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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:56 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Town Park | Noon |

    The air remained thick with unsure tension, but the remaining Pokemon soon realized the danger had passed. "Thank the heavens. We got off pretty lucky." The cat sighs with a cautious approach, as though the undead would rise again. With a last check of the clearing Green makes her way forward, a praising hand rubbing the back of Blasty's shell. "That was a hell of a punch, thanks." Tipping his gaze toward the Pikachu the stotic starter gives the rodent a silent nod, his actions no more than necessary. With two more taps Green returns her partner, his bulk and typing unsafe in such a cold environs.

    The crunching, chomping sound of feeding snaps her head toward it instantly, the sight of the undead Meowth feasting enough to make her blood curdle. Yet this lot wont do away with you. How was it any different? Literally eating the same kill as those they just put down.. "You okay, Green?" Drake extends concern to her, his voice distant as her mind seethed at the undead. "...I'm fine." She responds curtly, forcing her attention to move elsewhere. Out of everyone she was of the least concern, having stayed hidden and out of harms way for the entire fight. Instead she moves with quick steps away from the corpses to the other Pokemon. The male Meowth was fussing with some dirt, an old choice given everything else, and choosing to investigate Green can see why.

    Under a thin layer of soil the dirt was littered with little sparklies; gems, jewels, trinkets, and anything that one could see shimmering. That explains a lot. Gabite were cave dwellers and more prone to inhabit sweltering climes, but they were not unknown to cold areas given the right circumstances. "Probably.. wouldn't have ended well if it noticed me first." It awkwardly laughed, as if just realizing the true threat the dragon would have posed to him. "We were the ones stupid enough to come strolling in." She shrugs, a reminder that they had agreed to this path of destruction. "Much like your species Gabites love shiny things. With no caverns inside this town it made that abandoned den into a nest for its hoard." Brushing through the soil Green pulls a shiny object from within and brushes it clean with her other hand. "They say you can befriend a Gabite with a shiny trinket. May have made things easier for us." Hindsight was a bitch though, and pocketing the item the trainer signals her Talonflame forward and heads back for the opening in the shrubline. "We finished our goal. Lets move on."

    With quick steps Green moves with no reason to delay. Outside of the tree cover and the Snowscape, the true snow had picked up only slightly, but the windchill had dropped several degrees. "Once we get out of this park, it'll be a straight shot back home. Though the ground might not be the best, we'll be able to get there before it starts snowing." A straight shot? Flamey mentioned several twists to avoid collapsed areas, but then again they had made a shape detour in searching for this undead. "Flamey, route the best path from here." She instructs her Pokemon, and with powerful beats he gains the height needed to scout from above.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jul 12, 2024 6:52 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town Park || Noon
    Clover 156 || Kolven 136

    Kolven's nerves had yet to settle, his skin prickling with unease as he tried to remain calm. Between the sounds of Clover's crunching, the adrenaline in his system, and the implication of the shiny objects before him he started to feel nauseous on top of alarmed. Diverting his eyes from the treasures he tries to block out Clover's feeding and focus on the other Pokemon, but it does little to make him feel alright. "We were the ones stupid enough to come strolling in." Green scoffs, making the cat flinch. "Much like your species Gabites love shiny things. With no caverns inside this town it made that abandoned den into a nest for its hoard." Was that what this mess was? To think such innate instincts made it through the disease... to the point it was stealing off living Pokemon. If I knew it was a Gabite I wouldn't have agreed to charge it. A shiver runs along his spine, and a few swift licks of his chest the cat shakes off the ick feeling.

    "They say you can befriend a Gabite with a shiny trinket. May have made things easier for us." A hurried pair of paws cover his precious shinies Kolven scuttles away from the corpse and den alike. "No no, no need for that now. It worked out just fine without that." Feeling hot beneath his pelt the cat scowls and takes a deep breath, his unease momentarily forgotten in his hustle. "Everyone okay?" Jack asks, and with a grateful nod he lowers his paws. "Thankfully. We got off lucky." He ached all over, same as before, but was no worse for wear given the circumstances. Truly, they were blessed by this outcome, but Green was ever one to push them forward. "We finished our goal. Lets move on." The trainer headed out without waiting for them, and after a few moments Clover trotted out after her. Red, frozen flecks dotted around her muzzle, lapped up with a furious tongue as she hobbled after the trainer, and after a few confused moments Kolven was quick to fall in behind her.

    With her belly full like a stone in her body Clover felt a sense of ease. Her mind was calm, the mental blizzard a gentle snowfall. Hunt, chase, catch, kill, eat. The dots had aligned and allowed for a moment of pause, the quick, rhythmic steps of the human all she needed to press forward. "Flamey, route the best path from here." She orders her bird, and without a word back the Pokemon soars. Curiosity tickles at her mind, and with hurried steps the Meowth follows its path. Overtaking the group she strays ahead, the park blending into background noise as she tries to see where Flamey was looking.

    "Once we get out of this park, it'll be a straight shot back home. Though the ground might not be the best, we'll be able to get there before it starts snowing." Drake was optimistic, his energy still high after everything they'd been through today. "Let's just hope its uneventful." Kolven sighs as he shuffles through the shrubbery. Pulling the little pouch from its safety he slips something inside while checking that the contents were unharmed. "These seeds have been a lot more than we bargained for." Bounding after the others his paws feeling like stones, the quiet scenery of the park doing little to fight his exhaustion. A quick trip, huh? This frozen land made everything difficult, his aching body yowling for respite, but the cat knew getting back to the mansion would not be the end of their trouble. Coming home wounded, their supplies remained limited, and the precious little they had to show for it needing time to grow.. legends above their troubles were just beginning.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:59 pm

    OoC)) skipping these two this round.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:37 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Town Park | Noon |

    Flamey soared above them, the undead trailing after him but never having a chance to keep pace with the flying Pokemon. His feathers were spread wide, enjoying the crisp, clean air high above them as he searched the land, but all too soon he banked to return to his trainer. His eyes were sharp and vigilant, shining as he landed upon her shoulder with his feathers fluffed up. "We've moved far enough off course that the old path wouldn't be worth it." He prefaces, confirming their change in course. "Elevation is steep but theres a straight shot back to that mansion. North northwest. As Drake said, we should beat the storm if we hurry along it."

    Giving his crest an affectionate rub Green showed her Pokemon his Pokeball, offering him welcomed rest, but he turned his head away from it and took to the air once more. With a few hard flaps he made it back to soaring height, and casually followed from above. Though Green let her gaze linger on the bird she did not argue with his decision; he knew how to handle himself, let alone a little snow. Looking back at the other Pokemon they still look surprisingly spry. Pokemon really were built different, a fight to the death doing little to dampen their energy as they pushed onward.

    "Pick up the pace." She orders, bringing herself to the front of the group. A vague sense of leadership and a need to direct these Pokemon tickles her thoughts. She needed to bring them home, to get them back to the mansion. That without her they would surely freeze out here. Though she doubted they would fuck up a straight line the urgency accelerates her steps, the cold in the air an ever present reminder of this unforgiving land.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:35 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Noon
    Clover 157 || Kolven 137

    Even at a dashing pace Clover could not keep up with Flamey's shadow. She growled, sprinting, but it wasn't until the bird changed directions that she could catch its shadow with no sense of satisfaction. Wheezing in a huff the cat turns away and continues the path forward, her interest lost. "We've moved far enough off course that the old path wouldn't be worth it. Elevation is steep but theres a straight shot back to that mansion. North northwest. As Drake said, we should beat the storm if we hurry along it." With Clover in sight the tomcat hurries to the trainer's side, his expression finally light. "That's a good thing though, isn't it?" Kolven purrs, optimism clear in his mew. "A steep, straight shot instead of a slow, winding one should be faster and safer." Less time on the road, risk of unwanted run ins, chance to get snowed on, and little chance of getting lost. Practically beaming from the relief the cat is almost grateful for the undead detour, as it made their journey easier, but having to put someone down was never something to celebrate.

    "Pick up the pace." Green ordered, clearly not feeling the same relief Kolven did, and while his paws whined in protest the tomcat hurries along after Flamey's low-flying shape. Before long the group is back out of the park, but their point of exit was not the same as they entered. Leading them to a street of townhouses they travel along a road between the rows of homes. Though age and neglect was apparent, the structural damage here seemed to be minimal; the mountainside itself was steep rather than being caused from landslides. From what he could tell, these homes were slightly newer, their foundations unusual to the cat as they combated possible damage from shifting earth. "These homes seemed to have fared pretty well." Kolven comments, trying to bring some light conversation to the travelers. "I wonder why they didn't do this to the rest of the town." Even if age was a factor, surely they could have done other things.

    He sighs, the steep streets winding him more than he expected. Feeling the slopes deep in his muscles even chatting seemed more exhausting than he could handle. The further they walked the more he looks at the environment and feels puzzled by its layout. Terraces and retaining walls separated the homes, their elevations staggeringly different and nothing like his old home. "This is a far cry from Saffron." He sighs, suddenly feeling a little homesick. Were the insides similar, he wondered?

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:14 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65
    Dendemille Town Park|Noon

    Flamey reaffirmed what Drake said. "We've moved far enough off course that the old path wouldn't be worth it. Elevation is steep but theres a straight shot back to that mansion. North northwest. As Drake said, we should beat the storm if we hurry along it." Jack heard as he started to move along with the others. Steep elevation was something Jack was all too familiar with. However, what he wasn't familiar with was the terrain. "Pick up the pace." Green orders. Jack himself could feel the temperature slowly getting colder. There was good reason that they need to pick up the pace.

    Drake kept up rather well but then again, he's too familiar with the area. "I wonder why they didn't do this to the rest of the town." Some people had reasons to have more well built homes but the rest of the town was more traditional. The Charmeleon himself didn't think about it but he had an idea as to why. "They likely knew where the fault line is and had them built to withstand earthquakes, the rest of the town though, they was always traditional." In a sense, money was more of a thing and some wealthy people would be smart enough to do such things to their homes.

    Jack hadn't heard of stuff like that but living on Mount Silver, he had no problems with earthquakes. "I never had to worry about those, snow and wind, yeah, but earthquakes, no." The pikachu said as he continued along. There wasn't any aftershocks but the trees that was around them wasn't affected either except for the wind. "What about thunderstorms?" He asked Drake. The charmeleon nods confirming that but right now, the season wasn't favorable for the more severe ones but even blizzards can have thunder every now and then.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Town | Noon |

    As the elevation shifted to a steep climb Green had to change their pace to not tire them out too quickly. The lines of townhouses offered nothing in the way of interesting scenery or an easier path, and given the choice she would trudge onward in silence. But her wishes were not to be, as the quiet was interrupted by endless chatter. "These homes seemed to have fared pretty well." The cat comments what they would all see. "They're elevated." Green explained curtly. "Raised foundations and retaining walls can help minimize damage in landslide prone areas." It wasn't fool proof, but it could prevent total loss and was overall safer than an average home in the same area.

    "I wonder why they didn't do this to the rest of the town." He continued, again filling the air with voices. "They likely knew where the fault line is and had them built to withstand earthquakes. The rest of the town though, that was always traditional." Drake deduces, a solid thought in its own right. "Money mostly. Building those foundations ain't cheap, or quick." She grunts the cold honest truth. "A neighborhood like this would be prestigious cause of it, even if it ain't much to look at. Could also be availability or technology, given such a rural, traditional town." All that economy bullshit was never her forte, people should be able to live anywhere without killing themselves to do it, but none of that shit mattered anymore. Looking at the light shower of snowflakes, she knew any person would be lucky just to have a safe place to stay, let alone one they could all their own.

    "I never had to worry about those, snow and wind, yeah, but earthquakes, no." The Pikachu chatted. Had he mentioned where he came from? Gods, so much had happened this day such nuisance details were alluding her. "What about thunderstorms?" He asked, though the simple question was somehow unclear. Receiving only a nod Green assumed Drake did not fully understand it either, and continuing to look up at the sky she simply states, "I don't think you'll have to worthy about those any time soon."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Noon
    Clover 158 || Kolven 138

    "Raised foundations and retaining walls can help minimize damage in landslide prone areas." Was that the right of it? Giving the homes a second curious glance the Meowth wondered how humans thought of such an idea. Did they learn from Pokemon, or use their assistance to set it all up? The quiet, abandoned streets were a far cry from a bustling neighborhood those workers had hoped for so long ago. "Such incredible tenacity." He comments, wishing that he had gotten to see this place, like so many others they had visited, in its prime. "They likely knew where the fault line is and had them built to withstand earthquakes. The rest of the town though, that was always traditional." Nodding as he listened a gentle smile creases his face, some of the tension finally unknotting from his shoulders. "Well, those traditional buildings are lovely. These homes look similar to those back in my home. They're nice, but they don't have the same charm as the rest of this town."

    While Kolven would always argue the love he had for his home it was hard to compare it to a town like this. The natural elements, the slower life style, the focus on nature.. it was a far cry from Saffron, and one he had longed for all his life. If he had been born here, would things have turned out different? He looked at Clover; the Molly was hopping along without protest, scuffing at random stones and plants that were growing in the road. It was like when they were kittens, taking the rare moment to enjoy life despite how rough it was. Would food have been more abundant here? With a practiced leap Clover squashed a scruffy looking plant beneath her paws. Would the humans here have appreciated a pack of strays..? His ears droop but his smile remains. Maybe in a different lifetime..

    "I never had to worry about those, snow and wind, yeah, but earthquakes, no. What about thunderstorms?" With a light exhale the tomcat bounds ahead to walk beside his sister, gentle smile remaining upon his face. He found it passing strange to bundle earthquakes with simple weather occurrences, but he was not one to judge such fears. "I don't think you'll have to worthy about those any time soon." Green reassures him, and with a follow up nod the cat looks back toward Jack. "With all this snow there isn't much for warm air and thunder. Guess that's a blessing of high elevation, in a way." Snow was a brutal, bitter thing to deal with, but it could be handled ahead of time and could be planned for. Storms had a habit of being destructive, even with preparation, and frigthening even for adults.
    Clover looks back at him for just a moment with her good eye, as though curious to what he was chattering about, but said nothing on the matter. Continuing to bound ahead and seek interest on the quiet street the undead could feel her hunger returning, her need to hunt refusing to let her paws stop. Kolven's smile waned only slightly as the distance between them increased again, but as long as the other cat remained in his sights he was none too worried.

    Eventually, the steep slope began to even out once more as they crested the end of the neighborhood. Kolven's calves burned from the effort, a deep pant to his breaths with an accompanied sting from the frozen air, but there was no point in complaining. Even Clover's energy had dropped off again, but her steps remained firm with focus and drive he could not maintain. On the mostly flat elevation Kolven took a few moments to catch his breath, desperate to stop but he knew full well that any delay would leave them out in the storm. The falling snow had grown more intense, a light dusting starting to cover all around them in a wash of white along with the stark drop in temperature. With a shiver and shake of his pelt he pushes onward, pleading to see their salvation as they all followed the straight shot with exhausted steps. His eyes kept to the ground, whiskers crusting to ice, until finally, finally as he looked up Kolven could see the mansion cresting the sky in the near distance. "Oh thank the legends." He wheezes, throat and voice alike dry and aching from the cold air. "We beat the storm."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:01 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65
    Dendemille Town|Noon

    The two continued to walk through the area until they had finally seen the mansion in the near distance. "Oh thank the legends." Kolven said as Jack started shaking a little from the cold. "We beat the storm." It wasn't over yet though, they still had to get back to the gate first and back inside before the snowfall begins. Jack had huddled his arms close to himself. The wind was more brisk than it was before. From what he could tell, this was a prelude before the storm's start. This would mean that the storm's speed is slow moving. The pikachu tried to listen to anything remotely dangerous up ahead. It was quiet and peaceful. Dropping his guard for once, Jack relaxed as they walked along.

    Drake himself remembered a storm similar to the one that is coming in. It was almost two days long and the snow was piled very high to where it was almost as tall as he was if not a little taller. "You're more than welcome to stay with us until the storm passes if you want Green." The charmeleon said as he offered shelter to Green if she chooses to. He'd hate to see her travel out into a dangerous storm and find out something happened to her after it clears. Drake couldn't say the same for Finn though. Honestly, he wonders if Finn relapses because of abuse that happened to him. Who could say for sure. The charmeleon sees the fence line, they just need to get around and get to the gate but something feels slightly strange. There was no smoke coming from the smoke stack that sits above the fire place. Did Finn seriously forget to put a log into the fireplace? "Seriously? Did he let the fire go out? He probably fell asleep and forgot to toss one in the fireplace. Oh well, another reason to try to get him to change to the better. However, they didn't know what happened there.

    Jack looked around a bit before sniffing a bit. Something was odd. It didn't smell like cold moist air ready for snow. It smelled like someone was here. Who though, that was something they was to find out. "Does anyone else smell something?"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:48 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Town Park | Noon |

    The conversation died out not long after. As the cold morning turned even colder, there was little energy to spare on idle chatter. Even Flamey dipped down lower, flying barley higher than those walking below to around the wind. Said wind whipped in Green's ears, her long hair being thrown wildly, and pulling her jacket higher up upon her neck she was thankful to have had a warm piece of clothing in her bag. The thick clouds were darkening, their threat of snow coming to fruition as flakes fell and were tossed about the moaning gusts. Soon their tracks would be lost, and all progress would come to a slow crawl as snow impeded them.

    Gods, they had to hurry.

    Pushing forward the group made good time. The elevation burned at their aching muscles, begging them to stop, but no 'mon complained even as snow started to frost their pelts. The path eventually evened out, and Green vaguely recognized the area they had descended upon; they had come full circle. The mansion popped up like a beacon calling to them, and as they made their final approach someone finally exclaims, "Oh thank the legends. We beat the storm."

    "You're more than welcome to stay with us until the storm passes if you want Green." The Charmeleon offers, the invitation welcomed after the less than restless trek through this town. While shelter was always welcome, she is hesitant to accept outright; she had not seen the condition of the home, and staying may prompt more work rather than rest if the greenhouses were in poor shape. But yet, even that didn't sound wholly unpleasant, and she dares to crack a grin. "Perhaps." She responds airily, unwilling to commit. A needed reprieve in relative safety and comfort was a hard luxury to ignore.

    "Seriously? Did he let the fire go out? He probably fell asleep and forgot to toss one in the fireplace." Drake grumbles as they get closer, reminding Green once again of the one Pokemon they left behind. The ass was incompetent as well? It came as no shock given the little she had learned of him. Leaving him had been for their benefit; those fights would likely have ended in casualties with one more inept entity. Yet, it seemed odd if not out of place. Even a fire Pokemon would long for warmth in this frozen wasteland, and letting a fire go out, especially given the ease of restarting it for said fire Pokemon, was more than negligent.

    The grin leaves her face.

    "Does anyone else smell something?" Jack prompts the group, and without need for further response Green readies a hand on her machete. Was the lack of a fire intentional, the smoke signal a bringing in threats? Had the gravesite attracted more undead? Blasty had helped fill it in, but blood stains remained on the dirt and snow. "Shocked you can smell anything in this cold." She comments, reasonable doubt enough to make the trainer uneasy.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:59 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Noon
    Clover 159 || Kolven 139

    With a mix of relieved pants and quick breathes Kolven found his second wind and charged forward. The promise of rest and warmth within the safety of the mansion was enough to ignore the aching in his tired paws, his body finally feeling light instead of weighed down. With a shake of his head he flings off the frost from his whiskers, the cold no longer a looming threat. Yet for all his excitement the air did not buzz the way he would expect, and the other Pokemon did not rejoice their own homecoming. "Seriously? Did he let the fire go out? He probably fell asleep and forgot to toss one in the fireplace. Oh well, another reason to try to get him to change to the better." Drake gripes, and only then did Kolven notice no smoke was coming from the chimney. Was Finn truly that lazy on top of irresponsible?

    With a small sigh Kolven slows his roll, his pace dropping back to that of the others. Falling in line beside Clover he keeps a worn smile along his maw, just thankful that the trip was over. A missing fire was a none issue with three fire Pokemon in tow, and even if the mansion had gone chilly it would still a sanctuary from the wind in its current state. "Maybe he's less susceptible to cold with all that fur, and being a fire type of course." Drake he could understand; scales did nothing for retaining heat, but Finn could be a tiny self heater even in the coldest of climates. Clover snickers, her head bobbing with each beat. "Can't get cold-- when your heart is frozen." Needing a moment to formulate her thought she pauses mid-sentence, and while strangely on point Kolven is shocked by the statement. Was she really talking about the Braxian still, or herself..?

    As the group makes their final approach to the gate Kolven nearly calls out to alert Finn to their presence, but before he can make a sound he is bitterly reminded of what happened here. The words die out on his throat, the loss coming back in full force, but he forces the small to stay in place until Clover trots in front of him. "Does anyone else smell something?" Jack asks wearily, his concern genuine. "I don't think so." He mumbles, nothing odd catching his attention beneath the smothering of cold and snow. Flicking his ears the tomcat doesn't hear anything suspicious, yet his unease mounts as Clover darts forward like a Pokemon possessed. Skulking onto the property her nose is buried in the dirty pathway, the light dusting of snow sticking to her face. "Clover?" The male Meowth calls out, but as expected the undead did not respond.

    The world around her faded away, paws on a mission as she bolted forward. Her tail shot up high, mouth agape as she sniffed at the blood spots and rubbed her cheek through the dark red stains. It was.. different. Practically purring the Meowth huffs and pants, licking at the blood though its long since gone cold. She needed more. "Clover!" Kolven yowls at her while bounding up, but he freezes in his tracks long before he can reach her. With wide eyes he stands frozen, his gaze locking on her target blood spots with immediate dread. Clover continues to loll about the stains while his gaze slowly follows the trail across the way to their makeshift grave. They settle on the furry bundle that lay atop it, the light dusting of snow already starting to blanket the cold fur. "Gods, no..."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65
    Dendemille Mansion|Noon

    The feeling of something terrible washed over Jack after hearing that from Drake. Something was terribly wrong."Shocked you can smell anything in this cold." Upon his first sight, there was a dead man laying with a gun still in his hand dead. Not too far from him was a bullet casing, it looked like it was not warm but the casing itself was not old. Then he catches up to the others. Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks seeing Clover stepping in blood. On top of Ark's grave was none other than.... Oh no... it can't be... Jack's breathing turned to a panic as the blood on the fur was still somewhat visible to the snow. It can't be Finn, it can't be! Jack refused to believe this was him.

    Drake runs over to Clover and sees what she was doing. Was she going to go berserk? "Is she doing that to feed in order to sustain herself? I'm gonna check on... Shit!" Turning his head, he seen the body laying on the grave. He runs over and helps Jack flip the body over. It was Finn. The stick long since extinguished of its fire. "Finn! Shit, he's dead! He was shot! We don't have time to bury him either, we need to get inside before the snow gets heavier." Not wasting any time, he backs away and in a hard decision, he had to say something difficult. "Let's get inside.... We'll have to bury him once the storm clears."

    Jack knew Drake was right and in a mournful sigh, he complies. "Clover, Kolven, let's get inside, the storm's about to get serious." Even though Jack had issues with Finn's behavior at times, this wasn't a way to go. The wind started gusting a bit more stronger and the snow was picking up in heaviness. 

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:42 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Mansion | Noon |

    It could have been psychosomatic, but the unease Green felt was mounting as the rest of the party grew apprehensive. Between odd smells and the quiet of the snowfall concern sparked through them like wildfire, as if their very destination was foreboding. The undead dashes forward like a dog off the leash and ignores all calls to reign it in, another sign that something could be amiss. Had their shelter become compromised?

    Suddenly Flamey starts to click and caw in a hushed tone, his head lowered toward hers as he conveyed his message. Something was wrong, something was up ahead. Clenching her fist around her machete Green steeled herself. They had seen horror at this sight before; she was ready for it. The closer they walked the better she could see the undead smearing itself on the ground, like a normal cat or dog would through gross scents. Was it instinctual rather than feral? Straining her vision she can just barely see a splotch on the ground, but before she can utter the word blood, a horrified gasp breaks through the air. "I'm gonna check on... Shit!"

    Green's head snaps to the voice and she breaks into a run to catch up with the other Pokemon as alarm spreads throughout the group. Thrusting the gate open enough for her body and stomping past the undead the trainer's steps come to a sharp and sudden halt as her gaze catches an unmistakable sight.

    A body slumped over on the ground, a trail of blood in its wake.

    The other Pokemon circle it but the trainer does not need confirmation that he was deceased. Its long since gone stiff with rigor mortis and cold, and is pracitcally frozen to the grave it lay upon as they attempt to flip it over. There are faint snaps and crackles as frozen blood and hair break away from the earth, and once turned upright a deep red stain and tell tale wound is revealed.
    A bullet?! A chill runs down Green's spine; only humans used guns. Someone had been here, and she missed them?! Shit! Spinning on her heels she searches for the culprit, but the state of the body told of an assailant long gone. They wouldnt have sheltered here either with a corpse outside. Surely this wasn't the friend they mentioned on arrival either, the one she had seen no signs of.

    A thousand thoughts run through her head, of anger and bitterness, of wasted time and potential, but none match that of what Drake said next. "Finn! Shit, he's dead! He was shot! We don't have time to bury him either, we need to get inside before the snow gets heavier." .....Seriously? Though dismayed the Pokemon hardly seem grief stricken, emotional, or horrified at the sight of  their murdered friend. Disbelief? No, no they weren't denying his fate. Green could hardly call herself an acquiescent of deceased and was numb to the whole situation, but to cast aside the body of their companion so apathetically?! Good gods, they sobbed for a fucking Beedrill, but this was their friend they spoke of constantly during their trip. "Let's get inside.... We'll have to bury him once the storm clears."

    And they wanted to leave him alone on the fucking ground.

    A burning anger filled Green until she no longer felt the chill of the snow around her. She had missed out on the one thing she truly needed because of these Pokemon, but for these useless imbeciles to not show the slightest bit of respect for their own?! "How fucking dare you." She seethes, barely tempering herself from screaming at the Pokemon as she stomps her way between them and the mansion. "Ain't gonna be a body left once the storm passes, unless you're trying to attract more hunger mouths."

    When Kitty died, when Rosey sacrificed herself.. Green did everything in her power to give them a resting place. To keep them safe from jaws of the undead, to apologize for not protecting them. To ask forgiveness for her own weakness. To honor those she held so dear to her heart.... To respect the lives that had touched her and now had been lost.

    These goddamn Pokemon here heartless.

    "Respect your goddamn friend."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:33 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Noon
    Clover 160 || Kolven 140

    Feeling his heart drop into his stomach Kolven stumbles forward with numb paws, running to Finn's side along with Jack and Drake as if pleading for him to be alright. One look at the Pokemon was all it took to know the truth; the cold stiffness to body, expressionless face, and snow that had bonded with his pelt. He had been here.. a while. Unable to assist Kolven looks on in dismay as the others struggle to flip him over. The corpse is rigid, though he knew not if it was age or cold, and the blood that had pooled from his chest had turned to dark red ice. "Who would do such a thing?!" He whines, heart aching at the thought. Finn was aggressive and provocative, but even he knew better than to approach a trigger happy human. At least, Kolven wanted to believe he was..  

    "Finn! Shit, he's dead! He was shot! We don't have time to bury him either, we need to get inside before the snow gets heavier." Get inside? The cat could barely feel the cold anymore, his body having numbed over at the sight of Finn. Surely they could wait a bit longer, make him more comfortable as they prepare a new sight, but as he goes to move a paw he can feel his body shaking. Dragging his claws against the ground he can muster no strength, all energy sapped by some overwhelming feeling. Even his scratches feel no trace on the hard hard earth, let alone starting the process of a new grave. "We need to.. clean Ark's grave too.." The cat mutters, eyes listlessly staring at the stains marring another lost friend's resting place. How many more would they lose?

    Raising the foot listlessly Kolven places his pads gingerly on Finn's side, the unnatural stiffness to his flank instantly sending a squick throughout his body that makes him pull away. Legends forbid, how many more would they lose?! Clenching his jaw as he recovers from the nauseating feeling the tomcat is at an utter loss. He just... didn't have the strength to do this right now.....  "Let's get inside.... We'll have to bury him once the storm clears." Jack's voice is hardly more than a whisper in his ear, the sound distant as the Meowth stood shaken with disbelief. After the storm? Wouldn't that bury him in snow..?
    Gods help him, he was so tired....

    "How fucking dare you."

    Green's voice is deep and aggressive, a sound triggering alarm in his mind though the numbed feline hardly reacts with more than a flinch and a head turn. "Ain't gonna be a body left once the storm passes, unless you're trying to attract more hunger mouths." Clover leaps forward, landing neatly by her brother's side before aggressively sniffing at Finn's fur. The frost coat was quick to make her lose interest, but the deep red stain in the soil catches her ruby eye. Dragging her jaw along its edge she scrapes and gnaws, wanting to pull the frozen blood up from its resting spot. Kolven watched, horrified as he realized how.. dangerous it was to leave such an attractant in place, let alone one they knew personally.  

    "Respect your goddamn friend." The trainer persists, body blocking the Pokemon from heading toward the house. With a wide, shameful gaze Kolven lowers his ears and pushes himself between Clover and the blood. "I'm sorry, Finn." He weeps, face hot with realization as his senses as awoken once more. Clover was clue enough, but he felt sick to his stomach that he considered leaving their companion in such a sorry state. "Forget the snow, we're only a few yards from the house." They could creep away from the flurry once it was dangerous, but even with more strength in his arm Kolven could barely rough up the hard dirt. They were all exhausted... "If we can't dig something now-- then we have to bring him inside. We didn't leave Ark to the undead, and we I won't leave Finn either."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:16 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65

    Dendemille Mansion|noon

    Jack grits his teeth when Green said what she said. Somewhere in his heart, this was a cruel thing to do and hearing Drake, it seems Drake was having a tough time holding it in anymore. Seeing where Drake was at though, he was not moving after backing away. He was broken. Something that was hard to even comprehend. Though Jack was somewhat numb to those that died due to the ongoing nightmare, Drake was inexperienced, unseasoned, too fresh. Perhaps this would have been the worst day in his life. Jack wanted to say something to Green on what Drake meant but nothing came out. "If we can't dig something now-- then we have to bring him inside. We didn't leave Ark to the undead, and we I won't leave Finn either." The pikachu knew that if they did it now, they'd be able to place Finn in the grave and cover him before the snow and powerful winds hit.

    Drake started digging in the ground with his claws and he dug and dug and dug until it was deep enough to put Finn in. Then he broke down crying. "I-I can't do this... First, Ark, then one of the beedrill b-brothers, now Finn.. This is the worst day." He then looks at Green with the saddest look he has on him. If this was fate's cruel joke then this was the punchline. He didn't want Green to be lost in a storm and be found days later as another casualty. 

    Jack then says something. "Sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have pressed Finn too hard on things. Forgive us." The pikachu tried to push Finn's body to the dug up grave but he could barely budge the body. That was until Drake started helping him while he was in tears still. As they pushed the body in, Jack noticed that Finn had looked like he finally found peace. "Rest well Finn, If you can hear us in the afterlife, just know that I'm really sorry for being hard on you." Jack said as he started pushing the dirt on top of Finn as the light snow dusting was pushed with it.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:03 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Mansion | Noon |

    Green stood her ground, silently seething as she blocked the way forward. Regardless of what it was, she would see to it that these Pokemon would do something for their fallen before resting themselves. . "I'm sorry, Finn." Kolven weeps, called out on their bullshit and made to repent such heartless actions. "If we can't dig something now-- then we have to bring him inside. We didn't leave Ark to the undead, and we won't leave Finn either." Crossing her arms the trainer did not budge, her cold gaze locked on the others who had wished to give up; she would not be satisfied until she saw physical change in course.

    Whether humiliated or shamed, the other Pokemon did not speak. They did not argue or whine, but slowly moved with sullen steps back toward the sullied gravesite. Together they dug, a scene Green only witnessed the aftermath of on their first encounter, but one she had preformed several times over. Had it been the same the first time? The Pokemon sobbed, meek and unable to help themselves. Had the Luxray been the push they needed, or the human who had split before she showed up? A bunch of lost Lillipups with no hope for themselves...

    Both hands curl into fists so tight her knuckles turn white under the strain.

    The digging process was slow, and with only the slightest flick of her rest she releases Blasty in a similar way to their last visit here. Her old friend gazes down with tired eyes, the residuals of their earlier fight still clear within his sights. I'm sorry, old friend. Asking too much of her friends again, asking for yet another burial from her dear starter.. Placing her hands upon his cheeks the trainer comforts her Pokemon and begs forgiveness before making the familiar request. "A burial." She whispers gently, her face pressed against his before letting it go. Blasty's gaze slowly shifts to look toward the despondent Pokemon, the location and scene returning to him from earlier in the day.

    "Of course, M'lady." Though exhaustion plagued his voice the grand turtle had no protest in his sigh as he shuffled his large frame toward the other Pokemon. He drops to all fours, a stance unusual for his kind but not unheard of, and asissts in digging with his sturdy claws. Small gushes of water soften the frozen ground ever so slightly, enough to make the dirt workable without drenching in it in this dreadful chill. Between the combined efforts of the Pokemon, the hole was formed. Deep, but shallower than the last for a much smaller Pokemon. Backing away to give them space, as he was unneeded to  help move this friend, the Blastoise instead takes to drenching any stains with cleansing blasts. The falling snow was starting to hide them, but with eagle eyes he removes any blood he can see.

    Finally, Green relaxes her stance and walks back toward the others, her anger subsiding. Expected sobs had broken their silence, reality crushing the soft Pokemon. It wasn't a pretty or desirable scene, it didn't make her feel proud to torment these Pokemon, but it was for the best. "Sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have pressed Finn too hard on things. Forgive us." The Pikachu grieves as the party shifts the deceased into the grave. With Blasty's aid the dirt is placed back on top, the site now a pair with nearby Luxray's.

    "It ain't your fault; it was his choice to stay behind." She corrects him, the statement factual and not charged. Securing a shelter of this size was not a job for one Pokemon. Choosing to remain solo, after an attack no less, and forgo safety in numbers was a risk of his own choosing. She hardly knew the guy, but what she knew made it clear such choices were not uncommon. Recalling Blasty to his ball with a silent 'thank you', the trainer finally walks toward the Manison with intent to enter.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:42 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Noon
    Clover 161 || Kolven 141

    Kolven stood his ground and used all his strength not to let his expression break. Clenching his teeth he fought back hot tears of shame, and when the other Pokemon started to trudge toward Finn's frozen body he padded in turn. They worked in silence, the frozen ground a painful mistress to move, but one they were bitterly familiar with. The group spoke no words, with only the sounds of shifting earth and snivels breaking the quiet. They dared not talk, no one wanting to admit the shame of their actions, but their sorrow was painfully clear. Between sobs and sniffs, they were barely holding it together, digging out the hole their only focus to keep them all from breaking down.

    Green released a Pokemon to offer further assistance, and though Kolven's perception of time grew skewed in the harrowing moment, they managed to dig in decent enough time. Climbing out of the hole and seeing yet another grave in front of them proved too much; with the laboring task finished, Drake finally broke down. "I-I can't do this... First, Ark, then one of the beedrill b-brothers, now Finn.. This is the worst day." He sobs, the weight of this day too much to bear. Clenching his teeth Kolven's ears fall back, his own gaze wet with tears that start to roll as he places a paw upon Drake's shoulder. "You must be strong, for them." He soothes, his voice nearly breaking as he listened to his companion cry.

    Allowing themselves just a moment to breathe the Pokemon steel themselves once more and push until Finn's frozen body slides into the grave. Unlike Ark, his small body barely makes a noise, and is hardly more than a bundle of fur within the earthen tomb. "Rest well Finn, If you can hear us in the afterlife, just know that I'm really sorry for being hard on you." Jack gives a final farewell, and together they shift the displaced dirt back into hole. All too soon, he was gone, but the numbness lingered inside the feline as he stared at the disturbed swath of soil. "I hope you can find peace." He sighs after several moments, earnestly hoping the angry Pokemon could find the tranquility he was denied in life.

    With the others preoccupied Clover romped about around unbothered. Her paws leaped from one blood spot to another, thoroughly entertained and enthralled by the faint scent they gave off. Her fun was cut short as the Blastoise washed away the marks as soon as she jumped away from them, and as he sprayed the largest of the spots she glares at the beast. The water continues until the patch is cleared, then the Blastoise looks her way with his deep, firm gaze. Slowly Clover turned her head back toward Ark's grave, the dirt washed clean off loss and tided up once more. Her brain ticks and turns, wanting the luscious blood, but.. respecting the clean grave? Turning back to the starter Pokemon she locks gazes with him and gives a slow nod, an understanding passing between them before she hobbles her way to her brother's side.

    Pressing against his flank Kolven pushes back, but the sorrow in his gaze does not change as he shifts his sights to look at her. Would she be placed in the next hole they dug...? She was getting weaker, more erratic, closer to... Squeezing his eyes closed Kolven pushes that dreary thought away once again, and presses his cheek against his sister. The light white dusting was growing thicker and more threatening on everything around them, even the sky had grown darker from the voluminous clouds. "You've earned a long rest, Finn. Sorry we couldn't be there for you." With one more sigh he peels away from Clover's side, and nudges his head to signal the others. "Let's go, the storms here."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Sep 22, 2024 4:54 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65

    Dendemille Mansion|Noon

    Jack pats the dirt and with a feeling of sorrow, he was really hoping to help Finn become a better pokemon but as Green said. "It ain't your fault; it was his choice to stay behind." Drake however, he was really down and depressed. That feeling was something Jack had seen before. He lost a lot of friends and allies in the past but guess after all of this that had happened, his senses of crying was numbed out After Jack lost his trainer, the final farewell to him was the final time he cried. The feeling of sadness though, that was never numbed out. He wanted to say something positive to Drake but right now, the timing wasn't right to do so. 

    Drake's tears was coming down as he cried more and more. This day was too much for him right now but Kolven had talked to him hoping to soothe him. "You must be strong, for them." The meowth said and Drake may not have responded back in voice but he knew that they wanted the same. I'm sorry Finn, rest well. After that, he walks over to the front and looked out one last time the wind was picking up more and the snow started getting increasingly more heavy. They made it just in time before the storm had moved in. The door was unlocked still so there shouldn't be any need for the key. Drake opens the door for the others to come inside. The evidence of his sorrow was quite there and he wasn't able to say anything.

    Jack walks over with the others. He didn't want Drake to push himself any further. With a single thought, he wanted Drake to rest so that he could get it out. Heading inside, the mansion was still warm enough for the time being but they would need to get the fireplace going again. Seeing the place not as bright without the fire going, Jack could see the lighting from the outside somewhat dimming from the cloud cover and snow increasingly getting heavier.  "Drake's really feeling down. Wish we could do something for him. Yeah, I can't start a fire but I can help out with bringing logs over to the fireplace." He said as he stretches out to do some log rolling.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:19 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Mansion | Noon |

    The trainer lets herself come down, the emotions valid but released as the other Pokemon acted in turn. While tense, she had no need for further outburst, and follows behind Drake into the shelter proper. While the fire had died out their was still a stark change in temperature on the inside; it had not been gone long. Without its keeper it simply burned itself out. Though its warmth and light were gone the mansion itself was still well kept and inviting, a clean and welcome change to most places she visited. In days long past such a lavish place would have her enthralled, but Green remained tense, its surplus in size just offering more places for things to hide.

    The Pokemon file in, their once relieved and giddy demeanor collectively dropped for a much more somber mood. An unfortunate homecoming. Their little 'quest' was a success, but they had no one to share it with but themselves. Green shakes her head, their business none of her own as she explores the ground floor and secures the parameter. Though large and lavish, the home seemed pretty standard with no surprise corpses lying about. Had the Charmeleon kept up with it all this time?

    She walks back to the common area where the other Pokemon milled about, the mood unimproved. The cold they had invited in was quickly draining the meager warmth the space had, and it was imparative they restart the fire immediately. "Drake's really feeling down. Wish we could do something for him. Yeah, I can't start a fire but I can help out with bringing logs over to the fireplace." Her eyes roll, the Pokemon's actions immature, but she does not condone him. Without so much as a hand signal Flamey swoops forward, a thin burst of fire all he needs to relight the charred logs with a crackling flame. Leaping up on the back of an armchair the Talonflame begins to preen. "You're welcome," he boasts, the task something he had done many, many times over, "but hurry with the wood. That fire won't burn long with that used timber; it needs fresh logs now."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:07 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Noon
    Clover 162 || Kolven 142

    With a hiss and mew Kolven forcibly gains Clover's attention. Without the Blastoise or spots of blood the undead was rapidly losing interest in the outside. She padded about awkwardly, her focus stolen before she was bored of it, and with her own pitiful mrrow she trails after her brother as they head inside. Giving a nod to Drake as they pass the threshold the tomcat ushers Clover inside and watches as she trots to the common area and flops to her side in the middle of the floor. Beyond her, the once cozy and crackling fire had died out, and only the whispers of its warmth could still be felt inside the mansion.

    Shaking any snow and lingering muck from his fur Kolven plods forward with heavy paws. Finn was supposed to be waiting for them all his snark and aggression, but instead they were welcomed by bitter silence. Finding a soft spot for himself Kolven settles down, the precious cargo they went so far to obtain nestled at his paws. Was it worth it...? Would their journey bring and prolong life? Would staying in the mansion have saved Finn, or killed more in the process..? He stares in silence, amber eyes deep in thought as he pondered the road less traveled, before slowly letting them fall closed as he pushes the weighted thoughts aside.

    "Drake's really feeling down. Wish we could do something for him. I can't start a fire but I can help out with bringing logs over to the fireplace." Peaking his eyes open Kolven lets his gaze travel between Jack, Clover, and the charred logs in the fire. "Maybe the warmth of a new fire will comfort him." His paws ached, hells his entire body was still damaged from the bad hit he took from the Pyroar. Stretching out his forepaws he pushes to stand, and having finally gotten off his paws the pain returned with a vengeance. "I'll help." He offers, biting through the pain to get his broken frame moving once more. Clover's head perks up, staring his way with a knowing scowl, but as Kolven drops to the ground and makes his way toward Jack without further complaint she settles down once more.

    A quick flash of fire catches both cat's attention, Clover's entire front half slammed the ground with awareness of the flames and a need to bolt, but before anything could happen the stream fizzles out. A tender flame flickers in the fireplace once more, with with a wide red eye Clover stares at it without a lick of trust. Slowly, the heat warms her tarnished fur, and once again she lets herself lay flat and lifeless upon the floor. "You're welcome," the bird sqwauks, the warmth of the fire life giving and desperately needed for the despondent crowd, "but hurry with the wood. That fire won't burn long with that used timber; it needs fresh logs now."

    Kolven nods, internally begging the logs were stored inside though he knew it was unlikely. Few houses had fireplaces back home, but those that did kept kept the wood stacks outside. With an accepting sigh Kolven knew the cold would seep back into his bones, but he smiles though the pain, and looks to Jack for guidance. "You take the lead." He had lived in a clime his this; locating things would be much easier for him.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 05, 2024 5:27 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65
    Dendemille Mansion|Noon

    Jack had felt bad for Drake. He's had a very rough day and seeing the charmeleon looking outside one last time, he could see tears coming down the fire type's face. "but hurry with the wood. That fire won't burn long with that used timber; it needs fresh logs now." Flamey said as Jack went back to attention and looked for the door that had the logs stored. "Maybe the warmth of a new fire will comfort him." As much as Jack wanted to agree, it would take a bit more to get Drake cheered up. Kolven was also helping so it made the job easier. "You take the lead." Then he seen a door just a little bit away from the fireplace. It was slightly cracked open but once Jack looked inside, the logs was sitting there, all neatly stacked. Did Drake do this or did someone else do it? Regardless, Jack sighed in relief that they didn't have to go outside again. The pikachu then nods to Kolven.

    Drake closed the door to keep some remaining warmth in but sadness had overtaken him to where he just couldn't shake the feeling off. He needed someone to talk to and give hugs like his trainer did. He looked upstairs to where he could walk up and go to his room. Thinking about it, Drake looks back at the others before deciding to stay down with the others a bit longer. Walking over to one of the windows, he could barely see the fence bars as the visibility was decreasing further. Mom, Dad, everyone, please be okay. I want to see you all again. The Charmeleon then looked at the two graves. Sobs could be heard as he looks at them. He misses Ark and wished he was still here with them and Finn given a second chance.

    As Jack pulled a log out, he noticed that these was cut not too long ago. Then he remembered some of the trees was cut down along the property line. Knowing Drake couldn't do that, perhaps someone did, like a butler. He'll have to ask later. The log falls to the ground and it was light enough Kolven to move, Jack grabs another one for him to take as well. "That big one should last longer, Might be a bit heavy though for the two of us Kolven."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:52 pm

    (OoC: Skip me this round. I'm taking a moment to rest and watch Drake linger.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Oct 13, 2024 7:50 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Noon
    Clover 163 || Kolven 143

    A gentle grin is plastered on Kolven's face as he follows Jack, but the weight he was carrying pulled at him with every step. His body hurt but the aching in his heart seemed to smother all else. There was little to no chatter, but any sounds felt so far away, and other Pokemon were unreachable. The ground was flat but his steps felt uneven, and traveling the short distance to the store room felt unnaturally long. As Jack pushed the door open a small wash of cold air greats them; this room had not retained any heat from the fire. The chill makes his whiskers twitch and pulls the tomcat from his own thoughts.

    "This is much nicer than being outside." He comments dryly while making his way inside. The timber was stacked up neatly, the walls lined with woodcutting tools, trimmers, and other objects. Kolven noted that no small gardening items seemed to be here, perhaps they were  inside the greenhouses? "Back in Saffron, most homes didn't have fireplaces, let alone enough space to store any logs." The inner city homes would purchase singular logs when the fancy struck them, having no place for lumber at all. "And the rural homes had to keep them outside, which often attracted pests." His tail flicks at the memory; Ekans and Ratatta loved to nest in cut wood and his siblings would often hunt in those spots.

    Jack chooses and pulls some logs from the pile, dropping them down for Kolven to collect. Though rough cut and raw they seemed to be the proper size and would last them a good while. Standing tall he gathers them into his arms, the package awkward but doable as he waits for Jack to collect a few more. As another log thumps from the stack it drops at an angle, its far end still propped against the pile. It only took a moment to see it was thicker that the rest, and should have been cut in two before being put in the store. "That big one should last longer. Might be a bit heavy though for the two of us Kolven." Jack voices some concern, and running a paw long it Kolven can feel the weight in the timber. He frowns as he considers their options; there were tons of other pieces to pick from, but the hefty log would delay future trips. Coming back was not difficult, hell they could do that now and have logs at hand and ease, but they were tired already.

    With a long sigh the cat chooses not to argue. Jack picked this one specifically and he would not deny him that choice. Setting the other logs down, and noting that they were not that heavy, Kolven explores the store room. "Let's see..." Most of the stuff in here wouldnt do much for them, outsides stuff and whatnot, but an ajar drawer on the nearby work desk may offer a solution. Jumping on top of it he kicks the drawer open, its haphazard and random assortment of objects holding something close enough to what he wanted. Grabbing it in his paws its not quite the string or rope he was looking for, but the bungee cord was basically the same thing. Hopping down, he moves back toward the timber. "We can tie them together with this. The little ones don't weigh that much, so if we share the weight we should be fine."

    Setting up and looping the cord around the lumber the cat struggles to pull it together. He wasn't expecting the elastic tug, but worked with it as he looped the hooked ends beneath the cord itself. "That should hold fine. I'll take the low end." He purrs, pulling the log away from the pile so Jack could grab at the far end.

    Sprawled out in the dying heat of the flame Clover's stiff and decayed body started to relax. Her very fibers loosened in the warmth, no longer frozen stiff in the frigid landscape. Her red eye sat half-lidded, her focus on no specific thing as she listened to the crackling of the flames. It was sound burned into her very memory, her very flesh, and normally it would put her on edge, but watching the fire dance before her it gave the feline an odd sense of ease. This was not the demon that did this to her, she was not in the agony that ended her life. Phantom pains itched in her missing leg but she paid them no mind other than an uncomfortable twitch of her stump.  

    Casting a glance at the spot her brother once was the cat wondered where he had wandered off to. They had mentioned it but she had paid it no mind, now his space remained empty aside from the small pouch he left behind. Stretching her spine she arcs her body to see even further back, the trainer and Charmeleon just as quiet as she was. For once, there was no useless chatter, but oddly the undead did not enjoy the silence.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Oct 17, 2024 8:51 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 WFExX65

    Dendemille Mansion|Noon

    The pikachu slid the log a bit more before Kolven said something. "We can tie them together with this. The little ones don't weigh that much, so if we share the weight we should be fine." That was a great idea. That way it'll make it easier to have kindling along with the log. The meowth had tied it and surprisingly, it was pretty good. He must have learned some stuff. "That should hold fine. I'll take the low end." Jack nods and he takes the other end. Now the weight was equally distributed to where they can carry it to the fireplace. But then, Jack looks over and sees Drake feeling more down. It like he was about to have another meltdown. Once they got to the fireplace, it was time to toss it in.

    Drake looked outside a bit more before he decided to get up and go to his room. He didn't want them to think he was angry or going to shut everyone out, instead he walks over to Green wanting to say something but he couldn't. Yet, he was wanting to give her a hug in a way to show that he appreciated her still. "G-Green, I don't know if anyone ever asked you but can I give you a hug?" The charmeleon asked as he was ready to cry again. One can tell in his eyes he was very worried and in heavy mourning.

    Jack stops in front of the fireplace. It was time to toss the log in. "Alright Kolven, lets toss this in and rest." Waiting for Kolven to match his swinging, Jack then thought about something, There wasn't any powerlines connected from the outside that he could see and yet somehow Drake was able to live in this place. Looking up, he could see that there was lightbulbs, a fancy chandelier, a television and all sorts of things that proved there was electricity but where could the fuse box be? Only one who would know is Drake. Right now though, he was not in the best of conditions to ask.

    OoC)) Couldn't think of anything else to add and if your okay if I can have Drake hug you Green, if not I can make some changes.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:08 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 35 NWPE89a
    | Dendemille Mansion | Noon |

    The males went off to gather more fuel, the undead sprawled out like some sort of house pet, and the resident stared solemnly out one of the many windows. Though Green felt uneasy being in an unfamiliar place, her rudimentary search showed no recent signs of entry, break ins, or unwanted presence. If Drake was able to keep this place so clean how was he so raw to death and loss?

    As the heat of the small fire started to woke its way into the room Green finally felt her aching, frozen body loosen up. Settling into an old armchair the trainer allows herself to relax, if ever so slightly. Her bird perches on the back, always close at hand and equally as unwilling to fully let his guard down. Without the others the room had gone quiet. Only the crackling of the fire filled the air; the soft shuffling of the undead and sniffles from the Charmeleon only told them they were not alone.

    Her eyes close but Green can not relax. Even in a 'safe' place her body itched to confirm such a status, knowing to never let one's guard down, to confirm that corpse was not a prelude. She stands, her partner raising his head in a silent question. Giving him a gentle scritch she can only assume he feels the same; they had shared a number of close calls and knew better than to get too comfortable. "Green, are we staying?" The bird asks, the question probing her own mind as well. This place had never been a destination, just a pitstop. They had wasted precious time and energy in their bid for rest, and her personal gains amounted to none. In truth, such a large, empty shelter was downright eerie and uncomfortable, but they had little choice given the outside. "We have to wait out the storm." She answers vaguely, refusing to put a time frame or full stop on things. Flamey leans a bit into her hand, not pressing the matter further.

    The sounds of footsteps approach, the familiar tap of claws on the floor as Drake moves back into the common area, his face still red and puff. The devastation was still writ clear on his face, but the trainer had no words of comfort to offer him. Instead, the Charmeleon approaches with a question of his own, his voice pitiful and moments from tears. "G-Green, I don't know if anyone ever asked you but can I give you a hug?"

    ...What? Such gestures hardly required consent first, though she was one to talk with her prickly behavior, yet it was oddly on brand for the bizarre Pokemon. Immediately her body tenses, unprepared for such a request, and the instant no hangs on her tongue. She was not one to give in to the sob story, his pitiful look doing nothing for her, but something about his voice.. hit different. It didnt ring over her communicator, no, she simply heard his voice for what it was, and those familiar notes almost felt like that of a lost child seeking help. He was no person, and no child, but with her back turned to him she could almost believe it was.

    Flamey's gaze swaps between unassumed to shocked as the trainer humors the Pokemon's request, though she made no notions to approach or embrace him. Her gaze sits somewhere between the Talonflame and the floor, refusing to make eye contact, and she stands stiffly while uttering a something she could not believe herself, "..Okay."

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