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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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17 posters

    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:51 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 4

    Something is moving in the swirling snow! His right-most head turns towards it and sniffs, then sneezes because of the cold air. Is it his human?! The Houndoom's bladed tail whips from side to side enthusiastically and he crouches low against the ground.
    “Like a musical?” The Braxien says as it pads in out of the snow and promptly falls over.
    Spot jumps back and barks at it. The red fur of its ears flops to the floor.
    "Hi!" He barks, thrashing his tail from side to side then whines when he realizes the fox isn't moving.
    "Oh come on. I haven't even gotten to the best part! You can't be passing out on me now!" Spot didn't notice the other white thing in the snow until it whined. Stepping into the cavern as well Spot gives it a good sniff with his right most head. It's red eyes are giving him a strange look. His left-most head glares back. "Yeesh. And they say I came from hell."
    "I don't know that place. Is it in another region?" He asks and moves so he is standing in between the white furred pokemon and his new friend. He doesn't think the other dog will appreciate the white-furred thing looking at him like that.
    His middle head sniffs at the Braxien and nuzzles at it. Its brightly colored fur is cold.
    "Oh dear," His leftmost head says. "We have to warm them up." His right most head adds.
    The middle head nudges over the Braxien's body and sniffs at it. There's still a heart beat but the fox looks very cold. He scratches at his ears. Right he should start with warming the fire type up. He champs his teeth together to form a spark and builds a ball of flame at the back of his throats. With care he breathes warm air over the Braxien's chest to warm up his core temperature, making sure the white fur there is toasty warm before continuing outwards to his arms and legs. He remembered being told if you were cold you had to make sure the heart was warmed up first otherwise they would get a shock when they woke up.
    He swallows the fire to warm up his fur, making sure his furry belly is close to keep the Braxien warm.
    "Warm-up hugs!" He says cheerfully and flops onto the fox's chest.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:57 pm

    Frost Caverns | | Early Morning

    The electric mouse's sudden panicked reaction makes the Gengar raise his brow, pulling a half-disappointed half-disgusted look at the Pikachu. If that's how it reacts to what Dal assumes is Yuri--a human--how the hell has it survived this far into the Epidemic? He floats solemnly beside the Sneasel as the ice-type reprimands with harsh words, the spectre simply crossing his arms with a scowl. Damn straight this is an invite-only party--Dal doesn't think he can stand someone who cries so easily in such close priximity to him.

    Suddenly the Pikachu stands up from where he originally sat, voice eerily calm and stable with little trace that he was crying like a toddler before. "Sorry, I kinda have a problem with blades and didn't mean any harm to you. Anyways, I came here to find my trainer, but this storm is making it to hard to see anything. My name's Jack." Blades? Really? Dal releases an exasperated sigh. Better damn well fucking hope there aren't any Arceus-damned Scythers in these caves, you shit.

    "I cant see how you could've harmed us if all you were doing was crying like a baby on the floor." Quite obviously the Gengar is already done with the Pikachu, rolling his eyes as he speaks. "Other than sweet ol' Yuri I haven't seen any other humans around here. And this place is kinda fucking freezing. You probably won't be finding any other people in here anytime soon--"

    Dal's speech cuts off when Yuri does a sudden half-squeak, stumbling backwards when an Aron bounds up to her out of nowhere. The metallic beast chirp in it's own language--something that the human cannot understand--and seems to look up at her expectantly. A Larvitar soon follows after it, and the human vice grips the handle of her sword. Dal what do I do what's going on--

    "Hey!" He half-roars the word, snapping his head towards the Aron who stands a little too close to his trainer for comfort. "Back off from the human, kiddos. She isn't some toy you can play with."

    [ooc: computer broke down and my access to ej is restricted....this is kinda rushed 미안 ;;]

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:33 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Early morning

    The Pikachu stared blankly at his reflection in the ice. Do I really come out as a weakling after so many years of peace? No, I refuse to be weak but how to prove that I'm not weak, its something I need to do on my own somehow. Jack stared at Yuri and Dal and shook his head in disbelief. "Other than sweet ol' Yuri I haven't seen any other humans around here. And this place is kinda fucking freezing. You probably won't be finding any other people in here anytime soon--" He looked at the children wondering where they came from and how they got through the storm. "He's got to be around somewhere, but your right Gengar." The Pikachu started walking back when he noticed the kids sliding right into Yuri. "Kids, here?" This wasn't something Jack was used to was children especially those that just wander out in a raging storm. Jack headed back towards the entrance of the cavern to find the three headed Houndoom  I wonder who that Houndoom was I never got his name.

    As the electic type reached the entrance he spotted what appeared to be an Absol wearing a clock and somewhat insane looking one at that. What are you? The Pikachu thought. Jack then looked and seen the three headed houndoom on what appeared to be a braxien. "Is he alive?" He ran over to check out the unconscious Braxien and stared at the Absol with an uneasy feeling about it. "Hey buddy, you okay?" The pikachu looked at the Braxien and felt how cold he was. Jack stood in front of the Braxien while watching the Absol carefully, readying an electric move in case an attack was to be made.

    Electricity starts crackling, but he keeps himself from attacking. His eyes are watching the Absol carefully. As he continues checking on the Braxien, Jack also studies the Absol every few seconds. He finally lets his guard down a little, but still not trusting the Absol  "What are you and what happened to this Braxien?" The Pikachu said.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:44 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning (3)

    "I cant see how you could've harmed us if all you were doing was crying like a baby on the floor." Gabe listened to the ganger a little as he talked to the pikachu. He wasn't to impressed by the ghost type trying to be all leader like. The Aron wondering off again to the human eyeing the sword again. "Other than sweet ol' Yuri I haven't seen any other humans around here. And this place is kinda fucking freezing. You probably won't be finding any other people in here anytime soon-- Hey!" Gabe jumped a little immediately looking for the steel type seeing it near this Yuri again "Back off from the human, kiddos. She isn't some toy you can play with."He sighed " Jeriah!" the Aron turned toward him then the ghost type " Just hungry, food in the cave!?" bouncing off once more toward the cave mouth. Before seeing something in the distence and wanted to go see waht it was. Gabriel remained with the human and the ghost type before noticing the Pikachu wondering all as he watched. Shooting the ghost type a glare before following.

    The aron seeing this also ran over skidding to a halt under the absols long legs.  "We have to warm them up." Jerieah looked over at the funny looking houndoom with three heads. "Warm-up hugs!" the three headed fire type yelled as the Aron giggles walking out from under the absol to the fox and the Dog. " Oh oh can I have a hug to please?" Jeriah's eyes glittering slightly at the playful hound and he lays down beside the fallen fox to. Through not really offering warms but cold steel. His eyes set at the fire type feeling the warmth from them both slightly, giggling again " Jeriah is my name nice to meet you" turning back to the absol loaming over him " Hi yeah" the smile still there. Gabriel walking over following the Aron to make sure he didn't get into trouble.

    Posts : 9

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Scizor Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:59 pm

    I couldn't find her...must...find another..better...more beautiful..! Scizor fumes to himself. Time having not proven an effective healer. They...they treated him like a monster. He was showing them beauty...such beauty...how could they not see it? Icy gusts batter against the decaying husk, but with no reaction. He had along since stopped feeling such trivial things. The faint hum of his wings had become white noise to what remained of his ears as well as he glides through the early morning air. The sound so dull due to his body's disrepair and neglect that the elements effectively muffle it along with--voices.

    Lifting his bloodied, rusted head, the harbinger turns to the new sensation. Voices...pokemon...beauty...how long has it been? Like a moth to a flame he flies towards them. Chipped wings flapping faster and faster until the metal bug is darting over the landscape. But once his empty eyes finally find them, he feels a cold chill for the first time. What..what are they doing? How, how DARE they. The powerful gut-wrenching feeling returns, various emotions burn and flash through the scizor's mind one after the other with a growing intensity.

    Everyone together, nearly piled on top one another. Love, companionship, no, none of them deserved this. This...this he would make them see! Among the group, a particularly bright, orange pelt stands out amongst the rest. A beacon in the deary landscape. Consumed by jealousy, he dives. The wind becomes harsher as the harbinger builds up speed as if it were trying to stop him. A feeble attempt at best.

    Twisting in the air, the steel-type collides with the earth directly outside the cave like a miniature meteor. Snow and other debris is thrown up in the process, littering the ground before him. "You...You don't deserve this! This beauty..thisthis THIS IS MINE!" The intensity of his barked words forces discolored blood to gurgle and bubble from deep within the insect's shredded throat.

    "I will take WHAT IS MINE." Cracked, distorted, and dripping blood-both his own and others-Scizor charges forward. First in his path, the pikachu. Watching, cracking with electricity. Clearly ready to try and deny him what he so rightfully deserves. As fast as a bullet, Scizor collides a large, closed metal pincher with the rodent's much smaller frame. The force of the bullet punch proves strong enough to knock the wind from the creature. Ungraceful, disgusting...Next in line.

    Jumping into the air, the decaying insect whirls his deadly pinchers, summoning a wind that surrounds the appendages. By the height of his jump, they are glowing with an unnatural light. Pitching his body forward, the weight of his body drives him forward, arms first. Just before impact, the blast releases. Hitting the dog-piling houndoom with a vacuum wave forceful enough to tear it away from his true prey.

    "You're so beautiful..Don't you see? Why, why don't you answer me!?" Opening one pincher with a sickening crack he dives it at the braxien's unguarded head. A perfect fit. "You can't ignore me!!" Pressure builds, tighter and tighter, drawing blood from the eyes, ears, and mouth of his unfortunate, sluggish prey. Only then does it regain consciousness. With its skull literally being crushed to pieces the vulpine thrashes for its life. Muffled, trapped screams unable to find release as its jaw are cracked, displaced and broken against itself.

    At the back of his mind, the insect can feel a pressure as claws scratch furiously at his own. After one mercifully forceful snap his pincers end that along with its life. The action spraying the bug with a fresh coat of blood. "You MONSTERS are all the same." He screams, waving the now limp and bloodied fox around like a rag doll in his rage. Blood splattering the fresh white snow in a morbid, abstract design. "I will take your beauty. I will be beautiful! HahahahHAHAHA!!" More blood, this time his own, drips from his mouth and eyes, choking him as he laughs.

    Satisfied for now, he turns, slipping the fire-type's slim frame around his neck. Though, it doesn't fit quite right--a pincer on the neck and tail solve that along with a simple snap of the spine and soon, his fur scarf is complete. He now has beauty. Beating his wings with a new found energy and mission he takes to the sky. The day was young...now they would no longer reject him.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Duma Wed Feb 04, 2015 4:45 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 6qci99M
    |Outside Frost Cavern|Morning|
    Reaper watched as the Braxien peacefully slumbered. An eye twitched as he glared at the fire fox. "We have to warm them up." Warm them up? "Awh! But the cold is so nice! It's wonderful for taking one's worries away and lulling the into a forever dark slumber!" He chirruped, bouncing on his claws eagerly. "Warm-up hugs!" The hell-hound flopped onto the Braxien, and Reaper frowned, teeth jutting out from his top lip as he narrowed his eyes and his snake-like slit pupils watched them. "Oh oh can I have a hug to please?" Only then did Reaper look down at his feet, where a queer lump f steel stood. His muzzle split into a wolfish grin. Children. How tasty.

    "Jeriah is my name nice to meet you" Reaper chuckled darkly. "Nice to ea- er, meet you too, Jerrrriah" In his attempt to be somewhat nice, Reaper ended up growling the 'r' in the Aron's name. "Hi ya" Stepping away from the steel child, Reaper's red eyes flickered to see a yellow mouse coming towards them. The Absol almost drooled at the amount to food - almost. "Is he alive?" Reaper rolled his eyes. "Of course he is alive! I wouldn't leave a meal like this in the open if he was dead!" Reaper said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Hey buddy, you okay?"

    Reaper groaned, the sound tapering off into a throaty growl. "Did I not just say he was okay?" He muttered, frowning. This group wasn't as tasty as they seemed earlier. "What are you and what happened to this Braxien?" Oh! A question! Reaper grinned, showing off all his sharp teeth. "Who am I he asks? Who am I?! Why dear sparky, I am Reaper! I am the one who comes in the night and helps you when you need help with your final breath! However sparky, who are you?" He grinned, somehow in his speech he had danced closer to the Pikachu, and his dark blue muzzle was only a few inches from their face, teeth glistening dangerously as his eyes dilated more and his grin fell into a troubled frown. His head shot up and he looked around, taking a few steps backwards, weary.

    His caution paid off when a red object impacted in front of them. Wising up, Reaper skittered out of the way, his claws sinking into the snow as he jumped out of the way onto a rock."You...You don't deserve this! This beauty..thisthis THIS IS MINE!" Oooh, this was a fun one! He had heard of these ones, they were fun to play with - however this one seemed mad. "I will take WHAT IS MINE." Reaper grinned. What is his? Like what? Surely not the flaming knight?

    His thoughts were confirmed however, when the steel bug sped through the Pikachu and hellhound, gripping his flaming knight by the head. "You're so beautiful..Don't you see? Why, why don't you answer me!?" Reaper growled lowly. It was not beautiful. That flaming knight was his prey! He crouched on the rock, glaring at the Harbinger. "You can't ignore me!!"

    The fox woke, screaming. Reaper grinned, chucking lowly. "Yes, yes! Scream little knight, for this is your last breath." Reaper giggled, pitch wavering between too high and a dark, low tone. "You MONSTERS are all the same." Well, he was right there. They draped the now dead fox over their shoulders, snapping their spine with a gleeful crack."I will take your beauty. I will be beautiful! HahahahHAHAHA!!"

    With that, the Harbinger flew off. Reaper jumped from the rock, bouncing around the blood covered snow before rolling in it, gleefully playing. "Oh I do hope they return! That was one of the fun ones! They're way more fun to play with than you morsels!" Reaper grinned, bounding to his paws and skipping around the bloodied snow while humming.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:43 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 5

    "Oh oh can I have a hug to please?"
    Spot's right most head turns towards the steel-shelled pokemon. Oooh this was a new kind of pokemon he hadn't seen before. it's back was white but kind of shiny like metal. He supposed that meant it was a steel type. He tilts his head to one side as the playful thing walks up to him. His forked tail starts to wag.
    New friend.
    He sniffs at it. It smelt like metal.
    "Jeriah is my name nice to meet you"The Absol laughed to itself.
    "Nice to ea- er, meet you too, Jerrrriah"
    "Hi ya" The child chirped up and Spot wagged his tail, rolling over a bit so the child is tucked neatly under one paw.
    "Hi!" His left most head barks.
    "I'm Spot." His right most head says with tongue hanging out.
    "Is he alive?" Spot sniffs at the body in concern. It is still breathing and starting to get warmer.
    "Of course he is alive! I wouldn't leave a meal like this in the open if he was dead!"
    "Hey buddy, you okay?"
    "Did I not just say he was okay?"
    "What are you and what happened to this Braxien?" "Who am I he asks? Who am I?! Why dear sparky, I am Reaper! I am the one who comes in the night and helps you when you need help with your final breath! However sparky, who are you?"
    "Stop being loud!" Spot's middle head whines and he shakes it, pawing at an ear to scratch a lingering itch.
    "You...You don't deserve this! This beauty..thisthis THIS IS MINE!"
    From the blowing storm flies a Pokemon Spot vaguely recognized. It looked like a scizor but its pretty red shell had gone red like rust. Drips of blood flow over the metal carapace and drip onto the icy ground.
    "I will take WHAT IS MINE."
    Before Spot can open his mouth the bug is leaping forwards faster than anything he had tried to bite before. It punches the Pikachu across the cave before he can move. It shouldn't be doing that! It's a fight!
    Spot open his mouths to bark as the red bug leaps upwards with the wind whipping around its four wings. It seems to glow as it flickers towards him. The wind of the attack picks the three-headed hound up and smashes him against the cave wall. His heads knock together as he hits the icy rock and slips over on the cold stone. His heads are ringing as he struggles to get up. He can't hear anything as his tail weakly twitches. His legs are aching. He has to fight to get all his paws on the ground. His middle head grits its teeth as he manages to rise. The scream echoes in all six of his ears.
    "You MONSTERS are all the same" There is a loud crack.
    "I will take your beauty. I will be beautiful! HahahahHAHAHA!!"
    The bug's wings whir into life and it takes to the skies before Spot draws himself up. A flare of burning light begins to shine from underneath his sharp teeth.
    All three of his heads begin to bark in earnest. Dazed from the blow and in a panic the three-headed Houndoom continues barking and barking and barking, all three heads searching for the threat.
    "Oh I do hope they return! That was one of the fun ones! They're way more fun to play with than you morsels!"
    Spot growls and snaps at the frosty air as the Absol rolls in the bloody snow.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:04 pm

    (ooc, please skip me im sorry im having a lot of difficulty right now)

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:21 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning

    Jack stared at the Absol not letting his guard down. "Who am I he asks? Who am I?! Why dear sparky, I am Reaper! I am the one who comes in the night and helps you when you need help with your final breath! However sparky, who are you?" The Pikachu felt offended at the Absol's remark, but he replied. "Jack's my name and I don't trust you Reaper." The electric type looked at the Houndoom, which the middle head was whining. "Stop being loud!" He started to have a bad feeling something was coming right towards them at an alarming speed. Jack looked back at the Absol stepping away from them, could the absol's disaster be picking up something that it wanted no part of?

    Just as he looked at the Braxien laying there, something was starting to move towards them. The Pikachu squinted his eyes as it began its approach then suddenly, Jack went back to putting his guard up. "You...You don't deserve this! This beauty..thisthis THIS IS MINE!" Jack began to crackle with electricity as what appeared to be an undead has found them. It appeared at an intense speed unlike anything the pikachu has seen before. "Shit, the undead found us." He jumped in front of the Braxien in an attempt to protect him. "I will take WHAT IS MINE." In a blink of an eye the Scizor made an attack and before Jack had time to react the Scizor used bullet punch on him knocking the wind right out of him. The Pikachu dropped to the ground gasping for air.

    As he coughed from the blow he took he turned his head as the Scizor made his next attack on the Houndoom knocking him off the Braxien. No, why didn't the absol step in, damn it the braxien's going to die. Jack thought and he was right sadly as the Scizor grabbed the Braxien's head with is pincer and screams began filling the air and cave. Jack continued to gasp for air as he gritted is teeth attempting to get back up, but to no avail. He collapsed back onto the ground trying to get air. The screams continued from the Braxien as Jack closed his eyes attempting to get back up. Then suddenly, the screams turned to silence as blood splattered all over the place and onto the snow.

    Jack opened his eyes luckily avoided getting splattered with blood. To his dispense he watched in horror as the Braxien was no longer among the living. Oh Arceus no. The Braxien's body hanging lifeless right in front of his eyes as the Scizor began putting its body around it. "You.....Bastard...I'll get....you for this." The Harbinger's only response was to both Jack and Spot. "You MONSTERS are all the same" He continued coughing from the blow he took as the Scizor was beginning to take off. "I will take your beauty. I will be beautiful! HahahahHAHAHA!!" Jack finally started to catch his breath, but it was to late to even attempt a thunderbolt.

    The Scizor flew off with the corpse and Jack looked in anger towards it knowing that he was no match for the undead. The Pikachu looked at the Houndoom as it started barking at the Scizor leaving. "Its to late, we couldn't protect him and he didn't even know what was coming." Then, he looked at the Absol playing in the bloody snow. It was enough to make Jack think this Absol was completely crazy. That Absol is a complete nut case. The Pikachu thought and he didn't even want to say anything to Reaper anymore. Jack looked at both the Aron and Larvitar with a sad look and shook his head. "I'm sorry you kids had to hear and see what just happened." The Pikachu said.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:26 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning (4)

    The little Aron child remained at the fire fox's side curling up to the fox and to the strange playful three headed houndoom. Still half buried in the deep snow, a small shine of light and reflecting show shining off him. "Nice to ea- er, meet you too, Jerrrriah" The aron looked up at the absol making a metallic giggle, " you to"  turning back to the fire pair. Gabriel coming a little closer but not to close to the other pokemon but enough to remain close to protect him if the other pokemon dare lift a claw against the aron. Gabriel watched the pokemon as they came to see what was going on with the fire fox limp in the snow. Buried under the three headed hound and Jeriah at it's side. He cross his arms under his chest, crimson eyes keeping watch but not saying anything.

    A crash of earth behind him, Gabriel turns around seeing a red Blur as he turned back to try and warn the others. It was fair to late. "You...You don't deserve this! This beauty..this this THIS IS MINE!"  the red pokemon smashed into the yellow mouse and the three headed hound, did the undead not see the small olive pokemon. "I will take WHAT IS MINE", Gabriel's mind going to Jeriah then as he pushed his way toward the action. His mind racing for the safety of his little brother, he couldn't see him. Just the red steel bug and the fox in it's claws above him, a red splatter. Dyeing the snow around him crimson blood, splattering against his olive skin. Freezing in place, fear gripping him.  "You MONSTERS are all the same" the red bug roared, taking the fire fox. A ribbon of blood slapping him in the face as the steel bug whips the fox limply around it's shoulders.  It was dead, Gabriel's pupils expand in fear as the steel type then vanished as quick as it appeared.

    "Oh I do hope they return! That was one of the fun ones! They're way more fun to play with than you morsels!" Gabriel heard the absol joyous voice then as he turned slowly to the white dark type then. "Its to late, we couldn't protect him and he didn't even know what was coming." the yellow mouse chimed in. His claws forming into tight fists wanting to pound the dark types face in. "I'm sorry you kids had to hear and see what just happened." Gabriel turned to the pokemon then, " Pokemon die, there is nothing we can do about it now". His mind snapping to Jeriah then as his face changed from anger to worried, " Jeriah?" he said quietly quickly looking around the carnage for the shine of the steel type. The steel type it's self was hidden under the snow from the action pulling himself from the snow oblivious to what just happened other then hearing the screams of anger and agony.

    The Aron looked around seeing what was left, The absol turning red in the red snow it was rolling in. A game Jeriah didn't want to play, looking around seeing the hound off to the side dazed but up and moving around. Then seeing his brother quickly running over plowing through the snow, cold tears streaming down his iron mask from the eye holes. " Gabe!" he cried curling into the rock type " Gabe am scared" the steel type cried softly. Gabriel patting Jeriah's head then comforting him without words, " We should get moving, out of the open now. Maybe into the cave so what ever that is doesn't come back" Gabriel said looking to the mouse and the hound. Jeriah sobbed and hiccuped a little before looking over to the hound, he quickly plowed his way through the snow. Looking up at the hound then, leaning into his leg to try and calm the beast down. His steel form still shaking. Jeriah watched, his emotionless mask back in place.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Duma Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:20 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 6qci99M
    |Outside Frost Cavern|Morning|
    Reaper giggled quietly as everyone all reacted in shock to the fun one's appearance. "You.....Bastard...I'll get....you for this." Reaper snickered, white fur patched with snow. "Oh have fun with that! I'd love to see another puddle of blood!" He cackled, looking over the the hellhound that growled at him. He danced back and forth in the snow, and returned the houndoom's growl with a shrill giggle.

    "Its to late, we couldn't protect him and he didn't even know what was coming." Reaper jumped back up onto the rock, looking over his fur which was now splotched with gore and blood. "I'm sorry you kids had to hear and see what just happened." Reaper snickered. "Well I certainly am not sparky!" He snickered, jumping off the rock and landing in the snow, prancing around the red snow. "Pokemon die, there is nothing we can do about it now." He stopped the look at the Larvitar. "Well you're a bit morbid." He giggled, prancing around the two young pokemon.

    "Jeriah?" Reaper skipped back over to the entrance into the cavern, looking in carefully. "Gabe!" His slit pupils flickered over to the little Aron. "Gabe I'm scared" He cackled darkly. "Oh don't be scared little child! Reaper's here, and that's scarier than anything other than the fun ones!" He said, giggling as he pranced around, the gold clock on his neck ticking loudly. "We should get moving, out of the open now. Maybe into the cave so what ever that is doesn't come back"

    With a heavy sigh, Reaper flopped down in the snow. "Awh, but that would ruin all the fuuuuuun." He groaned, rolling back onto his paws and trotting to the entrance. "But I suppose it would be more fun inside the cavern."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:26 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Untitled_by_kemurigakurekaze-d8in1mm
    Outside Frost Cavern /o^o\ Morning /o^o\ 6 / 1

    Spot's fur stood on end, a thick bristle of black around the joint of his three necks. A deep warning growl leaves all of his mouths and toxin-bright flames dripped with his drool down his exposed yellow fangs. His eyes are ablaze as he throws back his heads and howls. The mournful trio of howl echoes in the entrance of the cavern but the cold plain in front draws out the strength of the sound.
    The middle head spits and the hot saliva melts the ice from the rock. His open mouths snap shut and he turns his burning eyes on the remaining pokemon.
    "It's too late, we couldn't protect him and he didn't even know what was coming." The Pikachu says sadly. "I'm sorry you kids had to hear and see what just happened."
    "What was that?" The middle head barks with eyes ablaze. Drips of fire ooze from his jaws, melting small puddles where they land. "It was hurt, covered in blood. Why did it attack us? Was it sick? Mad? Is it going to come back?!" Spot stares at the Pikachu. He doubts he would get a straight answer out of anyone else. The Absol was strange and the Aron was a child, why are they treating this like something that normally happened.
    His hackles are still raised. His left-most head is turned towards the snow and it growls with barred fangs awash with flame. His right-most head is turned towards the dark of the cavern. All three have ears pressed close to their heads and his tail is held straight like a spear.
    "Well I certainly am not sparky!" The Absol is covered in blood and snow, it drops from its fur in frozen red chunks.
    Spot crouches and growls, all three of his heads turning around to face it. His tail whips around. Unable to articulate all three of his heads simply bark a threat.
    "Pokemon die, there is nothing we can do about it now." The Larvitar points out.
    He had been too worried about the health of the Braxien to really notice it before. The Larvitar wasn't a threat here.
    "Well you're a bit morbid." The Absol giggles and Spot growls deeper.
    "Jeriah!" The small Rock Skin Pokemon quickly moves deeper into the cavern.
    "Gabe!" The small steel type replies and runs forwards as fast as stumpy little legs can carry him. Gabe, the Larvitar is Gabe."I'm scared."
    "Oh don't be scared little child! Reaper's here, and that's scarier than anything other than the fun ones!"
    The Absol, Reaper, dances lightly around like he wants to play.
    Spot growls and edges backwards, trying to get in between the bloodied thing and the children. He can't trust him to play nice.
    "We should get moving, out of the open now. Maybe into the cave so what ever that is doesn't come back." The Larvitar tells the other rock type.
    "Awh, but that would ruin all the fuuuuuun, but I suppose it would be more fun inside the cavern.""
    Spot nearly snaps. His fur bristles and flames flare around his mouths like the jack-o-lanterns of hell.
    A light tug on his hind leg extinguishes the flames of his jaws. His right-most head turns to see the small shape of the Aron then all three turn. His shoulders relax as he leans down to stiff at the small steel type. He couldn't scare the children. That would be bad. Right now they were in danger. He had to keep them safe. Yes, that is the good thing to do.
    Lightly he licks the Aron between the eyes. He tastes like a cold plate.
    "I will guard you." His middle head says.
    The head closest to the Pikachu turns towards him.
    "We need to get to somewhere safe. We should go inside more. I don't want any bad things to see us."

    A light golden claw drags over one plastic petal. Up close the fine threads in the material are visible but he still raises it to his nose and sniffs. Nothing but cold dead plastic but the motion brings to mind remembered perfumes.
    "La vie en rose..." He hums to himself and sighs.
    He wanted to be somewhere else. If he closed his eyes he could see it. Flowers in every shade of the rainbow, from crimson red to brightest violet, in speckles and stripes and spots with each pattern brighter and more beautiful than the last. Flowers like Sunflora that turned tanned faces to the sun or flowers that grew on twisting vines like dewdrops after the rain. The garden of his imagination spreads up around him; a place full of life and growth where he would never feel he didn't belong.
    The Breloom draws his long tail around him tighter. His cheek touches the cold rock.
    A real rose would have died by now. It would have shriveled and wilted and left nothing but dark, foul rot. He curls up, pressing the plastic flower to his chest. This...this rose was forever. Even in this dark place it would be with him. A bright memory that somewhere, in some better place, there were real roses.
    He tucks it next to the pulsing orb of his necklace. The purple sphere, slimy to the touch, nestled easily against the fur of his neck. Its toxic touch reassured but it wasn't enough to make him comfortable.
    It was so bitterly cold and he didn't have so much as a blanket of leaves to keep him warm.
    Of course, if he had that he would have eaten it.
    A wry smile twists his lips.
    The pine needles sharp points may have hurt his mouth and tasted bitter but they had been food. There was no food here. He couldn't eat the cold rock.
    He sighs.
    Time to think of the positives. He wasn't being chased just yet. There that was one. He didn't have a trainer any more. That was two. He was alone and for now he'd count that as a positive.
    And somewhere there was flowers.
    But then there was the sound of something moving in the cavern. It echoes in the cave and the Breloom straightens up, clutching his rose close to his chest. His tail straightens out and he balances on the tips of his golden claws; ready for fight or flight. His entire body is tensed as his pewter colored eyes dart over the icy cavern walls.
    Fight or flight? Fight or flight?
    His arms draw in, reducing the drag if he chooses to flee but also coiling his powerful arm muscles like a spring.
    His mouth is dry.
    What was coming? What was coming?!

    ((OOC: Sorry, long post. Cory's bright red so he could be mistaken for Scizor at a distance.))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:29 pm

    [ooc: im so sorry please skip me i'm having a lot of difficulty posting right now. i promise i'll get a post in next round,,]

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:51 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 A9ZoaSD
    Outside Frost Cavern|Morning

    The Pikachu looked at the Houndoom after a question. "What was that?" Without a doubt it had to be an undead. The way it attacked was not normal for any undead Jack has seen in the past.  "It was hurt, covered in blood. Why did it attack us? Was it sick? Mad? Is it going to come back?!" Jack then took a deep breath and tried to explain what it was. "That was an undead, but nothing like I've seen before, the way it attacked, it was not normal." However, the Absol was yet to be explained other being a complete lunatic covered in blood and snow. "Well I certainly am not sparky!" The Pikachu shook his head in annoyance. How could an absol be this insane and not be infected by the undead? "Pokemon die, there is nothing we can do about it now." The Larvitar points out and Jack knew that already, but trying to rescue the Braxien was impossible even for Jack. "Well you're a bit morbid." The Absol says to the Larvitar. Jack wanted to tell the Absol to shut up but its best to leave the mad absol alone.

    The Pikachu looks around for the Aron that was following him when the Larvitar shouted. "Jeriah!" So the Aron's name is Jeriah. Jack spots Jeriah shakened by the undead attack that happened.  "Gabe!" The Aron speaks out in fear. "I'm scared." Gabe must be the Larvitar then and yet, he didn't fear the undead Scizor at any point. "Oh don't be scared little child! Reaper's here, and that's scarier than anything other than the fun ones!" Jack was hesitant on saying something to Reaper and he knew that a mad absol could lead to more trouble. "We should get moving, out of the open now. Maybe into the cave so what ever that is doesn't come back." The Pikachu agreed. "Don't want that thing to return for the rest of us." The Electric type said. Though it was a possibility that it could always return to cause more chaos.

    Jack looked at the Absol again and had a feeling ever since this absol showed up that its been nothing but trouble. "Awh, but that would ruin all the fuuuuuun, but I suppose it would be more fun inside the cavern." The Pikachu sighed at the remark made by the absol and wanted to punch him. How the hell did this absol survive on madness, we should watch our backs with this one. He thought and kept himself from attacking. One of the Houndoom's heads spoke to Jack. "We need to get to somewhere safe. We should go inside more. I don't want any bad things to see us." Jack nodded. "Lets go see the Human and the Gengar, maybe we'll be more safer inside the cavern." The Pikachu said.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:43 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Jerigabe_by_aqunis-d7un1on
    Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\5

    The larvitar watched the hound, becoming aware now of the blood splatter across the front of his body and face. The smell was weak by his nose by the mercy of the cold but, he wanted it off to be clean to forget what happened. He was afraid once again for those few seconds the steel type could have killed him. It was like those aggron back in that cave, the same fear that had gripped him. The same Hate. Grabbing a clump of snow he cleaned up his face while the Reaper absol continued to roll in it, "Awh, but that would ruin all the fuuuuuun." Gabriel turned back to the gore slick pokemon, it was crazy making it clearly the bigger threat here then anyone else. " By all means Reaper stay out here" he said dryly now being free of the red against his olive scales."But I suppose it would be more fun inside the cavern." Gabriel rolled his eyes letting the creature go ahead of him, as he wouldn't like it at his back.

    Gabriel turns back to the others and Jeriah, jumping seeing fire spew from the three maws. Jeriah having snuggled against the hounds rear leg trying to calm it down and help get over his fear feeling the warms and the heat. His deep blue eyes locking with the nearest head that turned to him. The eyes holding so much emotions that his face just couldn't show under the plate. Seeing a nose come down into his view, a small sob rattling his plated frame. His eyes going partly cross eyes to see the wet membrane touch his 'face, "I will guard you." Jeriah's eyes soften a bit from pure terror. Moving under Spot not getting in the way but feeling a little safer there. He turned to Gabriel, who seemed a little lost how to handle spot helping him take care of his little brother. Gabriel would keep his distance from spot and the others for now but close enough to, if he had to save his little brother from any one of these pokemon here.

    "We need to get to somewhere safe. We should go inside more. I don't want any bad things to see us." Gabriel agreed nodding his head before waiting for spot and the aron under him to move. "Lets go see the Human and the Gengar, maybe we'll be more safer inside the cavern." The Pikachu said, Gabriel has almost forgotten about the human and her pokemon outside the chaos. Were they still okay, or did they. No he couldn't think of that right now he had only one pokemon he had to take care of. The aron staying out from under the houndoom's feet but walked under his feeling the slight heat that was constantly pouring from the black fur. Helping him feel a little more lose in the cold snow. Letting out a child like giggle falling behind just enough to jump in the foot prints left behind.

    Jeriah looked around " Yelloowww" squeaking before quickly jumping ahead back under the hound. Looking up seeing the little dangling object, " oh oh oh whats that?" blue eyes locked to it like a child's curiousness. " Maybe you should come out from under there Jeriah" Gabriel grumbles a little walking along side them deeper into the cave. Thankful to be out of the deep drift snow, both pokemon able to move a little more freely nit having snow up to their chests. But now they had Reaper to deal with in a smaller space. Everyone didn't seem to trust it, but it seemed only Spot how the strength possible to do something about it. Gabriel let out a sigh.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Duma Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:18 am

    ((OOC: Skip me. Lost my post and I can't think of anything new to post. Sorry. Reaper had just moved to the rear of the group and is now watching everyone from the back of the group))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:23 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Untitled_by_kemurigakurekaze-d8in1mm
    Outside Frost Cavern /o^o\ Morning /o^o\ 7 / 2

    "That was an undead, but nothing like I've seen before, the way it attacked, it was not normal." The Pikachu had said.
    As Spot takes charge and leads the way into the cave, one head looking forwards and another looking back his third head looking down as it processes the statement. Undead...Undead...The only thing that comes to mind is the horror movie his human had watched once. It had scared him as a pup but his human had given him a hug and told him it was all special effects...
    "Lets go see the Human and the Gengar, maybe we'll be more safer inside the cavern." The Pikachu says in the now.
    "Human?" All six of his ears perk up and his tail starts to wag unbidden.
    If master was here then everything would be o.k. His human always knew what to do. If he was told to sit he would sit, if he was told to fight he would fight and if he was told to stay he would stay.
    The tongue of his middle head started to stick out. Master, master, master~!
    "The undead..." One of his other heads is still fixated on that particular detail. "Is it like a zombie or a vampire? Can it transform?" The closest thing he can think of is a Mega Evolution but as far as he could remember Scizor could do that too. The movies didn't say much about pokemon monsters but if they were like the human ones then surely there was something they should do.
    Taking care that everyone was still there and, more importantly, that the Absol didn't try anything that could hurt someone Spot turns back to the Pikachu with more questions.

    The Breloom's tail stands up on end. The hardened red spores have more use then as a simple bludgeon. His bright red skin was a testament to the fact that, while he may not be a poison type, he was certainly poisonous. The noises of the approaching Pokemon are getting louder but despite the way his panicked breaths were catching in his throat his legs seemed frozen to the spot.
    He is tired of running and he doesn't know where to go but back the way he came into the cold and the fear of wandering in that bitter cold is battling with the fear of being caught. He hated the snow. It was a blank white slate and his red hide stood out like nothing else. That's why he had sheltered here in the first place.
    The noise echoing from the path ahead doesn't sound like any pokemon he knew and that is the only thing keeping him in place. He couldn't afford to run but if he was very, very, lucky then he could bluff his way through this. He couldn't stay in this cold for long and the He clutches his plastic rose close to his chest to keep the precious flower shielded from any potential harm.
    "H-Hello?" His voice quivers. "A-Are you friendly?"
    His legs tense, the thick thigh muscles preparing for a powerful jump. If Talk first and if/when they make a move he can jump over their heads and then...He'll see if he is fast enough.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:37 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 A9ZoaSD
    Outside Frost Cavern|Morning

    Jack started to lead them back into the cave where it would be safer. As the wind howled behind them, they ventured on inside to meet with Dal and Yuri. Spot, however had is ears perked when he said something. "Human?" The Pikachu perked his ears up and explained to Spot that there was a human in the cavern. "There's a human in the cavern with a Gengar might be someone your looking for." As the pressed on the houndoom asked a question about the undead that came and killed the braxien. "The undead..." Jack stopped and nodded at the houndoom. "Is it like a zombie or a vampire? Can it transform?" With a deep breath Jack was about to explain what it was. Even though he didn't want to tell the horror of it, he would still have to explain.

    The Electric type took his deep breath and started to explain. The undead that I've seen back where I came from are zombies. Most of them are mindless creatures now and they'll attack without any warning." But as for the transforming part he would have to tell them that its from the purple coloring on there bodies. "I know it sounds weird, but if the pokemon has a purple coloring on their body and if its in patches they will turn into a zombie." The Pikachu hoped that would be enough information for now. He was unsure if there was vampires and he hasn't seen any since the outbreak began. He continued on into the cave with the others hoping that the Human and Gengar was alright alone. Though in his mind, he didn't know what he was thinking when he made up the lie of being scared of blades.

    Jack was afraid if he told the truth to the Gengar that he would have to fight him and knowing ghost types they're tricky costumers in his book. Hope that Gengar didn't see through my lie or I might be happening to fight and I don't feel like fighting against a ghost. As they pressed on the sound of thunder was starting to roar outside. The storm was getting worse and doesn't look like it wasn't going to improve. Just as they made their way to see the human and gengar a voice caught Jack's attention. "H-Hello?" Was there another Pokemon here and alive in this cave? Jack stopped and looked around eventually spotting a red colored Breloom. How did a Breloom survive out in this storm?

    It spoke again and this time in an asking manner. "A-Are you friendly?" The Pikachu couldn't tell how nervous it was but he had to respond in kindness. "Hi, yes we're friendly most of us are." Jack went over to where the Breloom was hoping to meet this new Pokemon. He wanted to ask where it came from and how did it end up here. "Where did you come from and how did you end up all the way here in that storm?" The Pikachu asked.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:54 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 2GsKnE5
    Outside Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\6

    The aron remained near the three headed hound between him and Gabriel, watching the little trinket swing back on forth around it's center neck. Jeriah's blue eyes flicking ahead a few times to see where they were going before going back, Gabriel saw this and didn't see harm in it. Gabriel remained tense though, he kept looking back to Reaper. Was the absol just looking for a reason to attack them or was it really just that crazy. Gabriel rolled his eyes and looked back to the aron then the hound as it started to ask questions. "Is it like a zombie or a vampire? Can it transform?" Gabriel blinked a little confused by the words, stumbling in his step. " Vampire?" the aron asked. Gabriel only gave a shrug in reply not quite sure himself what spot was talking about.

    Both pokemon then turned to the yellow mouse as he tried to explain. The undead that I've seen back where I came from are zombies. Most of them are mindless creatures now and they'll attack without any warning. But as for the transforming part he would have to tell them that its from the purple coloring on there bodies. I know it sounds weird, but if the pokemon has a purple coloring on their body and if its in patches they will turn into a zombie." Gabriel raised what would of been a eye brow. " And where exactly have you come from?, and how do you know all this. What ever that was, was red and clearly wasn't brainless." Gabriel commented.

    "H-Hello?" a new voice rang out from the cave, Jeriah perked up clearly not on the same topic as the others. " Friend!" he squeaked about to run ahead following the voice as Gabriel stepped in front stopping him shaking his head. "A-Are you friendly?" as the pokemon came into view. Gabriel watched closely, it looked like some sort of grass type pokemon out here in the middle of a ice cave. It didn't look to have the purple discoloration that the electric type had mentioned but was it safe? Jeriah pokes his head around his olive scaled brother. Eyes seemly glistering at the sight of a new friend. " I can be you're friend?" stepping around Gabriel slightly into view " Hi yeah, name Jeriah! whats you'res" his voice squeaking again. Gabriel sighed then, already knowing this would have happened.

    "Hi, yes we're friendly most of us are." the mouse started as Gabriel kept watch over his overly energetic brother. "Where did you come from and how did you end up all the way here in that storm?" the aron bound forward a little. " He doesn't look sick, so he healthy? get to play with new friend!" Gabriel gave a sigh as he turned to the three headed hound waiting to see what the call was. As Spot seemed to want to play leader it was his choice before he lets his little brother bound in after some unknown pokemon that he doesn't even know let alone trust yet.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:45 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Untitled_by_kemurigakurekaze-d8in1mm
    Outside Frost Cavern /o^o\ Morning /o^o\ 8 / 3

    " Vampire?" The Aron asked innocently in response to his question.
    "Hard to explain." His right head muses. "Like a human that acts like a Golbat and can turn into one."
    "The undead that I've seen back where I came from are zombies. Most of them are mindless creatures now and they'll attack without any warning. But as for the transforming part he would have to tell them that its from the purple coloring on there bodies. I know it sounds weird, but if the pokemon has a purple coloring on their body and if its in patches they will turn into a zombie."
    Purple patches? Spot sniffs at the air. Well if that's what he had to look out for if he saw a Pokemon with purple patches then he'd have to tell it firmly not to be grumpy and try and attack them.
    " And where exactly have you come from?, and how do you know all this. What ever that was, was red and clearly wasn't brainless." The Larvitar points out. Spot's left head nods.
    "Maybe some zombies are fast and some are slow? But the purple makes it a zombie right?" His right head postulates.
    He sniffs at the air. It smells like cold and rocks and plant. Plant? He sniffs again. It smells like mushrooms. Did mushrooms grow where it's cold?
    The mushroom smell gets stronger as he pads forwards with his tail curiously twitching. He sticks one head around the corner then backpedals as he nearly runs into the bright red thing. His head's nearly knock together as he backpedals.
    He sparks a fire in his throat, ready to roast the Scizor to a buggy crisp but before he can panic he realizes that it is a different red Pokemon that smells like mushrooms.
    "A-Are you friendly?" It stammers.

    The Breloom is frozen with fear, fighting to keep his breath under control. The ruff around his neck raises to try and make him look bigger and from the galls on his bright red cap the first fine dust of Spore begins to fall. His pewter eyes are drawn upwards in sick fascination to the unholy spectacle of a Houndoom before him. Its feet and body look normal but it's neck branches like a tree to form three separate heads; one looking into the distance, one twisted back over its shoulder and one staring right at him with eyes like demonic coals.
    It puffs a small plume of fire and he flinches.
    "I can be you're friend?" A tiny metallic voice pipes up. His eyes fly to it.
    " Hi yeah, name Jeriah! whats you'res" It burbles.
    Aron, he recognizes Aron from a picture he saw once in a magazine. It wasn't one of the pokemon his trainer had, none of these were. The flared ruff around his neck deflates a little as he relaxes. He has no idea who these pokemon are but they aren't following him. He hasn't been caught yet.
    "Hi, yes we're friendly most of us are." The Pikachu pipes up.
    Cory swallows and hopes the 'most' includes the fire type.
    "Where did you come from and how did you end up all the way here in that storm?" The Electric Type follows up and Cory struggles to think of a lie as quickly as possible.
    "I-I got lost." He stammers, which was true. He hadn't been expecting this snowstorm. He'd planned to stick to the treeline until he lost his pursuers.
    "He doesn't look sick, so he healthy? get to play with new friend!" The small Steel Type pipes up.
    "H-Hi." The breloom forces a smile as he looks at the tiny rock/steel type. "My name is Cory."
    "Spot!" The Houndoom barks suddenly and makes him flinch again. After he settles his ruff back down he notices the collar around the middle head's neck and realizes the canine had been introducing himself.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:25 pm

    Frost Caverns | | Early Morning

    Ah, well, Dal should've known an undead would find them, sooner or later.

    The bloodbath that ensued before their eyes had caused the duo to immediately retreat further into the cave, the Gengar frantically ushering his trainer into a safer nook of the frozen cavern while he himeself watched what happened. Yuri, eyes wide and fear-filled, had managed to slip into a smaller passage and holed herself there, body trembling in a mixture of terror and cold as she gripped her oriental blade within pale palms. The ghost was diligent and stayed with her until he could hear the sounds of the Scizor flying off, and with a motion to tell the human to stay put, he slowly drifted back out.

    Already the Gengar can hear the rest of the survivors talking, short mumbles about moving further into the caverns to seek stable shelter. "Lets go see the Human and the Gengar, maybe we'll be more safer inside the cavern." Well, at least the Pikachu survived, a fact that mildly surprises the spectre. He hears the rough bark of a Houndoom echo the word 'human', before a slightly different bark inquires about the undead. Drifting closer, he can hear the electric-type's response. "I know it sounds weird, but if the pokemon has a purple coloring on their body and if its in patches they will turn into a zombie."

    "I wonder what that makes me, then." Dal snorts as he makes himself known, a few metres further into the cavern. He gestures slightly behind him with a thumb, a subtle shrug following after. "Shelter should be a little further in. Yuri's kinda holed up in a crevice right now and...where's Formaldehyde?" The Gengar raises his brow when he can't see the familiar silhouette of a Sneasel among the group, even more so when he catches sight of a...three-headed Houndoom?

    When a bright red Breloom appears to join the group, the Gengar furrows his brow. Where in the world are all these Pokemon--these unnatural Pokemon coming from? Regardless he uses this chance to pick up the names of the rest of the group, and the spectre himself draws closer for an introduction. "Name's Dal. My trainer Yuri--she's further in." Instinctively he floats farther into the cavern, slightly anxious about leaving his human alone for so long.

    "You all coming?"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:17 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 A9ZoaSD
    Outside Frost Cavern|Morning

    As the Pikachu looked at the Breloom he noticed a rose it was carrying. Then the Larvitar spoke wondering where Jack came from. " And where exactly have you come from?, and how do you know all this. What ever that was, was red and clearly wasn't brainless." The Pikachu didn't like saying where he was from, but in this case he had to. "I'm from Johto, I lived near Mount Silver during the time and that was no ordinary undead the body was rusted." He turned his attention back to the Breloom. "H-Hi." Jack never thought it was nervous, but then again it was probably cold. "My name is Cory." With a smile, the pikachu greets Cory and learns the name of the Three headed Houndoom. "Spot!" So it has a name and to think it was called Cerberus or something. Jack then noticed the Gengar after it reponded. "I wonder what that makes me, then."

    The Pikachu looked at the Gengar and believes he's normal. "You're normal for that color, so you aren't infected." Jack thought that he was being a bit rude earlier, but then realized he's only protecting his trainer. "Shelter should be a little further in. Yuri's kinda holed up in a crevice right now and...where's Formaldehyde?" Now to think of it there was someone missing and the pikachu thought. I thought the sneasel was with him and the human what's going on here? Jack couldn't shake the feeling that something mystical has happened and transported the sneasel away from everyone. "Wasn't he with you and your trainer?" He looked back noticing that Reaper was still following them. Oh great the mad absol is following instead of standing guard I really feel uncomfortable being around him. The Pikachu thought. "Name's Dal. My trainer Yuri--she's further in." Jack felt a little bad about lying about being afraid of blades, but he was outmatched and had to think of something. "Nice to meet you Dal."

    "You all coming?" The Gengar was in a hurry to return to his trainer and Jack nodded. "Yeah, lets go meet Yuri." The Pikachu said as he followed the Gengar. He looks at the Breloom noticing he's still somewhat nervous, but getting a bit better. "Uh Dal, where are you and your trainer from if its okay to ask?" Jack asked out of curiosity. He continued to follow Dal and look back at the others as they went further into the cave. The wind howling behind them looking back at the blood stained snow. I swear to Arceus that Scizor will pay for what it done to that Braxien. The Pikachu thought to himself.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:12 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 2GsKnE5
    Outside Frost Cavern\\ Morning \\7

    "I'm from Johto, I lived near Mount Silver during the time and that was no ordinary undead the body was rusted." the yellow pokemon replies as Gabriel crossed his arms to his chest not picking any more at the matter but gave a small huff of breath. "Spot!" The three headed houndoom started, "My name is Cory." said the plat like pokemon. " Jeriah, but friends call me Jeri." the aron repeating it's self happily. " Gabriel" the larvitar gave his full name at last sounding not to pleased doing so. The arons eyes light up getting a reply from the new possible friend, the larvitar's frown only deepens.

    "I wonder what that makes me, then.", Gabriel turned to the ghost type like a forgotten threat. The ghost type did share the color that the pikachu just said to be weary of. Gabriel already didn't trust it so it really didn't matter to him. "Shelter should be a little further in. Yuri's kinda holed up in a crevice right now and...where's Formaldehyde?", Yuri? he thought. The aron bounced up " The human the human with the metal stick!" the aron chirped already taking off deeper into the direction. Ducking under the floating specter, Gabriel sighed deeply following.

    "Name's Dal. My trainer Yuri--she's further in." Hearing the ghost type give a name of himself and the Human. Gabriel eyes him up, letting out a scoff before looking back seeing the crazy reaper absol still there. Long as he kept the rest of the group between himself and Jeriah he might feel a little better. He follows the aron now sniffing out the air for the yummy metal blade.

    Posts : 208

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Fern Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:33 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 250px-676Furfrou

    Outside Frost Cavern|Morning



    That was all Lancelot felt as he ambulated forward, his head bowed against the whirling snow. The bitterness of the atmosphere almost rendered him a walking, thoughtless husk.

    "Much like an Undead," Lancelot thought, gritting his teeth as traumatic memories suffused him.

    His fathers' jaws parted wide with a booming roar while his claws dripped with the lifeblood of Lancelots' only friends...

    He attempted to draw in a long, remorseful breath, but a snowy gale barraged him simultaneously, leaving him gasping for air. The wind continued its assault until he couldn't inhale at all; each trial he initiated was met with an icy grip that froze his very insides.

    "I...I can't breathe! I cannot die! I am Lancelot the Great!"

    The maelstrom of panicked thoughts synthesized with the snowstorm revolving around him. His final feeling before he lost consciousness was the crisp tang of freezing air on his tongue, his final sight was a scarlet silhouette stagnant against the wailing snow.

    Then, with one final lurch of his frantic lungs, the world faded to black.

    When he came to, the snow had stopped falling as harshly and the frigid gale that was blowing before had transmuted into a gentle zephyr.

    His pelt was slick due to the snow melting against his body heat, and he grumbled. The wind had already ruffled his elegant pelt enough, now he was sopping wet as well? With an aggrieved scoff, he wondered aloud, "What else could go wrong?!"

    As he weakly rose to his quaking paws and smoothed his pelt with his tongue, he discovered the answer to his own inquiry. Blood stained the snow ahead, there was no mistaking it. I would know that velvet hue anywhere...

    He glanced around before putting his nose to use, sniffing the trail to decrypt its history. It was recent, but not too recent. The threat had long vacated the area. Lancelot deduced he was lucky that he wasn't captured by whatever had caused the blood to pool.

    I seem to be extremely blessed as of late. Praise Arceus abo-


    What?! The outburst, besides nearly frightening him out of his pelt, wasn't filled with malice. It sounded like it was almost friendly, as if it were some half-witted excuse for an introduction.

    It was then he saw them in the distance; a group of Pokemon conversing and venturing within the cavern. Lancelot perked his ears in curiosity, then lolled his tongue with an enlivened pant. They were survivors, they had to be. Lancelot had supposed long ago he was the only sane, living being left on this Earth, but it appeared that he was incorrect.

    Prancing with a swift gait, but remembering to maintain his regal posture, Lancelot burst forward.

    "The human the human with the metal stick!" Lancelot couldn't help but smile as he heard the voice of a child chirping loudly above the conversation.

    "Name's Dal. My trainer Yuri--she's further in."

    Trainer? So there are humans left alive, as the child said?! He felt a slight pang from within as he thought back on his human companion, but there was no time to show sorrow now. I am Lancelot the Great, the star-studded Show Dog at heart, the brave warrior who doesn't back down even against the worst of odds!

    He flounced gracefully ahead, crying out, "Hello, fellow survivors! I have arrived to assist you against the Undead tyrants! HUZZAH!" With a cough to clear his throat, he continued his vocal propaganda, "It is an honor to be among the living. Now, do enlighten me, where are you headed?" He concluded his exuberant speech with a flamboyant swish of his tail and an exaggerated simper.

    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:38 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 2 Fancy_flareon_by_phasmasilvia-d8fswox
    Outside Frost Caverns||Morning||1

    Running at blinding speeds, a burning fireball raced through the snow melting a path behind it. Leaping over a frozen log, it left scorch marks where the flames licked the frosted wood. The light from the little fireball and the great burning orb in the sky reflected on the piles of ice, The morning sun shone much more gloriously than it's tiny kin though. The fireball lessened in its speed and gradually dyed away, revealing a little orange cat with great mounds of yellow fluff. "Well that was a good run! Better go look around for some beaties to prod while I'm still warm." The Flareon didn't have to look far, above a great red insect buzzed overhead at high speeds, moving with purpose. Eyes going wide at the immense presence it exuded, Sharon's green eyes sparkled with the sun's glare. Getting over the initial awe instilled shock, she darted forwards after the Scizor, hot on its heels. The red undead proved to be too fast, even for her legs, and soon turned into a red dot on the horizon. Cursing mentally but getting even more excited by the prospect of a chase, she kept on running forwards in the general direction that Scizor flew. She didn't see the harbringer again, but she at least was able to come upon the ruins of his rampage.

    Taking care to hang back Sharon surveyed the newly forming group of living Pokemon, eyes narrowing deviously at the self important Frufro who boldly strode along. Then her gaze settled on the three-headed Houndoom, a veritable living myth standing there in all it's glory. A wide look of glee passed over the fire cat's face, and with a giggle she trotted forwards, looking up at everyone with the most adorable expression she could muster. "Hiya folks! My name's Sharon, and I just so happened to notice that you might be aiming to set up a shindig over in these parts." She strode over to Spot with a wry grin, and reached up at one of his faces. "By the way, I'm loving the conjoined siblings, you three simply look smashing." Moving back away so she could keep talking to everyone, she glanced over to the side, looking around with an observant eye. "By the way, have you seen a giant buzzy bug around here recently? Should be red with purple blotches, giant pincers that can crush boulders, generally very deadly. Anyone?" Her gaze fell upon the mangled corpse of the Braxien. "Ohhhh. I think you have. Terribly sorry about that. Anyhow! How're you all doing?

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