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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)


    Age : 29
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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Dandelion Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:54 am

    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) 20423953_DIJxXBZGif1PfeB
    Image by Tinymush

    other images:

    B'doke the Delectroke and Riley the Raichu
    Dysfunctional Codependent Relationship
    Theme Wherever You Will Go - The Calling
    Broken - Lovelytheband
    Cheerleader - OMI
    I wouldn't Mind - He is We
    Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max
    Bright - Echosmith
    Profession Former trainers Pokemon
    Text Color B'doke - ccb530
    Riley - cf8c30
    Item None
    Oversized Bandana
    Gender CisMale
    Age Adult
    Young Adult
    Species ??? Delectroke, The Lightning Pokemon - Electric Type
    26 Raichu, the Mouse Pokemon - Electric Type
    Height 6'08" [TALL]
    Weight 168.2 lbs.
    67 lbs.
    Pokédex Entry FakemonDex:: Because of the massive amounts of electricity built up in this Pokemon, thunderstorms often follow it. It was once fabled as an offspring of Lightning itself.
    HeartGold:: When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes more aggressive than usual.
    Level 52
    Ability Volt Absorb
    Nature Calm
    Characteristic Proud of its power
    Highly Persistent
    Moves - Thunderbolt (Level Up)
    - Quick Attack (Level Up)
    - Flamethrower (TM)
    - Thunder Fang (Breeding)

    - Electroball (Level Up)
    - Agility (Breeding)
    - Thunderpunch (Evo.)
    - Double Team (Level Up)
    "Sometimes all we can do to survive in this crazy world is take things one day at a time."

    "He's my world, my everything! He is my sunshine and I will see to it that nothing takes my sunshine away."


    Bulbapedia "Delectroke is a canine, quadruped like Pokémon. Its body is mainly grey with a spiky, yellow mane that protrudes from its chest and covers the top half of its body. Yellow tufts of fur hang over its haunches in a three-spike pattern and around all its feet like boots. Its mane sticks straight up along its neck and forehead and has four points. Its entire head is yellow aside from grey marks beneath its eyes, along its snout, and inside its ears. It has a green eyes with no pupils. Each of its paws has three toes. Its yellow, spike-like tail is bent twice at a sharp angle somewhat like a lightening bolt."

    "Raichu is a bipedal, rodent-like Pokémon. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a cream belly. Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its big feet are tan with a circular orange pad. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside and yellow on the insides and ends in a distinctive curl. The electric sacs on its cheeks are yellow. It has two horizontal brown stripes on its back. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end."
    Appearance Though he has never seen another of his species for reference B'doke looks pretty standard for a Delectroke. His height is his most defining feature, as he is a massive representation of the species. He has massive paws to carry himself high, and a life of rough battles means he knows how to throw his weight around as well. Thick muscles ripple beneath his fur and boast strength that this magnificent creature is not afraid to use. His worn, emerald eyes are always tired looking, and help bring out the softness inside this gentle giant.

    A pretty average Raichu in all the ways that matter, Riley is young, spry, and prone to making silly faces. This Pokemon is in the prime of her life and boasts good health and spirits. Her fur has an extra shine from a life of pampering as a pet and good maintenance during the epidemic. Large, bright eyes frame her face alongside a constant smile. A green bandana adorns her neck, something she received from her owner long ago, that she wears in many different fashions. An overgrown cowlick is purposefully groomed forward as a 'tiny B'doke spike' of her own.
    Accent Very soft and soothing, but also tired sounding and worn. Always sounds calm, even when stressed.
    Excessively peppy, slight valley girl draw.
    Devotion Hoenn legends + Raikou.
    Anything B'doke prays to, though she focuses mostly on Jirachi, the Lati's, and Raikou.
    Motivation Survive, keep Riley safe, and not go crazy.
    See, survive, and enjoy this world with her love.

    Birthplace Hoenn Wilds
    Safari Zone [Hoenn]
    Name Origin Beer and Board Games S3 episode 15: Loaded Questions.
    Gaelic for valiant, sounding similar to rally.
    Team notes Reactive by nature, would rather play counselor/damage control. Places Riley above all else.
    Always very friendly, even if its feigned. Also a chronic liar/denier, especially when called out.
    User Notes - B'doke's father was a Manectic that knew Thunder Fang.
    - TM taught by his trainer.
    - While evolution into a Delectroke was not unheard of in his home it was still incredibly rare. During his generation none lived within the group, making the younger Pokemon very uninformed of the evolution.
    - The virus had just started passing through the pack when he returned to it. In a few days there would be total fallout. Had he fought his packmates and lived he would have been infected, or killed as they revived as undead.

    - Both of her parents where Pikachu's that knew Agility. Riley's father's father was an Ampharos that knew Thunder Punch. The move was passed from father to son to her.
    - The old women did take Riley out with her so she wasn't always trapped in the house, but it was hard for her to keep Riley under control when they were out so trips were often limited.
    - Based roughly off an old fear of mine during a bad phase in my life, though its exaggerated and the focus is shifted.
    Development Notes - See the obsession beyond the love.
    - Attempt damage control and pray for the best.
    - Remove the wool but its too late.

    - Fail to realize not everything is a threat.
    - Sink deeper and deeper into her own mind.
    - Refuse to listen to warning, and cause her own downfall.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:54 pm; edited 18 times in total
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty Re: B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Moon Moon Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:59 pm

    I approve of this Nutmeg .w.

    Age : 29
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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty Re: B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:26 pm

    Ready for approval !

    Age : 37
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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty Re: B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Suicune Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:52 am

    Approved, though I'd advise to clean up your spelling a bit.


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    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty Re: B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:56 pm

    I've given this profile a refresher and these two are ready for approval!

    A new image will have to wait for another day though.

    Posts : 3650

    B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace) Empty Re: B'doke the Distant Delectroke & Riley the Obsessed Raichu | (Ambrette, Ace)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:15 am

    More delightfully well written histories. You are spoiling me.

    My only note is that Thunderpunch is now an evo move so it's mislabeled. For consistency's sake we are just sticking with current gen rules for new approvals move sets. It won't hinder approval, however, just edit it once you see this note.



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