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11 posters

    The ACUITY Team


    Age : 36
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:39 pm

    Post 7

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    Lake Acuity| Late Morning

    Famaer's lip curled when the Tyranitar moved toward him, aggression building in the monster's body language. He knew it. This terrible leviathon wanted nothing more than the innocent whose scruff he held, probably to consume her body and soul. He took a small step back, however. Fighting would endanger her...

    His eye and ear twitched when she asked of him, "Am I being obnoxious?" she asked in an oddly serious tone.

    "Very," was Famaer's curt reply. She didn't seem to listen, however, when she happily called over another pokemon that was hiding in the shadows. His attention, however, was on the tyranitar.

    "Let her go," it growled. "She doesn't like that."

    Famaer's gaze narrowed. "...No... you don't. She is safe, especially from demons like you who want nothing more than to corrupt or consume an innocent like her. Stay away from her." His words were soft, but his eyes betrayed the cold hate he felt for the Dark type. He looked back to the pokemon in the woods, though, and saw another Wicked, another Evil type. Ghost.

    He growled and was shocked that she was, once again, beckoning the Evil to them. She was truly an innocent to not know Good from Evil... He began to trot away from the two Wickeds, wanting to keep his distance. "Shush, Child," he mumbled through her scruff, "Don't beckon it over."

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:49 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Late Morning

    Adara smiled as the small ghost made its way over, happy to see that it wasn't a baddie. But the big guy, Loc, and the Glaceon were exchanging glares while she waited. They were arguing...over her? How silly! They kept glaring at each other so Adara turned her attention back to the shadowy figure moving towards her and kept waving.

    When the Glaceon noticed the Ghost, however, he spoke to her and turned to walk away. Hey! She didn't want to go! She was making friends! "Shush, Child," his voice tickled through her fur, "Don't beckon it over." She giggled and raised a paw behind her, batting Famaer's nose playfully. "Don't be silly!" She told him. "It's just a little ghost, it can't hurt anyone!"

    "U-uh... Hi... I-I'm Plea..." Aww! What a cute name! "N-nice to m-meet you..." Adara giggled again. "Nice to meet you too! I'm Adara! The big guy over there is Locutus and the guy whose mouth I'm currently in is...um...hey, what's your name again? Don't think I caught it before. Everyone else I haven't learned yet, either!" She looked up, as though trying to see Famaer through the back of her head. It didn't work, though, and she pouted. Stupid scruff.

    Age : 37
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Fox Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:52 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning (6)

    "...No... you don't. She is safe, especially from demons like you who want nothing more than to corrupt or consume an innocent like her. Stay away from her." The glacial fox said softly, his words as harsh as the coldest winters’ winds. The Tyranitar cringed as the hateful word ‘demon’ slipped from his mouth. Vivid memories flashed before his eyes of humans, screaming that very same word at him, their bodies crushed underneath debris, their eyes wide with pain and terror as they fired a torrent of bullets at him.
    “Demon! Filth! Don’t come any closer!”
    Locutus growled as he banished the images, realizing the fox had begun to trot away. He quickly followed and confronted the Glaceon again, his heavy feet making a dull thud with each step.
    “She is not yours to take. She is her own.” He snarled, a darkness overcoming his vision. The Tyranitar shook his head, taking a deep breath as he tried to rid himself of the rage growing within him.
    He glared at the Glaceon, not ready to give up.

    “Put her down. Let her choose.” He paused, looking down at the little Eevee.
    "You are free. You can choose." He said, his eyes softening as he gazed at her.

    (OoC- lol, he's got such a one-track mind. He'll realize Plea is there eventually. XD)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:46 am

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning(2)

    The wild Gardevoir had quickly lost his enthusiasm for chasing snowflakes, now simply pacing back and forth. His hunger was consuming him. His own flesh was starting to sound more and more appealing as each minute passed by.

    Before acting on the thought, Deimos noticed movement in the corner of his eye. He dropped himself low to the ground. Scanning the scenery, Deimos spotted his target: a weary and lost baby Sneasel. It would have been an object of sympathy to most, but to the undead Gardevoir, it was simply food. Small, yes, but something. He moved forward slowly, almost crawling along the snowy ground. The pup took no notice of him, too preoccupied with searching for its mother. It failed to see him even when he was less than a few yards away from it. This failure would cost it its life.

    Deimos sprang into action. He flung himself onto the Sneasel, pinning it to the ground. It cried and screamed, begging for release, but its cries fell on deaf ears. The Gardevoir was far from reasonable. He began by tearing his prey's stomach open, which was a tad difficult with his only truely sharp teeth being his canines. The Sneasel screamed louder, but to no avail. Deimos feasted on his still living pey's innards gleefully, indifferent to the sufering he caused.

    The longer he consumed, the less his meal struggled. Eventually, it stopped completely. There was no longer any sort of fight to win, draining Deimos of his enthusiasm. He wasn't hungry for food, but for hunting. He stopped eating and pranced away, leaving the remains behind. He needed more. He hadn't had such a thrill in ages.

    Not to far from his last catch, Deimos saw another. It was a Yamask, though his brain couldn't process this. Near it stood a whole group of pokemon! A Dewott, an Eevee, a Glaceon, and a Tyranitar. Obviously, he couldn't take them all down. He would have to take the waekest, the youngest. Looking the group over, only two fit this criteria.

    The Gardevoir crept forward, crouching low to the ground once again. He wanted to snatch the Yamask, or the Eevee, away from the protection of a group. He waited for an opening by 'hiding' himself among the trees, unaware that the scent of death and the blood covering him would surely give his position away.

    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:22 am

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    Lake Acuity, Late Morning

    Tyson didn't say anything as he watched the two evolved pokemon fight over the little Eevee. "I mean no harm. My name is Tyson, and if you wish of me to leave, then I will." He finally said as he closed his eyes and bowed again, though he didn't get much of a chance to leave before he noticed the ghost type. It was a pokemon from his home region, though its named escaped him.

    He looked at the other pokemon, then back at the ghost. He didn't want to startle it, so he walked toward it slowly. Though it seemed to come out on its own, floating over to the eevee and introducing itself as Plea. Tyson couldn't help but smile. He started to wonder if the whole reason he was unwelcome was because he was carrying a sword, it was uncommon for a while pokemon to carry something man made, but it was a gift from his master, and he not dared part with it.

    He didn't move from his spot, he wanted to see how everything would unfold, but if it still insisted that he leave, then he would.

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:01 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning [6]

    "Nice to meet you too! I'm Adara! The big guy over there is Locutus and the guy whose mouth I'm currently in is...um...hey, what's your name again? Don't think I caught it before. Everyone else I haven't learned yet, either!" The Eevee was too optimistic, Plea half-worried whether she's always like this, another half worrying if she might attract any bad Pokemon. Oh wait, there's a huge ass Tyranitar [Known as Locutus, if only Plea could be that big!], and some Glaceon that keeps eyeing Locutus and the Yamask. If he had the courage, he would have slapped him if he's so stereotypical!

    Then again, Plea is too scared out of his mind to do it, in fact, he can't even move an inch. He's cornered, what if this was an ambush? What if an undead comes lurking from the shadows and eats his precious mask? The ghost didn't really give a damn about his well being, but he did care about the others and his mask.

    The Tyranitar and the Glaceon was fond of the Eevee, but like the Tyranitar said, she was the one to make a choice, not the stereotypical bastard. The ghost-type would have spoken up about it, he imagined the thing in his head; Him telling the Glaceon that he cannot choose for Adara, and that the bastard should stop being so stereotypical and stop being so discriminating!

    [i]"I mean no harm. My name is Tyson, and if you wish of me to leave, then I will."[/b] The Yamask jump, just realizing a Dewott was here, and with a sword! He put his mask up immediately in self-defense, "A-Arceus! D-don't hurt me!"
    He caught himself in the act, putting the mask immediately down and just giving himself distance, "O-oh, don't mind me please..."

    Plea blinked for a moment, something smelled fishy, really fishy. Literally. He may not have a good nose, but it was so damn obvious! He shrugged it off, with the protection of many mighty beasts, he is sure to be safe!... If they were willing.

    Age : 36
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:48 am

    Post 8

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    Lake Acuity| Noon

    Famaer's glare was fixed on the Beast before him, no one else. He did not hear little Adara's question, nor did he listen to the small ghost floating nearby. No, this Demon was the biggest threat. The Spirit could be handled later.

    "She is not yours to take. She is her own," it growled down at him, rage building behind the soulless eyes. Famaer did not back down. He stood right where he was, defying the Demon.

    "She is not yours to look after. She is a child, and cannot make choices of her own just yet. She's too small, too inexperienced and too naive. She needs a caretaker, a guardian, someone to make choices for her. That is how children are treated in normal society, Demon, so they are not led astray by Dark ones like you." The last sentence came out in an angry snarl, his fur bristling. He didn't want to put her down, lest she run off and get herself killed.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:26 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:26 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Noon

    Adara was getting a little pissed. The Glaceon completely ignored her, wouldn't tell her his name, and now was fighting with her new friends. This was just not right! She squiggled and squirmed in his grasp, trying to get him to let go. "She is not yours to look after. She is a child, and cannot make choices of her own just yet. She's too small, too inexperienced and too naive. She needs a caretaker, a guardian, someone to make choices for her. That is how children are treated in normal society, Demon, so they are not led astray by Dark ones like you."

    Oh. Oh no. A dark scowl formed over the normally happy Eevee's face. No one, but NO ONE, calls her naive. She might act childish, she may have a happy-go-lucky personality, she might even be a little too trusting. But there was one this she was not, and that was STUPID. She wrenched herself free of Famaer and turned to glare wickedly at him. She growled menacingly, though in reality it kind of came out like an angry kitten, and snapped at him.

    "Look you! I don't know who you think you are but you need to STOP! I am not a child! I am over 2 years old you jerk! If I were just some DUMB KID, like you seem to think, I wouldn't have lasted this long, now would I? No. I don't think so. Just because I'm small, just because I'm too cute for words, doesn't mean I'm an idiot! So you know what? FUCK YOU OLD-TIMER!"

    She huffed at him, turned around, and proceeded to kick snow in his face. Satisfied, she turned back to face him and sat down roughly on said snow. The menacing effect was lost, though, when she sank down to her mid-chest. Damn snow. Struggling to get back out she sighed, and decided this would be a good time to show off a little bit. Using all of her training with her brother she dug a little bit further back, got a good start, and bounded out of the hole right onto a nearby log. Happy with her accomplishment she turned back to the Glaceon with a smug look. "See?"

    She looked back to the others and gave a bright, warm smile. "Everyone, this is Grumpy. It is what we all shall call him from now on. Since he doesn't seem to want anyone to know his real name, this is the name I have chosen! So, Everyone, Grumpy. Grumpy, Everyone." She turned back to Famaer. "Now I expect you to play nice, or you will get a Shadow Ball to the face, kay? Kay! Glad that's sorted! Now, who wants to play Charades?"

    ((OOC: Adara would actually be about 24 in human years, at least for my OC she is based off of. She just acts childish because she likes to believe in the innocence of the world.))

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Fox Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:29 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning (7)

    "She is not yours to look after. She is a child, and cannot make choices of her own just yet. She's too small, too inexperienced and too naive. She needs a caretaker, a guardian, someone to make choices for her. That is how children are treated in normal society, Demon, so they are not led astray by Dark ones like you." the Glaceon sneered.

    Locutus' vision was again turning dark as the ice pokemon peppered his speech with slurs. Horrible howls and twisted faces began to flood his vision as the pain and hate that was thrust upon him in his past began to resurface. A deep snarl escaped his throat as he hunched over and stomped his heavy foot, trying to keep himself from going into a rampage.
    "Stop calling me DEMON!" He roared, spitting out the last word in disgust. "I have a name." He snapped, just as the little Eevee flipped out of the Glaceons' grasp, equally angered.

    "Look you! I don't know who you think you are but you need to STOP! I am not a child! I am over 2 years old you jerk! If I were just some DUMB KID, like you seem to think, I wouldn't have lasted this long, now would I? No. I don't think so. Just because I'm small, just because I'm too cute for words, doesn't mean I'm an idiot! So you know what? FUCK YOU OLD-TIMER!" The little Eevee cried out, her cute face contorted with anger and her voice indignant. Locutus stood back, a vague feeling of...what was this? Satisfaction- creeping into his mind, though he did not recognize it.
    She is indeed her own. He thought, nodding slightly as she dug into the snow and appeared elsewhere.

    "Everyone, this is Grumpy. It is what we all shall call him from now on. Since he doesn't seem to want anyone to know his real name, this is the name I have chosen! So, Everyone, Grumpy. Grumpy, Everyone." Locutus glared at the Glaceon, snorting in his direction before turning to the others.

    He blinked at them both, unsure of what to do.
    This blue one has a man-made weapon, but he had not attacked. Neither has this masked one. Does this mean they aren't like this fox?
    He shot a glance at the little Eevee as he recalled what she had just said.
    She was...saying my name earlier. To these ones. Maybe I should...do that too. Maybe they can sing too...
    Lowering his claws back down to his side, he replied shortly, gazing at the two of them, his eyes clear and passive again.
    "Locutus...My name...is Locutus."


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:03 am

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    Lake Acuity | Noon(3)

    No one had spotted him yet. Perfect. Grinning madly, Deimos crept closer to the group of pokemon. He could already see himself on top of the little eevee, basking in its cries and despair. Just as he readied his pounce, the little furball dug under the snow. Had he been spotted? The gardevoir quickly backstepped. Thankfully, he hadn't been. Still, though, his prey was farther away. He would have to pass the stronger, larger pokemon to get to her.

    That was far too risky. He would have to change his plan. He contemplated for a moment, having a harder time thinking now that his mind was decaying. Finally, he decided on a course of action. Creeping forward once again, the Gardevoir set his sight on the yamask.

    Licking his bloody lips, Deimos pounced.

    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:33 pm

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    Lake Acuity, Late Morning

    Tyson stood his distance, listening to the little Eevee tell them that she wasn't a child and that she could handle herself, the Dewott couldn't help but manage a smile at the little ones enthusiasm.

    The two other argued and Tyson simply let out a sigh as he sat down, sure that it was going to be awhile before he was acknowledged again, though he quickly placed a hand on the hilt of his sword when he heard something.

    The Dewott slowly got up, just in time to see what appeared to be a Gardevoir pounce out from its hiding place and right for the Yamask. "Look out!" He shouted as he drew his sword from its sheath and prepared to use his Fury Cutter on the undead Psychic type.

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:40 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning [7]

    Plea felt his jaw drop at this amazing scene, turns out the Eevee was older than him! On top of that, mental BITCH smack to the Glaceon! The little ghost felt his little non-existent heart grow in awe, 'Adara, you're a hero!' Though that thought never really came out due to his timidness.
    The Yamask felt himself being watched, glancing at the direction of the Tyranitar, who just simply blinked at him and the Dewott, "Locutus...My name...is Locutus." Plea frowned, at first the Tyranitar would at least attempt to eat him, but the ghost gave a small smile and gave a nod, "N-nice to m-meet you sir. P-Plea is the name."

    That smell. It reeked. Plea was just a simple little ghost, but that doesn't mean he lost his senses! Though this smell... It was way too strong, it reeked of death.

    "Look out!" The Dewott called out, it snapped Plea out of his thoughts, the Yamask whirled around out of instinct, only to see a Gardevoir jump up from the bushes and toward the ghost's direction. He barely dodged, floating off to the side.

    "I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" He sobbed. Irony. He's a ghost. Out of fear, he threw Will-o-Wisps at the direction of the Psychic type, "Go away, go away!"

    By mistake, some of the several Will-o-Wisps missed the smelly Gardevoir, and went to the direction of his allies. Whoops.

    Age : 36
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:38 pm

    Post 9

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    Lake Acuity| Noon

    The demon had roared at him, but Famaer expected that much. What he did not expect was the little eevee kit wresting out of his grip and not only defying him, but defying him with language that would make a sailor blush. While his expression betrayed his momentary shock, his stare turned cold and hard, narrowing as she continued her rant. Even as she hopped away victoriously -and unburying herself in the snow- his glare never left her, his fur bristling slightly as she introduced him as "Grumpy".

    He did not get much time before the strange water pokemon shouted to watch out, and out exploded an Infected Demon, a Psychic type that was rotting away in its own filth. Served the bastard right. However, when it attacked the others, including the Specter, he did not move. It did not concern him if the Evil ones killed each other. However, the Specter turned on them, firing ghostly flames at them.

    The glaceon, though large, was quick to move. He dashed for the Eevee kit, grabbing her around the middle like a parent would their child. He rounded and got behind a tree where he literally plopped her into the snow, similar to how they met. "You disrespect me again, CHILD, I send you to the depths of the Inferno with the rest of the Hellians. My name is Famaer. I didn't hear your question. Now, stay here until I call," he growled before going back into the fray.

    He spotted the gardevoir, and snarled. Charlatan. "Go back to the Abyss, Demon!" he cried as he sent out a powerful Shadow Ball, aiming straight for its disgusting head.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:09 am

    ((Skip please, I'm having computer problems and having to post from my phone. Just go with Adara can't do anything because Famaer got her stuck in the snow. Sorry guys!))

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:44 am

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    Lake Acuity | Noon(4)

    Just as it seemed as if he had his prize, the little ghost dodged him. Deimos fell face-first into the snow. Annoyed at his failure, the gardevoir shook the snow from himself. When he reopened his eyes, Deimos saw fire aimed right at him. He dodged it, only to be hit by a Shadow Ball from the blue fox. It knocked him back a bit, and managed to make him stagger.
    He growled at the glaceon, but saw in the corner of his eye that the dewott was preparing an attack. Before it could hit him, Deimos crawled into the shadows, ready to retaliate with Shadow Sneak. Deimos would kill them all, if that's what it takes to get his prey.

    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:35 am

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    Lake Acuity, Late Morning

    Tyson was ready to cut the infected's head off, but it dodged before he could even swing. He stood where he was, his sword raised as he looked around for where the undead would strike next. The eevee was no where in sight, he knew that the Glaceon had carried it off, but he didn't feel right leaving a young girl on her own.

    He found the little Eevee in the snow, figuring she must have been placed there by the Glaceon. She seemed to be safe enough, but what if the infected found her and attacked, she would have to means of escape, only attack, and she could only hold that up for so long. He couldn't let that happen.

    He turned away from the hole and out of eye sight of the eevee. He didn't want her thinking he was going to treat her like a child as well. If she wished to not be, then he wouldn't, but he still didn't feel right about leaving a lady on her own while everyone else fought. Using a Focus Energy, he kept his sense's alert for where the creature may strike next.

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:18 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning [8]

    ...Aaaaaand the Gardevoir dodged, Plea whimpered out of fear, he's so fucking screwed. The Yamask immediately ducked into the snow, attempting to bury himself to hide. Shivering cold it was to be hiding in the snow, though he was a ghost and didn't have to worry of death... Again, but he still didn't like to be uncomfortable. He immediately stopped shaking as soon as heard the noise from above settle down, he perked up his head out of the snow a bit, seeing the Gardevoir is now... Gone. He gave a small smile, floating out of his hiding spot. Thank Arceus that was over with.

    He still shivered out of shyness, he was surrounded by huge Pokemon, one of them being a major douchebag. "Uhhhh..." Plea had his gaze on the ground, speaking aloud to everyone, "S-sorry for being usless... But that was a nice b-battle." He shook, afraid the Glaceon would make a nasty remark or snort. The Yamask held up his mask to cover his face, "W-will h-he be coming back?"

    Age : 36
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:49 am

    Post 10

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    Lake Acuity| Late Morning

    Famaer growled as he watched the Psychic slip into the shadows after his Shadow Ball hit the creature. Ironic, to hide in your weakness. He was not fooled when it retreated, however, even when the Phantom began speaking. "Uhhhh... S-sorry for being useless... But that was a nice b-battle." He shook for a moment, maybe afraid Famaer might attack him. Good. The Ghost held up its mask in front of its face. "W-will h-he be coming back?"

    A scoff immediately sounded from the glaceon. "Fool. He's not dead yet, he's there, in the shadows over there," he growled. He glanced to the others; the strange sword-bearing creature had one over to Adara, but left her alone. Maybe he could trust that one... At least, he knew he could trust it more than the Tyrant and Ghost.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:29 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:09 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Late Morning

    Okay. the whole 'stuck in the snow' thing was getting pretty old. But to top it off? This time it wasn't even her fault! Grumpy dropped her here! Okay, okay, so he said his name was Famaer...whatever! Grumpy was easier to say anyway! And a heck of a lot easier to remember given his attitude. She huffed in exasperation and made to start climbing her way out of the hole when the blue samurai guy was suddenly standing there. She gave him a beaming grin, only to have him turn away. Well, that was rude.

    Fed up with everyone giving her the brush off because of her size, she came up with the brilliant plan of showing everyone just how big she really was. They obviously weren't falling for the 'I'm cute and adorable, so do everything I say' routine, so she needed a new tactic. Nodding to herself, for no apparent reason other than to tell herself that she agreed with this plan, she charged a large Shadow Ball and let it fly. It blasted away most of the snow and gave her a pleasant ramp to just walk right up and out. She paid no mind, however, to where that Shadow Ball might have actually went...

    ((OOC: If anyone wants that Shadow Ball to go for their character please, have fun and go with it! She's a little derp and she totally just let a powerful attack loose with no regards as to who might be around her. She'll apologize profusely later, lol))

    Age : 37
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Fox Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:14 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning (8)

    As the small growling thing disappeared into the shadows, Locutus turned his attention to the others. He was puzzled as to why the creature had gone into hiding, but the questions didn't remain in his mind long when the others began to speak. Locutus wasn't concerned about the creature; it obviously hadn't the strength to be considered a threat.

    "S-sorry for being usless... But that was a nice b-battle. W-will h-he be coming back?" the little masked thing stuttered as the Tyranitar stomped closer.
    Immediately, the fox snorted in annoyance. "Fool. He's not dead yet, he's there, in the shadows over there." He grumbled, his head turning to where the thing disappeared.
    Locutus watched passively as the blade-wielding creature stood a few feet away from where the Eevee and Glaceon were, his eyes on the forest and blade drawn. Suddenly, a dark aura began to emanate from the hole the Eevee was in. Locutus looked closer, his eyes growing wide as he saw a Shadow Ball charging, aimed directly towards the Dewott. Dashing forward as quickly as he could, he threw himself between the blue samurai pokemon and the attack just as the little Eevee released it.

    The attack caught him on his right flank, dissipating against his armor and leaving dark sparks to dance across his pale scales. Locutus said nothing, just glared passively at the Eevee as she pranced out of her hole merrily. Grunting under his breath, he stomped back to where he stood previously, unphased by the attack.
    It's better over here. Further away from that blue fox.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:04 am

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    Lake Acuity, Late Morning

    The beast didn't seem to strike, and worse, the eevee had let out a shadow ball, hitting the huge dino like pokemon, though he didn't seem to be fazed by it. Tyson looked away, she probably thought he was treating her like a child when he wasn't. He placed his sword back in its sheath and turned around, trying to think of where the undead would strike next.

    ((Apologies for the short post, I really didn't know what else for him to do.))

    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:12 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning [9]

    "Fool. He's not dead yet, he's there, in the shadows over there," The Glaceon scoffed, Plea simply looked to the ground, feeling as if he was shunned for his stupidity. It wasn't the Yamask's fault for questioning the intentions of the Undead right? That was when something bad happened, Adara sent a Shadow Ball flying out from her hole heading straight toward the Dewott. The Tyranitar jumped in between, taking the hit. Plea couldn't help, but feel his eyes sparkle, so brave! Strong! Why can't Plea be like that?

    The Ghost-type dropped his mask, floating over toward the intimidating Pokemon. The Yamask gulped, hesitating, "A-are you o-okay sir?" He didn't look hurt, but Plea really didn't want to look like an idiot for standing around and doing nothing. He fiddled with his hands, glancing back and forth between the Tyranitar's massive face and his black fingers. It was awkward for the tiny Ghost-type since he could get knocked out any second.

    Age : 36
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:43 am

    Post 11

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    Lake Acuity| Noon

    Famaer's eyes immediately went to Adara, the pup, and stalked over to her, fur bristling. Once near he shot a shadow ball of his own, blasting right past her, which did absolutely nothing but carve out the snow next to her. "Do not use your attacks so frivolously," he growled. "They are not playthings. They are ways for protecting yourself and others. If you were as mature as you said you were, Child, you would not be so casual with them."

    He looked up to the Tyrant, his eyes narrowing for a moment. At least the beat had proved himself somewhat useful; maybe this Demon had convinced itself it was good, and was trying to truly protect the Child. Odd. He didn't seem to remember his Master saying the Demons had feelings. Maybe this was a new ruse to force him into the Dark way of thinking, into the path of shadow. He snorted and kept walking, ignoring the Ghost's question to the new Voluntary Wall. His eyes were fixated on the shadows where the Psychic had slithered off into.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:10 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Noon

    Adara noticed the Tyranitar's back sparking with purple energy as she walked out of her hole, and her eyes went wide. Had she...had she hit him? Oh no! The poor big guy! She quickly hopped in front of him and gave him the saddest eyes she could. "I'm so sorry Locky! I didn't mean to hit you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!" The little Eevee was near a full blown panic attack, absolutely horrified by the fact that she had hit one of her friends. And Grumpy didn't help matters much. "Do not use your attacks so frivolously." His voice sounded pissed, like the way Daddy would get when that Seviper kept coming by the house. "They are not playthings. They are ways for protecting yourself and others. If you were as mature as you said you were, Child, you would not be so casual with them."

    Oh, that was it.

    She was done with the whole 'you're just a kid' routine. Enough was enough. Years of training, of dedication, of fine tuning her skills until she could work in perfect unison with her big brother and all she could get told was that she was frivolous? Fuck. That. Noise. He might be bigger than her, he might be smarter because he was so freaking old, but that did not mean he got to act like he was the best thing since bottled Revives. Her fur bristled and tears began to fill her eyes.

    "You-What do you know?!" She screamed, half crying. "You don't know anything about me! What gives you the right to judge me just because I tend to look on the brighter side of things and have a little too much energy? Huh?" Angry, hurt tears were streaming down her face by this point. "All I ever did was try to be nice to you, to everyone, but NO, can't have that! Look, just because you're miserable doesn't give you the right to make everyone else around you miserable too!"

    At the end of her heart-aching rant, she curled up into a ball and just started to ignore everyone and everything around her. She had screwed up, it happened sometimes, but that was no reason to act like she didn't have a brain. She was, in fact, quite brilliant. She just...didn't always make the best decisions. Street smarts and book smarts are two entirely different things, after all. Oh how she missed her brother Kaiden...why couldn't he be here with her?

    Age : 37
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Fox Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:04 am

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    Lake Acuity | Late Morning (9)

    Locutus watched in passive shock as the small Eevee blew up in a surge of emotion. He watched as tears streamed down her face, something vague and painful stirring in his chest.
    Her pained face, her tiny strained voice...it stirred something in the great beast.
    What...is this...I just don't understand...he thought as he fell into this new emotion. The Tyranitar closed his eyes, letting the pain roll over him, his breathing getting heavy as his chest constricted.
    The smell of burning flesh filled his nostrils. Agonized cries, of both humans and Pokemon. A terrible feeling dominated him, a mix of terror and fury.
    Kill me! Kill me!
    I couldn't save them...no hope...

    "A-are you o-okay sir?"
    Suddenly, a small voice called him back. Locutus' eyes snapped open. As he looked down at the Yamask, the emotion disappeared as quickly as it resurfaced, his face going blank instantly.
    He watched the Yamask fidget nervously in front of him, his gaze going their mask, his face and back.
    "Uh...I'm...okay..." He repeated carefully, gazing at the small creature, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of understanding.
    He kneeled on one knee, slowly lowering his claw.
    He recalled small fragments of Pokemon he had known once...of comforting them in their cells...they felt better when they held paws, even if it were for a short while...he remembered the hollow emptiness in their eyes, the malnutritioned and beaten bodies...the ever-present pain that ate at him from the inside, out...
    Locutus looked down at the ghost type, his large claw outstretched in front of him, his gaze steady and unflinching.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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