Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:54 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 140 | Melanie 140

    Etincelle could feel his muscles tensing and twitching anxiously even though the new Pokemon remained polite and civil. "We're looking for shelter and trying to find out if some friends of mine had came through here. Perhaps you might have seen them? But anyways I'm Mathias and The Espeon is Bastet." A pang of sympathy hit him immediately; a couple of wanders looking for some lost souls. Naturally, he wondered what species they were referring to, as the pair itself was vastly different and gave rise to question, but he realized the point was moot as no living beings had been by. Letting his eyes shift instead of his head he wondered if Mel heard anything the night before, but instead of an answer he realized hypocritical his prior thought had been. After all, he was snuggling with a Ninetales and Aron, and seeking a blind Pokemon's visual council.

    "Can't say we have," he offered in condolence before he could mentally embarrass himself further. "But my name's Etincelle." He returned the greeting before turning his snout toward Mel. He paused for only a second, but it was just long enough for the fox to pick up the cue and continue with, "Melanie," before pointing her own long muzzle at the child nestled beside her. "And this is Arry." The pair seemed genuine, good natured and friendly, and even showed playful banter as they revealed a sibling bond. It warmed Etincelle's heart, memories long past returning to the forefront of his mind as he chimed, "Messing with your sibling is half the fun though." How many years had it been since he'd seen his sister? Had she grown? Would she be taller than me? If she was alive..

    "Anyways we'll likely be here a while and we could help out if you both need us to. Are there others with you three?" Melanie shuffled her paws uncomfortably. The Espeon was reaching out and offering help, but it felt presumptuous that they would just accept and welcome them aboard. Sure, she had no intention of sending them away, but to just assume they'd be invited to stay? Or even just let them remain nearby their shelter. It left a bad taste in the foxes mouth. Could we handle two more? They didn't even have enough food for the three of them, let alone the rest of their party and these two. But, the fox held her tongue. Her tone remained steady, unsure of how much was okay to say. Admitting they were alone felt foolish, but lying when it was obvious they had no one else would not be much better. "Yes, several more. They'll be arriving shortly."

    Perking up to the fox's curtness Etin felt himself grow more uncomfortable. Should he be on edge too? He didn't feel threatened by the new Pokemon, but if push came to shove they had little hope of winning a fight. "Well, guess she got me there, anyways we're pretty good working together and if you need a psychic and firepower combined both me and Bastet are good at using our attacks in a combination." Taking in a deep breath the Electrike reminded himself to be civil. They've done nothing wrong. They were friendly and offered help, something he couldn't say of everyone, and that should be the most important matter. If he didn't offer the same kindness back how was he any different than those who chased him away? "Well, fire power is something we've got covered. But a set of deft claws and psychic power is always welcome."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:40 am

    OoC)) Skip, Arry is still napping. He will wake up next round.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:33 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Castle|Morning

    The intruductions betwen them was done and for the moment it was just talk. "Yes, several more. They'll be arriving shortly." Sounds like they're a large group which makes it easier to fight against the undead. However, Mathias knew that Gabriel knows Johto and even some of Kanto like it was the back of his claws. The condition of his brother was unknown to Mathias, but danger is always present when it comes to dealing with him. The Charizard already knew Gabriel was downright mean when it comes to dealing with others and he always had a thing for harming others just for his amusement. Still it is Mathias' brother and nothing could be said or done about his attitude. "Well, fire power is something we've got covered. But a set of deft claws and psychic power is always welcome." Right, claws. Only thing he has is Shadow Claw which is not very useful against normal types but he has Aerial ace which is always good for something and Slash. Being physical is something Mathais done before.

    Bastet didn't have any problems using her powers with others as long as they work together. The Espeon moved towards Melanie and looked to see Arry sleeping. He looked so cute sleeping. She kept her voice down to not wake Arry. "Aww, he's so cute. Where did he come from?" Bastet asked Melanie? He looked like he was a long ways from home and so young and innocent. They had to protect him no matter what. Bastet had a smile on her face that seeing a young one reminded her of when Mathias and her was sleeping together back home. 

    Mathias looked around as he usually does to make sure there is no openings. So far there wasn't any in immediate sight. "Guess she didn't pass through here. Not since we all vanished from the Orre region. It was hell there and Bastet could tell you more. She's been there longer than I have. Though there was one charizard that I had met, the poor guy lost everything." It was a shame that Forrik did die though. Even though he became undead in the end and Cosmic killed him to release him from his suffering, at least he was in a far better place than this nightmare. As for Shadow though, he was a strange one. Mathias wondered what has become of him since they vanished.

    Bastet looked at Mathias knowing he was talking about Forrik. To bad that she didn't get to meet him face to face. "Oh, Mathias did forget to mention this, we're both from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. Well, more like I was born in Saffron City and I don't know where Mathias was born at, but he seems to know this territory somewhat." Guess he did but being from anywhere doesn't matter right now with the undead roaming around. Very few places was safe for the time being and not all was secure though. Even then, they'd have to hunt for food and make sure nothing was contaminated with the virus or with chemicals that could poison them. Since they was at the Battle Castle though, there was an abundance of food that can be hunted or even picked at the right locations. "Anything we need to know of the others that is coming?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jun 20, 2020 4:59 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 159 || Faux 120

    Despite her fumbling the Jolteon was cheery. Like, real cheery. Cinder found herself beaming from the electric type's antics. He had been cynical before, a morbid comic, a sly guy, but it was really like the life had been breathed back into his every word. The banter between him and Miyu was step for step, a bond she felt lucky to be re-witnessing. “The hunger is gone. My stomach is in knots, and it’s been ages since I’ve felt what that’s like… but that godforsaken, insatiable hunger is gone.” She didn't envy not knowing that feeling, but having her friend be free of it was like a weight off her shoulders. A weight she had nothing to do with, but a lift nonetheless.

    Faux nodded, letting the playful banter between siblings play out before interrupting the moment once again. “Yache berries.” Yaches. The medicinal property wouldn't benefit any of them but the nutrition would be invaluable. Truthfully it was not what she was hoping for, but holding out for Sitrus and complaining about safe food was a death sentence. "Excellent," she replied while taking a few steps in the direction Miyu had mentioned. "You two wouldn't mind some extra paws, would you?" It had been their task and Faux was not about to take that from them, but to expect the eeveelutions to collect the foodstuffs alone at this point would be inexcusably rude. "It would be prudent to collect as much as possible. You all know how much Arry loves food."

    "That boy is always talking about food." The Quilava chuckled, and while Faux's expression remained calm her jibe wasn't meant to chastise the child. If they had saved any food from before she had no doubt the bleeding hearts would of offered it to him first. And, after everything he had been through the last day, the child deserved a good meal. "Then let's bring him a feast." Faux agreed pleasantly before looking to hr furry companions. "Care to lead the way?"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:26 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (162)(92)

    Warmth… there was a brief pause in his shenanigans for a such a simple yet profound realization that for the first time in ages, he felt warm. Something he would never take for granted again after being a chilled husk cursed to feel little from a bright ray of sun on his pelt. He indulged for a moment, with a soft and content smile.

    Miyu was still on about pronunciations under her breath, eventually giving up with a sigh and shrug. Pesky things and their pesky names. At least they had food though!
    "Excellent," Faux exclaimed, "You two wouldn't mind some extra paws, would you?"
    Miyu trotted in place the best she could, excitedly chanting in a playful response. “Foraging party! Foraging party!”
    The Jolteon nodded, also in happy agreement. “Sure thing, the more the merrier!” He raised a paw, wagging each toe in succession. “And more snack toting capacity!”

    "It would be prudent to collect as much as possible. You all know how much Arry loves food." He smirked at Faux’s lighthearted quip. Couldn’t really blame the little guy though, Rebel was admittedly thrilled to eat something not dead, dying or rotten.
    Cinder laughed out loud, "That boy is always talking about food."
    "Then let's bring him a feast." The Vulpix turned to the sibling duo following her suggestion, adding, "Care to lead the way?"

    Rebel took a stride forward and nudged the pouty Miyu along with the tip of his toes. She merely scooted her butt forwards and puffed out her cheeks. “Do I get a feast too…?”
    A loud nose exhale left the Jolteon before he could stifle it. “Awww guys, the oldest child is jealous!”
    “No I’m not!”

    ((I hope to extend this later but work is physically and mentally exhausting lately, so if that doesn’t happen then anyone is welcome to manipulate my duo to suit their needs.))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:44 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 141 | Melanie 141

    Etincelle felt his muscles starting to relax already. Though he had very little to go off of, and being naive was a problem of his, these Pokemon felt like good company. They had been polite and respectful, and gave off no firm reason to send them packing. If only it was my decision. His past attempts at authority never seemed to go anywhere, leaving nothing but sour emotions, but had he the choice he would make the call to keep these two now instead of stringing them along. "Aww, he's so cute. Where did he come from?" The vulpine asked, perceptive eyes trailing over the soothed child. The other fox delayed, her mind falling back to that morning and the other things that had consumed her attention. With everything going on she had never thought to ask. "We're not really sure." She admitted, gently brushing her tails across the metal child. "But we're glad to have him." With all the undead around, the murder just minutes before the kid's arrival, and the state of the world faced against such an innocent being, she hated to consider what else could have happened to him.

    "Guess she didn't pass through here. Not since we all vanished from the Orre region. It was hell there and Bastet could tell you more. She's been there longer than I have. Though there was one charizard that I had met, the poor guy lost everything." Nodding his head Etincelle listened to the Charizard's musings. "Life's extra harsh these days." The hound commented dryly. There wasn't much to say; he didn't know this Pokemon well enough to offer proper condolences, nor were such losses uncommon these days. His own heart had been hardened in the last couple days, and with it just starting to heal he couldn't afford to bleed out once again.
    "Oh, Mathias did forget to mention this, we're both from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. Well, more like I was born in Saffron City and I don't know where Mathias was born at, but he seems to know this territory somewhat." He wasn't the best at geography, and peaking at Melanie he could assume she was no better, but he was still taken aback by the distance these Pokemon had come. At least three different regions. That was nothing to snuff at. "Hoenn, born and raised." He beamed, flexing a paw so his pads could be seen. How long had it been since he was home, since he saw the woods he grew up in? Nostalgia weighed heavy at the thought, but the Electrike was not disillusioned; he knew that place was no more.

    However, Melanie did not offer her own input. It had become apparent how foreign she was to other Pokemon and kept to herself as personal information was brought up. Besides, she was not obligated to share. "Anything we need to know of the others that are coming?" Eager to change the subject the fox stifled a laugh before quickly answering. "You'll probably get yelled at." She chuffed, her humorous words holding a serious tone. "A certain hothead will, rightfully, overreact to strangers in their shelter. And, to put it bluntly," the Ninetales stopped, motioning to Arry while flicking her ears, "they're dealing with something serious, so the timing is less than ideal for a warm reception."

    Though she kept her words coy for the child's sake the fox knew she said enough on that matter. Undead were a constant threat but she was not about to upset their charge who was finally relaxing. If the others came back, would they all be in one piece? How many new wounds would come with them, and stirred emotions? Then, her lips parted with an epiphany. Rebel. Should she mention their undead companion? He wasn't any of their concern but, if they intended to stay, would he be at risk? Suddenly the fox felt the weight of the coming meeting. Their friends were not off on a food collecting frolic. Though she too was in the dark at their fate she knew whomever returned would not be in the mood or condition to handle chatty, perky, ignorant newcomers. Perhaps it was the perfect time for helping hands, with everyone teetering on the edge of exhaustion, but that wouldn't make the introduction any easier.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:16 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 250px-304Aron

    Battle Castle|Morning

    After a nice rest from things Arry opened his mouth and let out the cutest yawn. As he opened his eyes, what greeted him wasn't just Mel but another pokemon. An Espeon who looked at him with a awestruck gaze which at first made Arry become very shy and hid underneath Mel's tail. Who was she and why is she awestruck by him? He wasn't used to strangers and that Espeon was a stranger to him. He didn't want to look at her. Maybe if he stared at the ground she wouldn't be there to make his feel nervous. "M-Mel, W-W-Who is sh-she?" Arry asked being shy and nervous. Mostly the reason is that he never met any espeons before and not much could be said about that. Hopefully though that she's nice and able to help Mel and everyone else. BUt there was another voice and it sounded like another one was here as well. Who could it be? Arry peaked out from the fur and seen a Charizard and went back under the fur.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:27 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 UxYTNZ3
    Battle Castle|Morning

    Mathias had never met anyone from Hoenn before which is surprisingly new to him. "Hoenn, born and raised." It must be nice to live there despite the feeling of it being a smaller area compared to Kanto. Yet, Mathias was hoping to visit Hoenn one day before the epidemic even began. that dream never happened. Zeke's dead, Glass and Cosmic is missing, he's near his father's clan's territory, and yet he kept quiet about his cousin due to safety reasons. One thing for sure is that he is unaware of his brother's condition that he may not know yet. It was best to keep it out of mind for the time being. "You'll probably get yelled at." Oh joy, one of those kinds of pokemon. This hasn't been the first time he had to deal with a pokemon yelling at him, it won't be the last. "A certain hothead will, rightfully, overreact to strangers in their shelter. And, to put it bluntly," Seems there's a catch which might help him understand what is going on. "they're dealing with something serious, so the timing is less than ideal for a warm reception." Ah, it makes sense, but hopefully they can put themselves to good use and make the other pokemon more friendly.

    Bastet looked at Arry seeing him a bit scared or actually shy. He kind of reminded her of not Mathias but another of Zeke's pokemon who was unfortunately killed in Orre. What would become of her and Mathias though? She shuddered to think of a grizzly fate of becoming a walking corpse and becoming mindless zombies. Though in hindsight, both her and Mathias had gotten through a lot of things together and they wouldn't stop until the world is back to normal as the undead will be no more. "Oh, guess we came at a bad time. Hopefully we can tell them we can help them out." Then she seen Arry barely peeking out of Mel's tail. Just before she said something he went back into hiding behind her fluffy tail. Poor kid, he must not have seen any espeons before.  Unless he's not used to anything other than eevees which from the looks of things that there was an eevee here with a bit of a scent. Though she could be wrong.

    Mathias then looked outside again giving a sigh. It sounded like that any hope to find Glass is gone but he would keep her in his memory to someday that he'll see her again under different circumstances. "Only thing I can think of now is someday that I'll see her again. Hopefully when the day comes when this nightmare comes to an end. Well, for now, we all just have to stay alive long enough for that day to come. Oh and I've dealt with pokemon that yell a lot before. This wouldn't be anything new to be honest." The Charizard said with a bit of a smile. What's a team without someone who yells? Not much of a team, but those that can yell can show good initiative for being in a team. Mathias hoped that he could show he's not a threat to them and can show himself as a survivalist in getting food. Since he's been here before, he knows where food is more abundant in one area than the other area.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:22 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 160 || Faux 121

    Like that, the knot in Cinder's stomach finally started to unravel. There was a general pep in their steps, the agony of what just ensued already fading for a brighter path. The pair's playful banter was enough to bring a smile to her tired face, and with a own friendly nudge against the fox's shoulder she sprouted one too. As the group moved away from what remained of the scene Cinder felt as though the negative energy was being left behind too, and she left all her thoughts move forward to the foraging party.

    Light conversation seemed appropriate, but he Quilava struggled to find something to talk about. Rebel was so lively and spirited, like the life had been breathed back into him in more than just the literal sense. It made her curious to his life before the disease. It occurred to her she had never asked about anyones past; where they came from or what they did. Truthfully, she hadn't cared at the time; it didn't apply to the present or effect her at all. Plus old stories like that were often painful and full of loss Pokemon didn't want to recall. But that was then. She had changed so much in the past few days, and now she knew these Pokemon. They were her friends, her family even, and if they were comfortable enough to share that information they'd be all the closer for it.

    She held her tongue for a moment, worried that such a question would be unwelcome, but went for it anyone only to be cut off by her Vulpix companion. "Wow." Faux exclaimed, her voice unusually zealous in that single word. "Talk about a coming feast." As their path led to a sheltered spot both fire types were surprised to see a fair number of berries huddled within. Berry plants were known to produce quickly but the fox was still amazed by the amount within this small cluster. "Good work you two."
    Cinder quickly brushed past her, awe shimmering in her eyes. "Man we should have brought a wagon!" She chuckled before turning on her heels and heading back through the brush. Her search for a particular plant plant was fast, the common frond was easy to spot with its large, waxy leaves. Stripping a few from the stem Cinder felt a hint of deja vu tingle down her spine. She had done this same thing with Miyu what felt like ages ago. Bundling them up in her paws she brought them to the others and set them down. "Let's see who can make the biggest pile!"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:38 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (163)(93)

    When he first reanimated, one of the most startling things was how badly everything hurt. All his senses were amazingly dulled yet somehow each blade of grass shot a dagger of pain as he stepped, like a terrible beacon of clarity in a relentless fog.

    And now it was soft. Warm to the touch, graced even by the remnants of a morning dew swiftly fading to the daytime heat.

    He really could go on and on about everything amazing about life that he had gone ages without. Such simple things taken for granted.

    "Wow." Faux’s tone was abnormally peppy as bushes uncovered their view. Like a stage curtain moving aside, unveiling berries upon berries in something like a hidden corner of the wilderness left untouched by the plague. "Talk about a coming feast. Good work you two."

    Miyu’s chest puffed out dramatically in a single, swift movement and the over abundance of pride was hilariously clear on the kit’s expression. Even her strides became a bit haughty, for she didn’t have too often to lord up the praise and by god, she was going to today!

    "Man we should have brought a wagon!" Cinder quickly rushed into the berry grotto and shot into the high reaches of the plant life before quickly bolting back down with her spoils. "Let's see who can make the biggest pile!"

    “AAHH okay!!” Miyu screeched. She practically tripped over her own paws in her haste, her hilariously desperate need to win in conjunction with gravity being the absolute bane of her frantic existence.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:23 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 142 | Melanie 142

    "Oh, guess we came at a bad time. Hopefully we can tell them we can help them out." Though the smile on Etin's face had become strained he did not wish to make the new Pokemon feel anymore unwelcome. Bastet wasn't wrong about their timing being less than ideal, but bad news never had a good time to rear its head in. "Don't worry about it." He comforted, feeling ease in the fact they were living guests as apposed to anything else. "It's not like you two could have known." Still, the Electrike felt his prior discontent return. The others should be here for this, but he didn't even know for sure that they were alright.

    Suddenly, Arry began to stir at Melanie's side. The fox instantly tensed up, fearing their conversation had roused the child prematurely, but as he woke there was no struggling or whining. After a massive yawn the child opened his big blue eyes, quiet and content before spotting the unknown Pokemon that hovered nearby.  Cowering beneath her many tails he managed to ask, "M-Mel, W-W-Who is sh-she?" Though his voice shook the Ninetales felt her muscles relax once again. They hadn't disturbed him, or at least he seemed to of just awoken. "This is Bastet. Say hello." She cooed, brushing her tails away so the child could see there was nothing to fear.

    The fox felt the need to be more hospitable, but they had little to nothing to offer. "We'd offer you food while we wait, but unfortunately we just finished off what we had left." With her precise hearing the Ninetales could tell Etin was shuffling uncomfortably, but she was satisfied with her own coyness. We don't have anything to share but shelter and company. There was nothing to steal, nothing to bargain. If for some reason this was an elaborate ruse Mel was content in knowing she had sowed doubt.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:29 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 250px-304Aron

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry shook while trying to keep hidden. Strangers are so scary. Soon he heard what Mel said to him and this made him more shy. "This is Bastet. Say hello." The tail then moved away from him and he looked at the Espeon seeing she wasn't a bad pokemon. Still he was nervous around the newcomers. "H-Hello. A-are you f-f-friendly?" The Aron said as he tried to talk. Was it fear of others or was it that he could see a Charizard behind Bastet. It was a Charizard that killed his parents and made them into bad pokemon. If he doesn't look at the charizard then he doesn't need to be afraid of it. At least that's what he thinks he would. Though he wanted to play with Miyu when she comes back and when she does, it'll be a fun time again and the fear would go away.

    OoC)) Arry isn't exactly a fan of charizards but he might get used to Mathias.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:31 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Time felt like it was moving so slow for the Charizard as he waited. There was no way of telling what time it was on a clock as any clock was stopped at five o'clock. Mathias snorted as he turned his head away from it. The clock reminded him of that hospital. He hated that place so much because of the hell he had to deal with along with Glass and another pokemon. For now, he would not talk about it. Its something he'd rather keep to himself. Mathias then looked at Bastet with an observant eye. The way she was handling things meant a good sign.

    Bastet looked at Arry seeing that he was a bit nervous, but she assured him that there's nothing to be scared of. She tried to make silly faces that would get Arry to giggle or out right smile. Nothing worked, he was focused on something. The Espeon even tried a psychic trick that would work. Again nothing. worked. This got Bastet to think of something she hasn't tried yet. It was something that she hasn't done in a while since childhood. All she could hope now is if she could remember it. Bastet begins to do a little dance with he front paws patting the ground before she begins to bob her head and close her eyes. The Espeon continued for some time before finishing. "Did you like that?" She asked Arry before a giggle escaped Arry's mouth.

    Mathias then turned to look at the Aron. This child is young but innocent. "Poor kid, he has to grow up in this nightmarish world. If anyplace would be safe and untouched, it would have to be pretty far and isolated from any land for miles." It would be tough to train a kid who is on four legs and Bastet isn't much into training others. Maybe someone is already training him, but he couldn't be sure.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 01, 2020 7:37 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 161 || Faux 122

    Faux watched the starter rush the plants with a fresh burst of enthusiasm. Her lively antics betrayed the stress of the day and exhaustion within her paws. Taking the chance to put their past sorrows behind them Cinder made no delays in stripping berries from their branches. Her little mini contest must have been earnest, as her paws moved faster than they had in a while and a small pile was already forming upon her leaf with an infectious fervor.

    With a smile creasing her face the rusty fox swept her tails and turned, gripping the stem of one leaf in her jaws as she made her way to a different shrub. Though she felt no calling or pressure to participate it would be rude to not humor her companion, so she sat down, tails bunching gently about her paws, and started to pluck at her own leisure. Her deft paws could scoop and grip with ease, and her jaws effortlessly broke the stems that refused. While the fox had already discounted herself from the contest it didn't give her an excuse for making a poor effort at the task.

    Plucking and swiping her paws through the shrub Cinder had lost herself in a perplexing epiphany. Her paws were much larger than the last time they went berry picking! They were wider, stronger, and made easy work of freeing the fruit from its stem. However, she was realizing how double-edged it was; her wider paws struggled to dive into the shrub for the hidden gems unless she wanted to be poked or damage the innocent plant. It was such a strange realization, more so as she thought deeper upon the intricacies. Bigger fruits would be easier to yank, and thick hardy branches would quake before her. But already stripped plants where the only remaining fruit was on the inner branches would be harder to procure from, and her shortened muzzle meant she couldn't stuff it in to smell them out. Was this the price of power, having to harm the things that sustained her?

    "I think that one's spent." Faux called over to her, breaking the Quilava out of her strange trance. Blinking her golden eyes Cinder realized that not only had she plundered the entire shrub but her mental musing had lead her to take even more. Her stack of spoils was drizzled with empty branches and leaves that she hastily wiped away. "Aha, I guess I zoned out." She laughed anxiously, one paw rubbing the back of her head as her gaze slyly shifted to the fox's pile. It was growing, quickly at that, and the weasel hurriedly grabbed her leaf and moved to a different bush.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:18 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (164)(94)

    The Jolteon was always the competitive type— no matter what it was, he always went out of his way to be the top dog.
    Yet looking over to Miyu’s growing, but still painfully short stack of berries panged at Rebel’s heart. Sure, she would lose and say ‘it’s about having fun,’ then smile that smile that hid the disappointment she was actually feeling.
    He watched her hobble over to a bush and dip her head into the shrubbery to reach, and then bounded quietly and quickly to her pile of berries to add to it. Not a lot, just a little so she wouldn’t notice and throw a fit - then again, when he saw the chance. And again. Until his own pile had dwindled and hers became more plentiful than she would have managed in double the time.

    “Hey Rebel!” There was a playful, better than you attitude to the call. He turned to see her grinning the devil’s grin, gesturing to her berries in a voila! manner. “Looks like you’re my slave for the day!”
    “Wha—?! That wasn’t part of the plan!”
    “Is now! Is now!” She emphasized each word with a bounce.  “You may call me ‘My Queen.’”

    “Yeeeah, that’s not happening…”

    He knew damn well it was.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 143 | Melanie 143

    "H-Hello. A-are you f-f-friendly?" Mel kept a keen ear ready to pick up Arry's voice, but his stuttering words told of more than a shy child. She could feel his fear, the way he shied away from the unknown Pokemon and kept close to her fur. He hardly moved, practically petrified and saying nothing else to them as a quiet fell over the group. He had always been a timid Pokemon, Mel had long since noticed his uneven words and quaking requests. Truly, she knew very little of the boy outside of his constant hunger, and she found herself at a loss when searching for a way to comfort him. "She is. She's a new friend after all." She soothed, letting the end of one of her tails brush gently across the child. Was it too soon to make such a statement? The fox felt no regret in her words, a means to an end to keep their youngest calm.

    Etin saw a different scene. The Espeon entertained herself with a mini quest to make the boy laugh. It started out slow, silly faces and gestures that were a riot with babies. With no dice, she had to amp up her game. Her antics almost seemed practiced, as if she was used to handling children and had done this before. The Electrike would admit he was curious, there was a story to tell there, but he was in no position to pry their new acquaintance for such personal information. Pushing herself for more and more extravegent tricks the Espeon was practically dancing before the child finally released the wanted laugh. The note was soothing, like a cool breeze as it brushed Etincelle's ears, and he couldn't resist following it up with own chuckle.

    "Did you like that?" Bastet asked, her show wrapping up after reiceving its cheer. "You can't deny a sound like that." He praised while wearing his own wide smile. His voice was cheeky, a sidelong gaze watching the Aron to make sure he did not deny his enjoyment. Watching Mel's paws shuffle Etin realized she had not seen the performance and had been left out of the loop. He wouldn't put her down with a blunt explanation, but it was hard to find the words that wouldn't insult her. "Where'd you learn a little trick like that?" He finally asked, daring to pry for the fox's sake. It didn't tell her what happened, but she was resilinent and could pick up the context instead.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:58 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 250px-304Aron

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry continue to giggle as he watched Bastet dance a bit more. It was so fun to watch the espeon do something silly but he was with Etin on his comment. Where did she learn something like that? "Where'd you learn a little trick like that?" Honestly, it was silly and it makes him laugh. This eventually made him just go from shy to straight out saying. "Again! Again!" It was something that made him very happy and he wished Miyu was here to see this as well. Of course though, when Rebel comes back, he'll have to start learning how to fight and be brave as he wanted to protect Miyu as well.

    The Aron looked at Mel showing he was happy with Bastet but when it came to Mathias, he was very cautious still. What could that charizard be planning and he better not hurt anyone.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:14 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry's giggling had made Bastet feel so warm and happy to hear a child's giggle. Mission complete for her in making a child happy and less shy. Now that she's warmed up to Arry, it was Mathias' turn but he seemed worried about something. The Charizard had considered facing his father's clan but he'd be outmatched. Though the bigger threat is his brother and if he is alive, he'd likely target those close to him first then him directly afterwards. Mathias turned away from looking at Arry for a few seconds to watch Bastet a bit more. "Where'd you learn a little trick like that?" She still had it. This eventually got Mathias to smile and remember the old days. "It was something me and her did when we was younger. Normally we did it as a duo." The Charizard said as he was about to join in on the fun.

    Bastet then looked at Mathias as he was coming to her with the same idea. Now they can be the duo again like when they was younger. Mathias then does his part and this in turn gets Arry giggling even more. She could tell he never forgotten despite the years of fighting he's done. Now that Bastet was a psychic though, this could make the ending reverse to where Bastet is holding him. With the two at the end of their thing, the two finished with Bastet lifting Mathias up with her Psychic and Mathias finishes with his flamethrower except in a more controlled point where it was like a small torch. Arry then bursted out giggling so much that Bastet couldn't help but giggle as well as Mathias. It felt like the old days. "We're silly, aren't we?" She asked.

    Mathias then laughed a bit before Bastet sets him back down. "This is quite a twist. Both me and Bastet switched roles in this dance of ours." This put a lot of stress at ease and now the two settles down and Mathias sits on the ground. Bastet walks over to him and smiles. The fire type and psychic type had given the child a spark of happiness in this desolate world.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:31 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 162 || Faux 123

    “Wha—?! That wasn’t part of the plan!”
    “Is now! Is now! You may call me ‘My Queen.’”

    The fox listened with a primed ear to the banter, her keen senses noticing the little side game Rebel had deployed. Though she expected to see the Jolteon playing along with Cinder's competition it was warming to see him play for a rival. Their general food output remained the same but the positivity associated with it had increased dramatically. To think of others first, truly that was the greatest gift, and though the fox did not sneak her berries onto anothers pile she did slow her roll. Taking her time to paw through berries she double checked they were not too green or about to rot with an even more scrutinizing eye. With only the best nutrition being added to her collection she could see from the corner of her eye that the other fire types stack was growing at a faster rate. As long as we get enough food, the fox thought, then what's the harm.

    Jumping to a different plant Cinder could feel her muscles burning from fast, intense effort. She didn't want to watch Faux, it would just make her choke in the end game. No, she just wanted to crush her, to come out on top! Picking and pruning the shrub the Quilava only stopped her mad mans effort to clean excess leaves and branches from her stack. Minimal harm to the plant was a necessary evil she had decided, and once she saw her pile filled to the peak of what she could carry she announced, "And that's time!" She glanced at their individual collections, trying to coyly hide her own pride in the size and speed of her stack. She had out paced the fox and a cheeky grin found its way to her muzzle, though Faux gave no indication on her loss.

    With a firm, approving nod to the group as a whole the fox noted, "I'd say we're covered for three meals with these if we play our cards right." They would be good for the rest of this day and the next, an ample reward for the terror they had to deal with the past couple days. With the starter Pokemon seconds from boasting the size of her pile Faux quickly cut her off with a, "We shouldn't keep the others waiting any longer. They're probably worried sick." Rolling the far edges of her leaf together the fox took in her teeth. The berries were heavier than expected, but she managed to hold her head high and keep them from dragging on the ground.

    "Right," Cinder said with noticeable disappointment, her dry mouth hanging on gloating unspoken. Weaving her paws beneath her spoils she scooped it up in strong arms and followed after the fox. "We gotta surprise them with all this food!" They had run off thinking the fluffy pair were in trouble. Though Cinder didn't know how long their fantasy event had taken she knew it'd be cruel to let them continue fretting. After all, what if they thought something had happened to one of them and went searching themselves? A new contest, a 'last one there is a rotten exeggcute' hung on her teeth, but she knew better than risking their food and remaining energy. "Let's hurry back." She said simply as they started their trek back through the woods.

    ((Little of an awkward jump to push getting the group back together next round. Feel free to fill in whatever you want/need in it, Dazey.))

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:08 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (165)(95)

    “Good thing I raised you to be humble,” Rebel remarked with exasperation. Miyu must’ve had lungs of steel, with how many “demands of the queen,” she had just thrown out on a single breath. It was pretty impressive, actually. And then the kit was clambering onto his shoulders— wait, they were doing the Mudbray ride now?!

    “You know, I’ll choose to ignore the obvious insult in your term choice…”

    Their shenanigans quieted and their attention turned to the sensible fox. "I'd say we're covered for three meals with these if we play our cards right." She said. "We shouldn't keep the others waiting any longer. They're probably worried sick."
    The duo agreed silently and with a swift kick and a “Giddy-up!” the Jolteon moved to add his meager supply of berries to Miyu’s and hand the leaf tote over his shoulder to the thrilled passenger.
    "We gotta surprise them with all this food!" Cinder exclaimed, adding onto the kit’s already out of hand excitement. "Let's hurry back."


    You know, if someone had told him re-life was going to mean listening to Miyu quote old westerns and give him the most serious spine-pain imaginable from excitedly shifting around, maybe - just maybe - he would’ve stayed dead.

    The emerging shapes of other life became recognizable in the distance as their companions— Etin, Mel, Arry and… who was that?
    Rebel charged. The shape was eerily familiar but the colors were all wrong, regardless it didn’t stop the thumping in his chest and the adrenaline pumping with each bound towards the newcomers.
    “Whoaaahwhoawhoa! My butt hurts!”

    The Jolteon screeched to a halt just before the group and nearly threw the kit forwards as he put the brakes on. Standing before the Charizard and searching it out for any sign of disease, he quickly realized the mistake and opened his mouth to speak possibly the most unplanned, awkward and forced words of his life:

    “Hey there. Rebel here.”

    (Lmk if I skipped too far ahead Cinder dear. ^^)

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:36 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Midday
    Etincelle 144 | Melanie 144

    It was getting awkward. "It was something me and her did when we was younger. Normally we did it as a duo." Melanie could hear and feel the Electrike nod and watch the duo with a curious gaze. Whatever they were doing it included a lot of shuffling and movement, and while the fox could imagine a little jaunt or dance her mind's eye likely made up a very different scene than what was playing out. Arry's giggling had easily put a calm in the room, a sense of peace and safety, but Melanie could not enjoy it. The crackling sound of flames was enough to make her fur stand on the back of her neck. What were they doing, and why wasn't Arry afraid? She didn't bother asking, and just stayed silent with a neutral smile upon her lips.

    Etincelle watched the show, a smile coming to his own lips at the pure glee in Arry's voice as he cheered for an encore. It was the first time in these past couple days he had truly seen the kid happy. Sure, it stung a little that he had been unable to do that, but the hound was not petty, and enjoyed the entire show for what it was. He looked to Mel, hoping the innocent sound of a child's laughter was enough to put her in a good mood, but instead he saw a very tense animal. His own expression fell as he watched. Her body was very tense, ears swiveling as they honed in on an incoming noise. Priming his own ears for the sound the Electrike could just barely catch the thump of paws moving too fast and too few to be good. Instinctually the Nientales moved her many tails in front of Arry once again, blocking his view but also sheltering him from whatever may be approaching.

    Following suit the Electrike also tensed up, hopping to his paws as he readied himself to run or fight. The calm fizzled away from his mind, his thoughts racing, but before the panic could do any damage the noise revealed itself as a hurtling Jolteon. Miyu's squeal told him it was a friend, and with a rough, seemingly unexpected stop the Jolteon gave a most uncomfortable, “Hey there. Rebel here.” It was bewildering to say the least, and a couple of seconds passed as the Electrike's brain tried to catch up. "Hey, welcome back." He replied, his own words feeling awkward, though not at all to the extent of Rebel's. "We were getting worried about you guys."

    Beyond him, Etincelle could see the rest of their party making their return at a more appropriate pace. Everyone was accounted for, but they all looked rougher than he last recalled. "What happened? You guys look beat." He asked, eyes focusing on the Jolteon specifically. He looked like hell; whatever had happened out there they were right to assume the worst. Yet.. something was off. Etincelle couldn't quite put his paw on it but something just didn't seem right about their electric companion. He ignored the feeling as best he could, but his emotions started to spiral as he realized they had unexpected guests still, a possibly threat in the woods, and what looked like incoming food they'd suddenly be forced to share. The innocent calm was gone, and he could only hope their hotheads had exhausted their energy in a fight.

    ((Nah that's perfect as is c: ))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 250px-304Aron

    Battle Castle|Morning

    This Charizard wasn't the one that done anything to his parents and it wasn't hostile at all. Now all that was okay with him, it made him so happy. That was until Rebel came in and was doing what any would do. That was until Miyu stopped him. Phew, nobody had to get hurt and Rebel sounded very awkward. “Hey there. Rebel here.” Something happened, they look beat and Miyu looked like she was a bit hurt from something. This made Arry worry a bit. What could have happened out there? The smell of smoke had Arry worried that there was a fire and they had tried to put it out. Either way they're back and safe from anything else. Now Arry can learn how to fight from Rebel, but what's odd is that Rebel doesn't look like he was once before. It looked like he was alive but with a missing eye. Hopefully Cinder and Faux could explain what happened and what they could have missed.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:56 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Mathias was less worried now that he and Bastet revisited childhood lane. Hearing Arry's giggles and such was all that was needed. Bastet however picked up multiple presences moving towards them and she couldn't tell if they was intending to invade or if they was the other's friends. This caught her attention as something felt wrong. One was charging at them. She turns her head and sees a Jolteon charging before he was interrupted and skids to a halt. Mathias sees it and his immediate first reaction was to defend himself but this then turned to awkwardness as the Jolteon speaks and it felt even more awkward. “Hey there. Rebel here.” Mathias puts his guard down and realizes that this Jolteon is a strange one. It was then when he sees Miyu that something reacts in his mind. She couldn't be related to Bastet, could she?

    Bastet looks at the Eevee behind the Jolteon before giving her a case of deja vu. It was like looking back into a mirror but several years back though without the accessories. The Espeon then looked back to the Jolteon and proceeded to introduce herself. "Hello Rebel, my name is Bastet. Its nice to meet you." She said politely. Despite the state of affairs with the world, kindness can still overcome. Though he looked like he was a street eeveelution. Bastet wondered what is it that he does for a living? Could it be he's a fighter that fights for a living? It was a mystery. Then the psychic type looked over to the eevee. Something though looked a bit different, but it could just be her. One thing she did notice was the item on the right leg. "Hello there sweetie? I'm Bastet, what's your name?" The Espeon asked Miyu.

    Mathias then went to introduce himself as well to Rebel. "I'm Mathias. Good to meet you Rebel." The Charizard said as he kept some distance in case things go south. Whether it was just him being cautious or if they would react to his name, it was always up in the air on that part. Either way he wasn't one to just start a fight or to get in one for no reason. Hopefully the others don't get to angry and of course both Mathias and Bastet knows how to scrounge for their own food. It was simple for Mathias but for Bastet, she made it look like child's play which is why he's never abandoned her. Though it did make him wonder what was with the fire in the woods all about? Not unless it was a careless pokemon trying to hunt for food. Even then that fire would sputter out due to how far apart the trees are at times.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:39 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Castle || Midday
    Cinder 163 || Faux 124

    Cinder couldn't have been more grateful for an uneventful walk home. The path here had seemed so long, so endless as they tried to reach their friends at breakneck speed, but now that they were leisurely heading back it almost seemed all too short. A couple of her berries were overripe, leading to a sickly sweet smell wafting from her wrap. She couldn't stop the stream of drool that was building in her mouth, and only several quick swallows prevented it from dripping down her precious package. If the trip were any longer she swore she would have to trade with someone else, or they would be having soup when they returned.

    Concerned with her own bodily functions and the peace she had finally found Cinder didn't notice herself lagging behind the others. The Eevee team had sprinted ahead, no doubt excited to be back at their safe place, but when Faux trotted far ahead of her Cinder was forced to pick up the pace. She would miss Etin's intial excited face, as the other two weren't nearly as expressive, but she could still see his welcome as they all returned safely. A shared meal would be a welcome bonding moment after their struggle, and a good chance to decompress and tell the tale. Weaving her way through the ajar doorway Cinder mumbled through her mouthful of leaf, "Hey gang, you won't believe what we--"

    Crashing into the furry clump of tails the Quilava was not expecting Faux to have stopped in the doorway, but the fox's small body could not block her view of the inside. Instantly her package fell to the floor, her pupils constricting as she stared wide-eyed at Charizard looming over her friends. Her body tensed up, flames licking at the back of her throat. She would not lose another friend today--- "I'm Mathias. Good to meet you Rebel."

    The greeting went completely over Cinder's head, but thankfully the fox blocking her way was more aware. Holding her stance the Vulpix had been given just enough time to process the initial shock, and it was clear this was not the same beast they had just crossed paths with. Though the similarities remained this was clearly not a disease ridden monster like the one before. Stuck inside her whirling mind however, the fox was forced to recall the gibberish that beast said to them at departure, and the odd coincidence at how the names aligned. Though her heart was racing the fox had to ignore it and keep her voice calm. "Greetings, Mathias. I am Faux" She responded back, hoping that hearing the name second time would get her partner to relax, but the Quilava remained just as on edge. "What happened? You guys look beat." Etincelle asked genuinely, but Faux knew it was not the time to regale the near fantasy tale. "We ran into a little trouble, that's all." She said curtly, her fan of tails failing to hold back the burning force behind her.

    Failing to understand the other fire type's lack of panic Cinder struggled to bypass the wall of tails. Choking back her mouthful of flames a heated bundle of words bustled behind her teeth, but they failed to come to fruition as she glared scornfully at the Charizard. Why was it here, how did it get in? WHY weren't the others more concerned?? Even it's jolly voice could not shake the bitter feelings in her gut. Legends forbid, what if it turned, what if something happened again? How could she ever trust a Charizard after everything that had happened. Clenching her teeth the Quilava knew she was outnumbered in her sense of aggression, and bitterly followed Faux's lead. "What brings you two here?" She inquired tensely, her cold voice betraying her efforts.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:07 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 5 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Midday | (166)(96)

    "Hey, welcome back." Etin’s greeting felt a little forced and awkward and honestly— thank god. It was always easier socially goofing if you had solidarity. "We were getting worried about you guys."

    He could hear Faux and then Cinder’s approach behind, then the shifting of the Eevee on his back to wave her working front leg excitedly at them.
    "What happened? You guys look beat." The Electrike continued.
    Rebel paused briefly, moving his sight between their guests and back to Etin. “That’s a hell of a story, my friend. I’ll fill ya in later,” Rebel said, winking casually at the canine and gesturing his nose to the newcomers. He sure would hate to scare ‘em off with a fantastical and pretty much unbelievable story like that.

    "Hello Rebel, my name is Bastet. Its nice to meet you." The Espeon’s voice was gentle and kind, one he could imagine singing a nursery rhyme to youngsters.
    The Jolteon was taken aback by the absence of hostility— undead were never received well, and then it clicked like a gear going into place that duh, he’s an air breather again. And probably a vegetarian. No— definitely a vegetarian.
    “Hi Bastet, the pleasure is mine,” he responded.

    Miyu once again shifted around on Rebel’s back and did her awkward Eevee wave thing again, this time at the Espeon.
    "Hello there sweetie? I'm Bastet, what's your name?"
    She excitedly hopped from Rebel’s back — and he sighed with relief — and grinned widely at Bastet. “Miyu! My name is Miyu. Happy to mee-you, Bastet!”

    “Please never make a pun again…” Rebel sighed.

    He turned his attention to the Charizard, once again feeling a trickle of anxiety creeping along his spine. He swallowed hard and quashed the feeling to speak unbiasedly, “And what about you, big guy?”
    "I'm Mathias. Good to meet you Rebel."

    He certainly seemed nice enough. It would be a hot minute before the Jolteon could put his unease to bed though.

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