Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters



    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:55 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Somewhere under Mirage Island|Night (33)

    Hannah followed Torque over to an old sail that was blocking a cave. She giggled again because he rubbed his snout on her belly again. He found the spot on her where she's ticklish. The Lanturn watched as he swam down to gather some sea anemone to give her, not expecting one of them to sting him on his snout. She giggled again as he dropped them and pressed his snout against her cheek. Using her fin to rub the place where he was stung, she whispered to him. "Is this what you wanted to show me? If so, lead the way inside."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:04 pm

    (pass...im having trouble keeping the laptop long enough to be able to post right now.)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:19 pm

    (I think I'll opt to skip...I honestly can't think of anything at the moment.)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:47 pm

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    Mirage Island | Evening (27)(19)

    Grimace could do anything to stop the beast. It was barreling towards Tyrannus with momentum. Grim attacked with all of his might but he was quite weak. He couldn't do anything, he didn't have any physical moves to throw it off guard so Tyrannus was going to be eaten, and Grim couldn't stop it.

    Grim! Hey Grim where are you?!?! Thomas shouted looking for Grim to help him find the others. He had just dove in where Grim had and had been searching for about 30 seconds. He then ran into Grim unexpectantly and saw him mouth agape firing Swifts and Dark Pulses at a giant Wailord that was headed strait for Tyrannus. He saw that Grim was having trouble so Thomas bolted using his Bubble Beam to propel him strait at the Pokemon and he then used Night Slash.

    As if the legends had answered his prayers Thomas came bolting by using his Night Slash attack and, catching the Pokemon off guard, the Wailord stumbled to the side and slammed into a rock. It was Grimace's turn now to attack. He also had bolted with his Bubble Beam and struck the Poke in the side expelling Blood like a fountain. Grim now dug into the giant being and when he assumed he was in the middle, he used a combination of Dark Pulse and Swift in a spinning motion. The beast then exploded. Grim had then leveled up about three times.

    Thomas watched in aw and in envy as Grim bravely dove into the undead and used his moves to destroy it for good. He was just so stunned in amazement at how when he first met him, a small shy little morsel, now exploding giant Wailords as a Crawdaunt. Thomas had the feeling that Grim was growing up too fast only because he had to live in a world filled with undead, ungrateful beings. Grim, Thomas began, I have the pleasure in saying, I'm proud of you! After he said this he got teary eyed.

    ((OoC: This post goes:

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:11 am

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    Under Mirage Island Somewhere| Evening(28)

    Torque wagged his lower half with absence of a tail and closed the sail behind Hannah. Her lights caught the surrounding gems making the cave light up with a beautiful sparkly light. Torque grinned and rested on the bottom of the cave beside Hannah with a stupid grin on his face. The grin of being rendered dumb by love. He could imagine them riding this Epidemic out and settling down to be together forever. Just Torque and Hannah. Maybe mini-Hannahs too! Torque could imagine coming home after gathering berries and being tackled down by a bunch of little Chinchous and hearing them squeal "Daddy!" and hearing Hannah chuckle softly in the background before kissing his cheek and leave him to play with the mini-Hannahs while she prepared the berries. Torque liked that thought.

    ((OoC: And thus Torque's final post as a happy, optimistic Sharpedo comes to an end))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Min Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:15 pm

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    Under Mirage Island Somewhere| |Evening
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    Oh how he missed the seas.

    For so long had the Swampert traveled the land--he had almost forgotten the feeling of the tide against him, arms thrusting back to propel himself forwards. It had been a while since his last meal, the nagging hunger tugging at his stomach. Opening his mouth, he tasted the ocean, flexing his arms in anticipation. He looked upwards to where the water was lighter from the rays of sunlight cascading down. Widening his eyes, he could catch the sight of a few, small figures under the Mirage Island. Drowned's lips suddenly contort upwards in a sick grin, a deep, low chuckle emitted from his throat.

    "DRRRRRRRRRRRRRROWWNING LeSsOnS..." he giggled with mad delight, crawling across the murky floors, smile only growing wider as he felt their happiness radiating through the waves. They must be family, the sight of the Lanturn nuzzling the Sharpedo only providing more evidence to his theory. A little Chinchou was with them too... their child? The Swampert no longer remembered his own family, barely able to make out the face of his gorgeous sister in his mind. Shaking such thoughts away, he drew closer to the couple.

    Burying himself in the filthy sands in the bottom of the sea, only his glowing red eyes stood out as he watched them, patient as he waited for the perfect time to strike. Drowned was silent, motionless. Only a few minutes passed before he burst into motion, erupting out from the Earth as he propelled upwards, catching the Lanturn within his jaws in one, swift movement. He cackled with an unnerving insanity, landing out of the water and on the shores of the cave. "PrEtTy LiGhTtTtT~" he purrs, before crushing the fish's lamp with his bare hands.

    He turned towards the Lanturn's mate, a Sharpedo, giggling in mad fits as he held he still-alive fish from her tail, the female screeching in a mixture of fear and pain. "SaY bYe ByE!" he smiles sweetly, slowly slurping in the body of Hannah like spaghetti, a disgusting crunch resonating through the cave as he crushed each bone with his maw. As he reached the head, he clamped down sharply, the female's eyes suddenly gouged out from the pressure and hanging from her sockets. "TaStY!"

    Swallowing the rest of the Lanturn down, he gave one last innocent glance at the Sharpedo, before chuckling darkly, his face transformed into one of malice and hatred. "PiTiFuL, pItIfUl ThInGs..." he sneered, before leaping back into the murky waters, slamming his body onto the sandy ground. Suddenly, the island itself began to shake, a massive Earthquake trembling the Earth, the Swampert using this to his advantage, swimming out of the cave and around the island.

    [OOC: Hannah has been killed. I will be floating here for one or two more turns.]

    Posts : 5

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Wailord Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:24 pm

    He hadn't been gone long from these waters and yet something was calling him back, something... His massive tail pushed through the water as he followed the pulsing trails of other fish and water Pokemon. His torn and ragged flesh left trails of black ooze as he swam, the current pushing them forward and ushering them in before his arrival. A tell tale sign of the coming Harbinger.

    He neared the island and a curious sight caught his eye, a long serpentine body swimming in the blue water. Her vibrant colors made her stand out against the pale hues and the light from above reflected off of her scaly hide. Delighted with his find he pushed his bulky body through the water at top speed and swooped in on his catch, mouth open and suction pulling in everything around. Including the Milotic and something small.

    When he felt the heavy weight of a body on his tongue he clamped his mouth shut, using the mighty organ to crush the female into the room of his mouth and delighted as he felt her blood running down his throat. He didn't even realize that he taken in a small child of a Chinchou as well, the blood mingling together to produce such a sweet treat. Swallowing hard he settled with allowing the currents to pull him away and send him to find his next meal.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:35 am

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    Evening | Mirage Island (29)

    The old Tentacruel couldn't believe his eyes; first in sight, a Wailord had come through and completely devoured Yusei. The Milotic was gone, no scream, no questions asked, no goodbye...Just gone. Tyrannus was stunned for a moment. The Jellyfish pokemon had never felt this feeling in his gullet. Something was stirring. He'd felt anger and rage before, but this was driven by something else. But what?

    Then the island began to tremble, an earthquake was rocking the elusive land. A sickly tailfin broke the surface for a brief second. Torque and Hannah were nowhere to be found. Tyrannus shifted, panicking slightly as he just didn't know what to do. That feeling that drove this new rage rose again. What was it? What was this emotion that was fueling his rising anger and aggression? Then it hit him. He realized what this new drive was.

    Compassion. Care. Love.

    For as long as the Tentacruel could remember, he never cared for anyone other than himself. He had nothing to love but his own home. Tyrannus had never given two flying Wingulls about anything except for himself and his own interests in his life; until now. With tears welling up in his eyes, the Tentacruel's mandible's quivered before he loosed a deafening roar that could be heard above and below the sea's surface. The water/poison dual type saw red from sheer anger and rage, charging straight for whatever was circling the island. The Tentacruel's world had just been flipped upside down, and now he only felt sheer rage, a Poison Jab preparing in all 80 of his tentacles.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:16 am

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    Mirage Island | Evening (28)(20)

    What Grimace witnessed wasn't just terrifying, but sad too. Others might have only seen Yusei be eaten, but where Grim was floating, he saw a babyish looking Chinchou. He was mad at all Wailords because one tried to eat one of his friends, but another one did eat one of his friends, and a baby. He wanted all Wailords gone. Grim was about to do the same things he did to kill the first one to the second one, but it left quickly. Grimace swam away to find Torque and Hannah. He knew where they were because he saw Hannah's light faintly going into a cave. He finally found himself in the cave, and what he saw was truly horrifying. He watched an probably undead Swampert gulp down Hannah and dived away causing an earthquake. He needed to get away from this place. He was probably next. He swam over to Thomas and said, We are leaving... now!

    Thomas had seen, at first, a Wailord almost eat Tyrannus and maybe Grim, now he saw it eat Yusei. Oh man oh man. He wasn't sure he wanted to be around this place anymore. Grim had swam away, probably to tell Torque and Hannah about Yusei. Then moments after Grim was out of sight, an Earthquake happened. What saw was truly... disgusting. It was an undead Swampert smiling evilly. Grim had almost scared him half to death when he came up behind him and said they were leaving. Thomas agreed and they started swimming away from this wretched place. Before he knew it, the island disappeared.

    ((OoC: Leaving post, it was fun RPing with all of you! I'll miss you!))

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:01 pm

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    Evening | Mirage Island (30)

    With pause, tears streaming down his eyes and mixing with the salty waters around him, Tyrannus shook his head as the poisonous technique dispersed. The Tentacruel couldn't take it. He had to get out of the area, go back home, hide away and stay there for the rest of his living life until he could find a new reason to be out. Tyrannus had left home and done the last thing he planned on doing; he had gotten attached, and now he'd payed the ultimate price.

    The deaths still weighing on his mind, the Tentacruel sped away to the east. He planned to hide away in the deepest, darkest hole in his territory until he could cope with the terrible losses. Roars of rage and anguish were heard from the Tentacrue, loud crashes resonating as the Jellyfish pokemon tore through rocks and boats, whatever was in his way.

    (OoC: Tyrannus's leaving post. I'm gonna miss this team, but...My mind has been made up.)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:43 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening (29)

    Torque snarled angrily at the Swampert. Every insane nerve in his mind said "kill that thing Torque! It took away your mate now you take away its life!" The yellow and purple glow of Giga Impact outlined his body only to stop seeing something in the corner of his eye. An egg... Torque spat at the Swampert before diving down to get a better look. It was indeed an egg colored blue with yellow spots. Torque sniffed it recognizing Hannah's scent immediately. In the midst of insanity, she must've hid it from him. Like a surprise. Torque sniffled and stuffed the egg in his mouth to safely rest on his tongue before turning to look up. He charged Giga Impact and rammed into the island sending up a flurry of dirt and dust. Grim, Thomas and Tyrannus were gone so he must go too. Torque dove underwater swimming farther and faster then he had ever gone. He would protect his mini-Hannah and right now there was an Undead Swampert trying to destroy that chance.

    ((Torque's leaving post. I'll bring him back when more people come in ^^))


    Posts : 6

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Feraligatr Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:05 pm

    It was the cooling of the day, a wind down after the heat of the afternoon. The sun was almost done with its dip into the far off horizen, leaving the stain of crimson on the waves. But even that, too, was darkening after the coming of evening. But this did not please Feraligatr. He didn't want the color of blood. He wanted the taste of it. Licking salty jaws, two beady orbs of crimson light settled at the surface of the water. His masive reptilian body swerved back and forth slowly beneath the waves, completely submerged in the dark of coming night.

    Movement captured his attention. Cries and the scent of blood. "...Blood..." Sluggish in his slow start in movement, the Harbinger slipped silently back into the waves. It was minutes before he reached the source. Colour was in the water now. Red. "...blooood." Movement to the side snapped him to attention, the only movement in his body the slit scratch of a pupil flickering to a shark. It moved quickly, jittery with urgency. Nothing but an invitation to the Harbinger.

    Ripping through the water, the monster of a gator roared with primevil blood lust, awakened tenfold by the infection thick in his still veins. "BLOOD!" Whiping around, his thick trunk of a tail slammed into the Sharpedo, stunning the creature harshly as it hit a nearby rock. Groaning as it slipped into the black void of its mind, the small sphere was suddenly drifting through the water, capturing the eye of Feraligatr as he slipped into a still trance. Feraligatr stared at the egg, watching it move slowly through the water by the current. "...blood?" he asked in a soft voice, tone almost that of a slightly perplexed child. But just as fast, his jaws snapped out. Enclosing the tiny baby within, bones and egg shell alike made unnerving crunching and snapping counds as Feraligatr took the entire thing whole into his throat. Satisfied, hie eys flickered to the fish. "Blood." the Harbinger nodded a farewell, swimming off and away before the fish woke up.

    [The egg was illegal so I have taken care of the problem. When a Harbinger kills, they stay dead.]

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