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    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)


    Age : 33
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    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Requiem Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:41 pm

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) 250px-304Aron


    Text Color Steel Blue (#4863A0)
    Item A Everstone fragment that's been accidently wedged into the hole on it's right side of his armour
    Gender Male
    Age Child at about Eight Years
    Aron #304, Iron Armor Pokémon
    Height 1'04"
    Weight 132.3 lbs.
    Pokédex Entry This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, it causes major trouble by eating bridges and rails.
    Level 12
    Ability Rock Head
    Nature Brave
    Characteristic Somewhat Stubborn
    Moves - Tackle (starting)
    - Harden (starting)
    - Headbutt (leveled)
    - Metal Claw (leveled)
    History Jerriah's family had called an old abandoned mine in the mountains (once owned by humans) home. The humans were driven out by a family of Aggrons that had moved in due to the rich supply if iron and minerals. Generations later the mine still remains in full control of the aggron family, but it's almost endless supply of food was starting to dwindle. Humans where no longer threatening, as they all have seemed to vanished but a new foe quickly grew in their place. Further and further the aggron had to dig into the mines just to feed themselves and the small family. Jerriah was the last generation with his two brothers and a sister. He lived with his mother most of the time as the father was searching the mountain for another rich iron deposit. 

    The one time Jerriah was doing this ritual with his food, he had managed to find an ever stone shard hidden in the surrounding rocks. What got stuck in his armor. This remained unnoticed for a while till his sister found it and let his mother know. His mother frowned and tried to get it out but that only got it more stuck. The mother tried to ignore her one son might never be able to evolve and get stronger to fend for himself. Oblivious to why he was being slowly pushed out of the family. One day he was playing with his brothers and sister when the mother dug into a Tyranitar nest, where a single child was buried and fell into the mine. The Tyranitar parents quickly found this out and invaded the mine, the single Aggron parent was no match and was quickly slaughtered.

    The only survivor was a single baby Aron, Jerriah. Who would have meet the same fate under the Tyranitar's rage, other than the Larvitar showed interest in the Aron child and saved his life. The new family took control over the mines, and the aron child was adopted and became close with the larvitar child known as Gabriel. Years later after the event happened, a monstrous undead Aggron entered the mine, it's dead twisted mind snapping as the sight of the new family that wasn't his. The long since missing father aggron had fallen under the epidemic curse, and his rotting mind brought him back to the only place it could remember. It didn't see the aron as it's own son and brutally attacks the tyranitar family that had a child of it's own to protect. The male Tyranitar fell quickly under the brutal attack, the female and the children fled. Hiding the two children in the forest at the bottom of the mountains, and vanished. Jerriah now only looking to Gabriel as his only family after losing two sets of parents.  
    Appearance "Aron is a quadruped Pokémon with four stubby legs and a large round head. Its body is black with plates of gray armor covering its head, back, and legs. Throughout its body are small openings in the armor. There are six openings on its head, with the largest two being openings for its pale blue eyes, and one opening on either side of the spike on its back. A single, blunt spike protrudes from its back."

    Jerriah is a very average aron in every way shape and weight, though his amour is dulled down from it's flawless shiny steel to a much duller less reflective steel from the many traveling locations he's been to with Gabriel. On the right side of his body in the side hole beside the dull single back spike a ever stone shard can be seen barely poking out. This does not hurt or bother him in anyway he knows it's there and can be seen rubbing against things to try and dig it out. These has caused some scuff marks and scrapes of the rim of the hole.  
    Personality Still being a very young age he's a very strong child at heart and doesn't fully understand the risks of the new world. He is very playful and just as reckless. He may tend to make things a game at the expense of any unlucky or unsuspecting pokemon around him or in the group. It's how he's learned to coop with whats going on by laughing and trying to make light of things. He tends to be the groups joker and will try and make even the sour of pokemon smile and help them see the silver lining of almost anything. Inside though he's very scared and worried. He may fall silent for a little while before bouncing back to his joyous side where he tries to shrug off his own grey thoughts.
    User Notes - He knows about the ever stone shard and what it's going to do to him as he gets older he would like to try and get it out before then
    - he's very close to Gabriel and looks to him like a big brother, but he sometimes worries about Gabriel
    - his playfulness will get him into trouble and thus get scowled at by Gabriel but he knows the lavitar also means well
    - Jerriah follows Gabriel everywhere and wont leave his side unless Gabriel himself tells him other wise

    Last edited by Requiem on Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:07 am; edited 3 times in total

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Re: Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Requiem Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:06 pm

    Move to Pc Please and Thanks, Active when Tickets are confirmed.

    Posts : 1265

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Re: Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Victini Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:58 am

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) RGgji6G

    I'll pop him onto the team sheet once you have your ticket for him. Just post here when it comes through.


    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) VictiniJerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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    Age : 33
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    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Re: Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Requiem Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:09 pm

    Tickets Confirmed thanks Vic

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Re: Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Requiem Sat Dec 24, 2016 4:11 am

    Would like to attempt to be active again on the site with a hopefully likable face this time.

    Please move to PC

    Posts : 3650

    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) Empty Re: Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team)

    Post by Mewtwo Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:46 pm



    Jerriah The Aron (Ace, Frost Team) 3Br5nS6

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