Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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4 posters

    (ACE) The MARSH Team


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:32 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh [Ranger Station] || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 25 || Johvani 25

    Making another lap around the room Reed let his copies take over the open space. With yet another Double Team up the Radeon was ready to act, the confusion enough to take misfires and mistakes alike. The attacks did not connect with him, and those images that faded were replaced with another Double Team. The other Pokemon on his side continued to falter, to hesitate and let the child suffer in the jaws of the bat. Were they paralyzed with fear, a bunch of cowards, or truly lost on how to fight for the sake of their charge? Legends forbid, how did you survive Salem.. This lot was hopeless, a liability at best, but the Radeon had to carry this burden to safety for his own well being.

    Giving a few barks with distinct spacing Reed signals to his partner to act, and with a perk to her step Johvani gives a single yip back. They had trained on this code, learned to communicate with it when fighting undead, and as she started to run about the room the tall Radeon could feel the Crobat's gaze upon her. Though those outside the squad knew little this Crobat was not so naive, yet the guardian Pokemon knew better; changing the signals, reworking the code to have new meaning, they could use it against those in the know. Leaping to the table and across to a bookshelf Johvani clambers to the top. Rearing her head back she makes a sort of hiss, as if prepping some sort of move. Without hesitation the Crobat swoops to the side and evades the spot she was aiming at. Another attack fires up from below, and another dodge moves the bat again.

    Bunching her muscles the lanky Radeon leaps, claws extended and ready to strike. She growls as the bats yellow eyes lock back on her, aggro gained, and a quick series of flaps whips painful strikes at her while backed moving the brute away from her. Though she cringed Johvani did her best not to react, her claws raking at the air as she tried to connect a hit. A few stray Zubats were not quick enough to follow and fell in her wake as she inevitably crashed to the ground, a few more quick to follow in a retaliation effort.
    But Johvani was not the focus. As the Crobat backed up it moved closer to another wall and just in range of the shelf Reed had leaped to. Keeping his movements quiet he was able to leap, and though a flurry of wings battered and beat him on the way in the dense Radeon used his bursting momentum to make it through. His claws found purchase in the wound he had already made, fangs snapping about until they met the flesh of a flapping wing. Scrabbling with his hindpaws for further grip he could feel the large Pokemon haphazardly darting about to shake him, but he would not be denied so easily.

    Clinging with every instrument he had the savage Radeon snarls and shakes his head, toxic pelt dripping with hate as he curls his claws deeper into his squirming prey. A fluttering mess, the big bat's movements confuse her weaker fellows, and their formation quickly breaks down. "Now, do something NOW!" Johvani barked with the utmost urgency to the other Pokemon as she regained her footing. They would not be able to make the same play twice and could not squander this opportunity.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:08 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 204 || Seek 224

    Why? The Aiveon could feel herself shrinking towards the floor, her desperate plea met with little to no reception. Deflating beyond hope Seek stares at what she thinks is Eleroo; her tear-filled vision too far gone to see his fuzzy lavender fur behind the fidgeting wall of purple wings. Still trapped, still hurting, still leaving them all at the mercy of this menacing winged demon.
    Why, she screamed at herself again, why wouldn't they listen?? She was the leader, the voice, the direction, but it meant nothing if the others would not listen! Felix yelled something at the bat but she couldn't catch it as her alarm tuned out the words. Glancing his way Seek can see wounds from the Air Slash barrage that were staring to bleed. He had been hit; was he afraid to strike again? Digging her claws into the floor the Aiveon feels her tiny heart break as another squeak comes from Eleroo, a final straw snapping as something clicks in her brain- if no one would help her, she had to rely on herself.

    With a quick breath in Seek spreads her wings and grits her teeth against the pain. The other Radeon's bark and yip, but when no attacks are thrown she pays it no mind. She had to do it, she had to be the one. Eleroo was her charge, and she would reply on others no longer. Taking a stance the youth prepares herself for the pain to come, and charges a Hidden Power to get the ball moving. The attack was quickly draining her from overuse, dizzying but she refused to succumb. The attack did little more than bit a few more shielding bats; Eleroo didn't even squeal and likely did not connect with it. Johvani hissed, and the bat moved to the perfect spot as the Aiveon rears up. Bunching all her muscles she flaps hard and releases her own Air Slash forward.

    The motion sends pure agony racing up Seek's spine, and though she holds out for the attack her own wail of pain comes alongside it. Tipped off by the sound, or perhaps just too aware of her pathetic attempts, the Crobat dodged the attack once again as the Aiveon crumples to the floor. Tears stream from her eyes, overwhelmed by self inflected injury and despair alike as she once again fails to rescue her kin. Johvani fell to the floor beside her, landing awkwardly and with a cloud of bats to follow. Another failure.
    Despite her own fruitless and devastating blow the sounds that meet her ears are welcome. The shudder-inducing snarls of Reed echo over that of the bats, his attack landing in full force and without remorse. The Crobat tried to shake him but failed, breaking down her own defenses as  her followers failed to keep formation and her loft drifted lower and lower. "Now, do something NOW!" Johvani orders them, the passive Pokemon's voice shockingly firm as both eeveelutions spotted the opening.

    The bat moved, whipping and zipping in jagged patterns that were enough to make Eleroo's head spin.  He was already feeling sick, but the new wave of nausea only curdled his pathetic mewling. Black swirls in his already fading vision were dizzying, but no matter how disorientated his senses were one thing was coming in clearly. Rabid and vicious snarls of a Pokemon possessed, Reed's voice sounded like that of a wild dog. The ferocity of an undead even, of one with nothing left to lose. Was that because of him, or was it something to do with surviving out here, as a so called Radeon...? The philosophical thoughts would have to wait, any coherent lines being shaken out of him as the Crobat continued to try and shake the brute off.

    With quick breaths Seek staggered onto shaky paws. She was dizzy, breathing hard and afraid to even move, but like hell she would waste what would likely be their only opportunity. Keeping her wings stationary she lets a final Hidden Power build within her pelt, the electrical arcs chasing and building into massive spheres. He'll be okay. She reminded herself of her earlier plea. Eleroo will understand if he's hit... With her legs trembling like a leaf in the wind the Aiveon knew it was now or never, and before she could talk herself out of it let her last Hidden Power race upward. It struck gold, the sharp yelp of the small Radeon stopping abruptly from the shock of electricity.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:26 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (190)
    Shenron had mouthful of flame ready. Ready to spit if the bat didn't drop the kit. Before he could flick his tongue to lob the fire he hesitated. Recalling a memory. His trainer's Jolteon in the talons of a Pidgeot and he a foolish Charmeleon used Flamethrower. Yes he struck the bird but his teammate was wounded severely. Physically and mentally the Eeveelution never recovered. And he was far larger then Eleroo. What would his flame do to a kit full of poison? Poison in his experience was usually flammable. Shenron turned at the last second dispersing a cluster of bats with the flame. He felt the tingle of electricity passing and reached out. No intention of stopping the attack. No. He meant to catch the kit.
    If he fell, Shenron would try to catch him.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:36 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 KugUZ7n
    The Great Marsh|Noon

    Felix also started to see an opening. The Crobat seems to only be able to focus on what's ahead of it but at the same time Seek had also acted finally and given the chance to force it to release Eleroo. He got another swift ready to attack once it released the radeon. This time, there was nothing between him and the bat. Come on, drop him. I promise this time this won't be stopped. The Sylveon though ignoring the cut on his leg had to be careful at this point since Eleroo could be accidentally hit if he releases his swift to early. As he waited, more and more of swift kept appearing. Whatever Felix was up to was going to be more chained than all at once. At this point, it will exhaust him after he uses it.

    Felix releases the swift early due to him unable to hold it any longer. He had to make sure he didn't hit Eleroo. Any that was about to go at Eleroo, Felix used his feelers to slap it away to avoid hitting him. With the last one, the swift strikes the wings enough to make it to sore to fly much longer.

    OoC)) Let me know if anything needs changed.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:08 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh [Ranger Station] || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 26 || Johvani 26

    While Reed did not need a command in which to act he still grit his teeth and bit even harder upon Johvani's call. The Crobat struggled within his grasp, and while her wings hit him as she flapped she was powerless to get a good strike in. Violently shaking, writhing, and erratic motions threaten to toss him aside but Reed would not be fooled by the same motion twice. Electricity zips around him followed by a series of shimmering stars, taking out the flurry of noise that had been grating his ears and forcing his target to acknowledge their full presence. Seizing her hesitation Reed digs his claws deep for grip while climbing her silky body, each inch a victory until finally he can sink his fangs into one of her slender ears. The Crobat groans, her grip on the child loosening as she stifles as gasp of pain.

    From below, Johvani continued to yip, her moveset ill-equipped for aerial combat as she watches the scene with baited breath. Felix's star storm worked wonders, dwindling the lesser bat's numbers until nearly all lay upon the ground. If only she had better options, but the Radeon knew better than to curse such shortcomings now. Without her shield to take the hit the Swift had but one target and strikes the Crobat again and again. Regardless of her compared strength the disruption and impacts upon her wings teeters the large bat. She tenses with no chance of succor against the sure hit.

    Seizing yet another precious opportunity presented to him Reed digs three paws into the Crobat's flesh as he swipes with the remainder. Snaking the limb forward he snaps it back with hooked claw and great speed. While he is unable to see his target the Radeon knows he met his mark as the bat suddenly screams with an aggressively loud shrill cry. Its mouth opens as it wails, the child falling as the warm sensation of blood and tears run down his paw after clawing her eye. The Crobat squirms, erractic motions growing even worse as she attempts to throw her aggressor from her body. Repositioning his jaw the Radeon straps in, ready to ride out her energy as the flapping menace finally tips toward desperation.

    With a sudden burst of speed the Crobat uses her multiple wings to fly backward and crush her fellow poison type between her and the wall. The feral Pokemon does not yield, his jaw clenched like the talons of a bird upon its prey. With a unbecoming panic the Crobat moves forward and back, their path slowly tipping to the side as it repeatedly smashed the Radeon against the wall. The hits squeezed the air from his lungs, the todd unable to confirm the battle situation as he persisted. He can not tell their position from the floor any longer, but as the hard wall changed to a icy cold feeling Reed knew instantly they had moved in front of the window.

    Johvani's quick yips confirm it, a warning for him to let go before a new threat could cause harm, but Reed's jaws refuse to part. With rushing steps the tall Radeon leaps over the table and onto the couch. Bunching her paws she springs upward and grasps at a lower wing, but even her weight can not stop the brutes desperate momentum as it charges against the vertical surface once more.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:58 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 205 || Seek 225

    Seek's head was dizzy, a spinning swamp of stars as her attack knocked the wind from her. The glittering yellow and white colors of sparkles and stars danced in her eyes, little glowing dots that distorted her vision as she struggled to keep on her paws. Bats shrieked and clicked, the jolt wrecking their systems and knocking from the air. The Crobat's massive lavender shape could be seen from between their forms, a clear target even in her fuzzy vision, but she had already done her part and could do no more. Just looking up worsened the sway in her paws, and the trembling Aiveon was at the mercy of her companions.

    The arcs of electricity left a sizzling noise hissing in Eleroo's ears. He had heard it many times over from his spars with Seek, and while its familiarity brought an ounce of comfort his body flinched up nonetheless. The Crobat managed to dodge, her passengers avoiding the blast while her underlings fell off in droves. With his tightened muscles sapping what was left of his strength Eleroo felt himself growing limp, the spinning world hard to keep track of, but it seemed the stars were finally aligning. Literally so, as stars raced and whizzed past with a vivid nyoom. Each met its mark even if its path was deflected in another direction. The remaining bats dwindled even further, the living shield now in pitiful tatters as the floor below was littered with beaten bats. Twisting his neck the youth tries his best to make a viable Shadow Ball, but the effort is too great and the angle refuses to align.

    Yet with his head turned up he can see something, a warmer shade of purple and a bright glint of white. Was that..? He hadn't a chance to think as a horrid shriek pounds against his ears and suddenly the pressure along his body vanishes. A shocked gasp draws air into the kit's mouth, the sensation of falling revitalizing the panic pulsing throughout his system. He tries to twist his legs underneath him but can not, his weak body still feeling limp, but the thud of his landing comes much sooner and is not painful. There is warmth in the grasp, and though his vision is hazy Eleroo can clearly make out Shenron's brightly colored scales and warm glow against the murky cabin. Staring with wide eyes the child takes in several small breathes before his mouth starts to tremble with sobs. "Shenron..!" He weeks, unable to express the ball of emotions building in his throat.

    Seek beams, an open smile spread across her face in an instant. Oh thank the stars! With Eleroo finally away from that fiend there was no reason to hold back, but there was also no time for celebration. The Crobat panicked and flailed, crushing its remaining aggressor against the wall. Its teetering movements tipped her toward the window, its dangerous cracks growing as it smacks against it. "Stop!" She chirps with alarm, but there was no stopping the creature now. Johvani raced across the room but even she could not stop the Crobat from smashing against the window again. It creaks and snaps, an ice-like sound enough to make anyone's blood run cold. What can she do, what could they do?! The question answers itself, nothing, as the Crobat gives a third and final smash against the window.

    The ear-splitting crack scours the room as the window shatters into a million small splinters, the Crobat fumbling back through the jagged shards. A bolt of lightning lights up the sky just outside as the Pokemon fall to the grass below, the sudden boom of thunder and roar of the wind deafened only by the scream of breaking glass. Sharp edges slice without mercy, and red drops streak across the panes and fall into the rain. Running onto the couch herself Seek stares out at the mass of three purple Pokemon that lay still on the ground. The scent of blood is lost to the storm and the damage hard to tell in the gloom, but the alarm hits her all the same as the poison types lay in a bleeding heap.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Nov 24, 2023 5:10 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (191)
    Shenron felt the weight in his paws and pulled the kit in close. It took a minute to process but once he had he felt relieved. He had the kit. In his hold. Safe. He almost forgot they were fighting something and immediately whipped his head up with a snarl. The bat! Where..?! He looked at the shattered window and his body rumbled in fury. It fled... He momentarily blanked in his head before gasping in shock. If it went back to Pastoria then... Despite the rumbling of thunder and the roar of rain outside, it was no louder then Shenron's heart racing in his ears. This wasn't good. If those back in Pastoria found out... They could come looking.
    Oh no...

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:33 pm

    OoC)) I must unfortunately skip, can't think of anything for Felix this round other than being on alert

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:50 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh [Ranger Station] || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 27 || Johvani 27

    Though he reached and flexed with claws outstretched the wildly flailing bat prevented Reed from getting another good hit on its face. Forced to keep his claws in grip-only mode he clung for dear life, head rocking to and fro to increase damage to her ear as much as possible. Blood filled his mouth as damage stacked up, running down his jaw and chest, but nothing he did seemed to ground the larger Pokemon or stop her beatings. Johvani's pip reaches his ears but there is nothing more he can do; the damn thing was refusing to give up. The change in light alerts him to the coming hit, and digging in even further Reed braces for impact.

    The sound of shattering glass overrides all other noise. The screaming storm and any sounds of pain lost under its cry. For a second, he feels nothing, the impact of the glass fading away as the group falls through it, but the ground was hits like a brick wall. A heavy thud, the weight of the Crobat upon him, and the cold bite of the outside world. The cold, wet, hard, and sodden grass is a harsh reality, and is quick to sap any strength from him. A high-pitched ringing in his ears muffled all other sounds, dragging his thoughts away as he tried to orientate himself. Laying there smothered, the Radeon does not think to even breathe until the burning stings from blades of glass fester up.

    Having fallen away from the pair the other Radeon struggled to her feet. Though they wobbled a bit Johvani managed to stand and shake loose shards of glass and mud from her long pelt. The other two remained still, their fight abruptly ended. Were they, were they dead..? "Lu'req!" They bark with quick panic, bounding to the scrap of purple fur that was wedged beneath the bat. Heaving with their shoulder Johvani roughly shoves the Crobat off her companion. It fell away like dead weight, giving no indication if it was simply unconscious or dead, But Johvani could not be bothered to check. Pulling glass and licking blood from Reed's pelt she drags him further away from the other Pokemon. "Are you alright?" The words are laced with concern while the panic is forcibly measured.

    After a few moments the other Pokemon huffs, a quick breath filling his lungs. "Not dead yet." The tod grunts, his red eyes sliding open to annoyed slits. Digging his claws into the soil the Radeon pulls the rest of himself free from the fleshy prison and makes his way to his paws. Relieved, Johvani smiles, her soft eyes regaining their shine. "Is she..?" The taller Pokemon begins, but Reed cuts her off swiftly, "Felt a heartbeat, so not yet either." Giving an acknowledging nod she continued to lick the other Radeon despite his protest. With a sudden inhale a shimmer comes over them, her Wish finally granted though she was not the one to accept. After a few moments Reed pulls away, his voice rational and firm as he states, "We need to move."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:41 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 206 || Seek 226

    The warmth of Shenron's hands was able to seep into Eleroo's fur, his toxins immediately receding as the comfort of his friend replaced the overwhelming fear. Finally he was able to catch his breath, the world around him having to take a backseat as he steadied his mind. He was free, he was safe, he was no one's puppet. Allowing himself just a few precious moments Eleroo got his breathing back under control, his racing heart slowing just a bit before he dared to act with his own paws. Giving Shenron another thanks he carefully made his way to the floor, though he did not stray far from the dragon's side. The harsh wind and rain was now entering their little safe space, making it cold and wet like the cruel outside. Bats littered the floor, either downed or refusing to fight any longer. This place was no longer habitable.

    Seek stared out the window with panicked eyes, but as she saw one Radeon move her paws quickly sent her in the opposite direction. Bolting back into the room he nuzzles Eleroo's cheek before running her nose all over him. Was he hurt, was he damaged? Had she let further harm come to him? Specks of blood dotted his pale fur, some from the bit wounds but mostly from the bat itself. He did not cringe at her touch, instead leaning into her and rubbing his own cheek along her side. Safe. A deep sigh squeezes out of her body, stressed shoulder's visibly lowering. "Thank goodness." She breathes before personally asking, "Are you alright?" Giving his forehead a few quick licks the small Radeon tilted his nose away, a hot flush burning within his cheeks. "I am now." He confirms, a noise like a low purr rumbling beneath his soft voice.

    Though he looked up at her with ever grateful eyes Eleroo was less than joyed by their situation. "Are they okay..?" He questions, gaze trailing off from Seek's form to that of the broken window. It would be remiss to ignore his saviors, let alone their allies would took that final blow. Seek nods before gesturing the others toward the couch beneath the broken window. "They are, dunno about the bat though."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Dec 09, 2023 5:14 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (191)
    Shenron watched Eleroo go and turned to the others. He extended a paw to help but wasn't sure what he could do. "What do they need? Berries? Bandages?" He looked around their compromised space quickly. He still had a few berries from earlier but bandages? No he'd have to go looking for those. Realistically they'd need to find new shelter. That fight was noisy and could've attracted attention. But if this one was in no shape to move...
    Well Shenron would have to carry them.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:42 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    The threat was over for now but they couldn't stay here or else they'd be inviting more trouble to come. Hearing what the other Radeon said, it was wise that they do. Chances are that East will be on the attack if they don't. As much as Felix enjoyed the dryness, they overspent their stay. "Are they okay..?" Eleroo asked as Felix looked at the downed bats. They didn't stand a chance against that barrage of swift but it also took a bit out of him as well. "They are, dunno about the bat though." Though the sylveon would want to look with the others, it was time to high tail it and sadly he needed to interrupt them.

    The eeveelution coughed before saying something. "I don't want to rush you guys but we should really do what they say, I got a bad feeling that if we stay, we'll be in grave danger." Though one thing bothered him. How did they find them? Why do they want Eleroo so badly? "Why are they after Eleroo for? He's only a kid." Then he looks at Shenron. Shenron, we'll look for bandages together. Better we do it in a group instead of one looking for them." Felix said as he was prepared to move.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:26 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh [Ranger Station] || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 28 || Johvani 28

    Not dead yet. Lu'req repeated to himself with a heavy sigh. Shaking chunks of mud and debris from his pelt the scruffy Radeon glared at the down Crobat one last time. She still did not move, but he was not willing to investigate the extent of the glass damage. With a snarl he gives the Pokemon a final kick, making sure to dig his claws in deep to her soiled fur. It twinged subconsciously but gave no other reaction, and with a final huff he made his way back toward the window. "They are, dunno about the bat though." He heard from the inside, a bit of surprise given the immature Pokemon's temperament.

    "Don't worry about her." He grunts while clambering in through the broken window. Johvani was quick to follow, their long legs able to clear the broken glass with ease. Leaping to the couch and then the ground below Reed lands square and low to the ground, his steps stiff up but as though he hadn't just been thrown through a window. "She's got a whole posse to tend to her." The staggering number of wounded and incoherent bats around them was overwhelming, their numbers so great they hardly seemed like indiviual Pokemon anymore. Hell, they way they moved together they often weren't.

    Johvani hurried past him and made her way to the smallest Radeon. With a delicate sniff they checks for fever or pain, but the young Pokemon seemed no worse for wear, at least in a physical sense. With a soft smile they back away to offer space, and feel a wash of relief that they had all come out of this in one piece. "What do they need? Berries? Bandages?" The Charizard asks, or perhaps offers as he tries to assess the damage. "Berries could be helpful, though perhaps now is not the time." Though none moved one could not ignore the presence of all the Golbats around them and the roar of the wind and rain that now made it into the room.

    Reed stamps away, ignoring any chatter as he makes it over to the shelf he had pushed earlier. With another firm shove he removes it from the doorway, and continues to push until the entrance is completely reavealed once more. A small noise indicates one wishes to speak, and despite toning out the others his ears would not let him forget the world. "I don't want to rush you guys but we should really do what they say, I got a bad feeling that if we stay, we'll be in grave danger." "That's why we're leaving." Reed confirms while opening the door with a deft flick of his paws. The cold wind slams it open, though the warm air they had secured had already drained out through the shattered window. "Weather won't give us a break now, so hope ya'll had a good rest."

    Standing firmly at the doorway Lu'req peaks outside and scans for any new or lingering threats. The world outside looks even more unkind, the sky growing dim from the thick clouds and the rain pouring even harder than when they had arrived. What a time to be alive. "What are they after Eleroo for? He's only a kid." With a snort Reed gives his pelt another shake. "Cause he's a Radeon, simple as that." Though the specifics were unclear he knew these Pokemon had bad blood with the town. Surely they knew the basics of their history, or their twisted views? "She was likely sent to retrieve him specifically."  

    Johvani looked toward the ground, their paws curling inward slightly before they made their way toward the door. With a sidelong glance at her fellow dappled Pokemon they walk outside, not wishing to be reminded of the sullied past. "Kids make easy targets, so one was enough. The abundant eyes were simply for searching and assurance." After a few moments Reed walked outside and rubbed his shoulder against the taller 'mon. "...And they didn't know to plan for us."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:25 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 207 || Seek 227

    Pressing her pelt against Eleroo's like glue Seek stared off at the broken window. Wind and rain whistled in, bringing the chill down upon them in an instant, but no further bats appeared. "Don't worry about her." Reed's voice called out over the wind as he climbed back inside. For the most part he looked no worse for wear, his scruffy pelt had scuffs and wounds but thankfully didn't show much from the violent shower of glass. "She's got a whole posse to tend to her."The Aiveon give a sigh of relief upon seeing the Radeon, along with the second one that was climbing in, back on his feet after the ordeal. "Guess she got the brunt of it then, huh?" She sighs with a slight laugh, head tilting down as a weight lifted from her shoulders.

    Despite that small saving grace Seek could not relax. The room was downright uncomfortable, the howl of the incoming wind impossible to ignore. Their shelter was comprised, and they needed to move out before all these Pokemon came to. "I don't want to rush you guys but we should really do what they say, I got a bad feeling that if we stay, we'll be in grave danger." Felix points out, and both young eeveelutions give nods of agreement. "This place ain't safe anymore." She confirms the shared feeling while pressing even harder into Eleroo's flank. His paws shook, practically knocked over from the force of her touch before he pressed back with the same strength.

    "That's why we're leaving." Reed grunts, their exit unblocked and letting even more cold air into their space as he removed the barrier. A frown paints Eleroo's worried face, their shelter no longer warm and comforting. Flecks of rain are thrown in through the open doorway, with a puddle and wet spots already forming on the couch beneath the window. It had gotten so much worse since they settled down.. "Is it safe to travel in a storm like this?" Eleroo frets, his fur fluffing up as much as possible against the chill. Their journey here was already rough, and the storm they went through when heading to Pastoria still wasn't as bad as this.. "Weather won't give us a break now, so hope ya'll had a good rest." The older Radeon scoffs, Eleroo's fears not worth a direct response. These Pokemon were accustomed to the annual phenomena, but surely safety still came first..? Surely they wouldn't do something unsafe??

    Reaching over to lick Eleroo's head once again Seek gently nudges him toward the doorway, forcing him to swallow his mounting fears. As much as she loathed going out in the storm again she did not want to remain here when the Golbats came to, especially given the Crobat's state. "What are they after Eleroo for? He's only a kid." The question sends a prickle down Seek's pelt, and the small Radeon physically flinches as his name is mentioned. Surely being grabbed twice was not doing his mental health any favors, and the Aiveon did not want to bring him more distress. "Cause he's a Radeon, simple as that." Reed answers as though it was obvious. Seek's cloudy pelt puffs up with anger, her voice growing louder as her questions mount and she can not hold them back. "So? What difference does that make? We all messed up their base pretty bad." Eleroo was not the only one to blame, nor only one they should care about after the mess they left behind.

    "She was likely sent to retrieve him specifically." Again Eleroo cringes, his legs buckling as he tries to lower himself to the floor and wishes he could not hear. Even focusing on the wind could not drown out the other Pokemon. "Kids make easy targets, so one was enough. The abundant eyes were simply for searching and assurance." Seek's claws dig in to the floor, and she bends her knees to remain at Eleroo's level. "That's stupid. They knew we were a group, and the damage we could do! Plus I'm younger than him! Why didn't they go after me?" A heated growl rumbles in her throat and with a few ginger steps Eleroo peels himself away and meekly walks outside into the rain. Keeping his head low Eleroo instinctively flinches away from the cold drops of rain, but even with his eyes aimed for the ground he can not avoid the looks in Reed's eye. "...And they didn't know to plan for us." Tipping his head away from the scruffy Radeon the young one follows without another word, his red eyes wide and uncomfortable. "What's that supposed to mean?" The Aiveon growls as she bounds out into the unforgiving rain, but Eleroo's eyes remain downcast. "Come, we're wasting time."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:24 am

    ((OoC: Give us the ol skip-a-roo here, Shenron is just gathering things so they can beat a hasty retreat))


    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:20 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Felix con't believe what was said. "Cause he's a Radeon, simple as that." That would mean that no matter where they went, they'd be hunted like sawsbucks. What makes it more dangerous is that the ones that hunted them down was a higher threat than the other bat pokemon. Then it hit him, it's because Eleroo is a poison type. A pure one at that. He clentched his teeth giving a low growl. What the hell does East and Salem think this is? Murder them and take Eleroo for themselves? "Kids make easy targets, so one was enough. The abundant eyes were simply for searching and assurance." Easy target? Seek is a kid as well and they had no interest in her. If they ever ran into East again and he was alone, there will be no chance that the floatzel will leave with Eleroo. "Come, we're wasting time." If they took any longer, another wave would be upon them.

    The Sylveon raised the question in his head on whether Seek was afraid of losing Eleroo but he already knew the answer. Instead he left it alone. Then a different question arose from the back of his mind. What is Salem really after. "What is Salem really after?" He asked Reed as he was ready to head back into the rain. Though it might be too early to ask right now since they're all in danger still. It has to be more than just revenge for what Seek and Eleroo did when they got the medicine from Pastoria.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:53 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 29 || Johvani 29

    One by one Reed counts as their unit leaves the beaten down station to resume their short journey. While their enemy remained on the ground he knew it was only a matter of time, a facade from spineless Pokemon and those too meek to follow. He had been clear on his stance on this matter, and while the Aiveon had struggled by the end of the fight she proved she had plenty of energy yet. "So? What difference does that make? We all messed up their base pretty bad." A snort sneaks out of his aching muzzle, he could almost laugh at her response. "I'm positive the 'mess' you made is meaningless to them compared to sneaking the young one out." Some details were still unknown, but from the bits of their story he had picked up this was no longer the mission he once thought it was.

    Seek continued, but even her shrill voice did not stir the bats. "That's stupid. They knew we were a group, and the damage we could do! Plus I'm younger than him! Why didn't they go after me?" A raspy chortle comes from his throat, red eyes shimmering with cynical disbelief. "And yet these guys call you their leader!" With another snicker Reed raises to his paws, and shaking water from his pelt starts to push forward. "Its cause you don't matter, kiddo." Any Eevee that evolved into something else was considered a traitor, let alone a failure. "Only Radeon matter around these parts."

    As Eleroo headed out Reed gave one last look at the station. Any concious bats remained still, not wanting to incur further wrath as they nursed their wounds. With hurried steps Johvani took the lead, their own safety now compromised as they lead the party forward into the underbrush. Their form grew distant from Reed's line of sight, obscured by rain and shrubs alike as he started to follow along. "What's that supposed to mean?" Even the storm was not enough to dissuade the Aiveon. "..We're wanted." Johvani sighs, their voice quiet beneath the driving rain. Referring to both their species and the two of them specifically they can see the smallest Radeon flinch at their words. You too, huh? Poor thing, to be bound so young.

    Taking up the rear Reed looked back with a sidelong glance, checking that no one dared to follow nor lagged behind. This party would struggle in this storm, making it imperative they hit no further obstacles. Johvani was keeping them at a good pace, their path covered as much as possible without being a disaster to traverse. "What is Salem really after?" The other eeveelution asks, the question oddly prying and on point. While Johvani's prior response was a fair answer Reed could not help but give a flat answer as well. "Us."

    "He want's the two- three, of us."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:50 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 208 || Seek 228

    With a final huff Seek tore off into the driving storm. Instantly the wicked wind threatened to knock her from her feet, the light Pokemon practically a Hoppip at the mercy of the storm. Bending her knees Seek kept herself low to the ground as she ran, and while the wind did not let up she was able to keep a grasp on the earth. "Its cause you don't matter, kiddo." Reed mocks her, his voice almost drowned out by the raging storm. Even the cover of trees could not block all the noise of outside, and for a second Seek feared they would be unable to communicate once more. "Only Radeon matter around these parts."

    Her skin was prickling, an agitated almost burning sensation not caused by the rain, but even her screaming seemed pitiful under the howl of the wind. As Johvani lead them deeper into the tree cover Seek could hear the voices of the other Pokemon once again, and she quickly barked, "And what makes you so special?" While her voice held a certain venom to it it wasn't a low blow or her own bruised ego spurring the question. If there was more to this, if it could explain what she already knew-

    "..We're wanted." The lead Radeon says, their voice practically a whisper blown away in the storm. "What, like criminals? Are you wanted criminals?!" With a sharp gasp the Aiveon's voice raises to a painful shrill. Were these Pokemon dangerous in more than one way?! Eleroo flinched at her voice, the claim as embarrassing as it was false. "No!" He mewls, stamping a paw against the sodden ground and sending a shower of droplets upward. Seek's eyes snap to the small Radeon, shocked by his response to something so removed from him. "Its the opposite.." letting his voice trail off on a sigh Eleroo quickens his step to catch up to Johvani, eyes downcast and forlorn. Seek practically stopped moving, her blue gaze shimmering with confusion. What happened to Eleroo while he was locked in that horrid place? His reactions, his intrigue, he seemed so distant, so different since then. A deep frown settles on her face; where was the Pokemon she had known all her life?    

    "What is Salem really after?" Felix pushes the conversation in a different and clearer direction much to the relief of the younger eeveelutions. Seek's ears were primed but Eleroo tried to drown out the chatter. "Us." Reed said ominously, his Reeds pushing and hurrying the Aiveon along. "He want's the two- three, of us." Another flinch comes from Eleroo as the number changes, and flicking her gaze forward and back the number of question marks in her mind multiples three-fold. "Because you're wanted..? " But not criminals according to Eleroo. How would he know?? Yet the Aiveon had full faith in her kin and did not believe he was lying. "Because they also caught--"

    A crack of thunder strikes and touches down somewhere in the near distance and cuts her off. The thunder booms instantly while the land is lit up, the sound overlapping as the storm lay right on top of them. With a hard flinch Seek's muscles tense up, her body flattening out even more at the sudden sound. The Radeon did not flinch, as though bitterly accustomed to such a thing and simply kept walking. Between the rain, wind, and thunder, hearing would be impossible, and talking a poor use of time. "...Guess we shouldn't walk and talk then." Reed told them to chat at the last stop, but the more confusion that build between them the more questions popped into her mind.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:49 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (192)
    Shenron hurried to gather what they needed and followed them out. No attempts were made to follow them but they were either too wounded or finally understood that following them would be painful. Very very painful. As if to capitalize the point, Shenron dragged his claws over a nearby tree shredding the bark like paper. Bark which was of course a bit tougher then the delicate flesh, fur and membrane that made up the bats. He wasn't quite paying attention to the conversation and was more worried about protecting their retreat and escape.

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:37 pm

    OoC)) Skip, can't think of anything for Felix at the moment, I'll come back to this once I get something.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:32 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 30 || Johvani 30

    "What, like criminals? Are you wanted criminals?!"

    "If freedom is a sin." Sarcasm laced with venom the Radeon flashes his teeth as he speaks cold truth. In this place, no, in this new hellscape world rules were made and altered to benefit the few, no matter the cost. His claws dug into the ground as he trod through the underbrush, an itch coming to them that could not be sated. Reed refused to think of himself some pitiful victim, but to be so deeply mistreated and then called criminals.. was that not a crime in itself?

    The little one defended them, catching the ear of both Radeon as they moved. What had he been raised on, been told? Surely they had fed him lies and deceit, pushing their own agenda on the child, but to what end? Was this part of their plan, the deepest of ruses, or had he broken away? Reed snorted; if nothing else Eleroo had proven himself ill-suited to Salem's wants. The kid was soft, green, but perhaps he was not as naive as he let on.

    "- you're wanted..? Because they also caught--" The weather did not permit her to finish, the deafening boom enough to halt their steps. Though his gaze narrowed from the flash Reed did not flinch away. Whatever the child was going to say was gone as she did not continue. Tipping their head back Johvani frowns at the other Pokemon, the assumptions running rampant within their minds. "Maybe 'wanted' was incorrect terminology." They were not criminals by any regard, and while they were wanted such a word left a lot of room for interpretation. Wanted, targeted, hated- "..Persecuted might be more accurate." Even from a distance the pair of Radeon could feel the abyss of foul emotions regarding them. The outrage of those Pokemon was palpable, even out of sight. "Doesn't matter what term you use, just what side you talk to first." Reed grunted while checking for any followers. On any given day Johvani would have believed that, but these Pokemon were proving otherwise.

    But between the rain, wounds, and exhaustion the Pokemon were not very chatty. Seek was outspoken but even she was reaching a limit as her chatter died away. "...Guess we shouldn't walk and talk then." With a worried glance back Johvani feared they had confused the little more further, but did not continue to stir the pot. "At this pace it shouldn't take long." They reassured the others, though talk was not the most welcome of thoughts. Even if all their conversations at this point had been rough and targeted it would be nice simply to be out of the rain once more.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:37 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 209 || Seek 229

    Casting a stressed glance at the sky Seek couldn't see through the line of clouds that smothered it. It was the middle of the day, or so she assumed, but one would have no idea with how dark and dreary it was outside. Even her bright fur was sullied in the gloom, a worrying thought as they plunged even deeper into this foreboding land with curious company. "Maybe 'wanted' was incorrect terminology." Johvani hymns and hums, as though that was the important part of the accusation. Something has clearly happened between these Pokemon; the familiarity, the feathered information, and now some sort of chase. "..Persecuted might be more accurate." Persecuted? That was worse, that was much worse! Pokemon would come after them with violent intent. The hair along her spine was too wet to raise- Was that why the Golbats showed up? Chasing these two rather than her little runaway gang?  

    "Doesn't matter what term you use, just what side you talk to first." Reed was quick to add two more cents, and finally the kits felt mutual agreement. Though they had not known these Pokemon long, and every conversation made them more mysterious, they knew first hand how important first impressions were. Pastoria's treatment of Eleroo and Salem's deranged rambling certainly put him in a [rightful] horrible, horrible light.. but what of these Pokemon? Though they barked orders and threats the Radeon had not caused them harm, separated their team, and did not spout the same none sense the Swampert had. They even took them to shelter and protected them during the following squabble. Eleroo scurried forward, body trailing low to the ground as he kept close to Johvani's heel. Had it been the other way around, what would he have done? Would it have changed anything? "At this pace it shouldn't take long." She assured him, tender voice like that of an angel. How could this Pokemon be spoken of so cruelly?

    Giving her pelt a hard but futile shake Seek lightens her water load as they continue forward. Weaving about the underbrush, the Radeon led them on a strange and winding path. Areas with cover, without cover, with underbrush, and ankle deep water. As abhorrent as it was Seek had to admit the marsh had its quirks and variety, but the sooner they got out of it, the better.

    In front of her Eleroo stops, head tilting to the side as he nudged something with his paw. Craning her neck to see Seek spots the green and brown round shape of something familiar. A bundle of bald cypress pine cones, one of the species they saw often back home. A large swollen one was in the center, and one of the flanking ones was chewed up, or perhaps broken by falling on the stone they had rested on. Tipping her own head to the side Seek wondered why this had caught Eleroo's eye. Was it just because they reminded him of home?
    But the small Radeon looked back at her, concern in his eyes as he mouthed, We've passed this spot before. Taken aback Seek flicked her gaze at the many trees and shrubs around them. Truthfully, everything looked the same to her in the dim light, but that familiar and distinctly shaped object told a dangerous tale of walking in circles if it caught ones attention.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:14 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (193)
    Shenron huffed in semi-tiredness and shook himself freeing the humidity and stray raindrops from his hide. He didn't recognize anything around here but he noted a peculiar unease from Seek. Had they been turned around? This Marsh looked so familiar but so foreign at the same time. Another huff and Shenron ducked his head to avoid a low-hanging branch. Truth be told since the area was wet, it was hard to even note a scent or smell anything really. The tiny nicks of Zubat wounds were starting to throb with ache and he worried all this motion could cause them more harm then good. It was proper and right to rest after battles but such luxury could not be afforded. Resting and refueling on whatever they had. Wet berries and unopened loot from the broken vending machine.
    He missed meat...

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:39 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Felix looked around as they traveled out again. The sky wasn't exactly the best with the clouds being dark. One part of Felix told him that this was a storm coming in and the humidity was also quite present.  Regardless, they had to keep moving before more danger comes their way. "Doesn't matter what term you use, just what side you talk to first." As much as Felix could agree with this statement, the opposite side would protest as if the other mixed the words around to make their case more greater. Between thoughts though, he had no intention of helping Salem especially after what that Golduck did to him. The sylveon may have been manipulated from that water type's power but he'll be damned if he ever gets hit with that Golduck's ability again. Though the process of what went down there in Pastoria, how did Salem become power hungry and controls an entire human city? there's no way that both East and Salem can control it themselves. They had to have a cunning plan that involved the undead. They was keeping them in certain areas and if Felix had to guess, they'd be unleashed to bring those who opposed their rule to their doom or something far more dark. Thinking about it just sends shivers down Felix's spine.

    A few seconds later, Felix looked around again realizing that some stuff was beginning to look familiar. "At this pace it shouldn't take long." Hopefully that was the case because he could have sworn that he's seen that tree and bush before. If anything, they could be entirely lost and they wouldn't even know it. Then again, being out here for so long can do something like that. If he had to put it into words, this looked pretty uncanny. Are we lost? It feels like we've been going in circles. No, we have to trust them. They know where they're going. Felix reassured himself that they wasn't lost. Unless this was meant to throw off any pursuing pokemon that may come next. In one mind, it was smart thinking and the other, it was often to keep anything distracted long enough to force them to look for hours and never find them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:31 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 14 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 31 || Johvani 31

    Bob and weave, turn and veer, Johvani swerved throughout the Marshland in an intricate, confusing pattern. While the weather had all but changed the landscape she knew her homeland like the back of her paw. The areas that flooded the worst, the ones with unforgiving mud, peat that bounced and floated, and where the undead seemed to favor. Each of her turns was a wide arch, an angle so wide it was more of a curve as she avoided certain hotspots. Despite the high sun no light was reaching them upon the ground, and only the occasional flash of lightning showed them the land ahead. Regardless, the Radeon pushed on, her steps confident and all knowing.

    In the back Reed walked with his head low, a scowl ever present on his face. His long ears were primed to every sound around them, red eyes sliding left and right as he checked his peripherals. Their chatter died back, the violent storm surrounding them with a since of isolation. He listened in all directions, to whip of the wind and water, but could hear no other Pokemon. Good. They had passed a dangerous spot, and though he checked at every sly opportunity no followers appeared from the undergrowth.

    Drinking deep of natures scent Reed pushed past the rain for the sodden scent of the land. Everything was drowned out by water and flora, this area void of Pokemon as they long since hid from the storm. Nothing had been here in some time. Raising his head the Radeon checks behind them one last time, and after a through sweep of his head checks the cloudlines next. No bats. Without their lead those half-hearted Pokemon hadn't the will to follow.
    With a satisfied snort he quickens his pace, hurrying to the front of the group while ignoring any glances from the others. Johvani catches his gaze as he takes lead, and with a knowing nod begins to fall back to take up the rear in his stead. Suddenly their pace increased, Reed giving no chance for protest as he sharply changed their direction. His swift strides made quick work of the familiar ground, driving the group past the twisted tree once again. As the underbrush changes to that of a bramble patch he pushes forward without a moments hesitation, his small frame slipping beneath the plants with practiced aim.

    Johvani stops at the wall of unforgiving, spiny plants, signaling for the others to follow. Even the dragon could make it with care, and she waited paitently for them all to enter while watching the skyline. Another flash of lightening, another loud boom of thunder, but no shadows to catch them today. "Hurry inside." She whispers before moving through the weeds herself.

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