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17 posters

    (ACE) The FROST Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:04 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 1

    A low whine leaves the mouth of the middle head. Flakes of white have begun to crust the pitch black fur, despite the eternal fires that burned within. The arrow-tipped tail curls up behind one leg.
    The falling snow is increasing to a thick flurry that blurs the chilly rocks into a monochrome grey blur.
    He can't see in front of him and, in the cold, he has lost the scent.
    The Houndoom whines like a puppy despite being fully grown. This metal tag jangles on his collar as he slinks out of the wind. His heads sink low.
    Again he whines, the noise thin and pathetic over the sounds of the snowstorm. There is no reply but the roaring of the wind. He shivers from the cold.
    "Do you think he's o.k?" One head asks.
    "He always comes back for us." Another says.
    The third head raises from sniffing futilely at the frozen ground.
    "We should get out of the cold.""
    Moving like a blot on the snowscape the Houndoom pads towards the entrance of the cave. The pawprints left behind begin to fade under the heavy snowfall, hiding the desperate spiraling path the three-headed Houndoom had traced.
    It always snowed near here. Always snow. Always cold.
    The dog pants flames to try and warm itself. It's long peaked ears are starting to go numb. That was bad.
    The flames that licked around its dark fur melted the snow that landed on its noses but wasn't enough to warm its entire body.
    "Here's a good place." The middle head says.
    With his heads held low he sniffs at the cold wind and pads sadly towards the cave.
    His human would come back for him right?
    He was a good dog. His human would be back before night fell. Then there would be treats and hugs and he would be told what a good boy he was. There was no reason to be sad. He'd just find somewhere nice and warm to settle down while he waited.
    Spot shakes the melting snow off his fur and holds his heads high as he trots into the cave. Yeah, his human would be back soon. He'll have some fun on his walk before he got picked up.
    With his ears pricked up Spot trots into the Cavern.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Tue Nov 18, 2014 7:29 am

    Frost Caverns | | Early Morning

    It was freezing. That is something the duo is expecting, however, considering they have been traveling towards the Frost Caverns. Lucky enough to encounter other survivors in the land of Kalos, Dal had taken it upon himself to translate and act as a middle ground for his trainer and individuals they met. A human had suggested they travel towards these caves as the undead activity seemed lower in this area. Although neither have yet to see any evidence to disapprove this claim, doubt is still rife in their minds.

    Well, it was worth a shot.

    Dal floats forward faster, constantly looking back to make sure his trainer follows. Glancing back he slows down slightly, noticing how Yuri struggles to shuffle her long hanbok through the piling snow. She didn't seem to mind the cold as much as he expects her to, but he supposes cold resistance was just one of the perks of working with ghosts. His very presence causes a heat sink, and with a Frosslass and a Jellicent on their team, subzero temperatures were common. "You doing okay?"

    Despite being unable to understand the Pokemon language Yuri could understand her Gengar with a snap of a finger. Judging purely by facial expression and tone of his cry she knows what he is asking. She pulls her dress up a little more, stepping over an icy boulder. "Could be better." She speaks in Korean, tongue rolling off smooth syllables with a shrug of her shoulders. Dal is lucky, she thinks. Temperature doesn't terribly affect them, they were ethereal.

    How they ended up actually in the caverns was beyond them. After all, moments before they were wading through the thick snows. Everything was white, the ground, the sky, the distance, and now everything was either white or frost blue. Amazing.

    Dal floats only a little bit before stopping completely, eyes narrowing as he catches sight of a dark figure. Yuri understands his body language immediately, a tentative, fearful hand drifting towards her sword. The Gengar bares his teeth, calling out. If it was an undead, the ghost can distract it away. "Who's there?"

    Last edited by Cedric on Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 24

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Crepuscular Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:49 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team MarkMeowsticIII_zps94ca50dc

    Frost Cavern Entrance | Early Morning | Post Count 1

    The cat walks carefully through the constant blizzard, his objective clear and direct. First, he needed to investigate this place known as Frost Cavern. Secondly, his ass is freezing. Maybe there are some fire Pokemon or Humans in these caverns to help deal with that. And thirdly, there might be good resources to be had inside of the cavern. If he can figure out how to deal with the temperature, then it will serve as an effective bastion against the coming undeath.  

    He continues travelling through the blizzard, unfazed by its blinding effects. A recent book he pilfered from a store said this place is constantly screened by an impenetrable fog. His keen eyes and psychic senses are undoubtedly making it easier to travel here with little misdirection.

    His keen eyes also allow him to spot a Human trailed by ghosts walk into the caverns. Oh, geez. He doubts speaking with her would be very successful, given her radical advantage over him. He then looks to his far right to also see a three-headed dog--Waitwhat? He looks again. Is he seeing that right? A three-headed dog -- no, a Houndoom? Yes. He is seeing perfectly. He is not hallucinating. His curiosity tingles. Kalos is a relatively peaceful environment, for a while. This dog might be a native, given how absolutely horrible and life-threatening his mutation is. He might be easier to ally with than the Human, given he is likely a former domestic.

    He does not think either group knows he is here. And just as with them, he is heading into the Frost Caverns as well. That Houndoom would be a good companion, if he can be convinced into an alliance. The Human? He'd have to think about it. As much as he loves Humans, he's got to respect them. So no jumping in front of their face to say hello, like he would with some Pokemon.

    After negotiating the blizzard, he pauses near the entrance. The houndoom has walked in before him. So, too, has the ghost lady. He walks in when he hears someone to the left speak. The shape tells him that it is a ghost standing beside the Human, possibly a Gengar if he's interpreting that shape correctly. The Gengar must be addressing the Houndoom, but he is not entirely sure. So, he opts to not speak, crossing his arms and waiting for the Houndoom to reply.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:04 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team A9ZoaSD
    Outside Frost Cavern| Early Morning

    The Pikachu had fought hard through the wind and snow as a full blown blizzard raged on. The visibility was low, but Jack was determined to find somewhere to wait out the storm. There was times where he thought about his trainer and where he could of went. Maybe, he would find him here in Kalos though it was hard to say. "I wonder if he's here somewhere, but I better get out of this storm first." Jack kept walking forward not knowing if he'll find shelter or not. The Pikachu had been searching for a while not seeing a friendly face since the outbreak began. The number of pokemon that he had seen dead from being eaten had disheartened him somewhat. It was only until he finds his trainer that he'll be freed from this nightmare. Jack spots something that looks like a grey blur he gets closer to it turns out it was a boulder.

    The Pikachu continues on throughout the storm, searching for signs if his trainer was here. However, each step is quickly covered by snow, it was to late to turn back and if he did he would get lost out in the blizzard. He pressed on till he discovered something moving off into the distance. Could it be him after all this time alone? Jack thought with excitement, but he had no idea if this was the one he seeked for so long. He started running after the blur hoping to catch up, but the blur disappeared off into the distance leaving no trace behind. Jack stopped lowering his head. In a loud cry he shouted out. "Wait, come back, don't leave me behind!" He heard nothing but his own voice echo off into the right.

    Jack turned and started walking towards the echoed voice. He fought through the snow as hard as he could and finally he spots a figure in the distance, but it wasn't human but, a shape of a houndoom. As the Pikachu stopped he kept his eyes fixed on the figure hoping it wasn't undead and if it is he'll send a shocking surprise onto it. He started approaching slowly and cautiously in case he had to make a quick decision to attack. "Hello, Are you alive?" Jack waited for a reply from the Houndoom.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:11 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 2

    "Wait, come back, don't leave me behind!" A cry echoes faintly through the icy cavern.
    The Houndoom flicks a pointed ear. The central head stops sniffing the cold ground to look up. His long arrow-headed tail lashes around and up. The other two heads look up as well, still panting toxic flames over their dark furred muzzles.
    He smells a Pokemon!
    His heads turn and for a moment he feels he has mistaken his reflection in the ice for company. Then he notices that the dark shape of the Fire Type not too far away only has one head. Briefly the three-headed Houndoom wonders why the other dog only has one head but he's far too interested in there being another dog here to focus on it. Eagerly he trots towards it and blows a little flame over his fur to keep himself warm.
    He leans back on his haunches, wagging his pointed tail. He pants a curl of flame from all three heads with a cheerful smile as he crouches against the floor. From all three heads he give a small excited bark.
    It's another dog~! He looks and smells nervous enough that Spot waits to make sure he has seen him.
    "Hi!" He barks sharply, waving his tail back and forth to let the other Houndoom see he wants to play.
    Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all. He'd already found a friend! Maybe they could play together while he was waiting for his human to come and find him and he could ask what happened to their other heads.
    "Hello, Are you alive?" Oh, so that wasn't the other dog who was talking.
    The head on the right and left look around the cavern while the central head continues to look at the other Fire Type.
    There's a little yellow Pokemon running into the cave. It looks like one of his chew toys but its talking. He probably isn't allowed to chew on it.
    Spot cocks all three of his heads to the side at the question. They look at each other but they all look the same. He licks a paw to see if he tastes different. He scratches an ear to see if it'll fall off. He turns around in a slow circle to chase his tail before finally sitting in the center of the floor with his paws neatly in front of him.
    "I think so. How do I tell?" He asks the yellow Pokemon.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:46 pm

    Frost Caverns | | Early Morning

    When a blur of magenta and navy darts down from the ceiling before him the Gengar immediately begins to fizz and wisp. He adopts an almost human fighting stance, sharp eyes glaring down at the Sneasel that appeared. Shit, he's at a type disadvantage, but he still has Dazzling Gleam on his side of this coin.

    "I should be asking you the same thing, buddy boy. This is my territory. What are you and your human pet doing in my caves?" Smoke fizzles out from his cigare--wait. Really? A fucking cigarette? The Gengar knows how bad those are for humans but on a Pokemon? For a moment the Dal's posture loosens, giving a quick glance behind him towards Yuri with a frown. She is also confused, furrowing her brows at the sight. Well, it's not everyday you see a living Sneasel smoking of all things; you'd think if their goal is survival they wouldn't be damning themselves with some nicotine.

    He scoffs. "Human pet?" The spectre asks incredulously. Yuri? A pet? "Y'know I hate to admit it but it's pretty much the other way around, bud. Sweetie here's the one who orders me around." The ghost falls silent, quietly analyzing the ice-type in front of him. He seems pretty alive, at least, alive enough to make coherent sentences and add a bit of snark to his question. It is to some trustable degree, Dal thinks. He's almost certain the stranger is a survivor.

    Yuri only clutches the handle of her sword tighter as she listens to the variety of sounds chirping from the two Pokemon's mouth. She vaguely considers maybe, just maybe, she should send out her other Pokemon for extra protection--this is foreign land and foreign creatures--but that is ultimately Dal's call. If her trusty Gengar can sort this out with only conversation then there is no need for the extra threat and pressure of her other Pokemon. Instead she decides to slowly remove her freezing palms from the leather handle of her hwando, raising both arms up slighty--palms outward--to signal that she has no intention of harming the Sneasel. She doesn't think she can fight in this temperature anyways, not with her already frail constitution.

    Taking note of Yuri's actions, Dal gestures behind him to his trainer. "Look, sweetie here doesn't want any trouble so I'm not looking to make any, either. I'm Dal and," he gestures again to the human girl, "she's Yuri. We wandered in here on accident while looking for shelter. We've been travelling for, what, months now? Maybe years, lost track with the apocalypse and all." The Gengar offers an hand and a lopsided grin. "Maybe we can settle on some kind of deal? We're both fuckin' tired of just wandering everywhere and we're both very handy. Safety in numbers or something, right?"

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:53 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team A9ZoaSD

    Outside the frost cavern| Early Morning

    The pikachu continued to get closer until the houndoom was in plain sight. It had three heads and after responding to his question, Jack remained cautious of the houndoom. "I think so. How do I tell?" Jack then looked for any signs, but he couldn't find any from the way it looked. "You don't have any purple spots on you so I'm guessing your okay." He then went to introducing himself "I'm Jack and I came to find my trainer." The pikachu said with a sigh of relief. The wind started picking up more kicking up more snow making it hard to see. Jack put his goggles on to keep the snow out of his eyes. He looked at the three headed houndoom and nodded his head a little. "Lets get out of this storm I can barely see a thing." As they head towards the entrance a voice rang out from it. "I should be asking you the same thing, buddy boy. This is my territory. What are you and your human pet doing in my caves?" Was there someone inhabiting the cave? Jack perked his ears up at the voice as if it didn't want anyone to come in.

    It was there only way to get out of the storm and Jack was determined to get out of it. Jack walks in behind the three headed houndoom not knowing his name yet. Hearing voices coming from in front of them. His ears still perked at the voices still talking to each other. "Y'know I hate to admit it but it's pretty much the other way around, bud. Sweetie here's the one who orders me around." With a bit of excitement he thought there was a human that could help Jack find his trainer. He was right there was a human but she was carrying a sword and a Gengar standing in front of a houndoom. With a bit of courage he asked out in curiosity. "Hey, what's going on here?" The Pikachu was looking at the Houndoom backed up into the wall as scared as a pup. "Look, sweetie here doesn't want any trouble so I'm not looking to make any, either. I'm Dal and,"

    Jack looked at the Gengar curiously why he stopped mid sentence and then he heard the human's name. "she's Yuri. We wandered in here on accident while looking for shelter. We've been travelling for, what, months now? Maybe years, lost track with the apocalypse and all." The Pikachu could relate to that knowing he was wandering all over the world for his trainer and a place of safety.  He looked at the other houndoom and asked him what his name is. "I forgot to ask you what your name is? I was kinda in a rush to get out of that storm that I forgot about asking."  Jack asked the three headed houndoom. He continued hearing the wind howling through the cave like a savage beast but it was there only shelter they had against the raging storm for now.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:28 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 2

    Spot shakes his heads, ignoring the noises he can hear but not see. He raises one hind paw and thoroughly scratches the spiked ears of his left-most head. This causes the bright tag with its pretty purple orb to jump on his furred neck.
    Purple spots. Wouldn't that be silly? Why would he have purple spots. Maybe other dogs had purple spots? But why would that make them not alive. The yellow mouse was funny. Spot's middle head grins. He was even looking for a human too! They'd be found in no time.
    His forked tail wags as his heads turn back towards the other dog. His pointed ears droop. Did he not want to play?
    "I.. don't fight me, I bite!" The other dog says softly.
    Oh dear, was he scared?
    "Hey..." The Houndoom rolls over, exposing the reddish fur of his underbelly. His hind paws kick at the air as he squirms on the frozen ground, trio of snapping heads turning towards the other dog. With his tongues hanging out he bends his front paws in.
    "Play with me? Please?" He whines.
    His arrow-headed tail beats at the ground.  He lightly bats the air with his forepaws.
    "Our name is Spot! What's your name?"
    Cheerfully he cocks his heads to the side, thick pink tongues running over his pointed teeth. With a twitch of his rump he rolls on the ground and scratches his back with the frosty rock. Contentedly he lashes his tail.
    "Do you live here?" His left head asks as the other two wriggle against the ground with their eyes closed.
    "Can we play now? I want to play!" His right head snaps excitedly.
    "Scratching is nice~" The middle head sighs.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:13 pm

    Frost Caverns | | Early Morning

    "Hey, what's going on here?" The sudden new cry startles Yuri, nearly making her jump on the spot. She recognizes the tone of the sound, whipping her head to stare down at a Pikachu...with blue goggles on it's head. She wonders vaguely who is dressing these Pokemon up--and how they manage to keep their accessories for so long in the Epidemic. Regardless she turns her attention away from the electric rodent and back to her own Pokemon--the Gengar--and the Sneasel before them.

    Dal's grin only grows as the ice-type reciprocates his handshake. "You've got guts, if nothing else. I can respect that. Maybe we can find a way to help each other. Name's Formaldehyde." The Gengar mirrors his smirk and nods his head, before shooting a vague thumbs-up back to his trainer. The spectre follows the Sneasel's sight, wide smile soon transforming into unamused frown at the sight of the bright yellow pelt. Sometimes it's a wonder how some of these survivors live for so long. "Now. Who the fuck are you barging into my home like you own the place?"

    Noticing Dal's expression, Yuri's hand slowly drifts back towards her sword. She quietly takes a fighting stance, palm resting on her blade's handle and ready to charge the Pikachu in front of her. Not that she's excited--not at all--Yuri never has a taste for bloodshed. Killing innocents is the very last on her list of priorities but, if murder is what tips the scales on whether she and her Pokemon can stay in these caves as shelter, she is willing to sacrifice her morals. She glances back at the ghost-type next to her, raising a brow as if to ask what the next course of action is, and the Gengar raises his palm.

    "Careful, Yuri," he chastises lightly with a faint, hearty chuckle, "don't go jumping into trouble so quickly. I'm supposed to protect you, remember?" Seeming to understand his gestures and tone, the human reluctant straightens her posture but her hand does not leave sword hilt. Instead she watches patiently, waiting for something to happen.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:08 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team A9ZoaSD

    Frost Cavern|Early Morning

    The Pikachu's heart sank hearing the sneasel issue a threat towards him. "Now. Who the fuck are you barging into my home like you own the place?" Jack then stared at the human ready to strike, he was terrified and frozen in his steps. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out as he was shaking extremely bad. Fear has gripped the pikachu and it was holding strong on him. His heart started beating fast and he curled up into a ball, tears rolling down his eyes and not a word could be said out of him. It was like walking from one nightmare to another. His only thought was he was going to die in this place before he could find his trainer.  The Pikachu tried to talk, but still nothing came out and worse he was paralyzed with fear. He should of listened to the houndoom when he did, but now his very life was in danger and severely outmatched. It was either leave and get eaten by the undead or stay and be killed.

    "Please, I didn't mean any harm, I..I thought this place was abandoned. Don't hurt me, please." The Pikachu finally spoke out, but still terrified of the human with the sword. He couldn't move and still in tears. His heart was still racing in the fear that had gripped him. He tried to get up, but his tiny legs wouldn't let him. Jack couldn't believe what was happening right now and even if he tried to get up he'd only collapse again. "I....I must find him...p-please, I need help...I'm scared." He tried to plead for them to leave him alone and help him, but whether it was enough to convince them may not be enough to spare him.

    OoC)) Jack's terrified of Yuri and Cedric its up to you if you want to calm jack down or not, but no injuries.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:37 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning (1)

    It was snow, and it was cold. The morning light didn't help much... offering no warmth and only adding to the condition of snow blind. The sun just as it was raising casting it's light over the top of the snow making it glow white. The snow drifts again didn't help being shallow at parts and deep in others, it was like stepping in the unknown if you're going to fall through the white shit or not. A pathway was one at times where wind had blown away just enough to see it in other places it was buried and gone. Bit's of brown grey ground around and a little green from the pine trees around. No markings to tell the two where they even were to start with other then a little lost.

    A olive green horn sticking out from the layers of snow, a very pissed off Larvitar bursting from the snow drift as he kicks at it. Swatting away the snow with his arms, " I hate this" he growled as he looked ahead. Nothing but snow and snow covered trees, kicking up more snow. His companion, a small Aron was not far behind him. It's rounded head allowing him to blow through the snow, his steel body slides the snow right off. " Fun fun!" the aron said cheerfully running into the Larvitar, he stopped for a second before tunneling around and kept going. " Jeriah..." the aron stopped and turned around in his little cut out path " Yes yes Gabby?". The larvitar sighed " Nothing" climbing into the cut out path and followed.

    The pair breaking back out to shallow snow along the path way as the Aron kept ahead pushing snow aside. Gabriel's horn sticking out from the snow again like a green snow shark as he paused. Hearing voices over the snow. " Hey Jeriah? hear that?" he asked as he looked over. Blinded by the snow and his steel type partner " GAH!" he cried out covering his eyes. The Aron had tipped over in the snow from a unseen rock " Gabby am stuck" he giggles not seeming to concerned in his troubled state. Just unable to get his flailing legs back under himself.

    Gabriel sighed as she rubbed his eyes clear and walked over righting the Aron back to his legs, Jeriah plows ahead again now toward the voices on the wind. " Jeriah wait!" Gabriel called out trying to follow the Aron mini plow, but getting caught up in another deep snow patch and got slowed down. Jeriah on the other hand getting closer to the voices before popping out from a snow drift at a cave mouth. Jeriah squeals happily a little before seeing other pokemon there, and a strange creature. The Aron getting closer a little skip in his step, snow packed into the holes in his plating. " Hi ya!" the Aron waved a little leg to the group.

    Gabriel following the cut out now as his horn stuck out from the snow again. His nose picking up rock, he moved quicker down the path seeing Jeriah standing there with a group of pokemon. His eyes looked up at the tall biped creature with some sort of steel rod in it's heads. " Oh oh that looks yummy can I eat that please please please so hungry" the aron chirps. Gabriel pushing past the snow and got quickly in front of the aron. pushing him back at he looked at the other pokemon. A cave was behind them, possible food. He looked at the threatening pokemon. He didn't say much, Jeriah sat down behind the larvitar tilting it's head his blue eyes still set on the humans sword. Gabriel looked at the pokemon a few of them he knew what they were, maybe they could tell them where they are.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:54 pm

    ((Also skip))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:55 pm

    ((Skip, I got nothing to work with.))

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:46 pm

    (( as not one soul said anything Pass))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:43 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team Doge_by_riboo-d82ypk8
    Outside Frost Cavern /^\ Early morning /^\ 3

    The three-headed dog stops his squirming, all three heads looking at the timid Houndoom. He rolls himself over onto his belly and waves his pointed tail excitedly.
    "I.. don't fight me, I bite!"
    "Cy-Cyanide. Am I saying it right?" The middle head asks.
    "Cyanide." The other two heads chorus in agreement. The one on the right licks his lips.
    "I... I d-don't under-understand," Cyanide whines and Spot cocks all three of his heads to the side.
    He whines as well, a questioning sound as he slowly stands. His tail wags and his left head scratches at its ears with a paw.
    "Do you not understand how to play?" The middle head asks.
    "We can play chasing or roll-over or jumping or fetch." The head with curled horns remarks.
    The three headed Houndoom crouches low against the ground with his tail waving enthusiastically back and forth. He waits for the other dog to make the next move. He's sure the other dog would feel better if they played together! He barks to entice his new friend into playing with him.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:59 pm

    [ooc; i was going to post but i am having an Awful time with my brain shit right now, please skip me..]

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:40 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning

    Jack's heart was still beating fast, but not as fast as before, but seeing the human put her stance down he calmed down a bit. "Dude. Chill the fuck out. I ain't gonna hurt ya if you're being such a pussy about it." The Pikachu then started to calm down even more however he was beginning to become cautious again of the Sneasel. He thought to himself in an unusual way. Of all the pokemon here how is he smoking a cigarette those things are bad for ya. Yet Jack never could be the type to ask questions about it. He got up off the ground and spoke more calmly. "Sorry, I kinda have a problem with blades and didn't mean any harm to you. Anyways, I came here to find my trainer, but this storm is making it to hard to see anything. My name's Jack." The Pikachu took a deep breath and looked around for the three headed Houndoom.  Jack then thought maybe he's still with the other houndoom and his trainer is somewhere in this cavern. "I'm not sure, but have you seen a trainer come through this cavern, he's got a jacket on with a logo of a goggle." The Pikachu explained. He looked back at Yuri still kind of shakened at the sight of the blade.

    He turned his attention towards the Gengar and noticed something very suspicious as if he knew him from somewhere. Yet, he couldn't think of it at the moment his only concern was finding his trainer and getting out of this nightmare that swept the world. He began to search the cavern for signs of his trainer and not sure if the sneasel would appreciate that. until another voice started to speak. "Oh, oh! That looks yummy! Can I eat that please? Please, please, so hungry!" Jack then thought it sounded like a kid. The pikachu thought to himself. What are kids doing out in this storm its dangerous enough with the undead walking around. He coutinued to hear the wind howl behind him. The storm was intensifying and they may have to stay in the cavern until it calmed down outside to do an outside search. Jack continued to search further on.

    The sneasel then shouted at the children while Jack went back to searching. "Who the hell are you dorks?" The Pikachu shook his head thinking the sneasel needs anger management. What a grumpy cat he needs to chill himself. He thought to himself while looking back at the Sneasel. After he finished searching and shook his head with not a sign of his trainer there. He's not here and that storm isn't letting up so better see if I should see what that three headed houndoom is up to. Jack walked back seeing both an aron and a larvitar.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:40 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team 2GsKnE5
    Frost Cavern|Early Morning (2)

    Gabriel watched the pokemon with his red eyes, trying to figure out who a threat was to him and his companion. Jeriah sat down a little, sliding in the snow but watched his blue eyes looking for a friend to play with. Gabriel was about to lower his guard a little bit before a pokemon came into view. "Oh, for the love of--!! "Who the hell are you dorks?" The dark/ice type started, Gabriel's attention snapped to him then as his guard went right back up painting this dark furred pokemon a threat already.

    It drew it's claws as Gabriel stepped forward to the challenge the ice type was about to start. "This ain't a fucking party. It's invite only, pip squeaks. Piss off and get out of my cave." Gabriel's eyes narrowed down to the pokemon then to the mouth of the cave behind him. The larvitar frowned a little doubting that one pokemon could own the whole cave let alone protect it. Reaching his hand back to see if Jeriah was okay, not feeling him there. The aron had stepped around him wanting to see what was going on " Don't be a big meanie face" Jeriah looking at the dark type then.

    Gabriel went wide eyed seeing yet another pokemon come around the bend, yellow fur. A Pikachu, Gabriel watched it closely seeing if it was going to be a threat to. Jeri stepping forward again, hitting a slippery spot and lost his footing as he went sliding toward Formaldehyde. Sliding like a hundred pound steel bowling ball, " Gabby help!" he cried softly trying to stop. Gabriel's attention quickly snapping back to his brother, quickly moving forward to stop the aron from hitting anyone or sliding into the cave. Catch a flailing leg, "Jeriah...", but the momentum of the weight was only slowed.

    Finally sliding to a stop as the aron's head bumps into the ice types leg as he looked up, a wide grin. Gabriel was less then pleased righting his brother back on his feet. Now closer to the threat, Gabriel looked at him before nudging Jeriah back. " Jerri just wants to play" the aron then looked a little sad.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 9

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Danielfightscats Wed Jan 14, 2015 6:25 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team Tumblr_muvd814XY41r8saeio1_1280
    Outside Frost Cavern | Morning | 1

    Vanus trudged almost grudgingly through the snow, the pads of his feet numb from the exposure, and his tail (and to a similar extent the rest of his body) was a slightly warm soggy mess. Too exhausted to keep a flame large enough to provide a proper source of warmth Vanus frequently shivered when assaulted by a cold gust. The ends of his fur were so rigid Vanus thought he might even hear them ring out like chimes when knocked around by the wind. He felt a tickle in his nose and let out a small sneeze. This caused small flames to shoot out his mouth and his tail flames to flicker and burst upwards for a brief second. It was like peeing in an icy stream or river, the momentary warmth was satisfying but left all too quickly filling Vanus with regret and making him just that much more aware of how cold it really was.

    "I have to find shelter", he whispered to himself, trying to find motivation to move his heavy feet. He peered into the distance, squinting as the harsh sun reflected off of the snow. A few meters ahead of him he saw the entrance to a cavern, which moments before had been hidden by a flurry of snow. His ears perked up in excitement of his good fortune, which was a mistake he immediately regretted  as his ears were battered by the harsh wind and snow swiftly found its way inside his ear canals. Vanus wondered if it was possible to get brain freeze this way as he quickly lowered his ears and made his way towards the entrance.

    After tripping and swearing nonchalantly over the snow several times before reaching the entrance of the cave Vanus was wetter and as disgruntled as ever, he slunk into the cavern dripping and looked outside to see that the snowing obstinately persisted in his absence. Vanus was about to start dirtying his mouth with unsavory words again when he heard a voice.


    He paused and maneuvered his thoughts. It was like watching a Wailord un-beach itself on a shore at low tide. Vanus squited his eyes realising just how tired he was as he tried to make out the curious figures before him.

    “Like a musical?” Vanus asked the approaching Houndooms wearily before promptly passing out from exhaustion.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The FROST Team Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Duma Wed Jan 14, 2015 7:01 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team 6qci99M
    |Outside Frost Cavern|Morning|
    The Absol gleefully skipped though the snow, flurries of snow dancing around his fur and depositing itself on his muzzle. With a flick of his tongue, Reaper swiped some of the white flakes from the air, grimacing at the cold watery taste. The grimace was soon replaced with a toothy grin as he danced through the snow, twirling with mad giggles. "The cold snow is a wonderful place to forget all worries~" Reaper crowed cheerfully, closing his eyes and humming loudly to himself. "Tick, tock, tick, tock goes the clock, tick, tock." He cackled, continuing his dance through the snow with a snap of his jaws as he chased the falling snowflakes that obscured the Absol's vision.

    He stopped abruptly as a sudden warmth flashed nearby. Poking his head from the patch of snow he had sunk into, Reaper grinned, springing up from the snow with a gleeful chirp, Reaper dashed over, his form sinking into the snow with every bound. As he neared the other pokemon, Reaper hit a deep spot in the snow and he fell into the snow, his horn poking from the now Reaper-sized hole. "Well that was unexpected." He huffed, clambering from the hole and shaking out his coat. His grin soon was back to being plastered on his face as he skipped over to the Braxien. "Why hello there! It seems I have run across another group on my way around! How delightful!" The words were shrill, almost too high in pitch as he spoke, before his voice finally dipped into a darker pitch at the end of the sentence.

    Well, at lest he had found someone to play with!

    Reaper snapped at a fallign snowflake, his sharp teeth flashing as his jaws closed over a few small white snowflakes. The action was soon followed by him sticking out his tongue in a disgusted way. "It's too cold out here." He grumbled bitterly, frowning. He sat down, scratching under his chin, his dilated pupils focused on the Braxien as he stood up. "At least I've got a flaming knight to gawk at." He said, flashing them a wolfish grin, teeth and all.

    “Play~!” Reaper perked up, his eyes lighting up as he rose, or more rather, bounced to his paws, skipping after the Braxien and looking over at the Houndoom. “Like a musical?” He heard the Braxien say, before they prompty collapsed. Reaper frowned. He hadn't even touched anyone and already they were dropping like flies! "Oh come on. I haven't even gotten to the best part! You can't be passing out on me now!" Reaper whined, before looking to the three headed houndoom with an odd expression. "Yeesh. And they say I came from hell."

    ((OOC: He's being somewhat tame so far ;3 Don't expect it to last long aha))

    Last edited by Duma on Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : SHH YOU SAW NOTHING)

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