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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The CELESTIC Team


    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:19 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town | Noon | (19)

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    "Shaka?" He asks cautiously, slowly creeping closer with his tail still warily raised.
    The Gardevoir still hasn't returned...the kill is his!
    A sadistic smirk playing across the Sceptile's beak he starts to form a glowing Crush Claw around his left hand.
    He isn't going to kill the injured Raichu...yet, merely make certain he will be in no position to resist until he is finished with his research and the same for the pretty Pikachu too.
    Vines will make a sturdy enough rope to hold them both down ad one of the abandoned human houses will make a far more suitable laboratory than the forest.
    His white coat swirling around his shoulders Sade is about to raise his arms to strike when a sound of pain echoes from the forest.
    If there was one thing he was an expert at identifying it was sounds of pain and he instantly recognizes it as an Ivysaur and therefore most likely as Narron.
    Shaka and Tsukiko would have to wait for now, the Gardevoir had not gone far.
    His frond-like tail still swiping from side to side in frustration he knows that it is far too risky to let the undead interfere in his business. What if it tires of torturing Narron early and decides to intrude on his own tests?
    No, the Undead must be stopped and would be as painfully as possible if he had his way.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:25 pm

    ((OOC -- Skip, please >_<; I have no time to post tonight.))

    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:19 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon | (20)

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    His golden eyes with their slit pupils turning towards the sound the Sceptile drops onto all fours, his lab coat billowing around him as his long claws dig into the ground for extra traction.
    "Stay safe, I'll be right back." The Sceptile says authoritatively as he holds his frond tail fully erect with eagerness.
    Unseen by the two electric types he also runs his long pink tongue across the edge of his hard beak in a sort of hunger. The amiable smile drops from his lips as he leaps into a fast run, his feet kicking up dust on the the human carved paths before he reaches the tree line and pushes off.
    His hooked claws fix tight around the tree bark and carry him in into the air as he grabs a tree branch and swings around it, using his momentum to launch himself into the air. With a loud rustling of leaves he falls into the forest canopy.
    His sharp gripping claws allow him to hold tight to the underside of branches as well as the tops and he scuttles across the trunk of a large tree like an overgrown gecko.
    Patches of shadow and light mottle his white coat as Sade's tongue flicks out again.

    With a calculating gaze his golden eyes scan the forest floor below him. The Gardevoir in her deranged rampages had left a strange trail indeed and with her constant teleporting it was impossible to tell if she was indeed close by.
    Instead the Grass Type starts to rely on the increased abilities of his new hunters body to locate his prey. Keeping motionless on his leafy perch he tilts his head to the side and listens.
    A faint sound of disturbance reaches his ears.
    She was far away from here.
    Swiftly Sade hooks his green claws around another branch, leaping from tree top to tree top in near silence, pausing only to zero in closer on his prey.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:12 pm

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    Celestic Town forest | Noon | (8)

    Piper felt her anger growing, as Narron refused to go to bed. The harder he struggled, the angrier she became, till she could no longer take it. She used her Psychic to lift him up into the air, and heaved him into a tree, several times, getting harder each time. Soon enough, he was knocked unconscious, perfect for bedtime.

    Piper went to once more put Narron to bed, but before she could, Kernel appeared, and pushed her against a tree as she had Narron. He also was using Psychic, and Narron looked as if he was waking up. No! It was too early to awaken, he had not yet gone to bed! Piper and Kernel each pit their Psychic strength against each other, in a battle of the minds.

    ((OoC: Because they are evenly matched, as it is really only one person imagining the battle, she will be at a standstill for a while.))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:36 pm

    Skip me for Narron, just say that he was in pain, then he was knocked out, and he awoke with Piper standing still (in her psychic battle) and he can barely move.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:53 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon || Shaka ~ 34 -- Tsukiko ~ 15

    Shaka tried to push himself up after he told Tsukiko to care for Narron, but as he got onto all fours his hind legs began to react with a great stabbing pain. He was forced to drop back down, with his hind legs lying awkwardly behind him with a single forearm propping him up. Though the pain was beginning to recede, it was still too great for him to walk again. He clamped his eyes shut as he gritted his teeth in irritation. Tsukiko had hurried back over to him on the orders of Narron which he absentmindedly heard. With his eyes still shut tight from the pain, Shaka could only listen to Narron as the ivysaur told his plan to him. After that Narron ran away, towards the upper area of the town.

    Shaka remained in his prone position, attempting to wait out his legs’ agony. His ears picked up everything that was going on despite having his eyes shut. He could hear Narron challenging the gardevoir, and Sade putting up a vicious fight. There were numerous crashing sounds, probably from Narron catching the gardevoir off guard and slamming her against the town buildings. However, the sounds of battle had quickly escalated until everything ended abruptly. Only a minute had passed until silence took over the town again. Although he stubbornly refused to believe himself, Shaka knew that this silence meant the gardevoir had stolen someone away. It was most likely Narron.

    When he heard Sade speak instead of the ivysaur, he knew his assumption was true. “I think she’s gone, for now....” At least that point came as a relief to him, knowing that they had some time to recover before she returned. “She took Narron and teleported, they could be anywhere now.” Shaka opened his eyes and nodded to the sceptile, and then gave his own opinion. “They’re probably in the forest. It would give her plenty of cover.” He bowed his head once more, regulating his breaths methodically to help his hurting legs.

    As he threw his head up and perked his ears in surprise, Shaka barely saw a strange motion from Sade. While he was focused upon the screams of pain Shaka took a conscious wariness of the tall wood gecko. However, he made no show of seeming to notice the odd behavior and focused upon Narron.

    “Narron!” Shaka spoke in a retained shout, quieting it for the sake of not wanting to draw Undead attention. The deeply concerned reaction was not one of fear, but rather of anger, of a stubborn ambition to help his suffering friend. He needed to get back up very soon and help.

    Sade had responded to the cry immediately. Perking his head up he hurried towards the forested exit, where Narron’s outcry had come from. With Sade’s departure the town quieted down. Shaka gave a long sigh and switched his tired, propped elbow with his other one.

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~

    Tsukiko did not know what to do. She remained beside Shaka just as Narron had ordered, glancing down to the prone Raichu occasionally as she directed her anxious attention to the battle between Sade and the insane Gardevoir. Although Sade had taken a painful head injury from what seemed to be psychic assault and had collapsed, he lifted himself up and challenged the Gardevoir once more.

    As Sade continued to fight their enemy, Narron had snuck a large distance away from Tsukiko and Shaka. He had made it up the town’s central depression, disappearing out of her sight as he ran towards the direction of the town’s east exit. Narron was apparently planning on fleeing into the forest to try and lose the Gardevoir. He was doing great in avoiding attention, but the Gardevoir noticed him with an unnerving ease. Tsukiko stared up at her, before the psychic went off to attack Narron.

    She could hear the distant duo’s fighting, but she knew she could not help Narron. She heard a heavy thud, followed by the sounds of one of the fighters being slammed into various buildings. The noises ended soon, but the fight was not over. The last sound she could hear out was a twisted whisper. Whatever words were spoken were indiscernible because of how far away they were, but the voice alone was enough to make her shudder and flinch nervously. Soon there was nothing left to listen to, as the characteristic whoosh of the Gardevoir teleporting leaves the town to fall once again into an unnerving silence.

    After brushing himself off from the battle, Sade had begun to come over to her and Shaka. He calmly addressed them both. “I think she’s gone....for now. She took Narron and teleported, they could be anywhere now.” They could be anywhere. The words made her nervous, with the prospect of the psychic still being nearby. Shaka’s response alleviated some of that anxiety, giving reason to the situation. “They’re probably in the forest. It would give her plenty of cover and time to kill him.” It bothered her to think of the situation that way, but Tsukiko could not argue with his opinion.

    Tsukiko looked about the field, until she saw the partially collapsed shrine in the area’s center. The structure was propped upon some thick wooden stilts, which have somehow maintained their stability. Tsukiko nodded to Shaka and pointed towards the structure. “M-maybe the underside of that shrine will hide us?” The top of the building, from the roof to midway down the structure, has been ripped away, leaving only the splintered bottom and the intact and stilted base of the building. The structure should provide cover from any undead birds that may scout the town.

    As she looked around, she failed to notice a creeping Sade, who had prepared a crippling Crush Claw to sweep her aside and snatch up the Raichu. With Shaka trying to concentrate on recovering from his pain and her paying attention to other things, Sade nearly struck her down. But then an agonized outcry pierced the cold air. Just as Sade took notice and stopped his attack she, too, turned around towards the noise. Shaka gave a quieted shout in response to the scream, identifying it as that of his friend Narron.

    Sade had responded to the event quickly, and as he went towards the forest he spoke to her and Shaka. “Stay safe. I’ll be right back.” He went up the ridge of the central field. Tsukiko listened as he slipped into the eastern town exit’s forest. Though she was already shivering slightly from the cold her following shudder was one of fear. “It looks like we’ll be alone for a while.” Tsukiko concernedly addressed. Shaka grunted in agreement. Though she was nervous, the pikachu clenched her hands tightly in determination. They needed shelter until the others came back, and Shaka especially needed it.

    ((OOC -- You two can take your time in coming back to Celestic if you want to, maybe have an awesome battle or something. :b I have some good plot ideas for Shaka and Tsukiko in store, and this is a very opportune moment for them to happen.))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:16 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Forest Outside Celestic Town | Noon | (21)

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    Licking his hard beaked lips the Sceptile waits silently in the canopy above, his malevolent golden eyes drinking in the strange scene before him, the Gardevoir pitting her own psychic powers against herself in a strange self combat. Each attack perfectly matched a faint haze of Psychic energy hovers over the still Psychic Type.
    How strange and how fortuitous for him.
    Without even a faint rustle of leaves underfoot to give him away the reptilian grass type stalks across tree branches, closer and closer to the strange sight.
    Whatever disease of the brain had driven the Psychic Type to such action should hold...for now.
    Ahhh what target to chose?
    For all she was locked in her imagined brawling the Gardevoir could snap out of it at any time and take out her anger on the wounded Ivysaur lying prone at her feet and that would be that.
    Sade has no doubts the tattered and barely conscious Grass Type could not withstand another such barrage.
    But here was a moment of great opportunity. The Raichu was still greatly injured, the Pikachu unable to withstand him, the Gardevoir immobilized and the Ivysaur weak and ready for the taking.
    Though a tremendous headache from his Psychic rattling still ached in his skull the Sceptile smiled.
    He has smoothly gone from having no chance at acquiring any victims for his experiments to their being all four arrayed neatly before him, ready for the taking.
    Again he runs his pink tongue over his hard beaked jaw as anticipation of the bloodshed to come sparked a primal joy inside him.

    Who to chose first, who's suffering would fulfill him the most while he slowly tore them apart?
    Destroying the Gardevoir while she lay immobilized seemed the smartest choice but the lab coat wearing Grass Type knew it was equally likely her strange attack of self-combat would soon end and she would once again batter him with powerful Psychic moves.
    The Ivysaur Narron however was gravely wounded, unable to resist the Sceptile's sharp claws at all. Though his last few moments would be brief they would be painful...
    There was also the option of leaving the two to finish each other off, returning later to fell the wounded survivor, and disposing of the cripple Raichu (What strength had seemed to animate his frame had fled him and made him easy prey and the Pikachu would fall soon enough under his crushing claws.
    But Sade was smarter then that, he was not some simple-minded rampaging undead to kill at the first opportunity. For his kills to be fulfilling they had to be slow enough for him to savor their pain. To do that he still needed enough of their trust.
    As unlikely as it was if he made a move against Narron and the Ivysaur survived to warn the others his hunt would be less sweet.

    Making up his mind the Sceptile slowly climbs down the tree-trunk, his hooked claws sinking deep into the dark to carry his massive weight.
    Perfectly camouflaged against the tree-line, his bright red belly hidden as he stalks forwards on all fours Sade creeps up to the edge of the clearing.
    "Ivysaur...Hey can you hear me?" The golden-eyed Grass Type whispers to the prone Narron. "I'm here to get you out of this mess."
    From the cover of the bushes he carefully extends one green clawed hand towards his fellow Grass Type.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:42 am

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    Forest Outside Celestic Town | Noon | (9)

    As Piper battled with Kernel, she discovered them to be evenly matched, but she did not give up. She pushed herself to her limits, and it was hurting her, she was weakening, but so was Kernel.

    In the midst of the battle with Kernel, the Sceptile from before, who also wouldn't go to bed, dropped from the trees. As much as Piper wanted to put her son to bed, she could not attempt to without dropping her focus and guard against Kernel. Slowly, she began to rise, not by choice, Kernel was lifting her, she began floating backwards, towards a tree, but she got a hold of her body with her own Psychic, and hovered forward, then dropped back to the ground. The battle was taking a lot out of her, and she badly wanted to put the Sceptile to bed.

    She saw Narron begin to stir, and knew that her fight with Kernel needed to end soon.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:12 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon || Shaka ~ 35 -- Tsukiko ~ 16

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~

    Tsukiko was determined to help bring Shaka to safety....but what sort of shelter could protect a frail pikachu and a crippled raichu? Tsukiko looked about the field. It was an open area with absolutely no cover. There was a cave mouth jutting out of the far north side, but it was sealed over with a thick layer of ice. She continued looking about until she saw a small, heavily damaged shrine in the field’s center. The structure was propped upon some thick wooden stilts, which have somehow maintained their stability. The structure’s underside should provide cover from roaming undead birds. She could not help but imagine a vivid idea of how she would be picked off by them. Disturbed by her thoughts she glanced over her shoulder towards the clear sky. Tsukiko closed her eyes and shook her head to drive away her brooding fears.

    Tsukiko looked to Shaka and nodded. She then pointed straight towards the structure and humbly asked for his opinion. “Maybe the underside of that shrine would give us a good hiding place, Shaka?” The top of the building, from the roof to midway down the structure, has been ripped away, leaving only the splintered bottom and the stilted legs of the building. Shaka turned to his right and stared at the damaged building. “Yes,” Shaka agreed, looking back to Tsukiko and nodding in agreement, “that is a good idea.” His face remained blank, but he sounded grateful for her help.

    She smiled lightly at his reply. She went over to help carry Shaka to the shelter.

    ~*~ Shaka ~*~

    Shaka growled in pain as he attempted to push himself up from the ground. Concentrating as hard as possible, he managed to hover himself up onto his feet. As soon as he was upright enough, Tsukiko came to his side and propped him up. The two of them walked towards the stilted underside of the shrine together. Shaka’s hind legs were throbbing in discomfort from their movement. Fortunately, though, the mixture of the cold air and a minute’s rest was beginning to help ease their pain.

    As the comforting darkness of the shrine’s underside greeted him, Shaka felt his hind legs begin to go numb with relief. Finding himself a comfortable spot at the center he gently fell onto his side. His arms lay crossed in front of him as he placed his head between them. He looked up to Tsukiko. After she had helped him into this shelter, she had walked towards the edge of the shelter’s cover. It was there that she silently stood, a look of anxiety fixated on her face as she took the role of a sentry while he recovered. Her dedication to helping him was strong. Shaka guessed that she must be desperate for company, which is understandable. But there was something else bothering her--he did not know what it was, just that it was there. He would find out in due time, he supposes.

    Shaka’s thoughts only occupied him for half a minute. The silence of this town, for whatever reason, was beginning to bother him. Knowing that there was nobody else around except himself and Tsukiko and feeling grateful for her innocent willpower, he thanked her. “Hey, Tsukiko;” Her attention was dispelled, as she turned and looked to him with an anxious curiosity. “Thank you for helping me.”

    The nervous look that controlled her posture dissolved when his words came upon her. She gave a humble smile, content that she had just received a compliment. That was all she really needed right now, was to feel that she had done something right. It gave her confidence against her anxieties. “No problem, Shaka.” With a newfound positivity she turned back to her sentry duty. With ears propped up and eyes scanning around, she held herself with a light glow of enthusiasm.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:13 pm

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    Celestic town/noon
    Morpheus had been traveling for days now. Finding his way slowly out of MT. coronet and making his way towards who knew what. He just wanted to find someone who could help him. A friend. It wasn't long after he came from the mountain that he spotted a small town. maybe i'll find someone there... he thought, floating near. He looked around quietly. Trying to hear anything speak, or move. He almost gave up before he finally heard something.
    “No problem, Shaka.”
    Thats all he needed to hear before Guessing where the voices were coming from. An old shrine sitting in the middle of the town. He carefully floated near, keeping out of sight as much as possible till he was sure the voices wouldn't attack him.
    (ooc: you can spot him and he'll come out of hiding if you want ^-^)

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:14 am

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    Celestic Town | Noon || Shaka ~ 36 -- Tsukiko ~ 17

    As he lay upon the ground rather comfortably, Shaka could feel the condition of his legs improving. The pain was receding and he could shift them now without having them hurt too badly. Thank goodness he was making a rather quick recovery, since he did not want to look vulnerable when Sade got back from searching for Narron. From his peripheral vision he saw Tsukiko make a sudden jarring movement and freeze in place. Curiously he raised his head up to get a better look. He could see a rigid caution in her posture, as she stared towards one of the few buildings that loomed over the town field’s plateau. Her fixated gaze told him she had seen someone, or something.

    “Th-there’s someone else here.” Tsukiko nervously turned and said to him, backing away from the outside light and receding into the dark cover of the shrine’s underside. Shaka was already one step ahead of the nervous Pikachu. “What was it? Did you get a good look?”

    “No. It was in the shadows of the town buildings.”

    Feeling somewhat better from the rest, Shaka rose up into a hover and floated to the edge of the cover’s darkness. He glared about the town. He was certain he could feel the presence of something, but he could not pinpoint it. Tsukiko walked up beside him and looked about worriedly, until she noticed something strange in the distance. “That.... that looks like the thing I saw.”

    Shaka’s sharp eyes focused upon a distant building, where a strange figure could be seen floating. Its dark form seemed to blend in with the shadows that shaded the building but he could at least define the shape of a sheetlike form. He has never seen such a being before. Tsukiko, however, made a suggestion. “It almost looks like a Shuppet, a species of Ghost pokémon.”

    Shaka questioned her suggestion quietly without averting his gaze from the ghostly creature. “Are you sure?”

    With Tsukiko’s recommendation in mind he stared directly towards the ghost’s location with his sharp eyes. “You, ghost!” Shaka spoke, making sure to keep his call as low as possible to allow it to echo quietly about the utterly silent town. “Are you living or infected?”

    Tsukiko looked up to the shuppet, worried that they would be scared off by Shaka’s hostility. But Shaka had a point--if the shuppet was living then it should come out of hiding or at least reply to them. If it was hostile, then they will have to destroy it....

    ((OOC -- Sort of a cruddy post. I will try and edit it later on this morning. Not sure if this posting style will work, anyways.))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:20 am

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    Forest Outside Celestic Town | Noon | (22)

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    Sade clicks his hard beak-like jaws together in surprise to find the Gardevoir has mustered the strength to teleport both herself and the Grass Type away before he could reach either of them.
    His surprise at the skill of the technique swiftly becomes irritation however.
    Both are gone without him being able to study them further and, being already under suspicion, no doubt the Raichu will be suspicious of his uneventful return.
    Still there is nothing for it, he has no way of following the two and, with Shaka weakened from the Psychic drubbing he has received earlier he cannot trust the pair to stand up to any serious assault from less skilled forces.
    He cannot let the mindless undead deprive him of his fun.
    In a way this has solved his dilemma, he no longer has too many targets.
    In fact it is of utmost importance he returns to the poor little Raichu and Pikachu before they are consumed by something nasty, or worse, recover to the point they will no longer surrender to his tender charms.

    With a dismissive flick of his frond-like tail the lizard-like Grass Type leaves the small forest clearing where the battle was taking place and once again takes to the trees.
    His hard hooked claws dig deep into the bark as he lithely leaps from branch to branch in a pleasant monotony. His body free to complete the task it had been designed for, swinging through the treetops in search of prey, his mind is abuzz with complex stratagems. Unbridled cruelty shows in his golden eyes as claws bite into bark and he pictures what it would be like for it to bite into flesh.
    First he will imprison them, keep them tied and...the Sceptile mentally chuckles to himself grounded.
    with their electric powers nullified he can fully begin.
    First he will take the Pikachu, so young and naive her mind and body will be simple to break and bring him much enjoyment.
    Only after he has skinned her and dug his hooked claws straight through her bleeding meat and snapped her delicate bones until she had died, only after that will he turn to the Raichu.

    Shaka will be a far tougher pokemon to break.
    Cheerful despite his setback Sade swiftly moves through the forest, keeping his head low.
    Against the green of the canopy his leafy body keeps him near perfectly hidden, the only item that could draw attention to him being the human garment hung tight around his shoulders.
    While he was still in the forest and still unobserved the Grass Type hoards a few small items that may be of use in the pockets of his coat, a few long spines from a strange twisted tree that could serve well as needles and a length of vine as tough as any rope.
    That one takes him the longest to gather, its tough fibres needing the power of his crushing claws to finally split.
    Sade twists his head towards where he has left the two. They are close.
    Hopefully his precious test subjects hadn't gotten in any trouble while he was gone.
    The sceptile grins.
    "Showtime." He says softly to himself.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:47 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic town/noon
    The voices wanted to know if he was living or infected... infected with what though? Morpheus tilted his head to the side, and closing the hole where his right eye should be, drifted from his hiding place.

    “I’m alive…” He replied floating slowly closer. “You won’t attack me… Will you?” He didn’t think they would… but it couldn’t hurt to ask. He was hopeful that these two were different than the others he had met, the monsters that drove him so far from his old home. “I keep thinking I find someone nice… But they end up being monsters…” He spoke softly, thinking of why he was so far from his birth place.

    “…You’re not monsters… are you?” He finished, backing away a little. He unknowingly opened his lost eye as the other widened with fear at his sudden realization. The monsters could be tricking me!

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:28 am

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    Celestic Town | Noon || Shaka ~ 37 -- Tsukiko ~ 18

    Tsukiko thought she could see the shadow tilting its head, as if it was confused by Shaka’s warning. The shuppet replied in a young male voice. “I’m alive...” Floating slowly from the shadow of the building, it asked them a question. “You won’t attack me.... Will you?” Since the ghost was revealing itself to them, Tsukiko also did the same by emerging from the shade of the shrine’s underside. As she did so the ghost spoke again.

    “I keep thinking I find someone nice.... But they end up being monsters...”

    Tsukiko stopped just a foot or so after emerging from the darkness, saddened. The comment left her feeling concerned for the shuppet. Not to mention the pitch in his voice revealed him to be only a mere child. Tsukiko bit her lip in worry--she understood that same feeling of paranoia. In the past, anyone in the Epidemic that she has tried to get close to always ended up disappearing or was killed.... And this ghost has had similar sufferings? As the ghost drifts closer to them it suddenly stops. A black hollow that at one time probably held the child’s right eye was opened wide in fear. He begins to back up as he questions Tsukiko and her companion. “... You’re not monsters.... are you?”

    The question was certainly not unexpected, Tsukiko supposed. The ghost is mentioning monsters, so he was probably asking whether they themselves were infected. She does her best to lift up her nervous frown into a modest, warm smile. She was worried that the ghost would be scared even further if she sounded too kind, but with a newfound concern she shyly replies to him. “W-well, shuppet, we are not monsters. I can promise you that. I am Tsukiko and,” she gestures back to Shaka, who was currently busied with watching the skies and town around them, “that is Shaka.” She turned back to the ghost. “I--we won’t harm you.”


    As Tsukiko began to take over the work of introducing them both, Shaka had remained outside of the shrine’s shade. He was enjoying the feeling of the cool wind and the rather warm sunlight that was descending upon the town. It felt refreshing in the wake of the vicious blizzard that had ripped through the town earlier this noon. Knowing that Tsukiko should not need his help in speaking with the shuppet, Shaka rotated about in the air to look up towards the sky. Aside from a few thick clouds and a pretty blue sky, he could see no aerial threats. For now, he and Tsukiko were safe from any flying creatures. They would need shelter from nightfall, and a plan to get through the night. Oh, and he almost forgot about the berry bag stashed at the town’s large northern building.

    As he turned about and started to survey the town, his ears had idly caught the words traded in the conversation between Tsukiko and the shuppet. He looked over his back at them both when Tsukiko introduced him and herself to the spirit. Though the ghost seemed rather harmless, he wanted to know for sure that it would not be a threat to them. Shaka crossed his arms and turned around to face the ghost as he stared at it with his sharp eyes. Though it did not look too harmful and its voice revealed it to be nothing more than a mere male child, he debated whether they should really have it follow them around. Shaka observed Tsukiko’s eagerness to get the ghost to trust them, and how she seemed so easily affected by the things that it has already spoken. His stare descended to the electric mouse standing to his left momentarily. Her gaze met his for a second, but she shied away from it and quickly redirected her attention towards the ghost.

    Tsukiko sure was eager to get on the ghost’s good side, Shaka considered with slight interest. His own stare returned to the shuppet. He maintained his gaze for a while, but had slowly begun to relax the stare’s harshness as he saw no realy threat in the ghost. Ultimately Shaka dropped his wariness and shrugged his shoulders in acceptance. “It’s fine with me if you wish to follow us. Just don’t cause any trouble.”

    Since Shaka was high enough to clearly see the town’s western exit, he decided to redirect his attention towards it. Though he had no way of telling how Narron was doing, he still hoped his friend would be fine. Secretly, he only hoped that Narron was safe--Shaka still had his doubts about Sade. There was just something unusual about the sceptile’s personality. Sade was behaving exactly as if he were playing him and Tsukiko like some sort of smart predator. Shaka knew from experience how to counter predators, and Sade displayed a few strange behaviors that roused the raichu’s natural instinct. To say the least Shaka felt uncomfortable around him, as if he was planning something dangerous. But if Sade really was a predator and not simply acting naturally, Shaka could still not completely tell. He shall just have to remain cautious when the reptile is about, and remain even more cautious when he leaves his sight.

    Last edited by Nival on Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed skip OOC note and put in an actual post.)

    Age : 30
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    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:58 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic Town | Noon | (23)

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    Sade's golden eyes stare out from a space in the branches, calculating. The two electric mice are as he left them except for some signs of recovery in Shaka but they have been joined by a black wisp of a Ghost Type. Shuppet, he recalls, though he always found its evolved form more fun to experiment on. And here he was without the tools nessecary to inflict pain on a hovering spectre of a pokemon. From experience he knew that any attempt to cut or crush the spirit-like form of a Ghost Type would irritatingly slide straight through their body, forcing him to revert to less delicate means of extracting pain from them.
    He supposes if it comes to it he may have to provoke one of the Electric Types into becoming a controlled charge generator for the duration of his experiments.
    Carefully checking his stash of plant parts and running one curled claw over the sharp point of a thorn Sade smiles to himself and adjusts his form back to his flawless disguise as he swings down from the tree-branches and spreads his claws in a gesture of concern.
    "I can't seem to find them, that Gardevoir must have teleported them both away." He says with sincerity in his tone and sighs. "Poor little Ivysaur..."
    His expression appears to brighten as he notices the Ghost Type in their midst and he offers the Shuppet a trustworthy smile.
    "Hey there, I'm Sade." He introduces himself, keeping his posture relaxed as he offers a hand for the Ghost to 'shake'.
    It is then he turns his golden eyes towards the two electric types in his midst.
    Shaka seems to be recovering nicely, though he can pick up on subtle signs of hostility in the Raichu's dark eyes.
    No doubt he would have preferred Sade had not returned at all.
    Well let the games begin, Sade thinks as he keeps the false smile on his beaked lips. He will play his part perfectly until it was no longer needed.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:40 pm

    (I'm sorry but skip me TT-TT I've been real busy and i don't think I'll be able to finish my post tonight. just say that Morpheus was happy and smiling but now is scared of sade.)

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:21 am

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    Celestic Town | Late Noon || Shaka ~ 38 -- Tsukiko ~ 19

    She felt the burden of her fears lighten when the ghost’s expression brightened greatly. Her efforts to gain the child’s trust were not wasted, it would seem. In fact, she noticed she was smiling herself! But then another presence entered the area. The ghost saw the stranger and appeared frightened.

    Her smile began to fade as well, when she followed the ghost’s gaze. A certain voice reached her ears as she looked up towards the field’s western ridge. At its top, Sade was now standing. “I can’t seem to find them,” Sade started sincerely, “that Gardevoir must have teleported them both away.” He could not find Narron? Out of immediate concern, Tsukiko looked up towards Shaka. He seemed to be taking the news calmly, without even the faintest trace of sorrow in his expression. But within her sensitive heart, she knew all too well that he must be suffering inside. She understood all too well of the grief of losing a friend. He did not show even the slightest bit of grief for the loss of his friend, but she knew from experience that there was something happening inside of him. However, maybe she was just desperate for someone to trust and she was just imagining these things to comfort herself.... It was a horrible thought, but it could possibly be true.

    Tsukiko was isolated in her thoughts when she picked up the words of Sade as he introduced himself to the newcomer shuppet. She turned to look at the ghost, and became troubled when she saw that he was scared. She hurried over to the ghost’s side, offering him some support. “It’s okay, Shuppet. Sade’s just scary because he’s so big.” She looked up at Sade, attempting to restrain her own fears and speaking as clearly as possible. “Right, Sade?” Though she herself was scared of Sade, that did not mean she would not try to be brave for the shuppet. Even though she felt so small in his tall shadow and wanted to shudder every time that odd smirking face and those stabbing reptilian eyes focused upon her. She did not want him to flee if he felt too scared by Sade’s rather intimidating company. And she was not sure if she wanted to ask the shuppet for his name just yet. He seemed to nervous to share that just yet, and she did not want to pressure him while he was so nervous.


    When Shaka saw Sade returning to the town without Narron, he already knew what the sceptile was going to say before he said it. “I can’t seem to find them, that Gardevoir must have teleported them both away. Poor little Ivysaur....” Shaka maintained his welling anger upon hearing the words. Not a single trace of emotion crossed the raichu’s face, a perfect expression to fake his inner mood. He spoke flatly in response to Sade. “Yes, poor Ivysaur.” Shaka knew that within some way he was still going to hold out hope that Narron was at least safe. What a foolish belief, the Raichu denied to himself; Narron shall never return. Just like mom and dad shall never return. They are both dead, after all, and he cannot do anything to bring them back.

    Shaka watched in silence as Sade went over to greet the newcomer ghost. He was startled by the gecko’s presence--which was a surprisingly good thing. At least the kid has some good wits about him. He idly thought was he observed the conversation. Tsukiko was showing a bit of bravery, by standing up for the nervous Shuppet and asking for Sade’s cooperation. Her humble determination made him crack a smirk. After Tsukiko and the shuppet were done talking with Sade, Shaka hovered over to speak to them all.

    He remained suspended in the air near them, and spoke with a tone that suggested leadership. “Since Narron and the Gardevoir cannot be found right now, we should get back to looting that house that we entered earlier.” Shaka turned and nodded his head towards the mentioned building. It was a rather large and wide house, which rested on the northern side of town. It sits a good distance from the edge of the center field’s ridge, straight above where the entrance to the town’s cave is. “We need to clear it out and prepare a temporary shelter for the night.”

    “And Sade--“ he turned to face the sceptile with a stolid stare--“You proved effective in detecting and fighting that Golbat earlier. You can help me search out and kill the few Undead that are likely still in the building. Are you up for the task?” Shaka’s last sentence was an invitation made just for Sade--not only that, but it was a challenge. He was expecting the gecko to not turn it down. For a moment, he believed that he had even found an idea the both of them could agree upon. They both needed shelter, and he knew he was not the only one who wanted to lop a few heads off.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:09 pm

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    Celestic Town | Noon | (24)

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    Was that simply the wind or was the little Shuppet trembling? Inwardly Sade smirks. If only it knew...
    "It's o.k. Buddy." He says cheerfully, trying to reassure the floating wisp of a ghost type. "I'm not going to hurt ya, I'm one of the good guys." The Lab-coated Sceptile sighs goodnaturedly, scratching the back of his head with one clawed hand. "I never had this trouble when I was a Treecko."
    He takes care to supress his natural emotions entirely, remembering the receptiveness of the Shuppet's upright horn. Not only would it detect any feelings of ill will from him it would feed on them to make itself stronger.
    Thankfully Sade has long since learnt how to kill his emotions, becoming tjhe role he played while still be able to set his plans in motion.
    The sharp thorns weight heavily in his pocket. Soon they will come into their own...

    Sade stretches, bending his neck left and right and cracking his kunckles in a sign of readiness.
    "Sure thing partner." He says with a smile at Shaka, knowing there is no way either he or the character he played would turn down the opportunity to take out the undead.
    Sade sweeps his golden eyes over the house Shaka is talking about. Even with the ravages of the epidemic it still looks relatively sturdy. Besides it also looks like the kind of house that would have a basement.
    A nice dark basement with thick concrete walls where no-one would be able to hear the screams.

    ((OOC: Sorry for the short post))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:46 pm

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    Celestic town/noon
    “It’s okay, Shuppet. Sade’s just scary because he’s so big.”

    Morpheus tried to be brave, but seeing the massive sceptile sent shivers down his spine. He quickly hid behind the yellow mouse when she came closer. It was acting friendly, but he sensed something earlier that troubled him. But as the grass type talked Morpheus started to trust him a little more. Tsukiko and shaka didn’t attack the massive pokemon… so he could trust it, right? It couldn’t be a monster…

    Slowly, he came out from behind tsukiko and faced the sceptile. Morpheus, trying to be polite, gave him a small smile, though he was still trembling a little.

    . “Since Narron and the Gardevoir cannot be found right now, we should get back to looting that house that we entered earlier. We need to clear it out and prepare a temporary shelter for the night.”

    Morpheus listened to the male mouse quietly, staying close to tsukiko but away from the forest pokemon. He didn’t really want to go into a human house for a while, not after the loss of his eye. Anything could be in there… like more monsters. But soon it seemed that Shaka and Sade were going first. That was good. They were probably stronger than him and could protect him from some of the mosters and demons that he kept finding.

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:00 am

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    tvt | Celestic Town [Center Field] | Late Noon | Shaka ~ 39 -- Tsukiko ~20 tvt

    Sade was helping to confide the shuppet, much to Tsukiko’s gratitude. “It’s okay buddy.” The sceptile cheerfully said. “I’m not going to hurt ‘ya, I’m one of the good guys. I never had this trouble when I was a treecko.” She drew a small smile at Sade’s good-natured statement.

    It would seem Sade’s attempt to calm down the ghost was working somewhat. The ghost tried to show courage. However, he was overcome by a visible shudder and hurried behind Tsukiko. She looked behind herself at the ghost, and she gave a respectful smile to the shuppet. “It’s okay; I’m also a little scared of him.” She quietly said. A small spell of anxiety bothered her, but when she turned to look towards Shaka and Sade she did her best to let the feeling dissipate. She was almost dragged away by her own thoughts when she heard Shaka speak out about a plan for the group. They were going to try and clear out the rest of that house from earlier, where the undead Golbat had been encountered.

    She listened to Shaka’s ideas intently. Yes, they will need shelter soon. Even Sade had agreed to the plan so far. Tsukiko looked up to the clear noontime sky as she listened to Shaka talk. The sky was bright and clear, with not a single cloud in sight. The light was brightening as the noon went on. And dare she think it--the town actually looked quite beautiful. She imagined what this place would be like if it was just abandoned--not infested by Undead, just abandoned. The town is uninhabited and the place is permeated by silence. It was a good silence, though, and for once she really wondered whether the silence was a good thing or a bad thing. It made it easier to sense the Undead, and in that moment where there were few people around she felt a certain peace. It was the peace of clarity of mind, where disruption was the only true danger....

    ....She was suddenly broken from her thoughts by a slightly irritated Shaka. “Tsukiko, are you even paying attention?” His voice was still calm but revealed signs of impatience. She broke her drifting gaze, which had lowered from the sky to browse over the town. A small smile was previously on her face, but it was now drooped into a nervous frown. She stuttered to the raichu, her hands clasped together in nervousness and her tail drooping low to the ground. “Y-yes? Sorry, so sorry--“ she looked to them, and the skin under her cheeks warmed up from the embarrassment--“I got distracted.”

    Shaka stared at her for a moment, impatience visibly disturbing his stern face. “We don’t have time for distractions right now, Tsukiko.” He bluntly--and to her interest, surprisingly patient--told her. The last thing Shaka needed right now was for someone to drift off, especially when they were about to clear out an entire house. She needs to remain very attentive, to prove her worth. She saw Shaka’s irritation and changed the subject quickly. “About your plan--I mean, wh-what about us two, Shaka? Should we possibly stay outside the building, so that we can watch out for any Undead that might try to enter the building? I-it’s a quiet town, but we don’t need anything surprising us while you two clear the house.” Tsukiko turned to look to the shuppet, who seemed slightly worried about the plan himself. The raichu drew his attention to Tsukiko. He looked to her and the shuppet multiple times, his gaze struck with interest. “Yes, that is a good idea.” He said, honestly surprised that she had thought of the same thing he was planning to have them do. The doubt he had harbored for her just moments ago was suddenly put to question.

    Tsukiko raised her tail back up slightly in relief, as she nodded in gratitude to Shaka. “Thank you.” Shaka nodded back, though he said nothing in return. He then turned his attention to Sade. “Alright then. Let us go.” Shaka turns and hovers up the field’s staircase, leading the way around the town towards the town’s northern side where the house lay.

    Tsukiko looked to the shuppet as they walked up the stairs. “Do you want to keep watch with me?” She could not conceal the slight concern in her voice, as she did not want to be the only one on sentry duty. The shuppet seemed rather troubled by the idea of going into the house just like her, so maybe he shall agree to stay outside with her?

    ((OOC -- I just thought I would bump the time a little, since it has been Noon for quite a while :b))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:02 pm

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    Celestic Town | Late Noon | (25)

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    With a smile the Sceptile hunkers down, examining the building with a critical eye.
    "More golbats I would say." He says as he peers through the darkened doorway, still open a crack.
    "They hide in dark places during the day and travel in flocks so there might even be a whole nest in there. We can catch them off guard while they are sleeping otherwise at night they will swarm out and probably scour the town clean. That would be why it's so quiet around here."
    With a twist of his long neck Sade turns towards Shaka.
    "I'll go in first, my eyes work well enough in the dark. Follow close behind and try not to disturb them. The zubat line rely on strength in numbers to defeat their opponents."
    With a flick of his frond like tail Sade slowly walks up to the door, trying to make as little sound as possible to alert the creatures inside.

    In the gloom of the abandoned building there is a thick layer of dust over everything and ancient floorboards threaten to creak under his clawed feet.
    Alternating his gaze between his precarious footing and the ceiling where the perched bat pokemon would most likely sleep out the day Sade makes his plans for the hovering Raichu.
    The deficiencies in the electric mouses spine were obvious to him and a potential point of manipulation but it was obvious from the Electric Type's manner he had been living a wild life for some time. Suspicion was still evident in the way the Raichu was trying to keep an eye on him, separate him from the others in particular that sweet little Pikachu...
    There was no doubt in the newly evolved Grass Type's mind that he was too dangerous to confront head on even if he did manage to land a surprise attack first. Here the golbat tribe provides a perfect excuse to weaken the electric type and drain away his powerful electricity, leaving his open to a swift Crush Claw and the solid lengths of vine hidden in his pockets.

    The front room is cleared after the death of the golbat that had been hiding there and nothing has stepped forth to take her place. Feeling amongst the sharp thorns and thick vine the carved necklace made of stone Sade wonders about its significance. Why would a wild bat wear jewellery?
    Beyond lies two passageways, a long dark corridor and a set of stairs rising upwards.
    "This way first." Sade says softly, not trusting the stairs to hold his weight as he edges around them to the darker corridor, hearing the faint rustle of wings and the sounds of breathing. They are close, now how to trick Shaka into waking them.
    "Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!" An echoing chant rises from the rafters. The golbats are not sleeping, they have been waiting for the return of their enemies and now they sing their war song as they surge forwards in a nightmare swirling of tattered wings and razor sharp teeth.
    "Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora! "
    The sound gets louder, each golbat singing as they fly into battle. They bar their teeth and stick out their tongues in an attempt to make their hideous bodies even more intimidating.
    "Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru, Nāna nei i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā" The undead cry in their tribal language as Sade deflects their attacks with swipes of his blade-like leaves, subtly directing their attentionsa towards Shaka.
    "Ā, upane! ka upane! Ā, upane, ka upane, whiti te ra!" The chant rises up.

    ((OOC: The haka or traditional maori war chant here is Ka mate, the haka performed by the NZ national rugby team. It translates as :'Tis death! ‘tis death! (or: I may die) ’Tis life! ‘tis life! (or: I may live)
    ’Tis death! ‘tis death! ’Tis life! ‘tis life!
    This is the hairy man
    Who brought the sun and caused it to shine
    A step upward, another step upward!
    A step upward, another... the Sun shines!))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:02 pm

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    tvt | Celestic Town [Northern House] | Late Noon | Shaka ~ 40 -- Tsukiko ~21> tvt

    Well, here is the house. The large building stood tall, with only a few breaches to its front face. The front doors were still partially opened from when he and Sade had attempted to enter earlier. As he hovers towards the doorway, Sade steps up by him. After observing the building the giant reptile turned to look at him. “More golbats I would say.” That was true; the Undead do tend to group up with their own species to kill prey. “We can catch them off guard while they are sleeping otherwise at night they will swarm out and probably scour the town clean. That would be why it’s so quiet around here.” Shaka agreed with his observation about the town. “That would make sense. That would be why not a single flying Undead has come by after all that earlier chaos.”

    “I’ll go in first, my eyes work well enough in the dark. Follow close behind and try not to disturb them. The zubat line relies on strength in numbers to defeat their opponents.” As if Shaka did not know those things already, of course. He could see in the darkness very well himself, but now was not the time for arguing. Besides, now he could keep an even better eye on the sceptile. Sade flicks his giant tail in a following gesture, and enters the building with Shaka behind him. As they entered the building, Shaka descended to float just above the floorboards to the floor to lower his profile. His ears flicked about as he heard for any sound of other threats. The only sound to be heard was the mute beating of his heart. Even in the dim darkness of the building, when other threats were present, he still held a suspicion for the Sceptile and gave regular, vigilant glances to him.

    The front room is devoid of threats. An odor of rot lingers in the stagnant air, but it is so faint that it was likely from the room’s departed Golbat occupant. Ahead of the front room is a hall with two different entrances; one leads upstairs and the other forward into a black corridor. They come to the hall, but Sade avoids the stairs. That was understandable; the stairs looked worn and would probably not hold the large reptile’s weight. “This way first.” Sade says, indicating to the long, dark corridor.

    Shaka stops in the hallway as he hears the sound of breathing, and of calmly shifting wings. His eyes could track the silhouette of teardrop-shaped creatures against the dull backdrop of broken windows. Shaka freezes in his hover, before moving backwards with a suspicious glare. The creatures, no doubt undead Golbats, were suspended upside-down from the ceiling, their wings folded about them comfortably as they slept shallowly. Shaka could hear yet more shifting in the unseen rafters of the room’s ceiling, their tired sounds echoing through the hallway. And although they seemed to be sleeping, he felt a certain unease at watching them. They did not look at rest, but rather as if they were--

    One of the furthest Golbats slowly unfolded its large wings from around a body that was worn with rotting wounds. It looks around with a pair of empty red eyes. Shaka stands as still as death, to conceal his presence within the intense shadows of the hallway. But the Golbat notices the presence of himself and Sade and fixates upon them. Fury wells in its increasingly livid eyes, and it descends from its perch and booms out in a large voice to alert the other Golbats. Shaka backs up in aggression, his cheeks sparking as he fired a thunderbolt towards the chanting bat. ”Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!” It was able to say, before the bolt struck its forehead and killed it. The other Golbats are called to action by the call. The ones visible from the hall look upon the Raichu and Sceptile in the hallway as if they were expecting them both. Their eyes glow with an intense lividness, and they repeat the same phrase that the previous bat said. At their call, more descend from the exposed rafters of the room. Some were flying and others were scrambling--all with the same hungry intentions. Sade and Shaka had been led into an ambush.

    The swarm of red-eyed, furious bats filled into the hallway, a reckless decision on their part. Shaka did not hesitate to back up and release a bolt of electricity into the closest one, causing the unfortunate bat to convulse with electricity and fall to the floor harshly. Two others are taken down with it, stuck for a while beneath their fallen companion’s corpse. The other golbats begin to try and surround him and Sade, but Shaka kept himself focused. He remained in his spot, listening, watching, waiting for one of them to dare an attack. One of the bats attempted to divebomb him and snatch him up, but they were met with an electrical bolt. Another golbat came in from the side and attempted to Air Slash Shaka’s stomach, but he raised his arm before it hit and recieved a small gash. He then grasped its upper head with his other arm as it came close. He smashed in the face with a solid punch and follwed up with a direct burst of electricity, causing it to go spastic and collapse. He heard another golbat coming forth to clamp down into the back of his neck, but he lashed an Iron Tail backwards into its open jaw. The tail impaled its throat and zapped the bat simultaneously. Shaka withdrew his tail from the fried corpse and continued fighting. The bats were easy to kill, but they were numerous. Each death subtracted from what could be assumed to be about fifteen or so bloodthirsty undead Golbats, all chanting and hissing as they surrounded the duo and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

    Shaka was too distracted to see Sade drawing the Golbats towards him, but he did not really care. The golbats were still chanting in a furious, distorted tongue. He understood it only through their tone, marking it as a battle chant to rouse their determination. And he responded by killing each one that dared to come close to him.


    Tsukiko remained outside the building, keeping watch over the town. She was unsure if the shuppet had made his decision to remain in her company or not, but he seemed to be staying with her for now. Soon the sound of fighting came from inside the building. She could hear multiple Undead from inside chanting a strange and unnerving language, and for a second she worried about both Sade and Shaka’s well being. But she curbed her worry with a nervous smile. She wanted to remain confident for everyone in this time. “I’m sure that Sade and Shaka can take out whatever is inside.” She said to the shuppet, her gaze still wandering over the town and through the sky. “They’re the strongest people in our group right now.”

    I just hope Shaka doesn’t get infected, her heart worried. He was harsh, yes, but she felt she could trust him more than anyone else in this group right now. And she would be horrified if he turned into one of the Undead that he was fighting right now.

    ((OOC -- Sorry for the wait >_<; I was not sure if you wanted to prolong the fight for a few posts and have Sade get included, so I did not end it yet. Just tell me if you want me to edit anything.))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:20 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Abandoned House | Celestic Town | Noon | (26)

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    A whirlwind of wings surrounds him as Sade snaps his long neck from side to side, golden eyes trying to pick out individual shapes in the dusty gloom.
    Bright flashes of light shine in the confined space as Shaka releases bolt after bolt of deadly electricity into the rotting corpses of the bloated bats, filling the air with the curiously comforting scent of scorching flesh.
    The Sceptile turns athletically, his long white coat swishing around his shoulders as he bats the ballistic flying types back into the fray like one playing Baseball. With his fury of sparking thunder and the dart of his iron like tail the Golbats fight as he thought they would; an massive suicide charge directed at the one they considered their greatest threat and are cut down in droves.
    The tribal chant rises in the air, the strange illegible words being chanted even by the mutilated and useless corpses that fall to the ground. A golbat with light purple wings filled with torn holes scrambles across the ground towards him, dragging itself forwards with its wingtips with surprising speed for a a normally aerial creature.
    The Sceptile firmly plants a clawed foot in its face, punting the crawling creature across the floor towards Shaka.
    Another rotting bat, one eye a bloodied mess of jelly that seems to be about to fall out of its socket, swoops down towards Sade and he smacks it away with the stiffened leafy plate on his forearms.
    The ancient floorboards creak underfoot as he dodges another attack, a ballistic missile of a crying Zubat rolling over his shoulder. This nest of bats is irritating him. Bright red eyes gleam from the rafters like a myriad of malevolent stars as the rest of the flock waits for an opening to dive in and join the fray.
    The Golbats have even blocked off their exit, trying by increasingly desperate dives to drive the two closer together. The high pitched screeching of overlapping sonar cries bubbles in Sade's ears as he clicks his hard beak in frustration.
    He down one of his assailants by bringing a glowing Crush Claw down on its head and hears the bat's skull cave in with a satisfying crisp crack. The golbat falls, its strange unlife extinguished and in the light of electrical flashes the Sceptile can see spiralling lines of a strange green ink are inscribed on its blue-purple skin.
    Curiously he looks closer at the corpse as it flutters limply to the ground, its delicate wings crumpling under its falling body.
    No, the lines had been carved into its skin with something sharp...
    With a fluttering of leathery wings another Golbat takes its place and obscures the body from view.
    Sade's slit pupil eyes slide over to Shaka.
    Distracted by the bats the Raichu is too busy defending himself to keep an eye on the Sceptile who, in an attempt to conserve as much of his strength as he can is allowing the Golbats to press him back.

    Sade's golden eyes carefully survey the darkened room, trying to keep an accurate tally of the bats still perched on the roof with their wings spread wide and sharp toothed mouths gaping open.
    "Shaka how are you holding up?" He asks, hoping the Raichu will be too busy to reply.
    With new ones joining the fight every second how long would they last before the pair were overwhelmed or, more accurately, until Shaka was overwhelmed and Sade would be left free to capture the Raichu.
    The tip of his Pecha Berry pink tongue flicking along the edge of his beak Sade turns his attention back to Shaka. With a cruel efficiency the Raichu exterminated anything that got close enough to be hit while Sade merely smacked them back to join the fray. The Raichu in his ragged black cloak would be tiring faster than he was but the Raichu was a battle hardened warrior. If Sade made a move now Shaka would leave him for the Golbat's to devour, no, he needed an opening to strike at the Electric Type's weak spot.
    The Sceptile keeps his frond-like tail up as far as he can, the leaf like spines fully extended to make him look as large as possible. Reaching behind him he pulls off two of the bulbous yellow seeds that have sprouted along his spine and tightened his claws on them. The yellow skin splits under his sharp claws and he flings them full force into the flock of bats.
    The thin yellow casing of the seed breaks apart on impact, shooting out pale white shoots with thin root hairs. With a snap of energy they dig into the corpses skin and burrow inwards like white worms, putting out tiny green leaves and transferring vital energy back to their 'parent' in the form of flickering darts of green light.
    Even though the Mega Drain attack didn't do much damage to the flying/poison types it restored the tiny bit of damage the Sceptile had been taking from the flock.
    With a malevolent grin to himself Sade moves a few steps out, letting a few of the golbats focusing on Shaka slip between them as he plays at pursuing a particular opponent and taking them down.
    Unsurprisingly the flock has been very much thinned, not just by Shaka's attack but by the marks of rot on the delicate wing membranes preventing a full flock from travelling this far from their parent cave. Even now some of the bats could not fly properly and desperately tried to attack them across the floor.
    A Zubat flutters past his face, tiny fangs showing in its wide mouth and a scrap of filthy cloth clutched in its long tail.
    The sight gives Sade an idea as he smacks the tiny bat aside like an annoying insect.
    The next golbat to come shrieking towards the pair he grabs by its curled feet and brushes against the edge of Shaka's cloak. Instinctively the Golbat clutches tight at the black cloth and tries to fly off, almost tearing the Reaper Cloth from the Raichu's shoulders as it soars backwards with a shriek, still clutching at a fold of the black cloth.
    Inwardly Sade hopes that the Raichu will be tempted to expend more of his energy reclaiming it and opening him up for an incapacitating blow.

    ((OOC: Permission for Shaka’s cloak to be removed has been given via PM, besides he’s not going to be missing it for long))

    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:04 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Celestic town/noon
    Morpheus stayed close to Tsukiko, feeling safer now that he was with others. Though the house they were meant to stay by scared him. The sounds of fighting inside filled him with fear... yet the feelings of anger and blood lust he felt coming from the place made him stronger.... The mouse seemed worried, even though she was smiling, He could tell she was. She had the same look his mother did before she had faded. The same smile, the same eyes even.

    “I’m sure that Sade and Shaka can take out whatever is inside. They’re the strongest people in our group right now.”

    He nodded in agreement. That giant grass type and the bigger mouse seemed strong. Or at least stronger than him.

    "Yeah, i think they'll be okay... they seem really big and strong..." He spoke quietly. "The demons and monsters are often falling apart... Some aren't that smart either... Buy they're scary..." Morpheus continued to speak, more to himself now as his mind wandered."it's alright though... My sis protects me..." With that he paused, and hovered a bit lower. "mom and dad too i guess..."


    The CELESTIC Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The CELESTIC Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:12 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    ◊◊◊ | Celestic Town [Northern House] | Late Noon | Shaka ~ 41 -- Tsukiko ~ 22 ◊◊◊

    ~*~ Tsukiko ~*~

    What a relief it was to her, to know that the shuppet decided to stay by her side. His choice makes her feel safer out here. After listening to her words, he nodded agreeably to her optimistic statement. He was still afraid of the brutal sounds fighting of their friends against the Undead, as was she. But he was brightened by some of the same positivity as her. The positivity that the others may and will win, and come out perfectly fine. “Yeah, I think they’ll be okay.... they seem really big and strong.” She intently listened to him, showing a mild but unmistakably friendly smile as she did so. “The demons and monsters are often falling apart.... Some aren’t that smart either.... But they’re scary...

    The response caused her smile to waver as she gave thought to it. What he said was all true; the Undead were frightening, and one of the few things more horrifying than them were the Infected. People who are still somewhat sane, who are forced to kill because the illness that afflicts them wants them to. Victims trapped within nightmare bodies. Her mind was falling into another place and her gaze began to drift over the town. The shuppet was continuing the conversation, and Tsukiko’s mind was still open to the conversation even as they both wandered into their own thoughts. “It’s alright though.... My sis protects me...” His voice drifted mid-sentence, and she saw that he hovered lowerto the ground as if he was somewhat disheartened. “Mom and dad too I guess...

    His sister protects him, as does his mother and father....

    Once more, rare thoughts were seeping into a mind that had long forgotten them. Tsukiko remembered the gravestones of both her mother and her father, which were interred within the Pokémon Tower back in Kanto. Then there was the bullet wound marring the head of her adoptive Human, from which his blood flowed out onto the Hoenn earth.... In the moment of the situation she forgot she was keeping watch over the town. Her heart was hardened against the grievances of her past, but they stell felt as fresh as the corpses that are interred within her memory. These things were lost forever to her, and it disturbed her always and forever to know that she would never gain them back.

    But the ghost’s ambition brought a smile to her face, as bittersweet as it was. Maybe her own father and mother were watching over her right now? “And I am sure my parents are watching over me, too.” She said with a soft happiness, before looking to him.

    “Erm, by the way--I do not think I ever got your name.” She stepped to face him. Her tail drooped a little from worry, as she faintly expected him to be offended or even shy away from her inferred question. But her tone conveyed a simple, innocent curiosity. “W-would you not mind me asking for such a thing?”

    ~*~ Shaka ~*~

    Corpses continued to fall about the corridor as Shaka fought against the dark-winged horde. Their flesh was tender and their intelligence was dismal; with the more intelligent Golbats killed, the duller minded ones decided to simply charge forward without a plan. They were met by a murderous wall of electricity, a lethal iron tail, and an outmatching opponent. The few bats that did not suicidally charge in to attack him were brutally crushed by an awaiting Sade. A dazed golbat, kindly delivered to by Sade to Shaka, was met with a coiling iron tail. Its neck was bound tightly, and electricity ebbed through its frame which burned away the fragile flesh of its neck. The now headless corpse slides out of its binding, giving the whipping weapon the freedom to turn in front of Shaka and stab a Zubat straight through the mouth.

    He heard Sade call out to him as the battle began to reach its climax. “Shaka how are you holding up?”

    “Too busy, kicking ass!” He managed to hastily shout out as he grasped a charging Zubat by its face and electrocuted it to death. There were only a few bats left, and their deaths were inevitable. Shaka was heavily invested in their killing, as his mind was fully thrilled by his fighting passion. The blood of his Frostclaw Clan heritage was pulsing through him with a vigorous intensity. His expression was wrenched with aggressive fury, a wide eyed and glaring snarl on his face as each and every golbat that dared to attack him was slaughtered.

    Five Golbats left. Four Golbats. Three Golbats. Back of neck sliced open; wings torn off and skull electrocuted; death by overcharge. Two Golbats. And now only one. These things were too weak, a pitiful replacement for true opponents. Their flesh tore like water and their spines snapped like sticks. Shaka’s nostrils were flaring, even as the disgusting miasma of rot cluttered his sensitive nose. After the battle, he stood there sighing heavily. His head was filled with engrossing adrenaline. His firm limbs did not quaver with weakness, and his body looked as if it was going to leap and attack something else in its battle-lust. When he noticed nothing was left moving around him, when the only echo to be heard was the sound of retreat, he calmed down. His fur smoothed out gradually, and he hovered down onto the ground, onto all fours. But his peace was interrupted when he felt the distinct sensation of a pair of two-clawed feet grasping at at his back. A particularly clever golbat had managed to grip onto his coat from behind. Apparently it was too frail to break through the thick fabric, though. Shaka felt his coat sliding up and from his back, as the bat used all of its strength to attempt to carry him off with it. His arms slid out from the sleeves, and he fell onto all fours upon the ground. When he realized his precious coat was no longer upon him, a slight change came over him. He felt the very realization of his coat absent from his back, the comforting strange energies that flowed through it disconnected from his very soul and his fur naked to a cold wind drifting through the house.

    Shaka’s leer dragged its way down the bloody, corpse-filled hallway, towards the large room where the Golbat horde once lived. And there it was--fluttering in the dappled light of a window flew the golbat who had dared to steal his precious coat. The coat of his father, the only thing left to his possession other than his flesh and blood. And his heart was filled with fury once more, his cheeks sparking with energy.

    He leapt out of the ring of corpses and chased after his enemy on foot. He ran through a hall of destroyed bodies, and leapt into a wide room with mouldy old carpeting and worn wooden furniture. The golbat’s body and the cloak it was toting were silhouetted by a broken window. It wanted to flee. Shaka’s limbs launched him forward with incredible speed. In its small mind, the golbat saw the window as its only remaining chance of survival. It was so fixated upon its desitation that it remained horribly oblivious of how valuable the item that it carried in its claws was. That it was holding an item which marked it for a horrible death.

    The cloak was just within Shaka’s reach now. The window was close. Kicking up powerfully and rising magnetically, he latched onto the golbat’s upper back with his clawed hands, his sharp back feet planting into its lower back. The golbat loses altitude and smashes into the windowsill, with Shaka safely cushioned from the impact. The bat fell onto the shaggy floor. It flailed beneath him, but Shaka held its swinging wings tight. His cheeks were primed with energy, and he discharged massive amounts of it into his flailing victim. The bat squeaked as its body was lit up with power, as its innards were roasted. The golbat was so heavily electrified by the attack that it continued to live even after its body began to burn from the static. Its body was convulsing violently and its screeching was convulsing. Its flesh was beginning to turn a bloody black. Shaka was using far more electricity than was necessary. As soon as his cheeks began to hurt from the massive discharge, he stopped. He took the cloak from the roasted corpse’s talons, and hovered up to see it in the window sunlight.

    There was nothing wrong with it. He gripped the cloak tightly to his chest, like a Human would do to a long-lost lover. For a moment he forgot the constant threat of Sade, and of the intense battle that had just happened. Shaka just levitated there in the dusty air of the room, framed by the window’s light, gripping his cloak. He was so happy it was safe. He saw the blood that marred it from the battle, knowing that its nigh-unstainable fabric would not be permanent. A good wash-up would remove the taint. The ghostly energy that lived within the cloak returned into him, a surge of reassuring power to his distressed heart. Even as he breathed in calm fatigue from the battle he let a small smile slip on his face. A possessive peace returned to his distressed mind. The battle had triggered a strange emotional spell in Shaka, when his euphoric fighting high mixed with reactions too fast for his mind to control.

    Shaka was defying the very principles of instinct he worked so hard to follow. His back--no, his whole attention--was turned away from the threat of Sade.

    ((OOC -- Sorry for the long wait ;w; Been very busy lately.))

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