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    The ACUITY Team


    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:07 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Early Morning
    The small Eevee chuckled at Famaer's reply to her question, his words making it sound like nasty shadows were going to just jump out and snatch her away. At the question of her health she nodded vigorously, a bright smile plastered on her face. "Oh yes I am feeling soooo much better now! You guys really did a great job. I don't normally heal this fast when I get into trouble. Last time I broke some ribs it took me almost three weeks to get back into routine."

    Now that one was a funny story, but just as she was about to launch into it a strange sound drifted on the winds towards the cave causing Adara and her ice forme counterpart to both pause and perk up their ears. As the words got closer and closer she could make out a song, and a voice that she vaguely recognized. As the voice began to shout the sound of it finally clicked in her mind that she did know who that was. Her brother's old friend! Oh she hadn't seen him in years!

    "Stay here with your brother, Adara. I'm going to check this out. I'll be back in a few moments."

    "Hey wait!" she called out after the ice fox, stepping out into the snow and sinking well over half way. "I know him!" But it seemed her words had been muffled by the snow because Fam didn't come back. Scrambling to dig her way out she dragged herself wet and cold back into the cave to go get her brother. He needed to know what was outside.


    Kaiden had been content knowing that Adara had situated herself with Famaer, keenly aware that the ice type had a soft spot for the tiny female as he had several times tried to keep her from danger. Content in allowing himself to be a heater for the still sleeping reptile beside him he frowned as the Umbreon started trying to wake him up. "Leave him in peace," he warned, knowing that someone as jumpy and easily confused as Rufus most likely would react badly to being woken up before he was ready. "The Sandslash is fine, I am watching them."


    The voice of the black Charizard made its presence known beside the large Arcanine, the fire dog happy that he was still laying down and not have them compete for height. If it were up to him he would be no taller than Famaer, but mother nature had other plans for the hound and gave him far too much growth once he evolved. At least the Charizard was slightly taller, if only by a mere couple of inches. "So, where is this group going anyway? Snowpoint? The ruins? Or are you going to brave the blizzard just south of here and head to the mountains?" Kaiden merely shrugged.

    "I only came to find my sister." He honestly had no idea what was to happen with the group now that he had his tiny sister. She was his only concern this entire time so it stood to reason whichever way she decided he would follow. Somewhat convoluted in the idea of protecting her but Adara was a free spirit, that and years of experience had long since taught him telling her 'no' just plain didn't work. Not once she had her mind set. One would be better off arguing with a brick wall than a ten inch Eevee on a mission. Speaking of which...

    Adara came dashing into the cave as fast as she could and nearly slammed into her brother's leg as she skidded to a halt. Panting from exhaustion she fought to get through her point in as little time as possible. "Kai! Outside! Fam...singing...Mastema!" At her last word Kaiden jumped to his feet, the small Eevee clinging to his large paw as he nearly stepped on her. She climbed up to her perch on top of his head as he took off out of the cave without a word to anyone, barreling through the snow as he tried to catch Famaer's scent and the one that still haunted his dreams. If Adara was right, and Mastema was here, then Famaer would surely try to fight him. The Zoroark had never been one to listen to orders and the elder Glaceon had an obvious prejudice against anything dark...

    Famaer was in for a shock.

    Last edited by Phoenix on Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Annoying typo that made me feel dumb, lol)

    Age : 30
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Starbits Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:37 pm

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    Lake Acuity | Early Morning | 13

    "Leave him in peace. The Sandshrew is fine, I am watching them."

    Well he doesn't look fine... The Umbreon had wanted to say that aloud, giving that the poor Sandslash looked exhausted, but his brain was still too foggy from sleep and he yawned as he had started to speak, the words trailing off into intelligible mumbles. He withdrew his paw from the giant reptile and sat down instead, pawing once more at his eyes.

    Kothar's awakening was lost on the Umbreon; he wasn't sure what to think of the hulking dragon, and preferred to keep a little distance between them before he knew; it made him feel more comfortable that way.

    "Kai! Outside! Fam...singing...Mastema!"

    The sudden shout shocked him, making him jump, all fur on end as he glanced to the little Eevee. Apparently this was bad news; her brother was up in seconds and disappeared from the cave without so much as a word. Now aware that he was left with only the Sandslash for company that he knew was safe, he swallowed and glanced at him, hoping for some kind of idea of what to do next. Follow them? Or stay here?

    ... Maybe staying would be a better idea... Seymour could go absolutely nowhere and he'd hate to leave him alone with the other two, given how nervous the shrew was...


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]19 Badges[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    little fairy

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    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:12 pm

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    Lake Acuity || Early Morning

    "I only came to find my sister." The Arcanine replied. Kothar looking around, expecting to see Growlithe, or another Arcanine. He didn’t really think that who the fire type was talking about was the Eevee, the only way they could manage that was if they shared the same father.
    Speaking of which, it took the dual type to notice the singing that was coming from outside, he most likely wouldn’t have noticed if the Eevee hadn’t run in talking about singing and, mastema? Though whatever, or whoever that was seemed to get the Arcanine on his paws as he and his sister dashed out of the cave after the grumpy Glaceon. Something was about to go down, he could feel it in his bones.

    The Charizard began to walk towards the entrance, looking over his shoulder at the one’s that remained in the cave, guessing they would be fine before following the prints of the Arcanine.
    Kothar wasn’t a runner, but his walking could be counted as some kind of fast walk, and with his size, he could take larger steps. He hoped that the ice fox and fire dog wouldn’t mind him following, he was just wanted to see what was about to happen.
    He slowed down as he saw the green, and hid himself as best he could in the shadows, to see what would happen next. The last thing he wanted though was for them to start ripping each other apart. Though this bleak white area could do with some colour.

    (( Sorry for the short, and bad post… ))

    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:25 pm

    ((I can't believe I missed this team when posting yesterday! So sorry!))
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    Lake Acuity|Early Morning


    Mastema paused in his song, curious about the voice that sounded behind him, turning to find a rather large Glaceon with a hefty ice attack already building in his mouth. The Zoroark allowed a smirk to crawl across his face as he greeted the new arrival, looking his form over appreciatively. The haggard look seemed to make this weary elder only more appealing. "You know there are a lot better things than that to do with your mouth babe."

    Another shadow passed behind the ice type and for a brief moment Mastema's eyes flicked to it, not able to see what it was but sure something was there. Smile only growing wider he stepped closer but a strange scent in the air made him stop short, eyes growing wide as his mind spun. He knew that scent. Smoky with a lingering heat and yet refreshed, like a forest fire tamed by natural rains. The near taste of oak as the scent lingered on the tongue...

    Suddenly his eyes narrowed and Mastema let out a terrible growl, lunging for the Glaceon. "Why?!" he screeched at it, wanting to beat the answers from it if necessary. "Why do you smell of him?! Whywhywhywhywhy???!!!" Kaiden, his Kaiden, was all over this male.


    ((Sil feel free to have Fam dodge, he's in an emotional state and isn't really thinking before he acts so any aim will be way off. And he only picks up Kaiden's scent on Fam because they slept in an enclosed space together but Mastema has a one track mind lol))

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:37 am

    Famaer 45|| Maro 35

    [[Maro's count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]]]

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Lake Acuity| Early Morning

    "You know there are a lot better things than that to do with your mouth babe."

    Famaer paused, confused with the strange comment from the stranger as he came into full view. What... what? What did that even mean? Blinking, the older glaceon had to allow the stranger's queer looks sink in. He'd seen the species before; a zoroark, an Evil of pure darkness. They were known for shape-shifting, or at least painting elaborate illusions of it in their victims' minds, weaving their sorcery into their fighting techniques. They were a terrible bunch, known also for their trickery and mischief. His frown deepened, but suddenly, the smug, cocky demeanor of the dark fox changed almost instantly.

    "Why?!" With a feral cry of anger, the stranger lunged forward, giving Famaer only a small fraction of a second to react. Throwing himself out of the way of those bright murderous claws, he soon found himself chest-deep in snow from the fall. Springing back up to his feet once more, he faced the intruder again. "Why do you smell of him?! Whywhywhywhywhy???!!!"

    "What in God's holy name are you babbling about, Demon?!" he snapped back, unsure of what caused this particular Evil to snap so quickly. Were all zoroarks like this? The Ice Beam remained ready to fire, its holder unsure whether attacking was really a grand idea.


    Maro sighed as she padded lightly over the snow, its grey color beginning to brighten with the gradual rise of dawn. She'd been wandering for... days, weeks, whatever, since being separated from Nikki and Keagan. Her gaze fell a little at the thought of them; she hoped they were still all right... But as her thoughts began to darken on their whereabouts, noise caught her attention. Blinking, she watched as a humungous arcanine rushed out of what looked to be a hidden little cave in the direction of... something else, she guessed. Obviously, it hadn't heard her, otherwise, it would have come toward her. Though, sniffing the air provided the information that the huge fire dog wasn't alone; there were others nearby as well.

    Trotting carefully forward, she peered slowly into the mouth of the cave, her suspicions proved real. There were quite a few others, in fact. Her heart skipping a few beats -or at least, it did figuratively- she was overwhelmed with relief. Finally! Other pokemon... It wasn't Nikki and Keagan, but maybe they'd seen the duo at some point? Maybe? She cautiously stepped forward, unsure of the group's mood. Hostile? Hospitable? Really, they all looked like they just woke. "Erm..." she began, eyeing the others. Her mind went blank from the small wave of anxiety, suddenly unsure of how to approach these people. Really, she needed to meet people more often... "Uh, good morning!"


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:30 pm

    ((Sorry Sil but I am going through some small trouble figuring out what I want these two to do. I want them showing up after Mastema reveals he knows Kaiden but that needs another round lol.
    Skip for now I guess. Sucks since it would have been a badge post for Adara.))

    Age : 28
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:02 am

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    Lake Acuity || Early Morning [29][10]

    Seymour could only watch helplessly as the group dispersed into the icy wasteland beyond, apparently alarmed at the arrival of ‘Mastema’ – an old acquaintance of the siblings, he could only presume. Although curious, the Sandslash knew he wasn’t going anywhere. It would be a bad idea to disturb a slumbering giant that could crush him in an instant and so he remained rigid in the reptile’s grasp, heaving an exasperated sigh. But as he raised his head, he found that one creature had remained behind; the nervous Umbreon whom Famaer could only loathe.

    Managing a weak, half-appreciative smile at the canine, Seymour gestured to the exit and the mystery beyond which had ensnared the group’s senses.
    “You should go find them,” He suggested, squirming a little against the gator’s hug. “It’s not like I’m going anywhere,” Smiling once more, Seymour was oblivious to his impending doom as he wriggled an arm free of its constraints. One shift of his body at the wrong angle triggered a startled yelp from his captor as a single spine pricked the callous skin of the Feraligatr’s chest. Instantly tensing as Rufus awoke, nothing could have prepared the rodent for the reaction about to follow.

    As Rufus’ heavy eyelids peeled back to reveal alert blue orbs, hungrily consuming the sights of the cave, he quickly became aware of a severe lack of company. They were gone. That terrifying feeling of abandonment struck him like a bus, the reptile virtually winded as realization dawned on him. Only the spiny rodent and the dark canine remained – his other friends were gone.
    “Why?” He whined, mind still adapting to consciousness and the disaster that had greeted him. He swiftly rose to his feet, roughly dropping his personal teddy-bear as his attention volleyed wildly, desperately about the cave. They were gone.

    The thought of this being a simple game of hide-and-seek comforted the reptile only for a moment. Rufus, made hopeful by the idea, stampeded about the area – peering behind rocks and shovelling away snow in a vain bid to find the friends that sought to hurt him. But he found no-one; only the newcomers staring at him from afar.
    “Famaer? ‘Dara?” Rufus’s pitiful query quickly turned deadly as his mind worked to solve this mystery. Why would they go? They wouldn’t just abandon him – they were friends. That left only one explanation in the reptile’s mind – the two remaining had made them go. “Why? Why go?!” The Feraligatr’s expression was feral, the epitome of fury, as he charged towards the duo – jaws agape in an impressive display of unrestrained rage.

    Seymour gave a terrified squeak, instinctively curling into a ball of lethal spikes as the enraged water-type reached his quivering form. But instead of pain, the sensation of being devoured – Seymour found himself airborne. Rufus’ bulk had collided with the spiny form with enough force to send the victim flying out of the cave, only for the attacker to recoil with an irate hiss – spines embedded in the side of his face. Seymour, despite the dizzying rush of wind that accompanied temporary flight, considered himself safe; he could only pray Muse suffered an equally as merciful fate.

    The Sandslash landed a startling distance away, the snow cushioning his descent as he lay sprawled out in the icy substance. Rufus’ stressed cries were still audible; a backing track to the closer noise of conversation, but Seymour had made up his mind. This was just ridiculous. Of course, these creatures had been civil, quite courteous actually – but the gator terrified him. If not now, the misguided reptile would kill him at some point or another, and Seymour didn’t intend to wait around for it. Brushing himself off, his body aching from return to solid land, the ground-type fought back the pain and scurried away.

    Rufus was not happy. Amidst the emotional turmoil overpowering his senses, the Feraligatr was now blessed with the physical pain of having a series of spines sticking stubbornly in his face – blood trickling down his neck as his relentless state of panic only heightened. The anger of betrayal controlled his body; the pure terror of abandonment controlled his pitiful whining and the physical pain was pushing him back into a corner – effectively trapped within his own psyche.

    Rufus’ glare never left the Umbreon, half-afraid that he would attack as he cowered in the corner. He didn’t understand what was happening. He was scared; he wanted his friends back. He didn’t want to fight, scared of repeating the shame of hurting one such as Adara, but he was running out of options. Instincts dictated Rufus’ existence, and try as he might to comprehend the etiquette for a situation such as this, emotion left him unpredictable, dangerous.

    (( Seymour’s leaving post is in amongst Rufus’ freak-out, lol. ))

    Age : 30
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Starbits Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:03 am

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    Lake Acuity | Early Morning | 14

    Chaos was utter and absolute. The crocodile was suddenly on his feet, flipping whatever lid he might have had at finding he was almost alone in the cave. Having a fear of abandonment, Muse could sympathize.

    But I'm also a hell of a lot smaller than he is and if he shifts into full attack mode...

    And unfortunately the Fates must have heard him. Rounding on the dark and ground types, the now apparently angry gator charged. Muse shrieked, his body not responding fast enough and suddenly there was no floor. Out into the snow he tumbled--thank god he hadn't knocked him into a wall or trampled him--and two minutes of coughing and trying to steady his dizzy brain later led him to a realization.

    Seymour was gone.

    A broken cry escaped from his throat, akin to a pup crying for its mother. Where had he gone? He'd landed right next to him, right?

    Was he hurt? Muse's nose detected no blood... other than Rufus's, that is.

    He was alone with a half mad gator who was also rather angry. Seymour had run off. Maybe to find the others...

    The vulpine began to cry, terrified; his next step could be his last, with Rufus such a wreck. If he stayed put, Rufus would likely attack. If he tried to run, Rufus would almost definitely attack.

    A few minutes of this and he started to steady himself again. Think, think logically. Acting like a child who's mother suddenly vanished at the supermarker. So therefore, he's scared because he doesn't know where the others are?

    "Th-the o-others heard a v-v-voice and w-went to go s-see what it is. I-I think i-it sc-scared A-Adara. Sh-she sounded k-kinda nervous. Th-they w-went that w-way." He motioned with a paw, having edited out the more confusing bits he didn't understand yet in hopes of making it simple enough for the terrified and angry crocodile to absorb. Hopefully Rufus wasn't so far gone that he didn't understand the offered explanation. If he did understand it, then he should calm down at least a little. Right?


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]19 Badges[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    little fairy

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    Age : 31
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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Storm Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:13 pm

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    Lake Acuity || Early Morning

    Kothar kept himself hidden as best be could in the underbrush, his black scales clashing with the white snow, making it hard to keep himself hidden, but it didn’t seem like he was the worst of their problems.
    The Zoroark started shouting something before suddenly attacking the Glaceon, Kothar would have intervened, but he didn’t feel like getting on the Glaceons bad side even more. He already saw him as a demon, he didn’t want to be labelled a spy either.

    Letting out a small sigh, he figured he should head back before he was spotted, even though they where preoccupied with each other. So as slowly and quietly as he could, he began to walk back to the cave where the others were.

    It didn’t take the Charizard long to get back, though his he stopped when he saw something fly out of the cave. He raised a brow in confusion. What had that been? That’s when he heard the sounds coming from the cave. They sounded angry, and sad. What was going on in there? Where they being attacked by an undead?
    Thinking that was the case Kothar picked up his speed and ran into the cave, half expecting to see the remaining pokemon fighting an undead, but no, it was just the Furaligator throwing a tantrum and running wild.
    He watched at the gator tossed the Umbreon out into the snow. He turned to the water type, what a disadvantage. "Hey!" He shouted, more or less trying to get it’s attention. He looked over his shoulder at the umbreon for a moment. It didn’t look hurt, but it was saying something that he didn’t catch.

    Kothar wasn’t in a good mood anymore. He let out a growl and went into an attack stance. "If you want to fight something fight me!" He growled, half ready to turn the water gator inside out. "But don‘t take it out on the dark type just because you got up on the wrong side of the cave."

    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:19 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Early Morning

    His legs pumped as hard as they could, the massive Arcanine racing through the forest with his tiny sister tucked easily on his head. He could smell the Zoroark, the familiar musk tugging at his heart despite his mind screaming at it to shut up, but he knew that Famaer being so close in proximity to Mastema could only spell trouble. The green haired fox always caused trouble, delighted in it really, and the moody Glaceon would certainly have no trouble trying to put the younger male in his place.

    As he came closer the scent of his former lover nearly overwhelmed him and the Arcanine found new adrenaline in order to get there before something bad happened. Unfortunately, this also meant he didn't notice that something bad was about to happen to him and Adara. With only a loud screech as a warning a rush of air soon found his head somewhat lighter, Kaiden shoving his large paws hard into the ground to skid into a rough stop only to look up and see his sister being carted off by a massive Undead Fearow. “ADARA!!” Turning quickly around he chased after the large crane only to fine a flock of smaller Undead Spearow coming up on it and trying to peck at his sister as it carried her.

    He never even saw the Everstone he stepped on.

    Agility only got him to keep pace with the flock of nightmares, but he couldn't reach them as they stayed so high in the air. He launched a few Flamethrowers but his concern to not hit Adara saw only a few of the stray Spearow taking the flames rather than the beast holding her. He could see her struggling from the ground but he just couldn't reach her...

    The tiny Eevee kicked and squirmed until she found herself on top of the taloned foot that grabbed her rather than in it and suddenly she saw her opportunity. The Spearow were distracted by the random jets of flames her brother kept sending up and she used the chance to leap from the Fearow to land onto one of the Spearow that drew closer. Sadly Spearow didn't come with driving instructions so she was forced to try something pretty daring and definitely insane. She used her Bite and grabbed onto the back of her ride's neck and jerked, forcing it to turn quickly and nearly crash into another. Hopping onto that one she repeated the procedure and slowly but surely leapfrogged her way around the flock, more often than not snapping her bird's neck and sending it falling out of the sky dead.

    Finally she came back to the Fearow and landed securely on its back, creeping slowly up the oil slicked  and molting feathers to come to the base of its crane-like neck. The best she could hope for was to repeat the procedure that got her here so, using her last Bite, she sank her teeth into the neck before her and found that it wouldn't be as simple with this one. Instead of freaking out like the others this one got pissed and began to thrash and try to throw her off. In a panic Adara threw away and rolled, nearly falling off but for the saving grace of one tail feather she was able to bite down on and cling to. But her ride wasn't over yet.

    The Fearow suddenly did a barrel roll and the tail feather she had been clinging to detached, sending the tiny fox dropping out of the sky like a stone. In one last ditch effort she launched with a Quick Attack and just before impact with the large bird switched to a Take Down, intent on taking the fucker with her if she died. As her body hit right in the center of its breastplate she heard a sickening crack just before it gurgled out a cry and both Eevee and Fearow fell out of the sky. But as she fell, screaming towards the ground, a brilliant light enveloped the female and just before she hit the ground she was gone.

    Kaiden reached the scene of the fall a moment too late and was only able to find the body of the Fearow and several of its comrades, but no Adara. He couldn't find her anywhere and yet her scent was everywhere. He searched as best he could but a shift in the wind carried her scent away leaving the Arcanine aching and heartbroken. Resolved to not lose her again he went back for the only creature who he knew would help him in his hunt.


    The male would do anything to be near the Arcanine again and despite how he despised how Mastema used people he needed to do that very thing in order to find his sister. Racing as fast as his legs would carry him he came upon the scene of the Zoroark and Glaceon in the middle of a fight before stepping in front of the dark fox. “I need you,” he stated flatly, sure that the fox would pick up anything that sounded sexual in tone, as was his nature. “Adara was taken. Help me find her and I will let you stay with me. Please...”

    Without really waiting for a reply he made his way back into the treeline before turning and looking towards Mastema, eyes pleading for the fox to follow, before going after his sister once more.

    ((Leaving post. Still cutting back on chars and I have plans for Mastema and Kaiden later lol
    Adara will reappear somewhere very familiar))

    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:20 pm

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    Lake Acuity|Early Morning

    "What in God's holy name are you babbling about, Demon?!"

    The insult rolled off the Zoroark like water off a Ducklett but he would still give the ice type an answer. “My Kaiden...why do you smell like my Kaiden?” He didn't care that the Glaceon was aiming an Ice Beam in his face, the Arcanine's scent was all over this old man and he wanted to know why. But even as he backed away, giving the other male a chance to breath and actually answer suddenly his beloved emerged from the brush with words he had longed to hear since they separated.

    “I need you,”

    “Oh Kaiden,” he purred, slinking his way over to the much larger male. He reached out with one clawed hand only to have the Arcanine turn away and look towards the forest. “Adara was taken. Help me find her and I will let you stay with me. Please...” Adara. Kaiden really did have a one track mind. Mastema liked the plucky little Eevee, and she could kick more ass than one would assume with her size, but Kaiden was always so overprotective of her. But if she was taken...and if Kaiden was promising.

    “Hey wait up!” Ignoring the Glaceon completely Mastema took off after his former lover with every hope that now they could finally be together. Forever. All they had to do was find Adara and how hard could that be?

    ((Leaving post. Still cutting back on chars and I have plans for Mastema and Kaiden later lol))

    Age : 36
    Posts : 3208

    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:03 pm

    Famaer 46|| Maro 36

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    Lake Acuity| Early Morning

    It all happened so quickly. As the black and neon green demon approached, it seemed that all it wanted was one thing... “My Kaiden...why do you smell like my Kaiden?” Kaiden?! What did the demon want with the arcanine? While it was likely nothing sanctioning or pure, Famaer really couldn't think long on the subject, as his aggressor was much more spry than he. But as quickly as the psychotic fox began attacking, he suddenly stopped, his bright gaze fixated on something else.

    “I need you.”

    “Oh Kaiden,” Famaer turned to see the named canine standing, panting, looking terribly distressed. Concerned at the fact that there was no longer a little bouncing, obnoxious ball of fluff atop his head, the glaceon's chest filled with dread. No... He took a step back, however, when the fox gave a clawed caress that could only be described as "intimate" to Kaiden, who in turn, turned toward the frosted forest. “Adara was taken. Help me find her and I will let you stay with me. Please...”

    His fears were confirmed. But Kaiden was looking toward the wrong side for help-- this creature, this maniac would only help him find the poor pup to destroy her. As he opened his mouth to protest, to try and give his own word of aid, he was already running, the dark fox on his heels, leaving him in the snow. “Hey wait up!” the demonic stranger called, tagging loyally behind Kaiden. Famaer stood, in a blank daze, unsure of what to do. Had he... had he lost?


    Maro had found that maybe her voice was too low or maybe the others were just a tad bit too involved with whatever was going on inside that cave, but soon she felt glad for it. A sandslash soon came fleeing out as fast as his little legs would carry him, not stopping for a moment as a roar of fury followed. Though her motherly nature generally led her to be a bit protective of the weak and young, a screeching flock of undead heralded more trouble... and a bunch of strangers wasn't worth risking her neck over. Silently apologizing to any innocents caught by whatever roared in the den, she turned tail and fled as well.

    [[Leaving post. It's been fun, guys]]


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    The ACUITY Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The ACUITY Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:21 am

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    Lake Acuity || Early Morning [30]
    "Th-the o-others heard a v-v-voice and w-went to go s-see what it is. I-I think i-it sc-scared A-Adara. Sh-she sounded k-kinda nervous. Th-they w-went that w-way."
    Rufus wouldn’t have been able to understand the canine’s stuttering explanation even if he’d put all of his concentration into deciphering the code. He heard Adara’s name but nothing else of significance. He hissed in frustration, still mainly terrified of his newfound isolation until he caught the creature’s motioning to somewhere beyond the cave. It ensnared Rufus’ attention immediately, speaking volumes to his undeveloped mind.

    The Feraligatr calmed instantly, his feral expression dropping into a serene melancholy as he trotted cautiously towards the cave mouth – making sure to give the shaken canine a wide berth. He could sense the dark-type’s fear as much as his own and as his mind cleared, Rufus felt shame for evoking such unpleasant feelings. What would Famaear say? Keen to make amends, Rufus managed a small, obviously uncomfortable smile.
    “Thank… You,” He muttered in his signature broken English, though there was a sincerity locked within the words even if confidence in the pronunciation was more lacking.  
     "If you want to fight something fight me! But don‘t take it out on the dark type just because you got up on the wrong side of the cave."
    Rufus, so confirmed with making amends with the Umbreon, didn’t notice the dragon’s return until it was too late. The Charizard blocked the entrance, growling and ready to attack. The Feraligatr, alarmed, quickly mimicked the threatening stance, hissing half-fearfully as he squared up to the living obstacle. Again, the creature’s words went unregistered, leaving Rufus inextricably ignorant to the situation. All he knew was that his friends were gone and a huge dragon, blocking his path, was ready to attack.

    Rufus reacted as his instincts dictated. Scared and angry, the reptile suddenly launched an AncientPower towards the creature so keen to separate him from his contentment.

    (( Dara, you’re welcome to attack Rufus. ))

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