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    (ACE) The MARSH Team


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:41 pm

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    Great Marsh|Late Afternoon

    Rhea stopped and looked around for a moment. She put one clawed hand over the egg in her pouch and stared at the tall grass rustling nearby. There had been so many infected, the entire preserve was wiped out. The Kangaskhan had only seen a handful of other living, but they had been flying types and easily escaped her enclosed prison. Oh how she hated them. Rhea herself had been walking for the better part of the day to get from the north end of the Marsh to the entrance where she knew the trainers used to go freely in and out. If she could just get there, then maybe she and her little egg could escape too.

    The rustling grew louder, and Rhea stood and puffed herself out, hoping to intimidate whatever came out of the bush. If anything tried taking her baby away from her, then they were seriously going to pay. Her kind were not called the parent Pokemon for nothing. She would defend this baby with her life and certainly take the life of anything that threatened it, living or no. A mother ALWAYS protects her child...

    ...when they can...

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:38 am

    Post 1

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon

    Virgil yanwed as he reclined in his tree. While the place was crawling with the demons he seemed to encounter wherever the hell he went, he felt just tired enough to yawn. He placed his head on his paws as his tail twitched with irritation. He had kept trying to find an exit to this damn place, but the landscaping was so unkempt and the demons... he usually just ended up right where he had begun.

    Like a damn maze...

    However, there was rustling in the brush, and his fur stood on end. He hated fighting the demons; they stank and his gut told him to stay away from them as much as possible. He curled in his tree until he saw a normal-looking pokemon emerge from the tall grass, an egg in her pouch. A little relieved he looked around to make sure they were alone-- or as alone as they were going to get.

    Not wanting to frighten her, he climbed out a little on his branch and sighed. "Good to finally see someone that doesn't look like they've been in the morgue."


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    Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:35 pm

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    Great Marsh|Late Afternoon

    Whatever had been approaching her and her baby seemed to flee after her display. But there was now a strange sound in the tree. She emerged from the tall grass and looked around, not really seeing anything out of the ordinary. Well, out of the ordinary for the end of the world, anyway. Rhea wasn't too far from the entry gate and she wanted to make it there before dark so she wouldn't be stuck another night outside with all these things trying to kill her baby. Wait. There was that noise again...

    "Good to finally see someone that doesn't look like they've been in the morgue."

    Rhea's head shot up immediately, spotting a cat perched in the tree just ahead. It didn't look like anything was wrong with it, and it actually spoke to her without just trying to eat her, but still...nothing could be trusted. She let out a low rumble, sounding like a growl, and had one hand curled around her egg as she stared at the intruder. It was a Liepard, their kind were famous for their thefts. Thing was, he looked, well, tired. Not just physically but emotionally as well, not like something that wanted to steal her egg and eat her. At the sight of the scraggly Liepard her motherly instincts kicked in.

    "Could say the same," she said with a gruff, motherly tone, "If you didn't look like you were about to fall dead out of that tree. How long have you been up there and when is the last time you ate anything?" Even when the kid wasn't hers she couldn't stop that motherly scold in her tone. Like she was talking to a child that spent all day playing and skipped lunch.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:55 am

    Post 2

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon

    The kangaskhan scoffed up at him, probably at his appearance. Yeah... he'd never been good at keeping up with his coat when there were so many others to attend to. "Could say the same," she said with a gruff, motherly tone, "If you didn't look like you were about to fall dead out of that tree. How long have you been up there and when is the last time you ate anything?"

    Virgil couldn't help but laugh a little as he settled down on the limb. It was odd, after being the "dad" for so long, to be mothered by a complete stranger. He would be offended, but he was just so damn tired... "I... don't really remember. I think I raided someone's backpack, but... that was a while back. Usually I just snack on grass or bark. You look well enough, though. Care to give an old beggar your secrets?" he asked with a tired smile. The egg looked appetizing, but he knew better than to mess with a kid while the mother was around. Plus, she would be able to break him with her face.


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    Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:50 am

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    Great Marsh | Late Afternoon (1)

    Carmen struggled through the marsh. She had been here for three days now, she had come in, looking for food, till she got lost. Not that she cared. This was fun, she had already been attacked by two, and a half, undead Pokémon. The tip of her tail burned brightly, being trapped, she was the prey, but at the same time, she was a hunter, the game of life had gotten interesting. Never had she before been both hunter and hunted.

    Carmen heard talking coming from a nearby bush. Running up, she slid down on her belly, and listened closely. Something about eating bark and grass, and someones backpack? That's disgusting, who would eat a backpack. Silently, Carmen sighed in understanding of what was meant, a backpack was raided, not eaten.

    Waiting for the right moment, Carmen was ready to pounce. She could see an egg, and was hungry. A Liepard, Carmen knew that they could be tasty, but the Kangaskhan, it's body would be tough, Carmen would have no chance of knocking it out, let alone biting through it's tough thick skin. What was she thinking, Carmen had been a hunter for so long that she was beginning to want to eat living Pokémon. Berries and already dead, -as long as they were not infected- Pokémon were fine, but not living ones.

    "Hi, I'm Carmen, got any food?" Carmen popped out of the bush, not wanting to give herself another chance to pounce, she wanted to be seen, it would be safest for her and everyone else.

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:12 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (1)

    The Starly that she had met the previous day had still not returned from his food hunt. Martha lay curled up within the thicket, flinching at even the slightest sound. She couldn't stand it much longer. The loneliness, the silence, the constant fear of an Infected crashing through the undergrowth at any moment ... it was more than the young Flaafy could bear. The emptiness inside was threatening to swallow her up into oblivion. She had to get out of there, and she had to do it before she went hysterical with fear. The Great Marsh was a big place ... maybe there was someone there whom she could talk to without fear of being killed.

    Slowly, Martha crawled out and examined the area. To her left was the swamp; to the right was the remains of what looked like a kind of tram service that the humans used to use to get around the marsh. The air was thick with the scent of mud and vegetation; no stench of an Infected reached Martha's nose when she cautiously sniffed the air. That was good, nothing could hurt her again...

    The Flaafy's tail twitched and she dove back into the safety of the thicket as she heard distant voices. It was hard to decipher what was being said from her distance, but Martha distinctly heard the word 'food' somewhere. The sound of the word reminded her stomach just how hungry it was and it growled in protest.

    Martha emerged once again and followed the voices towards the trams to her right. Carefully avoiding getting dirty in the swamps, she eventually spotted three Pokemon: a stern-looking mother Kangaskhan with an egg in her pouch, a Liepard in a tree and a Charmander on the ground near to her. She let out a small squeal of happiness from her hiding place in the bushes - finally she had some company! She hated nothing more than being alone in such a dangerous place, and it looked as if her new friend wasn't going to come back...

    "Hi, hi, hello there!" she squeaked happily, bounding out of the bushes and greeting them all with a friendly nod individually. "So nice to see other, um, healthy Pokemon! My name is Martha! What are your names?"

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:30 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (1)

    Amita flew around until she came upon a Marsh looking around for her brother that she has never met and Kyrian. She wasn't sure if Kyrian will still be here but she can hope. As she flew around she caught the scent of the marsh as well as some living Pokemon. She saw a Kangaskhan with an egg in her pouch, a Liepard in a tree, a young looking Charmander, and a Flaffy. She wondered why these Pokemon where here in this place. She looked around to be sure that there weren't any danger coming upon the group before she moved lower so they could see her but not in a way that she looked threatening to them and gave a soft quiet caw to get their attention. She hoped she wasn't making a mistake and that the Pokemon will suddenly attacked her because she startled them. Hello what are you all doing here?She asked them softly when she was sure they could hear her.

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    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:59 am

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon

    Rhea glared at the Liepard, irritated that he couldn't even remember the last time he ate. Honestly, how was the boy supposed to take care of himself if he didn't eat. She grumbled to herself and shook her head, shifting her egg to reach in her pouch. She pulled out a handful of berries and set them in front of the purple cat. "No secret. I just pack well."

    All of a sudden something burst out of the bushes. "Hi, I'm Carmen, got any food?" Rhea snarled loudly at the impudent Charmander. Before she could tell the little pest, who was eying her egg like lunch, to piss off a fluffy pink thing bounded out of another bush. "Hi, hi, hello there! So nice to see other, um, healthy Pokemon! My name is Martha! What are your names?" What the hell? She just stared at them both in confusion, not sure what there was to be so...happy...about. The Charmander she was sure just wanted to steal her egg, but the cotton ball, she wasn't so sure about. Her motherly instincts were crying at her for that one, but hissing at the fire lizard.

    A caw from above, and Rhea looked up to see a weird looking Honchkrow. Okay, now she really wanted to know what was going on. A few berries and living suddenly grow on trees? Where the heck were all these creatures coming from? She backed up in front of the Liepard and the berries she had given him. If they were after food they weren't taking what she gave him, he needed it.

    "Why are all of you STARING at me?!" she growled loudly, her gruff voice stern and commanding. She wrapped her claws around her egg and narrowed her eyes. Her look was as though she were daring them to try anything. "What? Bunch of bums hear the word food and you decide suddenly you're owed something? Bite me. You gotta earn it, nothing in life is free kids."

    ((OOC: Sorry guys, I was trying to give the last chary a chance to get in, then yesterday I couldn't post because of the protest.))
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    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:27 pm

    Post 3

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon

    Virgil was surprised-- no stunned that not only did the kangaskhan take out some berries she had packed, but she handed them to him. He didn't hear whatever motherly scorn she mumbled; he was too dumbstruck as he stared down dumbly at the berries. He never thought someone would be that generous, especially during these times... He was about to thank her when three other pokemon came out of the woodworks.

    He didn't recognize most of them. A fire lizard, a fluffy sheep-thing, and the only one he recognized, a honchkrow. He pulled the berries instinctively toward him, though the kangaskhan pulled another shocking move and put herself in front of him, barring the others from approaching him. This chick just kept surprising him... "Why are all of you STARING at me?!" she growled loudly, her gruff voice stern and commanding. She wrapped her claws around her egg and narrowed her eyes, as if daring anyone to tangle with her. "What? Bunch of bums hear the word 'food' and you decide suddenly you're owed something? Bite me. You gotta earn it; nothing in life is free, kids."

    This lady never ceased to amaze.

    Virgil couldn't help himself a small smile of appreciation as he ate the berries; he was trying to be quick, but not so quick as to make himself sick. After all, he already knew that trying to eat too much after starving was a bad idea. He kept the remainder close, then looked over the others. The sheep thing, who introduced herself as "Martha", seemed to be safe enough, but he wasn't so sure about the other two. Honchkrow were generally bad news anyway.

    "Thanks, Ma'am," he offered to the kangaskhan. "That was really kind of you, but I'm afraid I can't finish the berries for now." He offered them back, since he had no place to store them. "I'm Virgil, by the way," he said to her, then looked to the others so they knew it was directed at them as well.


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    Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:00 pm

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    Great Marsh | Late Afternoon (2)

    "Why are all of you STARING at me?" The Kanghaskan asked, protecting the food and the Liepard, who soon introduced himself as Virgil.

    "Well, I don't know about all of them, but I'm staring at you because you have berries, and a large egg, and I'm willing to do anything for some food. I haven't eaten in two days, normally I get to eat a couple of times each day."

    Carmen smiled at the motherly Kanghaskan.

    "The two of you already know my name"

    Carmen said to the Kanghaskan and to Virgil.

    "But to the rest of you, I'm Carmen. How is everyone? Have yous had a good day? I hope you's have had fun."

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:49 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (2)

    Martha nodded at the Charmander, Carmen, and the Liepard, Virgil, upon hearing their names, smiling broadly. "Oh it's so nice to meet you! We're going to be good friends, I'm sure of it!" she squealed, thumping her tail against the ground in excitement. She looked as if she was about to shoot off into the air at any moment.

    The reception from the Kangaskhan was a little on the negative side, but Martha still managed to smile at her towering figure. "Oh no, I didn't come for food," Martha said to her. "I just heard voices and I wanted to make new friends! This is so exciting, I love making new friends!"

    Martha tried to calm herself down a little as it felt that her enthusiasm would soon reach levels that she could not control. Seeing as she had no clue where exactly she was, she decided to ask her new friends.

    "OK, so I'm not from this area I just came from Johto and I'm, like, reeeeally tired and I came here to rest and lost my friend the Starly and..." She paused, realising she was babbling again. It happened often. She buckled up and got straight to the point. "What is this place?"

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    Post by Guest Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:53 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (2)

    "Why are all of you STARING at me?! What? Bunch of bums hear the word food and you decide suddenly you're owed something? Bite me. You gotta earn it, nothing in life is free kids." Amita heard the Kangaskhan say and couldn't help but wince at the harsh tone. It force Amita to roughly flap her wings at an awkward way which caused her to roughly hit the ground. When she force herself to get up she felt one of her wings give a slight pain because the muscles in it seem to have been strain from her rough flap. She folded them carefully against her body and lowered her head. She couldn't help but think about the treatment she went through with the poachers. They had always used harsh tones when they trained her and hurt her. With her wings folded everyone could see the jagged scars on her wings to show that she had been abuse before. No, I'm not here to take any food from any of you. If anything I will be glad to find food for you but I had just been wondering why you all were here at the Great Marsh. Her voice was soft and kind as she spoke. She had look at the other Pokemon in the area and noticed the Charmander and Flaafy. She was surprise to see these Pokemon, as well as the Kangaskhan, far from their home region.

    She looked at the Liepard and grew concern for him when she saw his appearance. Even if she had been hungry she wouldn't have been able to bring herself to take any food from the Liepard because she could see he was worst off then the rest of them.
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    Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:58 am

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    Great Marsh|Late Afternoon

    "Thanks, Ma'am," Such manners, Rhea was a little flattered. "That was really kind of you, but I'm afraid I can't finish the berries for now." He pushed them back to her and Rhea scooped them up before anyone else could grab them. She especially didn't trust the Charmander. "I'm Virgil, by the way," Rhea gave him an approving smirk before the chatter of the others started to grate on her.

    "Well, I don't know about all of them, but I'm staring at you because you have berries, and a large egg, and I'm willing to do anything for some food. I haven't eaten in two days, normally I get to eat a couple of times each day." She snarled loudly and stomped her foot right next to the little fire lizard. "TOUCH my egg and I will KILL you! Do you understand me?! This is my BABY! NOT FOOD!" Rhea was livid. How dare this little brat suggest her egg and berries in the same reference as food? The others started talking too but Rhea was so enraged she didn't hear a word any of them said.

    ((OOC: Uh oh...momma not happy. lol))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:18 pm

    Post 4

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon

    Virgil flinched a little when the charmander openly admitted to eyeing the kangaskhan's egg. Didn't this kid know any better? First, you never mess with a kangaskhan --any pokemon, especially a native Kanto should know that. Second, you never mess with a kangaskhan's kid. This little charmander was in a big heap of shit.

    "TOUCH my egg and I will KILL you! Do you understand me?! This is my BABY! NOT FOOD!" Virgil sighed and cracked his neck as he watched. He wouldn't mind eating the little lizard should the kangaskhan kill it... The thought danced in his head for a bit as the others asked questions.

    "What is this place?" the sheep asked. Virgil shrugged. He really didn't know very well, since he was pretty sure he wasn't in Unova anymore. Though, the honchkrow spoke, which made Virgil on edge.

    Freaking honchkrows.

    "No, I'm not here to take any food from any of you. If anything I will be glad to find food for you but I had just been wondering why you all were here at the Great Marsh," she said clamly. Virgil frowned and finally stood, looking down at the black bird.

    "You're telling me that you're just curious, that you just wanted to approach a bunch of strange pokemon and be their errand girl? That doesn't make any sense... Especially in these times. Why would you forage for food for other pokemon when you need your own food? Or is that the point-- you're foraging here?" He settled back down on the limb, vertigo getting the better of him. "I'm in the Marsh because I have to be, that it's better than what's out there." His tail thwacked the limb beneath it angrily. While the others were non-threatening to mildly annoying -excluding the kangaskhan- he just didn't trust birds. They were much better as just food.


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    Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:48 pm

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon ((3))

    "OK, OK, calm down, I get it, no egg, no berries, I'll find my own food. Clearly certain, motherly pokémon, are a little too suspicious, though that egg does look tasty."

    The Kanghaskan let out a harsh growl, clearly meant to intimidate Carmen. Carmen smiled smugly, then decided to stop annoying the Kanghaskan, knowing it would only end up getting her into trouble.

    "Look, I was just joking, OK, I wasn't really going to eat the egg, or steal your berries, I know better. Your a Kanghaskan, and everyone knows to never try to mess with a Kangahskan's baby, especially me. You could pulverize me, and I'm guessing you wouldn't even hesitate to, if I were to jeopardize your egg."

    Carmen went to smile, but decided not to, realizing that everyone had taken her so seriously.

    "Look guys, OK, I only attack infected, so that egg, unless it's infected, it's completely safe, as are the rest of you, I'm sorry if you's took me seriously."

    Carmen smiled slightly, looking at the others. None of them looked very happy at Carmen's joke. She took a seat on a small, knocked over piece of a tree, and looked at all of the others warmly. Suddenly, a harsh screech rang through the forest, echoing around all of them. Something had let that screech off. Looking around, Carmen saw nothing within the trees, not from where she was sitting, though the screech had sounded far away.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:28 pm

    ((OOC: I really like how quickly this team moves along. Let's keep it up! ^^))

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (3)

    Martha had been willing to ask the Kangaskhan about the egg in her pouch (out of mere curiosity, not because she wanted to eat it), but upon the mother's outraged reaction towards the Charmander, she thought better of it. She couldn't help but wonder why the Kangaskhan had reacted so aggressively. It was only a simple question; why had it received such an angry answer? Maybe she had misunderstood, but Martha decided to be careful and especially polite around this Kangaskhan in case she exploded at her as well.

    The Charmander looked a little shaken by this outburst and sat down on a nearby fallen tree. Martha was about to follow her when the Honchkrow, who had introduced herself as Amita, explained that this place was called the Great Marsh.

    Doesn't look like there're any farms around here, Martha thought glumly, scratching herself on the chin. She thought that she had been getting closer, and it now looked as if she'd have to leave the Great Marsh and search elsewhere. But that would mean having to leave her new friends...

    Before she had time to think about her options more, a horrific screech sliced through the trees towards them. Martha jumped a foot into the air in surprise and cowered behind the fallen tree on which the Charmander was sitting.

    "What was that? It sounded as if it was coming from over there," she said, turning her head towards a large pile of fallen logs to her left.

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    Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:07 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (3)

    "TOUCH my egg and I will KILL you! Do you understand me?! This is my BABY! NOT FOOD!" Amita heard the Kangaskhan yell at the Charmander. It would seem the little fire lizard had a death wish or something with her constantly saying stuff about eating the egg. Amita didn't know much about Kangaskhan but she knew that they are protective of their young. This reminded her of her parents but she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the Liepard say, in what seem to Amita as a hateful voice, "You're telling me that you're just curious, that you just wanted to approach a bunch of strange pokemon and be their errand girl? That doesn't make any sense... Especially in these times. Why would you forage for food for other pokemon when you need your own food? Or is that the point-- you're foraging here?" She didn't understand what she could have done to cause the cat to instantly dislike her but she couldn't do anything about it. Are they all like this because I'm a bird or because of how many of my kind seem to be working with this virus? She asked herself before she looked at the Liepard with her blueish-green eyes, which was a way different color then her species normally had, and answered him, No, not as an errand girl I just want to help. You have no reason to trust or believe me but it's the truth. It may not make any sense to you but it does for me. I've seen way too many deaths in these times and I'm wanting to help any of the survivors who are still among the living to continue to survive. No, I'm not foraging anything. I'm searching for my brother and my trainer hoping that they are still alive if I do find them. By the way my name is Amita.

    Done speaking to the cat she stretch out her wings to test them out and to see if her strain muscle has ease. When she felt a slight pain still in her wing she knew she won't be able to fly for long periods of time right now. I hope the muscle will heal up soon because I feel more vulnerable when I'm on the ground then I do in the air, she thought to herself as she looked down at the battle claws on her talons. Every time she saw them her thoughts would turn to Kyrian and his kindness towards her. She has always been proud of her talons now since she got the battle claws and she tried to not feel as she did when she was with the poachers but sometimes she can't help but think of that time.
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    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:16 am

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    Great Marsh|Late Afternoon

    "OK, OK, calm down, I get it, no egg, no berries, I'll find my own food. Clearly certain, motherly pokémon, are a little too suspicious, though that egg does look tasty." The tiny lizard wasn't helping it's case. Rhea was about ready to stomp it into the ground just to shut it up. It quickly backed off, talking about it being a joke, or some such nonsense. Rhea growled deeply at it while it scooted away to sit on a log.

    She never heard the actual sound, her blood pounding too hard in her ears from rage, but by everyone's reaction something was up. Everyone was suddenly on edge, though Virgil had seemed that way since the Honchkrow showed up. Couldn't say she blamed him, devious creepers. But this was something else. Even the little pink thing was hiding behind that wretched Charmander. Curious.

    Something purple charged over the log that the two kids were on, and Rhea put herself between whatever it was and Virgil. She stomped the ground harshly and let out a deep growl as it stopped dead in its tracks. "Oh my! How dare I not know you were around! Are you getting enough to eat? Is your child alright? I know where the best food and shelter is- would you like me to help you?" Drapion.....the hell? Rhea stared at the scorpion completely dumbfounded. Wasn't it just about to rampage through here?

    Eying it cautiously she nodded her head. "I'm doing just fine, thanks..." Rhea cocked her head to the side and gave it a sideways glance. "I don't need food or shelter, I just want to get the hell out of this Marsh. I'm heading towards the front gates." She pointed down to where the humans normally trafficked in and out of the Great Marsh. From their vantage point it was still a dot. A large dot, but a dot none the less, and somewhat distorted. She hoped nothing happened to block the gates.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:45 am

    Post 5

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    The Great Marsh| Late Afternoon

    Virgil was fairly certain that he and the kangaskhan were really the only sane ones there.

    Though the honchkrow denied his claim of merely looking around for food -and targeting them specifically- Virgil remained suspicious. The charmander may have simply backed off of actively trying to eat the Kangaskhan's kid, but that also meant the charmander was stupid for saying something like that in the first place; the honchkrow was not so dumb.

    However, his train of thought was interrupted by a purple monster, a drapion rampaging and roaring about. He nearly jumped out of the tree in surprise when the furious thing's expression instantly faded when its gaze fell upon the kangaskhan in front of him. "Oh my! How dare I not know you were around! Are you getting enough to eat? Is your child alright? I know where the best food and shelter is- would you like me to help you?"

    Virgil's expression seemed to match the kangaskhan's below-- one of pure nervous confusion. Though, with the slight glare she was giving all the other pokemon, Virgil quickly realized that the generous invitation was for the kangaskhan and for the kangaskhan alone. He was a little put off, but he knew that the drapion being stingy was better than the damn crazy rampaging around. He sat silently in the tree, watching with a careful gaze.


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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:34 pm

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    Great Marsh| Late Afternoon ((4))

    Moments after noticing the sound, a purple monster tore through the forest clearly moving to attack. Carmen was surprised when it stopped dead in it's tracks, and began offering shelter and food.

    "Oh my! How dare I not know you were around! Are you getting enough to eat? Is your child alright? I know where the best food and shelter is- would you like me to help you?"

    Carmen noticed the same look that she was sure that the others had. The Drapion was only offering it to Rhea. A saddened look came over Carmen's face, not for the fact that they could not get this shelter and food, but that there was no battle, no fight, no entertainment.

    Carmen had been expecting so many battles here in the Great Marsh, and this Drapion was going to be the biggest, baddest, best battle that Carmen was going to get into, so when the Drapion calmed down, and began acting kindly to the Kanghaskan, most of it's rage had subsided, and Carmen doubted that the battle would happen any more.

    "Wow, that's a shame, no battle to the death, nothing? I was hoping for some excitement, something to get the blood pumping, the adrenaline circulating through in the blood, but you've calmed down considerably, there goes that fun."

    The others looked at Carmen as if she was crazy. It was clear what they were wondering: "How would that be fun? How is battling to the death, in any way, exciting. There must be something wrong with this Pokémon."

    "You're a Drapion, aren't you? I've never seen one of your kind before, I've only heard descriptions and stories of your strength. I come from Kanto, that's why I've never seen a Drapion before. What did you evolve from again? I forget. Oh well, what you used to be doesn't matter, what matters is what you are. So, are you strong? Can we battle sometime? Somewhere?"

    Carmen smiled, and almost laughed, she was excited, wanting to battle something this large, it looked strong, powerful, enticing. Carmen was like that, she easily gave in to temptation, and her biggest temptation was battle.

    ((OoC: Sorry about such a long post. Began getting carried away with the writing.))

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Nightfall Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:22 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (4)

    Martha squealed in terror as a huge, scorpion-like Pokemon came crashing out of the bushes and headed straight towards them. Popping her head above the log she was crouched behind, it didn't seem to be an Infected; just in a very bad mood. That was OK: as long as it wasn't undead, Martha could fight back. She boldly jumped out from behind the log and prepared a ThunderShock attack.

    Just then, the scorpion stopped in its tracks and spoke directly to Rhea.

    "Oh my! How dare I not know you were around! Are you getting enough to eat? Is your child alright? I know where the best food and shelter is - would you like me to help you?"

    "Huh?" Martha tilted her head, confused. Seconds previously, this Pokemon had looked like it wanted to tear them all to pieces, and now it was offering to help them! Well, it appeared that she was only addressing Rhea and not any of the others...

    "Er, hey! Sorry to interrupt, but..." She carefully stepped out from behind the log and approached them. "Do you two know each other or something? 'Cause this is really weird, you know! I thought you were going to hurt us, hahahaha!"

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:04 pm

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    Great Marsh/Late Afternoon (4)

    Amita watch as everything happened. She was ready to attack when she saw the Drapion charging in like it did but then she was taken by surprise when it suddenly calmed down and began to talk to the Kangaskhan. She kept a close watch over the scorpion Pokemon to be sure it didn't go crazy on them and begin to attack them while she also begin to think that maybe it was a bad idea for her to have come upon these Pokemon. None of them seemed to like her. She can understand the trust issue, because of how she has seen most of her kind had began to become infected or the undead. But she has no clue as to why they seemed to instantly dislike her and she couldn't help but think it's because of bad experiences they had with her species in the past.

    Amita sighed softly to herself and wondered where her brother could be. She hoped that he wasn't a part of these virus but she knew she can't push it out of her mind because she knew it could be possible.

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