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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters



    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:12 am

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    Mirage Island|Evening(22)

    Torque rolled over and drooled sightly. He snarled hearing a loud noise. "Shaddup" Torque barked before patting Hannah's head. If anything woke her up there would be hell to play. He licked his fangs and slowly closed his eyes. His nose felt a bit sneezy but for now he was too close to waking Hannah and sleep to sneeze.

    ((OoC: Not much to do))

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:49 am

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    Mirage Island|Night (29)

    Hannah had a rather peculiar dream. She had a dream about a Chinchou, much like herself, evolving into a beautiful Lanturn. She came across the Sharpedo that she deemed as her friend when she was a Chinchou. However, during this meeting, she realized that she had a romantic interest in the shark. It wasn't long before the Lanturn found herself kissing the Sharpedo. Their bond was sealed and they swam off to live happily ever after...

    Hannah woke up from the dream. She knew that the dream was supposed to mean something. The water type soon put the pieces together and looked away from Torque, her face completely red. "A-Am I falling in love with Torque?" She said to herself. She tried to keep her voice as hushed as possible so that the Sharpedo didn't hear her. She timidly swam away to the other side of the island, her lights eluminating the night as she trained herself so she could evolve and make that dream come true.

    The only problem was that she didn't know why she was in love?

    (OoC: Oh my god, I'm gonna go to hell for this post...)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:39 pm

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    Evening | Mirage Island (24)

    The waters out a few yards south of the island tossed and tumbled a bit as bubbles and light bloomed from below. As the waters continued to churn, a few tentacles burst forth before reaching back down into the sea. The limbs returned to the surface and threw an undead Huntail, a gaping hole caved in on the skull that caused it to permanently die, toward the island. The corpse soared and crashlanded on the islands grassier surface.

    After a moment, a bright, crimson light could be seen as the waters seethed and bubbled, the lights seeming to chase something dark. Another Huntail's fin broke the surface, heading straight for the shore. The eyes could be seen, but they weren't showing aggression. No, the undead's eyes were showing hollow fear. Before it could reach the safety of shallow waters, a mass of tentacles snatched it away, an all too familiar voice barking an almost roar like speech. "OH NO YOU DON'T!! I'm NOT DONE WITH YOU YET, YA HUNK OF OVERGROWN SEAWEED FERTILIZER!!" A Tentacruel surfaced, getting the Huntail in a tight and intense grip. Tyrannus glared as the slimy undead writhed, but the Jellyfish pokemon held no sympathy. With a swift movement liking bringing down a gavel, the Huntail's mouth was forced open and distended as it was brought down toward a jagged boulder around the island's border. "HOW ABOUT YOU CHEW ON THIS?!" The Tentacrual male roared as the rock was driven straight through the Huntail's head and body. As Tyrannus brought back his tentacles into the water, he revealed the gruesome display of just what his rage could produce.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:48 am

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    ((OoC: Temporary image, waiting for someone to make a new one!))

    Mirage Island | Late Evening (22)(14)

    Grimace was so excited that he had evolved. Now he could be like Thomas. He learned Swift like Thomas. He had also learned Dark Pulse which is better than Thomas's Night Slash. Whats even better is that just a few more yards of walking he reached a beach. Grim hopped right in. It stung at first then he got used to it. When he finally reached the beach he noticed Hannah training. He swan over to her and said, Hey Hannah, guess what?, he paused for effect, It's me Grim, I evolved! But when a dead undead Huntail crashed onto shore from nowhere, he felt like a baby Corphish, not a full grown Crawdaunt.

    Oh god was Thomas worried. He was looking frantically for Grimace. Was he eaten by undead when everyone was asleep? He saw that the Chinchou was awake, and training, he guessed. So he decided to ask if she saw Grim. But as he got closer he saw a red shell! Yippee was Thomas excited Grim wasn't dead. As he rushed towards the water a dead undead Huntail landed right in front of him and he could help letting out a yelp. He had also noticed that the red shelled fiend talking to Hannah was not Grimace but a Crawdaunt. But then again, he could've evolved... Nooo, that can't be it, Thomas thought. When he finally reached them he asked the Crawdaunt, and he said he was GRIM!

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:43 am

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    Mirage Island|Evening (23)

    Torque flailed his fins and gaped. Where was his Hannah banana snuggle buddy? He bounced around a bit before spotting a Crawdaunt that was waaaay too close to her! His old police instincts kicked and he barked loud enough for them to hear. "Cease and desist criminal" Torque yelled before speeding towards the Crawdaunt.


    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:37 am

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    Mirage Island|Night (30)

    Hannah trained as hard as she could until a voice stopped her. It was Grim, he had evolved. She was about to congratulate him when she heard a voice. "Cease and desist criminal!" It was Torque. Of all people to come now, why did it have to be the one she had a crush on? She backed up, looking away from him as the blush on her face grew. She needed to say it, but she couldn't. She was too scared. And the words that came out of her mouth were probably the most painful words ever.

    "T-Torque...." She stuttered. "W-We can't b-be friends anymore... I'm s-sorry..." She couldn't summon the courage to explain why, so she just swam away, the tears in her eyes made it so she wasn't paying attention on where she was going. She felt herself bump into something and opened her eyes to a familiar face. "T-Tyrannus?"

    (OoC: Suddenly, sad post. Also, let me know if you don't want Hannah bumping into Tyrannus, Ark.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:03 am

    (Skip I dunno what to do and i can't get another extension)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:58 pm

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    Evening | Mirage Island (25)

    Tyrannus shifted and flexed his mandibles under the cover of the dark waters, ready to whip around and lash out as he felt something bump against his cap. However, he heard a small, feminine, and familiar voice. "T-Tyrannus?"

    It was Hannah.

    Immediately, the old, grizzled Tentacruel went out of his aggro-rage and made himself much gentler and quieter to keep the small Chinchou from becoming frightened by him. "Hannah, good to see you're alright young'un..." He said calmly as he turned to her. The Jellyfish pokemon intentionally adjusted his position as he did his best to conceal the terrible, gory sight of the impaled and mauled Huntail; he didn't want to scar the little one. After a moment, he gently passed a tentacle around Hannah to get her in a comforting embrace, slowly inching toward the shore where the others were. "Looks you all found ole Mirage Island!" Tyrannus said to her, seeming fairly impressed. The old Tentacruel never believed he'd see the elusive island again in his lifetime, but, here it was.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:02 pm

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    ((Temperary Image))

    Mirage Island | Late Evening (23)(15)

    Hannah? Grim said as she de-friended Torque and swam off, Where are you going? Since she didn't answer he decided to follow and ignore Torque. When he caught up with her he saw something that made him really excited. Hannah and Grim had ran into Tyrannus! He was all giddy to see him. He had to tell him everything. TYRANNUS! Grimace said, It's me Grim, I evolved a-and Zeke left, a-a-and my long lost brother finally found me!

    Thomas was now angry at Grim for running off and evolving, he wanted t see it. Thomas knew he was just being selfish but he couldn't help being mad. Torque had the same state of mind because he thought that was someone else also. Then a whole other issue arose when, after Torque yelled, Hannah said she didn't want to be friends and she fled. Grim then followed her. Everything was very confusing. Thomas went up to Torque and told him that Grim evolved. He then went to follow Grim just to see... a Tentacruel!

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:58 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening (24)

    Torque felt like the whole world just crashed down on him. His whole body felt heavy and numb and he sank to the bottom of the seafloor. His beloved Hannah banana snuggle buddy didn't want to be his friend anymore... Torque covered his face with his fins and sobbed. Why did it hurt so much that she rejected him? His heart was in the Chinchou's hand since the first snuggle and now it felt like she had torn it apart. Torque was determined to win Hannah's love then! He brushed his nose against the seafloor finding a pearl. Torque licked it up into his mouth before sniffing around some more. Where Torque came from giving a girl a pearl hidden in a clam shell was a symbol of love but to him it meant she'd wanna be friends again! Unless she had feelings for him... Torque shook his head at that thought. There was no way Hannah the cutest little Chinchou he ever laid eyes on would like him. Torque blushed at the small possibility before uncovering a clam shell. He bit the back of it popping the shell open and dropping the pearl in it. Something was missing... The shell itself was faded blue like Hannah was but needed yellow spots.

    Torque sniffed around which was hard with a clam shell in his mouth for something to put yellow spots on the shell. He finally grumbled in defeat and resurfaced next to Tyrannus. Huntail mess was everywhere but that was far from the Brutal Pokemon's mind. Torque felt his eyes get a gooey look from more tears at the sight of Hannah being so close. Even the faint blush across his snout was visible against the dark blue coloring and the yellow star didn't help hide it either. He cursed her cuteness silently to himself and could no longer find the words to say anything. Torque carefully got closer to her and mumbled something that sounded like "I'm sorry I'm a bad friend but don't disown me... I like you a lot." His face again got red and he brutally beat down the urge to kiss her in favor of more inaudible mumbling due to the clam in his mouth and shyness. "I see you and... I get all stupid and want to snuggle you just for the privilege of being close to you... I-I'm sorry."

    Torque opened his mouth wide showing the clam shell resting on his sharp fangs. He tapped the back with his tongue making it open to reveal the pearl. "Pleesh love me again Hannah."

    ((OoC: Well hello slightly longer post and slightly romantic Torque!))

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:50 pm

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    Mirage Island|Night (30)

    Hannah smiled a little bit when Tyrannus responded. "Hannah, good to see you're alright young'un..." For some reason, it seemed like he was trying to hide something from her, but it didn't matter to her since the Tentacruel was back. He wrapped a tentacle around her as he headed back to the shore where the others were. "Looks you all found ole Mirage Island!" "Yeah. Torque and Zeke led us here!" She said to him. She heard another voice coming towards them. "TYRANNUS!" Hannah looked over and saw that it was the newly evolved Grim. "It's me Grim, I evolved a-and Zeke left, a-a-and my long lost brother finally found me!" Hannah was slightly confused. "Huh... I was wondering where he went..." She mused. But before she could continue, yet another familiar face popped up.

    Torque was coming closer to her and he had a blush on his face. The Chinchou tried to look away to hide the blush on her face, but it was too much for her to hide it. She became scared, but was actually a little shocked at what he said. "I'm sorry I'm a bad friend but don't disown me... I like you a lot. I see you and... I get all stupid and want to snuggle you just for the privilege of being close to you... I-I'm sorry." Hannah looked at the shark in the eyes, both blushing as he did the sweetest thing. In his mouth was a clam shell that was colored blue, like the Chinchou herself. Inside of it was a pearl, which made Hannah gasp in amazement. "Pleesh love me again Hannah." Hannah was completely speechless. She didn't know what to say. She was shocked that he'd be willing to do this. "T-Torque..." She said as she moved closer to the shark she knew as her friend. "I..."

    Her sentence was interrupted by a strong wind. There were two undead Crobat trying to attack them. Hannah was now angry. "WHAT THE HELL?!" She yelled at them. "WE'RE TRYING TO HAVE A MOMENT HERE, GO AWAY!" The two bats just wouldn't stop using Gust on them. The Chinchou tried to attack them, but all of her attacks were out of range. "I'll be right back... Don't follow me..." She grumbled to the others. Frustrated, she dove underwater and rammed herself into some Magikarp to grow stronger. Rage was what fueled her. Her adrenaline pumped as she kept swimming right into more of the fish. She wanted to tell Torque how she felt, and she was stopped by these undead bastards.

    As she kept swimming, Hannah was wrapped in a warm glow. She felt her whole body grow longer as she got a little bigger. She could also feel the antennaes on her head merge into one, creating one light at the end of it. The glow soon faded, and there was no longer a small Chinchou. In its place, there was a beautiful Lanturn.

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    Hannah found the others and dove back up to the surface. "Told you I'd be back!" She called out. She began to charge up an Electro Ball attack and released it, hitting one Crobat. She did the same with the other one and just like that, the problem was gone. The newly evolved Hannah turned back to the group. She swam up to Torque and kissed him on the cheek. "Apology accepted!" She told him as she snuggled him happily. She was so happy with everything going on that she couldn't help but blurt it out for everyone to hear. "I love you, Torque!"

    (OoC: Radiohead97 used long post! Radiohead97 fainted! Also.. WHY CAN'T I HOLD ALL THESE FEELS?)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:34 am

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    Mirage Island|Night(33)

    Yusei awoke from her rest with a start. A strange sense of calm washed over her as if she some how knew that her nightmares were nothing and that she was safe again. With a weak sigh she hauled herself into the water, looking around. "Guys? Hello? did you leave me alone....again?" Yusei called her voice steady but timid. If there was one thing Yusei hated more than being ignored it was being left alone and in the dark it was impossible to tell. Until she saw a flash of electric light.

    'Hannah!' the thought of the small Chinchou on her own worried her so she raced towards the direction of the fading attack only to be met with the rest of them, and Hannah who had evolved. Yusei couldn't help but scream with rage and anguish as she swam away frustrated, and defeated. Using Surf with Ice beam to create a near impassable wall as she fled. Yusei felt for lack of a better word, betrayed.

    Last edited by NightmaresEmber on Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:57 pm

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    Night | Mirage Island (26)

    Tyrannus turned and looked to the Sharpedo, arching a brow. As Torque confessed himself to Hannah, the Tentacruel looked upon the water/dark dual type much like how an overprotective human father would look upon a young man who wished to take out his daughter. Tyrannus, for the most part, felt somewhat obligated to act as a sort of father figure for the young Hannah, if nothing else, to provide protection and life lessons. The Tentacruel prepared to lash out at the Crobats whilst Hannah had disappeared, but, lo and behold, Hannah had reemerged as a rather lovely Lanturn, striking down the Crobats. Then she got affectionate and confessed to Torque! "Now hold on here young'uns! You can't jus-" Something caught Tyrannus's attention as Yusei's tail flipped into the water before her classic Surf and Ice Beam combo created a wall.

    With a sigh, Tyrannus drifted swiftly toward the ice wall, turning back and pointing to Torque. "I'll discuss this situation with you lat'r, young'un." He said rather sternly before resuming. The wall was tall, but, Tyrannus could handle it. Dipping down to the deeper depths, he made his way under the drifting and branching ice swirls. After a moment of watch and movement, Tyrannus surfaced on the other side, looking around as he tried to find the Milotic.

    "Yusei! Yusei, where the hell are ya?!"

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:42 pm

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    ((Temporary Image))

    Mirage Island | Late Evening (24)(16)

    W-whoa. Grimace was tranced at the beauty of Hannah. She was beautiful in battle and the graceful way that she rose out of the water, it was just hypnotizing. He was so jealous of Torque that she like him, he was so angry. And then came Yusei at the mention of Tyrannus and again left in a furry. Tyrannus swiftly followed Yusei after she made a wall of ice. They would have to go around and it looked a long way to travel, so Grimace did the reasonable thing, show off to Hannah his new strong moves. He used Dark Pulse to weaken the wall and then he used Swift to obliterate it. He then looked at Hannah like, Yeah. Did you see what I did? He thought back at his move set, the Dark Pulse move mainly. He thought about the epicness that spilled out of him when he used it, he knew Thomas and Torque would be jealous. And then he would steal Hannah away.

    Thomas looked amazed as he followed Hannah to see what she was doing, and to his surprise, she evolved, and took down those Crobats easily. But he wasn't so hypnotized as Grimace and Torque were, he had always had his eye on Yusei. She was beautiful and elegant. He didn't have a crush on her or anything, he just loved looking at her beauty. And then the little green monster arose in him as, after Yusei made an ice wall, Grimace used DARK PULSE. DARK PULSE! How did he ever learn Dark Pulse! Oooo was Thomas mad. He needed that move and he had to get it. He had to think of a plan to get him to learn it. He had to get Grim to spill the secret about how he learned it. He swam up to Grimace and asked nicely, How did you lean Dark Pulse?

    ((I was jealous of the long paragraghs, and this was all I could squeeze out, how disappointing.))

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:56 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening (25)

    Torque blushed and snuggled Hannah back. His mind hadn't the time to experience the fleeting moments of joy before Grim began showing off with Dark Pulse. Hahahahaha... No. The silly crayfish Pokemon forgot Torque's moveset. The Brutal Pokemon was fiercely protective of his beautiful Hannah and no silly little Crawdaunt would take her from him. His eyes glowed bright red and the rage built up into a angry tackle. GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Torque roared and rammed into one of the many stones surrounding the island bashing it to smithereens. He knew moves that could make Dark Pulse look like dirty air waves. Never in your lifespan will you be able to outmatch me Grim... EVER Torque said those words in a tone for both Crawdaunts to hear and recognize. It was a tone that said very clearly don't take the princess from the knight in shining Sharpedo armor...

    Torque swam in circles around Hannah happily. I love you so much Hannah banana, snuggle buddy~! It was the truth and there was no one to prove him wrong. No Grim. No other Crawdaunt. No scary Yusei and no Tyrannus. Torque would admit what the Tentacruel had said made him yelp on the inside. He kissed Hannah's cheek before flipping over on his back and grinning stupidly. His mind swam with many possibilities for the future. Just being with Hannah was the greatest but... Mini-Haanahs? Torque didn't see cute little Chinchous, he saw jacked up angler fishes with fangs from the deepest recesses of hell. He gulped and jumped up looking frantically about. Would his and Hannah's possible kids be bastardizations of Arceus's grand design?! Torque went back to swimming around Hannah with a panicked expression. Hannah was perfect, beautiful... A true beauty of the sea. He was Torque... A beast of the sea. A Brutal Pokemon. Torque sank and covered his face...

    What if... They did have a mini-Hannah and she hated him for giving her brutal looks and other things cute Chinchous didn't want? Torque whimpered and looked up at Hannah sadly. Dat tailfin... She was perfect and he was Torque. Perfect and Torque did not mix very well...


    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:51 pm

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    Mirage Island|Late Evening (31)

    Hannah heard some sort of scream in the distance as Tyrannus swam towards it. He was blocked by a sudden wall of ice as she wondered how that was possible. The Tentacruel, however, looked back at Torque and said he'd have a talk with him about this whole situation between her and the Sharpedo. This made her a little frustrated because she loved Torque and didn't get why he would say otherwise. But he was away, so the Lanturn would focus at the matter at hand.

    Grim and Torque took turns showing off their moves to her. She saw why as she looked at herself in the water. She was almost as beautiful as Yusei, which made her giggle a little bit when Torque said to Grim that he doesn't stand a chance. The shark then kissed Hannah on the cheek, causing her to blush. "I love you so much Hannah banana, snuggle buddy~!" He flipped over on his back but then jumped back up, a little worried. Hannah tilted her head in confusion when he sank underwater. The Lanturn dove underwater to follow him and saw that his face was covered.

    She dove down further and got a little closer to him. She looked him in the eye and moved his fins to uncover his face. "Torque? What's wrong?" She asked him.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:29 pm

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    Mirage Island|Late Evening(34)

    Yusei stopped swimming only when she could hear nothing but the faintest of echos from Tyrannus calling for her. She was deep under water, she could see into the darkness of the trenches below her and she almost felt a spark rise within her, a spark of curiosity to be precise. But the feeling disappeared like smoke. Tyrannus was closer now, close enough for her to hear the echos of his voice in the trenches. "GO AWAY LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Yusei screamed her temper boiling again. She could almost feel the water churn as she sent out an underwater tidal wave in the direction she could hear Tyrannus coming from.

    Yusei was torn, she wanted to see Tyrannus again but she was so angry at all of them. Swimming off into the darkness of the trenches below she left behind the underwater wave to take the Tentacruel where ever it would. Breathing heavily her tears of anger invisible in the water as Yusei swam deeper into the depths.


    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:50 pm

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    Night | Mirage Island (27)

    Tyrannus glanced around, not seeing Yusei anywhere on the surface, but he could feel something. The tides under his tentacles were going against him, moving north, even though the waters were having him naturally drift south. She gotta be down under then... The Tentacruel thought in his mind, diving down. The push of the waters was tough, but, he managed.

    However, finding Yusei in these deep waters, at night at that, was going to be hell. Giving off what light he could to find his way, the Tentacruel focused power into his orbs, causing them to illuminate and give off that crimson light. "Yusei?! ...Where'd that young'un swim off to...?"

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:47 am

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    Mirage Island | Night (25)(17)

    Torque was right. Grimace was no match for him. Hannah had already had a crush on him before she evolved, and now they are practically dating. He already knew he didn't stand a chance. He didn't even want to try because he knew that she would shoot him down instantly. Even Grimaces move set was no match for Torques. Yeah, sure, Grim knows Dark Pulse, but Torque knows Giga Impact. Grim decided to go down and apologize to both Hannah and Torque. To Hannah well because he didn't mean to intrude in on her and Torque's relationship with Hannah and him trying to steal his girl. He swam down as fast as he could using a combo move of Bubble beam and Swift to speed down. When he reached them he noticed that something was wrong with Torque, like he was... crying. He decided to apologize now so he wouldn't be too mad when Grim swam up to them. Hey Torque, I'm sorry for trying to steal Hannah away from you, he said in a hushed tone near Torque so Hannah wouldn't hear. He then swam up to Hannah and to swallow nervousness and he fear to be able to talk to her. He then said calmly but still shakily, Hannah I'm sorry for intruding in in your relationship with Torque. Grim said it with tears in his eyes , but he didn't want to embarrass himself so he sped to surface and went to shore of the beach and cried to his hearts content.

    Now Thomas was very heated that both his younger bother and the "retard" know better moves than him. He needed to learn new moves. He had to at least level up to level 44 so he could learn Crabhammer. He could do major damage to anything in his way, even that annoying new Grim. He swam away from the group to a random small island. He saw a Pelipper and defeated it easily with two Swifts. He could already feel the exp. sifting through him like a power source that fuels him to fight. This "fuel" helped him win more battles. He defeated a few more Wingulls/Pelippers and killed some undead and finally he hit the milestone of level 40. He was then greeted with the quick flash of the level up sequence. He liked having the power of +3 Attack and +2 or +1 of the other stats. He can now do more damage. He then killed all the undead in sight, gaining exp. along the way. He found some more wild Pokes that didn't hear the word about him sooner than others and he defeated them and tried his best not to kill them. He then noticed he needed more Pokemon to fight that were near level 30<. He moved on from that small island and went back to the group and swam downwards this time. He found some more undead Sharpedos and decided to kill, which wasn't that hard. He leveled once more and enjoyed the sensation once more. He was now level 41, 3 more levels. He was done training for now, he could train more in the daylight. He then decided to join Grimace on the shore.

    ((OoC: BIG POST YAY))

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I messed up on the post count so actually this is my 25th post)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:11 pm

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    Mirage Island|Evening (26)

    Torque whimpered and rubbed his snout gently against Hannah's belly. "What if we have mini-Hannahs and they turn out scary and blame me" he cried. Torque didn't want his possible children to think that way. He hated his dad for being a Gyarados and him a Carvanha. What kid didn't want to be a giant freak sea beast? But Torque couldn't forgive what he couldn't control. He was a rebellious ungrateful child up until the police took him away for tearing up a tanker. His mother had relentlessly chased them down until they sent their Pokemon out to stop her but it went to far and she was killed for being unruly. Torque took the persona of a fun-loving man child after that just to mask whatever pain he felt from no longer having a family. He had swam for days through the Epidemic not knowing what was going to happen next but was able to keep himself alive and safe. Now he would keep Hannah safe at all costs! She was his precious Hannah banana snuggle buddy and no act of Kyogre would take her away from him.

    The scar across his snout throbbed painfully. He remembered being here before... It was where he had seen the coolest thing ever! Hannah would think it was pretty though. It was an underground cave where gems of all kinds were and with the right amount of light they made a pretty sparkling color. Best of all it would just be him and Hannah all alone in a dark cave being lit up by gems! Torque swam in circles around Hannah happily before grinning. "I have something to show you and you're gonna like it" he said before pressing his snout against hers. It would be an enchanting experience and a awesome way to end the evening.


    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:12 am

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    Somewhere underwater by Mirage Island|Night (32)

    "What if we have mini-Hannahs and they turn out scary and blame me?" Torque cried. He rubbed his snout against Hannah's belly, which caused her to giggle a little bit. "Torque, it tickles!" She told him. Hannah got all serious again, though, and put a fin against his face. "Don't worry. Our "mini-Hannahs", as you call them, will be perfectly fine. You have nothing to worry about. Now stop beating youself up over it." She glanced over and saw Grim saying something to Torque, but she couldn't hear him. He then swam over to Hannah, looking extremely nervous and sad. "Hannah I'm sorry for intruding in in your relationship with Torque." He then bolted away from her for some reason...

    The Lanturn would've followed him, but Torque had an idea that got him excited. "I have something to show you and you're gonna like it."
    He pressed his snout against her own, causing her to giggle again. "Alright, lead the way!" She said happily and did the same thing as the shark did.

    Last edited by Radiohead97 on Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:36 pm

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    Somewhere in the trenches below Mirage island||Night(35)

    Yusei sighed, finally giving the others the slip for now. She didn't want to see them again anytime soon, what with Torque getting it on with Hannah so to speak and her not being able to do anything about it. Looking around in the darkness of the depths Yusei knew it wasn't safe down here but she was in a bad mood and slaughtering high level infected might make her feel just a bit better.

    Looking around the murky water she saw a faint light ahead. Smirking Yusei swam forward and surely enough the lights led her to a group of undead Lanturn. For a moment the Milotic was nearly overcome with guilt but shook it off as she fired a Dragon Pulse into the group causing them to scatter strangely easily. But the Cradily they were hiding quickly told her why as she found herself ensnared within the creatures tendrils. Struggling to break free she cried for help, though Yusei was well aware no one was coming to save her this time. It was her own mess. "Ah well...If I die here....I guess I deserved it." Yusei mumbled to herself, shooting the Cradily with Ice Beam.

    The ice attack was enough to stun the infected due to its weakness to the typing. This bought Yusei a chance to break free, though swarmed with the undead Lanturn horde from before. She just couldn't catch a break could she? With an angry scream the beautiful serpent unleashed a torrent of water with her Surf attack, knocking the decaying, weakened hunks of flesh away from her. Yusei could feel herself growing stronger but it wasn't enough she had to take out the Cradily too even if she didn't have the power alone.

    Looking around she spotted something shiny laying between a rock and the cliff of the trench. Darting over to it before she could be attacked by the infected again she yanked it free. It was a TM. "A TM here? Some careless swimmer must have dropped it...Oh well...I can afford to forget Recover for this if its any good..." She said, recalling how her Trainer used TM's on her before. With a quick shake of her head she set herself right and used the TM on herself, replacing Recover with Giga Impact? Yusei grinned to herself. "NOW YOUR GOING DOWN!" She shouted charging up her Ice Beam.

    The Cradily turned to attack but it was too late, Yusei was already firing her Ice Beam, effectively immobilizing the creatures tendrils. Blasting it with a couple more attacks she charged herself up and flung herself, using her newly aquired Giga Impact to finish it off. Now dazed and happy she slowly floated back to the surface of the water, drifting past Tyrannus on her way up.

    (I hadda do something special for her 35th post so TADA she now knows Giga Impact. u:)

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 16, 2013 4:10 pm

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    Night | Mirage Island (28)

    With a slight whirl and pivot, Tyrannus watched the light from a Giga Impact erupt and then disperse, and then Yusei plows through the water right past the Tentacruel. The Jellyfish pokemon thought he saw something in the dark water with the Milotic, but his mind soon forgot it as a few dark figures came speeding toward the Tentacruel, attracted to the light. "Oh, just what I need!"

    Tyrannus's past encounters had given him a good chunk of experience, from the twin Huntail and that immense Wailord, and he had even forgone learning Screech. But now he found himself challenged by a small group of Mantykes, undead. He despised the overcheerful little buggers. Striking them down before they could even hope to make a move against him, he turned to the final target, a waterlogged Slowbro. What was to come out as Acid instead resulted in a burst of ghostly power striking the Slowbro from his shimmering orbs. It would seem he learned Hex.

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:29 pm

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    Mirage Islands | Night (26)(18)

    Thomas had come up to Grimace to see what was wrong, but Grim had mixed emotions all bundled up inside him. It was like repeatedly almost stepping on a mine, just to mess around. Thomas didn't say anything, he just assumed he was trying to comfort him. But if Thomas did say anything like "It's okay" or "Are you alright" Grim was going to scream, he wanted to be alone and Thomas's presence was interrupting that. He wanted to ask him to go away, leave him alone, but then he would wonder why. There was another factor of why he couldn't say anything like that, he was his brother. He needed to act like nothing was wrong. He was going to say that he would like to talk about whatever was on Thomas's mind, but GRIM DIDN'T WANT TO TALK! He was getting so frustrated and, noticing what love can do to a man. He was going mad and had to go vent his anger. He dove into the and struck a Magikarp straight in the side with his Swift. It was weak, he could tell from the little amount of power surging through him. When he was about to defeat another one he saw Tyrannus handling a Horde of undead, and figured he should help. He saw Tyrannus take down the Mantykes and almost defeat the Slowbro with what Grim assumed was a Hex. But the scary thing that Grim saw was the Wailord rising slowly from the depths, heading toward Tyrannus. TYRANNUS! Grim shouted, WATCH OUT! BELOW YOU! All Grim tried to do was Slow it down with Swift and Dark Pulse.

    Thomas noticed that Grim had a pouty face on and knew not to disturb him. Thomas sat quietly thinking to himself and waiting for Grim to start a conversation. But in a few minutes Grim stormed off the shore into the water, which Thomas saw a Swift being fired at what seemed like a Magikarp. Since Grimace was gone Thomas can leave instead of just sitting there mentally comforting Grim. He wandered in the forest leave big pebbles on the ground so he knew where to turn back. As he headed down the trail, he wanted to think about this dis-functional group. There was Angry Yusei and Old Tyrannus who knew each other, Torque and Hannah were apparently dating, Grim always runs off with no one knowing, and Thomas is just... the new guy. He started to feel sad and sat hard on the ground. It was no fair that he was good for nothing. He needed to see what was up with everyone, learn some back stories. And so he will. He headed back to shore to look for others and ask them about their lives before the epidemic.

    Last edited by Cronos on Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The PACIFIDLOG Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The PACIFIDLOG Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:58 pm

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    Somewhere under Mirage Island|Evening(27)

    Torque was soooooo happy Hannah wanted to come see the sparkly cave he had discovered back when he was a Carvanha. He turned and swam slowly just to be sure Hannah could follow him retracing from memory the way. Torque grinned back at Hannah again falling under the spell of her beauty. He hummed softly to himself.

    I never had this feeling before
    She gives me shakes and shivers
    I can't ignore
    And I see that there's more now
    than just running free

    He dipped down finding the cave and swimming up to Hannah's side. "Down there" Torque said excitedly before pointing down at the cave. He rubbed his snout against her belly again wanting to hear her cute little giggle again. Torque replayed her saying those four beautiful words in his mind again. I love you Torque

    It's amazing someone in my life
    just might be loving me
    I didn't know that I could feel this way

    Torque dove down again plucking a pretty anemone from the seafloor making it look like those human bouquets and presented it to Hannah. He did not count on one of the tentacles lashing back to sting his snout. Torque squealed in surprise and dropped it. Now he had nothing pretty besides the cave to show Hannah... Torque whimpered like a Lillipup and pressed his stinging snout to Hannah's cheek. He did hope she liked it! Torque swam down to the cave entrance which Torque could block with the piece of sail he stashed in there and waited patiently for Hannah to join him.

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