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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The CELESTIC Team


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:49 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon | (27)

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    His plan worked better than he could have imagined. It took all his effort to contain the fierce outburst of joy that swelled up inside of him at the sight of the Raichu's rampage. The Golbat tribe, still weak despite their numbers, met the electrical charge and their rotting bodies seared and burnt from the force of the electrical discharge that rose up like a solid wall of searing death around the Electric mouse. The bat's desperate last charges were cut painfully short, even the stunted rot filled corpses experiencing a few last jolts of pain as they were speared on the darting whip of metallic strong tail and pumped so full of electricity their last high pitched screams of agony were lost in the sound of their frying organs.
    His companion was terrifying, his normally calm face twisted in a brutal snarl of bloodlust as each Golbat's charge is brutally cut short and the headless corpses with cauterized wounds fall limply to the ground.
    Sade's pink tongue swipes along the edge of his hard beak with a hunger. Even with their stunted minds and bodies the undead were still capable of feeling pain.
    The Sceptile toys with each one as much as he can, inflicting only minor wounds to confuse and weaken, before batting them back to Shaka for the final execution.
    The confusing flutter of wings lessens as the ground piles with the fallen bats, the seared electrical burns keeping each one from oozing too much of their foul corrupted blood over the floorboards. Sade had almost forgotten the incredible amount of fun you could have with electricity.
    The Sceptile in the white coat suppresses a sigh as the last Golbat is cut down; the carnage was over far too soon for him to be fully satisfied and further more Shaka hasn't shown the kind of vulnerability he can exploit, at least until the heavy black coat of Reaper Cloth is lifted from his shoulders.
    Sade's golden eyes gleam to see his hypothesis is correct, the black garment was something important to the Raichu. As the high reflexes of battle instinct relax in absence of an opponent the foolish speck of rotting meat finally decides to pull the cloak from Shaka's shoulders in a doomed attempt to carry the Raichu with it and, to Sade's dark delight, Shaka goes entirely feral with rage. The Electric Type doesn't even notice Sade dogging his steps, the Sceptile's face twisting into a grin of sick pleasure as he followed Shaka down the blood splattered hallway, hopping over corpses with an almost comical gait as he follows close behind the wild-eyed Raichu and the one remaining Golbat still clinging onto the black cloth. A pale grey light streams in through the broken window, rendering the two in a near theatrical tableau as the electric energy pushes Shaka up to the Golbat's height and the bat tumbles, smashing messily against the windowsill before falling to the ground, pinned beneath the feral Raichu who pins its flailing wings and begins to fry it with an electrical discharge strong enough for Sade to feel the edges of its power sweep across him. The bat's purple-blue skin with its elegant engravings soon began to scorch a bloody black as its body bloated, its internal organs swelling as they fried and its muscles convulsing as they were forcibly stimulated. A tiny moan of pleasure escapes Sade's beak at the sight as its high pitched shrieking screams sparks a fierce burst of pleasure inside of him. The Sceptile's long claws twitch as he inwardly imagines it was him dealing out that kind of agony but the high soon ceases as Shaka's electrical attack kills off the bat before bringing it to the peak of its suffering.
    The jolt of ecstasy stiffens the grass type's reserve as Shaka reclaims his cloak and for one moment after his rampage appears to be truly at peace.
    The glowing tips of a Crush Claw slam into the Raichu's curved spine at the point where Sade judges it to be the most vulnerable and Sade takes a second to savour the look of agony on the Raichu's face before he plunges his clawed hands into his pocket and comes up with one of the sturdy lengths of jungle vine. Already much practised at this the Grass Type swiftly grabs the Raichu's arms and tightly binds them up behind his back before gripping the wire like tail and swiftly looping it around where it cannot do any damage even in the convulsions of pain. The Raichu's legs are tied together as well with the shortest length of the tough fibrous vine being jammed between the Electric Type's teeth before more than a few cries can escape him. Sade's clawed foot rests hard against the Shaka's head forcing it down onto the dusty floorboards where even a powerful discharge of electricity cannot harm him.
    The tongue licks along the edge of his horned beak, golden eyes alight with a terrible joy.
    "Fun times are about to begin" He says malevolently as he glares down at his prisoner. In a louder voice so it can be heard from outside he adds. "Well that was a close one, eh buddy? I think that they're all gone but let’s explore the basement just to be sure..."

    ((OOC: Permission to incapacitate Shaka given by Nival via PM))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:05 pm

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    Celestic town/noon
    “And I am sure my parents are watching over me, too.”

    Morpheus listened quietly, fighting back tears. The wound of his parents death was still fresh, and thoughts of them forced tears into his eye. Hearing of the mouse's sorrow only saddened him more. Morpheus's young heart wasn't able to handle Their death so soon, it was too much. It was not only too soon, but so sudden. He wouldn't be able to get over his sadness for a while.

    “Erm, by the way--I do not think I ever got your name. W-would you not mind me asking for such a thing?”

    Morpheus forced a smile on his face, fighting the tears welling up in his eye. "I-i'm Morpheus..." He spoke quietly before tears rolled down his face. He drifted down, touching the ground as his sheet-like body quivered. He was near silent as he wept:something he learned was very useful while wandering and hiding. He continued to cry for a while, just starting to pull himself together when he heard Sade speak to Shaka about the basement. There Had to be some demon down there. Where else would this feeling of ill intent he sensed be coming from?

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:25 pm

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    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [Northern house] | Late Noon | Shaka ~ 42 -- Tsukiko ~ 23 | ◊◊◊

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~
    To her concern, Tsukiko had managed to strike an emotional spot in the Shuppet. He began to weep from his single eye. But even though he was sorrowful, he gave a long smile and gave her his name. Morpheus. She thought it was a beautiful name, and she nodded thankfully for his reply. His reply was kind, but he was still collapsing into a quiet, tearing sorrow.

    She looked to him as she felt ready to say something, but she hesitated was too scared to speak of her own past. In a moment of sudden weakness, she almost looked as if she herself was going to weep; her kind gaze was disturbed by fear as she shyly walked to him. Though her words were ready to be spoken, she had to bring them out slowly to keep herself from tearing up as well. She was showing so much emotion in so short a time.... She questioned whether she could bear having it all emerge too quickly.... or, a stray thought troubled, if she has already revealed too much. Her mouth did not obey her thoughts. “I-It’s okay Morpheus. I.... I know what it’s like.” Her voice was strong with surety, but weak with sadness. ”If you ever need anyone to talk about it with, then just tell me.” Her emotions spoke of the deep empathy she had for the ghost. But she was startled away from her thoughts and words when she heard sade Sade boast about something from inside the building. It was then that she also noticed the absence of all other noises; there were no more battlecries, no more fighting. They killed all of those Undead?

    “Well that was a close one, eh buddy? I think that they’re all gone but let’s explore the basement just to be sure....” She walked to the door, but did not look in because of the horrible stench that was drifting out of the opening. It smelled of burning flesh and bloated guts. It was an odor so revolting, that she nearly gagged. She turned herself away to take in some fresh air, enjoying the odorless outdoor air. She soon mustered the courage (and the nose) to turn back and call into the building. She could not see what was happening inside from her angle.

    “Are you both safe? That sounded like a very violent battle.” A small fear disturbed her with the possibility that something was wrong. Please, let them be safe. Please, let Shaka be safe. She wished to some unknown, random deity. If they were lucky, the basement would be the last place that would have to be cleaned out before they could all go in.

    ~*~ Shaka ~*~

    Shaka was so blind to the world around him that he did not hear Sade’s approach. Only the sound of a quickly thrusting arm reached his awareness, and he was too late to react to it. A strong, gripping force closed around his lower back. The attack was painfully strong, and the agony that followed it was indescribable. Shaka felt he was going to scream loud enough to wake the dead, but no such sound came forth from his silently contorted face. A surge of pain ripped its way up his spine. Within seconds it had traveled upwards and doused his brain with a numbing agony. His limbs locked up, fixed into a gesture of stiff pain. His cloak fell from his embrace, falling in a heavy slump near the fried corpse of the Golbat. His mind lost its sense of awareness, and became disoriented. Shaka’s stiffened arms were bound behind his back with thick vines. Meanwhile, his tail impulsively writhed about behind him. Weak pulses of electricity were jumping through it as it tried to desperately swing at Shaka’s attacker. The live wire was quickly apprehended and looped about him, rendering it immobile. The attacker was working fast, too fast for Shaka to think. As he tried to shout from the pain that resulted from having his legs bound together, another thick set of green rope was lodged in his jaws to seal in the outcry.

    He was then unceremoniously planted facefirst into the ground. The suffering that his legs were going through was too indescribable. It was unlike anything he felt before. He could not even heed the words of his attacker, the words forgotten in his trance of pain. With a half-conscious mind he realized he had a faint idea of who did this to him. He made a weak and muffled growl, his face still being flattened onto the dusty floorboards by a heavy foot. He muttered an unintelligible curse to the Sceptile. A good curse was all he could really think of to say. Shaka did not even care if Sade did not understand what he was saying: He just wanted to get some words out to the traitor. At least he now knew Sade’s true intentions now. It was sort of his fault for trusting the lying gecko in the first place. The only problem now was that he will likely not live to tell the others of their murderous friend. Or, if he would bait them into the same situation and kill them all. All he could do now was just lie there, burning in the inferno of his pained legs as he tried to conserve any energy he still had left.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:56 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon | (28)

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    His clawed fingers creaking as he flexes them Sade's pecha berry pink tongue swipes along the edge of his horned beak hungrily as he examines the gagged ad bound Raichu with his fingers. Pain had stiffened the muscles, deadening Shaka's warning cries with the agony of convulsions. The twisted deformity in the Electric Type's spine had caused him great agony when struck. Sade was tempted to see exactly how long a strong mind such as Shaka's could withstand such pain.
    "Oh the fun we shall have." Sade says softly as he hooks his sharp claws around the thick fabric of the Reaper Cloth, lifting both it and the now helpless Raichu onto his shoulders.
    Corrupted blood soaks his long clawed feet as Sade merely skips over the shattered corpses lying piled in the hallway, the bright fans of their splattered blood reaching nearly all the way to the ceiling. Every time he lands it bumps the burden on his back all the more until he comes to the small dust covered door he has been waiting for and pulls it open.

    Unpainted wooden stairs lead the way down into darkness. Inhaling deeply, it felt so good to be alive, Sade's large claws find the light switch and flick it it on.
    At the base of the stairs a single bare bulb dangling from its wire flickers on, illuminating the bare concrete floor. Musty cardboard boxes, already starting to rot and taking their contents with them are piled against one wall.
    Ahead a maze of exposed pipes twine like copper colored Ekans,culminating in the squat shape of a water heater against one wall. The occasional tiny drop of liquid falls from the rusting joints to puddle on the hard and unadorned concrete floor. A work bench dominates one corner of the otherwise bare basement, a large piece of wood serving as the counter top. A red toolbox, speckled with rust as was everything else in this damp environment, rests on the bench beside the remains of a half constructed bird house.

    Sade picks up Shaka as he takes the stairs two at a time and dumps the Raichu where he can't be seen from the stairs, maneuvering the bound Electric Type so he has his back to a leaking pipe. It was a simple precaution, with the water starting to soak the dark cloak any electric attack aimed at him will be conducted to the Raichu as well.
    Like a child in a candy store Sade picks up the toolbox and opens it up. Rust has crept in here too but Sade couldn't care less if his patients would be in need of a tetanus shot. Instead with wordless exclamations of cheer he lays out his favorite tools on the bench beside him in the order he planned on using them, opening up the folding drawers of the box to look for the best tools for the job. He adds the thorns in his pocket to the several long flat nails he can find and grins.

    The sound of the Pikachu's voice above him makes a sadistic smile come across the Sceptile's hard beak. She had taken the bait and wandered into the house where he wouldn't have to chase her down.
    Caressing the plastic handle of a screwdriver possessively Sade puts on his sweetest and most convincing voice.
    "Hey Tsukiko, little ghost, Shaka found something awesome down here! Come take a look."
    The door is still partially open, enough for his voice to be readily heard through the house as he gets into position and winks one golden eye at the prone Raichu.

    ((OOC: Permission for Sade to carry Shaka to the basement and imprison him there has been given by Nival))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:36 pm

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    Celestic town/noon
    The tears flowing from his one, yellow and blue eye left a sparkling trail down Morpheus's cheek and a small damp splotch on the ground. He could barely make the mouse out through the blur the world became from his tears, but he knew she had come near. Morpheus wanted nothing more than to be home again. Following his father around the house and through snow, or Helping his mother find food for the night. I can't believe that I'll never see them again... His mind spoke.

    “I-It’s okay Morpheus. I.... I know what it’s like. If you ever need anyone to talk about it with, then just tell me."

    Morpheus nods, still unable to speak due to his tears. His half closed eye slowly clears as the last tears start to roll down his small face. It was then he noticed that Tsukiko had gone to the house, and spoke. He slowly hovered a bit higher, wanting to follow, but still afraid of the structure. Morpheus stared at the ground, making sure that no new tears were coming.

    "Hey Tsukiko, little ghost, Shaka found something awesome down here! Come take a look."

    He barely heard the words, but they gave him some comfort. If they had explored a lot of the house, then they would have gotten rid of any demons or monsters... right? It would be safer to enter. He floated closer to Tsukiko, still low to the ground but not as low as before.

    "Th-There are no m-more monsters... right?" He softly mutters to her, his tone worried. He still sensed something... Though he didn't know where it was coming from.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:40 pm

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    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [Northern house] | Late Noon | Shaka ~ 42 -- Tsukiko ~ 24 | ◊◊◊

    “Hey Tsukiko, little ghost, Shaka found something awesome down here! Come take a look.” Somehow, Sade’s excited voice had affected Tsukiko the wrong way. A slight hesitation was urging her away from the doorway. The way Sade phrased his words, even the way he spoke them, did not feel right. How could anyone be so happy in the Epidemic? He sounded so gleeful. But her paranoia was slowly guilting her at the same time. This suspicion could simply be her being overreactive, and she did not want to fear Sade just because she thought he sounded suspicious. It wasn’t right. But somehow, somehow, the way he spoke just sounded so.... predatory?

    “Th-there are no m-more monsters.... right?” Tsukiko looked to Morpheus as he floated close to her. Though she did not let go of her gentle frown she compassionately whispered to him. “No. I don’t think any are left.” If the horrid stench was telling anything to her nose, it was that the Undead were definitely all dead. But she kept herself wary just in case. Her hands clutched the door’s side as she leaned inside to peer. There was no movement, no sound. She braced herself. “Just stay close if you feel unsafe.” Tsukiko’s voice was tense with nervousness but she was prepared to go in.

    Entering the living room cautiously, Tsukiko made her way around the furniture until she could see a nearby hallway. One side of the hall led the way up a staircase to house’s second floor, and beside the staircase was a long hallway. As soon as she navigated through the stray furniture in the room, she could see the right hallway. That was when she stopped moving and stared with widening eyes.

    “O-oh Legends.” She gasped, holding a hand over her mouth in disgust. Not far ahead of her, was a revolting scene -- the hall was buried in corpses. There were things that could be barely described as dead Golbats and Zubats which were scattered around everywhere. It shook her to see so many corpses in one place, even if they were all dead. There were so many of them; there was so much death. And the bodies were not just brutally scarred and burnt; no, there was also a miasmatic stench which rose from the massacre. It hit her nose with enough force to make her stomach burn with disgust. The scene was starting to make her nauseous. She put an arm to her nose while she reached out for a dusty old cloth sitting on a short nightstand. She threw off the dust which was blanketing the cloth. After a few good slaps against a worn leather couch beside the nightstand she threw the fabric against her nose. It smelled of mildew, but it was rather comforting for that moment.

    Just to her best luck, Sade had called from the very place she did not want to go through. Amidst the bloody scene she could see the dull frame of a doorway, illuminated by a very low glow coming up from the basement’s interior. The entrance of the basement just had to be here, of all places. The stench was so foul it bothered her eyes. She tried quickening her pace. She whimpered quietly as she tiptoed around and over the corpses, avoiding stale blood pools and spilled organs. She’s never seen so many corpses in one place, not since the beginning of the Epidemic. She winced at the old hills of bodies which crawled through her mind. The touch of something damp upon her left foot chilled her thoughts and made her look down, startled. Tsukiko gave a quavering sigh to try and ward off her fearful disgust. She continued to walk, hoping the light bloodstain would wear away as she walked towards the doorway. The doorway, which was so close and yet so far....

    It took all of her strength to not tear up from her building fear. Both eyes were focused upon the door ahead, refusing to take any lengthy glances at the bodies which decorated the surrounding area. Upon reaching the glorious worn frame which would save her from the horrid scene, she tossed the fabric to the side. A light sense of pride filled up in her for braving her own anxiety. And for a moment she smiled. But it faded as she prepared to walk down the basement stairs.

    She descended into the basement carefully, going one stairstep at a time. She heard the sound of heavy items being placed gently down onto wood. Before she could look down and peek under the wooden railing at what was going on, a sensation of lightly cracking wood underfoot disturbed her. The next stairstep she was going down was bending just a little too much. She tried to withdraw her foot from the step, but the one she was still standing on broke as well. She tumbled down the stairs on her rump. When she reached the bottom she was ejected off by her momentum, skidding. And so she tumbled and fell flat onto her stomach upon the concrete. Tsukiko’s eyes were beaded with tears from the bruising pain on her rump. Whimpering from the fall and cursing her luck, she pushed her front self up with her arms and looked around. To her right, she thought she saw something in the darkness near the stairs. It was out of the corner of her eye, and she could only make a vague guess as to who it was. “S-Sade?” She innocently asked, wanting to know if it was really him. She saw Sade, but she could not see the tools. She was completely unknowing of what would happen next.

    ((OOC -- No post for Shaka this time around, since I want to avoid getting on the Warnings list. I’ll just say that he is still in the spot he was dropped at in the basement by Sade. He is not moving, as he is trying to quiet himself and gather his senses while he tries to overcome his intense leg pain.))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:12 pm

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    Celestic Town | Late Noon | (29)

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    With the speed of a striking Arbok Sade lashes out at the young Pikachu before she can recover from her fall.
    A sickening smirk spreads across his face as he slams one clawed foot down on the yellow furred back, already pulling lengths of the tough rope-like vines from his coats pockets and lashing them tightly around the Pikachu's arms, tail and legs.
    With practiced claws he pulls the knots tight to prevent her from breaking free and leans in close to the Electric Type's face, running his pink tongue over the sharp edge of his horned beak.
    "Hi there." He says in a tone breathless with malice before roughly slamming her into the damp corner beside Shaka and grinning.
    He turns towards the silhouette of the small ghost still at the top of the stairs.
    "Where do you think you're going?" He laughs as he takes the stairs three at a time, his cruel hooked toes gouging lines in the old wood.
    He throws out a hand as he mounts the bannister and from his fingertips a triangular dart of green energy shoots forth like an arrow head to spear straight through the hovering ghost's little body.
    A few orbs of brightly gleaming energy follow the path of the dart backwards to Sade's fingers, invigorating him while draining the little ghosts power nearly dry.
    With malevolent intent Sade shoves the ghost downwards as well and stands at the top of the doorway, breathing deeply from the exertion and watching his new captives with a gleeful eye.
    Slowly his tongue swipes along the edge of his beak as his body trembles with excitement.
    "Welcome to the funhouse..." He croons with a mocking leer as he shuts the door firmly behind him.

    Casually strolling down the stairs the Sceptile rests one sharp claw on the edge of the bannister, a long spiraling curl of varnish coming off under his claw point.
    He chuckles to himself, his golden eyes alight with a malevolent air as his bushy tail twitches with excitement.
    Under the dancing bare bulb that forms the old light his shadow seems to waver.
    Seemingly ignoring his captives for the moment he returns to his laying out of the tools, making sure the bound pokemon can clearly see each pointed blade before he lays it aside.
    "Let me introduce a little hobby of mine." The Sceptile says as he lays down a flat-head screwdriver. "Every since I was a little Treecko I have had this...fascination with pain. Everyone's pain. Pain is the great leveler you see. Under its touch it doesn't matter if you had a trainer or not, or if you're young or old or even if you're undead or living."
    Sade turns the blade so its metal bit shines in the flickering electric light.
    "All that matters is how long you can endure it for. How much pain can you stand before it destroys you. I aim to find out. Don't worry, your deaths will play a valuable part in my research."
    Putting down his screwdriver he picks up a long thin nail, more of a needle and rolls it in his palm as he approaches the bound electric mouse pair.
    "Please try not to make this too easy for me." He tells Tsukiko softly, depravity reflected in his golden eyes.
    Suddenly he turns and pulls the gag from Shaka's jaws, looking deeply into the Raichu's eyes with devilish amusement.
    "I want your screams to last."

    ((OOC: Permission to capture Tsukiko and incapacitate Morpheus given via PM))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:06 pm

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    Celestic town/late noon
    "Tsu-Tsukiko?!" Morpheus spoke when he heard the stairs cracking. He had floated through the house, feeling frightened and weak. He was only moving ahead because he didn't want to lose sight of the mouse. He had paused by the stairs, now locating the source of the ill will he had been sensing. He was hovering towards her when the stairs collapsed and Sade snatched her up, the words of warning he was about to say fading and changing to a scream. He quickly turned to run, but wasn't fast enough. The mega drain attack nearly knocked him unconscious. Morpheus felt an intense pain throughout his body, and fell to the floor. The sceptile had easily caught him.

    After being thrown to the ground inside the dim basement, Morpheus didn’t have the energy to move. He lay on the ground, his sheet like form still aside from a slight quivering. New tears had come, and flowed from his one eye. He was scared. More scared than when he had encountered the beast that stole his eye. Morpheus soon felt a darkness closing in, and fell unconscious, his form now eerily still.
    ((Sorry for the lame post. I couldn’t think of anything . >.<))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:06 pm

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    Basement | Celestic Town | Late Noon | (30)

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    "Powertools are a girl's best friend ~!" Sade trills in a high pitched song as he finds a power pack in the rusting red toolbox and deftly twirls the instrument it belongs to.
    With a 'click' the black box slots into the base of the tool and the Sceptile's clawed fingers flick the switch. With a metallic stuttering the drill splutters into life, the long twisted drill bit starting to rotate.
    Sade's golden eyes fixate on the spinning bit with a childish glee as he darts forwards and plunges the whirring drill deep into the wood of the workbench.
    Spraying curled shavings of wood the metal drill bit bites deeply into the old workbench as Sade cheerfully forces it downwards.
    The rotating metal bit bores a deep hole all the way through the thick plant of wood, digging through the solid plank swiftly until with another metallic noise it breaks through to the other side and Sade stops it.
    Holding up the shining drill the Sceptile practically skips towards his three captives, his tongue swiping over his hard horned beak in an unmistakable gesture of hunger.
    "Ooooohhhh~!" He croons under his breath as his slit pupil golden eyes dart around the room in search of a suitable target.
    He kneels beside the Shuppet, its young body completely drained of its power even with the strength of his evil intentions permeating the air.
    It can't even move under his own power.
    Sade squeezes the trigger, making the drillbit whir briefly as he reaches down towards the one eyed ghost and positions the drill over the Shuppet's one remaining eye.
    "The pain you are about to experience will be monitored for training purposes." He says softly.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:13 pm

    ((I'm so sorry, but skip me please, I've been real busy and i don't think I'll be able to finish my post tonight. >.<))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:38 pm

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    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [North House; Basement] | Late Noon | Shaka -- 42 & Tsukiko -- 25 | ◊◊◊

    Tsukiko did not know what was happening. The last thing she had expected from Sade was a sudden charge. He had sprung from the darkness as if he were lying in ambush. Her arms had buckled and fell to her side as the breath was knocked from her lungs. Her hands had been bound tightly, her tail lashed about her, and her legs restrained. She had been thrown into a damp corner, hurting her already sore rump and causing her to whimper from the tender pain.
    She noticed someone else next to her. Tiny beads of tears were already in her eyes which were caused her frightful confusion. Why was he doing this? Sade craned his neck down to her. While she sat there dazed and terrified the sceptile had mauled Morpheus. She sat there wide-eyed with horror as her friend slumped to the concrete floor, either unconscious or dead. 

    After he had violently attacked Morpheus, Sade walked over to a tall table -- which Tsukiko immediately identified as a workshop table. Organized across its surface she could see the edged glint of old and rusty tools. Sade was plucking more from a toolbox, and raised each one up to reveal their menacing nature to everyone. All the while, he disclosed a gruesome past through a cheery voice. Tsukiko only sat there, wanting this to only be a sick joke. Her mind couldn't bear the idea of this betrayal, so it deluded her. This was only a sick joke. Sade was not a sadist. This is just a really clever prank! But as Sade presented each and every last sharp implement, she only refused her delusions more and more. Even though she wanted to believe the lies more and more with each passing second.

    Sade spoke with a perpetual flow of enthusiasm. A cheeriness which made her tremble. After organizing his tools he came to her with a smile. "Please try not to make this too easy for me." Tsukiko quailed under his gaze.

    That was when she noticed Shaka. Even as Sade removed the vine which bound his mouth Shaka did not attempt to try and bite him. Sade spoke to him, but he remained idle. The solemnly agonized features of the raichu's face were sharpened by the black shade of his cover. His cloak was soaked with rusty water, his head fur damp from the dribble coming from a rusty pipe over his head. His eyes were closed, and he was completely unresponsive to the world around him. Tsukiko was momentarily frightened, thinking that he was dead. But she had little time to brood when she heard the sound of a whirring object.

    The gecko had in his possession a power drill, whose power he demonstrated by violently driving it into the thick wood of the bench. Tsukiko cringed as shavings scattered everywhere, as her panicked mind could visualize the tool soon boring into her intestines. The action frightened her so much she was not even crying now. Only trembling.

    Sade strolled over to Morpheus, and threatened him with the power drill. He was pointing it straight for the ghost's only eye. The scene reminded her of death. A murderer looming over its victim, ready to maim and kill. It forced a sense of reason back into the Pikachu's deluded mind. So Tsukiko was right. Sade was short for Sadist. The way he played them..... he must have done this many times before. He’s insane after all. 

    Desperate for her friend's life, Tsukiko shouted at the Sceptile over the whirring of the drill. "S...Sa--Sade! Leav--Leave him alone!" She quailed in fear at her own outcry, flinching. Self-awareness was returning to her. Her conscience shouted one clear question to her: What are you doing!? She didn't even know anymore.

    ((OOC -- Oh goodness, such a cruddy post. I will try to clean up all of this word vomit as soon as possible o_o;))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:47 pm

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    Basement | Celestic Town | Late Noon | (31)

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    "Mmmhmmm." The Sceptile mutters, disappointed to find the limp Shuppet boringly still. The true joy of using his bright new tools was in seeing the terror in their faces before he cut into them. For weeks he had to make do with pointed sticks and rocks, now he had the bright new metal tools he wanted to have real fun again!
    Sade clacks his beak in annoyance, prepared to plunge the drill into the ghost anyway just for the fun of it when a trembling cry interrupts him.
    The whirring drill bit pauses over the bright yellow center of the Shuppet's eyes.
    Slowly the tip of Sade's tongue swipes over his beak.
    "Oh little mouse just moved up the list."
    The drill bit stops it movements as Sade's clawed fingers release the trigger. Slowly, giving fear time to mature, the large Grass Type strolls back over to the work bench.
    The dull gleam of the rusted metal reflects in the Sceptile's golden eyes as his claws play briefly with a nail.
    "It's been a while since I last had a volunteer." The Sceptile leers as the electric light sways.
    A puddle of water splashes under his clawed foot as he casually walks forwards and kneels beside Tsuchiko.
    It is plain on her face that the Pikachu is probably too terrified for another squeak.
    Sade lets a slow deliberate grin spread across his face as he holds up the power drill and briefly squeezes the trigger.
    The metal bit whirs briefly as Sade points it towards the ceiling.
    Almost tenderly he presses the still bit against the pikachu's throat, flicking it up to underneath her chin before roughly gripping her head and holding it still.
    "Which eye is your least favorite?" He softly whispers in her ear as the drill bit begins to rotate once again.

    ((OOC: I'll edit this if it isn't o.k. for Sade to grab Tsukiko))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:40 pm

    ((Skip me again please :P Morph is still unconscious.))

    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:09 pm

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    Celestic Town|Late Noon (1)


    The skull of the undead Kadabra broke under Mango's small foot. Mango smirked in victory letting his cape blow magnificently in the wind. FWEEEEEET! Mango looked up to see Chips running from a Bibarel with his silver pendant whistle stuck in his mouth. Mango growled clashing his claws together making them sharper and sharper with Hone Claws. Halt evildoer! The Bibarel looked up just as Mango drove his claws through its eye socket ripping it out and driving his free hand through the empty sock cracking its skull and spilling its soupy grey brain matter. He brushed his hands and claws off off before burning the remains with Ember. Mango grinned and went over to help Chips up. Justice has been served! Well done Chips! He looked around before looking back to Chips. Gots to find helpless citizens!

    Chips watched Mango defeat the evil Kadabra before clapping his paws happily. He felt a presence behind him turning to see a drooling Bibarel. Chips raised his pendant whistle and blew in it desperately. FWEEEEEET! He ran from the hungry Bibarel towards Mango before tackle clinging to a small tree. The tree bent under his weight making him slip down to the top of it until the tree pulled out of his desperate grip. Chips covered his head until Mango righted him and dusted him off. He gushed at Mango's compliment before raising up his ears to listen and find helpless citizens!

    ((OoC: Let the fun begin!))


    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:09 pm

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    Cave outside of Celestic Town|Late Noon (39)

    As Narrons vision became clear, he realized he was in the forest, with the Garedvoir standing above him. She appeared to be arguing with herself, because, while Narron could only hear a deep blurbling sound, none of the words could penetrate Narrons brain properly, he was still confused, but there was no one else round, so she must have been talking to herself. If she was, it wouldn't be the first time. Narron was still unable to move, when he saw the Gardevoir turn towards him, a deep rumbling sound, perhaps laughing? She pointed her hand at him, and he felt himself levitate, an unimaginable pain filled his head, but he was unable to black out, the pain kept growing, but there was never any unconsciousness, suddenly, Narron dropped to the floor, and Sade, along with Shaka and Tsukiko appeared from behind some bushes. Sade began attacking the psycho at an amazing speed, but he was no match for her, and he was sent flying into a tree, a branch stuck out, and Sade, as he flew back at the tree, ended up lined up perfectly, the branch smashed through Sades stomach, his face contorted in pain.

    Shaka and Tsukiko both use Thunder attacks towards the Gardevoir, which connect and fuse as they strike her, she flies backwards, but comes to a halt in mid-air. Se blinks and she suddenly stands beside the hanging body of Sade. His head rips off of his body, and is sent hurtling towards Tsukiko, knocking the young Pikachu off balance.Suddenly, the body of the Pikachu explodes, and Shaka collapses, shaking. He unleashes a thunderbolt of unimaginable power, but the Gardevoir doesn't even feel it. Shaka begins to glow, and becomes bigger, as if an evolution is happening. Cords appear to sprout from Shakas tail, and pure lightning surrounds Shaka, his head turns into a plug, with eyes floating above it, magnetised by the plug somehow. Shakas skin turns to metal, and with one more attack, thunder bolt, the Gardevoir is dead. Shaka walks towards Narron, and lifts him up. What seems like a change of survival is cut short as Shaka collapses, falling forwards, pinning Narron in place.

    A knife is in Shakas back, stabbed into him, killing him. His metal begins to rust, and falls off of him, revealing his usual Raichu shape underneath, the knife still jabbed into the Raichus back. Sades decapitated body pulls itself off of the tree branch, and walks towards the pinned Narron and dead Raichu. Sade pulls the knife out of Shakas back and a voice echoes in Narrons head. "Oops, looks like I dropped my knife." Sades voice. The voice seems to come from all around, even though Sade is headless. Sade begins laughing, and pushes the Raichu off of the injured-unable-to-move-Narron. "Time for my experimetnt!" Sade cackles. He leans oer Narron, and puts the knife, which is now scalpel, to Narrons throat, and cuts.

    With that, Narron woke up screaming. He was in a cave, the same one he had been in since he had been taken by the Gardevoir, who had revealed to him that her name was Piper. He had been hearing her argue, then fight with nothing, with herself, as she ended up lying in a heap beside him, still alive, He used the last of his energy to yell at her to die, then sent some Razor Leaves at her, as she saw them coming, she tried to teleport them away, but in her dazed and injured state, had only teleported away Narron, landing him in a cave. Narron assumed that they hat finished off Piper, because he felt stronger seconds later, he felt like perhaps he had levelled up. Unfortunately, he was still unable to move, but luckily, after a short while, a small Pidgey entered the cave, and found him there. She flew away and returned minutes later with berries, when she flew off again, she hadn't come back, she was probably killed by an undead. With all of the berries gone, Narron tries to get back to sleep, hoping to get some rest, and not have the same nightmare as he has had already twice in the few hours.

    ((OoC:Great to be back!))

    Last edited by Discord on Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:02 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [Northern house; basement] | Late Noon | Shaka :: 43 Tsukiko :: 26 | ◊◊◊

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~

    Her cry of desperation had successfully interrupte Sade. He paused the drill just as it came miliseconds before Morpheus's ethereal eye. Avariciously, the gecko threatened her. "Oh, little mouse just moved up the list." Tsukiko shuffled anxiously in the silence that followed. Her bound legs did not allow her much else to do but writhe and shiver. She began to whimper. 

    He picked up a nail as he walked over to the workbench. It gleamed a rusty tone while he pondered the situation. "It's been a while since I last had a volunteer." With long, lurching strides Sade took up his power drill and came to her. His tall figure blotted out the room's lightbulb as he knelt down beside her. Breaking up the calm of his face was a demonic grin. She knew what he was. Sade was a reaper, come to collect his long-overdue contract. To kill the one who cheated death on two different occasions -- even three, if she counted the constant fortune she once had in the Epidemic. She stared with a blank horror back up into his eyes, and began to weep. Sade thrust the drill into the air and made it whirr loudly. She was too petrified to flinch at its mechanical screech. The rapid thump of her heart was only a dull throb to her.

    After the demonstration of power, Sade grasped her neck and pointed the drill against her throat. "Which eye is your least favorite?"

    "P-please. Don't hurt me." Tsukiko tried to appeal to his nonexistent rationality. To a moral compass too askew to accept her tears. She'd stopped struggling by then, losing herself to hopelessness. "This isn't right...." And she sounded absolutely pathetic, limp in the Sceptile's grip. This really was her time to die, wasn't it? 

    ~*~ Shaka ~*~

    Darkness, that's all he really could see right now. The bonds restricting his movement making his limbs sore. The pain of his legs, still throbbing. They were certainly doing better than they were just a few minutes ago, if just slightly.

    His legs. They were a persistent weakness to remind him of how frail he really was. How alone he was. How much he needed others. He pulled a few memories to mind. He recalled Narron. He recalled Ponamu. He recalled Tsukiko and Morpheus. The more he considered them the more he realized something. In this damned world, they all had something he did not. They had ambition, hope. All he had was a soul and a hollow bag of insane flesh called a body. The only motivation he had came from instinct and from a black cape made of old ghosts' energies. He wandered throughout all of Sinnoh, alone, because he had nobody else to live for. The kin weavile of whom he was told about by that strange Haunter months ago was nowhere to be seen. He'd given up on searching long ago. 

    He was deep in thought at the time when he heard a cry of desperation. 

    Curious, Shaka pulled himself out of the limbo of his half-conscious mind. He looked back into a world of damp stone and cold air. Reality came back to his consciousness. This was the crisis at hand. Tsukiko and Morpheus needed help, help in a situation he himself caused. They were bound, and were going to be gutted by an all-too-obvious traitor. He should have not trusted Sade for anything. He should have killed him. But the chance to do something was over now. But what could he do to free them, without seeing anyone besides Sade die?

    Just a few feet from him, there was a large white-garbed figure looming over a tiny weeping mouse. The sound of a whirring weapon, something he vaguely heard earlier as being called a 'power tool.' Sade was threatening Tsukiko with it, ready to gouge out one of her eyes. "Sade, leave her alone." Shaka's voice was a contrast to the chaos of the situation, and its roughness demanded attention. His deep memories were quickly fading from his eyes, but the calm mood that came from the meditation did not falter.

    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:13 pm

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    Basement | Celestic Town | Late Noon | (32)

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    The wood gecko's tongue flickers over his hard beak as turns towards the Raichu who is only now starting to recover.
    Shaka, the one he had been doubtful he would be able to take down was now awake and coming to terms with his new situation but instead of delicious despair sparking in his gaze the Raichu was almost casual in his steadfast determination.
    Sade clicks his tongue off the roof of his mouth in a disapproving sound.
    Now that wouldn't do at all, and after his partner had been so cooperative.
    Sade is close enough to feel the terrified hum of the Pikachu's heart as he grips her even more tightly, his long hooked claws cutting the skin a causing a more trickle of blood to ooze down the pale yellow fur.
    Fear and pain, fear and pain were the only constants in this world!
    The sway of the hanging light casts evil shadows over his face as the Sceptile gives a death's head grin at the Raichu.

    Strutting in his white coat the Sceptile shakes his head disapprovingly.
    "Ah no-one understands what a burden it is to be the sole protector of knowledge in such an era." He bemoans dramatically, pressing his claws to his chest, the perfect drama of his words counteracted by the deep grin spread across his face.
    Shaka could not shock him now and though he preferred to let terror mature more nothing sparked fear like when others could view his experiments!
    His frond-like tail twitches, the leaf-like green scaled sweeping across the bare concrete floor in a gesture of dominance over the area as Sade squeezes the drill's trigger again and the tool whirs into life.
    "Oh Shaka, you're finally up." He says in a voice dripping with mock concern. "I wouldn't want you to miss this."
    Without warning the Sceptile suddenly turns and plunges the drill-bit straight into the Pikachu's light blue eye.

    The steel drill bit bites in straight through the pupil with a disturbingly fluid sound just audible over the metallic hum of the motor.
    The pockets of liquid inside the eyeball rupture as Sade twists the drill and swiftly pulls it back before it can hit bone and do any further damage.
    The tool itself Sade discards gleefully, tossing it behind him as he holds Tsukiko down to prevent her from further damage during the drilling.
    The mutilated eye hangs loose in its socket.

    ((OOC: Permission to drill Tsukiko's eye given by Nival via PM)

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:43 pm

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    Celestic town/late noon
    Morpheus was woken by the sounds of screaming and the whirring of a drill. His eye opened, but was immediately closed as he pressed his face into the concrete floor. The scene that was before him was something straight out of a nightmare. And He lay on the cold ground trembling slightly, hoping that Sade would not notice him.
    We need to get out of here! He thought, trying to think of a way to escape. Soon he ventured to sneak a look at Tsukiko again, but only got a glimpse before looking away. He was afraid of being spotted moving by Sade, as something inside him warned against it. Morpheus remained with his eye closed for a long time before opening it again, this time searching for something sharp. He would need it to free Tsukiko and Shaka.

    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:10 am

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    Celestic Town|Late Noon (2)

    Chips's ears twitched and he looked behind him. He could hear a drill and screaming. Mango? Do you hear that? Chips dropped on all fours and bounded over to the house where he heard the noise. He was about to knock but realized no villain ever nicely answered the door. Chips did a few circle runs building up Volt Tackle before slamming into the door making a Chips size hole in it.

    Mango followed Chips through to the house and through the small hole with much difficulty. He looked around before puffing out his chest. Mango was a superhero and superheroes weren't afraid of anything. Helloooooooo? Anyone home? He growled and clashed his claws together with Hone Claws before readying himself for anything that could come at either of them.

    Chips grasped the pendant around his neck taking slow breaths. He found relief in the Thunderstone's smooth round surface and grasped the end of Mango's cape. It was now a clear fact. Chips was very much afraid from being inside the house. He could hear almost everything with his large ears and the scents weren't exactly friendly either. Chips kept his Thundershock attack at the ready just incase he lucked out and their foe was a weak Water or Flying type.


    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:47 am

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    Cave outside of Celestic Town|Late Noon (40)

    Narron struggled to stand, after not having any luck with sleeping, he was exhausted, no energy, but he couldn't sleep any more, he just couldn't, his brain wouldn't let him.

    Narron managed to walk to the cave entrance, and looked around, he could see Celestic Town a short distance away. There was a short ten minute walk through the forest, longer if you got lost, between here and Celestic, Narron thought about returning, to make sure the others were OK, he decided that as long as they didn't see him, then there was no chance they would want him to stay, they wouldn't know he was there, that way, he can leave without causing any more trouble, after being the reason the Gardevoir had even turned up in the first place.

    At least on the way, Narron could find some more berries, hopefully a few Oran's somewhere. Narron knew that he wouldn't be able to leave, and that he was just telling himself he would stick to the shadows, he knew that he wanted to stay with them, but, for their safety, he pushed those thoughts as far back as he could, and tried his best to convince and promise himself tat he would not be seen, and would leave as soon as he knew they were all fine.

    Narron made his way down the small hill, and took one last look at Celestic from above, if he was able to leave, he would not see this place again for a very long time. For a moment, he thought he saw a flash of yellow and red, but it disappeared into a building before he could really focus on it, so he never knew what it really was.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:39 pm

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    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [Northern house; basement] | Late Noon | Shaka :: 44 Tsukiko :: 27 | ◊◊◊

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~

    Her terrified right eye focused upon the drill bit, even as it began to make its first impact and leave nothing but a vision of blood and pain. Tsukiko screamed shrilly as the metal bit ate away at the sensitive organ. She did not even have the control to coordinate her own movement, as her bound limbs writhed desperately to pull her away. Her head tried to throw itself away to save itself, but it was kept firm to prevent any movement.

    Her other eye shut tightly when blood began to splatter upon it. She did not know when the torment ended, but eventually she felt the cold touch of the steel suddenly disappear. There was a forceful weight placed upon her chest, leaving it difficult to breathe.

    There was no blood, only the extreme cold burning the flesh of her wound. It was terrifying, to suddenly lose all sense of awareness from half of her face. She could feel warmth around her eye socket, something she vaguely imagined as a pulpy mess of flesh. She opened the only remaining half of her sight and wish she had not. For from her other eye all she could see was the perpetually joyful face of Sade. It looked horrific, the grin enchanced by a dreary illumination. And it was a visage so terrifying that it left her transfixed.

    The scene was so overpowering that she lost awareness of everything else around her for the moment. Her chest was erratically shifting, as she gave moaning sobs. In some delusional recall of her past, Tsukiko bawled for mercy to the green face of the thing she thought of as her murderer. "T-team- Rocket. Glaecon. Wh...Whyyy? I-I didn't do anything!"
    ~*~ Shaka ~*~

    Shaka looked up to Sade with pacified emotions. He listened to every word absentmindedly, for he already knew what the loathsome sadist intended to do with them. They were just toys to him. A way to discover things. Shaka knew pain already, he did not need Sade to inform him of that. The drill in Sade's claws began to whirr with eagerness. Its sound made his fur bristle in caution, for it sounded vaguely like a Garchomp's roar. "Oh Shaka, you're finally up. I wouldn't want you to miss this." Shaka's numb tranquil was broken by a brief but furious snarl. Sade would not dare to do it, to hurt Tsukiko. Not if he wanted to keep his life.

    But Sade did not care. With eager forcefulness he thrusted the drillbit into Tsukiko's right eye. There was a scream so shrill it made Shaka flinch and press his ears flatly against his skull. A mixture of gore and eye fluid spiraled up the drill bit. Some of the blood droplets were flung far enough to stain his orange fur. Sade discarded the drill and slammed Tsukiko down when her eye had been turned into a floppy segment of flesh drooping out of its socket.

    Shaka's expression was blanked out by a sense of deep anger. A feeling of disgust towards the sceptile so revolting he could not describe it. Tsukiko was a person. An innocent person. She did not deserve this. This was all his fault. He let her down. Why did he let them become captured? 

    Her scream was reduced to only moaning sobs by now. But the longer the echoes of Tsukiko's scream reverberated and repeated inside of himself.... the longer he stared at the demolished, bleeding eye; the longer her old scream echoed on within the dark fathoms of the basement and spilled into the upper floors of the building.... The more vengeful he grew. This encounter would not end this way. He would not bear to see his two.... dare he, by Arceus Himself say it.... companions, die at the claws of this wretch. Not like his parents. Not like his old friends. Not like anyone. Tsukiko began to bawl out a mess of words which only fortified his fury.

    It brought upon him a fluctuation of emotions he could barely control. Electricity fitted as it tried to leap across his body, his cheek patches sore from overuse. He was too angry to try and hold in the power, and it carried about his body harmlessly. The electricity itself could go nowhere, clinging to his body because of his saturated fur. But still he tried, his eyes growing wide and a furious snarl on his face which he eagerly directed up to the pleased sceptile. Shaka's reply was a hostile drone, a one-note threat to his enemy. "Sade. You think you can toy with me. To watch my mind break." Shaka's snarl deepened with indignation, revealing his sharp teeth. His low, growling threat was filled with nothing but anger. "I will kill you. I will get loose, and I will kill you."

    He was too livid to pay attention to the voices from the floor above. All he wanted to do was watch the sceptile die. To save those he cared about. Even though he was not sure if Tsukiko, the shuppet, and him were going to die first. Probably, his cruel mind wandered.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:44 am

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    Basement | Celestic Town | Late Noon | (33)

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    The Sceptile leans in close to the Pikachu, his golden eyes fixed with an unnatural intensity on her contortions of pain as his tongue slowly swipes across the hard edge of his beak.
    His claws grip her far more tightly then he needs too, causing extra blood to flow from the shallow cut he gashes in her skin as the Grass Type holds her so closely he can feel the panicked beating of her heart in her chest.
    "Ah~!" He exhales a long breath in enjoyment at the sight as the high loud scream dies away and leaves behind even more delicious sobs.
    The little Electric Mouse didn't understand anything of exactly why he was doing this to her, the one sky blue eye remaining unfocused and dazed as the agony worked its way through her. It was such a shame with so many to work with he wouldn't have the time to lavish the care he wanted to on each one of them. After so long even the most intense of pains would fade to numbness if he wasn't careful.
    Sade's Pecha berry pink tongue darts out and licks up a tiny droplet of blood from the cut his claws have left on the Pikachu's now red-stained cheek.
    Softly he makes a vaguely comforting noise under his breath as he hears the Electric Type's delusional please.
    "I know dear.That's what makes it fun."

    It takes the Raichu's words to finally tear his attention away from his prey, the sparks forced by anger uselessly conducting through the bound Raichu's soaked fur.
    His tail twitches as he leans over Tsukiko, taking her throat in his claws.
    "Oh, I had almost forgotten about you." He says with a genuine note of surprise in his voice. He always did get too involved with his test subjects, not that any of them survived to tarnish his record.
    The plain death threat laden with anger does not intimidate the Sceptile, despite the deadly seriousness in Shaka's angular eyes. He had heard the same words before from those more intimidating in appearance than Shaka, mighty dragons and other monsters incapable of believing that one so skinny and small could possibly defeat their power. They had remained defiant too, right until he had wormed their way into their minds and made them realize there was a fate worse than death.
    "Oh, you probably think so, you probably think you can take anything I could possibly throw at you." With a cat-like motion Sade licks a tiny spot of Tsukiko's blood off the back of his claws. "And I won't deny it'll be a challenge."
    Slowly Sade steps towards the bound Raichu and leans forwards, just out of range of a sudden lunge and his golden eyes meet Shaka's angular pupilled ones.
    "But I do love something to sink my teeth into~" He says with an almost flirtatious wink before turning and picking up Tsukiko once again.
    Her breathing is weaker. It would be so easy to just squeeze and snap her neck right here and now but there was no fun in that.
    Sade's clawed hand reaches out and a loud noise pauses his claws in front of the Pikachu's mutilated eye.
    His forehead wrinkles with irritation and the sounds of voices and movement from above. That was no work environment!
    Sade turns back to the injured Pikachu, a sadistic grin still spread wide across his face.
    "Excuse me for a moment my dear." He says in his best charming tones and plunges his claws into Tsukiko's already mutilated eye, driving in each spiked finger with a painful slowness to grip the mutilated ball of bloodied jelly and yank it fully out of the socket.
    With a snap his finger sever the fleshy string of the optic nerve and Sade throws the bloodied ball of jelly to the floor with a laugh as he wipes his claws against the nearest box and turns back towards the stairs.
    Cheerfully he takes them two at a time as he goes to face his intruders, thinking it is most likely merely a Golbat they have missed. If they are interesting enough and weak enough for him to capture he will have some new test subjects. If they are more mindless undead they would have to be punished for interrupting his research. He might even tear ones limbs off and set it on one of his test subjects as an example...

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:13 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic town/ Basement/ late noon
    As soon as Sade left, Morpheus's fear and worry became clear. His trembling became worse as he let out a frightened sob. Earlier, he had clamped his mouth shut to avoid detection, but he could not stop himself from sobbing now that the demon was gone for the moment. He needed to escape, to live.

    After a few moments, he slowly he dragged himself off the ground. His sheet-like form hung close to the cement underneath, and his ribbon dragged on the floor. His cheek was wet with fresh tears. As the fear he felt caused him to cry. Morpheus felt a small, throbbing pain in the back of his head as he pulled his gaze off of his shadow. They had to get out! They needed to leave! He repeated this in his mind, as he searched the floor for something sharp. He was unable to untie them… so he had to find something to help. Something small, something he could hold in his mouth… The tools Sade used were much too heavy for him at the moment, and he didn’t think he would be able to float any further up from the ground. Eventually, he spotted something he could use: A small, rusty piece of metal that was sitting underneath the old workbench. It had a jagged edge to it, so it must have been part of an old tool, or maybe just something bizarre from an old project? He didn’t really care as he hovered over and picked it up on a smooth side, the sharp, jagged edge facing the floor. All he wanted was for them to leave.

    Morpheus couldn’t help but to look anywhere but at Tsukiko’s lost eye. He knew the pain of losing one, and every time he looked at the empty socket in her skull, memories of that horrible night flashed in his mind. He needed to help her first. She needed a bandage for her wound. Morpheus slowly moved behind her to saw at the vines that held her tight. He desperately hoped that Sade would not return as he set to work.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 858

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:42 pm

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    Celestic Town|Late Afternoon (3)

    Chips's large ears twitched hearing approaching footsteps coming from what he believed was the basement. He whimpered and tugged on Mango's cape. W-We should leave... I don't trust that sound. However Mango wouldn't budge and the much larger Pokemon easily walked pass him already having the curious thoughts going in his mind. Chips whined louder as he was dragged quite easily behind Mango. He gulped looking down the stairs into the darkness. It looked like the gateway to the depths of an abyss possibly full of demons. There was one now! It wasa lizard demon covered in blood. Chips squealed in terror and ran like the demon was snapping at his heels.

    Mango watched Chips flee and growled at the approaching lizard. Stand down villain! He growled and shot out weak puffs of Ember before clashing his claws together with Hone Claws. Mango jumped back and growled holding up his fists in preparation for a real hard fight.


    The CELESTIC Team - Page 10 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:12 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Forest outside of Celestic Town|Late Noon (41)

    Narron continued his trek to make sure there were no serious injures, As he got closer, he moved faster, knowing that if there were any serious injuries, the longer he took the worse they could get. A shriek echoed out from the town, one which Narron didn't recognize. If someone else was there, they didn't sound like they were surviving very well.

    Narron began to run, wondering why, within one day, so much drama and pain had befallen this small town. He knew that he had to run fast. Hopefully the sound was just part of his imagination, rather than more fear in Celestic.

    He felt fear as he made his way there, stopping halfway, to frightened to continue. His adrenaline disappearing as fear took hold, and he remembered his near death. Halfway there and unable to continue, he sank down, and began shaking, and crying.

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