could and at the same time find his trainer. As they got deeper into the cavern, the ground became a little more slippery.

    Jack remembered his first time on ice and it was with a slippery result. The Electric type chuckled slightly and as his front paws touched the ice, he felt the bumps in the formations. Not sure if Yuri would be able to keep balanced and the way it looks, I'm guessing the others except Dal will have trouble keeping balance as well. The Pikachu stood up and walked onto the ice. He began to wobble as he slid forward a bit. As he stopped he rubbed his foot against the ice trying to remember how to glide on it. "Okay then, lets see, how did it go?" Jack started to move one foot at a time and started to glide on the ice slowly. The Electric type looks back and starts getting concerned about Yuri. He knew from her expression that she was getting cold. It was also getting a bit more dimmer as they progressed further into the cave. Finally crossing the ice, they make it to a clearing in the cave where it was solid ground and snow.

    As he walked forward a bit some unknown sounds was echoing from the cavern. "Do any of you hear that?" Something maybe in their with them, but its hard to tell with the cave's structure being such a closed space. Jack started looking around as the noises continued to rattle the caves walls. What could it possibly be? Something alive might be snoring or they might end up running into an undead moaning for food. Whatever it is that's making that noise could be close by. The Pikachu thought. The electric type moved his ears around listening in to whatever is making the noise trying to pinpoint where its coming from. "Sounds like its further ahead." Jack said. As he looked down, he seen some footprints in the snow and it looked like it was going in the direction they was going. "Seems there's something in here alright, but I hope this is my trainer's footprints." The Pikachu felt that he was sure his trainer could be in here.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:25 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\12

    Jeriah remained close to the human as he skipped forward on his four stumpy legs as they neared some ice. Quickly losing his footing her slides ahead a little. His claw less feet unable to catch anything. Toppling over as she tried to right himself only adding a spinning to him. "Weee" he chips as he reached the other side fully on his stomach. stopped by a bluff of snow. Getting his stubs back under himself he looked back at the group. His eyes sparkling in a joyous glee. His version of a bright smile.

    Gabriel sighed following behind his little brother struggling to stay up right himself. He looked at the ghost type who wasn't bothered by the ice at all nor the temperature. Eye following over to the fire type, her typing and her fur coat would keep her warm and claws anchoring to the ground. Jack seemed to be having a hard time just like him but still have some sort of fur and means of self warmth. It left him and Jeriah out to the mercy of the cold. Scales and steel weren't going to help much. The human seemed the most affected by this cave. The faint tremble of lips shaking.

    "Dal? Think Yuri is starting to get cold. Did she bring anything to keep herself warmer then what she's wearing?" already knowing the girl wouldn't have understood him from before. Gabriel blinked his crimson eye in the direction of Yuri. Gabriel was still confused by the girls choice to stay with them when it was clear that Dal would have dropped them easily not moments before. Jack seemed busy in his own grief to really watch everyone else. He didn't trust the fire type from her past reactions to the attacks and the white normal types leaving.

    Jeriah laughed as she shakes the snow off hearing something down the cave a little "Echoo echoo!" chirping down the way it came from. "Jeriah Hush" Gabriel snapped as he looked to the others who seemed to have noticed it to. Jeriah looked to the others quickly moving back picking up on what was going on. Running back to the ground type's side "Whats going on now Gabby" asking now quiet. Gabriel looked down patting his head before looking at Jack and Dal. Clearly they wanted to fight about who was being leader. So asking them both. "There is something else in here friend or foe you think?" curious. Patting the aron's head again going forward to the more front of the group. "Think they are friends?" Jeriah asked "Unlikely being this deep" Gabriel grumbles.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:34 am


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:01 pm

    (Skip got a busy day tomorrow and won't have time to post.)

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:48 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\13

    Seeing that no one else had moved ahead to see what was going on Gabriel sighed. The ground type, turning back to Jerieah who seemed just as trapped in his steps as the others. " Stay here..." he grumbles looking at the other then back to the Aron. Taking in a long breath and held it taking a few steps again ahead of them. The ground was still icy and hard to walk on, using the near by wall to help keep himself up right. Slipping a little getting a small sharp gasp from the steel type behind him. Gabriel turned back lowering his one arm for quiet.

    Coming up to a curve in the tunnel. Holding his breath again as as silent as he could peered around it. Not seeing much of anything but more snow and ice. Not what ever made the sound, maybe it was just the ice falling from the roof or something that got every one paranoid. Letting out the warm breath go in a fog. Turning back to the rest of the ground a little distance back " I don't see anything " keeping his voice low in a deep whisper. Turning back around the bend before making his way back to them. " Might have just been the ice breaking off some where" trying to give maybe a reason more for himself again.

    The Aron looked up at the group, unsure of himself for once, " Maybe just ice?" turning to Jack. " Right Jackie?" moving ahead a little to try and get back with Gabriel. Who was making his way back toward them. " What ever it was was perhaps deeper in. By Arcues I hope it's just ice." Gabriel mumbles. The slight decline he had nearly slipped down proving difficult to climb back up so having to wait till the rest of them came down " Can someone make sure Jeriah can make it down okay?" Gabriel asked with great effort for help.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:05 pm

    (((aaaahhh I'm sorry but I can't think of anything to post aside from internal dialogue for Sharon, and I don't want to bore anyone with that...))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:57 pm

    Frost Caverns | |Late Morning

    The terrain grows harder to navigate as they step further in, the cover of ice stretching far with few patches of snow and earth. Dal instinctively levitates, taking Yuri's hand in his own to safely guide her across passage. His grip is devoid of temperature, but tangible as he entwines his fingers further when his trainer begins to tremble, a wave of relief washing over the both of them when they finally manage to reach more solid ground. The young Aron remarks about how Yuri seems cold, to which Dal only grunts. "No. She doesn't have anything else. At the very least, we have a fire-type with us." He gives slight gesture to the Flareon before floating further in. Much to the spectre's displeasure, low rumbling echoes welcome them.

    "Do any of you hear that?" Jack asks, circling his ears and scouring the ground beneath them. "Sounds like its further ahead. Seems there's something in here alright, but I hope this is my trainer's footprints. Curiously, the Gengar drifts closer to where the electric-type stands, giving his surroundings a quick look around.

    Yuri shivers, immediately alert at the low sounds. She raises a brow when the Aron begins chirping, but smiles in amusement--the little guy must be playing around with the echoes, right? Echoes...those sounds from earlier could be from tunnels away or even from right next to us then... She bites her lip in uneasiness, an action Dal immediately picks up on and floats over, protectively levitating beside her.

    The Larvitar decides to venture forward, eventually turning back and quietly mumbling his assumption. The Aron echoes him, looking to the Pikachu for reassurance while Jeriah continues. "What ever it was was perhaps deeper in. By Arcues I hope it's just ice. Can someone make sure Jeriah can make it down okay?"

    Dal gently leads Yuri forward, and gives a brief nod. "Sure." Despite his short, sharp answer the Gengar gently floats to where the Aron is, his trainer's eyes expectantly watching his movements. The ghost-type grumbles slightly, and sighs. "...Do you want me to just carry you down?"

    Once again, the cavern trembles with a sudden growl, this time sounding closer than the last. Small particles of ice break from the ceiling and scatter on the ground.

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:40 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Morning

    Jack looks back at Yuri shivering from the cold air. In that instance, Jack knew she doesn't have anything warm to wear other than the clothes she has on. As the Aron remarked on how cold Yuri was. "No. She doesn't have anything else. At the very least, we have a fire-type with us." That was the upside, but the downside was there any wood they could burn. The Pikachu started to think to himself whether Sharon would help with the fire or not. As he continued looking at the footprint it resembled a boot. The electric type wondered whether it was his trainer or not was a mystery. " Maybe just ice?" The aron spoke and looked at Jack. " Right Jackie?" He couldn't tell if it was ice, but there was something definitely down further. The Larvitar that went on ahead tried to return to them, but as Jack walked to the edge of the slope, he seen Gabriel trying to get back up the slope. Well that's a bit of a slope of ice, better be careful not to slip. The Pikachu thought to himself as he surveyed the ground closely.

    Looking at the Aron, Jack couldn't say for sure what it was. "I don't know what it was Jeriah, but we'll find out if we continue on." The electic type said. "What ever it was was perhaps deeper in. By Arcues I hope it's just ice. Can someone make sure Jeriah can make it down okay?" The Larvitar asked. Jack looked at the Gengar floating towards the Aron. That would mean either Sharon or himself to lead Yuri down the slope. The electric type walked to Yuri and stood right beside her while Dal went to Jeriah."Sure." The Gengar responded with a sigh. "...Do you want me to just carry you down?" For once Jack might be understanding Dal a little more, but so far he was still unsure of him a bit. The Pikachu looked at Sharon and nodded to her. "Ladies first." As he gestured to her with a smile.

    Before he was to help Yuri, another noise came from within the cavern and this time it was closer. "We're not alone in here and I don't think its ice this time." Ice started falling from the ceiling, crashing onto the ground. Whatever it was, it might be heading right towards them. Jack looked behind Yuri as another noise had sounded off. The Pikachu listened in a bit more and it maybe something hungry. "We might have an unexpected guest looking for a quick meal." The electric type started growing cautious as the noises continued echoing throughout the cavern. Where are you at, whatever you are. Jack looked around the area surrounding them. So far it seemed to be coming ahead of them from what Jack could hear. Questions arose as he started leading ahead. Was it friendly? Is it undead? He couldn't tell, but it might be best to be ready for anything as they continue on deeper in the cave.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:05 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern\\Late Morning \\14

    The ground type at the bottom of the sloop looked up, he felt useless again unable to reach back up. He could see the top of the steel types head just over it but nothing more. The ghost type moved over, his gut ties it's self up into a knot. Half of him wanted to tell Dal to back off, but he was trying to help. Biting back his cruel words as he waits. The sound got closer. Gabriel turned around then, a little afraid as the sound was clear it wasn't ice echo's from deeper in the cave system they were in.

    The ground type shakes a little, the unknown sound getting closer that he couldn't see. " Any Idea's? asking up the sloop as he kept his eyes down the tunnel. Trying to feel a little better of himself as Jeriah was up with the others in case something happened. The steel type in question looks up to the ghost type as he come closer. Unsure of himself with the strange phantom. His eyes gleam with a smile " Dal is nice to offer, don't think he can lift Jeriah thoug-" losing his footing from the vibration. Sliding down the sloop on his stomach legs flailing around. Sliding past the ground type brother and down the way a little before coming down to a stop.

    Gabriel looked up a little, before following the sliding steel type. " You okay Jeriah?" asking a very concerned larvitar. The aron getting back to his feet. " Yup yup" seemly un-phased. Gabriel letting out a sigh then a weak smile. "He's fine" letting the others know. Gabriel looked up then and back down the passage. Great now I have Jeriah with me, he thinks to himself. " Can we do it again?" the steel type asked as Gabriel pats his head.

    " There is a more flat passage a little ways down if you want to take that." seeing a opening off to the side he hoped connected to the one he was in. " Don't see much of another else but snow and ice." grumbling turning back to see the rest up the group up top. " We'll go on ahead, for a safer path." the ground type said a little afraid of what might have been ahead. The steel type looks back " Bye bye" chirping following as they leave the view point of the rest of the group.

    (( Leaving post sorry somethings come up))
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:00 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Fancy_flareon_by_phasmasilvia-d8fswox
    Frost Caverns||Morning||7
    ((Leaving post))

    While she was walking, the fire fox thought to herself while she was strolling along in the compacted snow. What was she doing here anyways? Pokemon were either fleeing or dying right and left, so if she wanted to stay for comradely it was pointless. True this group did bring in the undead like a Magneton, but not the type she liked. Alakazam wasn't big or bulky, as a Harbringer he was an ungodly abomination that brought only death and misery, all enacted in the least glamorous of ways. Want she wanted to see was a hulking monster, not the reincarnation of Giratina. All of the other infected in the area were most likely frightened off by The Harbringer, so they would not draw any more visitors for likely some time, unless it was the returning psychic type. And...She didn't want to watch everyone else die. Having already made the mistake of starting to get to know them. Still she felt the sting in her chest from watching Spot and the Breloom be obliterated in front of her, and she didn't want to have to deal with more grief and sorrow. Selfishly, she decided to leave then.

    "I'm going to go look for Lancelot, go on ahead." There, a viable excuse for abandoning the rest of them. Though it wasn't entirely a lie. Turning in a random direction, The Flareon dashed off cloaked in flames, heading off for parts unknown.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Tue Aug 18, 2015 3:44 pm

    Frost Caverns | |Late Morning

    "We're not alone in here and I don't think its ice this time." A light flurry of crumbling ice pelts the ground nearby with Jack's remark, causing the Gengar to sigh and drag a single hand down his large face. "We might have an unexpected guest looking for a quick meal."

    Well, so much for catching a break. The spectre floats wearily back to his trainer, taking her hand gently within his own and escorting her across the ice. She's trembling, he notices, most likely from the cold. "...Lets just find a place to rest. As soon as possible. Take paths away from the sound." Dal's brow furrows as he speaks, a clear concern audible with each syllable he speaks, constantly glancing at Yuri's face to ensure her safety.

    "We'll go on ahead, for a safer path."
    "Bye bye."

    Immediately the ghost-type's gaze shoots up, a startled light in his eyes as he sees the two smaller figures vanish into the darkness of the caverns ahead. "W-Wait--wait a sec--" but with their silhouettes gone from his vision, the phantom simply looks back to his trainer, offering a slight frown.

    "I'm going to go look for Lancelot, go on ahead."

    With the leave of the Flareon, Yuri's expression twists in worry. Where are they all going? Unable to decipher the words of the Pokemon, the trainer helplessly looks towards her ghostly companion. ...Dal? She squints in an attempt to translate his expression, a tinge of anxiety writhing in her gut. In the same instance she looks back to the Pikachu, raising a hopeful brow. Will you stay?

    The Gengar hisses under his breath, gritting his teeth in displeasure. Whatever, whatever. This shouldn't matter to him. It's better if their group is smaller, anyways. Less bodies to count, less mouths to feed. Besides, his top priority will always be Yuri--so why should he care about the others? The glance Yuri gives Jack does not go unnoticed, however, and the spectre also turns to face the electric type. He's a little reluctant to ask, but he knows his trainer wants him to.

    "You still stickin' with us?

    [ooc: lets get this show back on the road! \o/]

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:58 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Morning

    Jack looked at Yuri, trembling from the cold. "...Lets just find a place to rest. As soon as possible. Take paths away from the sound." THe Pikachu agreed with the Gengar. If they was to head towards the sound they could be seeing a dangerous fight. The other pokemon was leaving them, Jack reached out trying to stop the two young pokemon from leaving. "We'll go on ahead, for a safer path." First the Larvitar then the Aron. "Bye bye." They vanished from their view and not a word came out of Jack's mouth. "W-Wait--wait a sec--" Dal tried to stop them as well, but it was to late they was gone. The Pikachu was wondering if they was getting scared off by the noises. He turned around and as he did now Sharon was leaving them. "I'm going to go look for Lancelot, go on ahead." That's when it hit Jack, the Harbinger from before had inflicted enough fear her to turn tail and run. Jack tried to stop her from leaving, but it was no good. With a huff of breath he decided it was time to make a choice.

    Yuri looked down at the Pikachu and her expression was enough to convince Jack to stay with them. Besides he has a trainer to find in this cave. The electric type gave a smile to Yuri. As the Gengar asked Jack, the pikachu forgot all about what happened earlier. "You still stickin' with us? Jack nodded his head. "Yeah, besides I'm not going to turn tail and run away from whatever that noise is."  The Pikachu said. He would follow Yuri and Dal no matter what. Another noise sounded off in the cavern and Jack perked his ears up listening around for the direction to avoid. It was much louder than before, causing some of the ice from above to fall down. Jack jumped back from nearly getting stabbed by one. That was close, a second later I would of been a mess. The pikachu walked around the fallen chunk of ice and started listening for other noises. He didn't hear anything else. The last noise was a sharp quick banging noise.

    Jack couldn't tell if it was a gun shot or an attack from a pokemon. One thing was for sure, they'd encounter whatever is in there with them. I just hope those kids are okay and Sharon made it out alive. He looked at Dal and Yuri wondering what they're thinking. The Pikachu waited for what their next move will be. "Whatever you both decide I'll stick with you till the end." The electric type said as he continued listening to any more commotion. A low growling noise came from the tunnel just up ahead of them. It was getting softer and more quiet. Seems that it was moving away from them. "Two tunnels, yet something is in one of them. What do you think Dal, take on whatever is in this tunnel or avoid it and use the other tunnel." Jack asked the Gengar.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:14 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Gjwgzz10
    Inside Frost Cave| Morning | 11 (Post continued from Lost team)

    It was cold and it was wet, he knew that much for sure. His eyes still dark to where he was as the cold was waking from from what seemed like a nightmare. He remembered a tower and claws digging inside his head, and the voice he was there with him. Drip, Hikirio flinched as the cold water drips on his uncovered face. The Sting of a old wound waking him fully as he gasped for air, the frigid air tickles his throat and caused him to shiver again. His silver fur wet from laying on his side, sticking to him slightly. Lifting his head as it felt heavy and clouded and tried to picture in his head where he was now, before putting his head down as the world took a sudden spin.

    Rolling from his side to his stomach, the scared tissue tensed nearly instantly as it touched the cold... ice?. Sniffing the area around him as his paws blinks reaching for his safety, where was his mask. His paw tip came into contact with it as he pulled it back to him as he rolled it over and placed his head into it working it onto his face and over his ears and it sat back in place he calmed slightly. Feeling much safer already with the weight on his face and snout. Lifting his head once more, locking the mask there as he shakes the water from his warmth. Now thinking to himself where he was and where was everyone else, Uboa and the others he was sure wasn't just a dream he had felt them.

    "Hello?" asking as his voice echoed and returned simply bounced off the ice as his ears twitched. A warm vapor from his warm breath in the cold area as his breathing quickens his fear setting in, and with his fear his anger follows. A flash of brilliant flame lick at the ice melting the top layer, setting the cavity on fire sending a orange glow into the thick ice followed by a wash of heat.

    "Where are you!" he howled, the embers of his rage ignites again with out Uboa there to keep the wild fire from starting again. Betraying him again and left him in the dark silence of his head, alone. His head snapped to a sound, near as his ears strain to pick up more of them. The fire flickers and dies out, was that Uboa looking for him was he not alone in this new strange place. He sniffs trying to pick up on the scent of garbage and rotten fish, but the cold agitates his nose. Pawing at it just a annoying bug just crawled up it. The cold breathing would take a little time to adjust to, as his fur and body heat kept the temperature at bay around the outside.

    "Hello? who's there?" firm but more quiet, standing his ground from what ever might be at the end.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:44 am

    Frost Caverns | |Late Morning

    "Yeah, besides I'm not going to turn tail and run away from whatever that noise is." Despite himself, the Gengar grins widely at the Pikachu's response. He's taken a small liking to the electric-type--maybe the rodent's determination has finally started rubbing off on him. Dal emits a faint chuckle of agreement when Jack stumbles back and away from falling ice, remarking about the consequence of a delayed reaction. Seconds later, the Pikachu speaks again. "Whatever you both decide I'll stick with you till the end."

    There's a clear, visible relief on Yuri's face when Jack does not leave, a festering anxiety growing with each sound the electric-type emits before slowly ebbing away when he makes no motion to go. She smiles, bright and gentle despite the nipping frost, and gives a subtle nod of approval. Thank you. For a brief moment, she wishes she could express her gratitude in comprehensible words, feeling the burden of the communication barrier between them.

    Dal opens his mouth to answer Jack's inquiry about their path, glancing down into the dark ice and peering in attempts to catch any stray silhouettes or clues about their enemies. Before he speaks, a faint echo interrupts his thoughts, and the Gengar furrows his brow. "...What was that?" It's muffled, rippling through the tunnels--it almost sounds like words?

    "Where are you!"

    A bright flash of orange and reds illuminates one of the tunnels, briefly startling the spectre before he levitates forward with caution. As the light ebbs away, he hears the same voice call once more, and squints. He turns to Jack, raising a brow. "Do you think we should investigate tha--"

    Without a single warning, a sudden bursting dash from Yuri cuts her Pokemon off, her thin legs wobbling dangerously as she skips forward as lightly as possible. What she saw--what she saw just moments before--that was fire! And the calls sound alive, right? Maybe, maybe this could be a new companion--a helpful one--and as she nears the midsection of the cavern, she spots a silver pelt...

    "YURI--" Dal snaps in fear as he immediately follows, gritting his teeth. "Shit--stop--you're going to get yourself killed--you're going to get us all killed!"

    [ooc: i just got off a straight 14 hours of work dkfhdfg i hope this post is coherent im so tired]

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:05 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Late Morning

    Jack waited for Dal's decision on which direction to go. As a silhouette appeared in one of the tunnels Jack started picking up a voice with his ears.   "...What was that?" The Pikachu looked at Dal as he was about to say the same thing. Was there more undead in the cavern other than the two harbingers that appeared and left before them? "Think we might have to fight whatever that was Dal?" The Electric type asked. He was unsure of what it was along with the Gengar. "Where are you!" Sounded like someone was in distress, but Jack knew from experience that undead can be tricky and lure their prey in for them to snack on. Flashes of orange and red illuminated down the tunnel.  "Do you think we should investigate tha--" Dal was quickly cut off as Yuri started skipping forward through the tunnel. Dal starts floating after Yuri in an attempt to either stop her or catch up. The Pikachu starts running after both Dal and Yuri to see what's going on.

    As he ran through the tunnel, Jack's mind was racing through the thought there could be an undead in the area using fire. Shit, why now of all times. Hopefully there isn't an undead near by. "YURI--"  Dal snaps from fear as he chases Yuri down the tunnel.they reach the end of the tunnel to find not an undead, but a silver pelted Ninetails with a mask on. Was this the one making the fire?  "Shit--stop--you're going to get yourself killed--you're going to get us all killed!" Jack stops then walks up to the Gengar. "A Ninetails, here of all places. Think he's friendly?" Though he was cautious, he was also wondering why a Ninetails would have a mask covering its eyes for. If the ninetails was making the fire, what was it aiming at and what was it shouting to. He had no idea as to why it was in the cavern, but if it was the one responsible for the noises, then it has a lot of explaining to do. Jack looked to Dal and nodded for his word if they needed to defend Yuri.

    "Who are you and where did you come from?" The Pikachu asks first. He wasn't going to take any chances if this was another Harbinger. Electricity was starting to build up, but Jack remained cautious. No blood on him, yet he doesn't have any purple spots on him. The Electric type was surveying the Ninetails for any sign of infection, but couldn't find any signs of it. With a sigh of relief the Pikachu eased up on the electricity build up. He was still cautious of the Ninetails still after meeting the Absol that was there earlier. I wonder if this Ninetails is as crazy as that Absol? It was early to tell, but none the less he was ready to fight if the situation changed to the worse.

    OoC)) Its okay Ced, I was able to get something out of it.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:39 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Gjwgzz10
    Inside Frost Cave|Late Morning | 12

    Hikirio stopped then as he heard voices in the distance , his ears strained to listen into what was coming his way. It didn't sound like voices he knew. Had Uboa left him to his fate , left him behind again just when he found him at long last . Uboa's words were needed now more than ever , It had to be more than a dream or a figment of his broken mind that the tower was real. This wasn't no tower , It smelled almost clean and it was cool not the damp musky tower. Claws clicking on the ground a little as his tails flicked a little above the ground but held low.

    "Shit--stop--you're going to get yourself killed--you're going to get us all killed!" They were so close now. Hikirio turned to the sounds where the voices were coming from, It was hard to give an exact pinpoint due to the ice creating faint distortions . They spoke clearly enough though to be beings in the location he was in now.

    "A Ninetails, Here of all places. Think he's friendly?" Another new voice sounded, as his chest burned maybe in fear or something else. He didn't know these voices or who they belonged to, the same questions he could have asked them if they were friendly. Maybe they could tell him where he was other than the plainly obvious it was cold and dark. His ears stop his head now looking at the trio unknown to his eyes how many they were. He is unaware of Yuri having not said anything but the faint scent gave her away, to Hikirio she was the second voice. The painted eyes seemly following their movements.

    "Who are you and where did you come from?" The second voice said as his ears track the sound back to the clear owner. The crackle of static as his fur tingles a little, an electric type what sort of electric type remained unknown.

    "Hikirio" A strained voice trying not to lash out at the Pokemon asking, every ounce of his mind afraid and rage full embers just below the surface. "A-a Tower " shaking his head, ears pulled back lining against his skull as a sharp pain trying to remember. Turning his head back toward them, "Where is here, exactly? " Asking a little more sure of himself. Sniffing again, " Who is with you? " Asking now now clear and firmly . Maybe they were just as lost as he was, just like those pokemons in the tower . What their alignment was remained to be seen .

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:14 pm

    Frost Caverns | |Late Morning

    All of them come to a slow halt at the end of the cavern, in front of a masked silver-haired vulpine. Dal grits his teeth, peering forwards at the Ninetales's form for any clear signs of infection or aggression. Jack steps closer to him, voicing his concern. "A Ninetails, here of all places. Think he's friendly?"

    The Gengar makes a gruff noise with a scowl, furrowing his brow. "Regardless, with the ruckus he made, I'm not sure if I want him near any of us." Not even for a second does his gaze leave his trainer, carefully watching the human inch closer to the fire-type. What is she thinking? Running off to greet some stranger that she doesn't even know if they're dangerous or not? What does she see in the fox? The spectre sighs a low hiss of frustration, instinctively levitating closer.

    Yuri shuffles closer to the fox, sweeping her dress beneath her as she gets onto her knees. She listens to the Pokemon speak in their tongues, a complex language that she has no hope of understanding, but her expression shifts at the strained tone of the fire-type's voice. Is he hurt somewhere? His body language alone sparks worry into the human, a tight frown forming her lips. With furrowed brows and a concerned glint in her eyes, she glances back to her Gengar. Is he safe?

    "Where is here, exactly? Who is with you?"

    Without answering Yuri's look, Dal takes his eyes off his trainer to glance at the Ninetales. The phantom raises a curious brow. "Can you not see?" he asks tentatively, still cautious of the newcomer.

    Yuri makes the slightest huff at Dal's lack of reply, turning back to Hikirio. Quietly, she extends a single hand for the fox to sniff--that's what you're supposed to do with canines, right?

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:06 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Late Morning

    Jack was waiting to see what happens with the ninetails. As the Pikachu watched Yuri inch closer to it, Jack couldn't help but feel that it could try to attack her. "Hikirio" The Ninetails answers his question earlier, but only partially. "A-a Tower " Tower? Jack didn't recall seeing any towers while wandering alone. "Regardless, with the ruckus he made, I'm not sure if I want him near any of us." Nodding his head to the Gengar, Jack was still weary of the Ninetails and what his motives are. Yet, Yuri must see something in it. Jack remained cautious, but no longer emitting any electricity. "I don't know if we can trust the ninetails Dal. That one Absol from earlier had bad vibes written all over it." As he kept his eyes on Hikirio, Jack looked at the mask. It was an odd looking mask for a vulpine to wear, but then again so was goggles on a mouse pokemon. I wonder if he can see us through that mask? It was then he realized maybe he can't see them under that mask.

    "Where is here, exactly? Who is with you?" The Ninetails asks them, but this maybe the fact it was wearing a mask that has no eye sockets to see out of. Jack looked at Dal thinking the ghost type should answer that question. "Can you not see?" Jack looked at Yuri holding her hand out to let the ninetails sniff it. The Pikachu however, started getting an electric build up again. This could go bad any second and both Dal and Jack may have to get Yuri to safety. He can't see her, yet he's sniffing around the air as if he's trying to find where we are. The electric type slowly moved behind Hikirio, waiting for something to happen. If he was to attack Yuri both Jack and Dal would have him trapped between them two. "Okay Hikirio, if you can hear me then tell me how did you end up in Kalos?" Jack was trying to keep the Ninetails calm, but if it doesn't work then they may have to take action. The pikachu nodded to Dal for any signs of aggressive behavior from the Ninetails.

    OoC)) Sorry for the short post, been having a rough day today with the anxiety attack hope this is sufficient enough. 

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:30 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Gjwgzz10
    Inside Frost Cave|Late Morning | 13

    "Can you not see?". The first voice said as his ears moved toward him, must be a him. Hikirio wasn't sure how to answer this question, this was never brought up before. So he didn't think much of it. Uboa had never come out about it so plainly, he hesitated how to answer. Before he gave his head a slow shake, the embers stirred in rage for such a painful question. No these Pokemon are innocent, they are lost just like Hikirio. He'll show them the way, he'll place them on the same path to truth and enlightenment. Hikirio will be their Shepard.

    Letting out a snort then taking a breath to continue the conversation with that voice. A new scent, his whole body freezing even the tails did not move. Taking another breath, another sniff of this scent. A hated smell. His breath became warm then hot like flame, washing over Yuri's hand. Though the breath alone helped chase away the numbing cold she was feeling it was also a warning of what would happen next.

    " Hu- Human!" the fur on his nape frill up and his tails bulk of in show of nearly doubling his size. His jaw snapped but not on the limb offered so carelessly. Stepping back of the mixed feelings of hate and fear. Flames lick at his maw, raising the temperature of the chamber. The strange blue flames dance on the ice, it would have been beautiful in different terms . " Human!" growling stepping back. "Okay Hikirio, if you can hear me then tell me how did you end up in Kalos? " nearly having backed peddled into the small electric type. Jumping startled, the built up flames release. Missing jack completely having not seen the target, to see the size of him.

    " Human, the human that is here getting it away from me, Leave me alone!". Backing off, his rage competing with his fear of the human. " No I'll not was a tool! not again! ". Now fully open like a wound having forgotten everyone else there and Jacks question. " Tools you're all being used by that Human " hitting the other ice wall. Now appearing like a cornered cat would have been. Tails fanned out pressed against the wall, another burning pain in his chest. Ears pulled back no longer listening to them, " It will use and hurt you" he warned them, part of him wanting them to leave now. Another desperately wanting them to stay, the voices have his darkness light.

    ( Feel free to engage him as see fit . Just a stubborn stuck up teenager, mellow out next round again. )

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:08 am

    Frost Caverns | |Late Morning

    "I don't know if we can trust the ninetails Dal. That one Absol from earlier had bad vibes written all over it." Jack mentions his caution, and Dal replies with a firm nod of agreement. The fox said he cam from a tower--what tower? The spectre certainly didn't see any towers nearby their location when he and his trainer arrived--just how long has the fire-type been here?

    Yuri leans closer, observing the vulpine further before jolting backwards in surprise at the sudden warmth that engulfs her hand. He yelps, snapping his jaws and stumbling away from her with bristling fur. The human blinks, trying to regain her kneeling position on the slippery ice beneath her, inching closer despite the flames beginning to lick the Ninetales's silver maw. No no no, it's ok, it's ok--I won't hurt you, I promise... She attempts to extend her hand again. Please don't be afraid--

    Dal clearly has others plans, an immediately scowl and low hiss emitting from his form as soon as the flames appear. A dark ball of energy crackles to life at the palm of one of his hands, and he threateningly gestures it towards the fire-type. "Well, now we have our fucking answer." The spectre's eyes narrow with distaste. "He's not to be fucking trusted. Yuri, get back." He approaches Hikirio with the intent to engage in battle, the Shadow Ball growing larger in his hand.

    " Human, the human that is here getting it away from me, Leave me alone!" Frantic and fearful, the fire-type yelps and corners himself against a wall. Perfect, he can't esca-- "Tools you're all being used by that Human. It will use and hurt you."

    The words seem to strike a nerve in Dal, and the Gengar only bares his teeth further. "Use me and hurt me? Fucking please--that kid can't even hold a sword right, let alone hurt even a Joltik." He scoffs loudly, and subconsciously he's glad his trainer is unable to understand his words.

    Suddenly, Yuri jolts to her feet, scrambling forward to block her companion's path. She spreads out her arms, desperately shaking her head. No! No, you won't hurt him! There's a fierce light flickering her eyes and she grits her teeth. He did nothing wrong! You won't hurt him!

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