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Will you survive?


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10 posters

    The SHADOW Team


    Posts : 130

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:12 am

    ((Meh, so little time on the computer. we'll say Gluttony's enjoying his food so much he moves on to more of the body not noticing the Agron.))

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:29 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    (OoC: Lazy image edit!)
    Cipher's Shadow Pokémon Lab [Outside] | Night | 9
    Wh- What just happened...?
    The half-eaten Tropius staggered to his feet. I'm... I'm dead. He looked around. Nothing looks different... Or smells different... He walked around. I'm dead. I'm... dead. Dead, dead, dead. I am infected. I don't feel bad at all. He tried flying. Agh. I can't fly very well... Ho, hum. He walked around some more. I'm dead. I am dead, I am a zombie. And I feel GREAT! He laughed. I'm dead, I'm DEAD, I'M DEAD!!! He began to laugh hysterically. I'm DEAD! I'm DEAD and GONE! Yet, I stand here, in front of your eyes, healthy as a horse!... Hi, ho!
    I AM DEAD!!!
    He shouted. His hysterical laughing resumed. He walked away, to a nearby rock.

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:41 am

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    Shadow Lab//Night

    Kid had started to lose hope of ever finding his way out of this filthy labyrinth of halls and doors. He though he had even spotted something black go by, he disregarded it as nothing but the trick of the eye.

    His paws where starting to become sore, and he was about to stop and rest till he finally found the exit. He smiled as he ran to the open. Glade to be out of that horrible, disastrous place and out in the open. Looking around he noticed that there where some pokemon out here, none that he really wanted anything to do with, mostly cause they where either dead, or undead. "Disgusting creatures." He growled before he began to run out into the desert.

    ((Kids leaving post. Sorry, but I guess this team just doesn't cut it for me :/ ))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:11 pm

    ((OoC- I have to skip. Seeing as how there has been no interaction between any of the characters since Honchkrow left and there are no other living on the team right now.))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:29 pm

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    | Shadow Lab // Night |

    Luzine flapped his large wings in the nighttime sky."So dark...." he decided to drop down, swooping towards the brown desert below. He landed gracefully, continuing to walk towards the reason he had flown down: the lab. He walked gracefully, noticing the two undead fighting over a Crobat body. Pathetic. If he hadn't been so focused on attacking the two away, he wouldn't have noticed the Dratini and Combee far beyond on the sidelines. The poor Dratini was curled up, and the Combee.... A Combee. Luzine grinned. "Time to go introduce myself...." he glided toward the two on his insect feet. He knelt down next to the Dratini.
    "Hey there.... Are you ok?" Of all the times he flirted, this was not one of them. Although he did look up to the Combee with a soft look. This Combee was a female, too. Luzine tried hard not to swipe that jar of honey that she had around her neck. Honey was like his liquor. He hadn't had any since his trainer was killed. He looked down to the Dratini again, seeing how she'd respond to him.


    (OoC: I'm back! >B3 And he's not bein a creeper. :U lol)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:27 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Cipher's Shadow Pokémon Lab [Outside] | Night | 10
    (Sorry, didn't know I was the leader now! But, uh... wasn't Ava supposed to leave a leaving post since Gluttony was deactivated...?)
    Cav watched as may new Pokémon came into view. He had been giggling madly for a while, and had stopped to listen in to their conversation. The Mothim tried to talk to the Dratini, odd because there was a Combee with honey around its neck in plain sight - during his days with his trainer, he often had to keep Mothim away from stealing the honey they sold.
    Don't go in the lab, He yelled, looking to the others. I met my murderer in there... And now I'm dead. He turned around and trailed off into a nonsensical rant to himself. It's so ironic, I'm dead, yet, I am standing here talking to others. Pray tell, is this heaven? Damn, if this is heaven, the afterlife is gonna suck. I had always expected it to be better. Am I even visible to others? Am I a ghost? He rubbed his left foreleg against his right. I can't feel anything... So, I am either in heaven, a ghost, a zombie, or having a horrible nightmare that I would just love to wake up from. But, I doubt I am...

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:52 pm

    (Skip please, just say Tarala and Kaida said hello)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:48 pm

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    | Shadow Lab // Night |

    Luzine smiled as the Dratini responded, and the Combee as well.
    "Well now, what are you two doing out here? By the way, I'm Luzine~" he winked at them both, before he suddenly heard a pokemon yell at him. His face went into an unamused expression.

    "Don't go in the lab, He yelled, looking to the others. I met my murderer in there... And now I'm dead."

    "Who's this dude yelling at us? He sounds utterly insane." He thought, then heard the other trail off quietly into insane rambling. Poor creature must have just been killed or something. He looked back to the Dratini and Combee, seeing their reactions before he stood up. He didn't want to go over there, but he guessed he had to. For the mean time, he stood next to the pair of pokemon, making sure the Tropius didn't come near.


    (OoC: Dear god. I have no idea what to do. lol)

    Last edited by TailsFoxStar on Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Posts : 2653

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Lugia Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:20 am

    ((Seeing as how the golurk never made a post, there will be no harbinger attack, but it will be counted on Kaze's profile. Carry on.))


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:13 pm

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    Cipher's Shadow Pokémon Lab [Outskirts] | Night | 11
    (Leaving post, even though I'm technically gone now)
    He knew that he should get away from others. The innocent would be harmed if he didn't isolate himself soon. He was infected. I will go now! Do not worry, for even though I am dead and infected, I will not return! He yelled towards the Mothim, Dratini, and Combee. I never knew any of you, but you never knew me! With that, he began to flap his leafy wings; after struggling a little, he took off into the sky. Farewell, and I hope you will never need to see me again! I am a zombie, after all!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:10 pm

    (OoC: Skip please. My post depends on Scarlett. -w-)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:24 am

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    Shadow Lab - Entrance | Evening
    --- -- -36- -- ---
    [Carried from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]]

    Well, what. The. Fuck. The bird's clutches on Jeanne's shoulder was irritating as hell while this dumbass of a Monkey -- also known as the pedophile Harley -- got the duo swooped away from Floaroma into some motherfucking desert! She felt a vein pop on her head as the Fire Monkey was still unconscious. She's definitely fucking up his shit when he wakes up. But things did get to the Sandslash, what of Sabi and Jacques? Are they alright? Surely they'll set off to look for the youngster of the group?... That settles it, she's going to fuck up Harley's shit, and make him more unconscious.

    It was obvious they were in a desert nonetheless, despite the clouds blocking their view of the ground, the sand whipped against Jeanne's face. It was somewhat nostalgic, as she always played in the sandbox back in the Windmill, but once again, bad memories. Not going down memory lane at the moment. It was hard to get a good view of the bird carrying them too, hard to tell undead or living as the wind blew the scent away. She gave a cold hard glare at the unconscious Unova Pokemon, bastard took her family away from her, and even dragged her to this unknown are-

    Her train of thought was interrupted as the pair of claws that carried her and Harley released the duo, "What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" She screamed, they were about... Fifty feet off the ground. Aren't they screwed. She glanced over at Harley, only to find the motherfucker still sleeping, "Now's not the time to be sleeping you stupid moron!" The Sandslash grabbed the idiot as she stared down at the ground, coming closer to them by the second. Well she's a ground-type, what do ground-types do usually?... She has claws, and obviously they will make great use. Jeanne had her claws in front of her as she landed smack down into the ground with Harley, leaving a hole as she dug about five feet deep. Thank Arceus that saved them. She pushed the Fire Monkey up to the surface as she dug her way back up, spitting out the sand that got in her mouth, "Wonderful spot to land, what a great plan you had there Harley. Totally got away from the Undead..." She mumbled, as she felt the sand whipping against her skin.

    Jeanne squinted her eyes as she looked through the sandstorm, only to find some sort of flying... moth-thingy... Pokemon staring down at her. The Sandslash rose a brow, her tone filled with irritation as sand kept getting in her sapphire-blue eyes, "And who the fuck are you?"

    Last edited by Alice on Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:43 am

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    | Shadow Lab // Very Early Hours |
    Harley 26 // Luzine 3


    It flashed back to him suddenly, all of his past. He had no idea where the others were, just stuck in his own blacked-out dream land.

    The team was all there. The vague shapes of an Electrode, an Umbreon, a Manectric, a Krookodile.... All coming after him.

    "Haha, take that!"

    A slash to the side.

    "Yeah, you little fucker. You deserve all the shit handed to you, heheh."

    A punch to the jaw.

    "Beating up on your sorry ass is fun. Hahahah!!"

    A bite to the tail.

    If you dare get up, I'll put you in your place.

    His ribs crushed from being slammed.

    All of it was a blur. All the times he got beat up by his own team members. Thrown into the house where James lived while the other pokemon were put back in their balls. It was all a pretend game. He would get beaten, cover up for them or get beaten worse. James would come home.

    "Harley, Arceus, are you alright? Let's get you cleaned up." The silvery, pearly claws of the Sandslash touched his own bleeding knuckles. He looked up from the floor to see the deep blue eyes of Amor gaze into his own. As the bandages James applied seemed to keep him warm, Amors gaze was comforting. He smiled, but then his vision suddenly going real. Amor's face frowned, her blue eyes suddenly cooler in feeling. The ceiling of the apartment turning to black, the stars barely visible.

    "Wonderful spot to land, what a great plan you had there Harley. Totally got away from the Undead..."

    A pang at his heart strings. Suddenly the real world was a bit less harsh than his past. At least he wasn't getting beaten up so much on a daily basis. But then again, the broken arm and... wait. Oh FUCK. Harley panicked. He couldn't feel his leg. He quickly sat up with his good arm. "Where are we...." he thought. Sudden realization hit him. This wasn't Floaroma anymore.

    "And who the fuck are you?"

    "...W--Wait Sister, what just happened? It may have been a stupid question to ask, but he was completely confused. Suddenly, the bug fluttered up to them with an amused grin on his face. He smiled to Sister.
    "Well hello there~ Who might... you two be?" his voice went from pleased to slightly annoyed as he spied Harley. What the hell was his problem?


    Well. They suddenly disappeared right out from under his nose. Luzine didn't know what happened, but they suddenly dashed away.
    "Wait! he held out a buggy hand after them, but it was unsuccessful. He hung his head a moment. "They're gone.... He shrugged a bit. He hoped those two darlings made it ok. He suddenly turned to his left, noticing the two new arrivals. "Aha.... What is this...?~" he spied the female Sandslash, but she seemed pissed. Nothing his charm couldn't fix to please the lady~ He quickly glided over, landing in front of her.
    Well hello there~ Who might--" he suddenly noticed the male Simisear sitting next to her. He slightly frowned "... you two be?" Damn it. He thought this chick was alone. A male?! Great.

    (OoC: Amg this post was fun. *flail*)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:24 am

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    Shadow Lab - Entrance | Late Evening
    --- -- -37- -- ---

    "Well hello there~ Who might... you two be?" The Mothim asked upon closer inspection, Jeanne recognized them as a flock would always come around Floaroma Town when there's honey slathered on the trees. His honey-like tone changed upon the sight of Harley. Pft, figures, the guy isn't that loved, but Jeanne did care about him a bit. What's the Bug-type's problem for showing aggression to him? Unless some species war is going on and the Sandslash is not aware of it, she just simply pushed the thought away, getting up with a huff, "First off, I asked you the question first."

    She brushed the sand on her off, despite the flying sand whipping around just adds more to her skin, "Secondly, the name's Jeanne," The Mouse Pokemon said in a harsh hiss, the name was directed at both Harley and the Mothim, mostly at the Fire Monkey for referring to her as 'Sister' in the first place. Smile wasn't around anymore, so what purpose does that name bring if he wasn't here in the middle of fucking nowhere. "And last, but not least! This idiot," The Ground-type points at Harley straight on his forehead, yet still keeps her unwavering gaze at the bug, "Over here, got us kidnapped by some hugeass bird. And now here we are, the wonderful town of nowhere!" Sarcasm works its magic at the end. Nonetheless she gave a groan as she sat back down, scanning her surroundings.

    It was absolutely nothing, fan-fucking-tastic. Nothing but sand and clouds everywhere! Oh and that weird metalli- wait a fucking moment. The metallic 'thing' shining in the distance was coming closer and closer, a cloud of dust follows closely behind. Jeanne squints her eyes for a better look, only to see a pair of hungry, crimson-red eyes stare right back at her. Harley was the one it was running to, it came closer, and the Aggron was one quick bastard surprisingly enough. The Sandslash grabbed Harley by the scruff. flinging the poor bastard at the Mothim, "Catch you stupid bug, and let's get the fuck outta here!"

    The Aggron came rampaging in, as Harley got thrown over to the Bug's direction, the Steel/Rock duel-type missed by a foot. It gave a blood curdling screech, the Sandslash covering her ears as she ran over to what seemed to be an abandoned building in the distance. It was just an entrance, surrounded by fences - possibly electric or thorn. "To Victory!" She yelled, pointing over at the abandoned building as she dash toward it as fast as her feet could carry her. The Aggron got ready to charge itself towards the group again, if only the were to make it to the building in time...!

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:21 am

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    | Shadow Lab // Early Hours |
    Harley 27 // Luzine 4


    Harley looked up and waited for the tornado of fury to rage forth.

    "First off, I asked you the question first. Secondly, the name's Jeanne, and last, but not least! This idiot over here, got us kidnapped by some hugeass bird. And now here we are, the wonderful town of nowhere!"

    Harley grinned at first, but then suddenly sunk a little bit. She hissed at him and about him. More ouch than he expected.
    "Nice to meet you, I'm Luzine~" The Mothim seemed to grin. Mother fucker was grinning in his pain. He couldn't even argue his defense. She had him beat. Harley sighed, his heart sinking to the floor. So much for being bullied less. Jeanne. He suddenly snapped his head up. That was her name and he hadn't known this whole time. It kicked him down a notch. And wait, it was his fault they had been picked up by the bird?
    Jeanne, I didn't know we had been picked up by a bird, thank you. Harley said a bit angered. This happened to anger him just a wee bit. She was blaming all the things on him, and he would be damned if he didn't stand up for himself. Suddenly shit happened. The ground boomed as an Aggron charged at him. Suddenly Harley suppressed a yelp as Jeanne threw him at the Mothim.

    Catch you stupid bug, and let's get the fuck outta here!"

    Luzine stumbled a bit in surprise as Harley landed in his arms. "Oh jeez." the red monkey thought, his face obviously not amused. Luzine looked down at him with the same face. Both of them were not happy. But nonetheless, they had to run.

    "To Victory!"


    "Nice to meet you, I'm Luzine~" Jeanne, that was a pretty name. It didn't seem they were together by the fact she exploded on him. He grinned at him. He'll snatch this little gem right out from him. This was a feisty one. And he liked that. Suddenly the ground boomed as a metal dragon charged at them.

    Catch you stupid bug, and let's get the fuck outta here!"

    Luzine was a bit offended. "Stupid??" Suddenly the fire monkey was tossed into his arms. The monkey seemed to glare at him, so he glared right on back. Talk about a pissy little motherfucker. Luzine started to take flight and fly towards the lab that Jeanne pointed to. He was behind her, making sure she was safe as they ran.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:29 pm

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    Shadow Lab - Entrance | Late Evening
    --- -- -38- -- ---

    Dear fucking Arceus, the Aggron was on their tail! Thank the heavens that Jeanne and ... Luzine was it? Well yes, Luzine were faster than the Undead's shiny metal ass. The abandoned building came into view, the entrance looked rusted up, but thankfully the doors were broken down for easy access. The only problem; the fence. It was electric as Jeanne predicted, but it stopped working, perhaps they could slide under? It looks big enough for the Sandslash to go under (the fucking playboy of a Mothim can fly over, bastard!), and sturdy enough to hold off the Aggron for a while. With a sly grin, the Ground-type -- able to outrun the steel motherfucker -- slid under the barriers. The Aggron's giant foot missing her by an inch.

    She skidded to a halt as she felt concrete underneath her feet (and some sand particles). When she made a complete stop, she glanced up to see the Undead rampaging over lost prey, Jeanne sneered at the Aggron, "Looks like you're a bit too big for the party." At the moment, she wished for Harley's sunglasses, hoping to put them on and go; 'YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' It was an epic scene in her head, immediately she shook it off, scanning the area with closer inspection. Everything seemed to rust off with time, there was no Undead here? The doors were wide open, and looked like they were brought down with brutal force, surely there had to be some?...

    She narrowed her eyes at the Aggron, then again, she didn't want to deal with this ugly motherfucker at the moment. "Let's go inside the building alright?" She suggested to Luzine and Harley, though it seemed more like a command than a suggestion, "Nothing better to do here except watch steel fatass over here cry over spilled milk anyways." Then again she had the strong urge to also kill the Aggron right then and there though, it's blood-curdling cries are annoying as fuck! The Sandslash only hoped to get rid of that noise inside the building.

    Without waiting for a reply (her ears still ringing from the cries), she made her way inside the building, walking right on top of the broken doors, making a large creaking sound as she stared at her surroundings. Humans are so dirty. Machine equipment were lying everywhere, chips of rocks laid everywhere, even some loose wires hung from the ceiling. She felt her eye twitch, what a wonderful way to be welcomed, nonetheless, there was something ahead of her, a door? Jeanne padded closer, inspecting it; it seemed to be working its magic at least, closed tight. She stared at the key slot right next to the door, with a silent huff, she walked back to the entrance, "Gotta find the damn key first..."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:04 am

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    | Shadow Lab // Night |
    Harley 28 // Luzine 5


    He watched them zoom closer to the fence, the Aggron screaming behind them. Harley grit his teeth. This fucker better fly faster or they both were going to die. Not like Harley was near it himself, anyway. His leg was bleeding a little bit still. Fucking injuries. Fucking insane pokemon. They came to the fence, Harley keeping a sharp eye on Jeanne as she stopped for a moment. Suddenly Luzine hit the ground, doing an odd little prancing thing before suddenly shooting up and over the fence, the Aggron close behind. It snapped at his tail and barely missed, making Luzine yelp. Harley rolled his eyes. "Scared of a bite to the tail. This guy is too much of a pretty boy." They suddenly landed with a thud, Harley's leg being thrown a bit which made him wince. He looked to the Aggron who was on the other side of the fence. Heh.... They beat this big thing.

    "Looks like you're a bit too big for the party."

    Luzine suddenly threw his head back in a laugh.
    "Hahah! You big lard ass! Can't get over the fence now can ya?" Harley smiled a little bit at the Aggron's now exploding frustration. It slammed the fence, making Luzine yelp. Harley would face palm if he wasn't so tired.

    "Let's go inside the building alright? Nothing better to do here except watch steel fatass over here cry over spilled milk anyways."

    Jeanne suddenly walked off, Luzine turning to follow her. Harley annoyingly grumbled as he was harshly bumped as Luzine jumped over the door. the female Sandslash came up to the door and huffed.

    "Gotta find the damn key first..."

    I'll help!~" Luzine said, roughly throwing Harley on the ground. Harley's breathing caught in his throat as he hit the ground. Fucking asshole. He had a broken arm and leg and he just drops him on the fucking ground? Luzine started to search through the rubble. Just like Harley had expected, he start complaining.
    "It's too dark, I can't see!" Luzine said pathetically. Harley sighed, creating a Flame Burst in his hand to light up the room more. Luzine didn't even thank him. Disrespectful fuck.


    Just a hop, skip, and a jump. Luzine skipped gracefully before launching himself and the stupid monkey above the fence. He yelped as the Aggron's teeth barely missed his tail. His beautiful tail, what would he do if it got hurt (who cares about the infection honestly as long as he looked fabulous?) He felt his feet absorb the shock as he landed, turning to the Aggron who screamed at him and Jeanne.

    "Looks like you're a bit too big for the party."

    Luzine beat him. Like he always beats all of his opponents. This filled him with glee, just like old times. "Hahah! You big lard ass! Can't get over the fence now can ya?" Luzine had been so happy from the Aggron's defeat that he barely noticed what Jeanne said, but noticed when she turned to walk away. He walked after her, not looking down at Harley. He jumped over the door after Jeanne, hearing the monkey grumble as he landed. Get the fuck over it, you little bitch. He walked forward, seeing Jeanne look up to the door.

    "Gotta find the damn key first..."

    Time to prove himself. I'll help!~" Luzine quickly dropped Harley, not really caring about him. He could go whelp in the corner. Luzine started looking through the rubble. "These stupid rocks are getting my hands dirty." Luzine mentally grumbled, frustratedly saying outloud: "It's too dark, I can't see!" Suddenly, a red and yellow light cast upon the metal walls, illuminating the room, no doubt caused by Harley. He didn't even want to thank the red idiot for helping him. He didn't want to stoop so low as to thank him.

    (OoC: Luzine you prick. |D)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:29 am

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    Shadow Lab - Entrance | Late Evening
    --- -- -39- -- ---

    I'll help!~" Luzine said, obviously optimistic to help the Sandslash. It followed up with Harley grumbling in the background as the Bug began to dig in the rubble. Harley grumbling like some idiot, what's his problem? Is that bastard really upset over Jeanne pointing out that it was his fault for being swooped up by a bird?... She honestly didn't know. It was best to avoid the Monkey until he calmed down she presumed... Oh wait, the Fire-type had his arm broken recently... Maybe there's medical supplies around? Hopefully there was some wherever the elevator takes them, the Ground-type (thankfully) knew how to work its mechanics thanks to the windmill having some as well.

    "It's too dark, I can't see!" The bug started complaining. As Harley's hand burst to flames, she stared dumbstruck at the Bug, 'Is this bitch even male?' He sounded like some spoiled princess that always gets captured, where some little short Pokemon tells you that princess is in another castle and you have to travel even further for that princess. In the end, all that princess does is give a thanks rather than... oh well... you know, more well rewarded? Nonetheless, Luzine is obviously going to catch onto Jeanne's nerves.

    Scanning the area, as the Mothim dug around, the Sandslash spots a glimmer of a card-like item hanging loosely on a broken piece of the wall. She padded closer, was this the key to the elevator? She held it delicately between her claws as she examined it, it was shiny and had small scratches. This was enough to work the elevator right? She faces the duo, raising the card like it was some sort of trophy. Well it was glorious that she found the card, "Found it."

    Without waiting for a response, she presses the card into the slot, the elevator doors welcoming her by sliding open, "Hop in," Jeanne said rather bluntly, motioning them to go inside.

    "Ah yes, and thank you Harley for the fire," She says in realization, patting the Fire Monkey on the back as she gives him a soft smile. It was tiny, but she never thought she would smile. Hell, she didn't realize she was smiling at all, "Couldn't have done it without you."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:32 pm

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    | Shadow Lab // Night |
    Harley 29 // Luzine 6


    Harley watched as the light shone on something shiny on the wall. Jeanne picked it up. That must be the key, Harley thought. Jeanne entered it into the card slot. The doors slowly slid open.

    "Hop in,"

    Harley puffed. Luzine was too occupied dusting himself off and muttering complaints under his breath. Harley suddenly noticed a board of wood that had a groove in it. It wasn't splintered, but it was perfect height for him. He picked it up with his good arm, struggling to stand up with the crutch under his arm and his back to the wall. His good arm held the crutch, his bad leg being supported. This was weird at first, but he managed. He was able to hobble to the elevator.

    "Ah yes, and thank you Harley for the fire,"

    He suddenly felt a sturdy but gentle touch to his back as she pat her claw onto his back. He felt his face slightly rise in temperature as he looked to her. She had smiled at him. It was small, but nonetheless, it made his heart jump.

    "Couldn't have done it without you."

    Harley looked to the ground, giving a tiny embarrassed smile. "I-I try my best." he said, looking back to her with a smile. Suddenly the doors closed as Luzine pressed the button to close them. "Which floor?" he said sternly and a little bit... angered?


    Stupid rubble. He didn't even have to look through it. He growled, hastily dusting off his scarf. Oh and then the monkey found support, that's good. He wouldn't have to carry his ass. Luzine casually walked towards the elevator, lurking in the back of it as the other two were up in the front. Their conversation annoyed him. They started liking each other?! There wasn't a female Luzine couldn't appeal to. Yet... he wished he had something pure.... All he ever had was fake women who just wanted him for his fake self. Could he possibly be... jealous? Jealous that all he felt was that he felt fake, hiding his real self? He hastily closed the door to the elevator.
    Which floor?" He didn't even look to them, thinking that they could have something real while he couldn't. He had a gut feeling they did, and even if they didn't, it still reminded him he probably never would.


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    Just hold out against the night

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    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:10 pm

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    Shadow Lab - B1F | Late Evening
    --- -- -40- -- ---

    "I-I try my best." Harley said, is it Jeanne or is his face redder than usual? Nonetheless, he was obviously flushed in embarrassment the Sandslash making the last pat on his back a slap, "But don't become so cocky. It was only once." She said with seething irritation. Luzine practically punched the button to close the elevator doors, the Sandslash giving him a 'what-the-fuck?' face as he asked which floor to go to. What's his problem? Nonetheless, she pushed Luzine aside, clicking the button that only pointed downward, must be that they don't have a second story.

    "We're going down, since this is basically our safeward for the time being, I bet humans have some food that can last a while around here," She began as the elevator when down, a soft whirring noise buzzed as she spoke. The Sandslash narrowed her eyes at the door, "We'll also have to be on our guard, some fuckass Undead could be lurking about. Hell, there could still be some ar-?!" The Ground-type was immediately interrupted by a loud bang, the force of impact coming from above the elevator. The machine stopped as the lights flickered on and off. Steadily she looked up, only to see blood form at the ceiling, drops of it dripping down to the center of the elevator. Horror movie much?

    Jeanne had her back to the elevator walls as she continued to stare up at the blood in complete darkness, the lights stopped working... Wait, are they trapped?! "Are you shitting me...?" The Mouse Pokemon whispered, she narrowed her eyes at Harley for a split second, "Do. NOT. Make the fire." She harshly said, her tone was quiet, however, afraid to make the... thing above them aware of their presence. Something was up there, whether it was undead, or just some ghost, they are not to do anything for the time being. If it's undead, let's just hope it hasn't noticed them yet, or even caught their scent.

    In the complete darkness, her eyes adjusted, and she caught faint heavy breaths coming from above, snarls even. Jeanne felt hot under this pressure, she was practically sweating. How are they to take care of this? Especially since if the elevator fell, the trio would meet death sooner than expected. Maybe Luzine could somehow fight? He could fly if they opened the door to the ceiling... But then again, the Undead stood there... This was a gamble between life and death.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:24 pm

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    | Shadow Lab B1F // Night |
    Harley 30 // Luzine 7

    Harley felt a harder smack to the back than the patting.

    "But don't become so cocky. It was only once."

    Harley's face went back to normal. Although he had to admit, something in the back of his mind told him that was a thanks from the bottom of her heart. The elevator started to go down, Harley almost losing his balance from the sudden shift.

    "We're going down, since this is basically our safeward for the time being, I bet humans have some food that can last a while around here. We'll also have to be on our guard, some fuckass Undead could be lurking about. Hell, there could still be some ar-?!"

    Suddenly the elevator jumped, the lights flashing off. Harley lost is balance as the elevator shook, falling to the ground with a thud. Luzine barely avoided him, dead silent as he pressed up against the wall. Harley quickly rushed back from the center of the elevator, avoiding the blood that started to drip. He held his breath like there was no oxygen in the room.

    "Are you shitting me...?"

    He quickly went to try to light a fire on his hand, but then:

    "Do. NOT. Make the fire."

    She quietly shushed at him, seemingly a bit frightened. The atmosphere got more dense and heavy. Fear and anticipation gripped all of them. Harley stared up at the ceiling, the blood getting worse. The roof started to drip worse, the ceiling actually starting to dent. Suddenly a dim light burst into the room from the floor above, a light somehow still working, as a bloody mass fell from the ceiling. Harley could barely keep a straight face as the mound quivered, suddenly arms and legs could be seen. The little dinosaur, or what is seemed, squawked and growled as its gooey, dripping body stood up. It looked like a god damn aborted fetus or something. Is screeched, its eyes not even there, but bubbling with boiled from the infection. Both Harley and Luzine slightly gasped and held their breath in unison, seeing the thing stretch out its mutated claws, much longer than they would be normally. Its mouth was covered with a layer of slime as it opened its mouth, showing it open but blocked by a membrane. Harley's skin crawled, and so did Luzine's. Suddenly it turned, hearing the Mothim on the opposite side as he sighed. Not a single noise was made for a long pause. It screeched, suddenly flinging itself at him. Luzine yelped, barely able to keep it back as it tried to slash at him.
    "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!" he screamed frantically. Harley, not knowing what else to do, threw a Flame Burst at it while he leaned on the wall. It flashed into the room, lighting up the elevator as it dashed through and at the baby mutant thing what-ever-the-fuck-it-was Kangaskhan.



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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:47 pm

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    Shadow Lab - B1F | Late Evening
    --- -- -41- -- ---

    Jeanne watched as the ceiling gave way, the Undead that once was above them was now in the elevator. It was a young one, cuddled in a fetal position, yet blood covered it. It was a premature birth, where its eyes should be was covered by boils. It stretched out its tiny mutated claws, opening it's mouth as blood dripped from its teeth. The Sandslash didn't know babies could be so damn scary. It growled as it stood, the goo that stuck onto the baby dripping; tiny reminder to Jeanne - Never going in elevators ever again. Silence embedded the room, the sound of dripping goo stayed for a brief second. It was before long did the Undead pounce onto the Mothim, Luzine flailing frantically as it attempted to bite the poor guy; "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!"

    Harley threw a Flame Burst at it, the elevator lighting up along with it. The Baby screeched hoarsely, the Ground-type covering her ears before scrunching up her nose in disgust. As it still clung onto the Bug, Jeanne immediately threw the deformed baby off with her claws, the body limply thrown off to the side with a loud bang! as it hit the metal. It bounced onto the ground, the baby still screeching, but weakly. Jeanne stared at it, eyes widened with terror, she glanced at her bloodied claws, then back at the baby. What has she done?... She backed into Harley as she watched the bloodied thing's screeches die down, holding her head as if afraid her brains would burst along with the screeches.

    The elevator lights flickered back on, the soft whirring noise of the machinery returning. The Kangaskhan finally quiet as Jeanne buried her face in Harley's fur, "W-what have I done...?" She wanted to get on her knees and cry. For the first time, she had felt guilty for killing an Undead. It was young, it was a baby. How could she possibly...? Pools filled her eyes, the water trickling down her cheek. A soft ding! came on as the elevator doors opened.

    The Sandslash held onto Harley, not wanting to move a muscles as her gaze was glued onto the limp body. It was abandoned. Just like her when she was young. But this, this was beyond Jeanne's imagination. A baby to be undead, out of all things? It was so deformed, she couldn't even tell it was a Pokemon.... The Epidemic is catching onto the Mouse Pokemon, she who had tried to avoid it as much as possible, now dragged into this mess with a single blow onto a child. She dryly sobbed as she hid her face in the Fire-type's fur, "It was just a kid!"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:25 pm

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    | Shadow Lab B1F // Night |
    Harley 31 // Luzine 8


    Suddenly Jeanne smacked the baby after Harley's Flame Burst had struck it. It seemed so quick that it was like the blink of an eye. Jeanne stood and looked at the baby while Luzine shook himself. "Jeez! Jeanne, thank y--" it was then that he noticed that the baby had died, and Jeanne was more than upset. Harley watched as she backed up towards him, pure fear and upset on her face. She suddenly ran into him, clinging to him as soon as she felt him. This wasn't a time to get all embarrassed though.

    "W-what have I done...?"

    Harley felt his skin get a little bit wet as his fur was dripping with her tears. Harley quietly put an arm around the Sandslash, surprisingly able to snake his hand through and around her spikes to put his hand on her arm on the other side. He felt her hold onto him tighter.

    "It was just a kid!"

    Jeanne moved her face, hiding in Harley's relatively short fur. It was a child.... It was a wrong thing of the world to do this to something so young. Harley just held her quietly as she cried, rubbing her shoulder with his hand. This damn infection was getting on his nerves. He barely noticed the door had opened, he had a hard time to not let his sadness show too much. He needed to be macho. He had no words to console her though....
    "Well.... We should get moving...."
    Harley glared daggers at him. He dismissed her sadness so meanly. What a fucker. If he wasn't comforting her or if he weren't so far away, he would have hit him for being so insensitive.


    Luzine felt the absence of bodily fluids spilling on him from the baby as Jeanne bitch smacked it into the wall and away from him. Luzine sighed in relief. "Jeez! Jeanne, thank y--" he suddenly stopped as he saw her expression. At this time, he would have asked what the big deal was about killing an undead, but then he realized it must have been the fact it was a child.... He saw her back up and next to the monkey, holding onto him. Another pang of hurt went through him about the "love" issue. But like hell he'd let it show. The door opened with a chime, and he didn't waste time when walking out of it. He looked out of the room, spying the door at the end of the relatively small room the elevator lead to. He looked to either side down the hallways from out of the elevator.
    "Well.... We should get moving...."
    He looked back to Harley, who suddenly glared at him. What was his deal? ... Well.... He knew what was wrong. He looked like an insensitive fuck but... he didn't know how to comfort or help....


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:29 pm

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    Shadow Lab - B1F | Late Evening
    --- -- -42- -- ---

    Jeanne felt Harley rub her shoulder, her thoughts broken as Luzine signaled the leave. The Sandslash rubbed her tears away, backing off from the Simisear as she said nothing, following Luzine. What's with her lately? She's much more open than her usual. Is it because Jacques not around? What about Sabi? Something's wrong with her... Is she sick? She slapped her face softly, she wasn't hot anymore, nor was she cold. Just body temperature. Nonetheless, she stared up at the walls, they were the same as the ones above them. The environment was no different than the one earlier. She glanced back at the direction of the elevator, the limp body still there. Jeanne slightly flinched at the scene again, moving her eyes somewhere else, "Just a kid..." She mumbled.

    She went through the doors that lead to another room, a table -- surprisingly -- standing, but the chairs flipped over. The Ground-type noticed, once again, they need another motherfucking key. It was there, the card slot right next to another door. Humans are really insecure aren't they? Jeanne asked nothing of Luzine's help, nor did she ask Harley, she had found the key right underneath the table. The only problem? She didn't have opposable thumbs. Despite Harley having some of them, she will not swoop so low to ask for more help. Taking in a deep breath, the Sandslash dug her claws underneath the surface of the dusty glass table. Another deep breath... and heeeeeeeave! With all her strength, she flipped over the table, the glass breaking upon impact.

    She frowned as she couldn't pick up the card, she flipped a table for nothing... Then again, it was nice to let out her anger. "Hey Harley, pick this up for me will ya? And stuff it in the slot!" She said, her voice hoarse, yet she forced herself to sound a bit happy, "We'll make shelter in the next room, then we'll go find food. Alright?" She was trying to hard to forget that limp small body...

    The thought struck her like lightning. What if she was undead at the beginning? Would she be like that small child? What if her children get like that?... Wait... What children? She shook her head, she will never have children if it means to live in this world. It was a mad and insane thought. To have a child raised in such a world?... No. Just no. She would never. Jeanne never had the fondness for children, but the thought sickened her every second she thought about it.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The SHADOW Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:39 pm

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    | Shadow Lab B1F // Night |
    Harley 32 // Luzine 9


    Harley let her go as she walked away silently. She seemed upset still, but he didn't want to go up to her if she didn't need the comfort. She went into a room with a table. Harley followed her inside with a hobble, seeing her flip the table like it was no problem, but she couldn't pick up the card key. She had too big of claws.

    "Hey Harley, pick this up for me will ya? And stuff it in the slot! We'll make shelter in the next room, then we'll go find food. Alright?"

    Harley looked at her eyes, which were duller than their usual sapphire luster. She had been still tormented, her voice almost tired sounding but trying to mask her cheer. He could feel her pain of trying to be happy and mask all her hurt. He saw her thoughts wonder, and he knew she was still thinking about that baby she had to... kill. He came over on his crutch, and picked up the card, while casually patting Jeanne on the shoulder and smiled up at her as he stood up. "Alright~ Food sounds good, too." he said softly, standing up and limping/bouncing over to the door to try to open it.
    Food is actually a great idea. I can help out on that. Luzine offered, standing next to Harley who put the key into the door and it opened right up. He looked to Jeanne, motioning his arm outwards as if to say 'you first'.


    Luzine walked forward, eyeing the door. The two other pokemon walked to the other side of the room. He looked at the door, seeing his reflection in it. This is how he looked... so fake. Maybe he should give up his act of a wuss and actually be a real pokemon, and not just a show pet. Some womanizer. A total jerk. Maybe he should learn how to be sympathetic and understand instead of just being so selfish. Maybe....
    "Alright~ Food sounds good, too." He watched as Harley walked back with the key, his glassy image flashing away as the door opened. Yeah, he should... but he wasn't so sure yet. Food is actually a great idea. I can help out on that. He looked to Harley as he motioned Jeanne before the both of them like a gentleman. He could be the same way, he supposed.


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