Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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4 posters

    (ACE) The MARSH Team


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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:22 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Dawn (121)

    Shenron chuckled in amusement at Uxie's words. "Of course, if we show how much this treacherous act has gained our ire then they may backpedal" His mind buzzed with ideas. How to best make the point known. "A damaged building... An undead in their likeness impaled upon a pike? Truly kit you must let your mind darken to understand. Think of what you fear most, what makes your pelt crawl with the anxious pricks of discomfort and fear of the unknown and project it onto them" Shenron looked to the city and gestured. "If there are young within the city limits there are denmothers, nothing frightens a denmother more then egg shells shattered upon the ground with signs of a struggle"


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:39 am

    OoC)) Skip, Felix is thinking of something that might help them.
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    Post by Uxie Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:31 pm

    (OoC: I shall pass this round.)


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:47 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria City || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 147

    With another voice behind her the Aiveon felt their path shifting. "Of course, if we show how much this treacherous act has gained our ire then they may backpedal." These Pokemon, well, one Pokemon had struck them hard. They would have to double down with something much worse. But what could be worse than that? Kidnapping was no light feat, and doing so themselves was likely impossible. They had to be tenacious, agressive with their lie--! But her prior idea's felt shortsighted, and Shenron noticed. "A damaged building... An undead in their likeness impaled upon a pike? Truly kit you must let your mind darken to understand. Think of what you fear most, what makes your pelt crawl with the anxious pricks of discomfort and fear of the unknown and project it onto them."

    Seek's muscles tensed up as her mind churning for possibilities. Their fake threat needed a very real fear behind it, almost like they were insane! With a rough swallow the Aiveon tried to dwell on the darkside. Punishments came easy when they benefited her, but this? This was a whole new beast that her emotional mind was struggling to work with. "If there are young within the city limits there are denmothers, nothing frightens a denmother more then egg shells shattered upon the ground with signs of a struggle." Staring at the dragon with wide eyes the youth struggled to accept what he was suggesting. "But.. wouldn't that make us no better than that Floatzel? Kidnapping, very young kids and eggs no less.." Her own experience came back with a cold shiver, and her breath quickened as she added, "That could scar those kids for life!"

    But.. that was the point, wasn't it? They didn't intend on harming them, it was just a necessary step to save Eleroo. But the truama from her own experience said otherwise, that even the bluff would have lasting damage on those who were innocent. We have to take it further. With her darkside primed the tense Aiveon tilted her head toward the inconspicuous corpse beside them. With an eerie calm she dared voice a new thought. "The one thing everyone fears.. is the disease." Padding closer to it she could see the deep, severing wound the weasel had inflicted. "If there is a big portion of water types I wouldn't be surprised if part of that gym was flooded. We bring pieces of this Tropius and threaten to taint their water supply. It could compromise the entire shelter with the possibly of infection."

    Placing her paw on the cold corpse the Aiveon didn't like either idea. Never would she of imagined herself to be that kind of Pokemon, to act so lowly, but she felt nothing as she finished off with, "If we can't find their nesting ground it's a solid back up. If we can, it'll bolster our threat if things go south."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:00 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Dawn (122)

    Shenron scratched his chin in thought and nodded. "Yes... That would be a sufficient threat. Even if they wanted to say they could easily disinfect the water, the paranoia would never go away" He looked at the Tropius and nodded looking at his claws. "Allow me, I'll mince the meat and you can collect sticks to carry it. Its not a good idea to try to carry it barehanded or anything" Shenron stomped over to the body and looked at it among the litter of rubble and glass. Or maybe... Use glass? Shenron picked up a particularly large shard and looked at the Tropius. Wondering how it was in life... Was it kind? Was it courageous? Who knew... Shenron nodded and held up the glass.
    "You'll be kind in Death, help us regain our companion... Please"


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:26 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 KugUZ7n

    Pastoria City|Morning

    This talk of Psychological warfare was something that can inflict fear upon the Floatzel's mind. Felix never understood it that much outside of stories told by other pokemon, but actually doing it themselves? This could create a major fear amongst them. If there was any hope of making it easier for them to get Eleroo back, it had to be this. "If there is a big portion of water types I wouldn't be surprised if part of that gym was flooded. We bring pieces of this Tropius and threaten to taint their water supply. It could compromise the entire shelter with the possibly of infection. The Sylveon shook his head feeling that this wasn't okay and it was kind of low. Guess psychological therapy will have to be going into overdrive after this is all done. "Using the dead to create fear. Not an ethic way, but since that Floatzel wants to play with psychological warfare, then this is retaliation." Seeing that what Shenron was about to do, Felix couldn't bare to look. Defiling the dead was something unfathomable in his mind. They deserve rest regardless if they was once living or an undead that was slain.

    Felix then got an idea with the weather and the tropius' corpse. "Seek, thing we can use the weather to our advantage since the lightning would create some effect to our retalitation?" The Sylveon asked. Thee was one last thing that would work as well. This was a big maybe but if they can get ahold of some liquid nitrogen, then they can use it to create a fog to throw them a curve ball to add to the fear. "If there is liquid nitrogen, we could probably dump it in the water to raise some fog. We need to make it to maximum fear." He said as he used his feelers to pick up some broken boards that was thin but strong enough to withstand some weight of the body.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Tue Aug 04, 2020 5:40 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 AaEgCmf
    ❖ Pastoria City + Outside the Terminal Building + Morning + 79 ❖

    "The one thing everyone fears.. is the disease."

    The legend was colored surprised. He had not expected the child to go so far, nor for the others to agree to it so easily. Was it simply the progression of the world, that their fear would be transformed into a weapon for acquisition? Or was this a sign of moral breakdown? Such vulgarity. Todays youth, while stronger for it, were truly an extreme generation like none before them.

    As the Charizard began work on the carcass Uxie positioned himself to watch in full. How would it handle diseased meat, he wondered, with claws, tools, or flames? Gripping a shard of glass from their prior incident he assumed it would be used to carve and slice through the thick hide. Even with adept fingers the process would likely be a messy endeavor.

    "Perhaps a sack or pack of some kind would aid in transport? It would prevent loss of fluid and unnecessary spread of the virus. It would also serve to not show our hand immediately." It would no longer be a bluff if they carelessly infected the town, and their trump card would be spelled out too soon if their were seen with [and with only] skewered pieces. "Mayhap you should take the entire head as well. It would be a truly frightening reveal."


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:16 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria City || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 148

    "Yes... That would be a sufficient threat. Even if they wanted to say they could easily disinfect the water, the paranoia would never go away." Truly lasting damage. Something they couldn't just ignore, rebuild, and move on from. Digging her paws into the mud Seek nodded affirmatively. To think she had come up with such a horrible idea. "Allow me, I'll mince the meat and you can collect sticks to carry it. Its not a good idea to try to carry it barehanded or anything." Shenron offered much to her relief, and with a quick, "Right," the Aiveon leaped into the tree the Charizard hard previouslt halted beneath. Weaving through the branches and looking for only those that were both sturdy and long, she proceeded to work and break off the best ones for their task.

    "Perhaps a sack or pack of some kind would aid in transport? It would prevent loss of fluid and unnecessary spread of the virus. It would also serve to not show our hand immediately. Mayhap you should take the entire head as well. It would be a truly frightening reveal." Taking her collection of sticks and branches down to the ground the Aiveon couldn't help but overhear the legend's suggestion. "That's horrible," she gasped between clenched teeth, "but.. let's do it. Respectfully, of course." Having also heard the dragon's quite prayer with her massive ears she did not with to make his task any worse. She may not have been the kindest Pokemon, or the sweetest, but even she was instilled values at a young age. Sure, she picked and choose when to uphold them, but she knew not to desecrate the dead.

    Unsure what to do with her sticks she placed them beside Shenron for his judgement and prepared herself to silently wait. They had wasted plenty of time already, mostly due to her shortcomings, but a few more minutes hopefully wouldn't harm things any more. As the mincing proceeded Felix got an idea. "Seek, think we can use the weather to our advantage since the lightning would create some effect to our retaliation?" Their was a shake of her head, but no other harsh response as the Aiveon said simply, "Lightning is too unpredictable." If they needed an explosion maybe they could time it with the thunder, but they had no explosive force and the booms were practically on top of the bolts already. For their mission such a gimmick likely wouldn't pan out.

    Still, she liked the idea. He was trying to think out of the box for something they could use, but then he didn't stop. "If there is liquid nitrogen, we could probably dump it in the water to raise some fog. We need to make it to maximum fear." Her face twisted into something akin between confusion and disgust. Her voice started to raise, her facade crumbling as she gave a brazen bark. "Liquid what..? What the heck are you talking about?! You're speaking nonsense again!" The guy sounded like a mad scientist, or a special effects guy. Lightning and fog.. what do you think this is, a movie?! Whatever that stuff was she doubted they could find it in this ruined town, more so in the little time they had left to spare. "This isn't a joke. We can't play around for drama, or do it again if it goes wrong."

    Huffing, the flying Pokemon panted from her own outburst. The emotion faded, her mind recalling her desire to be more mature as a hot wash flushed her cheeks. Getting back to her paws she dared not look in his eyes and turned away from him. With a deep breath in she spoke tensely, the calm struggling to remain in her voice. "Just.. go find a burlap sack, or a garbage bag or whatever. Get a pillowcase if you have to." Walking away to dismiss the incident she made her way to the idle legendary Pokemon. The emotions were still churning in her belly, wishing for another outburst to occur, but she kept them in check with a rough swallow. "You've made it clear you don't want to 'interfere' with this, but what about a little help?" She started, unsure how to word her request. "I've wasted our time.. could you just, I dunno, teleport us to their nesting ground, or their base, or anywhere closer? We don't have time to wander around." Her plea did not sound nearly as convincing as it had in her head, but she knew it was a longshot no matter how she sliced it. If he said no, it was no real loss, but they would really benefit from the boost.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:21 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Dawn (123)

    Shenron cringed at the suggestion of the head being used but... It would unfortunately be effective. Very effective. Thankfully the head mercifully came off without him needing to force it. "The environment being set to accommodate the situation would be helpful but... I'm not sure the over-exertion is necessary. Its raining, gloomy and depressing. We might be able to get a harsh wind going to batter the windows or carry the scent around" He dipped his hands in the puddle scrubbing them and and shaking them dry. "But it is a good idea, if there was a way to make smoke and fog without it then I'd help. Some types of shrubs and leaves do burn and cause smoke from burning but all the greenery here is soaked so it may not burn" He snorted shaking himself off realizing rain had accumulated on his scales and grumbled.
    Damn rain...


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:24 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 KugUZ7n
    Pastoria City|Morning

    Seek was right about that stuff. Guess only thing they need is to make the tropius look like its there and set a maximum amount of fear into them where it could keep the other pokemon from coming out to help their leader. ”Right, we just need them to buy what they’re seeing.” The Sylveon went and got what Seek needed for things. Though something tells him that the minute Uxie teleports them to where they need to be at, they’ll be on their own. At one point though the syvleon thought of a scary story that involved the grim reaper and it always had made him shudder in fear as well. The very visage of Death was always a fear that every pokemon dreads to see face to face. All they need is one to control the jaw and voice out enough to set a message in.

    Felix returned with what Seek needed. ”Got them, though I have a feeling that we’ll be on our own for the return trip or escaping.” Should they be on their own, it would be basically taking extreme caution. Now that he said and got that thought out, it was time to get going.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:29 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 AaEgCmf
    ❖ Pastoria City + Outside the Terminal Building + Morning + 80 ❖

    His morbid suggestion had been heeded, and with a collective effort the small group decapitated the deceased and collected its head for later use. While the legend would never go back on his word or regret his choice the readiness the group showed to accept such a defiling and gruesome task spoke ill of their remaining morals. Would their bluff end up being real, the use of the head in later activities being more than a scare tactic? Or would it's presence alone serve to scar those Pokemon for life?

    If events went south would these Pokemon go so far as to contaminate the shelter for those that claimed this sanctuary? Would they still refuse to acknowledge their intrusion upon this territory and multiple chances while shattering the lives of those that live here?

    "You've made it clear you don't want to 'interfere' with this, but what about a little help?" Seek intruded upon his own thoughts with what appeared to be a humble request. The legend did not respond, as no query had been made, but turned to show that an audience was being given. "I've wasted our time.. could you just, I dunno, teleport us to their nesting ground, or their base, or anywhere closer? We don't have time to wander around."

    Without knowing the locals true intentions every second was precious in recovering their lost safely. Though planning was key when wandering into an adder's nest they had dallied plenty with back and forth bickering. He refused to take a side, to truly align himself with either, though any outside perspective would say he was with the visiting group.

    "Such use of my power is within my grasp. If it is your desire I shall lend you such a boon."


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:33 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria City || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 149

    "Such use of my power is within my grasp. If it is your desire I shall lend you such a boon." Seek's face widened with frustration, her annoyance with the being growing and she fought to hold her own tongue. "Yes," she gasped between clenched teeth, "that would be most helpful." She had already asked for his assistance quite clearly. Why did he insist on always getting a second yes? Heck he didn't even say how much he'd be willing to help! Irritation itched in her paws worse than the scratching mud, but for all her mettle the kit managed to keep it together. Just be happy he's willing to move us. It would counter her wastes of time, and maybe give them an edge of surprise. Either way, it would only be beneficial.

    "Right," she said firmly with all the confidence she could muster. "We get in, get Eleroo, and get out of this town." Maybe they wouldn't have to fight at all. Their bluff could go unused and thrown away without the Pokemon being any wiser. They could finally leave this godforsaken town and swamp behind... With a shake of her head Seek glanced at their prior shelter. It was in poor shape now, covered in undead blood and a body. Was there anything they needed to take? "We won't be coming back here." She said aloud, her mind trying to piece together logistics of taking extra food and water. It'd way them down in a scuffle, and they couldn't come back for it. We have to take the loss. Eleroo was more important than any snacks.

    Walking closer to Felix she motioned for the small group to come together. "Twenty minute adventure?" She joked halfheartedly. Truth be told, for all their lollygagging they didn't come up with a plan. Nothing concrete, nothing about an escape. No telling of one for all or all for one. "Whatever happens.. remember the goal." If Eleroo was recovered.. nothing else mattered.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:01 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Dawn (124)

    Shenron got everything together and came close with everyone. Unfortunately Seek was right. They couldn't and shouldn't come back. This place was good to them but it wasn't safe. Not anymore. Not to mention it was a good percentage of why they were leaving... He looked at Seek and nodded. The goal. Rescue the kit. Get out alive. Avoid casualties and damage. His tail lashed a bit behind him before he turcked his flame safely under his wing. "Rescue the kit, get out alive and avoid starting fights" Though as he repeated it vocally. He wasn't entirely sure...
    Could they realistically get out without a fight..?


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:11 pm

    OoC)) Skip, I'm being pulled away for dinner tonight and I don't know when i'll be home. I'll make a post in the morning.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:22 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 AaEgCmf
    ❖ Pastoria City + Outside the Terminal Building + Morning + 81 ❖

    "We get in, get Eleroo, and get out of this town."

    Such wishful thinking befit the youth as she rallied the others to her side. Bloodshed was never the answer, even in a life and death situation the legend knew there was always an out in teleportation. This situation would not be as forgiving due to numbers and motives, but the legend would not hang himself upon unnecessary emotions.

    With the small party together it was a simple matter for Uxie to fly forward with his magic energy radiating. The faint glow upon his gems only indicated the use of power, and were it not for the predisposed method it could have been used as any number of things. He had passed this town many times and seen his destination both near and far, thus readying an image in his mind. "Prepare yourselves." He said as the only warning before triggering the controlled spurt of energy that instantaneously allowed the allotted to move.


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 05, 2020 6:18 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria City || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 150

    "Rescue the kit, get out alive and avoid starting fights."

    What were their chances of things being that simple? The closer the legend moved to them the faster her heart started to beat. What if they had no chance, no hope of doing the one thing they desired? What if they all got killed in there?? Fighting back the rising panic Seek stared at the pixie as it started to glow. It was too late to go back and, at least for her, there was no other choice. I can't leave without him.

    With a choking swallow the Aiveon steadied herself as best she could, and stood tall as the tinge of energy touched her sodden fur. I'm the big bad boss. I'm A big bad boss. A BA boss! The mantra did little calm her, and faster than she could blink or scream the world disappeared before her eyes. Within a heartbeat it returned, and as she blinked her vision clear the child immediately noticed the change in temperature. The place was much warmer, dryer, and without biting wind and rain. Gaining her bearings with a sweep of her head Seek knew they were inside a building, presumably the gym they sought. The room was small, dark, and gave no sound of other life. A door stood ajar to their side, and trotting up to it she did not relax her ears for a moment.

    Reaching a trembling paw forward she hooked her muddy claws on to the door, but stopped before moving it even the slightest bit. All her confidence seemed to drain out through her paws and into the floor. Her trembling legs did not want to go through with any plans, but with a clenched jaw she forced herself to act and creaked the door toward her. Nudging her muzzle out just an inch she peaked into the hall and waited to any signs of life. It was quiet, the well hall empty as she primed all her senses. Backing away from the door the Aiveon quickly wiped her muddy paws clean [enough] on the floor and stared intensely at the others. Shenron's tail flame gave them just enough light to see one another, and the vague remains of the gutted out washroom.  

    "O-okay," she said as hushed as possible, "It coast seems clear. Nesting ground would probably be toward the back.. whichever way that is." Legends, she did not want to go through with raiding a nesting ground. She didn't want to be here, to do this-- with her head held high the Aiveon walked back to the door with faux confidence. Peaking once again outside she slowly pulled the door open, and motioned for the others to come closer. "This way," she breathed, pointing to the longer end of the hall. "If something sees us.. don't let them make a sound."

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:18 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Dawn (125)

    Shenron snorted finally glad to be free of the accursed rain. He carefully raised his temperature drying himself and anyone near before shaking off. He watched Seek wander and pace around before going to the door to look as well. "It seems so... Understood" Shenron raised his head sniffing the air a bit and couldn't smell anything besides the damp humidity of the gym. Every Water type dream stank of sitting water, chlorine and rubber or plastic depending on what sort of obstacles or flotation devices they kept poolside. "Hm... They wouldn't keep eggs near the pool. Hatchlings that aren't aquatic could be harmed... We'll have to follow our nose and be careful..." Hopefully such a thing was possible. Shenron's claws shuddered in anticipation.
    He was ready if not...


    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:04 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 KugUZ7n

    Pastoria City|Morning

    Felix stayed quiet as he followed Seek and Shenron. Like so with most he was following her orders and made sure they stayed out of sight. Of course though stealth is the best option but getting spotted means they would have to silence them before they raised the alarm. The Sylveon detested that option but it was either a them or us situation and right now they couldn't risk getting an entire army after them. So he spoke quietly to Seek. "Do you think at least one of them would give us the information that we'll need?" Felix asked as he kept his guard up and watching his surroundings.

    OoC)) Short post, couldn't really think of anything to add.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:42 pm

    (OoC: I'm going to pass this round.)


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:45 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria Gym || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 151

    Creeping wearily into the hall the Aiveon breathed fervently through her nose. Smelling and listening for the first sign of danger there was nothing about their current position that felt safe or wise. "Hm... They wouldn't keep eggs near the pool. Hatchlings that aren't aquatic could be harmed... We'll have to follow our nose and be careful..." Though she wanted to press the dragon for specifics she decided to simply let her nose do the job. The thick smell of moisture, something reminiscent of a public pool, was everywhere, but as they reached a T at the end of their path even she had to admit it was stronger on one side than the other. We're coming Eleroo.

    Pressing against one wall she checked ever so carefully for incoming Pokemon before moving on. With a small gesture to one side the Aiveon directed their path further into the den. It was so far so good, and in her focus she nearly jumped at the jump sound of Felix's voice. "Do you think at least one of them would give us the information that we'll need?" It was a good idea, but as she started to ponder it her mind instantly thought of Eleroo, if he was alone and cornered by strange Pokemon pressuring him for directions. What would he do? The poor boy would be scared out of his gourd, barely able to speak and struggling to point in a general direction as a means of communication. Would he break under pressure? She didn't doubt it, but to willingly give such important information.. he would protect his kin. With a shake she spoke on a sigh, "No one with morals would willingly put babies in danger."

    Though she held conviction in her words she knew the Floatzel's actions spoke otherwise. But.. Eleroo isn't a baby anymore. In more than one way he had grown, most noticeably in his evolved body. Unlike the meek stumbling boy she had grown up with he was bigger, wiser, braver, and had the biggest heart..! It didn't make things any better or okay at all, but the Aiveon forced herself to recognize the difference between taking a preteen and snatching defenseless eggs.

    Lost in her thoughts she had lost focus for just a moment, and her paws were moving on autopilot until a new sound made her come to a very sudden stop. Flexing her wings out she formed a small barriar to tell the others to halt, and pressing herself to the wall Seek perked an ear for danger. She now realized it was a voice, its lone conversation quiet and just beyond the wall as it rustled about. They had found trouble, and already her heart started to race. Creeping forward ever so lightly she peered through the crack above the hinge of the ajar door. The blue shape was fiddling with a bundle or sorts, muttering to herself as she collected the material and started walking toward the door. Crap!

    The panic surged through her, tensing every muscle at once. There was no time to run, to get the upperpaw-- the Aiveon's jaw was tight as the Marill's round body breached the doorway. Her small arms were filled with stacked blankets, obscuring her view as she turned the same direction they had been heading. Perhaps, just maybe, they would follow without being noticed, but Seek's body reacted out of sheer panic. With a sudden leap she bolted, tackling the Marill and knocking her to the ground. The blankets toppling around them as Seek pressed the rubbery Pokemon into their plush fibers. Her cries were muffled by the cloth, her struggling nearly too much for the Aiveon to hold back. Pressing with all her might Seek hissed as quietly but fervently as she could, "D-do something-!"

    Last edited by Dandelion on Tue Aug 03, 2021 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:38 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Morning (126)

    Shenron shook his head following quietly behind everyone. Watching around him. His anxiety cooled but not away. It was hard to discern scent with the moisture in the air. He glared behind them briefly before whipping back around at Seek's hissed exclamation. Shenron's eyes widened and he extended a hand. Immediately the thought of the screaming mouse getting louder if Shenron held it down hit him. He was heavy. And clawed! His mind swam with panic and he looked around hoping to not hear the dreaded sound of reinforcements coming. His heartbeat raged in his ears and he swallowed.
    "F-Felix? Do you..?"


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:18 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 KugUZ7n
    Pastoria Gym|Morning

    Great, enemy reinforcements are coming and they need to silence this Marill but not kill her. With his ribbons, he wrapped it around the Marill and spoke calmly and told her with his voice. "We're not here to hurt you or anyone. Please, we're trying to save someone who's in grave danger. Whatever that Floatzel told you, I'm sure he's blaming me and my friends for what happened." He then looked at Seek before nodding to her to get inside the room as he carries the Marill with his feelers keeping the mouth covered. He then does the same with Shenron in nodding to him to get into the room. They can't risk getting spotted here right now. The reinforcements will be upon them soon. "Seek, Shenron. Let me handle this one. If I can get the Marill to listen then we'll stand a chance. Now though is the time to be quiet until the enemies pass by.

    OoC)) Short post. Feel free to intervene if need be.
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Uxie Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:12 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 GbQ64e1
    ❖ Pastoria City + Pastoria Gym + Morning + 82 ❖

    The Legendary Pokemon could not decide whether to commend or damn their arrival. While their placement was not quite where he had envisioned they had appeared within their destination, a place he had only sparse exposure to. They had not appeared in the midst of a group or caused an immediate panic, though the others had little to no bearings on their current location. The mixed bag left a lot to be desired, but the miniature feat deserved a silent praise.

    Uxie considered his options and the logistics behind concealing himself once more. There was no doubt that their Floatzel antagonist had regaled his fellows in witnessing a living legend, but believability of that claim was another matter. How long had he gazed upon his hidden form? Enough to take in its shape or only notice when he began to change? Would he remember the species or simply his sudden appearance? It mattered not, as the crux of his tale would be a legend and a human among a group of intruders, not handful of unusual species.

    With a twist of his twin tails the pixie shrouded himself once again in his classic disguise, donning that of a fellow yellow psychic. Such a simple ruse would be quite effective, he thought, and silently he followed the others without any input.

    The legend almost forgot himself as the Marill was pinned to the floor. Its manic struggling did little, its muffled cries too soft to alert others. If they applied enough pressure they could cause it to black out or suffocate, but he could see within the panicking team that was not the idea on their minds. Bundling up their own hostage Felix took imitative to move their victim out of sight, and following along Uxie readied himself to listen in on an impromptu interrogation.


    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 OP6jjuQ
    ✥ Tutto è permesso in amore ed in guerrA. ✥


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:49 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 J0eZ5E6
    Pastoria Gym || Morning [Storming]
    Eleroo 151 || Seek 152

    The rubbery Pokemon was hard to keep a grip of, and Seek struggled not to just dig her claws into its skin for hold. What do we do?? Her mind was racing, desperate to find a solution as her muscles screamed to let go. Glancing over her shoulder she could see Felix fast approaching and his many feelers reaching forward. There touch was unexpected, unnerving, and the Aiveon froze up at the sensation. Without realizing it she had loosened her grip on the Marill who struggled free from her but was still bound by the many feelers. Her voice remained cut off as a ribbon covered her mouth, but the mouse continued to whine in all her efforts to scream. "We're not here to hurt you or anyone. Please, we're trying to save someone who's in grave danger. Whatever that Floatzel told you, I'm sure he's blaming me and my friends for what happened."

    The Sylveon's voice was uncomfortably calm, clearly meant to be soothing in this panicked situation. "What are you doing?" Seek hissed as quietly as she could manage. She had expected him to strangle or squeeze the Pokemon until she started to lose consciousness. Now she was worried he would let her run off screaming for back up! Tensing her muscles for another pounce the Aiveon wasn't expecting Felix's subtle idea. "Seek, Shenron. Let me handle this one. If I can get the Marill to listen then we'll stand a chance."'

    "I don't know," she confessed, still ready to leap on the water type again if need be. "That'll be a hard sell after jumping her." Heat burned beneath her pelt. Admittedly that was her fault, but there was no other choice at the time. Pacing a couple steps to and fro the Aiveon sighed with indecision. "Fine." She puffed, trotting into the room. "Three minutes. We can't really stay here." The longer they lingered the better chance they had of being discovered. Seek's paws itched uncomfortably; she didn't see this going in their favor at all.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:46 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 2 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Morning (127)

    Shenron watched Felix and shooed them into the room. "Go in there, I'll watch the door" He glared around sniffing some and quietly closed the door once they were inside. Shenron watched Felix but kept his ears open for anyone approaching. His nerves prickled in discomfort and anxiety. This wasn't ideal but... It was the best they had right now. They couldn't kill the Marill or that'd be grounds for retaliation. They needed to do something to not hurt the Marill. Felix could maybe do that. No. He had faith Felix could do this. Faith was all he had and honestly... It wasn't a bad thing to have right now...

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