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    The SHADOW Team


    The SHADOW Team Empty The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:05 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    The wind swept over the sand as the White Mightyena stood outside the lab where research into Shadow Pokemon had been happening. One of the doors had been blown off and the other was bent outward, like some kind of force inside had caused it to brake. Winter entered the building, easily noticing that it was larger then its outside let on. She could easily get lost if she wasn't careful, and she didn't know how many infected could be running around in an abandoned laboratory.

    The place was empty from the looks of it, but Winter had come to learn that looks aren't everything. It may look peaceful, but it could be a hell trap just waiting to spring. Her ears twitched at every little sound she heard, waiting, just waiting, for something to jump out at her. A low growl began to form in her throat. She knew there where no more Shadow Pokemon, they had all been turned back to normal long ago, even Lugia managed to become normal again, but that didn't mean there weren't other kinds of pokemon lurking around here.

    Winter soon came to the first elevator, but it seemed to be broken. Someone had broken the controls as if they where trying to keep something down below from getting up here. It was all bloody, so she hoped she wouldn't have to run into whatever it was down there that caused it, though whoever had broke the controls must have gotten out. She was starting to hope that the thing also got out and was far away from this lab, but that was wishful thinking and couldn't never have happened.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:56 pm

    Post 1

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    Shadow Pokemon Lab| Night

    McChu was up in the air vents, chilling. The raichu had come across the building some time ago and had cleared out what bodies and Dead he had found, his electricity destroying any zombies that came across him. He wasn't sure why the same things that had attacked him were in this place too -wherever the hell it happened to be- but all he knew was that you had to go for the head.

    He shifted in his makeshift bed in the metal tunnels, the cushion made of bloody clothes from the humans left within the confines of the building. It wasn't a great place, but it was better than the stinging sand and ruthless temperatures outside. And McChu was all about the comfort.

    An ear twitched as he heard rustling within the building, the soft echoes of footfalls and shifting. An intruder? He groaned and sighed; guess it was time for cleaning-- AGAIN. He crawled down the tunnel where it opened out into a large foyer, the cover blown off by some sort of explosive. He hopped down, making a loud thud against the tile floor. There stood a doggish pokemon of some sort, pure and white against the moonlight clear desert sky.

    He frowned and sniffed, catching the pokemon's scent. Female and not dead. Jackpot. "...Hey there, Doll," he began as he waddled forward. "What's a sweet pretty thing like you doin out in a wasteland like this?"


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:26 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    "...Hey there, Doll. What's a sweet pretty thing like you doin out in a wasteland like this?" Winter looked to see a Raichu approaching her. Doll? She frowned at getting called that.
    "Please don't call me Doll." She said as she walked past the Raichu to take a took at where it had come from. "As to what I'm doing here... That's not really any of your business." She added looking over her shoulder back at the mouse pokemon, before turned back to the busted elevator.

    She looked around for a way to get it down, she could always climb her way back up if need be, but right now she wanted to go down. She turned back to the Raichu, hating that she had to ask for help. "Do you know a way down? Are there any stairs?" She asked, before looking back at the broken elevator, knowing well that it wouldn't move, even if she used an attack on it.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:35 am

    Post 2

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    "Please don't call me 'Doll'," the dog said dismissively as she looked past him. "As to what I'm doing here... That's not really any of your business," she added before going to the elevator. Rude little bitch.

    She seemed to be looking for a way to get it working. Fortunately, with his travels with his trainer, he understood how to work it. "Do you know a way down? Are there any stairs?" she asked as she inspected the contraption. McChu smirked.

    "You think I'm gonna answer you when you haven't answered me? I know how to work it, and really, I'm the only on that can. See, it runs on electricity... which I've got plenty of." He waddled closer to her, grin still plastered firmly on his face. "So. Like I asked earlier, DOLL. Whatchyou doin here and why should I not just shove that pretty little pelt of yours down the shaft?" His fur crackled with electricity, showing her he was not playing around.


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:41 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    Winter growled as the Raichu once again called her doll. "I told you my name is not doll. My name is Winter." He growled, looking at the Raichu. You little rat, she added to herself. She looked up and down the elevator. "And why do you even need to know why I'm here?" She said as he began to try the buttons. She felt a shift in the elevator, but it didn't budge, almost like something was blocking it. He couldn't help but wonder if she could maybe cut the cord the was holding the elevator up, of course they would plummet to the bottom at a dangerous speed and there was a very high chance that they could die, she just wanted to see if it would work.

    The Mightyena jumped up at the hatch, she missed on her first two try's, but she managed to hook her claw on it the third time and got it open. The plate was rusted from the blood that was splattered on it, so it easily came off without much trouble, though she did feel a small serge of pain in her claw when it came down. She jumped once again, clinging to the top with her paws before hailing herself up, he hind legs flailing for a paw hold until she was on top of the elevator. It was narrow, and she couldn't stand up, but she managed to shuffle her way to the cord. She looked over her shoulder to give the Raichu a head up. "I'm going to bite through the cord, so get ready for when the thing falls." She said. Her Fangs began to freeze before she bit into the cord, hoping that the ice from her Ice Fang could help brake the cord faster.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:49 pm

    Post 3

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    McChu just gawked at her with an incredulous stare, then bursted out into a guffaw. "You... You're just gonna break the cord? Man, you're really dumb, but at least you have balls, Toots." He took a few steps back as he watched her struggle with the cord. "You realize that thing's gonna make a lot of sound when it crashes. And it'll fall a good two, three stories... and you'll be on it."

    As she messed with it, McChu's ear twitched. There was something behind them, something moving. He turned and crawled into a space with his back against the wall, his large form hidden from view to anyone entering the room, though Winter could still see him. Crazy bitch was going to start up a bunch of shit... all that noise would wake anything dead in the walls, and he had only cleared out so many...

    As he thought, the odds of him surviving her stupidity was dwindling...

    "Maybe you should be more careful with that thing..." he muttered as he watched the door carefully.


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:51 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    "Maybe you should be more careful with that thing..." The Raichu said, and Winter just rolled her eyes.
    "I know what I'm doing, and there is a 97% chance that we will die on impact, so I recommend you start praying." She growled through a mouthful of wires. Her Ice Fang was making it easy to chew through it, since it was freezing it and thus made it easier to shatter with her teeth. She could feel the elevator shift under her as she was close to biting through that last part of the cord. "Hold on tight." She called before biting the last part.

    The elevator went down instantly, her fur felt as if it was getting torn from her body as the wind whipped through it. Her teeth where clenched, her eyes tightly shut as she waited for the sudden impact. Then it hit her. The impact made the thing crush inward, sending bits of metal flying all over the place. She could feel the breath get blasted out of her when the thing it the ground. The flying shards slicing through her skin, and cutting some of her fur. She didn't move for several moments, then she managed to open her eyes. She tried to stand up, but fell back down. "You ok rat?" She said before standing up once again. She shook her fur, drops of blood slayed the walls before she jumped off the elevator debris. She was cut up pretty bad, but she would live. She grinned before bursting into laughter. "I can't believe where alive." She sat herself down, still laughing before feeling a cold stair burn into her fur.

    Winter stopped laughing, her serious expression back on her face as she looked over her shoulder. She stood and bared her fangs at a Glaceon with crimson eyes, a sure sign that it was one of them. It must have heard the sound of the crash and came running, hoping for an easy meal. The Mightyena's tail began to glow in a metallic light as she readied an Iron Tail. If it attacked, she would counter with it.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:10 am

    Post 4

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    McChu stood back, watching the white dog gnaw at the elevator cables, impressed and horrified at the other's insanity. "I know what I'm doing, and there is a 97% chance that we will die on impact, so I recommend you start praying." she commented almost robotically. Confused, McChu looked around, looking for who she was talking about. He then figured she must have thought he was on the top of the elevator with her. He grinned from his safe spot, standing firmly on the floor.

    Oh... hohoho...

    He watched almost amused as her form flashed out of sight after a loud twang, and soon to follow was an almost deafening crash. He waddled to the shaft's opening and looked down. She was bloodied, shaken but seemed to be alive. Well, McChu figured as much when she started giddily laughing. "I can't believe we're still alive!" she exclaimed happily to herself. McChu rolled his eyes.

    "Well, of course I'm alive, Toots. I'm smart enough to take the stairs," McChu muttered as he started going down the metal ladder that spanned its way the entire length of the shaft. "Though, we could have had a working elevator if you had just answered, Toots." He eventually arrived with her on the broken roof of the elevator.

    "So we're here. What now, Xena?" He looked around, uncomfortable. He should have stayed above, but... the thought of being alone was not so tempting now that he had found someone to follow.


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:55 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (1)

    Jean Luc was shuffling through old papers, ruined computer monitors, and shattered test-tubes. The windowless walls left for little light, but his eyes had adjusted to the darkness as he tread deeper into the ruined criminal base.
    This place is undoubtedly abandoned by anything alive...some left in a hurry, but most never made it out...He thought to himself as he examined the bits of evidence scattered everywhere. Blood spattered the walls, structural damage was heavy...but it was well built.
    Whatever was going on here, they had planned for potential attacks...but never on this scale, apparently. The Wartortles' face was grim as he stared at the macabre painting of blood and gore made on the walls and ceilings.
    As he stepped carefully over a rotting corpse, a sudden explosion sounded from deeper within the complex.
    "What the devil?!" Jean Luc dashed towards the sound as fast as he could. He skidded to a halt as he reached a dead end, with an elevator shaft, spewing dust. He peered down, waiting for the dust to settle.
    Are those voices?...he listened as he perked his ears.
    "Don't h-hurt me!" A creature yelped from below. He jumped up off his knees, looking about for a way down. Not far from the elevator was a flight of stairs. Without hesitation, he ran down, ready to help whoever it was down there.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:36 am

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    Shadow pokemon laboratory|night (1)

    Gluttony was just finishing up a meal he had. A crisp infected that had apparently been electrocuted. Gluttony did not mind, he was not picky. The time in this place was great for an infected, at first at least. If gluttony was one of the first then it would have been a feeding frenzy for him.But he was one who was not infected at first so he only witnessed them run. He and his father, who of course had become another meal for his son.
    Then Gluttony heard something, a huge crash sounded through the halls. So much as the sound attracted Gluttony. he followed the sound and came across the wreckage of the elevator. In front was a glaceon(infected of course, what a disappointment)but then he saw on the elevator a white mightyana stood atop the wreckage, it was fresh meat! he had not eaten something fresh in a long while. It was even slightly injured from the fall, Likely an easy kill. He'd have to get it from the glaceon, however the glaceon was cowering in fear from the dog, "P-please!" it yelped, "Don't H-hurt me!"
    The thing was frightened of an injured dog. This would not be hard to get it from the glaceon.

    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:04 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    Winter continued to growl at the Glaceon, keeping her tail out as a sign of aggression, but stopped it from glowing. This thing was asking not to be hurt, but she still didn't trust it. The thing was a good actor, she had to give it that, but it still had those crimson red eyes and purple patches, and what was with that collar? Winter would never understand the strange ways of humans, she knew that much.

    "Who are you?" She demanded. She may have cuts, but they weren't deep, and they didn't hurt much. Some have even stopped bleeding already. He refused to take her eyes off the Glaceon until it told her who he was.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:42 am

    Post 5

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    McChu rolled his eyes as the creepy ice dog feigned injury. Even if it wasn't faking, McChu really didn't give a damn. It smelled weird, and just like he had thought, the crazy bitch had drawn too much unwanted attention to herself, and vicariously, him. He frowned from his position at her flank. "Couldn't have just cooperated, no. Had to go and do things the hard way, like making a fucking elevator fall. Still wondering how we're gonna get back UP, genuis. At least I can use the ladder," he grumbled to himself.

    He listened as he heard more footprints roaming about, probably stirred by the crash. His grim frown remained firm as he studied the white canid in front of him. 'Man she's dumb, but at least she's got a nice view from behind.. Maybe I can get a little lucky... if there weren't so many damn other people around...'


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:35 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (2)

    Jean Luc peeked around the corner of the stairwell as he analyzed the situation. He was unsure of who it was crying for help, and from what he saw, there were several creatures down here.
    A white Mightyena, A Glaceon, and a Raichu. What are these three doing in this place?...
    As he continued to watch from the shadows, it looked as if the Glaceon was the one calling for help. The strangely colored Mightyena was staring it down in a show of dominance and....
    Jean Luc recoiled a bit in annoyance.
    The Raichu appears to be...checking her out...at a time like this!? The whole thing reeked of a setup to him.
    The Wartortles' ear flicked with annoyance. If there's one thing he hated, it was crude behavior. He looked back at the Glaceon- its' crimson eyes were glowing faintly, and it had tinges of purple tainting its otherwise azure pelt.
    Could he be tainted...? Jean Luc thought, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. If he is, then...
    Stepping out from the darkness he walked boldly up to the three.
    "Madam, do you need any assistance?" He asked the Mightyena, eyeing the other two in a steadfast manner. His voice was sharp, filled with a sense of authority, and his posture strong.
    He paused at the edge of all the rubble, watching carefully for any unwarranted movement from any of them.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:23 pm

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    Shadow Lab|Night (2)

    Gluttony could not wait to spring into the room, what luck! He'd found three delicacies in such short time. Although there was a competitor infected, though the Glaceon still was cowering. Some of the new meals were in the area. A turtle stood as to protect the dog and a raichu stood to the side, looking at the dog. It was such perfection! He sprang out of the hall at the raichu, bright red and a shadow claw ready to slice the raichu and enjoy the fresh meat.

    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:48 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    Winter kept her eyes on the Glaceon, and held back the urge to swot the Raichu for not doing anything but being a perv. Couldn't that rat have anything better to do? No, probably not if it was stuck in this lab. The Glaceon had said its name was Shiver, which seemed like an odd name, but then again, her name could be considered odd to others as well. Winter sat down, her head still high and her fangs still bared, she would be ready if the ice fox pulled something that she didn't like.

    She was about to ask another question when someone else came to join them. It was a Wartortle."Madam, do you need any assistance?" It asked her while eyeing the other two. Winter stopped growling.
    "I have everything under control right now, but thanks for the offer." She said before turning her attention back to the Glaceon. "Why are you here?" She asked, remember that was the same question the Raichu had been asking her. What she was doing here was none of anyone else's concern, but she wanted to know what 'it' was doing here.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:05 pm

    Post 6

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    Though the wartortle had a weird accent and Winter gave him a dirty look for staring, McChu really didn't give a damn. He had a good view and by God, he was going to enjoy it.

    That was... until the thing sprang out at him.

    It was a strange multi-colored lizard, and it wanted McChu. He yelled in surprise, ducking out of the shaft and skidding away from the thing. "What the fuck is that?!" he shouted, electricity sparking. When he realized it was just a dumb Infected, he snarled and allowed his electricity to build. "Come on, Blisters. You want some of me, you're gonna have to earn it!"


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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:55 pm

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    Jean Luc
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (3)

    "Come on, Blisters. You want some of me, you're gonna have to earn it!"
    Jean Luc rolled his eyes at the rash Raichu as he dashed up, landing on the Raichu with a heavy thud and released a protective shield between them and the infected.
    "No! Look at all the metal around! We're in a bloody conduit!" He sneered at the Raichu underneath him. "We need to get out of here! Hurry, up the stairs!" He shouted at the others, as he held the shield in place against the raging Kecleon. He didn't trust the tainted Glaceon, but he wasn't showing any signs of violence, and until he did, he couldn't, in good conscience, not help him as well.
    Jean Luc stepped off the fat rat with a heavy foot, sighing heavily.
    "You too, get up the stairs, I can't hold this forever." he barked, staring down the infected on the other side.


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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (1)

    Sigh....alright. Riker growled quietly as he stood at the entrance of the Shadow lab. He had been tracking Picard for months, and he finally managed to track him here. He lowered himself onto all four of his legs as he sniffed at the ground carefully.
    Yes, this is definitely him. He thought, snorting and narrowing his eyes as his sharp gaze scanned the dank interior. The moonlight poured in, but he still couldn't see much from where he stood. Clenching his jaws, he lumbered in, following the Wartortles scent. He felt a pang of relief as he realized that he just may have found his long-lost friend.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:39 pm

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    Shadow Lab|Night(3)

    The raichu reacted quickly, Gluttony's move missed barely. sparks fell all around him "Come on, Blisters." the raichu said, "You want some of me, you're gonna have to earn it!" Gluttony grew a darker shade of red and charged with a flurry of shadow claws, he would not let this meal slip away from him!

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:05 pm

    Post 7

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    McChu struggled beneath the wartortle's foot. He was surprised that the bastard was strong enough to hold him down like that, and that the other pokemon was ballsy enough to actually hold him when he was literally crackling with electricity. He snarled as the wartortle chastized him."No! Look at all the metal around! We're in a bloody conduit!" He sneered at the Raichu underneath him. "We need to get out of here! Hurry, up the stairs!" For a moment, it looked like the bastard was reluctant to get off of him. "You too, get up the stairs, I can't hold this forever."

    "Maybe if you hadn't stopped me, I already would have!" McChu growled back at the wartortle as he got to his feet. Though, he didn't mind that the wartortle was going off on his own to just get himself killed. At least he didn't have to deal with him much longer. "Don't get killed too soon," McChu said with a growing smirk. "Give us a little more time to get the hell away while you do all the hard work." Grinning, he quickly scrambled up the path along with the others.


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