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    Age : 28
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    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:56 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town||Early Afternoon(1)

    Yusei lay sleeping curled atop one of the still barely floating wooden platforms.His tail twitched for a couple of seconds before Yusei's eyes snapped open and he rolled off the large platform just before it sunk completely into the surrounding waters. Yusei sighed, this town reminded him of ruins he had visited before in the Johto area. Though just not quite as dark.

    Yusei sighed and swam under the waves, he was hungry but there wasn't a whole lot to eat. He thought perhaps he could find some untainted food in the half sunken pokemon center. Swimming through the door which was half under water he emerged within the metal building and began to search for food.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:42 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    He was drifting, just barely afloat upon the large sea. Leviathan was much appreciative of his miniature size at the moment, since no one dare bothered to eat the small ones, but he had always imagined himself as a grand Gyarados; his trainer didn’t like the hefty bulk of one, and so he had stayed a small Magikarp.

    Hum... It had been much too long, Lev thought with a wince, that he had last seen life. His family of other fishes had shown onto him that life was indeed worth living... that is, until they died so recently and harshly, their blood staining the ocean’s waters. Let’s not think of that... The Magikarp squinted his eyes and let the sea wash away his tears. He can cry later. Hopefully.

    Pacifidlog? Ah, a town he was familiar with! Lev pushed forward with renewed energy, glad that at last, there was something in his life that was not in ruins. Never mind that. He thought with a heavy mind as he realized that the houses in the town were broken up, the logs of the city no longer held up by the bountiful Corsola.

    Is everything and everyone going to die around me? The Fish Pokemon shook his head in shame, flopping onto a log for some rest. When will my time come? I don’t deserve to live... Lev stayed on his side, awaiting death silently and with anguish.

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:57 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town||Early Afternoon(2)

    After much banging around in the metal building Yusei swam back out his prize held in his tail. Three enigma berries and a bag of oran berries. "I haven't found this much food in a long time. I wonder if I can eat it all. Unless maybe theres someone here who could share with me."Yusei said loudly as he surfaced. To the untrained eye Yusei looked to be female, due to his extreme beauty. With a strangely awkward shrug like motion Yusei swam over to a semi-floating wood platform and set the food down.

    Afterwords he looked around to make sure the water was clear of infected. Once making sure the water was safe the large and beautiful milotic curled around the bag on the platform and began to eat the berries by himself. Though he was used to being alone by now, Yusei wished deep down he had a companion to talk to.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:27 am

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    Bang! Leviathan looked up in surprise when he heard the harsh sound of something crashing into a building close by. Bang! The Magikarp gasped in surprise, preparing to use Splash to get out of the way. He flapped his fins, but that was when he noticed a figure slither out of a building quietly. Wha? Lev stopped whatever form of action he decided to do, as what he saw was a Milotic, also known as one of the most beautiful Pokemon in the world!

    And from experience, with a quick glance at how long its eyebrows told Leviathan that the Milotic was a male. A chance to reveal myself! Although nervous to meet a new Pokemon so early after losing many, he was near desperate to be around someone and know that they were alive as well. Loneliness can drive people insane if not treated quickly. The Magikarp rolled himself into the ocean, and began to swim over to the Milotic.

    “H-hello!” Lev said enthusiastically, albeit just a tad shy. He had prepped his head (however much of a head he had) upon the edge of the platform the Milotic resided on, his body floating with the ocean’s currents. He hadn’t used his voice in so long - there was no use for it when there wasn’t anyone to hear it. And how refreshing it feels to say something to someone. He didn’t dare come any nearer until the other water type proved he wasn’t going to attack him though.

    One can never be too careful nowadays. Imagine if he went right up to every little moving thing he saw; for certain he wouldn’t have survived this long. Opening and closing his mouth with the phrase ‘glub glub glub’, Lev speculated at how lonely he was. “Mind if I j-join you?” He eyed the berries the Milotic had with him favorably.

    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:44 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town||Early Afternoon(3)

    Yusei heard a voice say "H-hello." which caused him to look about. When Yusei looked down he saw a magikarp flopping about. He spoke again requesting to join Yusei to eat. Yusei thought on it, though he didn't exactly enjoy eating a meal with something so small and ugly. However this was no time to judge appearances, after all before Yusei evolved he was just as hideous, if not more. 'Well I guess it would be okay, I mean he may be a ugly little fish but at least he's living' Yusei said to himself.

    "I guess you can, I mean there is a lot and a Queen such as myself should not be eating all this food to himself. I mean think of all the weight I'll gain."Yusei said in a mildly disgusted tone. Giving the floppy fish a bit of a dirty look Yusei moved the bag so it was easier for them to share. Then Yusei grumbled and turned his head away from the hideous sight and ate his food silently.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:33 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    “... I mean there is a lot and a Queen such as myself should not be eating all this food to himself. I mean think of all the weight I'll gain." Thank Arceus above! The Magikarp disregarded the degrading undertone as he happily took an Oran berry to himself, the blue orb seemingly like paradise after so long. In all honesty he could not remember the last time he had eaten, shocking as it was. He blinked in gratefulness to the Milotic before him as he ingested the berry.

    “My trainer a-always said to eat as much as I c-can so that I can keep up m-my energy.” Leviathan said cautiously but in a friendly manner, before realizing he should explain himself. “Seeing as how I’m g-going to become a large Gyarados when I evolve, I n-need to have as much energy as I can fathom.” Satisfied with his answer, and hoping the Milotic wouldn’t think badly of him as he took another berry, the Fish Pokemon couldn’t thank him enough. If I hadn’t found food in time...

    He frankly did not want to imagine if he had died. So many of his friends and family and loved ones had died for his sake, as he watched them die at moments when he should have. The Magikarp flapped his fins to keep himself afloat, wanting so badly to evolve right then and there, to give himself a greater chance at surviving. But Lev had decided long ago that he would prevent his evolution until he was certain he was ready for it.

    “Can I ask y-your name?” Lev asked nervously, not sure if the high-and-mighty Milotic would deem him worthy of hearing his name. The Magikarp looked around the sea’s grand landscape, seeing it as a wide world of many tragedies. And many miracles. Yes, he should think positively! There was still hope in the world, despite how drab it may seem. Turning back to the Tender Pokemon, Leviathan nodded his body in acknowledgement. It was okay if he rejected his offer. But it would be rather nice to know his name! “I’m Leviathan, named after the great ocean monster.” He forced his voice to sound more assured of himself, but with one look at the Milotic’s disapproving gaze, Lev’s courage faltered.
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    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:48 am

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    Pacifidlog Town||Early Afternoon(4)

    Yusei grumbled some more it wasn't necessarily that he hated the Magikarp. In fact he really only behaved towards the Magikarp so harshly because he hated himself and the memories that it brought."Yusei."He said trying to avoid speaking as much as possible. With a deep sigh, Yusei slithered away from the bag, avoiding direct eye contact with Lev.

    "You can have the rest."Yusei mumbled softly. Then the Milotic curled up and burrowed his head within his coils.If you looked closely you could see the weak heaving almost as if he was crying.Which he was, quietly the Milotic cried as he remembered his past. His friends, his father, his trainer and her sister. Each one of their memories brought fresh tears to Yusei's eyes making him feel more pathetic than he already did.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:56 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    "You can have the rest." The Milotic, who had introduced himself as ‘Yusei’, had turned away sullenly, leaving the bag all to himself. Yum! Lev smiled in happiness as he pulled the bag with his mouth closer to himself, taking out two more berries and taking his sweet time while eating it. Only after a few minutes of ingesting those two berries and the Milotic still by his lonesome did the Magikarp begin to feel concerned. But what would he say?

    He didn’t exactly know the Milotic - heck, other than their names, they didn’t know anything else! Nonetheless, Leviathan swam on over to where the serpent lay, his body heaving upward and downward suddenly, as if he were... crying. Lev frowned, wishing he knew what he could say in comfort. He had no consoling words, since he knew not what the problem was. He had to way to settle whatever pain Yusei was experiencing, since he didn’t know what had happened. He couldn’t do anything.

    Lev closed his eyes in thought. He had told himself just a week ago as he watched his trainer drink sea water in desperation for some sort of liquid to replenish himself with, only to kill himself in the end with the sudden rush of salt. When the Fish Pokemon opened his eyes once again, he had a gentle and kind determination set in his face. “... Do you want to talk about it?” He obviously had no words to describe the situation, so he went right to it, his heart thudding with worry. Perhaps he was selfish for thinking so, but the Magikarp was afraid that in the end, he would be the one taking the emotional brunt of this new acquaintance he had found.

    The fish scanned his eyes throughout the broken town of Pacifidlog, finding the world to be dying and killing itself outside in.Leviathan made ‘glubbing’ noises with his mouth, wondering where in the world could living Pokemon hide from the undead. I shiver to think we’d actually have to fight them! The Magikarp didn’t have the heart to kill the undead, knowing that at one point in their life they were actually alive and well. “O-oh?” Lev could’ve sworn he had seen red orbs in the blue ocean! He turned to face Yusei and tell him of his find, but seeing how he was still down, the Magikarp knew that there were things that were more important that finding another Pokemon.

    Casting one last look at the red orbs, he focused on the Milotic now, wanting to help Yusei but not feeling entirely confident on what to do.
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    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:51 am

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    Pacifidlog Town||Early Afternoon(5)

    Yusei ignored the Magikarp as it ate. Only concerning himself with diving into the water when he was offered help. Yusei despised speaking of his problems."NO I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!"Yusei screamed through his tears. Yusei hated talking about anything that bothered him, especially with those that bothered him. Leaving Lev by his lonesome, Yusei swam off and into one of the underwater houses. Hoping that in doing so, Lev would leave him alone for now.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:08 am

    [ooc: skippy orz. I dunno what to write for Lev at the moment, so... just say he stared at the place where Yusei swam to. dflakd]
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    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:52 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town||Afternoon(6)

    Yusei twisted underwater in a silent angry dance. He hated being around creatures that reminded him of his past and how he was when he was just a pathetic little Feebas. Being as high and fancy as he was, Yusei expected to no longer have to deal with his past, or those that reminded him of it. Yet here he was, faced with this problem, the same one he was trying to escape.

    Shaking with rage Yusei growled, the water rose above him. In his anger he had used Surf. The giant wave carried Yusei up above the water as it headed towards the wooden platform Lev was on. Yusei realized in that moment he couldn't stop it because the wave was too close to the platform."LOOK OUT!" He cried angrily. Yusei was both upset and angry now. Unable to control his own powers in the event of his anger he simply just let it wash over him and hoped that the living got out of the way.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:17 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    "Please excuse my manners... I call myself Francis." Leviathan turned around to the source of the voice, opening and closing his mouth in mild shock as he realized there was a Tentacruel. The Magikarp waved his flippers, wondering why this Tentacruel was so small - he had not actually seen one firsthand before, but he was certain they would be larger! The Fish Pokemon shook himself out of his stupor, knowing it was just a tad rude to be staring so carelessly at someone who had been so kind at first meeting.

    “Excuse myself, ha ha! I’m Leviathan, Lev for short!” The Magikarp swam closer to the Francis, sincerely liking the jovial happiness that was coming off him in waves. He suddenly stopped himself however, hurt flashing in his eyes, but another moment passed and the orange fish was as happy as he was before. It’s okay to find new friends Lev. He reassured himself in his mind, telling himself that not everyone he would meet would end up hurting him. And the hurt wasn’t intentional in the first place... Leviathan smiled in glee once again, but this time it was just a bit more subdued.

    "LOOK OUT!" The Magikarp spun around rapidly to see a large wall of water coming towards both Francis and himself. W-what? Just as the powerful Surf came upon them, Lev could see the Milotic from earlier atop the waves, hardened eyes looking at him. W-why? The harsh waves hit him square on, his fins not entirely developed, causing him to be pushed along with the current. Lev stopped himself by grabbing onto a broken log of Pacifidlog Town, but his eyes had begun to water up.

    He blamed the ocean and the salt within it, but as a fish he was immune to that. He blamed his memories playing tricks on him, but that was only one part of it. That wasn’t an accident... Leviathan flopped himself onto the log, wiping away the tears, and looked out the sea to look for the Tentacruel he had just met (with a twinge in his heart, he’d rather avoid the Milotic). “Francis? A-are you out t-there?”
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    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:17 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon (7)

    Yusei sunk under the water with shame, he now felt horrible for what he had done. Even though it wasn't entirely his own fault, he would have stopped it, froze it with his Ice Beam if he could have. 'There was no time, even if I tried it wouldn't have worked.' Yusei thought at himself with disgust.

    Even in anger the Miloti still swam elegantly. He reached the surface and heard the other two shout to each other. Before swimming back to them Yusei gently tapped the tooth on his neck with his tail for luck. He was no longer angry at anyone except himself, and it showed in the way he now carried his head. Instead of being held high as expected of him it hung low nearly touching the water.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:12 am

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    “I am alright Leviathan. Are you okay?” The said Magikarp focused his eyes on the nearing Tentacruel, wishing to reassure the jellyfish but not having the heart to lie. Not really... Why did this small act of unjustly directed hate have to affect him so greatly? He should put this behind him, smile at the Milotic and say that he had forgiven him. Lev rolled off the log and began to sullenly swim towards Francis; his mind was heavy with thoughts as to why Yusei would do such a thing.

    But he still had Francis to think about. Forcing on a small smile, he made his way over to the Tentacruel. Better to have friends than to not, right? “I’ve been better.” It wasn’t really technically a lie - he wasn’t implying that he was alright, but he wasn’t necessarily saying that he was downright depressed (which he wasn’t!). The Fish Pokemon looked around absentmindedly, wishing that he could forget the last few moments and still wonder where Yusei was without the hurt he was feeling along with it.

    That was when he saw Yusei, a sorrowful face on him as he swam nearer to them with an unsure look. Lev wasn’t sure if he felt guilt for prying into the life of a Pokemon he barely knew, or angry at how Yusei acted based on emotions, or... Glub. The Magikarp really didn’t know what he felt at the moment. It was all just a jumbled mess in his mind, everything was distorted and he didn’t know what to feel. He turned towards the Milotic, steeling his determination.

    “W-w-why?” His stuttering came out more often than it normally would, and with a quiet sigh, Leviathan looked at Yusei. The Magikarp, although hurt, wanted to know first. Behind every action there is a reason - and behind every face is a background. The Fish Pokemon stuck close to Francis, not sure if he should prepare for another attack.
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    Age : 28
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:51 pm

    (OOC- I'm not letting Yusei die and i can't think of anything so please skip.))

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:40 pm

    [ooc: can't do much since Yusei didn't reply jfsda]
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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    "L-listen... If you need someone to talk to, I will be more than glad to let you talk to me if you want. I don't judge." Francis made an attempt to make the situation at least somewhat better, and Lev gave a small smile in return. ... Thank you. It really warmed his heart, knowing that there were others in the world still that weren't entirely hardened by the modern day's troubles; one look at the nearing Milotic, however, caused his smile to falter.

    As the Tentacruel beside him began to interrogate Yusei, the Magikarp had mixed emotions. Was he angry at the unnecessary action? Was he sad at the sudden betrayal? Or am I just curious as to why Yusei did it...? The Fish Pokemon floated a bit, looking at the serpentine fish critically. Leviathan wasn't sure what he felt, but he had questions, and when he had questions, he wanted answers. Glub, now to find a way to get those answers. Fluttering his fins, the little Pokemon swam forward, just enough to appear to be in front of Francis.

    "Y-Yusei? Just tell us you w-won't do that ag-gain." The words played on his lips, jumping out with a small stutter. "But... why?"
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:28 pm

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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon (8)

    Yusei frowned weakly, he really hadn't meant to attack so viciously he was just angry."I-I'm sorry, but you don't need to yell at me for it, I simply lost my temper momentarily." Yusei said shyly. He hated being confronted, it made him feel weak and pathetic. Sadly at this time there was nothing to be done about it. Even if he wanted he could not bring himself to attack again, no matter how much he despised either of the lesser pokemon.

    "Look, lets just put this behind us." He hissed, trying to seem more confident like his demeanor would suggest. Yusei knew he was a leader, and that is how he had to act. Even if it meant others hating him for it. That was a leaders job, to take responsibly of his actions and then move on. Even if others couldn't see it that way.

    Age : 26
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    The PACIFIDLOG Team Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:32 pm

    [ooc: sorry ;w; didn't know you posted Scrat!]
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    Pacifidlog Town | Early Afternoon

    "... I have met few souls on my travels unaffected by the Epidemic like Leviathan and I will not allow you to continue attacking Lev like he does not matter, or me for that matter," Lev listened to the words of Francis that were edged in warning, and it took a moment for the Magikarp to process what had been said. H-huh? His inside voice stuttered, though more so for embarrassment than for anything else. What did the Tentacruel mean when he had said 'unaffected'? Leviathan fluttered his fins consciously as Yusei continued to come closer.

    "I-I'm sorry, but you don't need to yell at me for it, I simply lost my temper momentarily." Even though they had only known each other for such a short time, the Fish Pokemon hadn't expected Yusei to be the apologizing type. He stared at the Milotic for a moment, before smile in acceptance. We shouldn't be fighting anyhow. The Magikarp was more than ready to forgive and forget, and get on with life. Lev guessed that this serpent just had trouble expressing his feelings; with that thought in mind, he was ready to tell Yusei that he was forgi-

    "Look, lets just put this behind us." The jutted words were thrown at him, cutting off Lev's train of thought. Where had the sensitive Yusei from before go? The recently said words were hissed, authority seeping into them. Leviathan waved his fins about in confusion, looking towards Francis with a questioning glance. Glub? What exactly happened right now? Which Yusei was the true one - the sensitive and repenting Milotic, or the strict and commanding one?

    Trying to be upbeat, the Magikarp nodded to Yusei. "If it m-makes you feel any b-better, I forgive you." By the time he had finished his sentence, his heart was beating, anxious as to whether he should be happy that Yusei showed regret, or confusion to the sudden change of emotion. ... Glub.
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