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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:58 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 96 || Kolven 76

    The conversation was quick to pick up, the chatter truly stirring life in the old house as everyone joined in. Kolven stayed out of it for the most part. Too rich for his blood, too much rattling on about the obvious or already mentioned. Instead he continued to eat his Pokeblocks, the odd flavor a sort of comfort in this frigid environment. Would the berries they were discussing be able to survive up here? He knew the greenhouses were meant for just that, and that most berries these days were hardy, but it just seemed so unlikely in such a harsh environment.  

    He offered Clover another Pokeblock, but the molly had lost all interest and ignored it completely. She sat with a deep hunch, her shoulders protruding practically above her head as she stared blankly at the chittering Pokemon. Was something on her mind, anything at all? Her tail swept slowly across the floor, back and forth, back and forth. Was she picking up on the conversation, ready to add input? Kolven could not tell, even as Drake pointed and called her out she did not add in. He kept his own mouth shut as well, not wanting to set the Braxian off yet again as he mentioned more self-pity.

    Kolven pushed the Pokeblock dispenser away. He appreciated the free food and the needed calories, but he didn't have much of an appetite. The thought of walking obscene amounts after the past few days travel was already making his paws ache. "We shouldn't go too far." He warned after hearing Drake mention more than one town. "We shouldn't risk getting lost or exhausting ourselves when this town already sounds like a rough trip." He wasn't worried about them getting caught in the dark; it was early, and it'd be foolish to be out that long, but if they found trouble turning back would be the wisest option. "Damaged buildings just make it easier for opportunists to move in, and I doubt they'd like to see a group of trespassers in their territory." Wild Pokemon generally avoided human towns, but after all these years they were simply another territory options, and accessible dwellings made for easy dens.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:53 pm

    ((Skip. Can’t find the time to write out a decent post rn.))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:24 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Merge
    Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Jack heard all the opinions and came to a decision. They will start at the closest area and slowly move outwards. As for other survivors if there is any, they would have to not take theirs. But if they was attacked then they would need to defend themselves. For better or worse, there will likely be bloodshed if some decide to go to killing just to survive.  ”Damaged buildings just make it easier for opportunists to move in, and I doubt they'd like to see a group of trespassers in their territory.” Chances of that is there but what if the undead has gotten to them? It would just be another town and city of the dead. If any are infected and dying, who knows what they would do to them. Regardless, it sent shivers down Jack’s spine by the mere thought of it. Still, they need to get supplies and just relying on farmlands isn’t going to do much for them in the long run. They need to eventually go into Dendemille and eventually Lumiose City.

    Finn doesn’t know much around this area but he does know that Lumiose has a lot of things in the restaurants that can be used for Rae to cook classy dishes. “What about Rae? We can’t just let her starve can we?” The Braixen then forgot that Rae isn’t into meat that much. Salads are the easiest thing to make. There is also desserts as well which Rae could make if they get ahold of the items. He looked over to Jack and Jack just gave him a look that showed Finn that Finn didn’t listen that well. “I forgot.”

    The Pikachu then told everyone his decision. ”After all that was said, I decided that we start small and work our way out. I’d like to avoid damaged buildings just for safety reasons. Though I do see the chances of Dendemille and Lumiose might be areas of the dead. We still need to consider the potential of finding lone survivors out there willing to help us. So lets go get the seeds and bring them out. The closest farmland would likely be somewhere that Drake knows of.” Jack said as he turns to Drake to lead them to the farms. This would give the Charmeleon to show them around a bit more.

    Age : 35
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:49 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Cc0H2Cl

    Dendemille Mansion | 92 | Dawn

    Ark sat there listening as the others spoke up, his tail flicking this way and that before he ate his brick. "Then we make sure we eat properly, do not waste our food here." Arkturus would speak up as he stands and glances at Jack. ”After all that was said, I decided that we start small and work our way out. I’d like to avoid damaged buildings just for safety reasons. Though I do see the chances of Dendemille and Lumiose might be areas of the dead. We still need to consider the potential of finding lone survivors out there willing to help us. So lets go get the seeds and bring them out. The closest farmland would likely be somewhere that Drake knows of.”

    "Alright, lets go get them. Everyone stretch yourselves out and make sure you're feeling rested. Then we shall go. Okay?" Arkturus stretched out his limbs, front legs, back and then flexed his back legs and flexing his rather sharp claws. "Lets go kids!" He looked to Drake and Jack, ready to follow.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:44 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Char_Mightyena

    Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    “Damaged buildings just make it easier for opportunists to move in, and I doubt they'd like to see a group of trespassers in their territory.” Kolven stated and with good reason. Ever since the absence of humans, Pokemon that had endured the undead’s reign of terror had likely set up a nest to protect themselves. Not only that, they would likely defend it fiercely from anyone including other living pokemon. Some even might have went into insanity from fear of the undead finding them. There is even a risk that some would kill in order to make a sacrifice to the undead to spare them from their ravenous hunger. It was all the reason to prepare for that kind of scenario if it ever happened to play out. If fighting other living in order to survive was necessary then they would have no choice but to do that. What was said next caught Drake by surprise. It was none other than Jack that said it. Wait what? Drake had no idea what Jack was having him become a leader for their trip. How was he supposed to keep other safe if a fight ensued? Guess he wasn’t given much of a choice but if its to be temporary then it wouldn’t hurt. Though Ark did make a bit of humor out of what he said. ”Alright, lets go get them. Everyone stretch yourselves out and make sure you're feeling rested. Then we shall go. Okay?” What got him was what the Luxray said next. ”Lets go kids!” Funny thing was, Drake even knew Jack was a full grown adult.

    Maka stretched out but not to much so he wouldn’t strain his leg to much. Once he finished stretching, he was ready to go back out there, but before they went, he made a prayer to the great pack. ”Oh Great Pack, protect us in our journey. May the pack watch over all of us from the evil spirits that haunt the lands.” It was short but enough to make him feel more better to have the spirits of his once former pack and ancestors watching him and his allies. ”I’ll be able to keep up so no need to carry me.” Maka sprang around just to make sure he wasn’t feeling any soreness and none was present. It made him feel at least in his mind a bit more like a young teenager again. Now that he finished the bouncing around he was ready to go outside again. 

    Drake had finished stretching. It was time to head on out. How much can they get and bring back? It was not a thought but just an estimate that they could bring back at least one large back and several pouches of berry seeds. ”Ark, you do know that Jack’s an adult right? Well anyways, lets get those seeds and any berries that aren’t rotten. I don’t feel like having stomach pains like I did the last time I had a rotten berry.” Remembering that, it was a bright sunny day and it was warm outside during that time. The berry that Drake had was a oran berry but it was expired and the inside tasted like a stunky’s stinky spray. He hated that taste so much that he wouldn’t eat oran berries but also the berry had caused him to feel stomach pains for a few hours. Never again will he do that stuff ever again. ”It’s cold outside so might want to be ready for snow in case it does. Opening the door to the outdoors, the air was still cold and it greeted him with a light breeze. ”Lets go get them.” Drake was ready for anything.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:59 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 97 || Kolven 77

    "Then we make sure we eat properly, do not waste our food here." Ark spoke firmly, leaving no room to argue as he continued to eat his rations. Kolven cringed internally, was that a personal attack? Pawing the pokeblock back toward himself he begrudgingly continued to crunch through them, though his appetite said otherwise and his willingness was limited. Looking at Clover he hoped that his actions were spur her to eat again, but the molly had started to wash her face in vain. The sound of brushing her skullen face was an uncomfortable one, but it was something Kolven was used to and could tune out as the conversation continued.

    Jack took their points to heart and made a quick plan of action for them to follow. It was mostly reiterating prior points, but having it said in his authority made things feel more official. His points were seemingly ignored once again as both towns were mentioned, but the Meowth didn't feel like arguing; the road would tell them how far they could go.
    "Alright, lets go get them. Everyone stretch yourselves out and make sure you're feeling rested. Then we shall go. Okay?" With a light meow and a nod Kolven stood and gave himself a good stretch. Feeling his spine twist and pop out any stiffness he was greatful for what was left of his youth, and with a gentle brush of his tail encouraged Clover to do the same. She grumbled, whiskers twitching indigently before she too followed suit with a big stretch.

    "Lets go kids!" Kids. He chuffed, ease melting into his face as he laughed to himself, He's one of the youngest ones here. At least physically, he followed up his own thought as he cast a sideways glance toward Rae and Finn. Nudging Clover forward the pair started making their way toward the front of the mansion. Kolven's paws were already aching at the prospect of a long trek, but he did not complain or show any misgivings. ”It’s cold outside so might want to be ready for snow in case it does." Drake gave a last warning as he opened the doors.
    Cold air was quick to make an entry, rushing in and making both cat's whiskers twitich, but Kolven's body was already acclimated from his prior jaunt outside and did not shy away from the cold. Stepping out onto the porch and waiting until Clover was at his side Kolven took in a deep breath of the crisp, chilly air. "So Drake, when was the last time you made a trip into town?" He asked curiously  as he padded onto the cold earth. The Charmeleon lived here but the specifics of his situation seemed very up in the air. He had vaguely described the state of the town but living at the top of the slope could mean he was simply observing from a safe distance.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:14 pm

    ((Skip. I’ll try to edit this, EJ went down and now I gotta sleep for work tonight.))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:34 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Merge
    Dendemille town|Dawn

    "Lets go kids!" Kid? Oh haha, this made Jack want to jokingly say the two words to Ark on that but he wasn't sure if Ark would take it like that. Drake already went on ahead and opened the door up. The cold mountainous air was coming inside after Drake opened the door. From what Jack can tell, it did have a smell of moisture in it as well. Looks like Drake maybe right, it could snow any moment. This was actually okay with Jack. He lived on Mt. Silver long enough to know that feeling anywhere and he isn't going to ever forget it anytime soon."So Drake, when was the last time you made a trip into town?" Acutallly, Jack wanted to know too. It had to be a while since the undead are likely still in those towns. Now that he thought about it, they would need a lot more to even remotely attempt to enter those towns. Regardless, it was time to get the gate back open again and like so he needed Ark to help him jumpstart the motor.

    Finn looked around outside. For a first this was unusual of him to take in the scenery like he was. Yesterday it was warmer but today, its a lot cooler. Its like winter just decided it wanted to show up early. "Is it me or did nature decided it wanted to be winter mates?" Yeah, it felt like it wanted to be winter all of a sudden. Then again, why waste time thinking about it when he knew that the weather is always changing and nothing that they can say or do will change that. Even then, moves like sunny day or any weather changing move will only temporarily change it but it won't stop it. But then again, snow was something he would at least enjoy. Since he was outside though, might as well practice some of his moves while traveling. Who knows when a well placed psychic or a flamethrower would work.

    Jack had been amped enough to send a current though one side. He just needed Ark to power the other side of the motor to have Rae pull the gate enough where they can get through. "Ark, looks like we need to get this thing powered up again. Can you give me a paw on this?" Releasing an electric current to power up the left side of the motor, he awaited Ark to power up the right side of the motor. It felt a bit more colder than yesterday and was definitely feeling like it could do something. Maybe if it put down enough snow and deep enough to jump in it to make a snow glaceon or a snow charizard which is the most challenging thing for him so far. But, he would even try to make a snow lugia. That though needed a lot of snow. "So, if we get enough snow, you guys wanting to play in it? It would be something to do for fun and I haven't done that since leaving Mt. Silver that day. Jack asked and he for one was willing to have some fun.

    Last edited by ShadowCharizard on Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:49 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 16

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Florges Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:04 pm

    There was just... something about big, old houses.

    Sometimes, if she just closed her eyes and blocked out the world around her, she could believe it was her big, old house. With that one creaky stair leading up to the first floor that shrieked hideously when stepped on, and the rich red wallpaper on the hallway leading upstairs, and the wrap-around porch. The sound of dogs barking and, if they were lucky, children playing...

    Something's wrong.

    Florges's eyes snapped open, skin crawling with a... presence. She wasn't sure how else to describe it but that; the persistent feeling that someone was nearby.

    Something boiled beneath her skin. Nearby. In her sanctuary.

    She drew upon the vines crawling and clinging to the side of the mansion that allowed her to hang in a hammock from a window, using them to lift her down, vine over vine, closer and closer to the presence. For a wild moment she considered--for the first time--that maybe she was making such a feeling up.

    But no. Because then there were voices.

    And her figurative hackles rose as she directed her vines to bring her to the loudest two she heard.

    They were the loudest because they were the closest, and that was a folly that, this time, carried the death penalty.

    Her vines brought her to the ground behind the Pikachu and the Luxray, her eyes catching the Pikachu first. The bright yellow was an assault on her eyes and memory, her vision turning red quite literally as soon as she registered it was a Pikachu.


    There was no more thought as her vision flashed red, her vines reaching to grab the mouse in an iron grip just as unconsciously as a breath might be taken. And just as unconsciously, she was going to crush him, but-

    The lightning bolt that hit her in the face broke the trance.

    So sudden was it that she actually blinked, the real world returning in a sudden burst of color. It almost hurt her eyes, even.

    But the return to reality was soon swept away by two realizations.

    First, someone had hit her.

    And two, that someone was familiar.

    She dropped the Pikachu, the red returning as she grabbed the Luxray instead, accompanied by a sinking, shrieking feeling in her stomach and chest that was both intensely familiar and strangely out of reach in terms of recollection.

    In an instant, the fate intended for the mouse was forgotten and given instead to this new target.

    The lion was dead much quicker than she might have otherwise meant, his neck snapped with a sickening sound akin to a twig. Once again she was struck dumb, this time as she stared at a body hanging from her vines.

    She... didn't usually end it so quickly. Why did I...?

    No, no time to think. Just as quickly as she'd come, she left, dropping the body to the ground with a thud, her vines grabbing her and hauling her away enough to, if she had been alive, bruise her.

    Florges tried, but no conscious thought other than away would come, as if words remained just beyond a veil that she couldn't reach through. She was shivering.

    What happened back there?

    (I do want to specify, just in case it isn't clear, that nobody here is actually familiar to her. She's experiencing delusions about bad people she knew in the past, imagining them in every person who looks like them.)

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:48 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Char_Mightyena

    Dendemille Town|Dawn

    Kolven asked him a descent question that may have been a ghosts age in terms of time. "So Drake, when was the last time you made a trip into town?" Now that he thought of it, it has been just before the outbreak began. Then came the question, where did Ark go? Looking around, he couldn't see him anywhere. Then again, Luxray can jump pretty high if they see something they like. Little did any of then know what really happened. As he looked over, Jack was laying on the ground. Something had grabbed him but he looked okay though. Maybe he's stretching. Oh well, back to Kolven's question. "It's been a while, I don't know the state of Dendemille so far but I just hope things didn't get to bad there. I kind of wanted to see if the import from Alola came in. Malasadas are pretty good so we had the recipe requested to be imported and they did confirm it was to come. I wonder if it just didn't leave the mail office. Though the mail office is in Dendemille after the move, sometimes the mail does go to Lumiose by mistake. Anyways, lets hope the town isn't in to bad of a shape." Drake said with some high spirits. Still though, he hoped it was in the mail office. The key was pretty simple and could be opened easily with a lockpick if the right pick was used.

    Maka looked over to Drake on what a Masalada is. What even is that kind of thing? How come he's never heard of it before and why wasn't it here in Kalos? Guess he would never know but one thing for sure is, he'll get to see what humans do for farming and planting berries. Learning other cultures could be a useful tool for improving the pack's traditions. "What is a masalada?" The question that would certainly be asked. By now, he knew most humans tend to avoid mightyena packs since they know not to feed wild pokemon. Being a wild pokemon himself, he seemed to trust these pokemon and Rae for some reason. This wasn't a time to choose to fight each other over what is happening right now. Not all wild pokemon will think that though. Trust is a thing that will always occur.

    Drake sticked close to Kolven and Clover so that the two could talk with him more. "I think the last thing I seen from here towards Dendemille was a fire but it looked like it was at the far end of town and could have been well outside of town but if it is in town and we see a burnt down building then it would be kind of a loss.' There was hopes that it wasn't but he was prepared for the worst. Then the other question was if anyone seen Ark leave or anything. If not then he wished Ark the best in his travels to help others but in reality, they had no idea that Ark was killed. "Hey Kolven, Clover, do you both miss the good old days when there was nothing to fear and just had fun?" He then remembered something as he was escaping from the mansion that day. Sirens blaring all the way from Dendemille. It was like a war broke out except with undead being a threat. For the whole time he had left, he had no idea what happened to the family's butler. There was no way he could have been killed if the floors and property was cleared of undead and cleaned to spotless perfection. Maybe he left a note somewhere inside. Rae would have to read it since reading wasn't possible for Drake since he never learned to read to well. If the letters was in unown then it would be far easier but regardless they'll have to look for the note later on.

    (OoC)) Thanks for letting us know Florges. Also interesting that you picked Jack up and dropped him. I think I can come up with something for that. Prepare for a pissed off Pikachu who was disrupted.)

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:59 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 98 || Kolven 78

    Fluffing up his coat against the morning chill Kolven wondered how much warmer this elevation would be during the day. They had not descended that far, but they would be going even further downhill in their venture, and even a few degrees would be most appreciated by his aching paws. A stiff breeze ruffled his puffed up coat, a stark sign against his wishful thinking. Another cold day then. Clover hobbled off the stoop, her maw agape as she drink in the crisp air in search of interesting scents. Her one eye was open wide but the pupil was normal as nothing of personal interest brushed her palate. Kolven watched her with a warm gaze, ever grateful that her undead nature was subdued by the cold and ragged state of her body.

    "Is it me or did nature decided it wanted to be winter mates?" Finn asked uncharacteristically as he made it outside. With a small shake against the cold Kolven let out a lighthearted sigh and grinned. "Up in these parts it feels like winter all the time." Saffron didn't get much snow, and what it did always got moved around or contaminated in the bustling city. Seeing this much snow was a real treat the first day, but it had overstayed its welcome and the cat was grateful he had not been raised at such an elevation.

    Drake answered his question before rambling on, and while the cat hid all signs from his face he couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. He's trapped in the past. It was like the Pokemon didn't realize how bad things were, or that they couldn't go back to how they used to be. It was almost like he didn't know how to be without his humans. But, regardless of his thoughts on the matter, it was none of his business, and the cat simply nodded knowing he had gotten an answer. "Can't be worse than tromping through snow." He pondered aloud while shuffling his paws. He turned his gaze toward Clover, his senses ever primed for her, and saw her hackles raise and lower. Had something caught her interest? The Meowth didn't have the chance to check, as Drake continued to make small talk and force his attention away. He mentioned a fire, though to what end the tomcat could not tell. "A fire all the way out here means we aren't alone. There's others out there; the real question is how far and what kind." A fellow survivor seeking warmth, an undead on the hunt, a pyre for a lost companion? The possibilities went on, but the very distracted cat could not keep his thoughts straight as his attention was forced away yet again.

    Clover started growling, the sound low but quickly growing louder as her hackles raised. Her matted fur stood on end, her stance becoming threatening as she was put on edge. Her maw split, the sound so uncomfortable the tomcat could not ignore it for Drake's next question. He didn't dare ask what's wrong; she was in no state to answer and following her gaze was telltale enough. At the end of the walkway, beyond the tall weeds and grass, the tips of the gate and fence could be seen, and Kolven had noticed the flash of light from their electric companions. They were opening the gate again, he had assumed, but Clover's response spoke illy of the simple task as her tail thrashed. With growing concern he shouldered past her, tilting his head this way and that to see clearly.  

    An unsettling noise, maybe a growl or groan or thud, made him break into a trot and walk away from the Charmeleon to investigate. A sickening feeling settled in his stomach as a sense of urgency hit him. He looked for Jack's bright yellow fur, knowing it would stick out, but it was the black and blue pelt that his eyes were drawn to. Both Pokemon were on the ground, had the electrically short-circuited? Clover shot past him, hissing furiously as she limped toward the downed Pokemon. Ignoring them, she stopped at the gate, her gaze locked on some spot in the distance that no longer held a creature of interest. Bolting after her the male Meowth knew something was off, and yowled, "Jack, Ark?! What happened?"

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:33 pm

    ((Skip. Trying to figure out how to write out Raebae. Will prob edit.))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:56 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Merge

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Something grabbed ahold of Jack and lifted him into the air. From the looks of it, it was a plant type that might have floated above the fence. Regardless of the point, he watched as Ark got him free only to be dropped by the creature only for Ark to be killed in front of him. This however didn’t turn into sorrow but pure anger. What ungodly bad luck is this? Either that or this is some sort of evil that wants to mess with out. ”Jack, Ark?! What happened?” Jack got up seeing Ark’s dead body just only two feet from him. Anger swelled up in him. Just how many more will die to this Arceus forsaken nightmare? His blood was seething and knowing that if he blew up on the others for the wrong reason, it would be basically bad for him as well. In a silent voice just that of a very light whisper. “Ark….. Why did it have to be you to die this time? That bastard….. I’ll send it straight to hell for this!” His anger was directed not at anyone but to the sky itself.

    Finn stopped dead in his tracks seeing Jack extremely pissed off and seeing Ark’s dead body was likely the reason. Oh no, he’s going to come after him this time. “Mate, don’t do what you think you want to do! I’m not the drongo who did this!” The Braixen backed up very slowly. But soon realized Jack wasn’t going to go after him. Still, who could have killed him and why? Either way, they would have to get Ark’s body out of here before it attracts unwanted attention. “We got to get Ark’s body out of here. We don’t want to come back to trouble.” Unfortunately Jack wouldn’t see it that way. He’d rather bury his fellow electric type than give the undead his body.

    Jack then went off. Of all the times, he decided to let it all out. ”Why in all the worst time does this happen to me?! Is this some sort of cruel joke that Arceus is playing on us?! Just as I finally find a fellow electric type, I get the damned heel from it! Instead of letting me have a fellow electric type, some arceus damned dark force comes in and kills him!” He looked at the others knowing they heard him say that stuff out loud. Hopefully they didn’t think he was taking it out on them. ”Sorry guys, yeah, I’m okay Kolven, but Ark…. it just happened so fast. I couldn’t do anything, that thing… It was to strong even for me to find a weakness. It did squeeze me a little bit but… I’m so sorry Ark, hopefully you’ll find peace in the after life away from this nightmare.” The Pikachu got up looking sad and angry at the same time. There has to be something they can do to end this horrible nightmare. Ark’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain. He saved Jack so he can live another day. If a large undead swooped in and carried the corpse away, it would break his heart. However the grass was tall enough to hide some of the body. Soon snow started to fall. ”Ark’s weeping for us… He wants us to keep going. Guys, after we get back, we should hold a burial for him. I can’t promise his body will remain there but still, its better than forgetting the things he done for us.”

    OoC)) Let me know if I need to change anything.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 09, 2021 8:40 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Char_Mightyena
    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Drake’s eyes followed where Kolven went and that’s when he seen Jack on the ground. Next to him was? Oh no, it was Ark and he was dead. This had made the Charmeleon’s heart skip a beat. No, this can’t be happening now. There’s no way Ark could have died. ”A-Ark? Ark!? No, NOOO!” Even though he only met him for a couple days, this Luxray has done more than any other pokemon. He respected Ark. Though he hated to admit it, they couldn’t stay here and waste anymore time. Death was going to happen regardless if they did stuff one way or the other. He shook his head to Kolven on Ark. The Luxray was deceased and it would likely attract undead soon once the smell started to come in. hearing Finn speak, it made Drake want to tell him to shut up but he did make a valid point. It will attract the undead within ten minutes or so. Jack was upset but he also made a very valid point. They had to get the supplies and then hold a service later on. It began snowing and Jack made a comment in that sad voice of his. It was hard for him to go through with this but they had to get this done. It would be pointless for them to stay and make the time go by before doing it. Days are getting shorter and the undead will be more frequently coming out as the sunset goes by.

    Maka walks over seeing Ark’s body and then the snow touched his snout. He closed his eyes listening to the wind and feeling the snowflakes hit his fur. The cold wind was a sign that the spirit had went on to the afterlife and was accepted into the great pack. The Mightyena opened his eyes. Maka then lets out a howl that was of mourning and yet something that his pack had always done when one of their own passes. The echo it made wasn’t just a echo to him. It was something that he hears when it is carried by the wind. ”The Great Pack has accepted him. He will not be forgotten by the spirits and the land. The Great Alpha will guide him.” After that, he puts his head down and continues on to the gate.

    Drake had no idea that Maka understood nature like that. Is this some sort of Mightyena thing that was in Maka’s Pack? Guess he couldn’t tell for sure but regardless he basically did the service right there in a quick manner. ”Ark….Take care of yourself up there. I’ll evolve just for you and when I do, we’ll fight in honor of you.” The Charmeleon said as he looked up to the sky. After that, he sighs before looking at Kolven and Clover. ”Lets do it together. Kolven, Clover, lets get stronger together. I’m sure Rae will help us as well as Jack. We need to get stronger so we can stop anyone else from being killed by that thing that got Ark.” Though he said it in a sad voice, he was also serious about it. Yet he would not forget this day.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:47 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 99 || Kolven 79

    Both Meowths were sprinting, racing toward their sparky companions, but no matter the distance between them both knew deep in their guts what had happened. "Ark! Jack!" Kolven frantically cried out, the pain in his paws completely forgotten as he ran at full speed toward his friends. Skidding to a rough halt and scattering pebbles about the small cat did not need a verbal confirmation. Ark lay in a heap, his positioning uncomfortable yes but the unnatural and jutting angle of his head and neck made the Meowth's stomach turn. It was broken, undoubtedly so, shattered, snapped, and the pungent smell of blood from broken bones was starting to trickle into the air. He was going to be sick.

    With his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in disbelief, Kolven was speechless-- what had happened..? His friends had left his sight for only a moment, and now? Jack recovered himself, getting back to his paws without assistance, showing that he had been spared, and then realized the truth that lay before them. Much like the cats he instantly recognized their loss, and while shock had gripped the tom cat the Pikachu was riddled with something else. He braced, his emotions raw and clear upon his body as he tilted back in a silent scream to the heavens. How had this happened..?

    Within those seconds the news spread throughout the group. Drake wailed, his shock blatant and pure as he saw their deceased companion. Clover started to hiss, her lips quivering as she took in the scents about her. Forced to push his grief aside Kolven feared the scent of blood was sending her into a frenzy, but the smell was faint and she charged the gate instead of the corpse. Slamming her paws into it she hissed and spat, violently reaching and clawing at the air. There was nothing, no one, but whatever had gained her attention was more concerning than her turning on them. Drake was quick to bring up a burial, and with Clover's behavior staring him in the face Kolven could do nothing but nod in agreement.

    But as the seconds ticked by even further and reality set in Jack's hold on his emotions finally broke. He wailed, letting the pain and grief be raw in his words as he held nothing back. He focused in on the big cats typing for some reason, did he, was that his type..? The cat stopped his own thought; no was not the time. No, instead he stayed quiet, giving Jack time to let it out while accepting his own grief. As Jack settled down Kolven walked over to Clover, and gently persuaded her away from the gate. She protested, tail still trashing, but quieted down some for the grieving Pokemon. Kolven pressed into her, desperate for some sort of comfort, but only felt the bitter chill of her cold body. Snow started to fall, as if the heaven's themselves were crying for their newly welcomed soul, and left little white dots on Arks black fur. ”Ark’s weeping for us… He wants us to keep going. Guys, after we get back, we should hold a burial for him. I can’t promise his body will remain there but still, its better than forgetting the things he done for us.”

    Kolven felt his breath catch in his throat, his eyes locking on Ark's still form. Most of the speckles melted, but as the warmth began to fade they would linger longer, even the red ones would crystalize soon. The snow would dull the smell of blood and prevent it from spreading, but he didn't trust it. Clover was an exception but she had reacted. Whatever had done this had reacted. Pokemon and predators that lived in harsh environments were crafty and dedicated, they would not be dissuaded from an abundant meal so easily. Moreso than that, the tomcat could not stomach the idea of leaving their friend in such a sorry state. "No." He growled sternly, his gentle voice refusing to back down. "We can't leave him like this! To the elements, the undead?! We must bury him now." It was the least they could do for a hero.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:43 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 JFcT7wC
    Dendemille Mansion | Dawn | (55)

    The undeniable creep of evil crawled down Rae’s spine. She couldn’t place the reason why and pushed it down the best she could, brushing away the chill that even the roaring fire couldn’t ward away.

    She traced her fingers down Vendetta’s spine to awaken the sleeping canine. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she cooed. The canine stirred and wagged her tail playfully.

    It was a soothing moment to go awry— just moments later, the grief filled howls of her friends sent her scrambling clumsily to the scene.
    She knew what awaited her wasn’t good, but when she arrived, she immediately bent over and heaved the contents of her stomach.

    Ark lay on the ground, eyes unseeing and chest frightfully still. If that weren’t enough clue that their friend was gone, his neck being twisted at an angle no living creature could replicate would solidify the horrifying truth.

    “Who did this?!!” Raver screamed.
    Vendetta and Venge appeared shortly after and were joined by their teammates as Raver sent out every last Pokémon she had.
    “Find the killer!! Euthanize them immediately, no mercy!”

    She took one last glance at her new companions, then darted off into the white abyss. Snow crunched under her boots rapidly as she flew in a blind rage until she no longer recognized where she was. Even then, she didn’t stop. She was so tired of the senseless death, and she would exact a revenge no matter what.

    ((Leaving post! I can’t keep up with EJ anymore with everything going on. Rae has run and gotten herself lost and won’t be able to find her way back.))

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:16 pm

    (Skip me. I'll make my entrance next round.)

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:41 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Merge
    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    This feeling hurt Jack more than ever and it just felt like someone stabbing his heart over and over and over. "We can't leave him like this! To the elements, the undead?! We must bury him now." After hearing that, Jack just breaks down. The pain he's endured just couldn't hold anymore. Kolven was right and any gathering that they can do can wait until afterwards. To many has died in the past two days and its been a heavy chip on his shoulder. He walks back to Kovlen with a very depressed look to his face. This pain was to much for him currently and he then nods to Kolven that it should be done. After that, he gave Drake the nod to proceed to digging a hole to bury Ark in.

    Finn shook his head, to him, this wouldn't make any sense. "Mate, I know your down but if you need me to keep a lookout, I'll do it." This then made Jack shake his head yes to keep a watch on any undead that could be on its way towards them. Finn though, he felt really bad, yeah, he didn't like Ark to well but still, he was a strong ally to have. The Braixen looked at Maka and that was all that was needed for the mightyena to return to the others. "Sorry mates, I've made so many mistakes in my life. I was such an arceus damned drongo that I didn't see what was in front of me."

    Jack watched Finn just walk to the gate and start being on watch and Maka was returning. "Kolven, this pain, I...I can't keep seeing this happen to us. Ark deserves to be buried." The pikachu was in tears as he was talking to Kolven. Though he would opt to sit this trip out, it was best if he stayed with them through this.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:53 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Maka stays silent and Drake starts digging a hole to bury Ark in.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 27, 2021 8:34 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 100 || Kolven 80

    Rae bolted away from them, her form quickly vanishing into the cold morning mist. Clover hissed, an arm reaching through the fence until her thin frame managed to slip through. She growled, though it was unclear if the sound was calling out to their human, seeking the culprit, or complete nonsense. After a few seconds she recognized her own freedom, and breaking into a hobbling sprint she dashed after Rae. Somewhere behind her Kolven's voice brushed her ear fur, but the molly was in no state to beckon to his call. She breathed, mouth wide to let all scents hit her palate as she searched for the killers trail. It was cold, everything around her was nothing but cold.

    She panted, nearly wheezing as she drank in the morning her in a despite search. Pacing and clawing about the immediate area Clover searched to no avail. Whatever she had once seen was nowhere in sight, its trail as lacking as any evidence of its existence. Was it all a hallucination? The adrenaline rush of a forgein Pokemon was already fading from her husk of a being. There was nothing, nothing but a frozen, unforgiving world. "Clover!" Kolven's voice fervently called to her, though he had not moving from his location within the fence. Thrashing her tail with annoyed defeat, the molly hobbled back toward the mansion, and sat indignantly on the opposite side of the fence as her brother's worried voice berated her good ear.

    Kolven's teeth were clenched, his eyes wide as he stared intensely at the other Meowth. As she sat, he felt the smallest bit of relief that came with an exasperated sigh. Please, not you too. His nerves were shot, emotions fraying as his attention turned back to Jack. He looked utterly miserable, the grief hitting him the hardest of them all as he pitifully nodded at the others to proceed with the burial. Kolven brushed his tail gently over the mouse's shoulder, hoping a comforting touch would offer him something in this trying time. "Sorry mates, I've made so many mistakes in my life. I was such an Arceus damned drongo that I didn't see what was in front of me." Finn's self-deprivation carried an extra sting, his grief coming out against himself as he offered to keep watch for them. "It was so fast.. we likely couldn't have stopped it.." The cat sighed, defeat hanging heavy on his words. He was not one to think so negatively, but in light of their situation he allowed himself to speak somewhat freely.

    With Finn on watch the cat felt uselessness creep into his paws. What could he do for Ark..? Other than honoring his being he.. he couldn't help.. His paws were not meant for digging in frozen soil, that much was apparent when they buried the food. Lugging Ark's body? He was dwarfed by the other feline, and even his contribution in a group effort would be minimal. Shrinking within himself the cat felt like a pitiful kitten, unable to do anything to help as he watched the others go to work. With a soft meow he once again beckoned Clover back to them, and thankfully this time she responded and squeezed back through the fence. With another heavy sigh he watched her pad toward Drake as he once again started to dig. Was she planning on helping?

    His teeth clenched, frightful of the idea, but he dared not move for Jack's sake as the forlorn Pikachu managed to mutter, "Kolven, this pain, I...I can't keep seeing this happen to us. Ark deserves to be buried." His heart breaking for his friend the Meowth could only give a sympathetic glance. How many loved ones had he lost, how much heartbreak had he endured? Understanding on a personal level what so much grief does to a Pokemon he spoke as gently as he could manage, "You must endure it. Someone must honor their memory." A burden that grew and compounded with each loss, Kolven found himself repeating the names without realizing it. Emsi, Branch, Pike, Nero.. Arsi.... Clover.... Giving a mournful glance at the molly the tomcat watched as she scratched at the hard earth, her small claws not designed for such digging as she watched Drake. Without confirmation on how Arsi fared, once his dear sister was gone.. he'd be the only one left. For such a large family his bloodline had all but dwindled to a trickle, and he was the only one left to preserve the cherished memories. "No one's truly gone unless they are forgotten."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:20 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Tumblr_nmzudyKb3G1s5iyovo6_500
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |
    21 - Carried from Marsh

    It was bitterly cold. The frozen air rushing past Green's ears was enough to chill the cartilage as she brought her hat down lower to protect them. Compared to the tepid weather throughout Kanto this was a harsh environment in which foreigners were unwelcome, and her standard clothing was doing little to keep her body temperature from dropping.

    But Green was hardly bothered.

    Long since had she gotten over such matters and been forced to deal with them. Her skin had prickled at the chill but after flying for so long all she could notice was the whistling wind and the white flakes that were beginning to fall. The desolate, barren forest she was flying over only seemed all the more lonely as it went on endlessly like a saw of white.

    The air was dry despite the crystallized water falling from it, and it dared to burn at her logs. It was a harsh environment for sure, cruel even to the unprepared and not some place she sought to visit lightly. Her soaring partner had been born in this region, and while his memories had faded he knew vaguely of this town's location. Something tucked away in the mountains was could have been spared, something important could have survived, Green had reasoned, and for that she had to steel herself against the rough but expected cold. Thankfully her Talonflame was as sharp as ever, and the shape of the town appeared from the white sea like an island of stone.

    "Green," Flamey's voice came as an unexpected wheeze, an alarming sound as the strong bird never tired this quickly. "We should land." A warning, had he seen something? Letting her foggy eyes scan both the sky and the ground she saw nothing of note aside from the frosting of white flakes. "What's wrong?" She asked tensely, tightening her grip on the large bird in case he made a sudden shift or speed boost. There was a delay in his response, like he was struggling to keep breathe. Was the air too thin up her for the pressure she was putting on him? "I can't fly in the snow, unless you'd like some burns to keep you warm."

    Humor filled the fiery Pokemon's words but seriousness edged it and could not be hidden. Of course. It was not the air but the cold. She could see now that even Flamey's naturally warm feathers were dotted with white specks; he was getting cold, making it harder to fly and harder to support here. Cursing herself for not realizing it sooner she gently rubbed the side of the bird's neck and agreed with another tense, "Yeah, outskirts are fine." Destination confirmed, the Scorching Pokemon arced and dipped toward the city.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:19 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Merge

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Jack watched as Drake dug a large enough hole for Ark to be buried in. How was he supposed to fight something that can kill from a distance without being close? From what happened to Ark, it would be impossible but that's something he'll have to work on and do quick thinking. "You must endure it. Someone must honor their memory." Kolven's words was true and with him honoring his trainer who was killed on the mountain range, Jack would honor Ark as well. This then made Jack wonder about Kolven though, once Clover's time is up, how would he handle himself out there without his sister? "No one's truly gone unless they are forgotten." Nobody is never truly gone, those words rang into Jack's ears like a beedrill swarm. He'll never forget those who have been in his life. Even Finn with the things he has done but is amending for it.

    Finn looked around watching the outside perimeter for any signs of the undead. So far nothing has came nor has they even came out. Maybe the snow is keeping them from smelling Ark's corpse? Who knows but regardless its best to keep a look out for them in case the undead show up. It was then he spotted something in the fog but it was hard to make out, he wasn't going to take any chances as he pulled the stick out of his tail and was ready to fight if need be to keep whatever it was away from the gate. "Come on then you drongos, I'll send you back to where you came from." The Braixen said to himself as he was ready to fight. Though the shapes wasn't visible enough for him to make out, all he could do is prepare himself.

    Jack then spoke up though still mourning. He had something to say that made him very appreciative of Ark. "Ark has done much for us in such a little time that he was with us. Was it fate that we would meet him? Was it destiny? Who knows but for Ark, we will keep him close to our hearts as we press on. Each day will be a new challenge but Ark would want us to face those challenges head on and f-fight for our survival." The Pikachu said as he then passes it to Kolven to say some words as well. A smile though weak was appearing as he was ready to hear Kolven's speach.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:14 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Char_Mightyena

    Outside Dendemille mansion|Dawn

    Drake finishes digging and climbs out of the hole. In all that is said, the charmeleon was already getting a work out but he still had more in him. He just couldn't watch them put Ark in the hole and cover him without something. A lone flower that was sitting in a pot still healthy and resilient to the cold and snow was on a chair. It was used for the flowers and plants but not sitting as it would break if someone sat on it. Drake took the pot and had it with him. No words was said.

    Maka looks at the body seeing that his spirit already passed on to the heavens, nothing could pull it back and nothing could have prevented this from happening. The mightyena didn't know Ark to well, never did he have the chance to talk with Ark to get to know him. Yet since they fought and killed the demon who cursed his entire pack, it was something to say something "Though he may have joined the great pack, his spirit will grant us the strength to help each other, regardless of what we may look like. What we may think, we all owe him a debt of gratitude. His body will return to the earth and one day be reborn to a new life." After that, it was Kolven's turn.

    Drake was a bit saddened that Ark died but his promise will not be stopped. He'll evolve and then fight against whatever killed Ark. No, he'll not just do that, he'll live life to the fullest and nothing will stop him. Maybe he'll have to eat some rare candy to achieve such a feat but anything is worth it in order to be bigger and have wings. Hopefully the farmlands will have some lying around.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 13, 2021 8:19 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 101 || Kolven 81

    Clover scraped at the ground as Drake dug the hole, her small claws barely forming scratches within the hard topsoil. She watched with a scrutinizing gaze, as though wondering what the lizard was doing, but she did not interfere or move to help. Instead, the cat paced with hobbled steps around the quickly forming hole. As she trotted she curled her claws, pulling up chunks of dead grass and grit without notice before continuing to pace. As Drake heaved fistfuls of dirt from the hole she leaped to avoid it, the more simultaneously clumsy and nimble as she landed away from the waste.  

    But she made no noise, no hisses or growls, not so much as an attempt at words as she watched, and without a peak from her Kolven could not be bothered with concern. Before him, Jack was still struggling, but his few words seemed to offer the rodent some comfort. They sat in silence, no one having the equipment to assist Drake in the process aside from Maka, whom was injured, and while the time seemed to creep by it also went so much quicker than the last time the fire type had dug a hole. Before long, it reached an acceptable depth, one that could cradle their friend in cold, bitter soil.

    Perhaps that same feeling had wormed its way into the cat. Even as Clover moved away from the expansive hole and by his sit once more Kolven couldn't help but feel cold and scorned, so very alone in this frozen wasteland despite the companions he had found beside himself. Was that what they were leaving Ark's body to..? While the process had started the burial was not complete, but the silence was all too much and Jack seemingly could not keep the words to himself anyone as he began the eulogy. "Ark has done much for us in such a little time that he was with us. Was it fate that we would meet him? Was it destiny? Who knows but for Ark, we will keep him close to our hearts as we press on. Each day will be a new challenge but Ark would want us to face those challenges head on and f-fight for our survival."

    The words were heavy, the rawness of the loss only dampened by how uncomfortably common it was these days, and as he closed his small speech with trembling words the Pikachu motioned for Kolven to continue. His eyes widened slightly, as he had suspected those closer than him would go first, namely Drake and Finn, by the tomcat was not opposed to the idea aside from the glaring fact that their burial was not yet complete. His mouth felt dry, not wishing to say once again that this was a sham of a burial for such a brave companion, but before he could even consider his own eulogy Maka took up the torch. "Though he may have joined the great pack, his spirit will grant us the strength to help each other, regardless of what we may look like. What we may think, we all owe him a debt of gratitude. His body will return to the earth and one day be reborn to a new life."

    Kolven continued to bow his head in respect, both to the speaker and dead, and as the words once again came to a stand still he found his gaze shifting to Ark's still pelt. The white flakes of snow were already blotting out the black fur, and he worried how unceremonious and difficult it would be for the lot of them, small and scrawny Pokemon, to move such a being. "Ark was the bravest of us all, never straying from what he thought would be best for everyone." He sighed, "His wisdom will be sorely missed, but not nearly as much as having him beside us."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:46 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 26 Tumblr_nmzudyKb3G1s5iyovo6_500
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    As they descended lower and lower Flamey's wingbeats grew heavier, harder, and fiercely intentional. The ground was fast approaching, the pair arcing into the town and rounding past a mansion as they made a path for the closest paved section of ground. Dammit all. After the loss of her partners and the pain her fiery friend had gone through Green swore she wouldn't be so careless. These were her partners, her friends, yet she had been so negligent, so callous. Clenching a fist she felt she same shame for not noticing how much her Talonflame was struggling. It wasn't a matter of her doing better and being more mindful, dammit she needed to act before it was a problem. She should have told him to land.

    "Next stop, the ground! Hold on tight!" Flamey called out lightheartedly, the breathy warning telling her to brace for impact though she knew he would never intentionally drop her. With soft knees the girl readied herself not for the landing but for the cold journey ahead. "Aaaaaaaaannnd touchdown!" He cawed once more as they alighted separately, the girl dropping into a practiced crouch as the bird flapped and settled on the ground beside her. Though they had just left it Green looked to the sky, her mind instinctively telling her to note the time before making any sort of foot travel. It was early, much too early, and there was plenty of time for her companion to rest.

    Then she looked back at Flamey.

    She expected a number of expressions from him but the fierce, alert, panicked look in his eyes was not one of them. His feathers were puffed up, wings pulled away from his body as he made himself look larger and readied his body to move at a moments notice. Green's blood felt icy, colder than this frigid environment had ever made her feel as she followed his gaze and realized what they had done.

    Somehow, even in this wasteland of an environment, they had stumbled upon other beings.

    Her had went to her Pokeballs, with any sort of cover blown her first instinct was to call upon her Pokemon. For defense, for escape, to survive, but that was the very thing that had brought her here. Flamey was fast, but could they really escape two, three, four.. her hand froze up as her eyes locked on the rotten undead further back. Fuck. Letting her hand sway even further back her fingers danced lightly over the hilt of her machete. What the fuck. Another group with a pet?

    The seconds ticked by, and as neither she or Flamey were attacked Green took the chance to breath and in the situation. Several Pokemon, seven, no... six Pokemon, quiet, somber. Fresh blood had pooled on the ground but was already starting to freeze beneath the feline that lay awkwardly on the ground. No signs of a struggle. A ragged hole clearly dug out recently and hastily by hand was none too far away.

    Once again her meeting others was marked by death.

    Not this shit again. Gods, was this going to be a repeat of that cursed day? Memories of her beloved Kitty, gone in an instant assaulted her. She had to protect Flamey, she had to ensure that tragedy did not happen again, but before she could recall the bird and run he did something she could only call unbelievably stupid.

    Pushing off from the ground the Talonflame alighted once more on top of the large metal gate he had dropped them off in front of. "Hey there," he cooed, voice unusually gentle for her boisterous bird. "What happened here?" Was her snarky ass Pokemon trying to be friendly? Her heart still felt heavy in her chest, primed for another sudden loss she could not handle.

    Refusing to let her brave friend's effort go to waste Green dared to approach the fence with a few more steps, her own weary voice attempting to sound amiable. "Don't be alarmed. We don't want any trouble." She said calmly while letting her free hand go limp after a small wave. There wasn't much she could say; it was really fucking rude to interrupt a funeral, and she didn't know the Pokemon or the details of the loss to offer meaningless condolences. "Do you.. need help.. moving your friend?" She asked awkwardly, her offer meant to show her peaceful intentions despite the unease she felt.

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