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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:34 pm

    OoC)) Skip again. Arry will be active next round.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:02 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 QgR7wWq

    Battle Frontier [Backwoods]|Morning

    That was one nuisance, but another one wanted to get in the way as well. Obviously these mortals wanted to die for one undead. He would unleash death but that is for his follower to do. "How fucking dare you." THe Quilava wants to be next and even the rage in her voice is something interesting, but as said the gift wasn't for her either. A pity on how poetic that these mortals are to Dracul. If he was alive he'd shed a tear but thinking him mindless is their own undoing. “Take her and run!!” It was to late to tell her that. He will introduce Cinder a world of pain and suffering. A twisted evil smile came upon Dracul's maw as if he was amused by her banter. That rage wouldn't do her a bit of good trying to stop him. Then a brilliant evil idea came into his mind. Why not leave something to remember him by. A blood drained corpse would do.

    The Charizard then looked at Cinder with her enveloped in fire for a flame wheel. This is always a fun part. "I used to watch my prey struggle fruitlessly like that. Does thou want to know how this will end? I'll give thou a taste." Unlike he did with Miyu, Dracul stops Cinder's attack and grabbed her by her jaw. His rancid breath coming out as he gave her the most evil grin on his face. "I smell hate on thou. Hehehehe. Blame my brother when thou sees him that he is the reason for this." After that, he bats Cinder away in the same direction as Miyu before he turns back and finishes the job on Rebel. Oh but he wasn't going to kill Rebel straight out after ridding of Cinder, he was going to see him suffer before seeing his undead body no longer function. This time he began hitting harder with each hit stronger than the last.

    Between each hit, Dracul laughed with evil intent. "A traitor lies here given a death fit for a traitor. Agonizing and remorseless." As each hit gotten harder and harder, Dracul's maw began showing boredom of torturing Rebel. He was done with him. The jolteon was broken and beaten. Now to end Rebel's undeath for good. "Rot in death's cold embrace traitor!" Dracul hits Rebel one last time with lethal force to terminate him. Though without any physical injuries or anything that would be a sign of bites or stabbing wounds, Dracul had stood over Rebel's corpse laughing. Now to leave his little present to have Cinder remember him by. The dead body that he remembered he killed as a way to scare them was not to far. Dracul bit a bit more off the dead body and placed it on top of Rebel's body. Now to hide away from them and watch their weakness rise. This shall amuse him before he leaves.

    OoC)) Forgot to add this when I originally posted this that permission was given for this death to happen by Dazey.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2679

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:34 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Y4dcxGi
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 154 || Faux 116

    For a beast so large you'd never expect such speed. The blazing Quilaza, burning and swift, came to a dead stop midair as the dragon closed a clawed fist around her. The sudden thud was enough to drive the air from her lungs but she wasn't about to be made useless once again. With her fire attack dissipating, with no damage no less, all she could do was struggle within its grasp. Her jaw was tight under its claws, words and attacks impossible as she tried not to heave at the dead creatures horrific stench. While she couldn't cough up any fire to spit in its face her eyes shot daggers at the beast as it spewed mindless words. Flailing and kicking, she tried to ignore its meaning, but a dread settled deep in her belly. "I smell hate on thou. Hehehehe. Blame my brother when thou sees him that he is the reason for this. She growled, though the noise came out like a gurgle, and her rebelling was cut off in a firm smack that sent her flying.

    By some sort of saving grace she was prepared, her body tensing before the impact to prevent her breath from being driven out a third time. It was no less painful, her body writhing as she tried to stand and gagging as new smoking breaths forced their way in. She had to do something.. she had to get in there! She paws staggered as she tried to walk closer, mind whirling rapidly for some sort of idea. The dread feeling grew, and her heart sank as Rebel yowled a desperate plea. “Cinder! Take her and run!!” No. He would never- he wouldn't abandon Miyu. He wouldn't send them away or stand down. Her knees weakened with understanding, whines pitiful and useless. "No, Nooo!"

    Her own voice was smothered as the brutal assault started and his voice turned to shrieks. This isn't happening. A desperate Flamethrower raced toward the beast, but like all the ones before it it may as well of been smoke. I can't do anything. Her every attempt was cast aside like batting away a pesky mosquito, and going in now would mean facing a swatter. Please, someone, please! With trembling paws her instincts only told her to do one thing. With a leap, she stood in front of Miyu, angling her body to block the kit's view as she nudged her move away. She shouldn't be here- she shouldn't have to watch this. "Miyu-u," She gasped, trying not to scream herself, "You-u have to go.."

    This wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening. The fox's entire body was twitching from her built tension, but while her mind screamed to act her paws cried to flee. There was nothing they could do against this thing; it was too strong, too powerful. They were at a complete disadvantage, with nothing to face this beast aside from their ace that was being slaughtered before their eyes. We can't win this. It was a harsh realization, hitting the fox like a truck as she took a step out of the shrubbery. She could see in the others eyes they were desperate, willing to do anything to save their friend, but knowing too well that reality was not on their side. Every cry from Rebel made her pelt stand on end, but if any of them went in their they would not come back. Cinder shot another attack, but it didn't even reach the dragon as nerves got to her.

    She only had seconds to make a plan; drop a tree or branch? Too long. Quick Attack its face or neck? They'd be crushed under its assault. Between its wings? Wouldn't stop the beating.
    Their was nothing, and as Rebel's wails weakened so did her resolve. Forgive us. Charging out of the brush Faux blocked more of Miyu's path, staring her dead in the eyes as she ordered,  "We must go." If she were taller she would have gripped the child by the scruff and dragged her, but a forceful shoulder would have to do. Cinder's paws were slower to follow, working the ground as she continued to block their direct sight of the ordeal. She couldn't leave, how could she? Why hadn't she rushed in? Rebel's cries shrank under the harsh thuds of each strike, his life truly being drained before their eyes. Why.. wasn't she.. doing anything..

    Cinder couldn't breath. Forcing her shaking paws to follow Faux she didn't dare turn her back on the dragon. The scene would forever be burned into her memory, sight, scent, and smell, but she would not let it claim another. Hadn't they lost enough? Faux lead them back into the trees, a tense, unbearable silence holding the two fire types tongue's as they waited. Time seemed to slow, a constant dread weighing them down until finally, quiet filled the air. No cackling, no nonsensical babbling, even the blazing trees had started to burn out. Faux moved before the starter, her steps quick but silent. She already knew what she would find, but the moment both fire types broke the shrub barrier they froze up. The dragon was nowhere to be seen, its amusement having ceased, but what it felt was enough to make their stomachs turn. Cinder diverted her eyes and Faux held them firmly, but both Pokemon held the same passing thought.

    They had failed.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:54 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (156)(88)

    Rebel’s eye could only catch flashes of color now. His sight was too blurry to make out fine details anymore. Green, when he could catch glimpses of whatever foliage wasn’t burning. Orange and purple, as the wing came down to strike him. Red, as blood fountained from his broken body. Black, as his eye clenched shut in agonizing screams. And then it all started again, progressively growing darker at the edges of his vision.

    The Charizard’s bludgeoning was relentless and parts of his body had begun caving in. His ribs had already collapsed and pierced his lungs, something that would’ve killed a creature with the need to breathe.

    Miyu stared with her jaw agape, eyes unseeing now as the gravity of the situation failed to grasp her. Her eyes just fell on the cream and green colors of Cinder’s fur as the Quilava kindly tried to block her eyes from the hellish sight.
    "Miyu-u," Cinder choked, "You-u have to go.."

    Miyu’s eyes wandered up to meet Cinder’s, her expression still blank. “No… We can still help him. That’s what we do!” All the while the assault was growing more and more brutal. The sound before was akin to a bag of potatoes hitting the ground but now it sounded wet. Crunchy. Like bones were breaking and gore was pooling. The screams had quieted down now, become hoarse gasps and hiccups.

    Faux barreled from her hiding place, placing herself right before the kit and staring sternly down at her. "We must go."
    Miyu’s jaws parted. She took a breath and spoke quietly, “We’re supposed to save him… we don’t leave our own as a distraction…”
    The Vulpix gave her a much-needed press forward in the form of a hard shove. She momentarily toppled over, but was back on her feet with almost mechanical response. Miyu’s paws moved slowly, mournful, as the realization finally began to sink in that they couldn’t always “find a way.”

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:29 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 137 | Melanie 137

    With a lazy flick of her wrist Melanie brought the yellow and blue berry closer. Brushing it with her pads then her nose she knew the shape was not that of an oran, and the smell confirmed at as a passho. With a chuckle to herself she wondered if Etincelle intentionally gave her that berry. The water resistance would only last so long, but it was a kind gesture if he knew its properties. Saying nothing, the fox lapped up the berries and chewed them slowly. The dry, bitter flavor betrayed their benefits, and though the first couple of bites were rough she managed to swallow them without any rejection. With a little noise of approval Etin gently pressed against her side before biting into another rawst berry. He chewed more slowly, aware of how few fruits remained. It wouldn't be enough to fill the three of them, let alone a hungry child and large fox, and leaving nothing for their missing friends felt wrong. Did they ever find any food? If there was a battle going on, possibly due to stealing resources, he doubted they would bring much if any back. A shudder ran through his body as he recalled the fleeing birds. If something worse was going on he couldn't blame them for being empty-pawed.

    His body had grown tense, rough pads working the floor as he blinked his dry eyes to bring himself back to the present. It'll be okay. Whatever was happening he just had to believe the others could handle it. They were tough, all of them, and he had to have faith even if his mind wanted to imagine the worst. "Did you know the curlier the leaves grow the more bitter a rawst berry will be?" Mel suddenly chimed in, her voice prattling as though she was directing the words at either Pokemon. "Mago berries are very similar; the more they curl the sweeter they are."

    Taking in her words Etincelle looked at the two berries at his paws. There was a stark difference in their leaf length and curve, and choosing the smaller one he took a tentative bite. Compared to the one he had before this one was almost bitterless, the berries natural flavor shining through. "Wow," he gasped, surprised by the causation, "where'd you learn that from, Mel?" Brushing her nose against the small pile she had made the of spoke with a soothing calm. "Back home we had to learn a lot about wild berries. Where they grew, which were best. Knowing the right one to pick was a crucial skill when supplies were so limited." The Electrike nodded, his thought racing for any tidbit he could add on. "Like uh, using a chesto as a makeshift projectile? They're as hard as rocks afterall." The fox laughing, causing his face to contort sheepishly before she chuffed, "Yeah, I guess you could do that if you needed to."

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:55 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 250px-304Aron

    The Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry finishes eating and lets out a small burp that made him feel better. The berries and metal was yummy so he now knew where to go when he needed food. Now full, he went back to where Mel and Etin was but since they're talking on certain things, Arry didn't want to interrupt. The Aron sat down as the two talked and started playing around with a small ball made of metal on the ground. He was humming to himself on and off. Eventually he spoke. "I'm all done. It was yummy and thank you!" Arry said with affection. Now he can enjoy the rest of the day with a fully tummy to play with Miyu when they come back.

    OoC)) Very short post. Not much I can think of at the moment.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:30 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 QgR7wWq

    Battle Frontier [Backwoods]|Morning

    It seems to Dracul that they didn't come back to mourn. That was okay by him, he never cared anyways. His laughter now gone, Dracul then took to the air once more so that way he could deliver his message to them to hate Mathias if he ever came back to the mainland. Now he just had to look where there was movement on the ground. Eventually he finds them, but doesn't land. His message was not interrupted with laughter or anything. "Heed my message well, this is my only one. If thou sees a charizard by the name of Mathias tell him his brother sends his regards. I am his brother! Farewell mortals!" Without a chance to let them say a thing he flew off into the distance knowing he has succeeded in creating a hate. Once he was clearly far away from them and of any trees, the undead charizard looked into the water. To him, he still seen a trace of his mortal shell staring back at him. Even then he seen the illusion of his parents staring back at him. Honestly Dracul forsaken his normal name. "Gabriel....A name only fitting for my former self. Thou is watching me parents, then your deaths was meaningful. I am Dracul, the demon of Johto and soon the world. Come stop me Mathias!"

    OoC)) Leaving post

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:45 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Y4dcxGi
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 155 || Faux 117

    Why was this happening again...?

    The dragon was nowhere in sight. Was this really all it wanted? Some 'fun' torturing innocent Pokemon before growing bored? Cinder's paws shook as she pressed them together, her body revolting against the entire thing. She heaved, but forced herself not to vomit as the taste of bile burned at the back of her throat. Is he really-? She didn't dare get close enough to check. Just from the bit they witnessed she knew the Jolteon would not have been able to recover from the damage. If he was still alive-- gods she couldn't imagine the agony.

    “We’re supposed to save him… we don’t leave our own as a distraction…” Miyu's voice was riddled with grief, an emotion so pure it kicked both fire type's right in the gut. She wasn't wrong, and while it was not directly blaming them guilt smothered the girls like a wet blanket. "Miyu, he valued your safety." Faux tried her paw at reassuring the kit, though the words felt hallow and inappropriate. What about us? Had they really chosen her over him? He had ordered it, but there had to have been options, choices, anything. In her split-second decision had she valued one life over another? It was the easy road, and so not like her. Had she calculated survival odds and picked the best option...? A child, a living being, or a undead that would have- She couldn't even finish the thought as guilt tightened her chest.

    The fox couldn't find any words. Everything riddled her mind with guilt. Deserved, infallible guilt from abandoning their friend at a crisis point. "We were powerless," Cinder breathed tensely, her eyes wide and distant as her thoughts mimicked the fox's. "Gods, we were supposed to save them, but all we did was run away." The words came on a rushed breath, her paws flailing and wild as her thoughts raced. "It was just one undead! How did four of us lose to one damn thing?!" "Cinder stop. You're not helping." Faux barked, but the words fell on deaf ears as the Quilava's paws gripped at her skull. "That should be me. I let them leave-- I should be the one that's punished, not Rebel!"

    Gritting her teeth Faux jumped, lunging at the distressed weasel and knocking her to the ground. With one paw on her shoulder and the other on her throat the fox bared her fangs against the starter and growled. "Get a hold of yourself!" Her quarry struggled, writhing beneath her grasp. "We couldn't even get close to it, let alone leave a scratch." The Vulpix pressed harder, practically choking the Quilava, but she still managed to wail back, "Exactly! We made no difference, like we weren't even here. We were useless." "How can you say that," Faux spat, fire licking at her lips, "when we could have lost both of them?"

    The bickering was abruptly stopped as the harsh beats of heavy wings and a familiar voice returned, freezing both Pokemon on the spot as they stared up above the treeline. "Heed my message well, this is my only one. If thou sees a Charizard by the name of Mathias tell him his brother sends his regards. I am his brother! Farewell mortals!" Then, silence. An infinite silence at even the flames could not break as they died against the veracity of green plants. Faux released her grip, stepping off of the other fire type and making her way toward their lost companion. It was oddest sense of deja vu, so different from Rosko yet painfully the same. "A message for no one," she gasped aloud, thinking of the crazed Houndoom. There was no reasoning with her, just a personal vendetta and single minded goal. "...It was a personal matter and we were caught in the crossfire."

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:42 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (158)(88)

    "Miyu, he valued your safety."

    She turned her head away from the older fox, gritting her teeth. Of course he did. He always did. How many times did he get hurt to protect her? How many times would he die to ensure her safety?

    Twice. Twice now. He got a second chance at being alive in the world and he threw it away for her sake, just like he did before. What a waste. What a waste to protect someone who contributed nothing but trouble.
    Why didn’t she just… make it really mad? It would’ve focused on her, and then they’d have one less problem and still have a fierce warrior at their side. Gods, explaining to Arry why Rebel couldn’t teach him to fight anymore…

    "We were powerless," Cinder murmured. "Gods, we were supposed to save them, but all we did was run away." Her words were suddenly quick, tense and remorseful. "It was just one undead! How did four of us lose to one damn thing?!"
    Miyu stared with wide, wet eyes at her companions, wordless for a way to interject as the conversation steadily grew out of hand.
    "Cinder stop. You're not helping."
    "That should be me. I let them leave-- I should be the one that's punished, not Rebel!"

    It was a flash of rust colored fur that brought the Quilava from head-in-paw distress to flat against the floor with the Vulpix holding her down.
    "Get a hold of yourself!" Faux snarled."We couldn't even get close to it, let alone leave a scratch."

    Miyu plopped to the ground where she stood, turning her attention from the ordeal and sobbing quietly to herself.
    "Exactly! We made no difference, like we weren't even here. We were useless."
    "How can you say that," Faux snarled in response, "when we could have lost both of them?"

    Concern filled the tiny fox as she tilted her head back to see fire biting at the outside of Faux’s mouth. No, no, the last thing they needed was to hurt each oth—

    A sound, oh so familiar and haunting, broke the trio out of the current events and brought their attention to the skies.

    "Heed my message well, this is my only one. If thou sees a Charizard by the name of Mathias tell him his brother sends his regards. I am his brother! Farewell mortals!"

    The murderous Charizard’s sinister voice disappeared for a final time and left only tragedy in its wake. What was it all for? What the hell was accomplished by murdering her brother… he was a jerk, sure, but even he deserved better than this…

    "A message for no one," Faux stated with a gasp. "...It was a personal matter and we were caught in the crossfire."
    When Miyu looked to the others, their quarrel had finally come to an end. Faux began wandering back to the surely deceased Rebel, and for several moments Miyu was undecided if she wanted to follow. She knew what would be waiting but she moved to find him anyways— saying goodbye this time was the least she could do. She couldn’t abandon him without so much as that, not again.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:44 pm

    ((I'm going to skip this pair this round. Might idle them if needed.))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:35 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 250px-304Aron
    Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry was so full that he felt sleepy. A yawn escapes his little mouth as he was trying to fight it. Of course though that his child body made him quite easy to tire out. Only if he could fight it enough to tell Mel and Etin how much they keep him happy. "Thank you Mel and Etin. *yawn* I feel a little sleepy. Can you tell me a story?" He asked them. Hopefully they have a very happy story that would make him feel happy as he rests enough to get some strength back to stay awake. He remembered the stories he was told by his trainer and parents when he was scared or sleepy and trying to fight tiredness to stay up all night. One of his favorite stories was well known across the world. Hopefully they can tell him the story.

    Posts : 13

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Xerneas Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 2413745-xerneas_official_art300dpi

    Battle Frontier [Backwoods]|Morning||4


    Xerneas breathed deep the rich air of earth and life. He had long been traveling West, further and further as another call gripped his heart and mind. This was so much further than the others had been, but for now he was merely content to be so close to the origin of this particular herald. The resounding call was a mourning whimper in his mind, a need he couldn't adequately translate. All he knew, all he really needed to know, was that whatever creature this was needed to live again.

    The proud Legendary looked up to see a pair of orange wings gliding over the boughs. His strange eyes narrowed at the sight as another feeling bubbled within him. Whatever that creature was, it was wrong. Unnatural. For a moment, the cervine Legend pondered on whether or not he should try shooting it out of the sky, but the pulling in his mind and soul refused to be ignored. An ear flicked, nostrils flared. Whatever it was would have to wait, then.

    On elegant, impossible hooves Xerneas continued to draw closer. His ears perked as he heard voices nearby; he hadn't seen other living Pokemon in... well, time meant little to an immortal such as himself, but the absence of mortals had gone long enough to attract his attention. He found himself pausing, hesitating. Why? Why would he feel reluctance now when he was so close to finding the source of the call?

    Had another pokemon ever witnessed his miracle? There were a few he knew that were recipients and he'd stayed long enough for them to lay eyes on him. But had he ever had an audience? What would they say to him? To his augur? Did it truly matter?

    Ridding himself of such menial nonsense and replacing insecurity with pride and duty, Xerneas strode forward. The pokemon gathered around were small, frightened. They seemed to have been in a moment of duress. Was the strange orange thing to blame? He glanced over them, stoic and emotionless, not reacting to anything they might do or say. Instead, he focused on the puddle of fresh and somehow rotten flesh not far from him. His call.

    All of the Legend's attention went to that pitiful heap of bone and gore. It was barely recognizable as a pokemon, much less as a particular species. Whatever had done this was out of hate and cruelty. Gazing down upon the body, Xerneas drew from within himself his power, and his body changed from its dormant blue to vibrant hues of gold and life. The trees around them shone with his brilliance, dwarfing even the rising sun.

    The sounds of the world around him faded as his power weaved around himself and his chosen. What could be called a melody floated in the air instead, rooted by the calm, steady rhythm of his own heartbeat. The ground trembled in the wake of it, the leaves rustled. As it continued it grew in intensity, when at last at the crest of this phenomenon of light and sound there were two heartbeats.

    There, where a puddle of death lay was now an intact, breathing pokemon.

    Xerneas opened his eyes and gazed down at his newest victory. The light faded from his body and the world resumed its course. Eyes lifting to those what could have been his audience, he gave the slightest of nods and turned. It only took a few strides of his long legs to disappear into the forest again. His job was done.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:58 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 UxYTNZ3

    Outside the Battle Castle|Morning

    Mathias had woken up with Bastet in his arms. The morning sun had shined down on him and it was going to be another day surviving this hell. Soon he realized he wasn't with Glass anymore. Shit, where did everyone go and where are they? Though only one thing can be said, something had teleported them here, where ever here is? Bast, wake up. I don't think we in the under anymore. I don't even know where we are, but it seems nice with grass and flowers. The wind had a light cool breeze. Guess it was time to get up and get a bering on the place they're at. The Charizard stretched out and let out a yawn before getting up. As he did, the smell of fresh air was overtaken by smoke. Could he have woken up near a wild fire?

    Bastet woke up soon after and she had a lovely dream of her and Plague together. It would have been a fun experience to be dating him and being a family. I had such lovely dream Mathias but what do you mean you don't know where we are? Oh, I see. Well guess we'll just have to ask around if there's other pokemon around. The Espeon had communicated with Mathias with her powers. What she could tell though is that it was a nice flower field they was in and that could mean either they was in Johto or Hoenn. Only one way to know for sure is to explore around or ask another pokemon who wasn't a mindless undead.

    The duo had stuck together and walked through the field in search of any landmarks that might tell them where they are. What they'll find though is up in the air. "Huh? What's that in the distance?" The Charizard said as he moved forward in the direction he was looking. The Espeon then looked in the same direction as Mathias seeing what looks to be a building. "Is that a building Mathias? Lets check it out, maybe we might know where we are." That was true and this might explain where they woke at and what region they're in this time.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2679

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri May 01, 2020 5:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 156 || Faux 117

    Running a paw against her cheek the Quilava could feel herself burning up from the inside out. Faux had ended their squabble but her body said otherwise. The undead's words made for a definitive end, a mark that their fighting was just as pointless and should not continue, but how could she just let her get away with that? How could she accept it? Clenching her teeth until her jaw ached the starter turned her head away from the fox with force. This isn't right. Why were they fighting, why did she still want to, why did that thing come here in the first place?? Raising a paw it shook, ready to flex her claws and charge forward, but as Cinder's eye twitched toward the fox it fell limp. With a deep sigh her head hung low, flames dropping to minuscule size as a nauseating mix of shame and embarrassment radiated throughout her.

    Why? Why, why, why?? They had made it! She had felt that dread, acted on it, and made it in time. So why wasn't it in time? How wasn't it when both eeveelutions were okay when they arrived? Even the hiss of fire had died away, as though nothing had happened, a battle ended. If Etincelle and Melanie had been with them, would it have been different? Would it have been worse? If they never showed up would the fox's of gotten away..? The delicate sound of pawsteps turned her ears and then her eyes to the moving Eevee. She shouldn't have to go through this. It was inevitable, but like this? Cinder couldn't watch as Miyu got closer to what used to be their Jolteon friend.

    Cinder sat, bracing herself for the bawling and screaming, but instead something happened that she was not ready for. She heard the steps of the creature, the sound of something large and powerful, and though wiped out both Pokemon took action. They bound toward Miyu, surrounding her in a wall of warm fur and held flames. Whatever it was they would not let it claim another life. Digging her pads into the ground Cinder readied herself, but what she saw was unlike anything she knew. A gigantic Pokemon, not unlike a deer, that marched into their battlefield without a word. Air refused to enter Cinder's lungs as she stared, overwhelmed by the magnificent beast that paid them no mind other than a small glance.

    And then, she was at a loss for words. By some force she could not explain the Pokemon drew forth something, a force or power beyond reason. A scene playing out like that in a movie, a phenomenon she would have never believed were she not watching it right before her eyes. The very air felt different, as though a magic bubble surrounded them that would have been broken by words. The girls watched, awestruck and mystified, as suddenly the broken heap of bony fur was repaired and became a Jolteon once more. The raise of a flank, a sign of returned life was the breaking point, and Cinder could not stop herself from muttering something. The words did not happen, just a gibberish sound, but the trance was broken, and the mythical creature gave them one for acknowledgement. It nodded, then disappeared just as it had arrived.
    Disbelief at what she had seen shook her body, and though she did not want to lose this wonder they had just witnessed the Quilava dared to speak again. Her voice was barely more than a whisper, and only a single powerful word made it out as she dared to ask, "Rebel?"

    ((Ive been struggling with this post. Hopefully its not too janky.))

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sun May 03, 2020 8:44 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (159)(89)

    For now it just felt better not to think. Sure, the all-consuming grief left an ache in the child’s chest but if she just focused on tiny observations on the ground, at least her attention was diverted from the why. And for now that was okay.

    That was a small blade of grass. That one was a little burned. A stick. Leaf.

    And before she knew it, she felt the breath leave her chest like a punch straight to her lungs. Her heart sank when the ground grew familiar, tainted with red and she knew he lay not far beyond. Her teeth clenched tightly and her sight became little more than a messy blur of red and green and gray. She couldn’t do this— no, no, no. He, he would be a mess. Entrails, brain matter, gore! The very thought threatened to make the bile rise from her stomach in a violent heave but loud hiccups began disturbing the process.

    It was only then the grass rustled with footsteps not their own, ahead of her when she could clearly hear Cinder and Faux behind. Her body dropped to the ground in absolute shock—

    Something incredible, a being she’d never seen before strode proudly, confidently with such purpose and majesty. A sudden sense of calm overtook her, like the deity’s very presence lulled her into a sense of safety. She stared at the divine deer, aweing with each movement it made.
    And then her eyes fell to its hooves. There lay the puddle of what was her brother, her protector, her very best friend. The sight was enough to make her scream, but nothing left her mouth. She was much too exhausted, her throat too irritated by smoke inhalation, for the anguish to be made a sound.
    The grief was crippling, but only for seconds, for the massive unknown creature began to leak out light more brilliant than Miyu could ever remember seeing, and for only a split second she could see the creature's fur change from blue to shining gold. She clenched her eyes shut from the overwhelming white light and even the grass, the trees, the world around her trembled. A sudden chill rushed through from her tail tip to her toes— and then suddenly it was over.

    Miyu slowly opened her eyes and through the spots she made out the deer, and at its feet—

    “No way…”

    It was something out of a dream. Absolute impossibility. If she had hands she would’ve rubbed her eyes, because where Rebel’s remains had lay, there he was. No more rot. No more bloody wounds. The purple marks remained but his fur was much too pristine and brilliant to be anything but a living, breathing Jolteon. What was bony and emaciated before had become strong, healthy again. He was almost a perfect image of the day he had died for the first time.

    Rebel seemed more confused than ever, staring up at the creature that had restored his life with his jaw hanging open. He then took in a gasp, like he had forgotten the reflex to breathe.

    The deer turned its head in the direction of Miyu, with Cinder and Faux on either side of her somehow without her noticing, silently regarding them. She realized then the calmness she felt earlier really was from this benevolent god’s presence and she took a single step towards him fearlessly. “Thank you.” She bowed respectfully at the creature as it turned and strode away, wordlessly and gracefully.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu May 07, 2020 5:07 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 138 | Melanie 138

    Their rations may have been meager, especially for the largest of the trio, but with food in their bellies the group started to settle down. The stress and worry from earlier was still present, it would never really leave, but Etin managed to put it out of his mind to enjoy the moment. Scooching a little closer to Mel's side he crossed his limbs and gently set his head down upon his paws. Letting a deep breath rattle his rib cage the Electrike tried to let the calm seep deep into his bones, and a gleeful voice helped take his mind away from his distant worries. "Thank you Mel and Etin." The kid was stopped short as massive yawn spread his jaw. It was cute, seeing a happy child with a bellyful ready to lie down, but the unavoidable feeling of a yawn snuck up on him as well. Raising his head Etin felt his lips pull back and tongue pop out as he yawned. It was dizzying, in a good way, and let a tingle of ease trickle down his spine.

    Though she couldn't see the other ones Mel gave a yawn as well, a whine accompanying hers with surprise. Etin couldn't help but laugh, and as a teasing 'stop it' the fox reached over to lick the side of his crown. "I feel a little sleepy. Can you tell me a story?" The tenderness would have to wait. The canines looked at one another, a moment of pause passing between them in silence. Neither would call themselves a storyteller, and personal experiences were subjective at best for being entertaining. A child friendly story eluded the Electrike, his own childhood being filled with solemn travel and loss, but thankfully he had Mel by his side. "Of course," she cooed, repositioning herself to be a bit more comfortable. "How about the time my team was sent on a mission to Apple Woods?"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon May 11, 2020 8:33 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 250px-304Aron

    Battle Castle|Morning

    Arry moved over to Mel and nuzzled up trying to get comfortable by laying by her side. "How about the time my team was sent on a mission to Apple Woods?" The Apple woods story had so many versions but it was always a good story. Another yawn escaped his maw as he was very tired, but he'd listen to the story regardless. "Yay, apple woods story." This would be the best apple woods story yet and hopefully it gives him some more happiness. Hopefully by then Rebel will be back and when that happens, he'll be more awake and ready to learn how to be a brave and protective boy. For now its story time and he always loves story time. It was well worth staying up long enough to listen to what Mel will tell him.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri May 15, 2020 11:47 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 UxYTNZ3
    Outside the Battle Castle|Morning

    The duo walked through the field and to the direction of the building. Mathias caught a whiff of smoke in the air. It smelt like burnt wood. Even a charizard like him knows where not to go and that smell told him not to go to the right as danger could be anywhere in the woods. Instead he stayed on the path towards the building. This looks familiar. I know I flew past this place before, but maybe I might not have. Only time would tell for sure if this place had any familiarity to it. Though in his mind he worried about Glass since they vanished. For all Mathias knew, they could have been sent to some sort of nightmare that is in Kanto. Saffron City was already a hellish nightmare and it wasn't safe for any pokemon to be there.

    Bastet kept thinking about Plague and what wonderful things that could have happened. She was just full of happiness thinking of it. Even Mathias was wondering what is going on with Bastet. This would eventually be figured out that she was in love. Not that she would tell Mathias about it because he's a male and males have a hard time understanding what females think. Regardless, Mathias is her big brother and asking him may be worth a shot, but not right now.

    They eventually make it to the building and Mathias knew what it was. "This place, its the Battle Castle. Bastet, we're in Johto, we're not far from home, but that also means my father's clan is going to be hunting me down." The Charizard needed to get inside and hide from his father's clan. Bastet had to calm him down. "Mathias, calm down. I doubt they'll find you here. If anything, I doubt they'll even come at all because of the undead." She was right, but either way it was best to get inside to get more information and stock up on food. Without a second thought, Mathias opened the door to go inside and held it open for Bastet to come in. "It feels empty in here. Kind of reminds me of home when Zeke and Leo isn't around. I hope they're resting peacefully. Hello! Anyone here?!" Mathias shouted out.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue May 19, 2020 6:54 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 157 || Faux 118

    Faux struggled to believe what she just witnessed. It was unbelievable, impractical, beyond reasoning. Yet the wise fox knew of the stories and legends, of those with powers beyond cognitive understanding. A sensation of magic still tingled in the air, fading fast but still palpable as she stared dumbfounded at the repaired Jolteon before her eyes. Their was a quiet among them, as though too many words would shatter the spell and bring back the flood of grief they had been squabbling in.
    Even with that at stake Faux was never one to sit around and ventured toward their friend. Was it real? He certainly looked real, the rise and fall of his flank feeling misplaced on one she knew only as a breathless corpse. How was this possible...?

    Never in a thousand suns would she claim herself to be religious, but the power of the gods she saw before her was irrefutable. "We've witnessed a miracle this day," Faux finally breathed, the airy words more an explanation to herself than anything else. Rational thrown aside she could not deny the weight of Rebel's presence as he moved ever so slightly. What could she say? What should she say or do? Behind the reeling disbelief was an army of questions that she could only boil down to a single curiosity. "You've.. been blessed by a god."

    The other fire type could not stop her mind was racing. How? Who? What?? She had so many questions, so many answers she would never receive. She had to get closer, she had to know. With all four of her paws on the ground she made slow, cautious movements toward the Jolteon. Her body was low, shaking as she inched both forward and back with hesitation. Much like a cat stalking its prey her approach was thoughtful with wide eyes. The closer she got the more she dared to investigate, the more she needed to know. With a deep inhale she smelled for the scent of undeath and rot she had grown so accustomed to. Nothing. Blood, ash, and smoke hung heavy in the air, but the electric Pokemon before her gave off nothing of the sort. He was.. clean.

    Her skin tingled with wonder, like the chill of frost penetrating beneath her blazing flames. This was incredible. Close enough to see the shine within his red eyes the Quilava didn't know how to process the situation. His entire essence breathed the word life. Hell, he was breathing again. Unable to hold back her wonder any longer the starter reared back onto her hind paws. Her fore paws flailed as she spoke, words toppling from her maw in broken and incomplete thoughts. "Y-You're back! How do you feel? I mean.. are you- you're breathing! Does that mean-?" Pausing to take in a breath the weasel tried to pull herself together. Never would she use Rebel's undead status against him, but between her curiosity and worries she had to put some reservations aside as she pried further. "Do you still feel, well.... Is the disease..?"

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sat May 23, 2020 3:25 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (160)(90)

    The serenity was otherworldly.

    His entire existence since reanimating had been nightmareish— seeing the world through a red lens, the segregation, the constant drive for blood, the rage, the fog, the suffering.
    And then it all ended. It was calm. There was no more pain. The endless hunger was gone. A peace like never before, not even in his previous life, was all he suddenly knew.
    "We've witnessed a miracle this day," Faux’s flabbergasted breath broke the silence. "You've.. been blessed by a god."

    A god… something he never believed in. His brow furrowed in confusion at the thought. The life he led… what god would take pity on him? He knew his entire life he was spiraling down a road that would lead to a bitter afterlife if such a thing existed. And now this? Why not someone who deserved to live?

    Why me?

    He clenched his teeth, bitterly trying in vain to will away the tears of so many conflicting emotions that ran down his cheeks. The pure joy of living again was muddled with the guilt of being given another chance when so many others more deserving would never get such opportunity.

    He sat down abruptly and looked away from his curiously approaching Quilava pal, swiping over his face with a paw to dry his wet eyes.
    "Y-You're back! How do you feel? I mean.. are you- you're breathing! Does that mean-?" The amazement in her words and broken sentences brought a smile to his face, which became a full grin as he watched Cinder become more and more frazzled in wonder.
    He opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to the punch. "Do you still feel, well.... Is the disease..?"

    He closed his mouth momentarily, thinking clearly for the first time in so long. “I feel like the me I was before I died. You know… the first time…” He murmured. His voice was clear and gentle, completely free of the gurgling distortion of before. “It’s like… that hell never even happened…”

    There was a quick streak of cocoa brown zipping by and a surprised ‘oof!’ from the reborn Jolteon as the unsurprisingly emotional Eevee tackle-hugged him. “I’m so glad,” her muffled voice wailed through his fur.
    “It’s alright, shorty. You can stop crying.” He patted her with a paw assuringly, smiling down at the kit with a mix of awkwardness and embarrassment. “No one else was hurt, right? Everyone is okay?”

    ((I’ll have new art for these two soon.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed May 27, 2020 4:51 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 139 | Melanie 139

    Apple Woods. Etincelle had to stifle a chuckle at the silly name. It was the perfect setting for a child's story. Arry settled in, his large blue eyes looking eager for the promised story. Melanie didn't keep him waiting, her voice light and perky as she built her tale sentence by sentence. "This story takes place back when I was still a little Vulpix with my teammate Leonardo. He was a Shinx!" She did say her team but the Electrike had not really expected it to be a story with herself in it. "We were instructed to go on a very important mission to collect food stuff. There was going to be a huge feast and festival in the square, so we needed as much as we could carry. With our bags and supplies ready we set off early in the morning and made it there before the sun was directly overhead." Readjusting his head on his paws the small hound had been ready to doze and zone out, but instead he found himself readily listening to the story as well.

    "It was beautiful. Flowers all over the ground and trees, and a sweet smell in the air. We got easily distracted mind you, chasing each other through small streams and bothering wildlife that lived in those woods. I even tossed mud in Leo's face, he was not happy!" The fox couldn't help but be interrupted by her own laughter. A smile came to Etin's face too at the sound, grateful for her acting skills. "But we had a job to do and headed deeper into the woods. It was getting darker even though the sun was up, and the Pokemon that lived there were aggressive of intruders. Where were the apples, we wondered, or all the fruit trees? They couldn't all be barren."

    "We were almost to the last floor, maybe ten down or so, when we saw something shiny and accidentally walked into a really dark room," the fox brought her voice down, drawing out some of the vowels in an effort to make for a creepy atmosphere. Etincelle lifted a brow though his eyes remained closed. Floors, rooms? What a strange thing to call it. Wouldn't levels, layers, or the heart of the wood be more accurate? Though he didn't recall Mel mentioning herself to be a human's Pokemon he started to wonder if she had been with all the misuse of language and strange additives in her story. Hell, he wondered if it was really a tale at all. "Leonardo looked up, crying out, "What are those?" and I looked too to see tons of red eyes." The electric type's eyes opened, flashing the fox with a look of worry she would not notice. Undead? Was that really appropriate for a child's bedtime story? But his fears were put aside as she continued with no mention of rot or disease. "A second later they came toward us- tons of Beedrills and Combee falling from the treetops that had blocked out the sunlight!"

    "We tried to run, but our escape was blocked off by Glooms and Kakunas. We were caught in a Monster House!" Scratching the air with one paw and flicking her tails the fox tried to display the tension they had found. "We were outnumbered, bee's flying everywhere and a wall of Kakuna piling behind us. There were so many, stingers and spores all over, it was looking hopeless." She paused for a breath and dramatic effect. "But it's not about the size of the fox in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the fox!" Etincelle could almost here the inspirational music playing behind the fox's words. "We looked at each other and knew what to do. With flawless coordination we took them out one by one. Leonardo went for the flier's with his electricity while I got the plants on the ground with my fire. The battle took a while but completely flipped on those bugs. Many of them fled deeper into the trees when they realized they were losing, and we came out of it with on minor scratches."

    "With a victory under our belts we cheered on the spot. Nothing would mess with us again! We still had to get to the last floor, but before we could leave Leo noticed the shiny thing again. Without all the bee's to block out the light or the panic of battle we could see the room was completely covered in sweet honey and nectar! It was amazing, like it was made of gold! Using the supplies we brought we collected as much as we could carry. Jarring the drips, wrapping pieces of comb. The trees in that room had fruit on them too, the sweetest we'd ever had, and we got some of that too."

    "It was a long trip home with all that weight, but it was so worth it. The town was astonished, expecting just simple apples and orans from us rookies. They had a sweets making contest with out sticky gold, it was delicious! They were so grateful we were reward with some really rare too; TM's. That's were I learned Dig, though it wasn't the best idea to try it out while I was still all sticky with honey. Leonardo never let me live down being a giant dirtball after that." The fox concluded with another small laugh at the old memory, but while she reminisced Etincelle could only look on with large, confused eyes. A true story? What in the world? That place was real? Questions swirled in his mind, so many personal and probing thoughts that would ruin the mood. Even his hanging comment of 'did you ever think that old move would save you' felt unwelcome as an earnest smile creased her lips.

    Looking at Arry the electric type knew better than to ruin the calm atmosphere. They were finally sated and at ease, and readjusting his head on his paws the small hound contemplated the idea of a small nap. An outside noise put all his sense on overdrive. The peace faded instantly, his minded reverting back to the stressors at hand. Were the others back? What had happened? He nearly called out to them, but as the voice became more clear it was obvious it did not belong to one of his friends. His head shot up stiffly, and without moving it looked to Melanie. Her ears her locked toward the door, the sound not missing her sensitive hearing.

    The small electric type tried to think of a plan, of anything they could do to protect themselves as the large door was held open. His heart pounded in his chest. They had stopped in the foyer, thinking it safe, secure, with no need to head to the back. Why? Why hadn't they blocked the door, or at least put themselves out of view? Tensing his muscles the Electrike readied himself to sprint, to charge or run as need be as a pair of unknown Pokemon strolled in, calling out, "It feels empty in here. Kind of reminds me of home when Zeke and Leo isn't around. I hope they're resting peacefully. Hello! Anyone here?!"

    His mind reeled for answers. Living. The intimidate fear faded for a new one. What if they were the ones who attacked their friends? No, no that was unlikely. They weren't showing aggression and the timing didn't add up. What if they were going to steal this place from them?! Forcing his doubts away the Electrike was going to greet them when Melanie spoke over him. "Hush," she barked tensely, her many tails tapping the floor and blanketing the small Aron beside her. Keeping her voice quiet to explained, "a child is trying to rest."

    Letting his pink gaze slide between Mel and the newcomers Etin could see she was accepting but cautious of the unknown Pokemon. He swallowed roughly. They didn't know the intentions of these Pokemon. For all they knew they could be like that hound... Branch before claws. He had to keep it civil. For all they knew these lost souls were no different than them. With a steady voice the hound welcomed them without giving anything away. "Greetings. What brings you two to a place like this?"

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu May 28, 2020 4:45 pm

    OoC)) Arry is fast asleep after hearing the story nuzzled up against Mel.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri May 29, 2020 6:16 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Castle|Morning

    When Mathias heard the voice of a ninetales hushing him it must of been wanting him to keep the voices down because of a child needing to sleep or rest. It was completely understandable. The Electrike had greeted them. "Greetings. What brings you two to a place like this?"  He sounded a bit cautious of them. Caution would be always maintained but Mathias didn't want to make a bad impression of himself or Bastet. "We're looking for shelter and trying to find out if some friends of mine had came through here. Perhaps you might have seen them? But anyways I'm Mathias and The Espeon is Bastet." The Charizard said as he was maintaining distance in case of any hostilities. For all he knew, they could likely chase him and Bastet out if they don't trust him. Hopefully this doesn't become the case as things isn't exactly in a good situation for him as it is being back in the Johto Region.

    Bastet was more than accepting to talk with the Electrike. Besides, maybe the others could have been teleported to anywhere in the world or even near Goldenrod City. "Sorry if Mathias is cautious, he usually isn't like that, but you know how big brothers are, right Mathias?" She teased him. Though truth be told, they're not actual blood brother and sister but more like adopted brother and sister. Regardless, Bastet would try to help them out as much as she can as well as Mathias. They're a pretty good team together and likely the others could use their help. "Anyways we'll likely be here a while and we could help out if you both need us to. Are there others with you three?" Bastet asks.

    Mathias gave a face that said everything, he looked a little embarrassed. Bastet is usually right as she is able to detect the thoughts of others whether they're living or undead. "Well, guess she got me there, anyways we're pretty good working together and if you need a psychic and firepower combined both me and Bastet are good at using our attacks in a combination." Now that he said it, it should help bring some protection to the place. With that, he now only needed a map of the region and the location, but human words is impossible to read for him and only way he's able to memorize things is by the places they went in the past.

    The duo moved a bit to the window looking outside. Though the sun had shined down with some clouds now scooting by, he had wondered where Glass and the others might be. You're concerned about her aren't you Mathias? I feel the same about Plague and the others. Orre was a terrible place as well. The camp had sent us all on dangerous missions and each day I feared that we'd die from either the heat or the undead. I was scared I wouldn't see you again Mathias. Mathias had no idea that Bastet was actually scared and the things that Zeke's unit was doing. If he hadn't known any better it was reckless to do such things. However it was over now and he was there for her still. They was brother and sister and he wouldn't give her up for anything. Unlike the brother that Mathias had that treated him as a cry baby and weakling. Orre wasn't to welcoming to any of us to be honest Bastet, but yeah, I am worried about Glass. Right now though these other pokemon need our help and we're gonna help them. They then looked at the others as they was ready to help out the best they could.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:52 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 158 || Faux 119

    “I feel like the me I was before I died. You know… the first time…” The real Rebel. A tingly feeling trailed down Cinder's spine. They had an opportunity to meet the Pokemon Miyu knew, the one he held on to so tightly. “It’s like… that hell never even happened…” Cinder tried to hold onto that light feeling but her racing thoughts refused to quit. If this was possible for Rebel, what about the others? What about every undead they encountered and killed? Did the Empoleon deserved this peace after suffering so long, or its Gallade partner? No one had come to visit them upon redeath, and they burnt the pieces to make sure of it. What of the Luxray that fought beside them, or the Ludicolo that was protected by its friends? Neither were really in the wrong. Were they murdering innocent Pokemon who had just lost their way? Pokemon who had a chance at life again..? Were they stripping that from them?! What about that godawful Charizard, was it worthy? A sick feeling pounded against her stomach wall and overrode her light emotions. Why didn't all undead get this opportunity? Was it Rebel's sacrifice? What if they did but their interference stopped the process??

    ....It was too much to think about. Clapping her large paws on her cheeks Cinder forced her runaway thought train into the station. Rebel was back, he was here and alive. That's what she needed to focus on. "I can't believe it!" She gasped in an effort to get those light feelings back. Miracle wasn't strong enough of a word but she couldn't find what she was looking for. A brown cannonball came barrelling in, nearly knocking the Jolteon off his feet as she smothered him in a hug. “I’m so glad.”
    It was sweet, yet another moment the fire type refused to ever forgot, but it was cut short as Rebel soothed her and asked a pressing question. “No one else was hurt, right? Everyone is okay?” With what they just witnessed Cinder had almost forgotten that they had just been through a slaughter of a battle. Small scuffs of blood were dried to her fur from being tossed about. The last smack she received really took it out of her, telling of bruising to come, but thankfully she managed to escape without serious injury. "I'm alright. I think I got the worst of it," she said without thinking, and quickly doubled back with a, "a-after you, I mean. It focused you hard."

    "Everyone's fine. In a way, you protected us." Faux breathed, speaking up before the Quilava could embarrass herself further. The fox practically purred, her voice unusually warm. With a sidelong glance she added a cheeky, "It's good to have you back. We'll finally be able to meet the real Rebel." Who had she known before? Her own shortcomings weighed heavy on her shoulders. After all the judgements she had unfairly thrust upon him for 'being undead' Faux knew she would have to step up to amend them. He had worked hard to prove himself despite his condition, and for her to simple flip a switch due to being 'clean' would be utterly insulting. He deserves better. He did from the start, but it was her job to show her sight had been cleared.

    All too soon it felt as though the magic of the moment had faded. Faux's rose colored glasses were gone, and the scent of burnt plants and smoke returned to the forefront of her senses. Rebel had been given a second chance, and that wasn't something that could just be taken lightly, but the cautious fox knew better than to get too comfortable. "How are you feeling? Hunger wise." She asked abruptly. It's not that she wanted to change the subject but lingering in this both cursed and blessed spot felt wrong. "Were you two able to find any berries before that thing showed up?"

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:37 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (161)(91)

    "I'm alright. I think I got the worst of it," Cinder confirmed. Rebel breathed a slow sigh of relief— a sweet, heavy breath that actually fueled his lungs instead of a useless reflex. His Quilava buddy quickly corrected herself though and for a moment he was unsure about her flustered response. "a-after you, I mean. It focused you hard." … oh. Right.
    “Yeah, I’m kind of a big deal,” he joked while gesturing to his chest with a paw, his voice comically dramatic.
    "Everyone's fine. In a way, you protected us." He smiled at the Vulpix’s warm voice. He chose to believe that, to embrace the idea that the brutality he fell victim to only minutes prior meant something. "It's good to have you back. We'll finally be able to meet the real Rebel."

    “That’s a lot of pressure,” he chuckled, “I’ll aim to impress, though.”
    “Trash Pancham,” Miyu exclaimed, yet still muffled by the slick, clean fur her face was buried in. The Jolteon laughed softly and nudged the kit back with his muzzle. “Yes, it is I! Your trash lord has returned!” She giggled loudly. It was genuine. Like even though the world was in ruins, right now, nothing could be more perfect.

    Their shenanigans quieted when Faux suddenly addressed him. "How are you feeling? Hunger wise."
    He hadn’t even thought of it until now. Rebel bit his lower lip in thought, yet still ‘calibrating’ to life again. Imagine just popping into existence, fully intelligent of everything except knowing what feelings meant what. It was a weird, confusing situation to say the least.
    “The hunger is gone.” He responded after a long thought. “My stomach is in knots, and it’s been ages since I’ve felt what that’s like… but that godforsaken, insatiable hunger is gone.”
    “So, you don’t want to snack on me anymore?” Miyu chirped playfully.
    “No. I don’t think I want to hunt again ever. Just the idea of being anything like the virus driven husk he was before was… no. That couldn’t happen.

    "Were you two able to find any berries before that thing showed up?" Faux asked.
    “Yes!” Miyu blurted out, “There’s a patch of yoshi berries over thataway!”
    “Yache berries.”
    “You KNEW how to pronounce it the entire time?!” Miyu gasped in offense. “And you just let me struggle?!”

    His mouth broke into a toothy grin. “And now you are stronger for it, young Magikarp.”

    Yep. Just like old times.

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