Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The CELESTIC Team


    The CELESTIC Team Empty The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:32 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town||Morning

    Percy sat silently in front of the shrine that stood in the center of Celestic Town as he waited for Annabeth to return from whatever it was she said she needed to do. He let out a sigh. He should be out there looking for Grover, not sitting here doing nothing, well he didn't really need to be doing nothing.
    He stood up from sitting down and grabbed both his Scalchops. He then started to use his Razor Shell, trying to perfect his usage of them. It wasn't just enough to take on the infected with them, he need to keep practicing so he didn't get rusty with them.

    Being out in the open wasn't such a great idea, but he needed open space so he didn't hit anything that he didn't need to, but he wouldn't mind a practice dummy. Normally Annabeth would practice with him, but she wasn't here at the moment so it was just him. He could here some rustling to the right of him and spun around in time to see an infected Glameow pounced at him, he instantly used his Protect, the Glameow let out a screech as it bounced off, and he instinctively used his Razor Shell to finish it off.
    He put his Scalchops back to his sides and let out another sigh before going back to the shrine and leaning on it. He started to hope nothing bad had happened to Annabeth. Losing Grover was bad enough, he didn't know what he would do if he lost her as well.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:14 pm

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    Celestic Town||Morning (1)

    Narron continued chasing the infected Glameow. It had recently gotten in front of him, and he could only hear it now, but he continued to give chase. When the rustling of grass stopped, so did Narron. He figured that it must have gotten out of the thick tall grass they were in, this meant the Narron would have to listen closely to know where it was now.
    A few moments later, he heard the irritable screech of a Glameow, and began moving once again. Arriving at the edge of the grass, Narron looked out to see the Infected Glameow lying on the ground, with it's head chopped off cleanly, and a Dewott picked up it's Scalchops. "Must have used a Razor Shell" thought Narron. Scalchops on the floor, plus the Glameows head was cut off, there was no doubt in Narrons mind that this Dewott had killed it.

    Narron stepped out from the grass, and peered at the Dewott. It was leaning against the Celestic city shrine. A simple Vine Whip could quickly and quietly steal the Scalchops from the Dewott. This would not stop the Dewott from attacking, but it would stop it from using it's Razor Shell, in case it was infected or violent in any way. He didn't want it to attack him, and this would stop it from using one of it's attacks.
    Slowly and quietly, Narron sent out two vines, and they reached out to the Dewott. Soon enough, Narron would have the Scalchops.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:11 pm

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    Celestic Town||Morning

    Percy was pondering with his thoughts, wondering what to do if Annabeth didn't come back, though he wished she did soon. He didn't want to be left alone out here any longer then he needed to, who knows how many more of those infected would try and attack him. "Where did you run off to Annabeth, I'm sure it doesn't take this long to check the perimeter." He said to himself.
    Suddenly he felt something reach for his Scalchops, and before he could react a Vine Whip had taken them. He looked in the direction it had come from to see Bulbasar, a Scalchop in each of its vines. He clenched his teeth, he didn't like being without his Scalchops, but he still had an attack that didn't require them. A ball of water started to form between his hands as he glared at the grass type, but stopped when he noticed that it wasn't infected, but alive.

    He stared at the Bulbasar for several moments. The Water Pulse began to dissipate before it was completely gone. He put his hands up to show he was no threat before talking. "My name is Percy, I'm not infected, and from the looks of it, nether are you. Mind if you tell me your name?" He said as he put his hands down to his sides. It didn't feel right having his hands at his side without feeling his Scalchops there, and he hoped that the Bulbasar would return them soon, cause he felt vulnerable without them in his possession, as did any other Dewott.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:03 am

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    Celestic Town||Morning (2)

    "My name is Percy, I'm not infected, and from the looks of it, nether are you. Mind if you tell me your name?"
    The Dewott said. Narron thought that if it could speak, then it was definitely not already dead then alive again, but this didn't mean it was free of the infection.
    "Alright, I'll believe you, but if I find out that you are infected, whether you're already dead or not, I will slice your head off. I am not fond of the infected, whether they are already dead and revived or not. I guess you'll probably be wanting these back."
    Narron shook the vines holding the scalchops. The vines began to grow, becoming longer to the point where they were just in front of Percy the Dewott.

    "My name is Narron, and, as you guessed, I'm not infected. The Glameow you decapitated was my prey, I had been chasing for a few minutes, it had just got in front of me when you killed it for me, so I must thank you for making my work load easier. You see, I am a normal Pokémon, but I hate the infected creatures, and I have been hunting them off. I try to kill 14 each week, and In know that I can not kill them all off, and I can only make small areas safe, which will eventually be taken over by Infected again, but I can still try to kill as many as I can. I have been looking for other un-infected, any team I could fin, but have found none, you are the first Pokémon I have found."

    Narron retracted the vines till they were within his bulb.
    "Are you in a team? If so, may I please join it? Also, are there any more Pokémon on this team yet? And if so, who and where are they, do you know?"

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:30 am

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    Celestic Town||Morning

    Percy took his Scalchops from the Bulbasar and put them back at his sides where they belonged before listening to everything it had to say. It seemed that it had been through a lot since this infection started, though so had Percy. He had spent a lot of time searching for Grover as well as Annabeths friends Thalia and Luke.
    "Are you in a team? If so, may I please join it? Also, are there any more Pokémon on this team yet? And if so, who and where are they, do you know?" The Bulbasar, Narron asked.
    "Well its only two of us at the moment, myself as well as a Servine named Annabeth." Percy said as he looked around, hoping to see the green snake like form of his friend. But frowned when he saw nothing. "She's not here at the moment though, she's out surveying the area." He added looking back at Narron. "But your free to join us if you want."

    Percy sat down once again near the Celestic Town shrine. If Annabeth didn't come back soon he would go out and look for her. He was strong enough to handle himself well in a fight now, and he still needed to locate Grover, as well as Thalia and Luke, but they had gone missing before he even met Annabeth, so he didn't hold high hopes of finding them, but he would help her look ether way.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:11 am

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    Celestic Town||Morning (3)

    "Thank you, Percy."

    Narron was glad that he had a team again, even after his history with the team he was last in, this was the reason for him wanting to be in a team, to make up for the last one, he would protect this team better than the last one.

    "How long has she been gone?"

    Narron asked, wondering, in case she was in danger.

    "Surveying any area alone could be dangerous, if an infected gets her now, she may not be able to escape, and could get killed. It would be best for two people, or more, to survey areas together."

    Narron was worried that she was alone, but hoped she would be safe.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:47 pm

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    Celestic Town | Morning [1]

    The dull sunlight reflected a bit off of the undead Glaceon's fur, feeling the warmth, she fluttered open her eyes, 'Hunger' was the first thing that came to mind. She was at the edge of Celestic town, napping in the bushes, Ghenti was sure that no one would find her there. The warmth of the sunlight grew strong a bit, 'So warm... Unlike me...' She hissed in annoyance, even the warmth of the sunlight made her so JEALOUS. The Undead shook the leaves off of her, though she was napping, she had actually been in the spot for DAYS. Mostly because she couldn't find any food, nor an decent places to chase a survivor.
    With a yawn, Ghenti headed out, only to hear talking in the distance, "Surveying any area alone could be dangerous, if an infected gets her now, she may not be able to escape, and could get killed. It would be best for two people, or more, to survey areas together."

    She scoffed, 'Or she ditched them like the smartass she is.' Ghenti scrunched her nose in anger, 'But... How dare they mock me! Actually able to SPEAK in full sentences! The bastards...' The Glaceon was annoyed already, she disappeared in the bushes surrounding the town, noticing the duo already; a small green bulb Pokemon, and some weird otter with a skirt. Oh what a wonderful group. 'Pathetic.'

    Out of the bushes, she leaped up a bunch of boxes and onto the roof a house, "BlIzZaRd!" With Ghenti's command, snow immediately rushed in. Because it was a bit too strong than she intended, it was impossible to see her enemies clearly, only silhouettes. Nonetheless, as long as they don't see HER, everything is fine.

    'I will prevail, I will win, and they shall bow before me.'

    [Hiya guys :> Sorry if my first post for Ghenti is short D: I've been on an writers block lately. But I swear I'll post longer posts later ;3; ]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Min Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:34 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    [OOC: I'm sure it's my turn since I got accepted, and Eve has yet to make her character.]

    Kopisti had been sleeping a top of a thick branch on a birch tree. He enjoyed the calm, quite demeanor of Celestic Town. It was easy to relax in, easy to contain his anger. The warm sun rays shone down on him and a smile crept up his face, snuggling his snout into his dark, purple mane around his neck.

    Then in a instant he felt cold, harsh winds topple him over and onto the ground. A snarl ripped is throat as he got up. The storm was so harsh he couldn't even see. His single eye gazed around for the source, when he found 3 silhouettes on the very outskirts of the town, in the thick bushes. One of them was a Glaceon. 'Godamn idiotic bastards, using a Blizzard on this place when I'm trying to SLEEP.' He felt anger boil, and before long, his jaws unleashed a massive Overheat, melting over half the snow around him.

    He charged at the trio, lighting everything near him on fire. As he got within range he leapt up and set the bushes and trees around them with a Fire Blast, roaring.

    Last edited by Luteshi on Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:41 pm

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    Celestic Team/Morning(1)

    Celestic Team...once a beautiful calm place is now being disturbed by the presence of new beings. Undead beings at that...And one of them, that took this city as a residence, has returned from hunting.

    A Glalie covered in Ice and with a SnowGlobe stuck in it's side as returned...It saw Celestic Town in quite a distress...fire and cold winds warping the beauty of it destroying and ruining the town...He only left for a few days to hunt and let his treasure rest and some insolent idiots did this?!...But he felt something around...Some figures were around, they were invading his town, his home, the place where his treasure was. Were they here before!? No...He remembered that they weren't here... He quickly flew towards the cave to be sure...No...His treasure was safe and untouched...Inside the Cave was a human, a girl, frozen in Ice, her figure could be seen in it as she was suspended inside the Crystals of Ice.

    The Face Pokemon was pleased that she was untouched...That human was his treasure, the only meaning of his life...But she needed protection, thanks to the fire, her Cryogenic Suspension could be interrupted and that could prove fatal...The Glalie had to do something...He flew out and into the Middle of the town, hovering above the Shrine as his eyes started to glow and glaring down at the several figures that were in town, the glow wasn't the usual blue...But now a Purplish blue as he was infected...He unleashed a Sheer Cold onto the city, like a curse, Ice rises from the ground and freezing everything within the town...Houses, trees...everything ended up in Pure, Unforgiving...ICE. At Zero or Negative Degrees of Temperature...This was a town of Zero or Negative...degrees, emotions...everything would freeze down to that...Because this was the Town of ZERATIVE!

    Last edited by ECN13000 on Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:23 pm; edited 2 times in total

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:53 pm

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    Just Outside Celestic Town/Morning

    Annabeth limped thought the forest. She could hear a fire in the distance. And then the cold hit. Why did I have to go alone? Why did I not have Percy do it or something? And what is with the fire and the cold?! All of a sudden a large stone landed next to her, making her jump. She looked back and the infected Excadrill was coming and coming fast. She turned around and used a quick Leaf Tornado.

    Her tail was surrounded in leafs as she swung it at the infected. In doing so flung her forward. She used Vine Whip to "fly" though the forest. As she swung thought the forest she could feel the heat and the cold growing stronger. Soon she landed outside the forest and limped into the center of Celestic Town, calling out to her friend. Percy, we have a big problem! And I mean a BIG problem! Annabeth said as she pointed to the infected Excadrill.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:07 pm

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    Celestic Town||Morning

    "How long has she been gone?" Narron asked and Percy had to think for a moment. If he had to stop and think it only meant she had been gone longer then intended.
    "I would say about-"
    "Percy, we have a big problem! And I mean a BIG problem!" He turned around in time to see Annabeth running toward them with an infected Excadrill on her tail. He charged another Water Pulse in his hands before shouting at Annabeth to duck before firing it at the infected. It hit the Excadrill head on and blasted part of its head off. He was glade the infected weren't to bright or else they would be in trouble.
    "Hey Annabeth, had a little trouble surveying the area I see?" He said as he ran over to her. Then he remember Narron. "Oh yeah, Annabeth this is Narron, and Narron, this is Annabeth. He said, gesturing with his hand as he said there names.

    Percy was about to say more when it suddenly got piercing cold and a flurry of snow came out of nowhere. "What is the name, why did it suddenly get so dame cold." He said as he rubbed his arms. He couldn't even see the shrine anymore, and he could only make out Annabeths salute even though she stood right next to him. He could see a fain light through the snow, which seemed to be getting closer, and something told him he didn't want to find out what it was. "We have to try and get out of this weather." He said through the roaring wind. He nodded in the direction he believed the towns cave was that was located just behind the shrine.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:47 pm

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    Celestic Town||Morning (4)

    The ice wrapped around everything, in only seconds, the Excadrill had lost part of it's head, then a blizzard whipped up, then all of the snow melted around them as a Flareon lit everything on fire with a Fire Blast. Danger was near. They were soon to die, unless some miracle happened, saving them all. Suddenly, more ice sprang from the ground. The temperature was changing so rapidly. Every few seconds, the weather would freeze, then change, and freeze again. It was disastrous.

    "Annabeth, Percy, we need to do something to get out of the ice, before it freezes over our bodies."

    Narron began using Razor Leaf, attempting to cut the ice away. Hopefully they could survive this.

    "If we can take down some of those infected, then we can probably escape. The Excadrill will probably freeze in this cold, so we will be safe for a bit from that. Those ice Pokémon need to be stopped first, they're the first who will be able to kill us, at least flames can be dodged, but ice can stop you from moving."

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:54 pm

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    Celestic Town | Morning [2]

    As soon as she made the blizzard, it was immediately burnt by a strong Overheat, Ghenti was reminded... Of HIM. Arceus, that jackass that burnt some of her tail. The heat became overwhelming, for the ice type, luckily some Pokemon froze up the place shortly afterwards - it was like some weather chaos. The Glaceon felt anger and jealously pour into her as she saw a green Pokemon walk up to that blue Pokemon, she snarled, they looked like lovers. She lashed her tail out, "LoVe MuSt DiE!" she practically screeched.

    She hopped off the house, going towards the group, not giving a damn about it being some suicidal mission, readying her Ice Fang at the bulb Pokemon that was short and stubby. In the corner of her eye, there HE was, she felt jealously bubble in her once more, 'Acting like he's the fucking boss around here. Such power I want.'


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Min Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:59 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    Now who the fuck decided to REFRIGERATE this place? Kopisti snarled when he saw Ghenti approach, and he whipped around, spraying flames with another Fire Blast everywhere. At least is was getting warmer. His exposed skull stang as ice began to form around it, a buildup from all the cold snow that was spraying on his face.

    Kopisti roared, before retreating a bit. Perhaps he should wait until the winds died down, it was too hard to see. He began to dig at the Earth, and before long, was underground in the series of tunnels that he had dug in the spare time to find any burrowing living to eat. He snuggled up in a little cavern, blowing fire everywhere to make it warmer. He'll go back out when it's the right time.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:35 pm

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    Celestic Team/Morning(2)

    Zerative looked at the beauty of Ice all around him...Pure Unforgiving Ice...It had frozen everything...Such purity, such beauty. He wished for his trainer to be in this amazing heaven...But said Heaven was being disrupted, again.

    A Strong heat signature was starting to rise. Zerative growled seeing something trying to melt and burn his Iceworld. He shot a few Ice Beams that made large ice structures grow, although the firey-being had disappeared. He looked around...He had to make sure it was truelly gone...

    The ones that have entered inside the cave of Celestic Town could notice that it was unusually cold inside, and in the far end of the cave one could see a frozen human being, in perfect conservation state. What was the reason that a frozen human was in that cave? And why was it frozen?

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:41 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    Annabeth ducked at Percy's words and heard the undead behind her yelp in pain. She didn't have time to look back, she just got up and limped next to Percy. "Hey Annabeth, had a little trouble surveying the area I see?" Annabeth was not in the mood for Percy's little joke. Percy, do you really think this is the right time for this? Annabeth said though breaths. "Oh yeah, Annabeth this is Narron, and Narron, this is Annabeth."

    Annabeth looked at the one named Narron. She was about to say something, but the chill in the air sent shivers up her spine. She wrapped her leave like arms around herself. As the Blizzard hit, she heard someone yell something. "LoVe MuSt DiE!" It was the Glaceon but, why did it say that? Annabeth didn't have the time to think about it. "We have to try and get out of this weather." She heard Percy say through the Blizzard. Then she say his head turn toward the cave and Annabeth nodded.

    I agree. It's our best bet. Annabeth said as she got up and started to limp toward the cave. When she was about to step into the cave, her tail started to freeze over. She freaked alittle but then calmed down. Oh great! Not what I need right now! Annabeth said as she sighed and turned to the inside of the cave. It was not what she was expecting.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:38 am

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    Celestic Town| |Morning (5)

    Narron followed the group, as they all headed into a small cave. Narron noticed Annabeths tail freeze over, and so decided to help. It would be no use to anyone if Annabeth were to be injured, or worse, killed. Using Razor Leaf, Narron hacked at the ice till it shattered. Now that everyone was inside, they were all at least partially safe from the cold snow and harsh winds.

    "Guys, do we have any plan to get out of here? This ice is annoying, and debilitating. We can't do anything with it. Perhaps we can figure something out, like... What that Glaceon said, maybe we can figure out what it means."

    Narron quickly began trying to figure out what was going on.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:58 pm

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    Celestic Town | Morning [3]

    Ghenti scowled in annoyance as the group headed in for a cave, she felt a disturbing chill (Pun not intended) coming from there, she looked around, where in the world was Kopisti? The Glaceon flinched at the thought of his name, even though they would often get together, they fought a lot, but this time, maybe they could work together, for food.

    Just as long as he doesn't take most of it.

    "KoPiStI?" the Glaceon cried out, half-frantically and half-angrily. She kinda wished she could stay by his side, if there wasn't an infection, they would have never met. Ghenti was glad there was an epidemic, but she wished it wasn't such a struggle to find a good amount of food like this every while.


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:29 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    "KoPiStI?" The Flareon could barely hear Ghenti's voice in his burrow. He poked his face out, turning to the source of the sound. "WhAt." he began. "ThE fUcK dO yOu WaNt." he growled, angry. He was always angry. He was wrath afterall.

    He blinked the snow out of his eyes, still annoyed by the temperature. The living were heading for the cave. Why wasn't Ghenti going after them?

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:52 pm

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    Celestic Team/Morning(3)

    Zerative looked around, he wanted to make sure there was no one around the cave where Nora was kept safe...He would protect her at all costs. He soon lost interest on his surroundings and decided to go back inside the cave.

    He could only think of Nora. It's all for her...all for her. He will get her back, and anyone that will attempt to get near his ice princess shall be consumed in Ice. As he stayed at the entrance he closed the cave with an Ice Beam making a large ice wall block the entrance. He floated towards Nora's frozen body, suspended inside a large block of thick ice.

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:30 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    Annabeth watched as the Bulbasaur used Razor Leaf to hack away at the ice on her tail. She sighed when the ice was gone and she could move her tail again. She looked back up at the Bulbasaur and smiled. Thanks for that. Annabeth said as she stood up and patted Narron's bulb.

    "Guys, do we have any plan to get out of here? This ice is annoying, and debilitating. We can't do anything with it. Perhaps we can figure something out, like... What that Glaceon said, maybe we can figure out what it means." Annabeth looked at Narron for a moment. What, "LoVe MuSt DiE!". You mean that? I really don't know what she meant. Annabeth said as she sat down and shivered.

    I don't know how much longer I can stand this chill. Annabeth said, before she sneezed. Dammit! Can we find another place to stay please, Percy? It's way too cold for me here. The Servine said as she shivered again. The cold was getting to her and tail was starting to droop. Annabeth sighed when she saw her tail.

    Last edited by Latias on Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:56 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning (6)

    "I don't know how much longer I can stand this chill. Dammit! Can we find another place to stay please, Percy? It's way too cold for me here."

    "I agree, this cold, it's so horrible, do we have anything like a boulder or something, anything we can use to block the mouth of the cave. If we can seal it off, we can stay out of the cold, stop any snow entering. If not, then like Annabeth said, we need to find somewhere else."

    Narron shivered in the cold of the cave. Narron looked everywhere around the cave, hoping to find something to block the cave up, and keep the cold out.

    "It may not make us warmer, but it'll stop us from getting any colder."

    Narron hoped that he was a fire Pokémon, so he could warm them all up, and start a fire for them. Unfortunately, he wasn't, neither were any of the others in their team.

    ((OoC: I decided I'll use a colour for my text, 'cause just bold didn't really make it stand out, but with a colour, it will be more noticeable.))

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:34 pm

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    Celestic Town | Morning [4]

    "WhAt. ThE fUcK dO yOu WaNt." The Flareon growled in response, Ghenti didn't flinch, it was a normal reaction coming from Kopisti. The Glaceon kicked some dirt, it was awkward asking him to come along with her, but hey, the group is in a damn cave, mind as well corner the idiotic bastards, "WaNnA cOmE?" She asked, trying to use the most polite voice she could murk up.

    Though she really doubt the Flareon would help along, but to be honest, she doesn't think she'll defeat them, even though she had a type advantage over most of them. 'Too strong...' She thought bitterly, she'll become stronger than them someday, and she shall dine in on their flesh when she is. Of course, with Kopisti along her side.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:43 pm

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    Celestic Town| |Morning

    Kopisti blinked as Ghenti asked. "WaNnA cOmE?" He thought for a moment, before raising his brow. "WhY mE?" he asked. No really, why him? He and the Glaceon weren't exactly on the best side of a relationship at the moment. Pehaps Ghenti was trying to patch things up...?

    He didn't wait for an answer as he stretched and wiggled out of his hole, standing straight in front of his ex-mate. "LeAd ThE wAy."

    The CELESTIC Team Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:34 am

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    Celestic Team/Morning(4)

    Zerative cuddled close to the block of ice where his frozen trainer was...but he didn't felt alone, he started to rise and his eyes scanned the cave...He saw 3 survivors. They didn't seemed to had notice him.

    He started to ponder what to do...Should he sneak? Should he charge towards them? Should he let them rot? There is no escape anyway since Zerative has blocked the entrance with a thick ice wall. He smirked at the thought of those beings being trapped inside the cave.

    Zerative stayed close to Nora as his eyes rested uppon those fools. One wrong move is all that is needed to make Zerative go beserker.

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      Current date/time is Tue Oct 22, 2024 2:57 am