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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters



    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Jul 19, 2012 1:57 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (10)

    Zeke initially scowled at Tyrannus's reaction to his question, but then the goofy Golduck soon saw the funny side of it. "Hehe ... sorry, that was a dumb question," he grinned, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. In times of difficulty Zeke had always tried to look on the bright side and take things with a touch of humour, but he was starting to find it hard to take this lightly at all.

    "Well that ... was a bombshell and a half, haha!" he laughed nervously. "I guess ... I should ... I dunno what to do." The Golduck's expression was apprehensive again as he looked back towards the half-sunken town. He could go back home and see if the folks were OK, but he wasn't even sure where home was. This ocean was so huge he didn't even know which direction to go. As a result, trying to get back to Kanto was out of the question as well. Zeke placed a webbed hand on his knee and sighed. If only he wasn't so crap with directions.

    "I ... Could I stick around here with you guys a bit until I figure out what to do?" he asked. Sure Tyrannus was a bit of a grump, but at least he was relatively sane. He knew that he could get along with this guy as long as he didn't get on the wrong side of him.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 20, 2012 1:04 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (10)

    Tyrannus lowered the tentacle and gave the Golduck a nod. The joker was a bit apprehensive, but he was a goofy-little optimist. Though the Tentacruel wasn't fond of those kind of people, he felt that was something that was needed here, at these times. He used his pride and fury to hide how he really felt. He did have some concern for others, but it was rarely shown, if at all. He was the epitome of a Tentacruel otherwise; cranky, prideful, and an overall mean mofo.

    After the Golduck proposed to stick around, the Tentacruel shifted and gave an approving nod. "Sounds like a plan. I suppose I'll stick around for the ride." He extended a tentacle to the kappa like pokemon for a psuedo handshake. "Zeke was it?"

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:07 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (11)

    "Sounds like a plan. I suppose I'll stick around for the ride," Tyrannus replied, extending one of his tentacles for him to shake. "Zeke was it?" "Sure was!" the Golduck said, grinning broadly as he took the tentacle and shook it up and down a few times. "I'm glad someone was paying attention!" He let go, sat back and sighed, looking around. "So ... what now?"

    ((Argh, mega short post. >< Perhaps we ought to wait for Ember to come back now?))

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:36 am

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon(19)

    Yusei had a mini black out after being tossed onto the log. She was so exhausted that it didn't take much to knock her out. Yusei groaned and tried to roll back in the water but doing anything that required energy at this point was going to fail. "...could someone...give me a hand...please" Yusei asked gently.

    She seemed to have calmed down quite a bit though she did give Tyrannus a half angry glare. Mentally Yusei was however quite distraught, she could not decide if she had a crush on the large Tentacruel, or if she outright hated him. Either way she wasn't going to start anything...yet.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:09 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (11)

    "...could someone...give me a hand...please" Tyrannus heard the sort of psuedo-plea, and recognized the voice as Yusei. Looks like the irrate female finally woke up, the dual type thought. Turning and facing her with that irritated look he wore, he thought about Yusei. For some reason, he felt affection for her, but at the same time, he despised the Milotic with his entire being. Conflicted feelings aside, the Tentacruel extended a few tenctacles in assistance.

    "Well, well, well, looks like the young'un decided to wake up and join the party. Enjoy your nap there, sleeping beauty?" The Tentacruel asked with a snappy quip, referencing to her previously and shortly unconscious state. The verbal jabs were meant simply to rile her up, nothing more or nothing less; if he wanted to insult someone, he would do it, and they would know he was doing it.

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:13 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (12)

    "...Could someone...give me a hand...please?" Yusei's weak voice spoke softly from beside Zeke, and the Golduck dropped into the water to lend his assistance. There was something ... different about this Milotic and he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Tyrannus extended some of his tentacles towards him.

    "Well, well, well, looks like the young'un decided to wake up and join the party. Enjoy your nap there, sleeping beauty?" Zeke frowned a little at the Tentacruel's words, wondering why he was suddenly talking to him like that. But then it clicked in his mind what was different about the short-tempered serpent and he swam a little closer to him. "Eh ... do you mind me asking what happened to your voice?" he inquired politely, trying not to send him off into another over-dramatic rage. Maybe he screamed so much he broke it, Zeke thought to himself with amusement.

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:30 pm

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    Pacifidlog||Late noon (20)

    Yusei heard the Tentacruel's words and was about to snap at him again when the Golduck approached her. He inquired about her voice, Yusei nearly did a face-meet-tailfin. "Did you seriously just ask me that........You are stupider than I thought." Yusei said, frustrated. She wasn't sure if she should shout at the Golduck or not. However with her energy level being as low as it was, more screaming was a bad idea.

    So Yusei stared at the Golduck with disbelief.'How naive can he be?' She thought. Yusei was really unsure what to make of this. With a weak sigh Yusei shook her head, she didn't even have the energy to make a retort to Tyrannus' comment. Yusei just floated in the water limply.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:46 am

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (12)

    Tyrannus slipped back a bit, pulling Zeke over. Their backs were turned to Yusei, the Tentacruel shifting and giving the Golduck a sight smack on the back of the head. "Fool! Yusei's voice changed because she isn't male! She just cropped her antenna to look male. Get it straight young'un." He nodded once as he hissed in a hushed voice. There was a pause before he turned and went off searching for something once more.

    He returned with something in one of his tentacles, giving a nod to Zeke as he passed by, facing Yusei and presenting the Sitrus berry from before. "Here, eat it young'un. You'll need your strength back."

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:29 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (13)

    Did this Milotic have to treat everybody he met like an idiot? Zeke felt himself starting to get riled up as he glared at the sea serpent. "Chill out, will you? It was just a-- OOOW!" Without warning, Tyrannus pulled him over and thwacked him hard on the back of the head. The Golduck rubbed his head with one hand and smacked the surface of the water with the other. "What the hell was that for?!"

    "Fool!" Tyrannus growled. "Yusei's voice changed because she isn't male! She just cropped her antenna to look male. Get it straight young'un." Still holding his head, Zeke blinked at the Tentacruel. He looked at Yusei, back at Tyrannus and then back at Yusei again. "But ... you were a guy a minute ago."

    His mind, simple to a leisurely and simple lifestyle, could not handle two pieces of surprising information in one day. Tyrannus swam off somewhere while Zeke floated on his back in the water, clutching his temples. What a day... A short while later the Tentacruel returned with a Sitrus Berry. Immediately alert, Zeke straightened up and opened his beak expectantly like a newborn Pidgey, thinking that he was going to offer him the berry as an apology for assaulting him. A low groan escaped his open beak as he watched Tyrannus give the berry to Yusei. Guess you can't have them all...

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:33 pm

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    Pacifidlog||Late noon(21)

    Yusei chuckled softly when Tyrannus hit Zeke over the back of the head. The Golduck deserved it after all, first the infected and now this. Yusei had to wonder if the Duck Pokemon was nothing more than an over grown child. Looking around weakly, Yusei sighed. Tyrannus had wandered off, but where to? Yusei's question was answered upon the oversized Tentacruel's return.

    He offered her a Sitrus Berry, which she accepted gratefully. "Thanks..." She said with a weak smile. Slowly Yusei ate, trying to allow the berry to help her recover. With her strength slowly returning Yusei smiled a bit more. Gently Yusei kissed one of the red orbs on Tyrannus' head in thanks before diving into the water to test if everything was still working. Once she was sure Yusei surfaced and used Recover to heal any remaining damage to herself.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:32 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (13)

    The Tentacruel nodded once as he watched the Milotic slowly and carefully ate the retrieved berry. It did him good to see her calm and cooperating, and that Yusei was getting better overall. Tyrannus kept the front two tentacles of his body folded like a pair of arms, smiling internally. After a moment, the Milotic began to slide forward from her board, his eyes tracking her carefully, his mandibles shifting a bit.

    What happened next caught him off guard.

    As the Milotic got close, Tyrannus began to think up an encouraging jab, but then she leaned up and planted a soft peck upon one of his red orbs. A deep blush came across his face under his eyes, mandibles apart under the water in shock. He slid down under the surface with his eyes peeking out from between the water and his cap. He was too prideful to let her see that blush, though he had forgotten about Zeke entirely at that moment. He watched with softened eyes as Yusei moved her lithe body around in the waters before using Recover. A few bubbles went up around him. He was frustrated, but he was speechless; thanks to this irrate, bossy, moody, aggresive, prideful, lovely, gorgeo- Dammit! He cursed himself. For the first time in his life, he was at a loss for words, all because of this Milotic. Maybe he was getting soft? Losing his vicious touch? Who knew.

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:49 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (14)

    Zeke hoisted himself up onto the same log as before and watched with longing eyes as Yusei quickly downed the Sitrus Berry. Although he'd recently raided an abandoned house's berry stash the Golduck felt hungry again as he watched Yusei eat. He patted his chunky belly, urging it to be patient; he could gorge himself again pretty soon ... hopefully.

    But then things got weird. Yusei leaned over to Tyrannus and gave him a kiss on one of his red orbs. Zeke watched the scene in combined amusement and disbelief. One minute they're acting like they want to kill each other and then the next they're all lovey-dovey? He squeezed the upper part of his beak between his eyes and shook his head. I knew leaving home was a bad idea.

    They'd seemed to have forgotten that he was even there. Sitting up straight, Zeke cleared his throat loudly to get their attention. "Er, if you're finished, perhaps we should figure out what to do next? Maybe ... having a look round for more survivors might be good. Just the three of us isn't going to be enough what with this zombie apocalypse that came out of nowhere."

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:33 pm

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    Pacifidlog||Late Afternoon(22)

    Yusei smiled gently, and looked towards Zeke. "Yes that is a fine idea I think. Although the likely hood of finding anyone else is very low." She said her voice gentle and kind. Yusei's demeanor had softened quite a bit now that she wasn't feeling like she was about to die. Of course that didn't mean she wasn't going to stop insulting(or coming up with witty comebacks for) Tyrannus. 'But I will lay off for a little while' Yusei thought to herself with a small mental smirk.

    "However before we look for others, I suggest we find food and a small shelter of sorts." Yusei suggested over Zeke's own request. She had been surviving pretty fine on her own up until now after all. Of course she hadn't come across any Wailord before and didn't really know how to combat them. Yusei knew she was strong though, and she learned fast in battle. The only problem was that her best friends were gone. "Alucard.....Alice...." Yusei murmured to herself with a sad sigh as she swam a small distance from the group.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:37 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (13)

    The Tentacruel gave a short nod, turning and beginning to move where more of the wrecked buildings were. "I'll take care of gathering food. I should be able to carry more than you two thanks to my tentacles." Without giving anyone any time to say anything to the contrary, he was already off and searching, beginning to sift through some of the wreckage.

    [OoC: Short post is short. =w=]

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:24 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (15)

    Yusei looked over at him and Zeke was startled that she didn't scream at him. Makes a nice change. She expressed her agreement with finding other survivors but then stated that the likelihood of finding anyone was rather low. Still sat on his log, Zeke raised his hands into a shrug. "Ah well, it's still worth a try, right?"

    "However before we look for others, I suggest we find food and a small shelter of sorts," the Milotic then said. Zeke immediately cast his mind back to the house where he'd found the pouch of berries, but there was no more food in there and the house had been tilted and half-submerged in water so it wasn't very comfortable. I knew I shouldn't have scoffed them all for myself.

    "I'll take care of gathering food. I should be able to carry more than you two thanks to my tentacles," said Tyrannus. The mention of food made Zeke's constantly hungry stomach rumble once more, but the Tentacruel seemed to have taken control of the situation as he drifted off and began searching through some rubble. Zeke suddenly found himself on his own since Yusei had drifted away as well. Dropping off his log into the water, he swam over to the Milotic. "So, er ... guess we'd better look for a shelter then?"

    Posts : 5

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Wailord Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:38 pm


    Wailord swam leisurely through the seas, his gaping maw sucking in many smaller pokemon as he moved through the water. It didn't matter to him if they were alive or not, his hunger was never satisfied. The massive Float Whale could eat everything in the entire ocean and still be hungry...it was such a maddening curse. As he swam he came across the sunken town of Pacifidlog, an area he had known well, as he was one of the beasts who caused its demise. He had led an army of his brethren to this place and happily sent the humans to their watery graves. At least, those who didn't end up in his massive belly.


    As luck would have it, there were two Pokemon atop one of the old bridges that used to float from building to building. One a turtle and one some kind of mud puppy. They were completely oblivious to the world around them so the whale decided to give himself a bit of sport. Swimming by, seemingly unnoticed, he got some distance before shifting his tail and turning his bulk of a body around. Suddenly, with a tremendous force, he pumped his tail up and down sending him flying through the water. When he reached a point he was sure to succeed the oversize whale used Bounce to propel himself from the water, his entire from breaking surface. He sailed high enough to completely shadow the two before his body gave up the moment and used Heavy Slam, sending him crashing down on top of them.

    Completely stunned they began to sink so Wailord took his time and gathered himself before swimming up, mouth agape, and took them both in one bite. Happy with his little exercise he swam off, not caring to even check if anyone else had been there.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:34 pm

    [OoC: I'm just gonna skip for now. I got nothing. Let's just say he was going from place to place, gathering what he could.]

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:39 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (16)

    While Zeke waited for Yusei's reply, he spotted two new Pokemon standing on a nearby log. He raised his webbed hand to give them a wave, but then another Wailord came crashing out from underneath the waves. Zeke immediately dived underwater and swam a good distance away, stopping and turning round just in time to see the Wailord landing back in the water with a massive splash. Hanging out of its giant mouth he saw the limbs of the two Pokemon he'd seen on the log, trailing thick blood behind them in the murky water. The Wailord swam off without paying him any notice. The Golduck simply floated for a while, completely stunned. How quickly the lives of those two Pokemon had ended ... If it was over that quickly for them, it could happen to anyone. He'd have to keep his wits about him more often.

    When he was sure that the coast was clear, he resurfaced and swam back to Yusei, checking that the Milotic was all right. No doubt that such a massive Pokemon leaping out of the water had caused one hell of a wave on the surface.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:42 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (14)

    Tyrannus was, safe to say, irritated. More than usual. There was a house here in Pacifidlog that he often stored things in as a safehouse were it needed, and one crucial thing in this house was a berry stash. One that had been raided. And given the warmth emanating off of the wood paneling around the room, it was fresh. Recent. Someone here raided it. And the Tentacruel had a good idea of who.

    However, before he could get out and perform his tirade, a loud crash of waves were heard. What in the name of Arceus was that?! He peeked out and extended his tentacles down to push himself up and see. There was a large shadow and a massive wake, but he didn't know what caused it. Whatever it was, he was glad that the thing was gone. Now, back to the matters at hand.

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:24 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (17)

    Zeke floated around on the surface for a while, but Yusei was nowhere in sight. He found it strange that the Milotic could launch an assault on one that had full intent on killing her, and then fled like a startled Pidgey when one appeared that completely ignored her. "Ah well ... she might come back later," he muttered to himself as he swam towards Tyrannus, who was still collecting food nearby. "Well, Yusei has done a runner, but do you want me to help you there, pal?" he asked cheerfully, patting the Tentacruel on the side of the head.

    ((Where'd everyone go? :[)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:24 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (15)

    Tyrannus was extremely...Angry. Not just irritated, all out angry. Lowered cap casting a shadow over his eyes as he turned his narrowed eyes to the Golduck. Then, Zeke tried to pat the Tentacruel on his head. A big mistake given the current situation. "Help...Me?" Tyrannus asked. Just the way his voice quivered and deepened, one could tell he was beyond his normal irritation; it was about the level he had when fighting that undead Wailord. "You want...To help me...? Heh...Alright...You can help me..."

    And then...The dual type snapped, lashing out. Four tentacles bound each of the Golduck's limbs and pulled them out to where he was suspended in the air, a fifth going out and wrapping around Zeke's stomach. "YOU CAN HELP ME BY COUGHING UP MY SURVIVAL STASH OF FOOD!!" Tyrannus roared. The Tentacruel was pissed. If brought together the rage of a Primeape, a Gyarados, and a Tyranitar and shoved it into a pokemon, you'd have gotten Tyrannus at that moment.

    [OoC: Permission for this Golduck abuse was given by Nightfall. Everyone left Night...;w;]
    [OoC Part 2: And can we get an Anger Management Counseler or Yusei or something in here? Owo]

    Last edited by Ark on Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typos and user error FTW!!!)

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:05 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (18)

    Before Zeke could ask about the strange way in which Tyrannus was acting, all four of his limbs were grabbed tightly by the his tentacles and he was suspended several feet above the water. "What the hell-- OOOOW!" A fifth tentacle extended around his belly and squeezed. Hard.

    "YOU CAN HELP ME BY COUGHING UP MY SURVIVAL STASH OF FOOD!!" the Tentacruel bellowed. Zeke looked down at him like he'd gone completely mental. "What in the name of Arceus are you talking about? What survival stash? The only food I found was in ... oh shit." So that was why those berries had been in that house, and in his constant hunger he had guzzled every last one of them. Zeke would've slapped his hand to his head if he could move it.

    With a strained sigh he looked down at the Tentacruel. "Look, I'm really sorry, OK? I swear I had no idea they were yours. I just thought that the humans had left them behind or something. I promise I'll -- ack! -- I promise I'll help you replace them," he started to ramble as the tentacle around his stomach started to hurt him. "There are several small islands around here and -- ow! -- I'll show you where they are and -- stop squeezing so much!" he yelped, trying feebly to kick his legs. "I'll puke ... and I'll aim for your head!" he added mischievously, but immediately wished he hadn't. "J-Just put me down, yeah?" His nervous smile quivered. "We can work something out!"

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:05 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (16)

    After hearing the Golduck's pleas and explanations, Tyrannus gave a heavy and irritated sigh, releasing the Golduck. However, the Jellyfish pokemon's release was a bit unconventional as he drew back all five tentacles at once, leaving Zeke to free fall back into the water. The Tentacruel was still fairly pissed about learning that the same, light-hearted Golduck whom he befriended was also the same Golduck who ravaged and devoured his entire food stash for survival. It wasn't so much that it was a stash; he had others. It was just that this one took the longest to gather and it was the most difficult to defend since Pacifidlog was out of his territorial boundaries.

    Once Zeke had recovered and surfaced so he could hear Tyrannus clearly, the male spoke. "Alright, I'll let you help me. Given the current situation, I'm still not happy, but we'll have to stick together." The Tentacruel light patted the Golduck on the back. "Besides, I could teach you a thing or two about survival!"

    Age : 30
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:56 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town/Late Afternoon (19)

    To Zeke's utter relief, Tyrannus finally let go of him. He didn't even mind that he'd simply been dropped into the water like a pebble; it gave him a moment to float on the currents and rub his aching limbs and belly. When he felt it was safe, he resurfaced just as Tyrannus spoke: "Alright, I'll let you help me. Given the current situation, I'm still not happy, but we'll have to stick together." Zeke flinched as he raised one of his tentacles, but it only patted him lightly on the back. "Besides, I could teach you a thing or two about survival!"

    Zeke grinned, glad that he himself wasn't about to replace the missing berries as a meal. He slowly span around in the water and had a look around, trying to remember where he'd seen these islands. "Sounds like a plan! I just gotta remember where..." There had been a large island to the north-east of Pacifidlog, but a huge pillar had towered over it and it hadn't looked very inviting. The others had nothing special about them, but he didn't get to see if there was any plant-life on them. "Er ... well, truth be told, I don't really know these waters as well as I thought I did," he said carefully, rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, you're from the eastern waters, right? D'you know if any of the islands around there had a habitat? Like, with berry bushes and stuff? The only other option we have is that big pillar, but I don't fancy that. Looks a little creepy."

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:00 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Late Afternoon (17)

    Tyrannus paused, scratching one of his orbs with a tentacle as he looked down. "Yes, there are environments both above and below waters...But, there is something out near the western waters that has always perplexed me..." The older and larger Tentacruel paused for a moment before turning, looking to the west. "The humans called it Mirage Island...And it was aptly named...I've only seen it twice...Every other time, the place where it is, or was, located was just rocks and water...Though, I always wondered what was on that island..."

    [OoC: This ought to move the story along, hm?]

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