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    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:04 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Jack listened to Maka's speech then Kolven's "Ark was the bravest of us all, never straying from what he thought would be best for everyone." Kolven sighs and then continues."His wisdom will be sorely missed, but not nearly as much as having him beside us." The feeling was far more mutual on that part. Ark was an electric buddy and a great friend with his wisdom. However there is noone in this world that can replace Ark nor can they claim to be smarter than him. It was as if Jack wished Ark to be returned to life and given a second chance to walk amongst them again. Fate though was cruel and merciless. It shows nobody any love if their fate was sealed from the beginning. That's how life worked. Jack's ears perked up as he heard Finn talking with someone or threatening someone. The Pikachu went to see what was going on.

    Finn spotted a human and a talonflame. Who the hell was this and what was they planning. "Hey there," He looked up seeing the Talonflame perched in front of the gate. "What happened here?" One part of Finn wanted to tell the Talonflame to fly off but the other part said something else as in be friendly and not provoke Jack's anger. "Don't be alarmed. We don't want any trouble." She sounds more sympathetic to him, maybe it was luck that she came. "Do you.. need help.. moving your friend?" Finn just flapped his mouth without words coming out, the Talonflame was more intimidating to him than any other fire type. Inside his mind though was more going into overdrive. Say something you drongo! She's wanting an answer not an awkward silence from you. 

    Jack came up to the gate and answered for Finn. "If you could please." He was going to power up the gate for the human to come in. The Pikachu knew that Rae left in search of Ark's killer to terminate it, maybe this human can help out while they could. But when he seen the Talonflame, his thoughts then turned to Finn seeing the Braixen just being awkwardly silent. "Don't mind him, If he tried to scare you off, sorry about that, he's supposed to be watching for undead. Also to let you know, we do have an undead meowth with us, she hasn't done anything to us so far and from what I can tell, they're looking for a lost sibling. As for what happened here. Something grabbed a friend of ours, a Luxray named Ark and killed him. I couldn't see what it was for sure but it was a grass type."

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Dec 24, 2021 3:26 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Both Maka and Drake are waiting for Ark's body to be pushed into the makeshift grave.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:15 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 102 || Kolven 82

    With Kolven's head hanging low he struggled to think of anything appropriate to say. Truthfully, he barely knew the big cat, but felt a kinship with him that would be sorely missed. Time was so short, so fleeting, and there were so many things he did not get to ask. Such as, where had he come from, how did he end up here, if he had any dreams. He hadn't asked any of his new acquaintances such aside from Drake's probing. He had to make time, he told himself, as there was never enough in the world.

    Then he heard it. The flapping of wings, the sqwuak of a voice he did not recognize, and as he looked up from the frozen ground he was shocked to see not only a new Pokemon but another human that he did not recognize. How long had it been since he last saw one of there kind before coming to this mountain..? Legends have mercy. Was this where they were all hiding? Finn stood at the fence, their first line of defense as he stared, wide eyed and mouth agape at the sudden human literally descended from the sky. He was understandably spooked, and while Kolven wanted to assist him he realized they were staring off toward his sister. It was enough to send a wash of panic through his nerves, but their voices were calm and nonthreatening even within her presence.  

    "Don't be alarmed. We don't want any trouble."

    "Hey there. What happened here?"

    "Do you.. need help.. moving your friend?"

    Information.. gentle words seeking information rather than lambasting his choices. "If you could please." Jack's voice came up from behind, with an explanation quick to follow. The Pikachu's quick trust in the newcomers was enough to relax the cat's nerves, and he followed with his own little addition. "It was.. very sudden." Kolven said honestly with a heavy sigh. "Whatever it was came out of nowhere."

    Having requested their aid Kolven meowed to his sister, the molly staring deep into their makeshift grave. Was she judging its size, its depth? Her good ear flicked, acknowledging his call, and after a few more seconds her paws turned to head his way. Coming to his side the tom was quick to lead her away, offering space to their newcomer who was somehow going to move a stiff Luxray. "I'm Kolven," he offered an introduction, having realized the awkward situation she was traipsing overrode the need for such formalities. "And this is Clover." The molly set her good eye on lock, watching the human with a firm yet curious gaze. "You have my word Clover will not bother you." He meowed, and while he did not believe the words were needed he didn't want to spook the human into doing something stupid.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:40 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Tumblr_nmzudyKb3G1s5iyovo6_500
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    This was a bad choice. God, what the hell was she thinking? By some miracle she was not outright attacked, the group seeming more spooked than anything, but the looks were not initially welcoming. The Braxian that stood closest to her, its heat almost palpable, stared with an emotion she could not decipher, and mouthed something indecipherable at her before another Pokemon quickly nudged past it. Is he mute? If it was playing defense, keeping watch as she presumed, that would make for a real shitty guard.

    "If you could, please." The Pikachu asked, and while it could have been her imagination Green swore he sounded a bit desperate. She nodded as her offer was accepted, talking his word and the lack of protest from the others as approval. Checking with Flamey the large bird seemed to agree this was no trap, unfortunate timing sure, but safe enough to intervene as they so rudely had. Clutching onto him the powerful Pokemon easily brought her over the fence and into the heart of the fire. If they wanted to attack her these Pokemon had all the means now, but instead she received a hurried, pained explanation.

    "Don't mind him, If he tried to scare you off, sorry about that, he's supposed to be watching for undead. Also to let you know, we do have an undead Meowth with us, she hasn't done anything to us so far and from what I can tell, they're looking for a lost sibling. As for what happened here. Something grabbed a friend of ours, a Luxray named Ark, and killed him. I couldn't see what it was for sure but it was a grass type."

    Grabbed? Looking beneath the sheet of white upon the body Green could not see any wounds, but even a layer of snow could not hide the hideously broken neck and jarring angle of his head. A quick death. And one that should prevent him from reanimating. Whatever had been here had been more merciful than these Pokemon realized. "I'm sorry for your loss." She said with a heavy breathe. Those words seemed so hollow, so over used, so meaningless these days, and thus they felt so on her tongue. With a weary glance at the undead Green confirmed its.. lack of bloodthirsty motions toward her or any of the other Pokemon before reaching for her Pokeballs. "I'm Kolven," the other Meowth said to her, perhaps catching her gaze. "And this is Clover." While his words were gentle she could feel the unease from him. Was it the death, the situation, or fear for the lost cat? "Green," she replied dryly, nudging her head toward the bird on the fence, "and this is Flamey." Fluffing his feathers her Talonflame gave his own silent acknowledgements, his focus gratefully on watching these unknown Pokemon.

    "You have my word Clover will not bother you." The male followed up, his priorities clear. Clutching her fingers around her Pokeball Green did not turn her head as she spoke. "See to it." She said firmly but without judgement. A normal person would not believe such a thing, but she had seen it before and did not wish to cause more grief to this group. With a flick of her wrist she called to another of her Pokemon, and in a flash Blasty appeared before her. "M'lady," he spoke with his usual greeting, caution already reflecting in his eyes as took in all the Pokemon around him. "We need your strength," she whispered gently, her eyes downcast and arcing in a path between the body and grave.

    "Ah," her Pokemon breathed, and while the caution did not dissipate from his gaze he required no further explanation. Under the assumption his trainer would not lead him astray the Blastoise did not hesitate as he scooped his arms beneath the frozen blood. Whether it was rigor mortis setting in or the body freezing over, it had gained a stiffness that was disconcerting at the least, but her stalwart Pokemon did not cringe away as he pulled the beast from the snow. Never a Pokemon of many words silence followed the starter as he gracefully placed the fallen within the makeshift grave, and whether he was needed or not he assisted in shuffling the dirt back into the grave.

    'Thank you Blasty." With another flick of her Pokeball she recalled her partner, his job both complete and his disdain for the frozen weather acknowledged as he returned to the safety of his ball. Throughout the process Green had kept her distance, both as a safety precaution and to offer these Pokemon space from the stranger.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:34 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge
    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    The human had agreed to help and Jack was grateful. 'Thank you Blasty." Ark's body was in the grave and with that, Drake would proceed to bury him. Jack lowers his head and silently tells Ark goodbye. Now to ask who this stranger is. She looked like she was from Kanto and like the rest of them, fighting to survive this horrible nightmare. A pikachu without a trainer now is basically a wild pokemon since more than likely his pokeball was destroyed. Regardless, he was still willing to keep going and saving his home once that comes to pass.

    Finn looked silently before looking back out towards the streets. Nothing was coming at all. It was just to cold for them to find their scent. "Nothing. They would have found us by now. Something's up. Guess I better tell Jack." With that, Finn walked away from his post and went to the others once again seeing that Talonflame. How was he so intimidated by such an avian like that? They're both fire types but he was still intimidated. Finally he said something about it. "I feel so intimidated by that Talonflame. I couldn't even say a word to that girl." That was far from the truth, Talonflames are scary but he never had ran into an undead one.

    Jack sighs knowing Finn came back but if he came back that meant no undead around. "Thank you Green. We wasn't expecting this to happen in the first thing but guess things couldn't be seen so simply as this. Anyways, I'm Jack and you already met Finn." The Pikachu took off his goggles and cleaned the lens on the right side. It had dirt from falling. "Say, by chance, are you from Kanto?"

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:53 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Char_Mightyena

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Ark's body was placed into the makeshift grave. Drake couldn't hold back his tears as he watched Ark's body lie there motionless. Who placed it was none other than a blastoise and he didn't recognize the stranger until the flash of a pokemon getting recalled back into their ball. The Charmeleon looked seeing another human. Wait, where's Rae? Did she go chasing after Ark's killer? He prayed for her safety. Drake never seen this human before. The way she's dressed though could only mean she's from another region but did Jack say Kanto? That's interested him a bit more that it would make him ask more about Kanto. However the feeling of mourning had quickly flushed back in. Finally he broke. The Charmeleon cried as he looked right back at Ark's cold lifeless body. Eventually he calmed down enough to start burying him in the dirt before it got frozen solid.

    Maka looked at the human and wondered where she came from? The Talonflame though was something he's scene several times. Not this one but the bird itself since talonflames are no stranger to his kind. His eyes turned back to Green. The Mightyena then introduced himself to her. "My name is Maka, an honor to meet you"

    Drake was placing the dirt as fast as he could before the the mound become solid but as he got Ark just covered enough to barely see his body in the dirt, the mound had became to hard to pull any more. Guess the snow would have to cover it for now. He then turned his attention to the human. "Thank you, I'm Drake and well, as odd as it sounds, this is where I live. We was about to go for a supply run and we could use some help if your able to." The Charmeleon said as he was still sobbing a bit. Hopefully the day would go by peacefully for them. No more death, no more suffering. Just a day where they could just relax.

    OoC)) Feel free to give Drake a confused look Green if she is trying to figure out why she heard him without the communicator.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 12, 2022 7:57 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 103 || Kolven 83

    "Green, and this is Flamey." The human introduced herself, the words short but not harsh. With a nod Kolven called to Clover once more, making sure he had her attention as the pair moved to give the girl some space. Calling upon her Pokemon the Meowth was surprised to see another Kanto native. Clover turned to attention, her eye wide and staring at the Pokemon that suddenly appeared, but thankfully she made no noise or other signs of disturbance. "Recognize him?" Kolven purred though he expected no answer. As a few moments Clover's good eye fell to a normal range, and with a small huff she lost interest in staring. And, with that, the Pokemon set to work doing what they could not.

    It was... strange. There was no better way to put it. Something about having a stranger tend to their dead due to their inability (to keep it ceremonious) seemed so wrong and barbaric, yet Kolven never thought to stop the act. They needed her help, and for the human to so willingly offer it to them in their moment of need, despite knowing nothing about the group, spoke greatly of her character. This is a caring soul. Trusting Clover with an unknown entity so soon was a bit of a stretch, but the tom cat was confident the human would not go back on her word unprovoked. Her Pokemon seemed so gentle as well, respecting Ark's body though he never knew the Pokemon, and was almost tender in all his movements.

    As the Blastoise pushed most of the dirt back into the hole and backed away Kolven took his moment to approach. With a last look at the strands of black and blue fur he gave a farewell to the heavens and pushed in his own pawfuls of dirt. Stay safe, friend. His eyes burned, a stinging reminder of the tears he wished not to shed as she walked away from the grave for the first and final time. With that, there was no more they could do for him. Safe from undead, from scavengers, and the horrors of rebirth, the big cat was now out of their paws. With their last kindness complete they were free to venture out once more, though Kolven had to admit scavenging was the last thing on this mind. Sending Green on her way after such a ride of an introduction seemed more wrong than requesting her help, and Drake must have agreed as he invited her join them. "Thank you, I'm Drake and well, as odd as it sounds, this is where I live. We was about to go for a supply run and we could use some help if your able to."

    Jack was quick to follow suit, though his train of thought was markably different. "Say, by chance, are you from Kanto?" With a small cock of his head Kolven wondered where he was going with such a question. Just curious? Such a question served little interest these days, his conversation with Drake was testament of that, but perhaps he was only trying to break the ice.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:44 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Green_crop
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    With her partner safely recalled and the task complete Green immediately felt unease. She had nothing to offer, no excuse or reason to be here, and knew to be on her way before being told. Hell, the Braxian seemed to share her feelings, grumbling and shuffling in a concerning, unhinged manor. Flamey flapped, and landed neat on her shoulders, ready for a quick get away, but before she could slip out the Pokemon continued to seek her attention. "Say, by chance, are you from Kanto?"

    Had she not just showed a Kanto starter it would have been an odd question, though she could not understand why it would be asked. "At one point in time." She commented dryly, knowing just how meaningless such details were these days. Every place she visited was in the same state, her such bringing her regions and regions from home to no avail.. But with a sharp inhale Green pushed those thoughts away; they were neither here or now, and she would not be distracted by them in the presence of unknown Pokemon.

    While these creatures had shown no signs of outburst or aggression, she knew the harsh reality of this world, and there was never as thing as being too safe. She had taken a risk already in being near these unknown Pokemon, let alone helping them, and letting her mind wander was not an option. Moving her hand to give Flamey a signal, she nearly said 'well, we'll be going then,' when another Pokemon spoke to her.

    "Thank you, I'm Drake and well, as odd as it sounds, this is where I live. We were about to go for a supply run and we could use some help if your able to."

    It was enough to stop Green in her tracks, hand hanging limply in the air before falling to her side. "Did you just, talk?" She asked dumbfounded, the sound of English words practically foreign to her after hearing nothing but the electrical hum of her translator for so long. Had she not seen the Charmeleon speaking the jarring language she would have believed another human had been hiding nearby, and for a second her hopes fluttered, but the shock was enough to smother them. As her wits returned to her, the moment forced to pass, she answered the question with the disbelief still clear in her voice, "I think we could spare some time, might find something useful for us as well."

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:53 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    With Ark's body now buried and the human had introduced herself as Green and she has agreed to help them. It was a sign that they would have a greater adventure. How will the others accept her? Jack was quick to accept her and it seems the others was as well but what about Finn? The Pikachu knew Finn was always a pain to convince but if he is serious about changing his life then he will do just that by accepting her. If not then Jack will show Finn just how serious he was about punching him. Ark, if you can hear us, guide us to our supplies and back with safety. Jack had thought silently as he looked to the sky.

    Finn looked at Green and with a look that shown he didn't exactly know about her yet. The others was accepting so easily. That's what got Ark killed so easily. If Finn could tell Jack that without angering him then it would be that easy but he rather have this human prove herself. "Sorry mates but only way I'll accept her is if she proves herself as a friend. Trusting so easily got Ark killed and I won't be a drongo and do the same." Not to offend her but its how it is with him since there was to much death on this land already. "No offense miss, but I would rather make sure to trust someone through proof." If Jack didn't like it then maybe he would need to change as well.

    Jack looked at Finn with anger. Did he seriously think Ark was a what? Oh, he's really gonna get it now. However they would need to foscus on the task at hand. Getting supplies from the farm before reaching Dendemille itself. "We're about to head to a farmland to get some supplies there and some seeds for berries." Putting his goggles back on, Jack nods to Green showing he trusts her since she's a brave trainer.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Char_Mightyena

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Drake watched as Green’s face went dumbfounded as she asked him. "Did you just, talk?” The Charmeleon nods as he walks closer to Green and the others. He was actually surprised that she would react like that. Mostly, when Rae was around, she wasn’t the type to question it, though shaking her communicator made him wonder if he said something wrong. Regardless, they had help now and that was good enough to get supplies from where they need to go. Dendemille would be the main goal to reach but beyond that was unknown to Drake. Maybe Green could tell them if Lumiouse’s condition was to dangerous to get near or if there as no way in.

    Maka sniffed around the place, even sniffing Clover on a scent he picked up. It wasn’t rot he smelled or something burning. It smelled like more moisture. He knew what this means. There was more snow and likely a big whopping blizzard. ”If we are to go, we must do it now. The air grows colder and moist which means it’ll make hunting and gathering for a pack impossible. No bird would fly in it either.” From what Maka can tell, they had maybe enough time to reach the farm, get the stuff and get back before it gets to the point where they couldn’t see in front of them. If living on the mountain near the frost cavern had taught him anything, its always very dangerous to travel in a blizzard. The clock was now against them.

    Drake could even tell Maka was not kidding. The mountains was barely visible and it was getting less visible more they stood there. ”He’s right, we should hurry. Hopefully we can get the stuff with no trouble. Blizzards are not fun to walk in.” The Charmeleon remembered that one year that he and his master walked from Dendemille back to the mansion in a blizzard. The cold made his tail flame get smaller but not enough to be of major concern. Hopefully they could avoid that again and he wouldn’t have a repeat of last time.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jan 28, 2022 7:59 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 104 || Kolven 84

    "Did you just, talk?" He had become accustomed to Drake's words over the time they ventured together and nearly forgot about the quirk, and seeing the humans surprise was enough to make his whispers twitch with a chuckle. How odd it must seem to her, and hear a Pokemon talk here of all places. "I think we could spare some time, might find something useful for us as well." Green accepted the invite, and with a wave of his tail the cat purred, "Welcome aboard!" With that, it brought their human count to two (once Rae came back), and the cat was still amazed at seeing even one in this desolate landscape.

    Despite his cheer their personal storm could did not miss a beat. "No offense miss, but I would rather make sure to trust someone through proof." Furrowing his brow Kolven could feel irritation prickling beneath his puffed up pelt. "Are you really going to play this game again?" He meowed with a disappointed sigh. The tom knew he was naturally trusting, but this human had a visible weapon and powerful partners. Had she wanted to do something she could have, and offering to tend to their dead would not have been on that list. "She's already done us a kindness."  

    But he knew not to let the fox get under his skin, and with another deep breath and sigh he calmed himself of his companion's immaturity. He didn't have the emotional capacity for it right now. ”If we are to go, we must do it now. The air grows colder and moist which means it’ll make hunting and gathering for a pack impossible. No bird would fly in it either.” Turning his ears with keen interest at Maka's voice the feline envied the canine's knowledge of their environment. "A storms coming?" He asked, glancing up at the sky. The rain of flakes was still thin and light, and while Kolven was not super versed in heavy snow he could easily believe it would worsen. That we could still call it Ark's tears.. The soil hadn't even settled and they were being forced to move on, to think of the present and the future. Yet, there was nothing left here to keep them in place. "Let's not delay then." He agreed, pushing Clover and ushering her forward.

    The three-legged cat hobbled, feeling a bit stiff from sitting around during the funeral proceedings, but as she squeezed through the fence she forced her muscles to comply. ”He’s right, we should hurry. Hopefully we can get the stuff with no trouble. Blizzards are not fun to walk in.” A blizzard.. the cat did not react to Drake's voice but that word was so poignant to what her thoughts felt like. A ceaseless blizzard... Flaring her lips the feline drank in the morning air, searching and seeking the path of those who left. Despite her keen senses all was still, the frozen air having wiped away the undeads scent and struggling to hold on to Rae's. Pushing her head up high she search the environment with her single eye, but again no motion caught her gaze. "Which way we heading?" Kolven asked Drake, his voice quickly coming up behind her as he made his way through the fence and by her side.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:43 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Green_crop
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    Gods, what was she signing herself up for? The Charmeleon nodded in response to her query, not daring to speak further words in response. Green could not tell if it was out of embarrassment for being called out, annoyance from an over-asked question, or if he thought such an answer beneath himself. For her short interaction the Pokemon seemed like a good sort, but it struck her as odd that he did not answer back after showing his hand.
    Gods willing, she just wanted to hear it again, she had to be sure her mind wasn't playing trick on her.  What an odd situation, she thought, that this was a more interesting fact than his shiny scales. Let it be the lack of human interaction, pets and luxury Pokemon let loose, or so many Pokemon out of their normal habitats, the shiny and unusual sightings had skyrocketed for her and lost their luster. Not that it made a difference anymore, nor did it have a correlation to this Pokemon talking.

    "Welcome aboard!" The healthy Meowth cheered in his place. His voice was clearly a hum over her communicator and had no extra interest, but the next voice instantly reinforced her guard. "Sorry mates but only way I'll accept her is if she proves herself as a friend. Trusting so easily got Ark killed and I won't be a drongo and do the same. No offense miss, but I would rather make sure to trust someone through proof." Proof? Green could feel Flamey mimicking her own motions as he pushed up his feathers and let out his wings a bit. "Excuse me? That guy said whatever the killer was came out of no where! That ain't a trust situation, bucko!" Reaching one arm up to press it against his side she tried to settle the bird, though she did not silence him. "We didn't have to help you." She spoke down to him sternly, her other hand still primed for self-defense. Not trusting a stranger was understandable, but had she not just proven herself an ally, or at the very least not a threat. "Consider yourself in the same boat."

    The Meowth spoke against the Braxian but it changed nothing. She was not trusted, which was valid, but to be spoken out against so openly after assisting them respectfully with a personal matter?! How could she trust them after such a comment? Would this be even more of a risk than she calculated? A creeping discomfort lingered on her skin. She was not here to play their games; she had nothing prove. If she had to play a neutral party at best so be it; she was used to that.

    Never was she relaxed around these Pokemon but Green felt extra tension in her muscles after that commentary. The Mightyena's observation helped push things along but again her interest landed squarely on Drake as he deigned to speak again. ”He’s right, we should hurry. Hopefully we can get the stuff with no trouble. Blizzards are not fun to walk in.” Incredible. Of all Pokemon to hear from she would not have expected a Charmeleon. Yet even that could not elevate her mood. Doesn't do you any good though, she thought cynically. "We're about to head to a farmland to get some supplies there and some seeds for berries." The Pikachu explained, but the soured Green only found herself narrowing her eyes. He could explain their plan, or perhaps their hopes, but not expand on his own question from earlier? Perhaps these Pokemon were not worth her time to follow...

    Looking at each of the Pokemon with a tense exhale Green could not tell who was the leader among them. Normally such a thing was easy to discern, but none of the Pokemon seemed particularly bright, let alone strong or wise enough to lead a group. She knew nothing of the Luxray but could assume a fully evolved Pokemon had the life experience and age needed to guide these dimwits. Was that why they seemed so lost? "Who's in charge here?" She questioned, voice still gruff from her prior snap.

    Last edited by Green on Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 04, 2022 3:21 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge
    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Jack’s blood was boiling as he wanted to punch Finn for that comment. Now he had reasons to believe that Green would leave them because of Finn’s arrogance. [Coloe=#228b22]"Whos in charge here?”[/Color] She was not happy and This wasn’t a good thing for them if she leaves them to fend for themselves. The Pikachu raises his paw and he did have regrets for not punishing Finn sooner. You’re a fucking idiot Finn. If she leaves then you’re at fault. Have you not learned anything since we had that battle up on the mountain? If anything he’d take the fall for the mistakes.

    Finn stares at the Talonflame who cut deep with his words. Not a word came from the Braixen as he was torn into. Another one of his messups in his life had appeared for all to see. Even Kolven slammed him for his rhetoric. Im a drongo. What is there for me to gain if I cant trust anyone. Ark was right. I need to stop with this weakness. I need to trust others instead of pushing them away. It now came to him that his own selfishness will be his downfall and that will lead to more sorrow. Only thing he could do is basically stay behind. All he’s been doing was angering others. “I....I’ll stay behind. Last thing you all need is a drongo like me to get in the way.” After that he walked right back to the mansion door. He didn’t care of the thing that killed Ark came back to kill him. Finn felt like he deserved it for all the pain and torment he’s caused others despite him trying to change.

    Jack couldn’t apologize for Finn on this point. ”I am, I can’t make any excuse for him and he shouldn’t have casted you aside like that. I almost forgot, I know Kanto was in bad shape but I was going to ask if you been to Mt. Sllver? I don’t know how bad its been there since I was whisked away from my home there and I need to know.” Inside his mind, he couldn’t take anymore bad news. He’s already lost enough and Finn was causing issues which didn’t make things easier. ”I can’t apologize for Finn’s words. I know it sounds ridiculous and the rest of us are grateful for your help but we trust you none the less.”

    OoC))Finn will stay behind and won’t be present for about five to six posts.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 11, 2022 2:51 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Char_Mightyena
    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Drake got a bit annoyed waiting around and said something ”Well if we’re going to the farmland, we should get going. Likely the roads are in bad shape so I’m guessing we’ll have to tread carefully.” Though considering the speed that this storm was moving he could only guess the timing but he hoped it would be slower and give them enough time get there and back safely. If Maka was to smell something that is wrong, then they would need to abandon but so far as the Charmeleon can see, the Mightyena shows no signs of anything else other than a storm.

    Maka sniffs the air and nothing has changed. From what he can tell, the moist smell of snow would slowly move closer and its now a bit slower giving them a bit more time. Maybe Ark is slowing it down for them. 

    Drake then sees something on why the gate doesn’t open to well. a wheel had something on it. Still, they was small enough, they could squeeze through. ”I would want to know more from you Green. Maybe we can talk while walking there.” The Charmeleon said as he was going to lead the way.

    OoC)) Doing this as a short post to get them going.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:28 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 105 || Kolven 85

    Kolven thumped his tail against the ground. Considering everything that just happened it was a struggle to simply stay reasonable, let alone keep a positive outlook and grin. Hopefully moving on, both figuratively and literally, would help them all regain themselves after their loss. “I....I’ll stay behind. Last thing you all need is a drongo like me to get in the way.” Finn decided after being put down by Green as well. The human was gruff, to say the least, but Kolven welcomed another companion who was the 'no nonsense' sort, and could put Finn in his place despite not knowing him yet.

    Still, a deep exhale wheezed its way out of him as the fox walked back to the mansion without a chance for argument. Was it disappointment, frustration, or just being fed up with his nonsense that prickled the back of the tom cat's neck? How is that helpful?  Not having his provocative commentary would be good for them all, but to leave the guy on his own seemed downright unsafe. He threw a fit and locked himself in a room all night. Perhaps he'd do that again, shut away from the world. The cat had to resign himself to that idea, and that he would be safe inside the mansion that had no threats from within. "Suit yourself." He commented dryly, knowing his voice either wouldn't reach the fox or wouldn't change his mind.

    Clover meowed at her brother, her ruby eye flicking all about as she churned the grit of the ground. Her brain was functioning better than the day before, the minimal temperature change awakening her cognition just enough to revive her thoughts. Legends, she wanted to go. She wanted to search, to find, to hunt. Another growling meow made its way out of her as Kolven did not respond, and the molly started moving forward unprovoked. Drinking in the air of the land it felt dry and stinging against her palate, but she felt no pain or discomfort as she searched for scents in vain. The fading smell of Rae traveled off in one direction, but it was laced with dog and only brought a prickle to her greasy pelt rather than interest. No, her paws twisted, turning her in a different direction as she walked in search of anything.

    ”Well if we’re going to the farmland, we should get going. Likely the roads are in bad shape so I’m guessing we’ll have to tread carefully.” Drake pondered as he got them moving. "Especially if they are going to get covered in snow." Kolven mewed, picturing large cracks or holes completely obscured by fresh powder. One unassuming step and someone could vanish or break a leg. "We should hurry, before we lose our way." Clover was already on a the prowl, her interests no longer on the group as she hobbled along, leaving the others behind. Looking back at their group Kolven struggled to maintain his grin yet again as he waited impenitently for them to get going. His priority would always be his sister, and trail after her he would if the others did not hurry.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:54 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Green_crop
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    “I....I’ll stay behind. Last thing you all need is a drongo like me to get in the way.” 

    The Braxian walked away, completely deflated as no one backed up his inflammatory remarks. "Suit yourself." The cat was the only one to give remarks, little as they may be, and Green couldn't help but notice no one stopped the fire type as he made it back to the mansion. Without so much as a whisper of protest she it felt it was safe to assume he was not well liked, or at least on bad terms with the others. Better off. She thought, knowing the safety of herself and her team was increased without the jeopardizing Pokemon.

    ”I am, I can’t make any excuse for him and he shouldn’t have cast you aside like that.” The Pikachu answered her call. Making no comments and keeping judgement to herself Green only nodded to acknowledge his answer. ”I almost forgot, I know Kanto was in bad shape but I was going to ask if you been to Mt. Sllver? I don’t know how bad its been there since I was whisked away from my home there and I need to know.” In an instant it felt like the wind was knocked from her chest. Curling her fingers into a tight fist Green tried to shake her initial shock at hearing that name. It was a painful reminder of times long lost, of friends she still worried about, and the mission she had to fufill. Gods willing, was he still alive...? "Wouldn't know." She croaked, looking away from the Pikachu. "Haven't been." That was one of the few locations she needed to search, but given its danger, cruelty, and personal association, her hesitation persisted to this day.

    ”Well if we’re going to the farmland, we should get going. Likely the roads are in bad shape so I’m guessing we’ll have to tread carefully.” Again, Drake's voice was enough to send a tingle down her spine, and his statements held merit as they pulled her from her shaken state. "Then lets go." With another nod she tapped her Talonflame's thigh, and with a powerful trust he was quick to move her back to the outside of the wall. She was ready, and took a few paces forward to wait for direction. The diseased Meowth was already wandering off; was she being used as a defensive scout or a living alarm? No, these Pokemon were too soft for that.

    Still, with it moving away without the others she again felt the lack of direction within this group. Green sighed and rolled her eyes as she realized how much work it would be just to pal around with these whelps. Were they still shaken by the loss? With so many 'mons loitering she nearly told them to actually hurry, but waited as the sedentary group lingered. Did they need a nudge in the right direction, or a shove? ”I want to know more from you Green. Maybe we can talk while walking there.” Small talk was agony for her, hell the small bit of talking she had done with these lost Mareep had been like pulling teeth, but she could tell Drake meant well by his friendly chatter. "Likewise." She answered simply, her feet already moving her forward.

    The town below them was not one she was familiar with, but what she could see of the winding path spoke of a trek to come. Not wanting to waste any time she started to walk, and hoped the distance would be enough of a deterrent to get the the others moving. Stroking her Talonflame one more time she held up his Pokeball, and gave the bird a choice; was he feeling up to scouting, or did he wish to rest? With a mistrusting glare at the other Pokemon Flamey shuffled, looked back at his trainer, and accepted the Pokeball. Disappearing within Green held it close. I'll be careful. She assured him.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:17 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    They began to leave the grounds of the mansion and made their way towards the farmland thad Drake had mentioned. What would they find there? What would they have to fight there? It was all a mystery but one thing for sure is that they had a very powerful ally. Though he did think about Finn and what they could do to make him a bit more tolerable. What could they do to make him a nicer pokemon and what is he so afraid of? The pikachu couldn’t think of what it could be but regardless they had to get the supplies before it gets to the point where the weather reaches that blinding point. When Green responded to his question, he felt at least a bit more concern but at least it kept his hopes up that his home was still standing.

    Finn looked out the window feeling down that he again blew it. What was he thinking showing no trust towards a human. “What kind of drongo am I? The others trust that human girl like they trusted the other. I know that what my human has done wasn’t good nor was he even trusted since he was a thief. When they get back, I’ll show them that I can trust.” The Braixen said to himself as he continues to look outside.

    Jack looked down the road seeing how bad of a shape it is in. ”Well shit, we’d be in a bad position if we had to fight on this terrain. Still, not going to back down.” The pikachu started climbing up the debris from a landslide. Luckily the debris had large enough chuncks for the others to climb up on. As Jack continued to climb up, he wondered what could be waiting for them ahead? Natural disasters like landslides would be one way to impede but Jack has seen avalanches happen. Those in itself are scary. Jack shook a bit when he thought of it. After getting on top of the debris, he looked down the road. It was just as harsh so it was only if needed on fighting in order to defend themselves. ”Looks like things won’t be easy but Drake, you’re up on this.”

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Feb 27, 2022 5:45 pm

    OoC)) Skip, I’ve been feeling unwell today. I’ll come back and edit this once I feel better.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:56 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 RGvjGOO
    Outside Dendemille Mansion || Dawn
    Clover 106 || Kolven 86

    As they finally started to move Kolven did his best to push his misgivings behind him. No matter how raw their loss was, how shoehorned Green's initiation seemed, or fatiguing Finn's attitude was getting the tomcat knew they, quite literally, had to move on from it. The weather would not permit them time for emotions, so a brave face was all he could put on as they started their arduous journey. He did not need to usher Clover forward either, as the motion was enough to spur her into walking. Even with hobbled steps she strode confidently, as though already searching for something specific.

    "Hopefully this goes quick and quiet." He hummed aloud, trying to think positively despite recent events. In the cold of this place he could only hope that the desperate had sought warmer grounds, and that they would only have to deal with themselves, but as they walked he quickly realized that was not so. Their beaten path had long since returned to nature, with plants, roots, and tufts cropping up wherever they could. As they made it to paved sections the solid pathway had been broken and damaged, with the severity having a wide but alarming range. Cracked pavement jutted upward and even made their downhill climb creep up as they had to manuver around and through the damaged path. Keeping his eyes loosely locked on Clover the tomcat watched as she nimbly jumped between crags in the chewed up ground, the condition of it not bothering her in the slightest.

    "Time didn't do this path any favors." Kolven sighed as he leaped atop a large piece of debris. "I bet this town was beautiful in its prime." Shiny silvery pavement, twinkling lights, a light snow, it'd be a little stark but this place certainly had a charm to it. Did the trees flower light colors in the spring, or did the native Pokemon sport winter coats? Oh the tales this poor town could tell. ”Well shit, we’d be in a bad position if we had to fight on this terrain. Still, not going to back down.” Jack cursed, not nearly enjoying the venture as much as the male Meowth. "Hey now, lets not manifest anything," we warns, though his voice was light with humor. Superstition or otherwise that would be less than ideal.

    Clover jumped to another piece of rising pavement before landing squarely on the flat ground beyond. Her red eye slid down the slope, eyeing what little they could see of the path beyond. Bad. The simple word was all that came to mind, her hazy perception equating it to that of small mountains. Though they were flanked by buildings and construction this place felt nothing like her birthplace. Empty streets, silent winds, and not a whiff of something to sink her claws in to. She continued, her stride gaining speed as she cared not for the distance she put between herself and the others. "Clover, stay close!" Kolven called out to her, his voice roaring over the solemn air, but she did not slow her roll.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:25 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Green_crop
    | Outside Dendemille Mansion | Dawn |

    With Flamey safely inside his Pokeball Green couldn't help but feel very alone. There were other Pokemon by her but none of them were her friends, none of them could be trusted with her life, and none of them mattered like her partners did. With a hitch in her step she shifted her machete higher up on her waist. No matter who she was traveling with she knew to always look out for herself and her partners first, and regardless of what the threat was she would be ready.

    The quiet morning air was deeply solemn, no sound whipping their way aside from their own crunching footsteps and soft voices. As they made their way south Green felt herself growing more tense; this town had seen better days and was in really rough shape. Most places she visited were damaged and looted, making such disparaged scenes commonplace, but the damage here was of a different nature. The very ground had been shifted underfoot, sliding downward by the forces of nature by the looks of it. The manmade pavement could not bend to its will, and like wide, sharp spears rose out of the ground like teeth. Were it maintained this street would have been a simple walk, but if the highest part of the path looked his bad she could only assume it would get worse further on.

    "I bet this town was beautiful in its prime." The Meowth said whimsically, the attempt at positivity not lost on her. That was basically a different life. There was no going back to that, no return to that time, and anything that happened to this town now would not restore what it once was. ”Well shit, we’d be in a bad position if we had to fight on this terrain.” Jack grumbled a valid concern. "Best we avoid them then." Green said absently. This was a good place for quick-footed Pokemon or ones with good ranged attacks. By the looks of this group they would struggle and she was not about to carry for a bunch of randoms.

    ”Looks like things won’t be easy but Drake, you’re up on this.” Once again Drake was referenced for information, and as Green clambered past another broken section of pavement she couldn't help but feel like this was a waste of effort. "Is there another route in better shape?" She asked Drake while pulling herself up onto a section of unbroken ground. If they were going this way she could only assume not, but slow progress was the bane of her travels.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 11, 2022 2:41 pm

    OoC)) Skipping Jack
    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge
    Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Finn sat there and watched out the window for them to come back. So far, not a single sign of them as of yet. What could be taking them so long? Are they really going to be gone that long? The Braixen didn’t get up or did he move. He was just in self doubt about himself now. Trust was a two way street, and he couldn’t trust to many humans, not after what his trainer did. Still, he had to try to trust again. Not just for himself but for everyone. There can still be trust. “I have to trust a human, just once. I even need to stop being a drongo and look what’s in front of me. Ark died from those undead drongos and I lashed out at the girl for no reason. Whether I like it or not, we need the humans.” How Finn would trust  them is not something he could do easily.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Mar 15, 2022 6:21 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Char_Mightyena

    Outside Dendemille Mansion|Dawn

    Drake climbs up the debris from the landslide. Upon seeing what was laying amongst the path, there was really no flat area they could fight on if it came to that. "Is there another route in better shape?” Green asked him. Now that he thought about it, there was but they’d be treading in some really tall grass. Other than that, there’s a stream they could follow but it would take longer to follow that. It was one or the other. A path that could be slightly more dangerous or a path less dangerous but longer. Only reason why Drake would consider the grass very tall is because he went through their once when he was younger.

    Maka jumped up and sniffed around. He could smell a lot of dust and debris, not to mention some of the debris had gas tanks sticking out in some areas. ”That smell, humans used that near the ice caverns before the curse came. I’m not familiar with what you humans call it but it makes hunting tougher for mightyena packs to hunt for food.” He didn’t blame Green for it since he never seen her before nor did her scent register to him from the past. In fact, he wondered what those strange things she’s carrying with her. They don’t look like pokeballs but hat was something he had no idea how humans wear them.

    Drake then made his mind up. ”There’s two areas we could go but one will take longer than the other. One being some very tall grass but since I haven’t walked through it in a while, it might be taller or withered but there’s to much of a risk of an ambush. The other is following a stream but it might take longer but its the least dangerous and its pretty wide open making it easy to see if any threats try to approach. I’d probably say we might need to take the safer route so that we don’t run into any trouble.” With that said, he knew the way to both. Hopefully luck would be on their side and both paths are safe instead of one.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:15 pm

    ((Skip my cats this round.))

    Age : 31
    Posts : 96

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:54 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Dawn |

    Green tried to consider all of her options. Had she not strained Flamey enough already she could have him carry her over the landscape. Blasty could likely bulldoze through the chewn land with her atop him, but the movement would be no faster and her partner was not a fan of the cold weather. There wasn't an appropriate transformation nearby, but Ditty wouldn't last long regardless, making it moot. Jiggly...? She groaned; was she truly considering burdening her Pokemon because of some broken asphalt? How many places had she traveled that were in far worse conditions? Moving her hand away from her Pokeballs she swore to rely on herself and allow them rest unless absolutely necessary.

    Yet, as they walked the path only seemed to worsen. Broken streets started to slant, and the evidence of landslides stacked higher and higher as the damage multiplied. Buildings broken by time, nature, and desperate hands, items and objects fallen in the streets. Streetlamps lay shattered, the glittering glass having long since lost its shimmer as it dulled from wear. They passed multiple beat up vehicles, many of which were toppled or carried by the shifting earth and no longer in their last resting place. ”That smell, humans used that near the ice caverns before the curse came. I’m not familiar with what you humans call it but it makes it tougher for mightyena packs to hunt for food.” The Mightyena commented as he sniffed them, his sense of smell likely the most sensitive of them all. How interesting that rotten gasoline and crude motor oil had a permeating scent after so long. If she didn't have Flamey scavenging such a substance would be life saving and precious, and having a Pokemon that could scout it would be invaluable, but thankfully it was one human resource she did not have to rely on.

    Though he was not speaking directly to her Green did not look at Maka as he spoke. His tone did not illicit judgement or blame, just facts and the reality that he had faced. "Its called gasoline." She informed him, her tone dry and emotionless. "Its necessary for a lot of machines to function, and certain types of lights to work." Conveniences of life taken for granted, but realized to be unnecessary as she carried on without them. She thought to comment on her race, on human's needs for innovation to survive in such a harsh place where Pokemon used evolution, but Green held her tongue. Those days were long past, and any surviving humans would be unable to carry on such damage.

    Side stepping long weeds that had grown freely in the cracked streets and survived the harsh temperatures Green knew that nature had long since taken advantage of humans disappearance and started its personal recovery. So many places looked better in a natural sense, even if this once cozy town was now in disarray. Looking at it through the eyes of wild Pokemon, or natural world as a whole, she knew her feelings on the change were in the minority.

    ”There’s two areas we could go but one will take longer than the other. One being some very tall grass but since I haven’t walked through it in a while, it might be taller or withered but there’s too much of a risk of an ambush. The other is following a stream, it might take longer but its the least dangerous and its pretty wide open making it easy to see if any threats try to approach."

    "I’d probably say we might need to take the safer route so that we don’t run into any trouble.”
    Drake responded thoughtfully to her question, showing a very general direction for each path in question. Green narrowed her gaze, considering the minimal information given to her. She found it hard to believe that any grass to could grow tall in this environment, though height was subjective especially with such small Pokemon in tow. It'd have to be thick, scrubby weeds, a hardy kind which would make travel slow alongside unpleasant. Moving through that would be too noisy for an ambush. Perhaps Drake was referring to some past experience and letting it cloud his judgement. He didn't say much on the actual path, whether it was some alley or a small field they'd crossing, and it left a lot for her to be hesitant of.

    The other option he gave was a bit more clear cut; its a winding path along a waterway without much cover, something slow but they could see what they are in for. Green's face twisted with thought. She had seen telltale signs of a river when flying overhead, did this stream bleed into it or was the Charmeleon simply referring to it as such? Water out here would be more dangerous than regular rivers. Not that she planned to fall in, but she would be prudent to think of all possible risks. "With how unstable the soil is around here following the water could be just as unsafe." She finally responded to the Charmeleon while still weighing the options. The banks falling away sounded unlikely,but it was still very possible. "And it being too open could leave us just as exposed as any threat."

    Despite her negative outlook she was only pointing out issues with the information she was given, and was neither swayed nor opposed to the ideas. "We can be hit with an ambush just as easily here in the city." She argued, bringing her thoughts back to the first point, "But at least we have cover and terrain to work with." Though she had been to the one to ask thinking about it aloud made Green doubt the concept of changing course. "The pros and cons don't make either particularly better other than energy use."

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:20 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 27 Merge

    Dendemille town|Morning

    Jack listened to what Drake said and what Green is saying trying to think of a solution to this."With how unstable the soil is around here following the water could be just as unsafe.” That was one way to put it. "And it being too open could leave us just as exposed as any threat.” She was right on that and basically it goes without saying if they could see the undead, the undead can see them right back. This would be a disaster if they was surrounded. "We can be hit with an ambush just as easily here in the city.” Then there was the other choice. She mentioned it easily being ambushed like in a city but there was cover and terrain. "The pros and cons don't make either particularly better other than energy use.” With the weather making the water more dangerous and more likely a risk for hypothermia to Green. Then the field could be the only option they have despite the risk. The pikachu took some thought then decided.

    Finn watched out the window as the snow flakes continue to collect on the ground. Looking over to Ark’s grave, he sighed before going back out. Opening the door, Finn looked around to see if any undead had shown up. There was none, perhaps it’s to cold or the snow is causing them to be hindered from sniffing the dead body out. Regardless, he walked over to Ark’s grave and spoke. “I’ve screwed up Ark, I let my emotions get the better of me and shown no trust towards a human. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and be ready for when they come back.” That said, he put his right hand on the slightly snow covered grave and sheds a tear. His emotions finally broke free of being cooped up inside. The life he had was not fair and being raised by criminals was not a trait any pokemon trainer would want in a pokemon. Still, the others didn’t tell him to leave nor did he want to leave them. He’s going to make things right. Even if it means being killed or infected to protect them.

    Jack made his decision quite well. ”Looks like we’ll have to take the path through the grass but seeing the way the ground is, chances are that the tall grass is either windswept and low enough for us to have somewhat of an opening or it could still be tall enough to give us some cover. Either way, we’ll still have to fight.” with that said, Jack waited for Drake to lead them to the field.

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