Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The CELESTIC Team


    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:42 am

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    Celestic Town/Afternoon(11)

    Zerative smirked as he floated up and started to head towards the door, This shall be a fair warning to not disturb Nora...but just in case it gets with any ideas... ice energy started to flow through his warns as a orb started to appear linked to the horns by the energy flow.

    An Ice Beam was shot from the orb freezing everything it touched, Zerative just moved in half a circle as he was standing at the door, letting the Pokemon Center fall into a Nightmarish Iceworld. Smiling with his work he moved outside towards the cave where Nora rested. He shall guard her once again from anything untill a cure shall be found.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:11 pm

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    Celestic Town || Morning | 5

    Within his dark shelter, Shaka hides. The cold , light drifted air is soft with its silence. He has been hovering above the dark attic door, ready to retaliate towards the ice horror if it comes to attack.

    The Glalie calls out to him, the quiet so clear that its mostly normal voice surprises him. "This shall be a fair warning not to disturb Nora." Nora? A stray thought enters his mind. The cave that Bulbasaur ran out of--and this Nora....? He hears the infected continuing, and his thoughts are shoved aside. The next phrase is somewhat quieted, but he can still discern it. "And just in case it gets with any ideas..." What is this thing planning? If it is leaving me, then it must be--

    In confirmation of his suspicion, he hears the loud crackling of another powerful Ice Beam. It is so distant, yet after just a short while it begins to shell over the attic door. It causes him to back up a little, somewhat surprised that the beam managed to affect even the upper floors.

    It was fired down from the main floor, he can only guess. The Glalie wants to make sure that he knows whom he is dealing with. Shaka already got the message, though, when it turned the ventilation system into a tube of solid ice! Instead of becoming angry, though, the Raichu chuckles quietly to himself. "It's been a long time since I've seen an Undead smart enough to consider doing that, let alone one smart enough to talk right." It has been a long time of fighting weakling Undead since he has ever met one that has put him so close to death! Although he is still cautious of the Glalie's deceptiveness, he lights up his tail. It illuminates the half of the room he is on with its radiance, allowing him to come down and inspect the door. He has begun to relax after his ordeal, pleased that he got through that mad sitauion alive.

    The ice is not nearly as thick on it as it was on the main entrance, but now he knows that using Dynamicpunch will only anger his hunter. It's thin enough, though that he might be able to do something with his Thunderbolt. He slides his hand upon the chilling surface, while he tracks it for any sight of a shallow level upon it. The doorknob, no, the entire door, actually, looks to be made out of enough metal to conduct electricity. Perfect! He uses Iron Tail and begins to break off a weak section of ice at the center. Electricity then crackles on his cheeks, as he zaps the space with a strong Thunderbolt. The ice slowly melts off, but he growls at its resistance. 'Accursed Glalie did a good job with this ice.

    ((OOC: ^_^; Shaka might be stuck in there for a while. I'm not sure if any of the Living will find him, but you're welcome to help break down the door if they do :b))

    Last edited by WinterVeil on Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:45 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : I can has mistake? *derp*)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:57 am

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    Celestic town|Morning (1)

    The dark grey tongue laps at the air.
    His mountain, his sacred defiled cave was behind him in the distance.
    He had no iwi, he had no mana.
    His skin gleamed like greenstone in the morning's light.
    The bright sun hurt but it was his pain to bear.
    It was a warrior's pain.
    Rangitira Pounamu landed and ran his forked tongue over each gleaming fang.
    He hungers and with so much of the available food tainted by disease it pays to be picky about who he sucks blood from.
    "I, Cheif Pounamu of the Zubats of the Path of Victory, have arrived." He announces to himself.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:39 am

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    Celestic Team/Early Noon(8)

    Narron ran, saw a glow, and decided to follow it. He was chasing it when he heard a shout, it was hard to hear, but Narron could grasp from it: "Poké... Center... Head." Guessing that the light meant a Pokémon Center, Narron continued the chase for the light. After a slight time of following it, it disappeared somewhere. The Pokémon Center!

    Something caught Narrons eye, turning around he saw the Glalie from the cave. Hiding, he watched as the Glalie entered into the Centre. The area felt colder soon, possibly an Ice Beam from the Glalie. After a short amount of time, the Glalie exited the building. Slinking in, Narron glanced around, to see a trail of ice, stairs appeared to be colder than anywhere else. following the cold, Narron eventually made it to a large frozen over door.

    Preparing a powerful tackle, Narron slammed at the door repeatedly, the ice around it shattered, suddenly Narron got a shock from the door. Perhaps a Pokémon was beyond the door, it was possibly electric if it was sending a current through the door, and had let off a light, perhaps that was it's electricity as well. Narron was worried that the sound could be heard by the Glalie, but continued to break down the door. If Glalie was coming back, best to break down the door as soon as possible.

    Last edited by Li Syaoran on Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:29 am

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    Celestic Town/Afternoon(12)

    Zerative looked uppon Nora as he reached his cave, she was still save, he examined the ice at every small inch, every sharp tip to make sure it was still solid and kept her concerved in it. He smiled as the ice seemed perfect. He floated around the cave to make sure there were no intruders, nothing hidden...

    Perfect...no one there. He smiled and started to use his IceBeam for his own intertainment, he started to make pillars of ice rise and than procceeded to blast and sharpen some bits of them with some quick blasts from his Ice Beam, that way he started to work on the pillars and turn them into statues, each of them looking similar to his snow princess. A Tribute for her and a hobby for him, this way he would keep himself busy while showing to her he still cared a lot for her.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Celestic Town || Early Noon | 6

    Shaka smirks, as the ice begins to fall off from the door’s heated surface all around him. The electricity is causing the frozen blockade to become brittle, as it crawls under the ice and heats it off of the metallic surface. It is gradually becoming easier to break, and he has made great progress in only a few minutes’ time. As he works, he is interrupted by a sudden slamming on the other side. His electricity fades away, as he steps back on all fours. The heavy slamming continues, breaking apart large sections of the ice shell and making it shatter on the floor. After a few slams the door is cleared, at least on this side. But what is trying to break into here?

    He growls his distrust, wanting to make sure that it is not that Glalie, or any other Undead for that matter. Maybe it’s that Bulbasaur. His curiosity is somewhat piqued by the possibility, and he even calms his voice a little to not sound so threatening. That does not mean he is going to trust it so quickly, though.

    “Are you that Bulbasaur from earlier?”

    The intense work makes him pant slowly, as it exhausted a great portion of his electricity; I really hope it is friendly. I need to recharge for a good while before I can even consider using Thunderbolt.

    ((OOC: I spoke with ECN about the time. We will stick with Early Noon instead of Afternoon for a while :b))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:06 pm

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    Celestic town|Early Noon (2)

    The golbat lands and inspects his wings. The sleek folds of skin are smooth but he goes over them anyway, running his teeth over them to make sure they are free of parasites.
    His grooming taken care of he strives to escape the bright suns light.
    Awkwardly he half glides, half walks across the ground.
    His two toed feet were made for gripping tightly onto a cave wall rather than walking along the ground.

    The structure in front of him is of a strange red and white stone. It may serve well as a temporary base to escape the thrice accursed glare.

    Pounamu enters the pokecentre.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:18 pm

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    Celestic Team/Early Noon(9)

    "Are you that Bulbasaur from earlier?"

    A call came from beyond the door. This must be the being which was emitting the electricity, and light, earlier. It was capable of speech, and did not sound distorted either, but then, neither did the Glalie, who was also capable of perfect speech. Narron decided to talk with it, to calm his nerves as he tried to open the door.

    "Yes, I am. Are you the one who had the light? And did you send the current through the door, which shocked me? Does that mean you are an electric Pokémon? If so, what are you?"

    Narron spoke, as if hyperactive, question after question. The door slowly weakened, soon the door would give away, and they would be able to meet, face to face, though Narron was worried that the being behind the door was infected, and if it was, that would not e a face Narron wanted to see. Flesh missing, blood stained, bones pointing out. Many of the infected Narron had come across had similar features, but the most common one, the stink of death, of rotting flesh, did not waft under the door and touch at Narrons nostrils, which Narron took as a sign that it was not infected.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:35 pm

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    Celestic Town/Early noon(13)

    Zerative sighed and floated towards the entrance, since he didn't know what to do. His trainer was frozen, and he knew very well no matter what he did, Nora could not see anything of what he did for her, he was depressed...bored...not motivated for anything, he just wanted the cure...but how would he get it?

    He didn't care for himself...he only cared for Nora...Nora is the most important thing. Sleep doesn't matter, Food doesn't matter...there's only Nora. He sighed as he looked at the sky, as the sun goes up in the sky...the afternoon was comming soon. He lowered himself to ground level as he tried to think on waht to do...

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:42 pm

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    Celestic Town || Early Noon | 7

    In the cold, deep darkness of the room he waits, cautious as to whether the creature behind the door is merely looking for flesh. The sound of breathing comes from pat the door, which means that the creature must be alive. The lightless room is vaguely illuminated with his cheek patches, which provide a glow just strong enough to allow his potent eyes to discern the area in front of him.

    Just as he wanted to hear, a normal voice returns his question.

    "Yes, I am. Are you the one who had the light? And did you send the current through the door, which shocked me? Does that mean you are an electric Pokémon? If so, what are you?"

    The pelting of questions makes Shaka pause for a second. It does not take long for him to come up with the answers, but still: He’s quite the talker. Where should I start?

    “Yes, I was the one who created that light; I am a Raichu, and I was trying to defrost the door before you came along. Your ramming has cleared the door, though, so I can open it freely now. It may fall off its hinges, so stay back.” At least, he hopes it does not fall off of its hinges.

    Shaka levitates up and pulls down on the doorknob. With a heave and a crack, he breaks the fragile ice that still rested within the frame. The door slowly creaks open with some good effort, although the loose, frost-stiffened hinges make it stubborn and awkward. Chunks of half-melted ice are pushed aside, as he continues to turn it open. It eventually works, though, and as he swivels it all the way, he does indeed see the Bulbasaur from earlier. He gives strong breaths, the sheer effort in pulling the door conspiring with his electrical fatigue.

    Not seeing any use in wasting his remaining energy on floating, the Raichu floats back down onto all fours as he lands at the doorway. The beast may not be able to see as clearly as he in the shadows, so he stores a weak Thunderbolt in his tail to bring light to the situation. He nods in gratitude to him, as the lighting reveals their proximity. “Thank you for breaking down the ice. It probably would have taken me a good hour to get out of here without aid."

    He sits upright, nasally sighing before resuming his talk. "I suppose giving you my name would be suitable repayment. It is Shaka.” Curling his tail around himself, the Raichu warms himself with the heated light.

    Last edited by WinterVeil on Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I spy with my little eye....an error! >:U)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:56 pm

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    Celestic town|Early Noon (3)

    Stealthily the golbat creeps along the ceiling, his wings softly brushing cobwebs from the ceiling.
    He was made for this.
    He licks his grey tongue over his fangs as he explores his new territory.
    Is this shell of a building inhabited?
    He has no way of telling.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:02 am

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    Celestic Team/Early Noon(10)

    Narron looked at the Raichu as he was given a name to refer to it. Shaka. Narron smiles at Shaka, hoping to become friends, though the last group of friends he had just disappeared minutes earlier, and before that, his friends had all died. Every time Narron thought of those he had known and become friends with before, he worried that it would happen again. With his most recent friends mysteriously disappearing, this did not cure him of his fears of danger for friends.

    "Narron, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for showing me this place. I never would have found this shelter if it were not for you guiding me to it. How about we have a breath. All those Tackles have tired me out."

    Taking a seat, Narron looked around the old building. Ever since the epidemic hit, places like this had become abandoned. This one on particular looked as if it had taken some damage. Creaks came from old rusty door hinges, and deep, loud groans came from beams all through the building. Cobwebs were all through this building, which was odd, as this building seemed abandoned from even rogue Pokémon and infected, there was not a single Spinarak or Ariados in sight.

    "So... I'm not complaining or anything, but why did you direct me here? How did you know that I was not infected, or just a violent Pokémon. I could have killed you if I was infected, or even hungry. Many Pokémon have turned to cannibalism. What if I had eaten you? What made you think it was safe to guide me here?"

    Narron though about what Shaka had done. He was glad Shaka had directed him here, but could not help but fear for Shaka's safety. Had Narron been somewhere else and in his place that had been n infected, Shaka could have been killed. He could not help but ask Shaka these questions, then said one more thing.

    "You need to be more careful next time, it's not a good idea to just go around helping Pokémon, not in this world. They'll kill you, and eat you, or, if you escape, you'll probably be infected. You should not trust so easily."

    Glancing down at the ground, Narrons stomach roared with hunger, the emptiness within his body churning the air up, trying to find protein and energy where there was nothing. Narron wanted to eat, but there was no no food anywhere near him. Collapsing on the ground, dizzy and tired, Narron looked towards Shaka, his stomach once again gurgling. Shaka would be full of energy, he had electrical powers, maybe by eating him, Narron could absorb some of this energy. Perhaps Shaka tasted good.

    No, Narron decided he must not think those thoughts. Shaka was a friend, or an acquaintance, Narron did not want to call Shaka a friend, for fear of Shakas safety. Narron knew the thoughts of the electrical energy were untrue, and the thoughts of eating someone he cared for who had led him to shelter was a horrible thought, but his stomach did not stop talking. It continuously asked Narron to eat Shaka, to eat the walls around him, to eat anything at all.

    ((OoC:Sorry about such a long post.))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:16 pm

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    Celestic Town/Early noon(14)

    Zerative closed his eyes as he attempted to rest, the warm sun light hit against his cold mineral face and reflected against the snow globe at his side and all the ice around him. It made him felt slightly...well.

    Even for an Ice Type he often enjoyed the warm sun light. With his eyes closed he started to day dream about Nora. How he would be so well in her arms, and how much fun they would have together once they would have the cure. Their adventures would start once again, and hopefully...Forever they shall be together. He smiled at this thought.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:03 pm

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    Celestic Town || Early Noon | 8

    The Bulbasaur looks at him amicably, smiling in gratitude at Shaka giving him his name. He gives a smile back, but it is only slight. The bright expression begins to look distracted, though, as the Bulbasaur withdraws for a second into his thoughts. Eventually he breaks out of it. He introduces himself as Narron, and thanks him for guiding him through the storm. As the Bulbasaur has agreed, a short respite would be good.

    In an affirming nod, Shaka continues to quietly exhaust the rest of his fatigue. His leg pains begrudge him, arising with their agony. Getting down onto all fours, he lies down on his side, irritated by his worst weakness spiting him at the worst possible moment. That work took a lot out of him--at least the Bulbasaur made it easier for him to get out. Through the vent above, and within the dead silence, he can hear the roaring winds of the blizzard relieving into a whistling breeze. The building cracles and groans a little it adapts to the strong warmth brought on by the breaking sun, but their noise does not bother him in the slightest. Musty cobwebs populate the lighly frozen ceiling and crawl down the ice-slicked walls, making him suddenly cautious of any undead spiders.

    The reptile’s words break him from his thoughts, making him face it with one ear perked to listen while the other scans for potential threats. “So....I’m not complaining or anything, but why did you direct me here? How did you know that I was not infected, or just a violent Pokémon. I could have killed you if I was infected, or even hungry....” While Narron reiterates his question, the basic idea brings up the Raichu’s interest. After he finishes, Shaka speaks his mind. “I saw you in the storm, running madly from the Glalie’s cave. You looked fearful--even distraught.” And then it strikes him as to why the Bulbasaur had acted that way. Maybe he had companions? With an attitude that does not betray his suspicions, he finishes his reply. “I couldn’t have left you in weather that would have easily killed your species. Call it a guilt trip if you want.”

    Not satisfied with the answer, the plant reptile admonishes him for such daring actions. It may be true that it was risky, but that was something Shaka was fully aware of. “Well,” Shaka shrugs, giving his blunt reason, “who says I trust you? I was actually pre-planning to murder you if you were an Infected or some simple killer. It’s easy to see when a person wants to kill you--you just got to look for the right things.” To affirm his position in the argument, Shaka growls as ferociously as his fellow’s stomach. Letting the tail die out so that his lower body is shrouded in darkness, he grins sadistically. He arises from his lying position and hovers upright, his cloak masking most of his form into the shadows. Under the powerful gloom, he displays a calmly maniacal disposition. “I may not be the cruelest person in the world, but trying to kill me would be a very bad mistake. Your blood would be plastered to these walls faster than you could imagine.”

    As his brief and sudden warning ends, he eases down his emotions. His mad and intimidating attitude fades away into composure and sanity, while he floats back down onto all fours. “I don’t want to fight you if I do not have to, though. So let’s try to keep our thoughts away from the idea of eating each other.” The light of his tail comes back, although it is significantly dimmer in order to conserve energy. Again the Bulbasaur’s stomach growls, even after his threatening display. With partial empathy he considers the hunger. His fatigue has receded, and I feel like I could devour an entire Miltank!

    “After this respite, we need to scout out this Pokémon Center. The cold climate of this structure may have preserved food somewhere, and aside from a Chansey there does not appear to be any other Undead here. The main entrance was frozen solid when I got here, and the air smells still. After that, we can try and find another hideaway since the Glalie will surely return to see if I have died.”


    Last edited by WinterVeil on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added OOC Note)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:36 am

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    Celestic town|Early Noon (4)

    Pounamu folds in his wings and settles down to nap.
    In the shadows of the ceiling only a tiny flicker of jade colored skin is visible.
    He folds his wings around himself tightly until he resembles less of a bat pokemon and more of some large bug type cocoon topped with watchful white eyes.
    They blink once, twice as he takes in his surroundings then close.
    A few gentle breaths stir the delicate wing membranes.

    Pounamu rests and dreams of the familiar rough stones and the comforting dark alive with the rustling of roosting golbats and the tiny echolocation squeaks of their children.

    Last edited by Kaze on Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misnumbered post)

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:46 am

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    Celestic Town|Noon(1)

    The Froslass floated into the town of Celestic after a long journey through Route 210, frantically looking around. Pokemon, were there Pokemon, other Pokemon in this town? Perhaps there were, but then again, this could all just be another one of her illusions. Eleanora had been here before, or, at least, she thinks she has been here before. No matter. She'd have fun here, whether this was reality or not, Eleanora decided.

    The Froslass floated through the town quietly, writing on the walls every now and then, mostly with words suchs as 'illusion', 'real', and 'lost'. Eleanora used Hail, making ice fall from the sky into the town, she simply felt more confortable this way. Maybe...there WERE no Pokemon in this town. Wait! There were Pokemon at the Pokecenter. A Pokemon by the cave. She then spoke about the group.

    Eleanora...gonna getcha..ahehaha...he...

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:11 pm

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    Celestic Town||Early Noon|11

    Shakas replies made sense, but Narron felt that a guilty conscience would be better to have than a dead conscience, along with a dead everything else. Upon Shakas warning, Narron felt much safer, though the warning was intended at him, he felt that if anything were to attack, he would be safer from it than normal, for he had Shaka whom he hoped would save him, if it was needed, as was done earlier.

    “After this respite, we need to scout out this Pokémon Center. The cold climate of this structure may have preserved food somewhere, and aside from a Chansey there does not appear to be any other Undead here. The main entrance was frozen solid when I got here, and the air smells still. After that, we can try and find another hideaway since the Glalie will surely return to see if I have died.”

    To Narron, food was a great plan, though it was not the first thing on his mind, it was not far behind. His stomach continually growled for food, which, Narron hoped, would be close by.

    "Sounds great. How about a five minute rest, and then we hunt for food, we will take what we need to give us some energy now, and then take some extra, not too much, but enough to last the two of us, enough to sustain us, to keep us alive for at least two days. I can easily carry a large amount, with the help of my vines, and I hope that it will be enough. If we can get out of this place as soon as possible, then we should be OK."

    Narron sniffed, hoping to pick up any scent of food, though if there was any, it would not emit much smell, being that it was frozen. Narron thought as he sniffed, and remembered the cave, his friends. In the chaos of the cave and trying to escape, Narron had lost his friends, but with everything that was going on, he had also lost his memory of them, his survival instincts telling him not to mourn them yet, but to just survive first. Now that he was not in grave danger, about to be killed, his memories slowly floated back into his mind.

    He whimpered softly, and a few small tears dripped from his cheeks. It had happened again. He knew what he had to do, but the pain was very powerful. He decided that once he was safe he could dwell on those sad thoughts of losing his friends, but for now, he had another friend that he couldn't lose, because he lost his other friends. For all Narron knew, they could still be alive and so, plucking up some courage to stay strong for the time being, Narron continued sniffing, hoping to find the scent of food anywhere near.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:03 am

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    Celestic Town/Early noon(15)

    Something was starting to feel strange. Zerative noted that some ice pebbles were falling from the sky. It didn't bother too much, but something was definatelly off...Hail normally doesn't appear out of nowhere. Someone must have provoqued it.

    He started to float up and looked around, floating inside of the cave he went to check on Nora...she as alright. There was nothing bad about her. That's good...Now Who or what caused this Hail?

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:01 pm

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    Celestic Town || Early Noon | 9

    Narron was surprisingly interested in his threat, appearing to have been content with it rather than have become fearful of it. “Sounds great. How about a five minute rest, and then we hunt for food, we will take what we need to give us some energy now, and then take some extra, not too much, but enough to last the two of us, enough to sustain us, to keep us alive for at least two days. I can easily carry a large amount with the help of my vines, and I hope that it will be enough. If we can get out of this place as soon as possible, then we should be OK.” Shaka nods in agreement; while he can still carry his own weight, it would be good to have someone else to carry it in case he has to fight. That is, if he can trust the noticeably fragile Bulbasaur. "We shall decide who carries what when the time comes."

    Again does the Bulbasaur’s stomach growls. Grinning with amusement, Shaka chides him with a tenor of humor. “You must have lived a pretty lavish lifestyle, if your stomach is growling that much.”

    While he jokes, he remembers something. Were there not a few boxes and crates sitting at the corner of this room? Maybe there is something inside, if not food, that could be used? Getting up from his sitting and padding casually into the darkness of the attic room, he eventually illuminates a pile of assorted containers at the far right corner. Most of them are damaged, but as he levitates over them he sees a space between a few old machines and large crates. With a smirk he floats down and slips in. Within the area he manages to find a small wooden box, and is pleased at his possible luck. He carefully pulls it from its spot and lifts it out, and places it onto the ground at the center of the room. After inspecting it, he pries it open from the top with an Iron Tail, making sure not to make much noise in his effort.

    He pulls away a few layers of cloth that are inside, determined to find something useful. These fabrics could be useful. He thinks, putting them aside as he then notices something better. Just as he had hoped, he sees a few berries sitting within a cradle of fabric. Two Aspears and three Sitruses. They look rather healthy, as their cover and thick skin preserved them well in the cold environment. “Well, Narron, it would appear we are quite lucky. Three Sitruses and two Aspears--who would have expected tha--“

    A sudden clattering sounds upon the thick ceiling, making him look up in surprise. The noise is persistent, making small, solid impacts upon the rooftop. Hail? Immediately he skims through his memory, recalling all of the moves that he encountered at the Glalie’s wrath. Sheer Cold, Blizzard, Ice Fang, and Ice Beam. “But not Hail....”

    He is brought into full awareness, knowing that there may be another ice Pokémon causing the bad weather. “We may have another ice pokémon around. Stay alert.” While he thinks, he puts the berries into one of the fabrics, bundles it up, and wraps his tail around the top. He floats back over to the door frame, tense and cautious. “It may be wiser to wait to eat until we know what the threat is. And if we are lucky, the Glalie will not enjoy having another person in his town.” He looks down to Narron, as he brings the tail-wrapped bundle lower for the Bulbasaur to reach easily. A menacing glare accompanies a small warning. ”But if I see you scuffle through that sack looking for something to eat without telling me,” His eyes narrow, “you know the repercussions.” But he becomes confused when he sees small tears coming from Narron’s eyes. This is no time to ask, though, so he ignores it. There are important things to do.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:39 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Celestic town|Early Noon (5)

    Pounamu dreams he saw the gods with their carved faces and they reached out hands full of stars to him.
    He dreams of a garden of stones, growing up around a warrior in a cavern surrounded by water.
    He dreams of Taniwha resting beneath the surface of a still calm lake and of a dark feather with curled edges behind the ear of a dead child.
    He dreams of a mountain bigger then worlds where all would come together as one to be free and safe.
    He dreams all these things as the temprature falls and forces him into deeper sleep.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:51 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town|Noon(2)

    ((OOC: I do apologize, I thought the group was outside of the Pokemon Center, not in. ^^" Also, short post is short.))

    As hail began to fall, Eleanora smiled happily. The hail was calming for her, it always had been. The Pokemon that was outside the cave had awoken, the Froslass thinks this Pokemon is a Glalie. Couldn't Snorunts evolve into Glalies as well? Interesting. Eleanora stopped to begin drawing a picture of her trainer, whom she missed dearly. Why did he have to die...? She couldn't say. Maybe he was simply too happy. Eleanora wasn't sure.

    She continued to draw her picture in sadness.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:04 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town | Noon (1)

    Zoke wandered around, terrified. He looked at the town he was in. Much like all of the other towns, it was empty, and falling apart. Buildings groaned and rotted. All of a sudden, it began to hail.

    "Perfect, just perfect. Exactly what I need, some hail, now I'll freeze to death. Maybe I could... erm, perhaps enter a building."

    Looking around, Zoke wandered towards the closest building. Knocking on the wall -as the door appeared to be lying on the ground- Zoke peered inside. Then pulled his head back out, and looked at the rotting roof, it appeared to be have some words on the top, several letters looked missing. The letters which remained appeared to spell something, P, O, K, O, N. Two letters were missing in the middle, which, from the books Zoke had read, he guessed were E and M. The other letters spelled C, E, T, E. This word Zoke was unsure about.

    "Erm, Hello. Is anyone here? I don't mean to intrude, but m, may I please take shelter here? if it is not too much hassle?"

    He spoke softly, he was scared that whoever was in there would say no.

    Last edited by Li Syaoran on Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:13 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town||Early Noon|12

    “You must have lived a pretty lavish lifestyle, if your stomach is growling that much.”

    "Not really, I just haven't eaten in a while. I had a simple, but good life, before all of... this"

    “Well, Narron, it would appear we are quite lucky. Three Sitruses and two Aspears--who would have expected tha--“

    A soft pattering sounded outside, which quickly began to become louder. Narron peered out a window. Quickly looking back at Shaka and the berries.

    "How about we eat one berry each, and save the rest for later."

    A quiet tapping outside echoes through the quiet building, barely audible over the hail. Suddenly, a quiet voice sounds out:

    "Erm, Hello. Is anyone here? I don't mean to intrude, but m, may I please take shelter here? if it is not too much hassle?"

    "Did you hear that, Shaka? Someones in here."

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 1:05 pm

    (OCC: Skip me please, I'm having a writters block.)

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:28 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Celestic Town || Noon | 10

    He could hear complaining coming from a small, open window opposite the door frame. Narron steps over to the panel-less opening and looks out. Anyone with decent hearing could hear the fool talk to himself. “Perfect, just perfect. Exactly what I need, some hail, now I’ll freeze to death. Maybe I could....erm, perhaps enter a building.” Landing softly beside Narron and looking over the Bulbasaur’s head, he thought he caught a light blue, swirly appendage disappearing around the right side of the structure. The hail is falling lightly, pattering constantly onto the snowy town.

    Good idea; why not draw a horde of Undead here with your babbling?

    Narron robs Shaka of his focus when he asks him something, and he can see the Bulbasaur trading looks between himself and the tail-wrapped sack of berries behind him. “How about we eat one berry each, and save the rest for later.”

    It looks like I just cannot win against this stubborn reptile. Levitating just over the ground, he draws the sack in front of himself. Pulling out one of the palm-sized Sitrus inside, he places it down upon the frozen floor in front of the Bulbasaur.

    Then he hears a knock, and he floats up and goes to the right of the window to look down the wide, icy staircase to the lobby. In an act of further foolishness, the stranger speaks again--the Glalie may notice him and follow! The thought makes the fur on his back frill up under his cloak. At least he is speaking softly. “Erm, Hello. Is anyone here? I don’t mean to intrude but m, may I please take shelter here? If it is not too much hassle?”

    Shaka quickly floats over to Narron, knowing full well he may reply to the noisemaker. In a hissing, dead whisper he warns him not to speak. “Do not reply; Let us only see who it is. You know he may draw the Glalie’s attention, and if that icy horror finds me I will have to haul ass.”

    He draws his sack-bearing tail down slowly to Narron, so he can easily reach it with his vines.

    “Take the berries; I will lead. As we go, do not speak--stealth is important.”

    ((OOC: I'm not sure if anyone knew this, but Zerative made the Pokemon center rather icy before he left; it looked like nobody noticed the earlier post :b))

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